############################################################################### # $Id$ package main; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Time::Local; use Encode qw(encode_utf8 decode_utf8); use List::Util qw(sum); use HttpUtils; use Unit; use FHEM::Meta; # module hashes ############################################################### my %HP1000_pwsMapping = ( # PWS => 'FHEM', # name translation for general readings light => 'luminosity', solarradiation => 'solarradiation', windcomp => 'wind_compasspoint', windcomp_avg2m => 'wind_compasspoint_avg2m', windcomp_avg10m => 'wind_compasspoint_avg10m', winddir => 'wind_direction', winddir_avg2m => 'wind_direction_avg2m', windgustdir => 'wind_gust_direction', windgustdir_10m => 'wind_gust_direction_avg10m', # name translation for Metric standard dewpoint => 'dewpoint', indewpoint => 'indoorDewpoint', humidity => 'humidity', outhumiabs => 'humidityAbs', relbaro => 'pressure', absbaro => 'pressureAbs', indoorhumidity => 'indoorHumidity', inhumiabs => 'indoorHumidityAbs', rainrate => 'rain', dailyrain => 'rain_day', weeklyrain => 'rain_week', monthlyrain => 'rain_month', yearlyrain => 'rain_year', outtemp => 'temperature', intemp => 'indoorTemperature', windchill => 'wind_chill', windgust => 'wind_gust', windgust_10m => 'wind_gust_max10m', windgustmps => 'wind_gust_mps', windgustmps_10m => 'wind_gust_mps_max10m', windspeed => 'wind_speed', windspeed_avg2m => 'wind_speed_avg2m', windspeedmps => 'wind_speed_mps', windspdmps_avg2m => 'wind_speed_mps_avg2m', # other formats barommm => 'pressure_mm', absbarommm => 'pressureAbs_mm', windgustbft => 'wind_gust_bft', windgustbft_10m => 'wind_gust_bft_max10m', windgustkn => 'wind_gust_kn', windgustkn_10m => 'wind_gust_kn_max10m', windspeedbft => 'wind_speed_bft', windspdbft_avg2m => 'wind_speed_bft_avg2m', windspeedkn => 'wind_speed_kn', windspdkn_avg2m => 'wind_speed_kn_avg2m', # name translation for Angloamerican standard dewptf => 'dewpoint_f', indoordewptf => 'indoorDewpoint_f', outhumi => 'humidity', outhumiabsf => 'humidityAbs_f', baromin => 'pressure_in', absbaromin => 'pressureAbs_in', inhumi => 'indoorHumidity', indoorhumidityabsf => 'indoorHumidityAbs', rainin => 'rain_in', dailyrainin => 'rain_day_in', weeklyrainin => 'rain_week_in', monthlyrainin => 'rain_month_in', yearlyrainin => 'rain_year_in', tempf => 'temperature_f', indoortempf => 'indoorTemperature_f', windchillf => 'wind_chill_f', windgustfts => 'wind_gust_fts', windgustfts_10m => 'wind_gust_fts_max10m', windgustmph => 'wind_gust_mph', windgustmph_10m => 'wind_gust_mph_max10m', windspeedfts => 'wind_speed_fts', windspdfts_avg2m => 'wind_speed_fts_avg2m', windspeedmph => 'wind_speed_mph', windspdmph_avg2m => 'wind_speed_mph_avg2m', ); my %HP1000_wuParams = ( action => 1, baromin => 1, clouds => 1, dailyrainin => 1, dateutc => 1, dewptf => 1, humidity => 1, ID => 1, indoorhumidity => 1, indoortempf => 1, lowbatt => 1, monthlyrainin => 1, PASSWORD => 1, rainin => 1, realtime => 1, rtfreq => 1, softwaretype => 1, solarradiation => 1, tempf => 1, UV => 1, weather => 1, weeklyrainin => 1, windchillf => 1, winddir => 1, winddir_avg2m => 1, windgustdir => 1, windgustdir_10m => 1, windgustmph => 1, windgustmph_10m => 1, windspdmph_avg2m => 1, windspeedmph => 1, yearlyrainin => 1, ); # initialize ################################################################## sub HP1000_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; Log3 $hash, 5, "HP1000_Initialize: Entering"; if ( !$modules{dewpoint}{LOADED} && -f "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/98_dewpoint.pm" ) { my $ret = CommandReload( undef, "98_dewpoint" ); Log3 undef, 1, $ret if ($ret); } my $webhookFWinstance = join( ",", devspec2array('TYPE=FHEMWEB:FILTER=TEMPORARY!=1') ); $hash->{GetFn} = "HP1000_Get"; $hash->{DefFn} = "HP1000_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "HP1000_Undefine"; $hash->{DbLog_splitFn} = "Unit_DbLog_split"; $hash->{parseParams} = 1; $hash->{AttrList} = "disable:1,0 disabledForIntervals do_not_notify:1,0 wu_push:1,0 wu_indoorValues:1,0 wu_id wu_password wu_realtime:1,0 wu_dataValues extSrvPush_Url stateReadingsLang:en,de,at,ch,nl,fr,pl webhookFWinstances:sortable-strict,$webhookFWinstance stateReadings stateReadingsFormat:0,1 bogusFilter:0,1 " . $readingFnAttributes; my @wu; foreach ( keys %HP1000_wuParams ) { next unless ( $HP1000_pwsMapping{$_} ); push @wu, $HP1000_pwsMapping{$_}; } $hash->{AttrList} .= " wu_pushValues:multiple," . join( ",", sort @wu ); # Unit.pm support $hash->{readingsDesc} = { 'Activity' => { rtype => 'oknok', }, 'UV' => { rtype => 'uvi', }, 'UVR' => { rtype => 'uwpscm', }, 'UVcondition' => { rtype => 'condition_uvi', }, 'UVcondition_rgb' => { rtype => 'rgbhex', }, 'battery' => { rtype => 'oknok', }, 'condition' => { rtype => 'condition_weather', }, 'daylight' => { rtype => 'yesno', }, 'dewpoint' => { rtype => 'c', formula_symbol => 'Td', }, 'dewpoint_f' => { rtype => 'f', formula_symbol => 'Td', }, 'extsrv_state' => { rtype => 'oknok', }, 'humidity' => { rtype => 'pct', formula_symbol => 'H', }, 'humidityAbs' => { rtype => 'c', formula_symbol => 'Tabs', }, 'humidityAbs_f' => { rtype => 'f', formula_symbol => 'Tabs', }, 'humidityCondition' => { rtype => 'condition_hum', }, 'humidityCondition_rgb' => { rtype => 'rgbhex', }, 'indoorDewpoint' => { rtype => 'c', formula_symbol => 'Tdi', }, 'indoorDewpoint_f' => { rtype => 'f', formula_symbol => 'Tdi', }, 'indoorHumidity' => { rtype => 'pct', formula_symbol => 'Hi', }, 'indoorHumidityAbs' => { rtype => 'c', formula_symbol => 'Tabsi', }, 'indoorHumidityAbs_f' => { rtype => 'f', formula_symbol => 'Tabsi', }, 'indoorHumidityCondition' => { rtype => 'condition_hum', }, 'indoorHumidityCondition_rgb' => { rtype => 'rgbhex', }, 'indoorTemperature' => { rtype => 'c', formula_symbol => 'Ti', }, 'indoorTemperature_f' => { rtype => 'f', formula_symbol => 'Ti', }, #'indoorTemperatureCondition' => {}, 'indoorTemperatureCondition_rgb' => { rtype => 'rgbhex', }, 'israining' => { rtype => 'yesno', }, 'luminosity' => { rtype => 'lx', }, 'pressure' => { rtype => 'hpamb', }, 'pressureAbs' => { rtype => 'hpamb', }, 'pressureAbs_in' => { rtype => 'inhg', }, 'pressureAbs_mm' => { rtype => 'mmhg', }, 'pressure_in' => { rtype => 'inhg', }, 'pressure_mm' => { rtype => 'mmhg', }, 'rain' => { rtype => 'mm', }, 'rain_day' => { rtype => 'mm', }, 'rain_day_in' => { rtype => 'in', }, 'rain_in' => { rtype => 'in', }, 'rain_month' => { rtype => 'mm', }, 'rain_month_in' => { rtype => 'in', }, 'rain_week' => { rtype => 'mm', }, 'rain_week_in' => { rtype => 'in', }, 'rain_year' => { rtype => 'mm', }, 'rain_year_in' => { rtype => 'in', }, 'solarradiation' => { rtype => 'wpsm', }, 'temperature' => { rtype => 'c', }, 'temperature_f' => { rtype => 'f', }, #'temperatureCondition' => {}, 'temperatureCondition_rgb' => { rtype => 'rgbhex', }, #'windCondition' => {}, 'windCondition_rgb' => { rtype => 'rgbhex', }, #'windWarning' => {}, 'wind_compasspoint' => { rtype => 'compasspoint', }, 'wind_compasspoint_avg2m' => { rtype => 'compasspoint', }, 'wind_compasspoint_avg10m' => { rtype => 'compasspoint', }, 'wind_chill' => { rtype => 'c', formula_symbol => 'Wc', }, 'wind_chill_f' => { rtype => 'f', formula_symbol => 'Wc', }, 'wind_direction' => { rtype => 'compasspoint', formula_symbol => 'Wdir', }, 'wind_direction_avg2m' => { rtype => 'compasspoint', formula_symbol => 'Wdir', }, 'wind_gust' => { rtype => 'kmph', formula_symbol => 'Wg', }, 'wind_gust_bft' => { rtype => 'bft', formula_symbol => 'Wg', }, 'wind_gust_direction_avg10m' => { rtype => 'compasspoint', formula_symbol => 'Wdir', }, 'wind_gust_fts' => { rtype => 'fts', formula_symbol => 'Wg', }, 'wind_gust_kn' => { rtype => 'kn', formula_symbol => 'Wg', }, 'wind_gust_mph' => { rtype => 'mph', formula_symbol => 'Wg', }, 'wind_gust_mph_max10m' => { rtype => 'mph', formula_symbol => 'Wg', }, 'wind_gust_mps' => { rtype => 'mps', formula_symbol => 'Wg', }, 'wind_gust_max10m' => { rtype => 'kmph', formula_symbol => 'Wg', }, 'wind_speed' => { rtype => 'kmph', formula_symbol => 'W', }, 'wind_speed_avg2m' => { rtype => 'kmph', formula_symbol => 'W', }, 'wind_speed_bft' => { rtype => 'bft', formula_symbol => 'W', }, 'wind_speed_bft_avg2m' => { rtype => 'bft', formula_symbol => 'W', }, 'wind_speed_kn' => { rtype => 'kn', formula_symbol => 'W', }, 'wind_speed_kn_avg2m' => { rtype => 'kn', formula_symbol => 'W', }, 'wind_speed_mph' => { rtype => 'mph', formula_symbol => 'W', }, 'wind_speed_mph_avg2m' => { rtype => 'mph', formula_symbol => 'W', }, 'wind_speed_mps' => { rtype => 'mps', formula_symbol => 'W', }, 'wind_speed_mps_avg2m' => { rtype => 'mps', formula_symbol => 'W', }, 'wu_state' => { rtype => 'oknok', }, }; # 98_powerMap.pm support $hash->{powerMap} = { rname_E => 'energy', rname_P => 'consumption', map => { Activity => { 'dead' => 0, 'alive' => 5, }, state => { '*' => 'Activity', }, }, }; return FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash ); } # regular Fn ################################################################## sub HP1000_Define($$$) { my ( $hash, $a, $h ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; return "Usage: define HP1000 [ ]" if ( int(@$a) < 2 ); $hash->{ID} = @$a[2] if ( defined( @$a[2] ) ); $hash->{PASSWORD} = @$a[3] if ( defined( @$a[3] ) ); return "Device already defined: " . $modules{HP1000}{defptr}{NAME} . " (there can only be one instance as per restriction of the weather station itself)" if ( defined( $modules{HP1000}{defptr} ) && !defined( $hash->{OLDDEF} ) ); # Initialize the module and the device return $@ unless ( FHEM::Meta::SetInternals($hash) ); # check FHEMWEB instance when user first defines the device if ( $init_done && !defined( $hash->{OLDDEF} ) ) { my $FWports; foreach ( devspec2array('TYPE=FHEMWEB:FILTER=TEMPORARY!=1') ) { $hash->{FW} = $_ if ( AttrVal( $_, "webname", "fhem" ) eq "weatherstation" ); } if ( !defined( $hash->{FW} ) ) { $hash->{FW} = "WEBweatherstation"; my $port = 8084; until ( !grep ( /^$port$/, @{$FWports} ) ) { $port++; } if ( !defined( $defs{ $hash->{FW} } ) ) { Log3 $name, 3, "HP1000 $name: Creating new FHEMWEB instance " . $hash->{FW} . " with webname 'weatherstation'"; fhem "define " . $hash->{FW} . " FHEMWEB $port global"; fhem "attr " . $hash->{FW} . " closeConn 1"; fhem "attr " . $hash->{FW} . " webname weatherstation"; } } fhem 'attr ' . $name . ' stateReadings temperature humidity'; fhem 'attr ' . $name . ' stateReadingsFormat 1'; } if ( HP1000_addExtension( $name, "HP1000_CGI", "updateweatherstation" ) ) { $hash->{fhem}{infix} = "updateweatherstation"; } else { return "Error registering FHEMWEB infix"; } # create global unique device definition $modules{HP1000}{defptr} = $hash; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 120, "HP1000_SetAliveState", $hash, 0 ); return undef; } sub HP1000_Undefine($$$) { my ( $hash, $a, $h ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: called function HP1000_Undefine()"; HP1000_removeExtension( $hash->{fhem}{infix} ); # release global unique device definition delete $modules{HP1000}{defptr}; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); return undef; } sub HP1000_Get($$$) { my ( $hash, $a, $h ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $wu_id = AttrVal( $name, "wu_id", "" ); Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: called function HP1000_Get()"; return "Argument is missing" if ( int(@$a) < 1 ); my $usage = "Unknown argument " . @$a[1] . ", choose one of"; $usage .= " createWUforecast" if ( $wu_id ne "" ); my $cmd = ''; my $result; # createWUforecast if ( lc( @$a[1] ) eq "createwuforecast" ) { return "Attribute wu_id " . "does not contain a PWS ID to create a Wunderground device" if ( $wu_id eq "" ); my @wudev = devspec2array("TYPE=Wunderground:FILTER=PWS_ID=$wu_id"); if ( !@wudev ) { return "Missing WU API key" if ( !defined( @$a[2] ) ); Log3 $name, 3, "HP1000 get $name " . @$a[1] . " " . @$a[2]; $result = fhem "define $name" . "_WU Wunderground " . @$a[2] . " $wu_id"; $result = $name . "_WU created" if ( !defined($result) ); } else { $result = "Found existing WU device for this PWS ID: $wudev[0]"; } } # return usage hint else { return $usage; } return $result; } # module Fn #################################################################### sub HP1000_CGI() { my ($request) = @_; my $hash; my $name = ""; my $link; my $URI; my $result = "Initialized"; my $webArgs; my $servertype; Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: called function HP1000_CGI()"; #TODO: should better be blocked in FHEMWEB already return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Booting up" ) unless ($init_done); # data received if ( $request =~ /^\/updateweatherstation\.(\w{3})\?(.+=.+)/ ) { $servertype = lc($1); $URI = $2; # get device name $name = $data{FWEXT}{"/updateweatherstation"}{deviceName} if ( defined( $data{FWEXT}{"/updateweatherstation"} ) ); $hash = $defs{$name}; # return error if no such device return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "No HP1000 device for webhook /updateweatherstation" ) unless ( IsDevice( $name, 'HP1000' ) ); # Only allow data via explicitly named FHEMWEB instances, # e.g. the user is taking care about correct incoming data # routing to that instance via reverse proxy $hash->{FW} = AttrVal( $name, "webhookFWinstances", "" ); # Otherwise, only allow data via FHEMWEB instance with # webname 'weatherstation' as hardcoded in weatherstation firmware if ( $hash->{FW} eq "" ) { foreach ( devspec2array('TYPE=FHEMWEB:FILTER=TEMPORARY!=1') ) { if ( AttrVal( $_, "webname", "fhem" ) eq "weatherstation" ) { $hash->{FW} = $_; last; } } } # incorrect FHEMWEB instance used my @webhookFWinstances = split( ",", $hash->{FW} ); return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "incorrect FHEMWEB instance to receive data" ) unless ( grep ( /^$FW_wname$/, @webhookFWinstances ) ); # extract values from URI foreach my $pv ( split( "&", $URI ) ) { next if ( $pv eq "" ); $pv =~ s/\+/ /g; $pv =~ s/%([\dA-F][\dA-F])/chr(hex($1))/ige; my ( $p, $v ) = split( "=", $pv, 2 ); $webArgs->{$p} = Encode::encode_utf8($v) if ( $v ne "" ); } if ( !defined( $webArgs->{softwaretype} ) || !defined( $webArgs->{action} ) ) { Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: received insufficient data:\n" . Dumper($webArgs); return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Insufficient data" ); } if ( $webArgs->{action} ne "updateraw" ) { Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: action $webArgs->{action} is not implemented:\n" . Dumper($webArgs); return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Action $webArgs->{action} was not implemented" ); } if ( defined( $hash->{ID} ) && defined( $hash->{PASSWORD} ) && ( $hash->{ID} ne $webArgs->{ID} || $hash->{PASSWORD} ne $webArgs->{PASSWORD} ) ) { Log3 $name, 4, "HP1000: received data containing wrong credentials:\n" . Dumper($webArgs); return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Wrong credentials" ); } } # no data received else { return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Missing data" ); } my $uptime = time() - $fhem_started; delete $hash->{FORECASTDEV} if ( $hash->{FORECASTDEV} ); my @wudev = devspec2array( "TYPE=Wunderground:FILTER=PWS_ID=" . AttrVal( $name, "wu_id", "-" ) ); $hash->{FORECASTDEV} = $wudev[0] if ( defined( $wudev[0] ) ); HP1000_SetAliveState( $hash, 1 ); $hash->{IP} = $defs{$FW_cname}{PEER}; $hash->{SERVER_TYPE} = $servertype; $hash->{SWVERSION} = $webArgs->{softwaretype}; $hash->{INTERVAL} = ( $hash->{helper}->{SYSTEMTIME_UTC} ? strftime('%s',gmtime()) - $hash->{helper}->{SYSTEMTIME_UTC} : 0 ); $hash->{SYSTEMTIME_UTC} = gmtime(); $hash->{helper}->{SYSTEMTIME_UTC} = strftime('%s',gmtime()); $hash->{UPLOAD_TYPE} = "default"; $hash->{UPLOAD_TYPE} = "customize" if ( defined( $webArgs->{solarradiation} ) ); Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: received data (uptime=$uptime):\n" . Dumper($webArgs); # rename wind speed values as those are in m/sec and # we want km/h to be our metric default if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeed} ) ) { $webArgs->{windspeedmps} = $webArgs->{windspeed}; delete $webArgs->{windspeed}; } if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgust} ) ) { $webArgs->{windgustmps} = $webArgs->{windgust}; delete $webArgs->{windgust}; } # Special handling for humidity values $webArgs->{inhumi} = $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} if ( defined( $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} ) && !defined( $webArgs->{inhumi} ) ); $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} = $webArgs->{inhumi} if ( defined( $webArgs->{inhumi} ) && !defined( $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} ) ); $webArgs->{outhumi} = $webArgs->{humidity} if ( defined( $webArgs->{humidity} ) && !defined( $webArgs->{outhumi} ) ); $webArgs->{humidity} = $webArgs->{outhumi} if ( defined( $webArgs->{outhumi} ) && !defined( $webArgs->{humidity} ) ); my %HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent = ( # Metric => 'Angloamerican', dewpoint => 'dewptf', indewpoint => 'indoordewptf', humidity => 'outhumi', outhumiabs => 'outhumiabsf', relbaro => 'baromin', absbaro => 'absbaromin', indoorhumidity => 'inhumi', inhumiabs => 'indoorhumidityabsf', rainrate => 'rainin', dailyrain => 'dailyrainin', weeklyrain => 'weeklyrainin', monthlyrain => 'monthlyrainin', yearlyrain => 'yearlyrainin', outtemp => 'tempf', intemp => 'indoortempf', windchill => 'windchillf', windgustmps => 'windgustmph', windspeedmps => 'windspeedmph', ); my %HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent_rev = %{ { reverse %HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent } }; # Filter values that seem bogus if ( AttrVal( $name, 'bogusFilter', 0 ) ne '0' ) { Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: Check data for bogus values"; foreach my $element (keys %{$webArgs}) { next unless ( looks_like_number( $webArgs->{$element} ) ); if ( $webArgs->{$element} < -273.2 ) { Log3 $name, 4, "HP1000: " . "Received value '" . $webArgs->{$element} . "' for '$element' seems out of range - removed from data set"; delete $webArgs->{$element}; } } } # calculate readings for Metric standard from Angloamerican standard # # calculate Celsius based values based on Fahrenheit foreach ( 'dewptf', 'tempf', 'indoortempf', 'windchillf' ) { my $k = $HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent_rev{$_}; next unless ( $webArgs->{$_} && $k && !defined( $webArgs->{$k} ) ); $webArgs->{$k} = UConv::f2c( $webArgs->{$_} ); Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: " . "Adding calculated value for $k=$webArgs->{$k} from $_=$webArgs->{$_}"; } # calculate hPa based values based on inHg foreach ( 'baromin', 'absbaromin' ) { my $k = $HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent_rev{$_}; next unless ( $webArgs->{$_} && $k && !defined( $webArgs->{$k} ) ); $webArgs->{$k} = UConv::inhg2hpa( $webArgs->{$_} ); Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: " . "Adding calculated value for $k=$webArgs->{$k} from $_=$webArgs->{$_}"; } # calculate milimeter based values based on inch foreach ( 'rainin', 'dailyrainin', 'weeklyrainin', 'monthlyrainin', 'yearlyrainin' ) { my $k = $HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent_rev{$_}; next unless ( $webArgs->{$_} && $k && !defined( $webArgs->{$k} ) ); $webArgs->{$k} = UConv::in2mm( $webArgs->{$_} ); Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: " . "Adding calculated value for $k=$webArgs->{$k} from $_=$webArgs->{$_}"; } # calculate kph based values based on mph foreach ( 'windgustmph', 'windspeedmph' ) { my $k = $HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent_rev{$_}; next unless ( $webArgs->{$_} && $k && !defined( $webArgs->{$k} ) ); $webArgs->{$k} = UConv::mph2mps( $webArgs->{$_} ); Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: " . "Adding calculated value for $k=$webArgs->{$k} from $_=$webArgs->{$_}"; } # windgust in km/h (convert from windgustmps) if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgustmps} ) && !defined( $webArgs->{windgust} ) ) { $webArgs->{windgust} = UConv::mps2kph( $webArgs->{windgustmps} ); Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: " . "Adding calculated value for windgust=$webArgs->{windgust} from windgustmps=$webArgs->{windgustmps}"; } # windspeed in km/h (convert from windspeedmps) if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeedmps} ) && !defined( $webArgs->{windspeed} ) ) { Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: Adding calculated value for windspeed from windspeedmps"; $webArgs->{windspeed} = UConv::mps2kph( $webArgs->{windspeedmps} ); } # windgust in km/h (convert from windgustmph) if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgustmph} ) && !defined( $webArgs->{windgust} ) ) { Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: Adding calculated value for windgust from windgustmph"; $webArgs->{windgust} = UConv::mph2kph( $webArgs->{windgustmph} ); } # windspeed in km/h (convert from windspeedmph) if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeedmph} ) && !defined( $webArgs->{windspeed} ) ) { Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: Adding calculated value for windspeed from windspeedmph"; $webArgs->{windspeed} = UConv::mps2kph( $webArgs->{windspeedmph} ); } # calculate readings for Angloamerican standard from Metric standard # # calculate Fahrenheit based values based on Celsius foreach ( 'dewpoint', 'outtemp', 'intemp', 'windchill' ) { my $k = $HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent{$_}; next unless ( $webArgs->{$_} && $k && !defined( $webArgs->{$k} ) ); Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: Adding calculated value for $k from $_"; $webArgs->{$k} = UConv::c2f( $webArgs->{$_} ); } # calculate inHg based values based on hPa foreach ( 'relbaro', 'absbaro' ) { my $k = $HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent{$_}; next unless ( $webArgs->{$_} && $k && !defined( $webArgs->{$k} ) ); Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: Adding calculated value for $k from $_"; $webArgs->{$k} = UConv::hpa2inhg( $webArgs->{$_}, 2 ); } # calculate inch based values based on milimeter foreach ( 'rainrate', 'dailyrain', 'weeklyrain', 'monthlyrain', 'yearlyrain' ) { my $k = $HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent{$_}; next unless ( $webArgs->{$_} && $k && !defined( $webArgs->{$k} ) ); Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: Adding calculated value for $k from $_"; $webArgs->{$k} = UConv::mm2in( $webArgs->{$_}, 2 ); } # calculate kph based values based on mph foreach ( 'windgustmps', 'windspeedmps' ) { my $k = $HP1000_pwsMappingEquivalent{$_}; next unless ( $webArgs->{$_} && $k && !defined( $webArgs->{$k} ) ); Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: Adding calculated value for $k from $_"; $webArgs->{$k} = UConv::mps2mph( $webArgs->{$_} ); } # windgustmph in mph (convert from windgustmps) if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgustmps} ) && !defined( $webArgs->{windgustmph} ) ) { Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: Adding calculated value for windgustmph from windgustmps"; $webArgs->{windgustmph} = UConv::mps2mph( $webArgs->{windgustmps} ); } # windspeedmph in mph (convert from windspeedmps) if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeedmps} ) && !defined( $webArgs->{windspeedmph} ) ) { Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000: Adding calculated value for windspeedmph from windspeedmps"; $webArgs->{windspeedmph} = UConv::mps2mph( $webArgs->{windspeedmps} ); } # write general readings # readingsBeginUpdate($hash); while ( ( my $p, my $v ) = each %$webArgs ) { # ignore those values next if ( $p eq "action" || $p eq "dateutc" || $p eq "lowbatt" || $p eq "realtime" || $p eq "rtfreq" || $p eq "softwaretype" || $p eq "humidity" || $p eq "indoorhumidity" || $p eq "UV" || $p eq "UVR" || $p eq "ID" || $p eq "PASSWORD" ); $p = $HP1000_pwsMapping{$p} ? $HP1000_pwsMapping{$p} : "_" . $p; readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, $p, $v ); } # calculate additional readings # # battery my $battery = "ok"; if ( defined( $webArgs->{lowbatt} ) ) { $battery = "low" if ( $webArgs->{lowbatt} ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "battery", $battery ); } # israining my $israining = 0; $israining = 1 if ( defined( $webArgs->{rainrate} ) && $webArgs->{rainrate} > 0 ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "israining", $israining ); # solarradiation in W/m2 (convert from lux) if ( defined( $webArgs->{light} ) && !defined( $webArgs->{solarradiation} ) ) { $webArgs->{solarradiation} = UConv::lux2wpsm( $webArgs->{light}, 2 ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "solarradiation", $webArgs->{solarradiation} ); } # luminosity in lux (convert from W/m2) if ( defined( $webArgs->{solarradiation} ) && !defined( $webArgs->{light} ) ) { $webArgs->{light} = UConv::wpsm2lux( $webArgs->{solarradiation} ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "luminosity", $webArgs->{light} ); } # daylight my $daylight = 0; $daylight = 1 if ( defined( $webArgs->{light} ) && $webArgs->{light} > 50 ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "daylight", $daylight ); # condition if ( defined( $webArgs->{light} ) ) { my $temp = ( defined( $webArgs->{outtemp} ) ? $webArgs->{outtemp} : "10" ); my $hum = ( $webArgs->{outhumi} ? $webArgs->{outhumi} : "50" ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "condition", UConv::values2weathercondition( $temp, $hum, $webArgs->{light}, $daylight, $israining ) ); } # temperatureCondition if ( defined( $webArgs->{windchill} ) ) { my $avg = HP1000_GetAvg( $hash, "windchill", 600, $webArgs->{windchill} ); if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0 ) { my ( $cond, $rgb ) = UConv::c2condition($avg); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "temperatureCondition", $cond ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "temperatureCondition_rgb", $rgb ); } } # indoorTemperatureCondition if ( defined( $webArgs->{intemp} ) ) { my ( $v, $rgb ) = UConv::c2condition( $webArgs->{intemp}, 1 ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "indoorTemperatureCondition", $v ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "indoorTemperatureCondition_rgb", $rgb ); } # humidityCondition if ( defined( $webArgs->{outhumi} ) ) { my ( $v, $rgb ) = UConv::humidity2condition( $webArgs->{outhumi} ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "humidityCondition", $v ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "humidityCondition_rgb", $rgb ); } # indoorHumidityCondition if ( defined( $webArgs->{inhumi} ) ) { my ( $v, $rgb ) = UConv::humidity2condition( $webArgs->{inhumi}, 1 ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "indoorHumidityCondition", $v ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "indoorHumidityCondition_rgb", $rgb ); } if ( defined( $webArgs->{UV} ) ) { # UV is already in UV-index format when upload-type # is set to 'customize'. Wunderground format is 'customize'. if ( $hash->{UPLOAD_TYPE} eq "customize" ) { $webArgs->{UVR} = UConv::uvi2uwpscm( $webArgs->{UV} ) unless ( defined( $webArgs->{UVR} ) ); } else { $webArgs->{UVR} = $webArgs->{UV}; $webArgs->{UV} = UConv::uwpscm2uvi( $webArgs->{UVR} ); } readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "UV", $webArgs->{UV} ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "UVR", $webArgs->{UVR} ); # UVcondition my ( $v, $rgb ) = UConv::uvi2condition( $webArgs->{UV} ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "UVcondition", $v ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "UVcondition_rgb", $rgb ); } # pressure_mm in mmHg (convert from hpa) if ( defined( $webArgs->{relbaro} ) ) { $webArgs->{barommm} = UConv::hpa2mmhg( $webArgs->{relbaro} ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pressure_mm", $webArgs->{barommm} ); } # pressureAbs_mm in mmHg (convert from hpa) if ( defined( $webArgs->{absbaro} ) ) { $webArgs->{absbarommm} = UConv::hpa2mmhg( $webArgs->{absbaro} ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pressureAbs_mm", $webArgs->{absbarommm} ); } # indoorDewpoint in Celsius if ( defined( $webArgs->{intemp} ) && defined( $webArgs->{inhumi} ) && exists &dewpoint_dewpoint ) { my $h = ( $webArgs->{inhumi} > 110 ? 110 : ( $webArgs->{inhumi} <= 0 ? 0.01 : $webArgs->{inhumi} ) ); $webArgs->{indewpoint} = round( dewpoint_dewpoint( $webArgs->{intemp}, $h ), 1 ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "indoorDewpoint", $webArgs->{indewpoint} ); } # indoorDewpoint in Fahrenheit if ( defined( $webArgs->{indoortempf} ) && defined( $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} ) && exists &dewpoint_dewpoint ) { my $h = ( $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} > 110 ? 110 : ( $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} <= 0 ? 0.01 : $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} ) ); $webArgs->{indoordewptf} = round( dewpoint_dewpoint( $webArgs->{indoortempf}, $h ), 1 ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "indoorDewpoint_f", $webArgs->{indoordewptf} ); } # humidityAbs if ( defined( $webArgs->{outtemp} ) && defined( $webArgs->{outhumi} ) && looks_like_number( $webArgs->{outtemp} ) && looks_like_number( $webArgs->{outhumi} ) && exists &dewpoint_absFeuchte ) { my $h = ( $webArgs->{outhumi} > 110 ? 110 : ( $webArgs->{outhumi} <= 0 ? 0.01 : $webArgs->{outhumi} ) ); $webArgs->{outhumiabs} = round( dewpoint_absFeuchte( $webArgs->{outtemp}, $h ), 1 ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "humidityAbs", $webArgs->{outhumiabs} ); } # humidityAbs_f if ( defined( $webArgs->{tempf} ) && defined( $webArgs->{outhumi} ) && looks_like_number( $webArgs->{tempf} ) && looks_like_number( $webArgs->{outhumi} ) && exists &dewpoint_absFeuchte ) { my $h = ( $webArgs->{outhumi} > 110 ? 110 : ( $webArgs->{outhumi} <= 0 ? 0.01 : $webArgs->{outhumi} ) ); $webArgs->{outhumiabsf} = round( dewpoint_absFeuchte( $webArgs->{tempf}, $h ), 1 ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "humidityAbs_f", $webArgs->{outhumiabsf} ); } # indoorHumidityAbs if ( defined( $webArgs->{intemp} ) && defined( $webArgs->{inhumi} ) && looks_like_number( $webArgs->{intemp} ) && looks_like_number( $webArgs->{inhumi} ) && exists &dewpoint_absFeuchte ) { my $h = ( $webArgs->{inhumi} > 110 ? 110 : ( $webArgs->{inhumi} <= 0 ? 0.01 : $webArgs->{inhumi} ) ); $webArgs->{inhumiabs} = round( dewpoint_absFeuchte( $webArgs->{intemp}, $h ), 1 ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "indoorHumidityAbs", $webArgs->{inhumiabs} ); } # indoorHumidityAbs_f if ( defined( $webArgs->{indoortempf} ) && defined( $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} ) && looks_like_number( $webArgs->{indoortempf} ) && looks_like_number( $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} ) && exists &dewpoint_absFeuchte ) { my $h = ( $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} > 110 ? 110 : ( $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} <= 0 ? 0.01 : $webArgs->{indoorhumidity} ) ); $webArgs->{indoorhumidityabsf} = round( dewpoint_absFeuchte( $webArgs->{indoortempf}, $h ), 1 ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "indoorHumidityAbs_f", $webArgs->{indoorhumidityabsf} ); } # wind_compasspoint if ( defined( $webArgs->{winddir} ) ) { $webArgs->{windcomp} = UConv::direction2compasspoint( $webArgs->{winddir} ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wind_compasspoint", $webArgs->{windcomp} ); } # wind_speed_bft in Beaufort (convert from km/h) if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeed} ) ) { $webArgs->{windspeedbft} = UConv::kph2bft( $webArgs->{windspeed} ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wind_speed_bft", $webArgs->{windspeedbft} ); } # wind_speed_kn in kn (convert from km/h) if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeed} ) ) { my $v = UConv::kph2kn( $webArgs->{windspeed} ); $webArgs->{windspeedkn} = ( $v > 0.5 ? round( $v, 1 ) : "0.0" ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wind_speed_kn", $webArgs->{windspeedkn} ); } # wind_speed_fts in ft/s (convert from mph) if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeedmph} ) ) { my $v = UConv::mph2fts( $webArgs->{windspeedmph} ); $webArgs->{windspeedfts} = ( $v > 0.5 ? round( $v, 1 ) : "0.0" ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wind_speed_fts", $webArgs->{windspeedfts} ); } # wind_gust_bft in Beaufort (convert from km/h) if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgust} ) ) { $webArgs->{windgustbft} = UConv::kph2bft( $webArgs->{windgust} ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wind_gust_bft", $webArgs->{windgustbft} ); } # wind_gust_kn in m/s (convert from km/h) if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgust} ) ) { my $v = UConv::kph2kn( $webArgs->{windgust} ); $webArgs->{windgustkn} = ( $v > 0.5 ? round( $v, 1 ) : "0.0" ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wind_gust_kn", $webArgs->{windgustkn} ); } # wind_gust_fts ft/s (convert from mph) if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgustmph} ) ) { my $v = UConv::mph2fts( $webArgs->{windgustmph} ); $webArgs->{windgustfts} = ( $v > 0.5 ? round( $v, 1 ) : "0.0" ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "wind_gust_fts", $webArgs->{windgustfts} ); } # averages/wind_direction_avg10m # averages/wind_direction_avg2m if ( defined( $webArgs->{winddir} ) ) { my $v = round( HP1000_GetAvg( $hash, "winddir", 600, $webArgs->{winddir} ), 0 ); if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0 && $uptime >= 600 ) { $webArgs->{windgustdir_10m} = $v; readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_gust_direction_avg10m", $webArgs->{windgustdir_10m} ); } if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0 && $uptime >= 120 ) { my $v2 = round( HP1000_GetAvg( $hash, "winddir", 120 ), 0 ); $webArgs->{winddir_avg2m} = $v2; readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_direction_avg2m", $webArgs->{winddir_avg2m} ); } } # averages/wind_compasspoint_avg10m if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgustdir_10m} ) ) { $webArgs->{windcomp_avg10m} = UConv::direction2compasspoint( $webArgs->{windgustdir_10m} ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_compasspoint_avg10m", $webArgs->{windcomp_avg10m} ); } # averages/wind_compasspoint_avg2m if ( defined( $webArgs->{winddir_avg2m} ) ) { $webArgs->{windcomp_avg2m} = UConv::direction2compasspoint( $webArgs->{winddir_avg2m} ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_compasspoint_avg2m", $webArgs->{windcomp_avg2m} ); } # averages/wind_speed_avg2m in km/h if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeed} ) ) { my $v = HP1000_GetAvg( $hash, "windspeed", 120, $webArgs->{windspeed} ); if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0 && $uptime >= 120 ) { $webArgs->{windspeed_avg2m} = $v; readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_speed_avg2m", $webArgs->{windspeed_avg2m} ); } } # averages/wind_speed_mph_avg2m in mph if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeedmph} ) ) { my $v = HP1000_GetAvg( $hash, "windspeedmph", 120, $webArgs->{windspeedmph} ); if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0 && $uptime >= 120 ) { $webArgs->{windspdmph_avg2m} = $v; readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_speed_mph_avg2m", $webArgs->{windspdmph_avg2m} ); } } # averages/wind_speed_bft_avg2m in Beaufort (convert from km/h) if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeed_avg2m} ) ) { $webArgs->{windspdbft_avg2m} = UConv::kph2bft( $webArgs->{windspeed_avg2m} ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_speed_bft_avg2m", $webArgs->{windspdbft_avg2m} ); } # averages/wind_speed_kn_avg2m in Kn (convert from km/h) if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeed_avg2m} ) ) { $webArgs->{windspdkn_avg2m} = UConv::kph2kn( $webArgs->{windspeed_avg2m} ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_speed_kn_avg2m", $webArgs->{windspdkn_avg2m} ); } # averages/wind_speed_mps_avg2m in m/s if ( defined( $webArgs->{windspeed_avg2m} ) ) { my $v = UConv::kph2mps( $webArgs->{windspeed_avg2m} ); $webArgs->{windspdmps_avg2m} = ( $v > 0.5 ? round( $v, 1 ) : "0.0" ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_speed_mps_avg2m", $webArgs->{windspdmps_avg2m} ); } # maximum/wind_gust_max10m if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgust} ) ) { my $v = HP1000_GetMax( $hash, "windgust", 600, $webArgs->{windgust} ); if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0 && $uptime >= 600 ) { $webArgs->{windgust_10m} = $v; readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_gust_max10m", $webArgs->{windgust_10m} ); my ( $val, $rgb, $cond, $warn ) = UConv::kph2bft( $webArgs->{windgust_10m} ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "windCondition", $cond ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "windCondition_rgb", $rgb ); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "windWarning", $warn ); } } # maximum/wind_gust_mph_max10m if ( defined( $webArgs->{windgustmph} ) ) { my $v = HP1000_GetMax( $hash, "windgustmph", 600, $webArgs->{windgustmph} ); if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} > 0 && $uptime >= 600 ) { $webArgs->{windgustmph_10m} = $v; readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wind_gust_mph_max10m", $webArgs->{windgustmph_10m} ); } } # from WU API - can we somehow calculate these as well? # weather - [text] -- metar style (+RA) # clouds - [text] -- SKC, FEW, SCT, BKN, OVC # soiltempf - [F soil temperature] # soilmoisture - [%] # leafwetness - [%] # visibility - [nm visibility] # condition_forecast (based on pressure trend) # dayNight # soilTemperature # brightness in % ?? # state my $stateReadings = AttrVal( $name, "stateReadings", "" ); my $stateReadingsLang = AttrVal( $name, "stateReadingsLang", "en" ); my $stateReadingsFormat = AttrVal( $name, "stateReadingsFormat", "0" ); # $result = # makeSTATE( $name, $stateReadings, # $stateReadingsLang, $stateReadingsFormat ); $result = makeSTATE( $name, $stateReadings, $stateReadingsFormat ); readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", $result ); readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); HP1000_PushWU( $hash, $webArgs ) if AttrVal( $name, "wu_push", 0 ) eq "1"; HP1000_PushSrv( $hash, $webArgs ) if AttrVal( $name, "extSrvPush_Url", undef ); return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "success" ); } sub HP1000_addExtension($$$) { my ( $name, $func, $link ) = @_; my $url = "/$link"; Log3 $name, 2, "Registering HP1000 $name for URL $url..."; $data{FWEXT}{$url}{deviceName} = $name; $data{FWEXT}{$url}{FUNC} = $func; $data{FWEXT}{$url}{LINK} = $link; } sub HP1000_removeExtension($) { my ($link) = @_; my $url = "/$link"; my $name = $data{FWEXT}{$url}{deviceName}; Log3 $name, 2, "Unregistering HP1000 $name for URL $url..."; delete $data{FWEXT}{$url}; } sub HP1000_SetAliveState($;$) { my ( $hash, $alive ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: called function HP1000_SetAliveState()"; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); my $activity = "dead"; $activity = "alive" if ($alive); readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "Activity", $activity ); readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); InternalTimer( gettimeofday() + 120, "HP1000_SetAliveState", $hash, 0 ); return; } sub HP1000_PushSrv($$) { my ( $hash, $webArgs ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $timeout = AttrVal( $name, "timeout", 7 ); my $http_noshutdown = AttrVal( $name, "http-noshutdown", "1" ); my $srv_url = AttrVal( $name, "extSrvPush_Url", "" ); my $cmd = ""; Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: called function HP1000_PushSrv()"; $srv_url =~ s/\$SERVER_TYPE/$hash->{SERVER_TYPE}/g if ( $hash->{SERVER_TYPE} ); if ( $srv_url !~ m/(https?):\/\/([\w\.]+):?(\d+)?([a-zA-Z0-9\~\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)_\-\=\+\\\/\?\.\:\;\'\,]*)?/ ) { return; } elsif ( $4 !~ /\?/ ) { $cmd = "?"; } else { $cmd = "&"; } $webArgs->{PASSWORD} = ""; while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each %{$webArgs} ) { if ( $key eq "softwaretype" || $key eq "dateutc" ) { $value = urlEncode($value); } $cmd .= "$key=" . $value . "&"; } Log3 $name, 4, "HP1000 $name: pushing data to external Server: $srv_url$cmd"; HttpUtils_NonblockingGet( { url => $srv_url . $cmd, timeout => $timeout, noshutdown => $http_noshutdown, data => undef, hash => $hash, callback => \&HP1000_ReturnSrv, httpversion => "1.1", loglevel => AttrVal( $name, "httpLoglevel", 5 ), header => { Agent => 'FHEM-HP1000/1.0.0', 'User-Agent' => 'FHEM-HP1000/1.0.0', }, sslargs => { SSL_verify_mode => 0, }, } ); return; } sub HP1000_PushWU($$) { # # See: http://wiki.wunderground.com/index.php/PWS_-_Upload_Protocol # my ( $hash, $webArgs ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $timeout = AttrVal( $name, "timeout", 7 ); my $http_noshutdown = AttrVal( $name, "http-noshutdown", "1" ); my $wu_user = AttrVal( $name, "wu_id", "" ); my $wu_pass = AttrVal( $name, "wu_password", "" ); my $wu_realtime = AttrVal( $name, "wu_realtime", undef ); my $wu_indoorValues = AttrVal( $name, "wu_indoorValues", 1 ); my $wu_dataValues = AttrVal( $name, "wu_dataValues", undef ); my $wu_pushValues = AttrVal( $name, "wu_pushValues", undef ); my @whitelist = ( 'action', 'dateutc', 'ID', 'PASSWORD', 'rtfreq', 'softwaretype' ); Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: called function HP1000_PushWU()"; if ( $wu_user eq "" && $wu_pass eq "" ) { Log3 $name, 4, "HP1000 $name: " . "missing attributes for Weather Underground transfer: wu_user and wu_password"; my $return = "error: missing attributes wu_user and wu_password"; readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wu_state", $return ); readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); return; } if ( defined($wu_realtime) && $wu_realtime eq "0" ) { Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: Explicitly turning off realtime"; delete $webArgs->{realtime}; delete $webArgs->{rtfreq}; } elsif ($wu_realtime) { Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: Explicitly turning on realtime"; $webArgs->{realtime} = 1; } if ( $wu_dataValues || $wu_pushValues ) { my %HP1000_pwsMapping_rev = %{ { reverse %HP1000_pwsMapping } }; if ($wu_dataValues) { my %dummy; $wu_dataValues =~ s/\$name/$name/g; my ( $err, @a ) = ReplaceSetMagic( \%dummy, 0, ($wu_dataValues) ); if ($err) { Log3 $name, 3, "HP1000 $name: error parsing wu_dataValues: $err"; } else { my ( undef, $h ) = parseParams( \@a ); foreach ( keys %$h ) { next unless $_ ne ""; my $n = $_; if ( $HP1000_pwsMapping_rev{$_} ) { $n = $HP1000_pwsMapping_rev{$_}; Log3 $name, 4, "HP1000 $name: Remapping reading name from $_ to $n"; } Log3 $name, 4, "HP1000 $name: Adding new value for WU: $n=$h->{$_}" unless ( defined( $webArgs->{$n} ) ); Log3 $name, 4, "HP1000 $name: Replacing existing value for WU: $n=$h->{$_}" if ( defined( $webArgs->{$n} ) ); $webArgs->{$n} = $h->{$_}; } } } if ($wu_pushValues) { foreach ( split( /,/, $wu_pushValues ) ) { if ( $HP1000_pwsMapping_rev{$_} ) { my $v = $HP1000_pwsMapping_rev{$_}; $v = "humidity" if ( $v eq "outhumi" ); $v = "indoorhumidity" if ( $v eq "inhumi" ); push @whitelist, $v; } else { push @whitelist, $_; } } } } $webArgs->{rtfreq} = 5 if ( defined( $webArgs->{realtime} ) && !defined( $webArgs->{rtfreq} ) ); my $wu_url = ( defined( $webArgs->{realtime} ) && $webArgs->{realtime} eq "1" ? "https://rtupdate.wunderground.com/weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php?" : "https://weatherstation.wunderground.com/weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php?" ); $webArgs->{ID} = $wu_user; $webArgs->{PASSWORD} = $wu_pass; my $cmd; while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each %{$webArgs} ) { $value = urlEncode($value) if ( $key =~ /^(softwaretype|dateutc)$/i ); if ( ( $wu_indoorValues || $key =~ m/^in/i ) && ( !$wu_pushValues || grep ( $_ eq $key, @whitelist ) ) ) { Log3 $name, 4, "HP1000 $name: pushing data to WU: $key=$value"; $cmd .= "$key=" . $value . "&"; } } HttpUtils_NonblockingGet( { url => $wu_url . $cmd, timeout => $timeout, noshutdown => $http_noshutdown, data => undef, hash => $hash, callback => \&HP1000_ReturnWU, httpversion => "1.1", loglevel => AttrVal( $name, "httpLoglevel", 5 ), header => { Agent => 'FHEM-HP1000/1.0.0', 'User-Agent' => 'FHEM-HP1000/1.0.0', }, } ); return; } sub HP1000_ReturnSrv($$$) { my ( $param, $err, $data ) = @_; my $hash = $param->{hash}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # device not reachable if ($err) { my $return = "error: connection timeout"; Log3 $name, 4, "HP1000 $name: EXTSRV HTTP " . $return; readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "extsrv_state", $return ); readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); } # data received elsif ($data) { my $logprio = 5; my $return = "ok"; if ( $param->{code} ne "200" ) { $logprio = 4; $return = "error " . $param->{code} . ": $data"; } Log3 $name, $logprio, "HP1000 $name: EXTSRV HTTP return: " . $param->{code} . " - $data"; readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "extsrv_state", $return ); readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); } return; } sub HP1000_ReturnWU($$$) { my ( $param, $err, $data ) = @_; my $hash = $param->{hash}; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # device not reachable if ($err) { my $return = "error: connection timeout"; Log3 $name, 4, "HP1000 $name: WU HTTP " . $return; readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wu_state", $return ); readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); } # data received elsif ($data) { my $logprio = 5; my $return = "ok"; if ( $data !~ m/^success.*/i ) { $logprio = 4; $return = "error"; $return .= " " . $param->{code} if ( $param->{code} ne "200" ); $return .= ": $data"; } Log3 $name, $logprio, "HP1000 $name: WU HTTP return: " . $param->{code} . " - $data"; readingsBeginUpdate($hash); readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged( $hash, "wu_state", $return ); readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 ); } return; } sub HP1000_GetAvg($$;$$) { my ( $hash, $t, $s, $v ) = @_; return HP1000_HistoryDb( $hash, $t, $s, $v, 1 ); } sub HP1000_GetMax($$;$$) { my ( $hash, $t, $s, $v ) = @_; return HP1000_HistoryDb( $hash, $t, $s, $v, 2 ); } sub HP1000_HistoryDb($$;$$$) { my ( $hash, $t, $s, $v, $type ) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; return $v if ( $type && $type == 1 && $hash->{INTERVAL} < 1 ); return "0" if ( $hash->{INTERVAL} < 1 ); my $historySize = $s ? round( $s / $hash->{INTERVAL}, 0 ) : undef; $historySize = "1" if ( defined($historySize) && $historySize < 1 ); if ( defined($v) && looks_like_number($v) ) { my $v2 = unshift @{ $hash->{helper}{history}{$t} }, $v unless ( !$type && $v <= 0 ); my $v3 = splice @{ $hash->{helper}{history}{$t} }, $historySize if ($historySize); Log3 $name, 5, "HP1000 $name: Added $v to history for $t:" . Dumper( @{ $hash->{helper}{history}{$t} } ); } my $asize = scalar @{ $hash->{helper}{history}{$t} }; return $v unless ($asize); $historySize = $asize if ( !$historySize || $asize < $historySize ); $historySize--; my @a = $historySize ? @{ $hash->{helper}{history}{$t} }[ 0 .. $historySize ] : @{ $hash->{helper}{history}{$t} }[0]; if ( $type == 1 ) { return round( sum(@a) / @a, 1 ); } elsif ( $type == 2 ) { return maxNum( 0, @a ); } return undef; } 1; =pod =item device =item summary support for Wifi-based weather stations using PWS protocol from Wunderground =item summary_DE unterstützt WLAN-basierte Wetterstationen mit Wunderground PWS Protokoll =begin html


      define <WeatherStation> HP1000 [<ID> <PASSWORD>]

      Provides webhook receiver for Wifi-based weather station which support PWS protocol from Weather Underground (e.g. HP1000, WH2600, WH2601, WH2621, WH2900, WH2950 of Fine Offset Electronics - sometimes also known as Ambient Weather WS-1001-WIFI or similar). In Germany, these devices are commonly distributed by froggit or by Conrad under it's brand name Renkforce.
      There needs to be a dedicated FHEMWEB instance with attribute webname set to "weatherstation".
      No other name will work as it's hardcoded in the weather station device itself!
      If necessary, this module will create a matching FHEMWEB instance named WEBweatherstation during initial definition.

      As the URI has a fixed coding as well there can only be one single instance of this module FHEM installation.

      # unprotected instance where ID and PASSWORD will be ignored
      define WeatherStation HP1000

      # protected instance: Weather Station needs to be configured
      # to send this ID and PASSWORD for data to be accepted
      define WeatherStation HP1000 MyHouse SecretPassword

      IMPORTANT: In your hardware device, make sure you use a DNS name as most revisions cannot handle IP addresses correctly.
      You might want to check to install a firmware update from here.

    • readingFnAttributes

    • bogusFilter
    • Will explicitly drop every numeric value that is below -273.2 (defaults to 0).
      This might help in case your station tends to send out of range values from time to time.
    • webhookFWinstances
    • Explicitly specify allowed FHEMWEB instaces for data input (defaults to weatherstation)
    • wu_id
    • Weather Underground (Wunderground) station ID
    • wu_password
    • Weather Underground (Wunderground) password
    • wu_dataValues
    • Add or replace values before pushing data to Weather Underground.
      Format is key=value while value may be of set magic format
    • wu_indoorValues
    • Include indoor values for Weather Underground (defaults to 1=yes)
    • wu_push
    • Enable or disable to push data forward to Weather Underground (defaults to 0=no)
    • wu_pushValues
    • Restrict values to be transferred to Weather Underground, otherwise all values will be transferred.
    • wu_realtime
    • Send the data to the WU realtime server instead of using the standard server (defaults to 1=yes)
=end html =begin html_DE


      define <WeatherStation> HP1000 [<ID> <PASSWORD>]

      Stellt einen Webhook für WLAN-basierte Wetterstationen bereit, die das PWS Protokoll von Weather Underground verwenden (z.B. HP1000, WH2600, WH2601, WH2621, WH2900, WH2950 Wetterstation von Fine Offset Electronics - manchmal auch bekannt als Ambient Weather WS-1001-WIFI oder ähnliches). In Deutschland werden die Geräte zumeist von froggit oder von Conrad unter dem Markennamen Renkforce vertrieben.
      Es muss noch eine dedizierte FHEMWEB Instanz angelegt werden, wo das Attribut webname auf "weatherstation" gesetzt wurde.
      Kein anderer Name funktioniert, da dieser fest in der Wetterstation hinterlegt ist!
      Sofern notwendig, erstellt dieses Modul eine passende FHEMWEB Instanz namens WEBweatherstation während der initialen Definition.

      Da die URI ebenfalls fest kodiert ist, kann mit einer einzelnen FHEM Installation maximal eine Instanz dieses Moduls gleichzeitig verwendet werden.

      # ungeschützte Instanz bei der ID und PASSWORD ignoriert werden
      define WeatherStation HP1000

      # geschützte Instanz: Die Wetterstation muss so konfiguriert sein, dass sie
      # diese ID und PASSWORD sendet, damit Daten akzeptiert werden
      define WeatherStation HP1000 MyHouse SecretPassword

      WICHTIG: Im Gerät selbst muss sichergestellt sein, dass ein DNS Name statt einer IP Adresse verwendet wird, da einige Revisionen damit nicht umgehen können.
      Ggf. sollte man hier einmal nach einer neueren Firmware schauen.

    • readingFnAttributes

    • webhookFWinstances
    • Explizite Angabe der FHEMWEB Instanzen, äber die Dateneingaben erlaubt sind (Standard ist weatherstation)
    • wu_id
    • Weather Underground (Wunderground) Stations ID
    • wu_password
    • Weather Underground (Wunderground) Passwort
    • wu_dataValues
    • Ersetzt Werte oder fügt neue Werte hinzu, bevor diese zu Weather Underground übertragen werden.
      Das Format entspricht key=value wobei value im Format set magic sein kann.
    • wu_indoorValues
    • Gibt an, ob die Innenraumwerte mit zu Weather Underground übertragen werden sollen (Standard ist 1=an)
    • wu_push
    • Pushen der Daten zu Weather Underground aktivieren oder deaktivieren (Standard ist 0=aus)
    • wu_pushValues
    • Schränkt die Werte ein, die an Weather Underground übertragen werden. Andernfalls werden alle Werte übertragen.
    • wu_realtime
    • Sendet die Daten an den WU Echtzeitserver statt an den Standard Server (Standard ist 1=an)
=end html_DE =for :application/json;q=META.json 50_HP1000.pm { "author": [ "Julian Pawlowski " ], "x_fhem_maintainer": [ "loredo" ], "x_fhem_maintainer_github": [ "jpawlowski" ] } =end :application/json;q=META.json =cut