## no critic (RequireFilenameMatchesPackage, CodeLayout::RequireTidyCode, Documentation::PodSpelling) # # JFTR: # # ATM, it's not possible to comply to this Perl::Critic rule, because # the current state of the FHEM API does require this bogus XX_Name.pm convention # # Disabled spell checkers # # Perl::Tidy sucks 🗿 package FHEM::Buienradar; use strict; use warnings; use HttpUtils; use JSON; use List::Util; use Time::Seconds; use POSIX; use Data::Dumper; use English qw( -no_match_vars ); use Storable; use GPUtils; use experimental qw( switch ); use 5.0139; # we do not want perl be older than from 2007, so > 5.13.9 use Readonly; use FHEM::Meta; ############################################################ Default values Readonly our $VERSION => q{3.0.8}; Readonly our $DEFAULT_INTERVAL => ONE_MINUTE * 2; Readonly our $DEBUGGING_MIN_VERBOSE => 4; Readonly our $DEFAULT_REGION => q{de}; Readonly our $DEFAULT_TEXT_BAR_CHAR => q{=}; Readonly our $DEFAULT_LANGUAGE => q{en}; Readonly our $DEFAULT_LATITUDE => 51.0; Readonly our $DEFAULT_LONGITUDE => 7.0; Readonly our $MAX_TEXT_BAR_LENGTH => 50; ############################################################ Translations Readonly my %TRANSLATIONS => ( 'general' => { 'unknown' => { 'de' => q{unbekannt}, 'en' => q{unknown}, }, 'at' => { 'de' => q{um}, 'en' => q{at}, } }, 'chart_html_bar' => { 'title' => { 'de' => q{Niederschlagsdiagramm}, 'en' => q{Precipitation chart} }, 'data_start' => { 'de' => q{Datenbeginn}, 'en' => q{Data start}, } }, 'chart_gchart' => { 'legend_time_axis' => { 'de' => 'Uhrzeit', 'en' => 'Time', }, 'legend_volume_axis' => { 'de' => 'mm/h', 'en' => 'mm/h', }, 'title' => { 'de' => 'Niederschlagsvorhersage für %s, %s', 'en' => 'Precipitation forecast for %s, %s', }, 'legend' => { 'de' => 'Niederschlag', 'en' => 'Precipitation', }, }, 'handle_attributes' => { 'interval' => { 'de' => 'ist kein valider Wert für den Intervall. Einzig 10, 60, 120, 180, 240 oder 300 sind erlaubt!', 'en' => 'is no valid value for interval. Only 10, 60, 120, 180, 240 or 300 are allowed!', }, 'region' => { 'de' => q{ist kein valider Wert für die Region. Einzig 'de' oder 'nl' werden unterstützt!}, 'en' => q{is no valid value for region. Only 'de' or 'nl' are allowed!}, }, 'default_chart' => { 'de' => q{ist kein valider Wert für den Standard-Graphen. Valide Werte sind none, GChart,TextChart oder HTMLChart}, 'en' => q{is not a valid value for the default chart. Valid values are none, GChart,TextChart or HTMLChart}, }, }, ); ############################################################ Global variables my @errors; my $global_hash; GPUtils::GP_Export( qw( Initialize ) ); ############################################################ FHEM API related # JFTR: # ATM the FHEM API does need an Initialize() subroutine, so this is mandatory # ## no critic (NamingConventions::Capitalization) sub Initialize { my $hash = shift; $hash->{DefFn} = \&FHEM::Buienradar::handle_define; $hash->{UndefFn} = \&FHEM::Buienradar::handle_undefine; $hash->{GetFn} = \&FHEM::Buienradar::handle_get; $hash->{SetFn} = \&FHEM::Buienradar::handle_set; $hash->{AttrFn} = \&FHEM::Buienradar::handle_attributes; $hash->{FW_detailFn} = \&FHEM::Buienradar::handle_fhemweb_details; $hash->{AttrList} = join( q{ }, ( 'disabled:on,off', 'region:nl,de', 'interval:10,60,120,180,240,300', 'default_chart:none,HTMLChart,GChart,TextChart' ) ) . qq[ $::readingFnAttributes ]; $hash->{REGION} = $DEFAULT_REGION; return FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash ); } ## use critic sub handle_fhemweb_details { my $fhemweb_name = shift; my $name = shift; my $room = shift; my $page_definition = shift; my $hash = get_device_definition($name); return if ( !defined( $hash->{URL} ) ); # @todo error in the second return: missing target attribute # @todo I18N if ( ::ReadingsVal( $name, 'rainData', 'unknown' ) ne q{unknown} ) { for ( ::AttrVal( $name, q{default_chart}, q{none} ) ) { when (q{HTMLChart}) { return chart_html_bar($name) } when (q{GChart}) { return chart_gchart($name) } when (q{TextChart}) { return q[
] . chart_textbar( $name, q{#} ) . q[
] } default { return q{} } } } return; } sub handle_define { my $hash = shift; my $def = shift; $global_hash = $hash; if ( !FHEM::Meta::SetInternals($hash) ) { return $EVAL_ERROR; } my @arguments = split m{ \s+ }xms, $def; my $name = $arguments[0]; my $arguments_length = scalar @arguments; my $latitude; my $longitude; my $language = get_global_language(); Readonly my $ARGUMENT_LENGTH_WITHOUT_LOC => 2; Readonly my $ARGUMENT_LENGHT_WITH_LOC => 4; Readonly my $ARGUMENT_POSITION_LATITUDE => 2; Readonly my $ARGUMENT_POSITION_LONGITUDE => 3; # todo: Refactor to for() if ( $arguments_length == $ARGUMENT_LENGTH_WITHOUT_LOC ) { $latitude = ::AttrVal( 'global', 'latitude', $DEFAULT_LATITUDE ); $longitude = ::AttrVal( 'global', 'longitude', $DEFAULT_LONGITUDE ); } elsif ( $arguments_length == $ARGUMENT_LENGHT_WITH_LOC ) { $latitude = $arguments[$ARGUMENT_POSITION_LATITUDE]; $longitude = $arguments[$ARGUMENT_POSITION_LONGITUDE]; } else { return handle_error( $name, q{Syntax: define Buienradar [ ]} ); } ::readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', 'Initialized', 1 ); $hash->{NAME} = $name; $hash->{VERSION} = $VERSION; $hash->{INTERVAL} = $DEFAULT_INTERVAL; $hash->{LATITUDE} = $latitude; $hash->{LONGITUDE} = $longitude; $hash->{URL} = undef; # get language for language dependend legend ::readingsBeginUpdate($hash); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainNow', 'unknown' ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainDataStart', 'unknown' ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainBegin', 'unknown' ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainEnd', 'unknown' ); ::readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); # set default region nl if ( !::AttrVal( $name, 'region', undef ) ) { ::CommandAttr( undef, qq[$name region nl] ); } if ( !::AttrVal( $name, 'interval', undef ) ) { ::CommandAttr( undef, qq[$name interval $FHEM::Buienradar::DEFAULT_INTERVAL] ); } update_timer($hash); return; } sub handle_undefine { my $hash = shift; my $arg = shift; ::RemoveInternalTimer( $hash, \&FHEM::Buienradar::update_timer ); return; } sub handle_set { my $hash = shift; my $name = shift; my $opt = shift; my @args = shift; if ( !defined $opt ) { return return qq{'set $name' needs at least one argument}; } for ($opt) { when (q{refresh}) { request_data_update($hash); return q{}; } default { return qq{Unknown argument $opt, choose one of refresh:noArg'}; } } return qq{Unknown argument $opt, choose one of refresh:noArg}; } sub handle_get { my $hash = shift; my $name = shift; my $opt = shift; my @args = shift; if ( !defined $opt ) { return qq['get $name' needs at least one argument]; } for ($opt) { when ('version') { return $VERSION; } # @todo I18N when ('startsIn') { my $begin = $hash->{'.RainStart'}; if ( !$begin ) { return q[No data available]; } return q[It is raining] if $begin == 0; my $time_diff_in_seconds = $begin - time; return scalar timediff2str($time_diff_in_seconds); } when ('rainDuration') { return ::ReadingsVal( $name, 'rainDuration', 'unknown' ); } default { return qq[Unknown argument $opt, choose one of version:noArg startsIn:noArg rainDuration:noArg]; } } return; } sub handle_attributes { my $command = shift; my $name = shift; my $attribute_name = shift; my $attribute_value = shift; my $hash = get_device_definition($name); my $language = get_global_language(); debug_message( $name, Dumper( { command => $command, device => $name, attribute => $attribute_name, value => $attribute_value } ) ); for ($attribute_name) { # JFTR: disabled will also set disable to be compatible to FHEM::IsDisabled() # This is a ugly hack, with some side-effects like you can set disabled, disable will be automatically # set, you can delete disable but disabled will still be set. when ('disabled') { for ($command) { when ('set') { # todo: this is double checked return qq[${attribute_value} is not a valid value for disabled. Only 'on' or 'off' are allowed!] if ( List::Util::any { $_ eq $attribute_value } qw{ on off 0 1 } ); if ( List::Util::any { $_ eq $attribute_value } qw{ on 1 } ) { ::RemoveInternalTimer( $hash, \&FHEM::Buienradar::update_timer ); disable_device($name); $hash->{NEXTUPDATE} = undef; $hash->{STATE} = 'inactive'; return; } if ( List::Util::any { $_ eq $attribute_value } qw{ off 0 } ) { enable_device($name); update_timer($hash); return; } } when ('del') { enable_device($name); update_timer($hash); } } } when ('region') { return handle_error( $name, qq[${attribute_value} ${FHEM::Buienradar::TRANSLATIONS{'handle_attributes'}{'region'}{$language}}] ) if ( $command eq q{set} && !List::Util::any { $_ eq $attribute_value } qw{ de nl } ); for ($command) { when ('set') { $hash->{REGION} = $attribute_value; } when ('del') { $hash->{REGION} = 'nl'; } } request_data_update($hash); return; } when ('interval') { return handle_error( $name, qq[${attribute_value} ${FHEM::Buienradar::TRANSLATIONS{'handle_attributes'}{'interval'}{$language}}] ) if ( $command eq q{set} && !List::Util::any { $_ eq $attribute_value } qw{ 10 60 120 180 240 300 } ); for ($command) { when ('set') { $hash->{INTERVAL} = $attribute_value; } when ('del') { $hash->{INTERVAL} = $DEFAULT_INTERVAL; } } update_timer($hash); return; } when (q{default_chart}) { for ($command) { when (q{set}) { return handle_error( $name, qq[${attribute_value} ${FHEM::Buienradar::TRANSLATIONS{'handle_attributes'}{'default_chart'}{$language}}] ) if ( !List::Util::any { $_ eq $attribute_value } qw{ none HTMLChart GChart TextChart } ); } when (q{del}) { return; } } } } return; } ############################################################ helper subroutines sub timediff2str { my $s = shift // return; if ( !defined wantarray ) { return; } Readonly my $SECONDS_IN_MINUTE => 60; Readonly my $MINUTES_IN_HOUR => 60; Readonly my $HOURS_IN_DAY => 24; return ( wantarray ? ( 0, 0, 0, $s ) : sprintf '%02d Sekunden', $s ) if $s < $SECONDS_IN_MINUTE; my $m = $s / $SECONDS_IN_MINUTE; $s = $s % $SECONDS_IN_MINUTE; return ( wantarray ? ( 0, 0, POSIX::floor($m), POSIX::floor($s) ) : sprintf '%02d Minuten, %02d Sekunden', $m, $s ) if $m < $MINUTES_IN_HOUR; my $h = $m / $MINUTES_IN_HOUR; $m %= $MINUTES_IN_HOUR; return ( wantarray ? ( 0, POSIX::floor($h), POSIX::floor($m), POSIX::floor($s) ) : sprintf '%02d Stunden, %02d Minuten, %02d Sekunden', $h, $m, $s ) if $h < $HOURS_IN_DAY; my $d = $h / $HOURS_IN_DAY; $h %= $HOURS_IN_DAY; return ( wantarray ? ( POSIX::floor($d), POSIX::floor($h), POSIX::floor($m), POSIX::floor($s) ) : sprintf '%d Tage, %02d Stunden, %02d Minuten, %02d Sekunden', $d, $h, $m, $s ); } ## no critic (ProhibitPackageVars) =for todo Accesses $::defs. This is just a kludge for the non-existent FHEM API to access device details Should be fixed if possible! =cut sub get_device_definition { my $name = shift; return $::defs{$name}; } =for todo Accesses $::defs{$device}{disable}. This is just a kludge for the non-existent FHEM API to access device details. Should be fixed if possible! =cut sub disable_device { my $name = shift; $::attr{$name}{'disable'} = 1; return; } =for todo Accesses $::defs{$device}{disable}. This is just a kludge for the non-existent FHEM API to access device details Should be fixed if possible! =cut sub enable_device { my $name = shift; $::attr{$name}{'disable'} = 0; return; } ## use critic sub get_global_language { return lc ::AttrVal( q{global}, 'language', $DEFAULT_LANGUAGE ); } sub debug_message { local $OFS = qq{\n}; my $device_name = shift; if ( int( ::AttrVal( q{global}, q{verbose}, 0 ) ) >= $DEBUGGING_MIN_VERBOSE or int( ::AttrVal( $device_name, q{debug}, 0 ) ) == 1 ) { ::Debug( join $OFS, ( qq{[$device_name]}, qq{@_} ) ); } return; } sub handle_error { my $device_name = shift; my $message = shift || q{Something bad happened. Unknown error!}; return qq{[$device_name] Error: $message}; } ############################################################ Request handling sub update_timer { my ($hash) = shift; my $nextupdate = 0; ::RemoveInternalTimer( $hash, \&FHEM::Buienradar::update_timer ); $nextupdate = int( time() + $hash->{INTERVAL} ); $hash->{NEXTUPDATE} = ::FmtDateTime($nextupdate); request_data_update($hash); ::InternalTimer( $nextupdate, \&FHEM::Buienradar::update_timer, $hash ); return 1; } sub parse_http_response { my $param = shift; my $err = shift; my $data = shift; my $hash = $param->{hash}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; $hash->{'.RainStart'} = undef; Readonly my $INTERVAL_LENGTH_MINUTES => 5; Readonly my $INTERVAL_LENGHT_SECONDS => $INTERVAL_LENGTH_MINUTES * ONE_MINUTE; # todo: secondary usage! Readonly my $MINUTES_IN_HOUR => 60; Readonly my $TOTAL_PERCENTAGE => 100; Readonly my $LAMETRIC_MULTIPILIER => 1000; Readonly my $LAMETRIC_MAX_VALUES => 12; my %precipitation_forecast; if ( $err ne q{} ) { ::readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', qq[Error: $err =>$data], 1 ); reset_request_result($hash); } elsif ( $data ne q{} ) { my $forecast_data; my $error; if ( defined $param->{'code'} && $param->{'code'} ne '200' ) { $error = sprintf 'Pulling %s returns HTTP status code %d instead of 200.', $hash->{URL}, $param->{'code'}; debug_message( $name, qq[HTTP Response code is: $param->{'code'}] ); if ( $param->{'code'} eq '404' ) { my $response_body; if ( !@errors ) { $response_body = eval { $response_body = from_json($data) }; } if ($EVAL_ERROR) { debug_message( $name, q{Response body}, Dumper($response_body) ); $error = qq[Location is not in coverage for region '$hash->{REGION}']; } } handle_error( $name, qq{$error} ); debug_message( $name, Dumper($param) ); ::readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', $error, 1 ); reset_request_result($hash); return; } if ( !@errors ) { $forecast_data = eval { $forecast_data = from_json($data) }; } if ($EVAL_ERROR) { $error = qq{Can't evaluate JSON from $hash->{URL}: $EVAL_ERROR}; handle_error( $name, qq{$error} ); debug_message( $name, join q{}, map { qq{[$name] $_} } Dumper($data) ); ::readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, q{state}, $error, 1 ); reset_request_result($hash); return; } if ( !$forecast_data->{'success'} ) { $error = q{Got JSON from buienradar.nl, but had some troubles delivering meaningful data!}; handle_error( $name, qq{$error} ); debug_message( $name, join q{}, map { qq{[$name] $_} } Dumper($data) ); ::readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'state', $error, 1 ); reset_request_result($hash); return; } my @precip; if ( !@errors ) { @precip = @{ $forecast_data->{'precip'} }; } debug_message( $name, q{Received data: } . Dumper( @{ $forecast_data->{'precip'} } ) ); if ( scalar @precip > 0 ) { my $data_lametric = join q{,}, map { $_ * $LAMETRIC_MULTIPILIER } @precip[ 0 .. $LAMETRIC_MAX_VALUES-1 ]; my $rain_total = List::Util::sum @precip; my $rain_max = List::Util::max @precip; my $rain_start = undef; my $rain_end = undef; my $data_start = $forecast_data->{start}; my $data_end = $data_start + ( scalar @precip ) * $INTERVAL_LENGHT_SECONDS; my $forecast_start = $data_start; my $rain_now = undef; my $rain_data = join q{:}, @precip; my $rain_amount = $precip[0]; my $is_raining = undef; my $intervals_with_rain = scalar map { $_ > 0 ? $_ : () } @precip; $hash->{'.RainStart'} = q{unknown}; my $precip_length = scalar @precip; for my $precip_index ( 0 .. $precip_length ) { my $start = $forecast_start + $precip_index * $INTERVAL_LENGHT_SECONDS; my $end = $start + $INTERVAL_LENGHT_SECONDS; my $precip = $precip[$precip_index]; $is_raining = undef; # reset # set a flag if it's raining if ( $precip > 0 ) { $is_raining = 1; } # there is precipitation and start is not yet set if ( not $rain_start and $is_raining ) { $rain_start = $start; $hash->{'.RainStart'} = $rain_start; } # It's raining again, so we have to reset rainEnd for a new chance if ( $is_raining and $rain_end ) { $rain_end = undef; } # It's not longer raining, so set rainEnd (again) if ( $rain_start and not $is_raining and not $rain_end ) { $rain_end = $start; } if ( time() ~~ [ $start .. $end ] ) { $rain_now = $precip; $hash->{'.RainStart'} = 0; } $precipitation_forecast{$start} = { 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'precipitation' => $precip, }; } debug_message( $name, Dumper(%precipitation_forecast) ); $hash->{'.SERIALIZED'} = Storable::freeze( \%precipitation_forecast ); ::readingsBeginUpdate($hash); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'state', $rain_now ? sprintf '%.3f', $rain_now : 'unknown' ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainTotal', sprintf '%.3f', $rain_total ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainAmount', sprintf '%.3f', $rain_amount ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainNow', $rain_now ? sprintf '%.3f', $rain_now : 'unknown' ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainLaMetric', $data_lametric ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainDataStart', POSIX::strftime '%R', localtime $data_start ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainDataEnd', POSIX::strftime '%R', localtime $data_end ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainMax', sprintf '%.3f', $rain_max ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainBegin', ( ($rain_start) ? POSIX::strftime '%R', localtime $rain_start : 'unknown' ) ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainEnd', ( ($rain_end) ? POSIX::strftime '%R', localtime $rain_end : 'unknown' ) ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainData', $rain_data ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainDuration', $intervals_with_rain * $INTERVAL_LENGTH_MINUTES ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainDurationIntervals', $intervals_with_rain ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainDurationPercent', ( $intervals_with_rain / scalar @precip ) * $TOTAL_PERCENTAGE ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainDurationTime', sprintf '%02d:%02d', ( ( $intervals_with_rain * $INTERVAL_LENGTH_MINUTES / $MINUTES_IN_HOUR ), $intervals_with_rain * $INTERVAL_LENGTH_MINUTES % $MINUTES_IN_HOUR ) ); ::readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); } } return; } sub reset_request_result { my $hash = shift; $hash->{'.SERIALIZED'} = undef; ::readingsBeginUpdate($hash); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainTotal', 'unknown' ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainAmount', 'unknown' ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainNow', 'unknown' ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainLaMetric', 'unknown' ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainDataStart', 'unknown' ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainDataEnd', 'unknown' ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainMax', 'unknown' ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainBegin', 'unknown' ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainEnd', 'unknown' ); ::readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'rainData', 'unknown' ); ::readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); return; } sub request_data_update { my ($hash) = shift; my $region = $hash->{REGION}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # @todo candidate for refactoring to sprintf $hash->{URL} = ::AttrVal( $name, 'BaseUrl', 'https://cdn-secure.buienalarm.nl/api/3.4/forecast.php' ) . '?lat=' . $hash->{LATITUDE} . '&lon=' . $hash->{LONGITUDE} . '®ion=' . $region . '&unit=' . 'mm/u'; my $param = { url => $hash->{URL}, timeout => 10, hash => $hash, method => 'GET', callback => \&parse_http_response }; ::HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($param); debug_message( $name, q{Data update requested} ); return; } ############################################################ Charts sub chart_html_bar { my $name = shift; my $width = shift; my $hash = get_device_definition($name); my @values = split /:/xms, ::ReadingsVal( $name, 'rainData', '0:0' ); my $language = get_global_language(); Readonly my $HTML_MAX_SIZE_PX => 700; Readonly my $HTML_MIN_SIZE_PX => 30; my $as_html = <<'CSS_STYLE';
CSS_STYLE $as_html .= qq[

$name]; $as_html .= sprintf q{

%s %s %s

}, $TRANSLATIONS{'chart_html_bar'}{'data_start'}{$language}, $TRANSLATIONS{'general'}{'at'}{$language}, ::ReadingsVal( $name, 'rainDataStart', $TRANSLATIONS{'general'}{'unknown'}{$language} ); my $factor = ( $width ? $width : $HTML_MAX_SIZE_PX ) / ( 1 + ::ReadingsVal( $name, 'rainMax', q{0} ) ); $as_html .= q[
]; foreach my $bar_value (@values) { $as_html .= sprintf q{
}, ( int( $bar_value * $factor ) + $HTML_MIN_SIZE_PX ), $bar_value; } $as_html .= q[
]; return ($as_html); } sub chart_gchart { my $name = shift; my $hash = get_device_definition($name); my $language = get_global_language(); if ( !$hash->{'.SERIALIZED'} ) { handle_error( $name, q{Can't return serizalized data for FHEM::Buienradar::chart_gchart.} ); # return dummy data return; } # read & parse stored data my %stored_data = %{ Storable::thaw( $hash->{'.SERIALIZED'} ) }; my $data = join ', ', map { chart_gchart_get_dataset( $stored_data{$_}{'start'}, $stored_data{$_}{'precipitation'} ); } sort keys %stored_data; # create data for the GChart my $legend_time_axis = $TRANSLATIONS{'chart_gchart'}{'legend_time_axis'}{$language}; my $legend_volume_axis = $TRANSLATIONS{'chart_gchart'}{'legend_volume_axis'}{$language}; my $title = sprintf $TRANSLATIONS{'chart_gchart'}{'title'}{$language}, $hash->{LATITUDE}, $hash->{LONGITUDE}; my $legend = $TRANSLATIONS{'chart_gchart'}{'legend'}{$language}; debug_message( $name, qq{Legend langauge is: $language} ); debug_message( $name, qq{Legend is: $legend} ); return <<"CHART";
CHART } sub chart_gchart_get_dataset { my $start = shift; my $precipitation = shift; my ( $k, $v ) = ( POSIX::strftime( '%H:%M', localtime $start ), sprintf '%.3f', $precipitation, ); return qq{['$k', $v]}; } sub logproxy_wrapper { my $name = shift; my $hash = get_device_definition($name); if ( !$hash->{'.SERIALIZED'} ) { handle_error( $name, q{Can't return serizalized data for FHEM::Buienradar::logproxy_wrapper. Using dummy data} ); # return dummy data return ( 0, 0, 0 ); } my %data = %{ Storable::thaw( $hash->{'.SERIALIZED'} ) }; return ( join qq{\n}, map { join q{ }, ( POSIX::strftime( '%F_%T', localtime $data{$_}{'start'} ), sprintf '%.3f', $data{$_}{'precipitation'} ) } keys %data, 0, ::ReadingsVal( $name, 'rainMax', 0 ) ); } sub chart_textbar { my $name = shift; my $bar_character = shift || $DEFAULT_TEXT_BAR_CHAR; my $hash = get_device_definition($name); if ( !$hash->{'.SERIALIZED'} ) { handle_error( $name, q{Can't return serizalized data for FHEM::Buienradar::TextChart.} ); # return dummy data return; } my %stored_data = %{ Storable::thaw( $hash->{'.SERIALIZED'} ) }; my $data = join qq{\n}, map { join ' | ', chart_text_show_bar( $hash->{q{.SERIALIZED}}, $bar_character ); } sort keys %stored_data; return $data; } sub chart_text_show_bar { my $data = shift; my $bar_character = shift; my %stored_data = %{ Storable::thaw($data) }; # todo I need to recapture this Readonly my $BAR_CHAR_FACTOR => 10; my ( $time, $precip, $bar ) = ( POSIX::strftime( '%H:%M', localtime $stored_data{$_}{'start'} ), sprintf( '% 7.3f', $stored_data{$_}{'precipitation'} ), ( ( $stored_data{$_}{'precipitation'} < $MAX_TEXT_BAR_LENGTH ) ? $bar_character x POSIX::lround( abs $stored_data{$_}{'precipitation'} * $BAR_CHAR_FACTOR ) : ( $bar_character x $MAX_TEXT_BAR_LENGTH ) . q{>} ), ); return ( $time, $precip, $bar ); } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME FHEM::Buienradar - Support for Buienradar.nl precipitation data =head1 VERSION 3.0.8 =head1 SYNOPSIS See POD section below =head1 DESCRIPTION See POD section below =head1 SUBROUTINES/METHODS =over 1 =item timediff2str($seconds) Create a human readable representation for a given time t, like x minutes, y seconds, but only with the necessary pieces. Respects your wishes regarding scalar / list context, e.g. =over 2 =item Parameters =over 3 =item * C<$seconds> - time to handle in seconds =back =item Return values =over 3 =item * If called in list context: a list containing four elements # list context say Dumper(timediff2str(10000)) > $VAR1 = '1'; > $VAR2 = '3'; > $VAR3 = '46'; > $VAR4 = '40'; =item * If called in scalar context: a formatted string say Dumper(scalar timediff2str(100000)); > $VAR1 = '1 Tage, 03 Stunden, 46 Minuten, 40 Sekunden'; =back =back =item chart_textbar($device_name) Returns the precipitation data as textual chart representation =over 2 =item Parameters =over 3 =item * C<$device_name> - name of the Buienradar device, getting the data from =back =item Return values =over 3 =item * Text chart as a plain text string =begin text 8:25 | 0.000 | 18:30 | 0.000 | 18:35 | 0.000 | 18:40 | 0.000 | 18:45 | 0.000 | 18:50 | 0.000 | 18:55 | 0.000 | 19:00 | 0.000 | 19:05 | 0.000 | 19:10 | 0.000 | 19:15 | 0.060 | # 19:20 | 0.370 | #### 19:25 | 0.650 | ####### 19:30 | 0.490 | ##### 19:35 | 0.220 | ## 19:40 | 0.110 | # 19:45 | 0.290 | ### 19:50 | 0.560 | ###### 19:55 | 0.700 | ####### 20:00 | 0.320 | ### 20:05 | 0.560 | ###### 20:10 | 0.870 | ######### 20:15 | 0.810 | ######## 20:20 | 1.910 | ################### 20:25 | 1.070 | ########### =end text =back =back =item chart_html_bar($device_name, $max_width) Get precipitation data as HTML bar chart =over 2 =item Parameters =over 3 =item * C<$device_name> - name of the Buienradar device, getting the data from =item * C<$width> - Maximum width in px for the HTML bars =back =item Return values =over 3 =item * Chart as HTML as single string =back =back =item chart_gchart($device_name) Get precipitation data as Google Chart =over 2 =item Parameters =over 3 =item * C<$device_name> - name of the Buienradar device, getting the data from =back =item Return values Log look-alike data, like =over 3 =item * The generated HTML source code =back =back =item logproxy_wrapper($device_name) Returns FHEM log look-alike data from the current data for using it with FTUI. =over 2 =item Parameters =over 3 =item * C<$device_name> - name of the Buienradar device, getting the data from =back =item Return values =over 3 =item * LogProxy compatible data =begin text 2019-08-05_14:40:00 0.000 2019-08-05_13:45:00 0.000 2019-08-05_14:25:00 0.000 2019-08-05_15:15:00 0.000 2019-08-05_14:55:00 0.000 2019-08-05_15:30:00 0.000 2019-08-05_14:45:00 0.000 2019-08-05_15:25:00 0.000 2019-08-05_13:30:00 0.000 2019-08-05_13:50:00 0.000 =end text =item * Fixed value of 0 =item * Maximal amount of rain in a 5 minute interval =back =back =back =head1 DIAGNOSTICS =head1 AUTHOR Christoph Morrison, =head1 CONTRIBUTORS lubeda =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over 1 =item * Perl 5.13.9 =item * Readonly =item * JSON::MaybeXS =back =head1 INCOMPATIBILITIES =head1 CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Please report bugs here: =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT SPDX Identifier: Unlicense This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means. In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this software under copyright law. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. For more information, please refer to See also https://www.buienradar.nl/overbuienradar/gratis-weerdata =over 1 =item helper =item summary Precipitation forecasts based on buienradar.nl =item summary_DE Niederschlagsvorhersage auf Basis des Wetterdienstes buienradar.nl =back =begin html


Buienradar provides access to precipitation forecasts by the dutch service Buienradar.nl.


define <devicename> Buienradar [latitude] [longitude]

latitude and longitude are facultative and will gathered from global if not set. So the smallest possible definition is:

define <devicename> Buienradar


Set will get you the following:

  • refresh - get new data from Buienradar.nl.


Get will get you the following:

  • rainDuration - predicted duration of the next precipitation in minutes.
  • startsIn - next precipitation starts in n minutes. Obsolete!
  • version - get current version of the Buienradar module.


Buienradar provides several readings:

  • rainAmount - amount of predicted precipitation in mm/h for the next 5 minute interval.

  • rainBegin - starting time of the next precipitation, unknown if no precipitation is predicted.

  • raindEnd - ending time of the next precipitation, unknown if no precipitation is predicted.

  • rainDataStart - starting time of gathered data.

  • rainDataEnd - ending time of gathered data.

  • rainLaMetric - data formatted for a LaMetric device.

  • rainMax - maximal amount of precipitation for any 5 minute interval of the gathered data in mm/h.

  • rainNow - amount of precipitation for the current 5 minute interval in mm/h.

  • rainTotal - total amount of precipition for the gathered data in mm/h.

  • rainDuration - duration of the precipitation contained in the forecast

  • rainDurationTime - duration of the precipitation contained in the forecast in HH:MM

  • rainDurationIntervals - amount of intervals with precipitation

  • rainDurationPercent - percentage of interavls with precipitation


  • disabled on|off - If disabled is set to on, no further requests to Buienradar.nl will be performed. off reactivates the device, also if the attribute ist simply deleted.

    Caution! To be compatible with FHEM::IsDisabled(), any set or delete with disabled will also create or delete an additional disable attribute. Is disable (without d) set or deleted, disabled (with d) will not be affected. Just don't use disable.

  • region nl|de - Allowed values are nl (default value) and de. In some cases, especially in the south and east of Germany, de returns values at all.

  • interval 10|60|120|180|240|300 - Data update every n seconds. Attention! 10 seconds is a very aggressive value and should be chosen carefully, e.g. when troubleshooting. The default value is 120 seconds.


Buienradar offers besides the usual view as device also the possibility to visualize the data as charts in different formats. * An HTML version that is displayed in the detail view by default and can be viewed with

    { FHEM::Buienradar::HTML("buienradar device name")}

can be retrieved.
  • A chart generated by Google Charts in PNG format, which can be viewed with

      { FHEM::Buienradar::GChart("buienradar device name")}

    can be retrieved. Caution! Please note that data is transferred to Google for this purpose!

  • FTUI is supported by the LogProxy format:

      { FHEM::Buienradar::LogProxy("buienradar device name")}
  • A plain text representation can be displayed with

      { FHEM::Buienradar::TextChart(q{buienradar device name}, q{bar chart character})}

    The bar chart character is optional and defaults to =.

    Every line represents a record of the whole set, i.e. if called by

      { FHEM::Buienradar::TextChart(q{buienradar_test_device}, q{#})}

    the result will look similar to

      22:25 |   0.060 | #
      22:30 |   0.370 | ####
      22:35 |   0.650 | #######

    For every 0.1 mm/h precipitation a # is displayed, but the output is capped to 50 units. If more than 50 units would be display, the bar is truncated and appended with a >.

      23:00 |  11.800 | ##################################################>
=end html =begin html_DE


Das Buienradar-Modul bindet die Niederschlagsvorhersagedaten der freien API von Buienradar.nl an.


define <devicename> Buienradar [latitude] [longitude]

Die Werte für latitude und longitude sind optional und werden, wenn nicht explizit angegeben, von global bezogen. Die minimalste Definition lautet demnach:

define <devicename> Buienradar


Folgende Set-Aufrufe werden unterstützt:

  • refresh - Neue Daten abfragen.


Aktuell lassen sich folgende Daten mit einem Get-Aufruf beziehen:

  • rainDuration - Die voraussichtliche Dauer des nächsten Niederschlags in Minuten.
  • startsIn - Der nächste Niederschlag beginnt in n Minuten. Obsolet!
  • version - Aktuelle Version abfragen.


Aktuell liefert Buienradar folgende Readings:

  • rainAmount - Menge des gemeldeten Niederschlags in mm/h für den nächsten 5-Minuten-Intervall.

  • rainBegin - Beginn des nächsten Niederschlag. Wenn kein Niederschlag gemeldet ist, unknown.

  • raindEnd - Ende des nächsten Niederschlag. Wenn kein Niederschlag gemeldet ist, unknown.

  • rainDataStart - Zeitlicher Beginn der gelieferten Niederschlagsdaten.

  • rainDataEnd - Zeitliches Ende der gelieferten Niederschlagsdaten.

  • rainLaMetric - Aufbereitete Daten für LaMetric-Devices.

  • rainMax - Die maximale Niederschlagsmenge in mm/h für ein 5 Min. Intervall auf Basis der vorliegenden Daten.

  • rainNow - Die vorhergesagte Niederschlagsmenge für das aktuelle 5 Min. Intervall in mm/h.

  • rainTotal - Die gesamte vorhergesagte Niederschlagsmenge in mm/h

  • rainDuration - Dauer der gemeldeten Niederschläge in Minuten

  • rainDurationTime - Dauer der gemeldeten Niederschläge in HH:MM

  • rainDurationIntervals - Anzahl der Intervalle mit gemeldeten Niederschlägen

  • rainDurationPercent - Prozentualer Anteil der Intervalle mit Niederschlägen


  • disabled on|off - Wenn disabled auf on gesetzt wird, wird das Device keine weiteren Anfragen mehr an Buienradar.nl durchführen. off reaktiviert das Modul, ebenso wenn das Attribut gelöscht wird.

    Achtung! Aus Kompatibilitätsgründen zu FHEM::IsDisabled() wird bei einem Aufruf von disabled auch disable als weiteres Attribut gesetzt. Wird disable gesetzt oder gelöscht, beeinflusst dies disabled nicht! disable sollte nicht verwendet werden!

  • region nl|de - Erlaubte Werte sind nl (Standardwert) und de. In einigen Fällen, insbesondere im Süden und Osten Deutschlands, liefert de überhaupt Werte.

  • interval 10|60|120|180|240|300 - Aktualisierung der Daten alle n Sekunden. Achtung! 10 Sekunden ist ein sehr aggressiver Wert und sollte mit Bedacht gewählt werden, z.B. bei der Fehlersuche. Standardwert sind 120 Sekunden.


Buienradar bietet neben der üblichen Ansicht als Device auch die Möglichkeit, die Daten als Charts in verschiedenen Formaten zu visualisieren. * Eine HTML-Version die in der Detailansicht standardmäßig eingeblendet wird und mit

    { FHEM::Buienradar::HTML("name des buienradar device")}
abgerufen werden.
  • Ein von Google Charts generiertes Diagramm im PNG-Format, welcher mit

      { FHEM::Buienradar::GChart("name des buienradar device")}

    abgerufen werden kann. Achtung! Dazu werden Daten an Google übertragen!

  • Für FTUI werden die Daten im LogProxy-Format bereitgestellt:

      { FHEM::Buienradar::LogProxy("name des buienradar device")}
  • Für eine reine Text-Ausgabe der Daten als Graph, kann

      { FHEM::Buienradar::TextChart(q{name des buienradar device}, q{verwendetes zeichen})}

    verwendet werden. Das verwendete zeichen ist optional und mit = vorbelegt. Ausgegeben wird beispielsweise für den Aufruf

      { FHEM::Buienradar::TextChart(q{buienradar_test}, q{#}) }

    für jeden Datensatz eine Zeile im Muster

      22:25 |   0.060 | #
      22:30 |   0.370 | ###
      22:35 |   0.650 | #######

    wobei für jede 0.1 mm/h Niederschlag das # verwendet wird, maximal jedoch 50 Einheiten. Mehr werden mit einem > abgekürzt.

      23:00 |  11.800 | ##################################################>
=end html_DE =cut =for :application/json;q=META.json 59_Buienradar.pm { "abstract": "FHEM module for precipitation forecasts basing on buienradar.nl", "x_lang": { "de": { "abstract": "FHEM-Modul für Regen- und Regenmengenvorhersagen auf Basis von buienradar.nl" } }, "keywords": [ "Buienradar", "Precipitation", "Rengenmenge", "Regenvorhersage", "hoeveelheid regen", "regenvoorspelling", "Niederschlag" ], "release_status": "development", "license": "Unlicense", "version": "3.0.8", "author": [ "Christoph Morrison " ], "resources": { "homepage": "https://github.com/fhem/mod-Buienradar/", "x_homepage_title": "Module homepage", "license": [ "https://github.com/fhem/mod-Buienradar/blob/master/LICENSE" ], "bugtracker": { "web": "https://github.com/fhem/mod-Buienradar/issues" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/fhem/mod-Buienradar.git", "web": "https://github.com/fhem/mod-Buienradar.git", "x_branch": "master", "x_development": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/fhem/mod-Buienradar.git", "web": "https://github.com/fhem/mod-Buienradar/tree/development", "x_branch": "development" }, "x_filepath": "", "x_raw": "" }, "x_wiki": { "title": "Buienradar", "web": "https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Buienradar" } }, "x_fhem_maintainer": [ "jeschkec" ], "x_fhem_maintainer_github": [ "christoph-morrison" ], "prereqs": { "runtime": { "requires": { "FHEM": 5.00918799, "perl": 5.10, "Meta": 0, "JSON::MaybeXS": 0, "Readonly": 0 }, "recommends": { "Cpanel::JSON::XS": 0 }, "suggests": { } } } } =end :application/json;q=META.json