########################################## # # Copyright 2019 by fhemger # # beta version # # # uses SubProcess.pm # # LaCrosse before 21.09.2019: # Damit 36_LaCrosse.pm die 4-stelligen IDs der 30.3180.IT Sensoren akzeptiert, ist darin folgende Ă„nderung erforderlich (Zeile 47). # # Line 47: $a[2] =~ m/^([\da-f]{2,4})$/i; # # # udev rule Zugriff des fhem Benutzers auf den USB Stick # replace xxxx, yyyy by your rtl-sdr usb stick VID and PID # /etc/udev/rules.d/rtl-sdr.rules # SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="xxxx", ATTRS{idProduct}=="yyyy", MODE:="0666" ##service udev restart # # Erweitert LaCrosse AutoCreate GPLOT und ATTR # # # Change Log # # 24.09.2019 Inital release # # # TODO # - "disable:1,0 disabledForIntervals " # - cleanup, optimize, simplify # package main; use strict; use warnings; use SubProcess; use Data::Dumper; sub tfrec_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = 'tfrec_Define'; $hash->{UndefFn} = 'tfrec_Undef'; $hash->{ReadFn} = 'tfrec_Read'; $hash->{SetFn} = 'tfrec_Set'; $hash->{AttrFn} = 'tfrec_Attr'; $hash->{FingerprintFn} = 'tfrec_Fingerprint'; $hash->{NotifyFn} = 'tfrec_Notify'; $hash->{AttrList} = "LaCrossePair:0,1,2 " ."disable:1,0 disabledForIntervals " ."tfrec_cmd tfrec_args tfrec_interval tfrec_timeout tfrec_debug:off,on tfrec_debug_log " .$readingFnAttributes; #$hash->{AutoCreate} = { "wolf_ism8.*" => {} }; } sub tfrec_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @param = split('[ \t]+', $def); if(int(@param) < 2) { return "too few parameters: define 36_tfrec"; } my $name = $param[0]; $hash->{NAME} = $name; #$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global,.*\.cmdtfrec"; # see 36_JeeLink.pm $hash->{Clients} = "LaCrosse"; $hash->{MatchList} = { "1:LaCrosse" => "^(\\S+\\s+9 |OK\\sWS\\s)" }; # need for LaCrosse autocreate $hash->{LaCrossePair} = 2; # defaults $attr{$name}{tfrec_cmd} = "/usr/bin/tfrec"; $attr{$name}{tfrec_args} = "-T 1 -q"; $attr{$name}{tfrec_debug} = "off"; $attr{$name}{tfrec_interval} = 60; $attr{$name}{tfrec_timeout} = 15; # add GPLOT and ATTR to LaCrosse AutoCreate if(LoadModule("LaCrosse")) { if(!defined($modules{LaCrosse}->{AutoCreate}->{"LaCrosse.*"}->{GPLOT}) || $modules{LaCrosse}->{AutoCreate}->{"LaCrosse.*"}->{GPLOT} !~ /temp4hum4:Temp\/Hum,/) { $modules{LaCrosse}->{AutoCreate}->{"LaCrosse.*"}->{GPLOT} .= "temp4hum4:Temp/Hum,"; } if(!defined($modules{LaCrosse}->{AutoCreate}->{"LaCrosse.*"}->{ATTR}) || $modules{LaCrosse}->{AutoCreate}->{"LaCrosse.*"}->{ATTR} !~ /event-on-change-reading:/) { $modules{LaCrosse}->{AutoCreate}->{"LaCrosse.*"}->{ATTR} .= "event-on-change-reading:.* "; } } tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "create"); if($init_done) { tfrec_SubProcessInterval($hash); } #else see Notify for subprocess start return; # undef on success } #Define sub tfrec_SubProcessInterval { my $hash = $_[0]; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; return if(IsDisabled($name)); RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "tfrec_SubProcessInterval"); if(defined($hash->{subprocess})) { if(defined($hash->{subprocess}->{pid})) { if(!tfrec_CheckPid($hash, $hash->{subprocess}->{pid})) { #$hash->{subprocess}->running() tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "run"); } else { Log3 $name, 4, "$name Subprocess ".$hash->{subprocess}->{NAME}." already running, setting new timer"; } } else { # first run tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "run"); } # set timer if( AttrVal($name, "tfrec_interval", 0) > 0) { my $next = gettimeofday() + AttrVal($name, "tfrec_interval", 60); InternalTimer($next , "tfrec_SubProcessInterval", $hash); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "tfrec_next", localtime($next), 0); } else { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "tfrec_next", "-disabled-", 0); } } else { tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "terminate"); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "tfrec_next", "-error-", 0); } } #SubProcessInterval sub tfrec_SubProcessCmd($$) { my $hash = $_[0]; my $cmd = $_[1]; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; return if(IsDisabled($name)); Log3 $name, 5, "$name SubProcess cmd \"$cmd\""; if($cmd eq "create") { return if(defined($hash->{subprocess})); my $subprocess = SubProcess->new( { onRun => \&tfrec_OnRun }); #, onExit => \&tfrec_OnExit }); #$subprocess->{timeout} = AttrVal($name, "tfrec_timeout", 70) + 10; $subprocess->{PARENTNAME} = $name; $subprocess->{verbose} = AttrVal( $name, 'verbose', 0 ); $subprocess->{NAME} = "$name.cmdtfrec"; $subprocess->{errorcount} = 0; $hash->{FH} = $subprocess->{child}; $hash->{FD} = fileno($subprocess->{child}); $hash->{subprocess} = $subprocess; return; } return if(!defined($hash->{subprocess})); my $subprocess = $hash->{subprocess}; if($cmd eq "run") { # if running return if(defined($subprocess->{pid}) && tfrec_CheckPid($subprocess, $subprocess->{pid})); # $subprocess->running()); $hash->{subprocess}->{errorcount} = 0; $hash->{PID} = $subprocess->run(); $selectlist{$subprocess->{NAME}} = $hash; } elsif($cmd eq "terminate") { $subprocess->terminate(); Log3 $name, 5, "$name Subprocess terminate"; } elsif($cmd eq "wait") { $subprocess->wait(); } elsif($cmd eq "kill") { RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "tfrec_SubProcessInterval"); if(tfrec_KillPid($hash->{subprocess}, $hash->{subprocess}->{tfrec_pid})) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "tfrec_pid", "killed", 0); $subprocess->kill(); InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 2, "tfrec_killcheck", $hash); } else { Log3 $name, 1, "$name ".$subprocess->{NAME}." SubProcess Cmd Kill failed!"; } } elsif($cmd eq "Intervaldisable") { RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "tfrec_SubProcessInterval"); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "tfrec_next", "-disabled-", 0); } elsif($cmd eq "check") { if(tfrec_CheckPid($subprocess, $subprocess->{pid})) { #$subprocess->running()) { if(tfrec_CheckPid($subprocess, $subprocess->{tfrec_pid})) { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "running", 0) } else { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "tfrec not running", 0) } } else { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "SubProcess failed", 0) } } elsif ($cmd eq "cleanup") { undef($selectlist{$subprocess->{NAME}}); undef($hash->{PID}); } } #SubProcessCmd sub tfrec_killcheck { my $hash = $_[0]; my $subprocess = $hash->{subprocess}; if(!tfrec_CheckPid($subprocess, $subprocess->{pid})) { #$subprocess->running()) { tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "cleanup"); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "not running (killed)", 0) } RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "tfrec_killcheck"); } #killcheck # Read from subprocess sub tfrec_Read { my $hash = $_[0]; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $data = $hash->{subprocess}->readFromChild(); chomp($data); #type:msg my ($type, $msg) = split(/:/, $data, 2); Log3 $name, 5, "$name Recieved from Subprocess \"$data\""; if($type eq "OUTPUT") { # on debug ? readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "tfrec_last", $msg, 0) if(AttrVal($name, "tfrec_debug", "off") eq "on"); if($msg =~ /^TFA/) { #TFA1 ID 0140 +28.4 48% seq 1 lowbat 0 RSSI 73 my ($type, $id, $temp, $hum, $seqnum, $lowbat, $rssi) = $msg =~ /(TFA\d+)\s+ID\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)%\s+seq\s+(\S+)\s+lowbat\s+(\S+)\s+RSSI\s+(\S+)/; if($id eq "BAD") { Log3 $name, 5, "$name BAD: $msg"; return; } my $parsestr = "$id $temp $hum $seqnum $lowbat $rssi 0 ".time(); tfrec_Parse($hash, $parsestr); # TODO Update reading tcfrec output & STATE return; } elsif ($msg =~ /RET OPEN (\S+), retry/) { my $text = $1; $hash->{subprocess}->{errorcount}++; if($1 == -1) { $text = "No Device found"; } elsif ($1 == -3) { $text = "Check device permissions"; } # tfrec error Log3 $name, 1, "$name RET OPEN $1, retry ($text)"; #$hash->{subprocess}->writeToChild("Sleep"); # Stop tfrec # TODO Update reading tcfrec output & STATE readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "tfrec_error", $msg, 0); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $msg, 0); if($hash->{subprocess}->{errorcount} > 5) { Log3 $name, 1, "$name Terminating tfrec, too many errors"; $hash->{subprocess}->terminate(); # keep timer active #tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "cleanup"); } return; } elsif ($msg =~ /^Found (.*)/) { $hash->{subprocess}->{errorcount} = 0; Log3 $name, 4, "$name Device found: $1"; readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "tfrec_device", $1, 0); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "tfrec_error", '', 0); return; } elsif ($msg =~ /^Detach|Registering|Dumpmode|AUTO|Samplerate|START/) { $hash->{subprocess}->{errorcount} = 0; Log3 $name, 5, "$name Init: $msg"; return; } elsif ($msg =~ /^#/) { Log3 $name, 5, "$name Invalid: $msg"; return; } Log3 $name, 5, "$name Unknown tfrec output"; } elsif($type eq "FHEM") { my ($cmd, $name, $value) = split(/ /, $msg, 3); if ($cmd eq "reading") { Log3 $name, 5, "$name FHEM Set Reading: $name Value: $value"; readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $name, $value, 0); $hash->{subprocess}->{$name} = $value if($name eq "tfrec_pid"); return; } elsif ($cmd eq "subprocess") { Log3 $name, 5, "$name FHEM SubProcess terminated, cleanup"; tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "terminate"); tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "cleanup"); return; } Log3 $name, 3, "$name Unknown FHEM Cmd \"$cmd\""; } else { Log3 $name, 3, "$name Unknown Subprocess type \"$type\""; } } #ReadSub sub tfrec_OnRun($) { my $subprocess = shift; my $parentname = $subprocess->{PARENTNAME}; my $subname = $subprocess->{NAME}; my $parenthash = $defs{$parentname}; #my $command = $subprocess->readFromParent(); #Log3 $parentname, 1, "$parentname $subname Command $command" if($command); my $tfrec_debug = AttrVal($parentname, "tfrec_debug", ""); my $tfrec_cmd = AttrVal($parentname, "tfrec_cmd", ""); my $tfrec_args = AttrVal($parentname, "tfrec_args", ""); my $tfrec_interval = AttrVal($parentname, "tfrec_interval", 0); my $tfrec_timeout = AttrVal($parentname, "tfrec_timeout", 0); if (!($tfrec_cmd && $tfrec_args)) { Log3 $parentname, 1, "$parentname $subname unable to start tfrec missing value"; return "Failed"; } my $timeout = ""; if($tfrec_interval) { if($tfrec_interval && $tfrec_timeout && $tfrec_interval > $tfrec_timeout) { Log3 $parentname, 5, "$parentname $subname adding timeout to args"; $timeout = "-w $tfrec_timeout"; } else { Log3 $parentname, 3, "$parentname $subname timeout > interval interval disabled"; } } Log3 $parentname, 4, "$parentname $subname Start Interval: $tfrec_interval Timeout: $tfrec_timeout"; # tfrec start my $debug = ""; if($tfrec_debug eq "on") { $debug = "-D"; #"-DDD" } my $cmd = "$tfrec_cmd $tfrec_args $timeout $debug 2>&1"; $subprocess->writeToParent("FHEM:reading tfrec_cmd $cmd"); Log3 $parentname, 5, "$parentname $subname Cmd: \"$cmd\""; my $statemsg = "stopped"; my $starttime = time(); my $tfrec_pid = open(my $tfrec, "-|", $cmd ); #'/usr/bin/tfrec -T 1 -w 15 2>&1'); # signals # ->terminate() $SIG{HUP} = sub { Log3 $parentname,5,"$parentname $subname HUP Caught a sigterm $!"; tfrec_KillPid($subprocess, $tfrec_pid); $statemsg ="terminated"; }; # ->kill() $SIG{KILL} = sub { Log3 $parentname,4,"$parentname $subname KILL Caught a sigterm $!"; tfrec_KillPid($subprocess, $tfrec_pid); $statemsg ="killed"; exit 1;}; if(!$tfrec_pid) { Log3 $parentname, 1, "$parentname $subname Error starting tfrec"; $subprocess->writeToParent("FHEM:reading state tfrec ERROR"); $subprocess->writeToParent("FHEM:reading tfrec_pid Error"); return; } $subprocess->writeToParent("FHEM:reading state tfrec started"); $subprocess->writeToParent("FHEM:reading tfrec_pid $tfrec_pid"); #TODO set state Log3 $parentname, 4, "$parentname $subname tfrec PID $tfrec_pid"; while(my $line = <$tfrec>) { # TODO timeout -> SIGNAL? Log3 $parentname, 5, "$parentname $subname Readline \"$line\""; $subprocess->writeToParent("OUTPUT:$line"); # triggers ReadFn via selectlist #$command = $subprocess->readFromParent(); # ?? #if(!defined($command)) { # if($subprocess->{lasterror} !~ /no data/) { # Log3 $parentname, 1, "$parentname $subname Read error: ".$subprocess->{lasterror}; # #Dotrigger ? # } #} # check timeout my $runtime = time() - $starttime; Log3 $parentname, 5, "$parentname $subname Runtime: $runtime"; if($tfrec_interval && $runtime > $tfrec_timeout + 2) { # + 5 Log3 $parentname, 4, "$parentname $subname Timeout $runtime"; $statemsg = "timeout"; last; } } close($tfrec); undef($tfrec); #give trfrec time to terminate sleep(1); if(tfrec_CheckPid($subprocess, $tfrec_pid)) { $statemsg .= " kill"; tfrec_KillPid($subprocess, $tfrec_pid); Log3 $parentname, 1, "$parentname $subname tfrec pid $tfrec_pid killed"; } $subprocess->writeToParent("FHEM:reading state tfrec not running ($statemsg)"); $subprocess->writeToParent("FHEM:reading tfrec_pid -"); $subprocess->writeToParent("FHEM:subprocess terminate"); Log3 $parentname, 5, "$parentname $subname SubProcess finished"; } #OnRun #sub tfrec_OnExit { # my $subprocess = shift; # $subprocess->writeToParent("FHEM:Subprocess OnExit"); # Debug("--OnExit ------"); #} #OnExit sub tfrec_KillPid($$) { my $hash = shift; my $pid = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $timeout = 5; return if(!$pid); Log3 $name, 5, "$name Stopping tfrec process $pid"; my $ret = kill('TERM', $pid); while( kill(0, $pid) && $timeout > 0) { Log3 $name, 5, "$name Wait for PID ~0.25 s"; select(undef, undef, undef, 0.25); $timeout -= 0.25; } Log3 $name, 5, "$name Timeout waiting for PID $pid" if($timeout <= 0); Log3 $name, 5, "$name No process with PID $pid" if(!$ret); return $ret; } # StopPid sub tfrec_CheckPid { my $hash = shift; my $pid = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if(!$pid) { Log3 $name, 1, "$name PID undef"; return undef; } my $ret = kill(0, $pid); if($ret) { Log3 $name, 5, "$name PID $pid is alive"; } else { Log3 $name, 5, "$name PID $pid not found"; } return $ret; } # CheckPid #tfrec_Ready { # my ($hash) = @_; # Debug("------tfrec_Ready----"); #} sub tfrec_Notify($$) { my ($hash, $dev_hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # own name / hash return "" if(IsDisabled($name)); # Return without any further action if the module is disabled my $devname = $dev_hash->{NAME}; # Device that created the events my $events = deviceEvents($dev_hash, 1); return if( !$events ); #Log3 $name, 5, "$name Event from $devname ".join(' ', @{$events}).Dumper($events); if($devname eq "global") { foreach my $event (@{$events}) { $event = "" if(!defined($event)); Log3 $name, 5, "$name Notify $devname $event"; if(grep(m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/, $event)) { tfrec_SubProcessInterval($hash); } } } } # Notify sub tfrec_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if(defined($hash->{SubProcess})) { tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "terminate"); tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "wait"); } tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "cleanup"); my $msg = ""; if(defined($hash->{Sensors}{$name})) { # Remove from own list see tfrec_parse delete($hash->{Sensors}{$name}); $msg .= "Notify remove $name from sensorlist" } my $addr = $hash->{addr}; if(defined($addr)) { delete($hash->{defptr}{$addr}); $msg .= ", $addr from defptr" } Log3 $name, 4, "$name $msg" if($msg); } # Undef sub tfrec_Parse($$) { my ($hash, $msg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $sname = $hash->{SNAME}; $sname = $name if(!defined($sname)); Log3 $sname, 5, "$name Message Length: ".length($msg)." parsing \"$msg\""; if(length($msg) < 27) { Log3 $sname, 3, "$name Message too short, ignoring"; return; } my @fields = split(/\s+/, $msg); my $numfields = scalar(@fields); Log3 $sname, 5, "$name Number Fields: $numfields"; # tfrec -e "echo" # id temp hum seq batfail rssi flags timestamp # 01a3 +27.3 0 13 0 68 0 1567861455 # 02a4 +25.1 46 3 0 81 0 1567861820 if($numfields < 8) { Log3 $sname, 3, "$name Not enough fields"; return; } my ($sensorID, $temp, $hum, $seqnum, $batfail, $rssi, $flags, $timestamp) = @fields; Log3 $sname, 5, "$name Fields: $sensorID $temp $hum $seqnum $batfail $rssi $flags $timestamp (".localtime($timestamp).")"; my $tempLSB = ($temp * 10 + 1000) & 0xff; my $tempMSB = (($temp * 10 + 1000) >> 8) & 0xff; my $humWBF = $hum | ($batfail << 7); my $dmsg = "OK 9 ".hex($sensorID)." 1 $tempMSB $tempLSB $humWBF"; # LaCrosse # Temperature sensor - Format: # 0 1 2 3 4 # ------------------------- # OK 9 56 1 4 156 37 ID = 56 T: 18.0 H: 37 no NewBatt # OK 9 49 1 4 182 54 ID = 49 T: 20.6 H: 54 no NewBatt # OK 9 55 129 4 192 56 ID = 55 T: 21.6 H: 56 WITH NewBatt # OK 9 2 1 4 212 106 ID = 2 T: 23.6 H: -- Channel: 1 # OK 9 2 130 4 225 125 ID = 2 T: 24.9 H: -- Channel: 2 # OK 9 ID XXX XXX XXX XXX # | | | | | | | # | | | | | | --- Humidity incl. WeakBatteryFlag # | | | | | |------ Temp * 10 + 1000 LSB # | | | | |---------- Temp * 10 + 1000 MSB # | | | |-------------- Sensor type (1 or 2) +128 if NewBatteryFlag # | | |----------------- Sensor ID # | |------------------- fix "9" # |---------------------- fix "OK" my %addvals= ( RSSI => $rssi, RAWMSG => $msg, SeqNum => $seqnum, #0 - 15 Flags => $flags, MSGTimeStamp => "".localtime($timestamp), ); Log3 $sname, 5, "$name Dispatch Message: \"$dmsg\""; # Dispatch my @found = Dispatch($defs{$sname}, $dmsg, \%addvals); my $fdev = $found[0][0]; if(!defined($fdev)) { Log3 $sname, 5, "$sname Dispatch returns undef"; $defs{$sname}->{defptr}{hex($sensorID)}++; readingsSingleUpdate($defs{$sname}, "DispatchedError", "$dmsg", 0) if($defs{$sname}->{defptr}{hex($sensorID)} > 2); # autocreate threshold return; } undef($defs{$sname}->{defptr}{hex($sensorID)}); readingsSingleUpdate($defs{$sname}, "Dispatched", "$dmsg", 0); # Bulk update readingsBeginUpdate($defs{$fdev}); my $rv = readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($defs{$fdev}, "RSSI", $rssi, 1); Log3 $sname, 5, "$name Update Reading $fdev: \"$rv\"" if($rv); $rv = readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged($defs{$fdev}, "SeqNum", $seqnum, 1); Log3 $sname, 5, "$name Update Reading $fdev: \"$rv\"" if($rv); readingsEndUpdate($defs{$fdev}, 1); if(!defined($defs{$sname}->{Sensors}{$fdev})) { $defs{$sname}->{Sensors}{$fdev} = 1; my $rval = ReadingsVal($fdev, ".associatedWith", ''); if( $rval !~ /$sname/ ) { chomp(my $nval = "$rval $sname"); $rv = readingsSingleUpdate($defs{$fdev}, ".associatedWith", "$nval", 0); Log3 $sname, 4, "$name Update Reading $fdev: \"$rv\""; } $rval = ReadingsVal($sname, ".associatedWith", ''); if( $rval !~ /$fdev/ ) { chomp(my $nval = "$rval $fdev"); $rv = readingsSingleUpdate($defs{$sname}, ".associatedWith", "$nval", 0); Log3 $sname, 4, "$name Update Reading $sname: \"$rv\""; } } } # Parse sub tfrec_Fingerprint($$) { my ($ioname, $msg) = @_; return ("", undef); } # Fingerprint sub tfrec_Set($@) { my ( $hash, $name, $cmd, @args ) = @_; if($cmd eq "tfrec_Intervalstart") { tfrec_SubProcessInterval($hash); } elsif($cmd eq "tfrec_Intervaldisable") { tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "Intervaldisable"); } elsif($cmd eq "tfrec_terminate") { tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "terminate"); tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "cleanup"); } elsif($cmd eq "tfrec_restart") { tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "terminate"); tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "wait"); tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "cleanup"); tfrec_SubProcessInterval($hash); } elsif($cmd eq "tfrec_check") { tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "check"); } elsif($cmd eq "tfrec_runonce") { tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "run"); } elsif($cmd eq "tfrec_kill") { tfrec_SubProcessCmd($hash, "kill"); } elsif($cmd eq "tfrec_parse") { tfrec_Parse($hash, join(' ', @args)); } elsif($cmd eq "tfrec_clearerrors") { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "tfrec_error", "-", 0); } elsif($cmd eq "LaCrossePair") { $hash->{LaCrossePair} = $args[0]; } else { return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of tfrec_check tfrec_Intervalstart tfrec_Intervaldisable tfrec_terminate tfrec_restart tfrec_runonce tfrec_kill tfrec_parse tfrec_clearerrors LaCrossePair"; } Log3 $name, 5, "$name set $cmd"; return; } sub tfrec_Attr(@) { my ($cmd,$name,$attr_name,$attr_value) = @_; if($cmd eq "set") { return undef; } return undef; } 1; =pod =begin html


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