var musicvislib = (() => { var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __defProps = Object.defineProperties; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __spreadValues = (a, b) => { for (var prop in b || (b = {})) if (, prop)) __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); if (__getOwnPropSymbols) for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) { if (, prop)) __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); } return a; }; var __spreadProps = (a, b) => __defProps(a, __getOwnPropDescs(b)); var __commonJS = (cb, mod2) => function __require() { return mod2 || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod2 = { exports: {} }).exports, mod2), mod2.exports; }; var __export = (target, all4) => { for (var name2 in all4) __defProp(target, name2, { get: all4[name2], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod2, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod2 != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod2)) : {}, __copyProps(isNodeMode || !mod2 || !mod2.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod2, enumerable: true }) : target, mod2)); var __toCommonJS = (mod2) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod2); // node_modules/.pnpm/midi-parser-js@4.0.4/node_modules/midi-parser-js/src/main.js var require_main = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/midi-parser-js@4.0.4/node_modules/midi-parser-js/src/main.js"(exports2, module2) { (function() { "use strict"; const _atob = function(string) { let b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; let b64re = /^(?:[A-Za-z\d+\/]{4})*?(?:[A-Za-z\d+\/]{2}(?:==)?|[A-Za-z\d+\/]{3}=?)?$/; string = string.replace(/^.*?base64,/, ""); string = String(string).replace(/[\t\n\f\r ]+/g, ""); if (!b64re.test(string)) throw new TypeError("Failed to execute _atob() : The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded."); string += "==".slice(2 - (string.length & 3)); let bitmap, result = ""; let r1, r2, i = 0; for (; i < string.length; ) { bitmap = b64.indexOf(string.charAt(i++)) << 18 | b64.indexOf(string.charAt(i++)) << 12 | (r1 = b64.indexOf(string.charAt(i++))) << 6 | (r2 = b64.indexOf(string.charAt(i++))); result += r1 === 64 ? String.fromCharCode(bitmap >> 16 & 255) : r2 === 64 ? String.fromCharCode(bitmap >> 16 & 255, bitmap >> 8 & 255) : String.fromCharCode(bitmap >> 16 & 255, bitmap >> 8 & 255, bitmap & 255); } return result; }; const MidiParser = { debug: false, parse: function(input, _callback) { if (input instanceof Uint8Array) return MidiParser.Uint8(input); else if (typeof input === "string") return MidiParser.Base64(input); else if (input instanceof HTMLElement && input.type === "file") return MidiParser.addListener(input, _callback); else throw new Error("MidiParser.parse() : Invalid input provided"); }, addListener: function(_fileElement, _callback) { if (!File || !FileReader) throw new Error("The File|FileReader APIs are not supported in this browser. Use instead MidiParser.Base64() or MidiParser.Uint8()"); if (_fileElement === void 0 || !(_fileElement instanceof HTMLElement) || _fileElement.tagName !== "INPUT" || _fileElement.type.toLowerCase() !== "file") { console.warn("MidiParser.addListener() : Provided element is not a valid FILE INPUT element"); return false; } _callback = _callback || function() { }; _fileElement.addEventListener("change", function(InputEvt) { if (! return false; console.log("MidiParser.addListener() : File detected in INPUT ELEMENT processing data.."); let reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsArrayBuffer([0]); reader.onload = function(e) { _callback(MidiParser.Uint8(new Uint8Array(; }; }); }, Base64: function(b64String) { b64String = String(b64String); let raw = _atob(b64String); let rawLength = raw.length; let t_array = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(rawLength)); for (let i = 0; i < rawLength; i++) t_array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i); return MidiParser.Uint8(t_array); }, Uint8: function(FileAsUint8Array) { let file = { data: null, pointer: 0, movePointer: function(_bytes) { this.pointer += _bytes; return this.pointer; }, readInt: function(_bytes) { _bytes = Math.min(_bytes, - this.pointer); if (_bytes < 1) return -1; let value = 0; if (_bytes > 1) { for (let i = 1; i <= _bytes - 1; i++) { value += * Math.pow(256, _bytes - i); this.pointer++; } } value +=; this.pointer++; return value; }, readStr: function(_bytes) { let text = ""; for (let char = 1; char <= _bytes; char++) text += String.fromCharCode(this.readInt(1)); return text; }, readIntVLV: function() { let value = 0; if (this.pointer >= { return -1; } else if ( < 128) { value = this.readInt(1); } else { let FirstBytes = []; while ( >= 128) { FirstBytes.push(this.readInt(1) - 128); } let lastByte = this.readInt(1); for (let dt = 1; dt <= FirstBytes.length; dt++) { value += FirstBytes[FirstBytes.length - dt] * Math.pow(128, dt); } value += lastByte; } return value; } }; = new DataView(FileAsUint8Array.buffer, FileAsUint8Array.byteOffset, FileAsUint8Array.byteLength); if (file.readInt(4) !== 1297377380) { console.warn("Header validation failed (not MIDI standard or file corrupt.)"); return false; } let headerSize = file.readInt(4); let MIDI = {}; MIDI.formatType = file.readInt(2); MIDI.tracks = file.readInt(2); MIDI.track = []; let timeDivisionByte1 = file.readInt(1); let timeDivisionByte2 = file.readInt(1); if (timeDivisionByte1 >= 128) { MIDI.timeDivision = []; MIDI.timeDivision[0] = timeDivisionByte1 - 128; MIDI.timeDivision[1] = timeDivisionByte2; } else MIDI.timeDivision = timeDivisionByte1 * 256 + timeDivisionByte2; for (let t = 1; t <= MIDI.tracks; t++) { MIDI.track[t - 1] = { event: [] }; let headerValidation = file.readInt(4); if (headerValidation === -1) break; if (headerValidation !== 1297379947) return false; file.readInt(4); let e = 0; let endOfTrack = false; let statusByte; let laststatusByte; while (!endOfTrack) { e++; MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1] = {}; MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].deltaTime = file.readIntVLV(); statusByte = file.readInt(1); if (statusByte === -1) break; else if (statusByte >= 128) laststatusByte = statusByte; else { statusByte = laststatusByte; file.movePointer(-1); } if (statusByte === 255) { MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].type = 255; MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].metaType = file.readInt(1); let metaEventLength = file.readIntVLV(); switch (MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].metaType) { case 47: case -1: endOfTrack = true; break; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 7: case 6: MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data = file.readStr(metaEventLength); break; case 33: case 89: case 81: MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data = file.readInt(metaEventLength); break; case 84: MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data = []; MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data[0] = file.readInt(1); MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data[1] = file.readInt(1); MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data[2] = file.readInt(1); MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data[3] = file.readInt(1); MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data[4] = file.readInt(1); break; case 88: MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data = []; MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data[0] = file.readInt(1); MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data[1] = file.readInt(1); MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data[2] = file.readInt(1); MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data[3] = file.readInt(1); break; default: if (this.customInterpreter !== null) { MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data = this.customInterpreter(MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].metaType, file, metaEventLength); } if (this.customInterpreter === null || MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data === false) { file.readInt(metaEventLength); MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data = file.readInt(metaEventLength); if (this.debug)"Unimplemented 0xFF meta event! data block readed as Integer"); } } } else { statusByte = statusByte.toString(16).split(""); if (!statusByte[1]) statusByte.unshift("0"); MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].type = parseInt(statusByte[0], 16); MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].channel = parseInt(statusByte[1], 16); switch (MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].type) { case 15: { if (this.customInterpreter !== null) { MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data = this.customInterpreter(MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].type, file, false); } if (this.customInterpreter === null || MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data === false) { let event_length = file.readIntVLV(); MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data = file.readInt(event_length); if (this.debug)"Unimplemented 0xF exclusive events! data block readed as Integer"); } break; } case 10: case 11: case 14: case 8: case 9: MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data = []; MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data[0] = file.readInt(1); MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data[1] = file.readInt(1); break; case 12: case 13: MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data = file.readInt(1); break; case -1: endOfTrack = true; break; default: if (this.customInterpreter !== null) { MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data = this.customInterpreter(MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].metaType, file, false); } if (this.customInterpreter === null || MIDI.track[t - 1].event[e - 1].data === false) { console.log("Unknown EVENT detected... reading cancelled!"); return false; } } } } } return MIDI; }, customInterpreter: null }; if (typeof module2 !== "undefined") module2.exports = MidiParser; else { let _global = typeof window === "object" && window.self === window && window || typeof self === "object" && self.self === self && self || typeof global === "object" && === global && global; _global.MidiParser = MidiParser; } })(); } }); // src/index.js var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { Alignment: () => Alignment_exports, Canvas: () => Canvas_exports, Chords: () => Chords_exports, DiffAlignment: () => DiffAlignment_exports, Drums: () => Drums_exports, Guitar: () => Guitar_exports, GuitarNote: () => GuitarNote_default, HarmonicaNote: () => HarmonicaNote_default, Lamellophone: () => Lamellophone_exports, Matching: () => Matching_exports, Midi: () => Midi_exports, MidiInputManager: () => MidiInputManager_default, MusicPiece: () => MusicPiece_default, Note: () => Note_default, NoteArray: () => NoteArray_default, Piano: () => Piano_exports, PitchSequence: () => PitchSequence_default, PriorityMatching: () => PriorityMatching_exports, Recording: () => Recording_default, SimilarSections: () => SimilarSections_exports, Similarity: () => Similarity_exports, StringBased: () => stringBased_exports, Utils: () => utils_exports, getVersion: () => getVersion, recordAudio: () => recordAudio, recordMidi: () => recordMidi }); // package.json var name = "musicvis-lib"; var version = "0.57.1"; var description = "Music analysis and visualization library"; var author = "Frank Heyen"; var license = "ISC"; var homepage = ""; var repository = { url: "git+", type: "git" }; var bugs = { url: "" }; var keywords = [ "visualization", "music visualization", "visual analytics", "JavaScript", "ECMAScript", "web-based", "MIDI", "MusicXML", "Web MIDI", "music", "string comparison" ]; var type = "module"; var exports = "./src/index.js"; var main = "dist/musicvislib.node.js"; var module = "dist/musicvislib.esm.js"; var unpkg = "dist/musicvislib.min.js"; var browser = "dist/musicvislib.min.js"; var scripts = { upd: "npm-check-updates -u", "upd:i": "npm-check-updates -u && npm i && npm audit fix", "upd:i:t": "npm-check-updates -u && npm i && npm test", build: "npm run build:bundle && npm run build:browser && npm run build:browser:min && npm run build:node", "build:bundle": "esbuild src/index.js --bundle --format=esm --sourcemap --outfile=dist/musicvislib.esm.js", "build:browser": "esbuild src/index.js --bundle --format=iife --global-name=musicvislib --sourcemap --target=chrome90,firefox90,edge90 --outfile=dist/musicvislib.js", "build:browser:min": "esbuild src/index.js --bundle --format=iife --global-name=musicvislib --sourcemap --minify --target=chrome90,firefox90,edge90 --outfile=dist/musicvislib.min.js", "build:node": "esbuild src/index.js --bundle --sourcemap --platform=node --target=node16.5 --outfile=dist/musicvislib.node.js", test: "jest --coverage", testch: "jest --coverage --changedFilesWithAncestor", testfail: "jest --changedFilesWithAncestor --onlyFailures", testclear: "jest --clearCache", doc: "jsdoc -c jsdoc.conf.json", "doc:md": "jsdoc2md src/**/*.js >", lint: "standard --verbose", "lint:fix": "standard --fix --verbose", "git:all": "npm run git:add && npm run git:commit && npm run git:push && npm run git:pushtags", "git:add": "git add .", "git:commit": 'git commit -m "new version build"', "git:push": "git push", "git:pushtags": "git push origin --tags", predeploy: "npm run lint:fix && npm run doc:md && npm run build && jest --silent", predeploy_old: "npm run lint:fix && npm run doc:md && npm run doc && npm run build && jest --silent", deploy: "npm publish && npm run git:all", prepare: "husky install" }; var dependencies = { "@tonaljs/tonal": "^4.6.5", d3: "^6.7.0", "midi-parser-js": "^4.0.4" }; var devDependencies = { "@babel/core": "^7.19.3", "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties": "^7.18.6", "@babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator": "^7.18.6", "@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining": "^7.18.9", "@babel/preset-env": "^7.19.4", "@types/d3": "^7.4.0", "@types/jest": "^29.1.2", "clean-jsdoc-theme": "^4.1.8", esbuild: "^0.15.10", glob: "^8.0.3", husky: "^8.0.1", jest: "^29.1.2", "jest-canvas-mock": "^2.4.0", "jest-environment-jsdom": "^29.1.2", "jest-extended": "^3.1.0", jsdoc: "^3.6.11", "jsdoc-to-markdown": "^7.1.1", "npm-check-updates": "^16.3.11", standard: "^17.0.0" }; var jest = { testEnvironment: "jsdom", testPathIgnorePatterns: [ "/node_modules/", "/dist/" ], collectCoverageFrom: [ "src/**/*.js" ], setupFilesAfterEnv: [ "jest-extended/all" ] }; var standard = { ignore: [ "/dist/", "/docs/" ], globals: [ "MediaRecorder", "Blob", "DOMParser", "CanvasRenderingContext2D", "localStorage", "FileReader" ], env: [ "jest" ] }; var package_default = { name, version, description, author, license, homepage, repository, bugs, keywords, type, exports, main, module, unpkg, browser, scripts, dependencies, devDependencies, jest, standard }; // src/fileFormats/Midi.js var Midi_exports = {}; __export(Midi_exports, { MIDI_COMMANDS: () => MIDI_COMMANDS, MIDI_NOTES: () => MIDI_NOTES, MIDI_NOTE_RANGES: () => MIDI_NOTE_RANGES, NOTE_NAMES: () => NOTE_NAMES, NOTE_NAMES_FLAT: () => NOTE_NAMES_FLAT, SHARPS: () => SHARPS, flatToSharp: () => flatToSharp, getMidiDrumNoteByNr: () => getMidiDrumNoteByNr, getMidiInstrumentByNr: () => getMidiInstrumentByNr, getMidiInstrumentByNrL2: () => getMidiInstrumentByNrL2, getMidiNoteByLabel: () => getMidiNoteByLabel, getMidiNoteByNameAndOctave: () => getMidiNoteByNameAndOctave, getMidiNoteByNr: () => getMidiNoteByNr, getNoteNameFromNoteNr: () => getNoteNameFromNoteNr, isSharp: () => isSharp, sharpToFlat: () => sharpToFlat }); var MidiNoteByPitch = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); var MidiNoteByLabel = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); var MidiInstrumentByNumber = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); var MidiInstrumentByNumberLev2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); function getMidiNoteByNr(nr) { return MidiNoteByPitch.get(nr); } function getMidiNoteByLabel(label) { return MidiNoteByLabel.get(label); } function getMidiNoteByNameAndOctave(name2, octave) { return MidiNoteByLabel.get(`${name2}${octave}`); } function getMidiInstrumentByNr(nr) { return MidiInstrumentByNumber.get(nr); } function getMidiInstrumentByNrL2(nr, subNr) { const key = `${nr}-${subNr}`; return MidiInstrumentByNumberLev2.get(key); } function getMidiDrumNoteByNr(nr) { return GENERAL_MIDI_DRUM_NOTE_NUMBERS.get(nr); } function isSharp(nr) { const chroma = nr % 12; return chroma === 1 || chroma === 3 || chroma === 6 || chroma === 8 || chroma === 10; } function getNoteNameFromNoteNr(nr) { return NOTE_NAMES[nr % 12]; } var flatToSharp = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["Cb", "B"], ["Db", "C#"], ["Eb", "D#"], ["Fb", "E"], ["Gb", "F#"], ["Ab", "G#"], ["Bb", "A#"] ]); var sharpToFlat = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["C#", "Db"], ["D#", "Eb"], ["E#", "F"], ["F#", "Gb"], ["G#", "Ab"], ["A#", "Bb"], ["B#", "C"] ]); var NOTE_NAMES = [ "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B" ]; var NOTE_NAMES_FLAT = [ "C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B" ]; var MIDI_NOTES = [ { pitch: 0, name: "C", octave: -1, label: "C-1", frequency: 8.176 }, { pitch: 1, name: "C#", octave: -1, label: "C#-1", frequency: 8.662 }, { pitch: 2, name: "D", octave: -1, label: "D-1", frequency: 9.177 }, { pitch: 3, name: "D#", octave: -1, label: "D#-1", frequency: 9.723 }, { pitch: 4, name: "E", octave: -1, label: "E-1", frequency: 10.301 }, { pitch: 5, name: "F", octave: -1, label: "F-1", frequency: 10.913 }, { pitch: 6, name: "F#", octave: -1, label: "F#-1", frequency: 11.562 }, { pitch: 7, name: "G", octave: -1, label: "G-1", frequency: 12.25 }, { pitch: 8, name: "G#", octave: -1, label: "G#-1", frequency: 12.978 }, { pitch: 9, name: "A", octave: -1, label: "A-1", frequency: 13.75 }, { pitch: 10, name: "A#", octave: -1, label: "A#-1", frequency: 14.568 }, { pitch: 11, name: "B", octave: -1, label: "B-1", frequency: 15.434 }, { pitch: 12, name: "C", octave: 0, label: "C0", frequency: 16.352 }, { pitch: 13, name: "C#", octave: 0, label: "C#0", frequency: 17.324 }, { pitch: 14, name: "D", octave: 0, label: "D0", frequency: 18.354 }, { pitch: 15, name: "D#", octave: 0, label: "D#0", frequency: 19.445 }, { pitch: 16, name: "E", octave: 0, label: "E0", frequency: 20.602 }, { pitch: 17, name: "F", octave: 0, label: "F0", frequency: 21.827 }, { pitch: 18, name: "F#", octave: 0, label: "F#0", frequency: 23.125 }, { pitch: 19, name: "G", octave: 0, label: "G0", frequency: 24.5 }, { pitch: 20, name: "G#", octave: 0, label: "G#0", frequency: 25.957 }, { pitch: 21, name: "A", octave: 0, label: "A0", frequency: 27.5 }, { pitch: 22, name: "A#", octave: 0, label: "A#0", frequency: 29.135 }, { pitch: 23, name: "B", octave: 0, label: "B0", frequency: 30.868 }, { pitch: 24, name: "C", octave: 1, label: "C1", frequency: 32.703 }, { pitch: 25, name: "C#", octave: 1, label: "C#1", frequency: 34.648 }, { pitch: 26, name: "D", octave: 1, label: "D1", frequency: 36.708 }, { pitch: 27, name: "D#", octave: 1, label: "D#1", frequency: 38.891 }, { pitch: 28, name: "E", octave: 1, label: "E1", frequency: 41.203 }, { pitch: 29, name: "F", octave: 1, label: "F1", frequency: 43.654 }, { pitch: 30, name: "F#", octave: 1, label: "F#1", frequency: 46.249 }, { pitch: 31, name: "G", octave: 1, label: "G1", frequency: 48.999 }, { pitch: 32, name: "G#", octave: 1, label: "G#1", frequency: 51.913 }, { pitch: 33, name: "A", octave: 1, label: "A1", frequency: 55 }, { pitch: 34, name: "A#", octave: 1, label: "A#1", frequency: 58.27 }, { pitch: 35, name: "B", octave: 1, label: "B1", frequency: 61.735 }, { pitch: 36, name: "C", octave: 2, label: "C2", frequency: 65.406 }, { pitch: 37, name: "C#", octave: 2, label: "C#2", frequency: 69.296 }, { pitch: 38, name: "D", octave: 2, label: "D2", frequency: 73.416 }, { pitch: 39, name: "D#", octave: 2, label: "D#2", frequency: 77.782 }, { pitch: 40, name: "E", octave: 2, label: "E2", frequency: 82.407 }, { pitch: 41, name: "F", octave: 2, label: "F2", frequency: 87.307 }, { pitch: 42, name: "F#", octave: 2, label: "F#2", frequency: 92.499 }, { pitch: 43, name: "G", octave: 2, label: "G2", frequency: 97.999 }, { pitch: 44, name: "G#", octave: 2, label: "G#2", frequency: 103.826 }, { pitch: 45, name: "A", octave: 2, label: "A2", frequency: 110 }, { pitch: 46, name: "A#", octave: 2, label: "A#2", frequency: 116.541 }, { pitch: 47, name: "B", octave: 2, label: "B2", frequency: 123.471 }, { pitch: 48, name: "C", octave: 3, label: "C3", frequency: 130.813 }, { pitch: 49, name: "C#", octave: 3, label: "C#3", frequency: 138.591 }, { pitch: 50, name: "D", octave: 3, label: "D3", frequency: 146.832 }, { pitch: 51, name: "D#", octave: 3, label: "D#3", frequency: 155.563 }, { pitch: 52, name: "E", octave: 3, label: "E3", frequency: 164.814 }, { pitch: 53, name: "F", octave: 3, label: "F3", frequency: 174.614 }, { pitch: 54, name: "F#", octave: 3, label: "F#3", frequency: 184.997 }, { pitch: 55, name: "G", octave: 3, label: "G3", frequency: 195.998 }, { pitch: 56, name: "G#", octave: 3, label: "G#3", frequency: 207.652 }, { pitch: 57, name: "A", octave: 3, label: "A3", frequency: 220 }, { pitch: 58, name: "A#", octave: 3, label: "A#3", frequency: 233.082 }, { pitch: 59, name: "B", octave: 3, label: "B3", frequency: 246.942 }, { pitch: 60, name: "C", octave: 4, label: "C4", frequency: 261.626 }, { pitch: 61, name: "C#", octave: 4, label: "C#4", frequency: 277.183 }, { pitch: 62, name: "D", octave: 4, label: "D4", frequency: 293.665 }, { pitch: 63, name: "D#", octave: 4, label: "D#4", frequency: 311.127 }, { pitch: 64, name: "E", octave: 4, label: "E4", frequency: 329.628 }, { pitch: 65, name: "F", octave: 4, label: "F4", frequency: 349.228 }, { pitch: 66, name: "F#", octave: 4, label: "F#4", frequency: 369.994 }, { pitch: 67, name: "G", octave: 4, label: "G4", frequency: 391.995 }, { pitch: 68, name: "G#", octave: 4, label: "G#4", frequency: 415.305 }, { pitch: 69, name: "A", octave: 4, label: "A4", frequency: 440 }, { pitch: 70, name: "A#", octave: 4, label: "A#4", frequency: 466.164 }, { pitch: 71, name: "B", octave: 4, label: "B4", frequency: 493.883 }, { pitch: 72, name: "C", octave: 5, label: "C5", frequency: 523.251 }, { pitch: 73, name: "C#", octave: 5, label: "C#5", frequency: 554.365 }, { pitch: 74, name: "D", octave: 5, label: "D5", frequency: 587.33 }, { pitch: 75, name: "D#", octave: 5, label: "D#5", frequency: 622.254 }, { pitch: 76, name: "E", octave: 5, label: "E5", frequency: 659.255 }, { pitch: 77, name: "F", octave: 5, label: "F5", frequency: 698.456 }, { pitch: 78, name: "F#", octave: 5, label: "F#5", frequency: 739.989 }, { pitch: 79, name: "G", octave: 5, label: "G5", frequency: 783.991 }, { pitch: 80, name: "G#", octave: 5, label: "G#5", frequency: 830.609 }, { pitch: 81, name: "A", octave: 5, label: "A5", frequency: 880 }, { pitch: 82, name: "A#", octave: 5, label: "A#5", frequency: 932.328 }, { pitch: 83, name: "B", octave: 5, label: "B5", frequency: 987.767 }, { pitch: 84, name: "C", octave: 6, label: "C6", frequency: 1046.502 }, { pitch: 85, name: "C#", octave: 6, label: "C#6", frequency: 1108.731 }, { pitch: 86, name: "D", octave: 6, label: "D6", frequency: 1174.659 }, { pitch: 87, name: "D#", octave: 6, label: "D#6", frequency: 1244.508 }, { pitch: 88, name: "E", octave: 6, label: "E6", frequency: 1318.51 }, { pitch: 89, name: "F", octave: 6, label: "F6", frequency: 1396.913 }, { pitch: 90, name: "F#", octave: 6, label: "F#6", frequency: 1479.978 }, { pitch: 91, name: "G", octave: 6, label: "G6", frequency: 1567.982 }, { pitch: 92, name: "G#", octave: 6, label: "G#6", frequency: 1661.219 }, { pitch: 93, name: "A", octave: 6, label: "A6", frequency: 1760 }, { pitch: 94, name: "A#", octave: 6, label: "A#6", frequency: 1864.655 }, { pitch: 95, name: "B", octave: 6, label: "B6", frequency: 1975.533 }, { pitch: 96, name: "C", octave: 7, label: "C7", frequency: 2093.005 }, { pitch: 97, name: "C#", octave: 7, label: "C#7", frequency: 2217.461 }, { pitch: 98, name: "D", octave: 7, label: "D7", frequency: 2349.318 }, { pitch: 99, name: "D#", octave: 7, label: "D#7", frequency: 2489.016 }, { pitch: 100, name: "E", octave: 7, label: "E7", frequency: 2637.02 }, { pitch: 101, name: "F", octave: 7, label: "F7", frequency: 2793.826 }, { pitch: 102, name: "F#", octave: 7, label: "F#7", frequency: 2959.955 }, { pitch: 103, name: "G", octave: 7, label: "G7", frequency: 3135.963 }, { pitch: 104, name: "G#", octave: 7, label: "G#7", frequency: 3322.438 }, { pitch: 105, name: "A", octave: 7, label: "A7", frequency: 3520 }, { pitch: 106, name: "A#", octave: 7, label: "A#7", frequency: 3729.31 }, { pitch: 107, name: "B", octave: 7, label: "B7", frequency: 3951.066 }, { pitch: 108, name: "C", octave: 8, label: "C8", frequency: 4186.009 }, { pitch: 109, name: "C#", octave: 8, label: "C#8", frequency: 4434.922 }, { pitch: 110, name: "D", octave: 8, label: "D8", frequency: 4698.636 }, { pitch: 111, name: "D#", octave: 8, label: "D#8", frequency: 4978.032 }, { pitch: 112, name: "E", octave: 8, label: "E8", frequency: 5274.041 }, { pitch: 113, name: "F", octave: 8, label: "F8", frequency: 5587.652 }, { pitch: 114, name: "F#", octave: 8, label: "F#8", frequency: 5919.911 }, { pitch: 115, name: "G", octave: 8, label: "G8", frequency: 6271.927 }, { pitch: 116, name: "G#", octave: 8, label: "G#8", frequency: 6644.875 }, { pitch: 117, name: "A", octave: 8, label: "A8", frequency: 7040 }, { pitch: 118, name: "A#", octave: 8, label: "A#8", frequency: 7458.62 }, { pitch: 119, name: "B", octave: 8, label: "B8", frequency: 7902.133 }, { pitch: 120, name: "C", octave: 9, label: "C9", frequency: 8372.018 }, { pitch: 121, name: "C#", octave: 9, label: "C#9", frequency: 8869.844 }, { pitch: 122, name: "D", octave: 9, label: "D9", frequency: 9397.273 }, { pitch: 123, name: "D#", octave: 9, label: "D#9", frequency: 9956.063 }, { pitch: 124, name: "E", octave: 9, label: "E9", frequency: 10548.08 }, { pitch: 125, name: "F", octave: 9, label: "F9", frequency: 11175.3 }, { pitch: 126, name: "F#", octave: 9, label: "F#9", frequency: 11839.82 }, { pitch: 127, name: "G", octave: 9, label: "G9", frequency: 12543.85 } ]; var SHARPS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 37, 39, 42, 44, 46, 49, 51, 54, 56, 58, 61, 63, 66, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78, 80, 82, 85, 87, 90, 92, 94, 97, 99, 102, 104, 106, 109, 111, 114, 116, 118, 121, 123, 126 ]); var MIDI_COMMANDS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [128, { name: "noteOff", description: "Note-off", params: ["key", "velocity"] }], [144, { name: "noteOn", description: "Note-on", params: ["key", "velocity"] }], [160, { name: "aftertouch", description: "Aftertouch", params: ["key", "touch"] }], [176, { name: "continuousController", description: "Continuous controller", params: ["controller #", "controller value"] }], [192, { name: "patchChange", description: "Patch change", params: ["instrument number", "instrument number"] }], [208, { name: "channelPressure", description: "Channel Pressure", params: ["pressure"] }], [224, { name: "pitchBend", description: "Pitch bend", params: ["lsb (7 bits)", "msb (7 bits)"] }], [240, { name: "sysExStart", description: "start of system exclusive message" }], [241, { name: "timeCodeQuarter", description: "MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame (Sys Common)" }], [242, { name: "posPointer", description: "Song Position Pointer (Sys Common)" }], [243, { name: "songSelect", description: "Song Select (Sys Common)" }], [244, { name: "unknown1", description: "???" }], [245, { name: "unknown2", description: "???" }], [246, { name: "tuneRequest", description: "Tune Request (Sys Common)" }], [247, { name: "syExEnd", description: "end of system exclusive message 0" }], [248, { name: "timingClock", description: "Timing Clock (Sys Realtime)" }], [250, { name: "start", description: "Start (Sys Realtime)" }], [251, { name: "continue", description: "Continue (Sys Realtime)" }], [252, { name: "stop", description: "Stop (Sys Realtime)" }], [253, { name: "unknwon3", description: "???" }], [254, { name: "activeSensing", description: "Active Sensing (Sys Realtime)" }], [255, { name: "systemReset", description: "System Reset (Sys Realtime)" }] ]); var MIDI_INSTRUMENTS = [ { number: 0, group: "Piano", label: "Acoustic Grand Piano" }, { number: 1, group: "Piano", label: "Bright Acoustic Piano" }, { number: 2, group: "Piano", label: "Electric Grand Piano" }, { number: 3, group: "Piano", label: "Honky-tonk Piano" }, { number: 4, group: "Piano", label: "Electric Piano 1" }, { number: 5, group: "Piano", label: "Electric Piano 2" }, { number: 6, group: "Piano", label: "Harpsichord" }, { number: 7, group: "Piano", label: "Clavinet" }, { number: 8, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Celesta" }, { number: 9, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Glockenspiel" }, { number: 10, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Music Box" }, { number: 11, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Vibraphone" }, { number: 12, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Marimba" }, { number: 13, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Xylophone" }, { number: 14, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Tubular Bells" }, { number: 15, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Dulcimer" }, { number: 16, group: "Organ", label: "Drawbar Organ" }, { number: 17, group: "Organ", label: "Percussive Organ" }, { number: 18, group: "Organ", label: "Rock Organ" }, { number: 19, group: "Organ", label: "Church Organ" }, { number: 20, group: "Organ", label: "Reed Organ" }, { number: 21, group: "Organ", label: "Accordion" }, { number: 22, group: "Organ", label: "Harmonica" }, { number: 23, group: "Organ", label: "Tango Accordion" }, { number: 24, group: "Guitar", label: "Acoustic Guitar(nylon)" }, { number: 25, group: "Guitar", label: "Acoustic Guitar(steel)" }, { number: 26, group: "Guitar", label: "Electric Guitar(jazz)" }, { number: 27, group: "Guitar", label: "Electric Guitar(clean)" }, { number: 28, group: "Guitar", label: "Electric Guitar(muted)" }, { number: 29, group: "Guitar", label: "Overdriven Guitar" }, { number: 30, group: "Guitar", label: "Distortion Guitar" }, { number: 31, group: "Guitar", label: "Guitar harmonics" }, { number: 32, group: "Bass", label: "Acoustic Bass" }, { number: 33, group: "Bass", label: "Electric Bass(finger)" }, { number: 34, group: "Bass", label: "Electric Bass(pick)" }, { number: 35, group: "Bass", label: "Fretless Bass" }, { number: 36, group: "Bass", label: "Slap Bass 1" }, { number: 37, group: "Bass", label: "Slap Bass 2" }, { number: 38, group: "Bass", label: "Synth Bass 1" }, { number: 39, group: "Bass", label: "Synth Bass 2" }, { number: 40, group: "Strings", label: "Violin" }, { number: 41, group: "Strings", label: "Viola" }, { number: 42, group: "Strings", label: "Cello" }, { number: 43, group: "Strings", label: "Contrabass" }, { number: 44, group: "Strings", label: "Tremolo Strings" }, { number: 45, group: "Strings", label: "Pizzicato Strings" }, { number: 46, group: "Strings", label: "Orchestral Harp" }, { number: 47, group: "Strings", label: "Timpani" }, { number: 48, group: "Strings (continued)", label: "String Ensemble 1" }, { number: 49, group: "Strings (continued)", label: "String Ensemble 2" }, { number: 50, group: "Strings (continued)", label: "Synth Strings 1" }, { number: 51, group: "Strings (continued)", label: "Synth Strings 2" }, { number: 52, group: "Strings (continued)", label: "Choir Aahs" }, { number: 53, group: "Strings (continued)", label: "Voice Oohs" }, { number: 54, group: "Strings (continued)", label: "Synth Voice" }, { number: 55, group: "Strings (continued)", label: "Orchestra Hit" }, { number: 56, group: "Brass", label: "Trumpet" }, { number: 57, group: "Brass", label: "Trombone" }, { number: 58, group: "Brass", label: "Tuba" }, { number: 59, group: "Brass", label: "Muted Trumpet" }, { number: 60, group: "Brass", label: "French Horn" }, { number: 61, group: "Brass", label: "Brass Section" }, { number: 62, group: "Brass", label: "Synth Brass 1" }, { number: 63, group: "Brass", label: "Synth Brass 2" }, { number: 64, group: "Reed", label: "Soprano Sax" }, { number: 65, group: "Reed", label: "Alto Sax" }, { number: 66, group: "Reed", label: "Tenor Sax" }, { number: 67, group: "Reed", label: "Baritone Sax" }, { number: 68, group: "Reed", label: "Oboe" }, { number: 69, group: "Reed", label: "English Horn" }, { number: 70, group: "Reed", label: "Bassoon" }, { number: 71, group: "Reed", label: "Clarinet" }, { number: 72, group: "Pipe", label: "Piccolo" }, { number: 73, group: "Pipe", label: "Flute" }, { number: 74, group: "Pipe", label: "Recorder" }, { number: 75, group: "Pipe", label: "Pan Flute" }, { number: 76, group: "Pipe", label: "Blown Bottle" }, { number: 77, group: "Pipe", label: "Shakuhachi" }, { number: 78, group: "Pipe", label: "Whistle" }, { number: 79, group: "Pipe", label: "Ocarina" }, { number: 80, group: "Synth Lead", label: "Lead 1(square)" }, { number: 81, group: "Synth Lead", label: "Lead 2(sawtooth)" }, { number: 82, group: "Synth Lead", label: "Lead 3(calliope)" }, { number: 83, group: "Synth Lead", label: "Lead 4(chiff)" }, { number: 84, group: "Synth Lead", label: "Lead 5(charang)" }, { number: 85, group: "Synth Lead", label: "Lead 6(voice)" }, { number: 86, group: "Synth Lead", label: "Lead 7(fifths)" }, { number: 87, group: "Synth Lead", label: "Lead 8(bass + lead)" }, { number: 88, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Pad 1(new age)" }, { number: 89, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Pad 2(warm)" }, { number: 90, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Pad 3(polysynth)" }, { number: 91, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Pad 4(choir)" }, { number: 92, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Pad 5(bowed)" }, { number: 93, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Pad 6(metallic)" }, { number: 94, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Pad 7(halo)" }, { number: 95, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Pad 8(sweep)" }, { number: 96, group: "Synth Effects", label: "FX 1(rain)" }, { number: 97, group: "Synth Effects", label: "FX 2(soundtrack)" }, { number: 98, group: "Synth Effects", label: "FX 3(crystal)" }, { number: 99, group: "Synth Effects", label: "FX 4(atmosphere)" }, { number: 100, group: "Synth Effects", label: "FX 5(brightness)" }, { number: 101, group: "Synth Effects", label: "FX 6(goblins)" }, { number: 102, group: "Synth Effects", label: "FX 7(echoes)" }, { number: 103, group: "Synth Effects", label: "FX 8(sci-fi)" }, { number: 104, group: "Ethnic", label: "Sitar" }, { number: 105, group: "Ethnic", label: "Banjo" }, { number: 106, group: "Ethnic", label: "Shamisen" }, { number: 107, group: "Ethnic", label: "Koto" }, { number: 108, group: "Ethnic", label: "Kalimba" }, { number: 109, group: "Ethnic", label: "Bag pipe" }, { number: 110, group: "Ethnic", label: "Fiddle" }, { number: 111, group: "Ethnic", label: "Shanai" }, { number: 112, group: "Percussive", label: "Tinkle Bell" }, { number: 113, group: "Percussive", label: "Agogo" }, { number: 114, group: "Percussive", label: "Steel Drums" }, { number: 115, group: "Percussive", label: "Woodblock" }, { number: 116, group: "Percussive", label: "Taiko Drum" }, { number: 117, group: "Percussive", label: "Melodic Tom" }, { number: 118, group: "Percussive", label: "Synth Drum" }, { number: 119, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Reverse Cymbal" }, { number: 120, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Guitar Fret Noise" }, { number: 121, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Breath Noise" }, { number: 122, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Seashore" }, { number: 123, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Bird Tweet" }, { number: 124, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Telephone Ring" }, { number: 125, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Helicopter" }, { number: 126, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Applause" }, { number: 127, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Gunshot" } ]; var MIDI_INSTRUMENTS_LEV2 = [ { number: 1, subnumber: 0, group: "Piano", label: "Acoustic Grand Piano" }, { number: 1, subnumber: 1, group: "Piano", label: "Wide Acoustic Grand" }, { number: 1, subnumber: 2, group: "Piano", label: "Dark Acoustic Grand" }, { number: 2, subnumber: 0, group: "Piano", label: "Bright Acoustic Piano" }, { number: 2, subnumber: 1, group: "Piano", label: "Wide Bright Acoustic" }, { number: 3, subnumber: 0, group: "Piano", label: "Electric Grand Piano" }, { number: 3, subnumber: 1, group: "Piano", label: "Wide Electric Grand" }, { number: 4, subnumber: 0, group: "Piano", label: "Honky-tonk Piano" }, { number: 4, subnumber: 1, group: "Piano", label: "Wide Honky-tonk" }, { number: 5, subnumber: 0, group: "Piano", label: "Rhodes Piano" }, { number: 5, subnumber: 1, group: "Piano", label: "Detuned Electric Piano 1" }, { number: 5, subnumber: 2, group: "Piano", label: "Electric Piano 1 Variation" }, { number: 5, subnumber: 3, group: "Piano", label: "60's Electric Piano" }, { number: 6, subnumber: 0, group: "Piano", label: "Chorused Electric Piano" }, { number: 6, subnumber: 1, group: "Piano", label: "Detuned Electric Piano 2" }, { number: 6, subnumber: 2, group: "Piano", label: "Electric Piano 2 Variation" }, { number: 6, subnumber: 3, group: "Piano", label: "Electric Piano Legend" }, { number: 6, subnumber: 4, group: "Piano", label: "Electric Piano Phase" }, { number: 7, subnumber: 0, group: "Piano", label: "Harpsichord" }, { number: 7, subnumber: 1, group: "Piano", label: "Coupled Harpsichord" }, { number: 7, subnumber: 2, group: "Piano", label: "Wide Harpsichord" }, { number: 7, subnumber: 3, group: "Piano", label: "Open Harpsichord" }, { number: 8, subnumber: 0, group: "Piano", label: "Clavinet" }, { number: 8, subnumber: 1, group: "Piano", label: "Pulse Clavinet" }, { number: 9, subnumber: 0, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Celesta" }, { number: 10, subnumber: 0, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Glockenspiel" }, { number: 11, subnumber: 0, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Music Box" }, { number: 12, subnumber: 0, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Vibraphone" }, { number: 12, subnumber: 1, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Wet Vibraphone" }, { number: 13, subnumber: 0, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Marimba" }, { number: 13, subnumber: 1, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Wide Marimba" }, { number: 14, subnumber: 0, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Xylophone" }, { number: 15, subnumber: 0, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Tubular Bells" }, { number: 15, subnumber: 1, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Church Bells" }, { number: 15, subnumber: 2, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Carillon" }, { number: 16, subnumber: 0, group: "Chromatic Percussion", label: "Dulcimer / Santur" }, { number: 17, subnumber: 0, group: "Organ", label: "Hammond Organ" }, { number: 17, subnumber: 1, group: "Organ", label: "Detuned Organ 1" }, { number: 17, subnumber: 2, group: "Organ", label: "60's Organ 1" }, { number: 17, subnumber: 3, group: "Organ", label: "Organ 4" }, { number: 18, subnumber: 0, group: "Organ", label: "Percussive Organ" }, { number: 18, subnumber: 1, group: "Organ", label: "Detuned Organ 2" }, { number: 18, subnumber: 2, group: "Organ", label: "Organ 5" }, { number: 19, subnumber: 0, group: "Organ", label: "Rock Organ" }, { number: 20, subnumber: 0, group: "Organ", label: "Church Organ 1" }, { number: 20, subnumber: 1, group: "Organ", label: "Church Organ 2" }, { number: 20, subnumber: 2, group: "Organ", label: "Church Organ 3" }, { number: 21, subnumber: 0, group: "Organ", label: "Reed Organ" }, { number: 21, subnumber: 1, group: "Organ", label: "Puff Organ" }, { number: 22, subnumber: 0, group: "Organ", label: "French Accordion" }, { number: 22, subnumber: 1, group: "Organ", label: "Italian Accordion" }, { number: 23, subnumber: 0, group: "Organ", label: "Harmonica" }, { number: 24, subnumber: 0, group: "Organ", label: "Bandoneon" }, { number: 25, subnumber: 0, group: "Guitar", label: "Nylon-String Guitar" }, { number: 25, subnumber: 1, group: "Guitar", label: "Ukelele" }, { number: 25, subnumber: 2, group: "Guitar", label: "Open Nylon Guitar" }, { number: 25, subnumber: 3, group: "Guitar", label: "Nylon Guitar 2" }, { number: 26, subnumber: 0, group: "Guitar", label: "Steel-String Guitar" }, { number: 26, subnumber: 1, group: "Guitar", label: "12-String Guitar" }, { number: 26, subnumber: 2, group: "Guitar", label: "Mandolin" }, { number: 26, subnumber: 3, group: "Guitar", label: "Steel + Body" }, { number: 27, subnumber: 0, group: "Guitar", label: "Jazz Guitar" }, { number: 27, subnumber: 1, group: "Guitar", label: "Hawaiian Guitar" }, { number: 28, subnumber: 0, group: "Guitar", label: "Clean Electric Guitar" }, { number: 28, subnumber: 1, group: "Guitar", label: "Chorus Guitar" }, { number: 28, subnumber: 2, group: "Guitar", label: "Mid Tone Guitar" }, { number: 29, subnumber: 0, group: "Guitar", label: "Muted Electric Guitar" }, { number: 29, subnumber: 1, group: "Guitar", label: "Funk Guitar" }, { number: 29, subnumber: 2, group: "Guitar", label: "Funk Guitar 2" }, { number: 29, subnumber: 3, group: "Guitar", label: "Jazz Man" }, { number: 30, subnumber: 0, group: "Guitar", label: "Overdriven Guitar" }, { number: 30, subnumber: 1, group: "Guitar", label: "Guitar Pinch" }, { number: 31, subnumber: 0, group: "Guitar", label: "Distortion Guitar" }, { number: 31, subnumber: 1, group: "Guitar", label: "Feedback Guitar" }, { number: 31, subnumber: 2, group: "Guitar", label: "Distortion Rtm Guitar" }, { number: 32, subnumber: 0, group: "Guitar", label: "Guitar Harmonics" }, { number: 32, subnumber: 1, group: "Guitar", label: "Guitar Feedback" }, { number: 33, subnumber: 0, group: "Bass", label: "Acoustic Bass" }, { number: 34, subnumber: 0, group: "Bass", label: "Fingered Bass" }, { number: 34, subnumber: 1, group: "Bass", label: "Finger Slap" }, { number: 35, subnumber: 0, group: "Bass", label: "Picked Bass" }, { number: 36, subnumber: 0, group: "Bass", label: "Fretless Bass" }, { number: 37, subnumber: 0, group: "Bass", label: "Slap Bass 1" }, { number: 38, subnumber: 0, group: "Bass", label: "Slap Bass 2" }, { number: 39, subnumber: 0, group: "Bass", label: "Synth Bass 1" }, { number: 39, subnumber: 1, group: "Bass", label: "Synth Bass 101" }, { number: 39, subnumber: 2, group: "Bass", label: "Synth Bass 3" }, { number: 39, subnumber: 3, group: "Bass", label: "Clavi Bass" }, { number: 39, subnumber: 4, group: "Bass", label: "Hammer" }, { number: 40, subnumber: 0, group: "Bass", label: "Synth Bass 2" }, { number: 40, subnumber: 1, group: "Bass", label: "Synth Bass 4" }, { number: 40, subnumber: 2, group: "Bass", label: "Rubber Bass" }, { number: 40, subnumber: 3, group: "Bass", label: "Attack Pulse" }, { number: 41, subnumber: 0, group: "Strings", label: "Violin" }, { number: 41, subnumber: 1, group: "Strings", label: "Slow Violin" }, { number: 42, subnumber: 0, group: "Strings", label: "Viola" }, { number: 43, subnumber: 0, group: "Strings", label: "Cello" }, { number: 44, subnumber: 0, group: "Strings", label: "Contrabass" }, { number: 45, subnumber: 0, group: "Strings", label: "Tremolo Strings" }, { number: 46, subnumber: 0, group: "Strings", label: "Pizzicato Strings" }, { number: 47, subnumber: 0, group: "Strings", label: "Harp" }, { number: 47, subnumber: 1, group: "Strings", label: "Yang Qin" }, { number: 48, subnumber: 0, group: "Strings", label: "Timpani" }, { number: 49, subnumber: 0, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "String Ensemble" }, { number: 49, subnumber: 1, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "Orchestra Strings" }, { number: 49, subnumber: 2, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "60's Strings" }, { number: 50, subnumber: 0, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "Slow String Ensemble" }, { number: 51, subnumber: 0, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "Synth Strings 1" }, { number: 51, subnumber: 1, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "Synth Strings 3" }, { number: 52, subnumber: 0, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "Synth Strings 2" }, { number: 53, subnumber: 0, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "Choir Aahs" }, { number: 53, subnumber: 1, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "Choir Aahs 2" }, { number: 54, subnumber: 0, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "Voice Oohs" }, { number: 54, subnumber: 1, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "Humming" }, { number: 55, subnumber: 0, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "Synth Voice" }, { number: 55, subnumber: 1, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "Analog Voice" }, { number: 56, subnumber: 0, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "Orchestra Hit" }, { number: 56, subnumber: 1, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "Bass Hit" }, { number: 56, subnumber: 2, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "6th Hit" }, { number: 56, subnumber: 3, group: "Orchestral Ensemble", label: "Euro Hit" }, { number: 57, subnumber: 0, group: "Brass", label: "Trumpet" }, { number: 57, subnumber: 1, group: "Brass", label: "Dark Trumpet" }, { number: 58, subnumber: 0, group: "Brass", label: "Trombone" }, { number: 58, subnumber: 1, group: "Brass", label: "Trombone 2" }, { number: 58, subnumber: 2, group: "Brass", label: "Bright Trombone" }, { number: 59, subnumber: 0, group: "Brass", label: "Tuba" }, { number: 60, subnumber: 0, group: "Brass", label: "Muted Trumpet" }, { number: 60, subnumber: 1, group: "Brass", label: "Muted Trumpet 2" }, { number: 61, subnumber: 0, group: "Brass", label: "French Horn" }, { number: 61, subnumber: 1, group: "Brass", label: "French Horn 2" }, { number: 62, subnumber: 0, group: "Brass", label: "Brass Section" }, { number: 62, subnumber: 1, group: "Brass", label: "Brass Section" }, { number: 63, subnumber: 0, group: "Brass", label: "Synth Brass 1" }, { number: 63, subnumber: 1, group: "Brass", label: "Synth Brass 3" }, { number: 63, subnumber: 2, group: "Brass", label: "Analog Brass 1" }, { number: 63, subnumber: 3, group: "Brass", label: "Jump Brass" }, { number: 64, subnumber: 0, group: "Brass", label: "Synth Brass 2" }, { number: 64, subnumber: 1, group: "Brass", label: "Synth Brass 4" }, { number: 64, subnumber: 2, group: "Brass", label: "Analog Brass 2" }, { number: 65, subnumber: 0, group: "Reed", label: "Soprano Sax" }, { number: 66, subnumber: 0, group: "Reed", label: "Alto Sax" }, { number: 67, subnumber: 0, group: "Reed", label: "Tenor Sax" }, { number: 68, subnumber: 0, group: "Reed", label: "Baritone Sax" }, { number: 69, subnumber: 0, group: "Reed", label: "Oboe" }, { number: 70, subnumber: 0, group: "Reed", label: "English Horn" }, { number: 71, subnumber: 0, group: "Reed", label: "Bassoon" }, { number: 72, subnumber: 0, group: "Reed", label: "Clarinet" }, { number: 73, subnumber: 0, group: "Wind", label: "Piccolo" }, { number: 74, subnumber: 0, group: "Wind", label: "Flute" }, { number: 75, subnumber: 0, group: "Wind", label: "Recorder" }, { number: 76, subnumber: 0, group: "Wind", label: "Pan Flute" }, { number: 77, subnumber: 0, group: "Wind", label: "Blown Bottle" }, { number: 78, subnumber: 0, group: "Wind", label: "Shakuhachi" }, { number: 79, subnumber: 0, group: "Wind", label: "Whistle" }, { number: 80, subnumber: 0, group: "Wind", label: "Ocarina" }, { number: 81, subnumber: 0, group: "Lead", label: "Square Lead" }, { number: 81, subnumber: 1, group: "Lead", label: "Square Wave" }, { number: 81, subnumber: 2, group: "Lead", label: "Sine Wave" }, { number: 82, subnumber: 0, group: "Lead", label: "Saw Lead" }, { number: 82, subnumber: 1, group: "Lead", label: "Saw Wave" }, { number: 82, subnumber: 2, group: "Lead", label: "Doctor Solo" }, { number: 82, subnumber: 3, group: "Lead", label: "Natural Lead" }, { number: 82, subnumber: 4, group: "Lead", label: "Sequenced Saw" }, { number: 83, subnumber: 0, group: "Lead", label: "Synth Calliope" }, { number: 84, subnumber: 0, group: "Lead", label: "Chiffer Lead" }, { number: 85, subnumber: 0, group: "Lead", label: "Charang" }, { number: 85, subnumber: 1, group: "Lead", label: "Wire Lead" }, { number: 86, subnumber: 0, group: "Lead", label: "Solo Synth Vox" }, { number: 87, subnumber: 0, group: "Lead", label: "5th Saw Wave" }, { number: 88, subnumber: 0, group: "Lead", label: "Bass & Lead" }, { number: 88, subnumber: 1, group: "Lead", label: "Delayed Lead" }, { number: 89, subnumber: 0, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Fantasia Pad" }, { number: 90, subnumber: 0, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Warm Pad" }, { number: 90, subnumber: 1, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Sine Pad" }, { number: 91, subnumber: 0, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Polysynth Pad" }, { number: 92, subnumber: 0, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Space Voice Pad" }, { number: 92, subnumber: 1, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Itopia" }, { number: 93, subnumber: 0, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Bowed Glass Pad" }, { number: 94, subnumber: 0, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Metal Pad" }, { number: 95, subnumber: 0, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Halo Pad" }, { number: 96, subnumber: 0, group: "Synth Pad", label: "Sweep Pad" }, { number: 97, subnumber: 0, group: "Synth Effects", label: "Ice Rain" }, { number: 98, subnumber: 0, group: "Synth Effects", label: "Soundtrack" }, { number: 99, subnumber: 0, group: "Synth Effects", label: "Crystal" }, { number: 99, subnumber: 1, group: "Synth Effects", label: "Synth Mallet" }, { number: 100, subnumber: 0, group: "Synth Effects", label: "Atmosphere" }, { number: 101, subnumber: 0, group: "Synth Effects", label: "Brightness" }, { number: 102, subnumber: 0, group: "Synth Effects", label: "Goblin" }, { number: 103, subnumber: 0, group: "Synth Effects", label: "Echo Drops" }, { number: 103, subnumber: 1, group: "Synth Effects", label: "Echo Bell" }, { number: 103, subnumber: 2, group: "Synth Effects", label: "Echo Pan" }, { number: 104, subnumber: 0, group: "Synth Effects", label: "Star Theme" }, { number: 105, subnumber: 0, group: "Ethnic", label: "Sitar" }, { number: 105, subnumber: 1, group: "Ethnic", label: "Sitar 2" }, { number: 106, subnumber: 0, group: "Ethnic", label: "Banjo" }, { number: 107, subnumber: 0, group: "Ethnic", label: "Shamisen" }, { number: 108, subnumber: 0, group: "Ethnic", label: "Koto" }, { number: 108, subnumber: 1, group: "Ethnic", label: "Taisho Koto" }, { number: 109, subnumber: 0, group: "Ethnic", label: "Kalimba" }, { number: 110, subnumber: 0, group: "Ethnic", label: "Bagpipe" }, { number: 111, subnumber: 0, group: "Ethnic", label: "Fiddle" }, { number: 112, subnumber: 0, group: "Ethnic", label: "Shanai" }, { number: 113, subnumber: 0, group: "Percussive", label: "Tinkle Bell" }, { number: 114, subnumber: 0, group: "Percussive", label: "Agogo" }, { number: 115, subnumber: 0, group: "Percussive", label: "Steel Drums" }, { number: 116, subnumber: 0, group: "Percussive", label: "Woodblock" }, { number: 116, subnumber: 1, group: "Percussive", label: "Castanets" }, { number: 117, subnumber: 0, group: "Percussive", label: "Taiko Drum" }, { number: 117, subnumber: 1, group: "Percussive", label: "Concert Bass Drum" }, { number: 118, subnumber: 0, group: "Percussive", label: "Melodic Tom 1" }, { number: 118, subnumber: 1, group: "Percussive", label: "Melodic Tom 2" }, { number: 119, subnumber: 0, group: "Percussive", label: "Synth Drum" }, { number: 119, subnumber: 1, group: "Percussive", label: "808 Tom" }, { number: 119, subnumber: 2, group: "Percussive", label: "Electric Percussion" }, { number: 120, subnumber: 0, group: "Percussive", label: "Reverse Cymbal" }, { number: 121, subnumber: 0, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Guitar Fret Noise" }, { number: 121, subnumber: 1, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Guitar Cut Noise" }, { number: 121, subnumber: 2, group: "Sound Effects", label: "String Slap" }, { number: 122, subnumber: 0, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Breath Noise" }, { number: 122, subnumber: 1, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Flute Key Click" }, { number: 123, subnumber: 0, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Seashore" }, { number: 123, subnumber: 1, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Rain" }, { number: 123, subnumber: 2, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Thunder" }, { number: 123, subnumber: 3, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Wind" }, { number: 123, subnumber: 4, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Stream" }, { number: 123, subnumber: 5, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Bubble" }, { number: 124, subnumber: 0, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Bird Tweet" }, { number: 124, subnumber: 1, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Dog" }, { number: 124, subnumber: 2, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Horse Gallop" }, { number: 124, subnumber: 3, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Bird 2" }, { number: 125, subnumber: 0, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Telephone 1" }, { number: 125, subnumber: 1, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Telephone 2" }, { number: 125, subnumber: 2, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Door Creaking" }, { number: 125, subnumber: 3, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Door Closing" }, { number: 125, subnumber: 4, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Scratch" }, { number: 125, subnumber: 5, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Wind Chimes" }, { number: 126, subnumber: 0, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Helicopter" }, { number: 126, subnumber: 1, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Car Engine" }, { number: 126, subnumber: 2, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Car Stop" }, { number: 126, subnumber: 3, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Car Pass" }, { number: 126, subnumber: 4, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Car Crash" }, { number: 126, subnumber: 5, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Siren" }, { number: 126, subnumber: 6, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Train" }, { number: 126, subnumber: 7, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Jetplane" }, { number: 126, subnumber: 8, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Starship" }, { number: 126, subnumber: 9, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Burst Noise" }, { number: 127, subnumber: 0, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Applause" }, { number: 127, subnumber: 1, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Laughing" }, { number: 127, subnumber: 2, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Screaming" }, { number: 127, subnumber: 3, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Punch" }, { number: 127, subnumber: 4, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Heart Beat" }, { number: 127, subnumber: 5, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Footsteps" }, { number: 128, subnumber: 0, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Gun Shot" }, { number: 128, subnumber: 1, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Machine Gun" }, { number: 128, subnumber: 2, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Lasergun" }, { number: 128, subnumber: 3, group: "Sound Effects", label: "Explosion" } ]; var GENERAL_MIDI_DRUM_NOTE_NUMBERS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [27, "High Q(GM2)"], [28, "Slap(GM2)"], [29, "Scratch Push(GM2)"], [30, "Scratch Pull(GM2)"], [31, "Sticks(GM2)"], [32, "Square Click(GM2)"], [33, "Metronome Click(GM2)"], [34, "Metronome Bell(GM2)"], [35, "Bass Drum 2"], [36, "Bass Drum 1"], [37, "Side Stick"], [38, "Snare Drum 1"], [39, "Hand Clap"], [40, "Snare Drum 2"], [41, "Low Tom 2"], [42, "Closed Hi-hat"], [43, "Low Tom 1"], [44, "Pedal Hi-hat"], [45, "Mid Tom 2"], [46, "Open Hi-hat"], [47, "Mid Tom 1"], [48, "High Tom 2"], [49, "Crash Cymbal 1"], [50, "High Tom 1"], [51, "Ride Cymbal 1"], [52, "Chinese Cymbal"], [53, "Ride Bell"], [54, "Tambourine"], [55, "Splash Cymbal"], [56, "Cowbell"], [57, "Crash Cymbal 2"], [58, "Vibra Slap"], [59, "Ride Cymbal 2"], [60, "High Bongo"], [61, "Low Bongo"], [62, "Mute High Conga"], [63, "Open High Conga"], [64, "Low Conga"], [65, "High Timbale"], [66, "Low Timbale"], [67, "High Agogo"], [68, "Low Agogo"], [69, "Cabasa"], [70, "Maracas"], [71, "Short Whistle"], [72, "Long Whistle"], [73, "Short Guiro"], [74, "Long Guiro"], [75, "Claves"], [76, "High Wood Block"], [77, "Low Wood Block"], [78, "Mute Cuica"], [79, "Open Cuica"], [80, "Mute Triangle"], [81, "Open Triangle"], [82, "Shaker(GM2)"], [83, "Jingle Bell(GM2)"], [84, "Belltree(GM2)"], [85, "Castanets(GM2)"], [86, "Mute Surdo(GM2)"], [87, "Open Surdo(GM2)"] ]); var MIDI_NOTE_RANGES = [ { instrNr: 40, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Violin", min: 55, max: 103 }, { instrNr: 41, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Viola", min: 48, max: 91 }, { instrNr: 42, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Cello", min: 36, max: 76 }, { instrNr: -1, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Double Bass", min: 28, max: 67 }, { instrNr: -1, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Bass Guitar", min: 28, max: 67 }, { instrNr: -1, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Acoustic Guitar", min: 40, max: 88 }, { instrNr: 58, nrL2: 59, subNrL2: 0, label: "Tuba", min: 28, max: 58 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Bass Trombone", min: 34, max: 67 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "French Horn", min: 34, max: 77 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Trombone", min: 40, max: 72 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Trumpet", min: 55, max: 82 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Piccolo", min: 74, max: 102 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Flute", min: 60, max: 96 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Oboe", min: 58, max: 91 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Alto Flute", min: 55, max: 91 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Cor Anglais (English Horn)", min: 52, max: 81 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Clarinet", min: 50, max: 94 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Bass Clarinet", min: 38, max: 77 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Bassoon", min: 34, max: 75 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Contrabassoon", min: 22, max: 53 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Soprano Recorder", min: 72, max: 98 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Alto Recorder", min: 65, max: 91 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Tenor Recorder", min: 60, max: 86 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Bass Recorder", min: 53, max: 79 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Baritone Sax", min: 36, max: 69 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Tenor Sax", min: 44, max: 76 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Alto Sax", min: 49, max: 81 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Soprano Sax", min: 56, max: 88 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Glockenspiel", min: 79, max: 108 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Xylophone", min: 65, max: 108 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Vibraphone", min: 53, max: 89 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Marimba", min: 45, max: 96 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Bass Marimba", min: 33, max: 81 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Celeste", min: 60, max: 108 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Tubular Bells", min: 60, max: 77 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Timpani", min: 40, max: 55 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Harpsichord", min: 29, max: 89 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Kalimba", min: 60, max: 88 }, { instrNr: 0, nrL2: -1, subNrL2: -1, label: "Harp", min: 24, max: 103 } ]; for (const note2 of MIDI_NOTES) { MidiNoteByPitch.set(note2.pitch, note2); MidiNoteByLabel.set(note2.label, note2); } for (const instrument of MIDI_INSTRUMENTS) { MidiInstrumentByNumber.set(instrument.number, instrument); } for (const instrument of MIDI_INSTRUMENTS_LEV2) { const key = `${instrument.number}-${instrument.subnumber}`; MidiInstrumentByNumberLev2.set(key, instrument); } // src/types/Note.js var Note = class { constructor(pitch = 0, start2 = 0, velocity = 127, channel = 0, end = null) { if (pitch < 0 || pitch > 127) { throw new Error(`Invalid pitch ${pitch}`); } try { = getMidiNoteByNr(pitch).label; } catch { throw new Error(`Invalid pitch ${pitch}`); } this.pitch = pitch; this.start = start2; this.velocity = velocity; = channel; this.end = end; } static from(object) { let { pitch = 0, start: start2 = 0, velocity = 127, channel = 0, end = null, duration = null } = object; if (typeof pitch === "string" && Number.isNaN(+pitch)) { const note2 = getMidiNoteByLabel(pitch); if (note2 === null || note2 === void 0) { throw new Error("Invalid pitch for Note.from()"); } pitch = note2.pitch; } if ((end === void 0 || end === null) && duration !== null && !Number.isNaN(duration)) { end = start2 + duration; } return new Note(pitch, start2, velocity, channel, end); } static startPitchComparator(a, b) { return a.start !== b.start ? a.start - b.start : a.pitch - b.pitch; } clone() { return new Note(this.pitch, this.start, this.velocity,, this.end); } getDuration() { if (this.end === null) { return 0; } return this.end - this.start; } getName() { return; } getLetter() { return getMidiNoteByNr(this.pitch).name; } getOctave() { return getMidiNoteByNr(this.pitch).octave; } shiftTime(addedSeconds) { const n = this.clone(); n.start += addedSeconds; n.end = n.end === null ? null : n.end + addedSeconds; return n; } scaleTime(factor) { const n = this.clone(); n.start *= factor; n.end = n.end === null ? null : n.end * factor; return n; } overlapsInTime(otherNote) { return this.start >= otherNote.start && this.start <= otherNote.end || this.end >= otherNote.start && this.end <= otherNote.end; } overlapInSeconds(otherNote) { if (!this.overlapsInTime(otherNote)) { return 0; } const laterStart = Math.max(this.start, otherNote.start); const earlierEnd = Math.min(this.end, otherNote.end); return earlierEnd - laterStart; } equals(otherNote) { if (!(otherNote instanceof Note)) { return false; } return this.pitch === otherNote.pitch && this.start === otherNote.start && this.velocity === otherNote.velocity && === && this.end === otherNote.end; } toString(short = false) { if (short) { return `Note(n: ${}, p: ${this.pitch}, s: ${this.start}, e: ${this.end}, v: ${this.velocity}, c: ${})`; } return `Note(name: ${}, pitch: ${this.pitch}, start: ${this.start}, end: ${this.end}, velocity: ${this.velocity}, channel: ${})`; } }; var Note_default = Note; // src/types/GuitarNote.js var GuitarNote = class extends Note_default { constructor(pitch = 0, start2 = 0, velocity = 127, channel = 0, end = null, string = null, fret = null) { super(pitch, start2, velocity, channel, end); this.string = string; this.fret = fret; } static from(object) { let { pitch = 0, start: start2 = 0, velocity = 127, channel = 0, end = null, string = null, fret = null } = object; if (typeof pitch === "string" && Number.isNaN(+pitch)) { const note2 = getMidiNoteByLabel(pitch); if (note2 === null || note2 === void 0) { throw new Error("Invalid pitch for GuitarNote.from()"); } pitch = note2.pitch; } return new GuitarNote(pitch, start2, velocity, channel, end, string, fret); } static fromNote(note2, string, fret) { return new GuitarNote(note2.pitch, note2.start, note2.velocity,, note2.end, string, fret); } toNote() { return new Note_default(this.pitch, this.start, this.velocity,, this.end); } clone() { return new GuitarNote(this.pitch, this.start, this.velocity,, this.end, this.string, this.fret); } equals(otherNote) { if (!(otherNote instanceof GuitarNote)) { return false; } return this.pitch === otherNote.pitch && this.start === otherNote.start && this.velocity === otherNote.velocity && === && this.end === otherNote.end && this.string === otherNote.string && this.fret === otherNote.fret; } toString(short = false) { if (short) { return `GuitarNote(n: ${}, p: ${this.pitch}, s: ${this.start}, e: ${this.end}, v: ${this.velocity}, c: ${}, s: ${this.string}, f: ${this.fret})`; } return `GuitarNote(name: ${}, pitch: ${this.pitch}, start: ${this.start}, end: ${this.end}, velocity: ${this.velocity}, channel: ${}, string: ${this.string}, fret: ${this.fret})`; } }; var GuitarNote_default = GuitarNote; // src/types/HarmonicaNote.js var HarmonicaNote = class extends Note_default { constructor(pitch = 0, start2 = 0, velocity = 127, channel = 0, end = null, hole = null, instruction = null) { super(pitch, start2, velocity, channel, end); this.hole = hole; this.instruction = instruction; } static from(object) { let { pitch = 0, start: start2 = 0, velocity = 127, channel = 0, end = null, hole = null, instruction = null } = object; if (typeof pitch === "string" && Number.isNaN(+pitch)) { const note2 = getMidiNoteByLabel(pitch); if (note2 === null || note2 === void 0) { throw new Error("Invalid pitch for HarmonicaNote.from()"); } pitch = note2.pitch; } return new HarmonicaNote(pitch, start2, velocity, channel, end, hole, instruction); } static fromNote(note2, hole, instruction) { return new HarmonicaNote(note2.pitch, note2.start, note2.velocity,, note2.end, hole, instruction); } toNote() { return new Note_default(this.pitch, this.start, this.velocity,, this.end); } clone() { return new HarmonicaNote(this.pitch, this.start, this.velocity,, this.end, this.hole, this.instruction); } equals(otherNote) { if (!(otherNote instanceof HarmonicaNote)) { return false; } return this.pitch === otherNote.pitch && this.start === otherNote.start && this.velocity === otherNote.velocity && === && this.end === otherNote.end && this.hole === otherNote.hole && this.instruction === otherNote.instruction; } toString(short = false) { if (short) { return `HarmonicaNote(n: ${}, p: ${this.pitch}, s: ${this.start}, e: ${this.end}, v: ${this.velocity}, c: ${}, h: ${this.hole}, i: ${this.instruction})`; } return `HarmonicaNote(name: ${}, pitch: ${this.pitch}, start: ${this.start}, end: ${this.end}, velocity: ${this.velocity}, channel: ${}, hole: ${this.hole}, instruction: ${this.instruction})`; } }; var HarmonicaNote_default = HarmonicaNote; // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/ascending.js function ascending_default(a, b) { return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : a >= b ? 0 : NaN; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/bisector.js function bisector_default(f) { let delta = f; let compare = f; if (f.length === 1) { delta = (d, x) => f(d) - x; compare = ascendingComparator(f); } function left(a, x, lo, hi) { if (lo == null) lo = 0; if (hi == null) hi = a.length; while (lo < hi) { const mid = lo + hi >>> 1; if (compare(a[mid], x) < 0) lo = mid + 1; else hi = mid; } return lo; } function right(a, x, lo, hi) { if (lo == null) lo = 0; if (hi == null) hi = a.length; while (lo < hi) { const mid = lo + hi >>> 1; if (compare(a[mid], x) > 0) hi = mid; else lo = mid + 1; } return lo; } function center(a, x, lo, hi) { if (lo == null) lo = 0; if (hi == null) hi = a.length; const i = left(a, x, lo, hi - 1); return i > lo && delta(a[i - 1], x) > -delta(a[i], x) ? i - 1 : i; } return { left, center, right }; } function ascendingComparator(f) { return (d, x) => ascending_default(f(d), x); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/number.js function number_default(x) { return x === null ? NaN : +x; } function* numbers(values, valueof) { if (valueof === void 0) { for (let value of values) { if (value != null && (value = +value) >= value) { yield value; } } } else { let index16 = -1; for (let value of values) { if ((value = valueof(value, ++index16, values)) != null && (value = +value) >= value) { yield value; } } } } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/bisect.js var ascendingBisect = bisector_default(ascending_default); var bisectRight = ascendingBisect.right; var bisectLeft = ascendingBisect.left; var bisectCenter = bisector_default(number_default).center; var bisect_default = bisectRight; // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/variance.js function variance(values, valueof) { let count2 = 0; let delta; let mean2 = 0; let sum = 0; if (valueof === void 0) { for (let value of values) { if (value != null && (value = +value) >= value) { delta = value - mean2; mean2 += delta / ++count2; sum += delta * (value - mean2); } } } else { let index16 = -1; for (let value of values) { if ((value = valueof(value, ++index16, values)) != null && (value = +value) >= value) { delta = value - mean2; mean2 += delta / ++count2; sum += delta * (value - mean2); } } } if (count2 > 1) return sum / (count2 - 1); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/deviation.js function deviation(values, valueof) { const v = variance(values, valueof); return v ? Math.sqrt(v) : v; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/extent.js function extent_default(values, valueof) { let min3; let max3; if (valueof === void 0) { for (const value of values) { if (value != null) { if (min3 === void 0) { if (value >= value) min3 = max3 = value; } else { if (min3 > value) min3 = value; if (max3 < value) max3 = value; } } } } else { let index16 = -1; for (let value of values) { if ((value = valueof(value, ++index16, values)) != null) { if (min3 === void 0) { if (value >= value) min3 = max3 = value; } else { if (min3 > value) min3 = value; if (max3 < value) max3 = value; } } } } return [min3, max3]; } // node_modules/.pnpm/internmap@1.0.1/node_modules/internmap/src/index.js var InternMap = class extends Map { constructor(entries4, key = keyof) { super(); Object.defineProperties(this, { _intern: { value: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() }, _key: { value: key } }); if (entries4 != null) for (const [key2, value] of entries4) this.set(key2, value); } get(key) { return super.get(intern_get(this, key)); } has(key) { return super.has(intern_get(this, key)); } set(key, value) { return super.set(intern_set(this, key), value); } delete(key) { return super.delete(intern_delete(this, key)); } }; function intern_get({ _intern, _key }, value) { const key = _key(value); return _intern.has(key) ? _intern.get(key) : value; } function intern_set({ _intern, _key }, value) { const key = _key(value); if (_intern.has(key)) return _intern.get(key); _intern.set(key, value); return value; } function intern_delete({ _intern, _key }, value) { const key = _key(value); if (_intern.has(key)) { value = _intern.get(value); _intern.delete(key); } return value; } function keyof(value) { return value !== null && typeof value === "object" ? value.valueOf() : value; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/identity.js function identity_default(x) { return x; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/group.js function group(values, ...keys) { return nest(values, identity_default, identity_default, keys); } function nest(values, map2, reduce, keys) { return function regroup(values2, i) { if (i >= keys.length) return reduce(values2); const groups2 = new InternMap(); const keyof2 = keys[i++]; let index16 = -1; for (const value of values2) { const key = keyof2(value, ++index16, values2); const group2 = groups2.get(key); if (group2) group2.push(value); else groups2.set(key, [value]); } for (const [key, values3] of groups2) { groups2.set(key, regroup(values3, i)); } return map2(groups2); }(values, 0); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/ticks.js var e10 = Math.sqrt(50); var e5 = Math.sqrt(10); var e2 = Math.sqrt(2); function ticks_default(start2, stop, count2) { var reverse, i = -1, n, ticks, step; stop = +stop, start2 = +start2, count2 = +count2; if (start2 === stop && count2 > 0) return [start2]; if (reverse = stop < start2) n = start2, start2 = stop, stop = n; if ((step = tickIncrement(start2, stop, count2)) === 0 || !isFinite(step)) return []; if (step > 0) { let r0 = Math.round(start2 / step), r1 = Math.round(stop / step); if (r0 * step < start2) ++r0; if (r1 * step > stop) --r1; ticks = new Array(n = r1 - r0 + 1); while (++i < n) ticks[i] = (r0 + i) * step; } else { step = -step; let r0 = Math.round(start2 * step), r1 = Math.round(stop * step); if (r0 / step < start2) ++r0; if (r1 / step > stop) --r1; ticks = new Array(n = r1 - r0 + 1); while (++i < n) ticks[i] = (r0 + i) / step; } if (reverse) ticks.reverse(); return ticks; } function tickIncrement(start2, stop, count2) { var step = (stop - start2) / Math.max(0, count2), power = Math.floor(Math.log(step) / Math.LN10), error = step / Math.pow(10, power); return power >= 0 ? (error >= e10 ? 10 : error >= e5 ? 5 : error >= e2 ? 2 : 1) * Math.pow(10, power) : -Math.pow(10, -power) / (error >= e10 ? 10 : error >= e5 ? 5 : error >= e2 ? 2 : 1); } function tickStep(start2, stop, count2) { var step0 = Math.abs(stop - start2) / Math.max(0, count2), step1 = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(step0) / Math.LN10)), error = step0 / step1; if (error >= e10) step1 *= 10; else if (error >= e5) step1 *= 5; else if (error >= e2) step1 *= 2; return stop < start2 ? -step1 : step1; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/max.js function max(values, valueof) { let max3; if (valueof === void 0) { for (const value of values) { if (value != null && (max3 < value || max3 === void 0 && value >= value)) { max3 = value; } } } else { let index16 = -1; for (let value of values) { if ((value = valueof(value, ++index16, values)) != null && (max3 < value || max3 === void 0 && value >= value)) { max3 = value; } } } return max3; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/min.js function min(values, valueof) { let min3; if (valueof === void 0) { for (const value of values) { if (value != null && (min3 > value || min3 === void 0 && value >= value)) { min3 = value; } } } else { let index16 = -1; for (let value of values) { if ((value = valueof(value, ++index16, values)) != null && (min3 > value || min3 === void 0 && value >= value)) { min3 = value; } } } return min3; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/quickselect.js function quickselect(array, k, left = 0, right = array.length - 1, compare = ascending_default) { while (right > left) { if (right - left > 600) { const n = right - left + 1; const m = k - left + 1; const z = Math.log(n); const s = 0.5 * Math.exp(2 * z / 3); const sd = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(z * s * (n - s) / n) * (m - n / 2 < 0 ? -1 : 1); const newLeft = Math.max(left, Math.floor(k - m * s / n + sd)); const newRight = Math.min(right, Math.floor(k + (n - m) * s / n + sd)); quickselect(array, k, newLeft, newRight, compare); } const t = array[k]; let i = left; let j = right; swap(array, left, k); if (compare(array[right], t) > 0) swap(array, left, right); while (i < j) { swap(array, i, j), ++i, --j; while (compare(array[i], t) < 0) ++i; while (compare(array[j], t) > 0) --j; } if (compare(array[left], t) === 0) swap(array, left, j); else ++j, swap(array, j, right); if (j <= k) left = j + 1; if (k <= j) right = j - 1; } return array; } function swap(array, i, j) { const t = array[i]; array[i] = array[j]; array[j] = t; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/quantile.js function quantile(values, p, valueof) { values = Float64Array.from(numbers(values, valueof)); if (!(n = values.length)) return; if ((p = +p) <= 0 || n < 2) return min(values); if (p >= 1) return max(values); var n, i = (n - 1) * p, i0 = Math.floor(i), value0 = max(quickselect(values, i0).subarray(0, i0 + 1)), value1 = min(values.subarray(i0 + 1)); return value0 + (value1 - value0) * (i - i0); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/mean.js function mean(values, valueof) { let count2 = 0; let sum = 0; if (valueof === void 0) { for (let value of values) { if (value != null && (value = +value) >= value) { ++count2, sum += value; } } } else { let index16 = -1; for (let value of values) { if ((value = valueof(value, ++index16, values)) != null && (value = +value) >= value) { ++count2, sum += value; } } } if (count2) return sum / count2; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/median.js function median_default(values, valueof) { return quantile(values, 0.5, valueof); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/minIndex.js function minIndex(values, valueof) { let min3; let minIndex2 = -1; let index16 = -1; if (valueof === void 0) { for (const value of values) { ++index16; if (value != null && (min3 > value || min3 === void 0 && value >= value)) { min3 = value, minIndex2 = index16; } } } else { for (let value of values) { if ((value = valueof(value, ++index16, values)) != null && (min3 > value || min3 === void 0 && value >= value)) { min3 = value, minIndex2 = index16; } } } return minIndex2; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/difference.js function difference(values, ...others) { values = new Set(values); for (const other of others) { for (const value of other) { values.delete(value); } } return values; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/set.js function set(values) { return values instanceof Set ? values : new Set(values); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/intersection.js function intersection(values, ...others) { values = new Set(values); others =; out: for (const value of values) { for (const other of others) { if (!other.has(value)) { values.delete(value); continue out; } } } return values; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-array@2.12.1/node_modules/d3-array/src/union.js function union(...others) { const set4 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (const other of others) { for (const o of other) { set4.add(o); } } return set4; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-dispatch@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-dispatch/src/dispatch.js var noop = { value: () => { } }; function dispatch() { for (var i = 0, n = arguments.length, _ = {}, t; i < n; ++i) { if (!(t = arguments[i] + "") || t in _ || /[\s.]/.test(t)) throw new Error("illegal type: " + t); _[t] = []; } return new Dispatch(_); } function Dispatch(_) { this._ = _; } function parseTypenames(typenames, types) { return typenames.trim().split(/^|\s+/).map(function(t) { var name2 = "", i = t.indexOf("."); if (i >= 0) name2 = t.slice(i + 1), t = t.slice(0, i); if (t && !types.hasOwnProperty(t)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + t); return { type: t, name: name2 }; }); } Dispatch.prototype = dispatch.prototype = { constructor: Dispatch, on: function(typename, callback) { var _ = this._, T = parseTypenames(typename + "", _), t, i = -1, n = T.length; if (arguments.length < 2) { while (++i < n) if ((t = (typename = T[i]).type) && (t = get(_[t], return t; return; } if (callback != null && typeof callback !== "function") throw new Error("invalid callback: " + callback); while (++i < n) { if (t = (typename = T[i]).type) _[t] = set2(_[t],, callback); else if (callback == null) for (t in _) _[t] = set2(_[t],, null); } return this; }, copy: function() { var copy2 = {}, _ = this._; for (var t in _) copy2[t] = _[t].slice(); return new Dispatch(copy2); }, call: function(type3, that) { if ((n = arguments.length - 2) > 0) for (var args = new Array(n), i = 0, n, t; i < n; ++i) args[i] = arguments[i + 2]; if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(type3)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + type3); for (t = this._[type3], i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; ++i) t[i].value.apply(that, args); }, apply: function(type3, that, args) { if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(type3)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + type3); for (var t = this._[type3], i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; ++i) t[i].value.apply(that, args); } }; function get(type3, name2) { for (var i = 0, n = type3.length, c2; i < n; ++i) { if ((c2 = type3[i]).name === name2) { return c2.value; } } } function set2(type3, name2, callback) { for (var i = 0, n = type3.length; i < n; ++i) { if (type3[i].name === name2) { type3[i] = noop, type3 = type3.slice(0, i).concat(type3.slice(i + 1)); break; } } if (callback != null) type3.push({ name: name2, value: callback }); return type3; } var dispatch_default = dispatch; // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/namespaces.js var xhtml = ""; var namespaces_default = { svg: "", xhtml, xlink: "", xml: "", xmlns: "" }; // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/namespace.js function namespace_default(name2) { var prefix = name2 += "", i = prefix.indexOf(":"); if (i >= 0 && (prefix = name2.slice(0, i)) !== "xmlns") name2 = name2.slice(i + 1); return namespaces_default.hasOwnProperty(prefix) ? { space: namespaces_default[prefix], local: name2 } : name2; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/creator.js function creatorInherit(name2) { return function() { var document2 = this.ownerDocument, uri = this.namespaceURI; return uri === xhtml && document2.documentElement.namespaceURI === xhtml ? document2.createElement(name2) : document2.createElementNS(uri, name2); }; } function creatorFixed(fullname) { return function() { return this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(, fullname.local); }; } function creator_default(name2) { var fullname = namespace_default(name2); return (fullname.local ? creatorFixed : creatorInherit)(fullname); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selector.js function none() { } function selector_default(selector) { return selector == null ? none : function() { return this.querySelector(selector); }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/select.js function select_default(select) { if (typeof select !== "function") select = selector_default(select); for (var groups2 = this._groups, m = groups2.length, subgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group2 = groups2[j], n = group2.length, subgroup = subgroups[j] = new Array(n), node, subnode, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if ((node = group2[i]) && (subnode =, node.__data__, i, group2))) { if ("__data__" in node) subnode.__data__ = node.__data__; subgroup[i] = subnode; } } } return new Selection(subgroups, this._parents); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/array.js function array_default(x) { return typeof x === "object" && "length" in x ? x : Array.from(x); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selectorAll.js function empty() { return []; } function selectorAll_default(selector) { return selector == null ? empty : function() { return this.querySelectorAll(selector); }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/selectAll.js function arrayAll(select) { return function() { var group2 = select.apply(this, arguments); return group2 == null ? [] : array_default(group2); }; } function selectAll_default(select) { if (typeof select === "function") select = arrayAll(select); else select = selectorAll_default(select); for (var groups2 = this._groups, m = groups2.length, subgroups = [], parents = [], j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group2 = groups2[j], n = group2.length, node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group2[i]) { subgroups.push(, node.__data__, i, group2)); parents.push(node); } } } return new Selection(subgroups, parents); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/matcher.js function matcher_default(selector) { return function() { return this.matches(selector); }; } function childMatcher(selector) { return function(node) { return node.matches(selector); }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/selectChild.js var find = Array.prototype.find; function childFind(match) { return function() { return, match); }; } function childFirst() { return this.firstElementChild; } function selectChild_default(match) { return == null ? childFirst : childFind(typeof match === "function" ? match : childMatcher(match))); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/selectChildren.js var filter = Array.prototype.filter; function children() { return this.children; } function childrenFilter(match) { return function() { return, match); }; } function selectChildren_default(match) { return this.selectAll(match == null ? children : childrenFilter(typeof match === "function" ? match : childMatcher(match))); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/filter.js function filter_default(match) { if (typeof match !== "function") match = matcher_default(match); for (var groups2 = this._groups, m = groups2.length, subgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group2 = groups2[j], n = group2.length, subgroup = subgroups[j] = [], node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if ((node = group2[i]) &&, node.__data__, i, group2)) { subgroup.push(node); } } } return new Selection(subgroups, this._parents); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/sparse.js function sparse_default(update) { return new Array(update.length); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/enter.js function enter_default() { return new Selection(this._enter ||, this._parents); } function EnterNode(parent, datum2) { this.ownerDocument = parent.ownerDocument; this.namespaceURI = parent.namespaceURI; this._next = null; this._parent = parent; this.__data__ = datum2; } EnterNode.prototype = { constructor: EnterNode, appendChild: function(child) { return this._parent.insertBefore(child, this._next); }, insertBefore: function(child, next) { return this._parent.insertBefore(child, next); }, querySelector: function(selector) { return this._parent.querySelector(selector); }, querySelectorAll: function(selector) { return this._parent.querySelectorAll(selector); } }; // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/constant.js function constant_default(x) { return function() { return x; }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/data.js function bindIndex(parent, group2, enter, update, exit, data) { var i = 0, node, groupLength = group2.length, dataLength = data.length; for (; i < dataLength; ++i) { if (node = group2[i]) { node.__data__ = data[i]; update[i] = node; } else { enter[i] = new EnterNode(parent, data[i]); } } for (; i < groupLength; ++i) { if (node = group2[i]) { exit[i] = node; } } } function bindKey(parent, group2, enter, update, exit, data, key) { var i, node, nodeByKeyValue = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), groupLength = group2.length, dataLength = data.length, keyValues = new Array(groupLength), keyValue; for (i = 0; i < groupLength; ++i) { if (node = group2[i]) { keyValues[i] = keyValue =, node.__data__, i, group2) + ""; if (nodeByKeyValue.has(keyValue)) { exit[i] = node; } else { nodeByKeyValue.set(keyValue, node); } } } for (i = 0; i < dataLength; ++i) { keyValue =, data[i], i, data) + ""; if (node = nodeByKeyValue.get(keyValue)) { update[i] = node; node.__data__ = data[i]; nodeByKeyValue.delete(keyValue); } else { enter[i] = new EnterNode(parent, data[i]); } } for (i = 0; i < groupLength; ++i) { if ((node = group2[i]) && nodeByKeyValue.get(keyValues[i]) === node) { exit[i] = node; } } } function datum(node) { return node.__data__; } function data_default(value, key) { if (!arguments.length) return Array.from(this, datum); var bind = key ? bindKey : bindIndex, parents = this._parents, groups2 = this._groups; if (typeof value !== "function") value = constant_default(value); for (var m = groups2.length, update = new Array(m), enter = new Array(m), exit = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) { var parent = parents[j], group2 = groups2[j], groupLength = group2.length, data = array_default(, parent && parent.__data__, j, parents)), dataLength = data.length, enterGroup = enter[j] = new Array(dataLength), updateGroup = update[j] = new Array(dataLength), exitGroup = exit[j] = new Array(groupLength); bind(parent, group2, enterGroup, updateGroup, exitGroup, data, key); for (var i0 = 0, i1 = 0, previous, next; i0 < dataLength; ++i0) { if (previous = enterGroup[i0]) { if (i0 >= i1) i1 = i0 + 1; while (!(next = updateGroup[i1]) && ++i1 < dataLength) ; previous._next = next || null; } } } update = new Selection(update, parents); update._enter = enter; update._exit = exit; return update; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/exit.js function exit_default() { return new Selection(this._exit ||, this._parents); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/join.js function join_default(onenter, onupdate, onexit) { var enter = this.enter(), update = this, exit = this.exit(); enter = typeof onenter === "function" ? onenter(enter) : enter.append(onenter + ""); if (onupdate != null) update = onupdate(update); if (onexit == null) exit.remove(); else onexit(exit); return enter && update ? enter.merge(update).order() : update; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/merge.js function merge_default(selection2) { if (!(selection2 instanceof Selection)) throw new Error("invalid merge"); for (var groups0 = this._groups, groups1 = selection2._groups, m0 = groups0.length, m1 = groups1.length, m = Math.min(m0, m1), merges = new Array(m0), j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group0 = groups0[j], group1 = groups1[j], n = group0.length, merge = merges[j] = new Array(n), node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group0[i] || group1[i]) { merge[i] = node; } } } for (; j < m0; ++j) { merges[j] = groups0[j]; } return new Selection(merges, this._parents); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/order.js function order_default() { for (var groups2 = this._groups, j = -1, m = groups2.length; ++j < m; ) { for (var group2 = groups2[j], i = group2.length - 1, next = group2[i], node; --i >= 0; ) { if (node = group2[i]) { if (next && node.compareDocumentPosition(next) ^ 4) next.parentNode.insertBefore(node, next); next = node; } } } return this; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/sort.js function sort_default(compare) { if (!compare) compare = ascending; function compareNode(a, b) { return a && b ? compare(a.__data__, b.__data__) : !a - !b; } for (var groups2 = this._groups, m = groups2.length, sortgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group2 = groups2[j], n = group2.length, sortgroup = sortgroups[j] = new Array(n), node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group2[i]) { sortgroup[i] = node; } } sortgroup.sort(compareNode); } return new Selection(sortgroups, this._parents).order(); } function ascending(a, b) { return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : a >= b ? 0 : NaN; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/call.js function call_default() { var callback = arguments[0]; arguments[0] = this; callback.apply(null, arguments); return this; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/nodes.js function nodes_default() { return Array.from(this); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/node.js function node_default() { for (var groups2 = this._groups, j = 0, m = groups2.length; j < m; ++j) { for (var group2 = groups2[j], i = 0, n = group2.length; i < n; ++i) { var node = group2[i]; if (node) return node; } } return null; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/size.js function size_default() { let size = 0; for (const node of this) ++size; return size; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/empty.js function empty_default() { return !this.node(); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/each.js function each_default(callback) { for (var groups2 = this._groups, j = 0, m = groups2.length; j < m; ++j) { for (var group2 = groups2[j], i = 0, n = group2.length, node; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group2[i]), node.__data__, i, group2); } } return this; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/attr.js function attrRemove(name2) { return function() { this.removeAttribute(name2); }; } function attrRemoveNS(fullname) { return function() { this.removeAttributeNS(, fullname.local); }; } function attrConstant(name2, value) { return function() { this.setAttribute(name2, value); }; } function attrConstantNS(fullname, value) { return function() { this.setAttributeNS(, fullname.local, value); }; } function attrFunction(name2, value) { return function() { var v = value.apply(this, arguments); if (v == null) this.removeAttribute(name2); else this.setAttribute(name2, v); }; } function attrFunctionNS(fullname, value) { return function() { var v = value.apply(this, arguments); if (v == null) this.removeAttributeNS(, fullname.local); else this.setAttributeNS(, fullname.local, v); }; } function attr_default(name2, value) { var fullname = namespace_default(name2); if (arguments.length < 2) { var node = this.node(); return fullname.local ? node.getAttributeNS(, fullname.local) : node.getAttribute(fullname); } return this.each((value == null ? fullname.local ? attrRemoveNS : attrRemove : typeof value === "function" ? fullname.local ? attrFunctionNS : attrFunction : fullname.local ? attrConstantNS : attrConstant)(fullname, value)); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/window.js function window_default(node) { return node.ownerDocument && node.ownerDocument.defaultView || node.document && node || node.defaultView; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/style.js function styleRemove(name2) { return function() {; }; } function styleConstant(name2, value, priority) { return function() {, value, priority); }; } function styleFunction(name2, value, priority) { return function() { var v = value.apply(this, arguments); if (v == null); else, v, priority); }; } function style_default(name2, value, priority) { return arguments.length > 1 ? this.each((value == null ? styleRemove : typeof value === "function" ? styleFunction : styleConstant)(name2, value, priority == null ? "" : priority)) : styleValue(this.node(), name2); } function styleValue(node, name2) { return || window_default(node).getComputedStyle(node, null).getPropertyValue(name2); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/property.js function propertyRemove(name2) { return function() { delete this[name2]; }; } function propertyConstant(name2, value) { return function() { this[name2] = value; }; } function propertyFunction(name2, value) { return function() { var v = value.apply(this, arguments); if (v == null) delete this[name2]; else this[name2] = v; }; } function property_default(name2, value) { return arguments.length > 1 ? this.each((value == null ? propertyRemove : typeof value === "function" ? propertyFunction : propertyConstant)(name2, value)) : this.node()[name2]; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/classed.js function classArray(string) { return string.trim().split(/^|\s+/); } function classList(node) { return node.classList || new ClassList(node); } function ClassList(node) { this._node = node; this._names = classArray(node.getAttribute("class") || ""); } ClassList.prototype = { add: function(name2) { var i = this._names.indexOf(name2); if (i < 0) { this._names.push(name2); this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" ")); } }, remove: function(name2) { var i = this._names.indexOf(name2); if (i >= 0) { this._names.splice(i, 1); this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" ")); } }, contains: function(name2) { return this._names.indexOf(name2) >= 0; } }; function classedAdd(node, names2) { var list = classList(node), i = -1, n = names2.length; while (++i < n) list.add(names2[i]); } function classedRemove(node, names2) { var list = classList(node), i = -1, n = names2.length; while (++i < n) list.remove(names2[i]); } function classedTrue(names2) { return function() { classedAdd(this, names2); }; } function classedFalse(names2) { return function() { classedRemove(this, names2); }; } function classedFunction(names2, value) { return function() { (value.apply(this, arguments) ? classedAdd : classedRemove)(this, names2); }; } function classed_default(name2, value) { var names2 = classArray(name2 + ""); if (arguments.length < 2) { var list = classList(this.node()), i = -1, n = names2.length; while (++i < n) if (!list.contains(names2[i])) return false; return true; } return this.each((typeof value === "function" ? classedFunction : value ? classedTrue : classedFalse)(names2, value)); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/text.js function textRemove() { this.textContent = ""; } function textConstant(value) { return function() { this.textContent = value; }; } function textFunction(value) { return function() { var v = value.apply(this, arguments); this.textContent = v == null ? "" : v; }; } function text_default(value) { return arguments.length ? this.each(value == null ? textRemove : (typeof value === "function" ? textFunction : textConstant)(value)) : this.node().textContent; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/html.js function htmlRemove() { this.innerHTML = ""; } function htmlConstant(value) { return function() { this.innerHTML = value; }; } function htmlFunction(value) { return function() { var v = value.apply(this, arguments); this.innerHTML = v == null ? "" : v; }; } function html_default(value) { return arguments.length ? this.each(value == null ? htmlRemove : (typeof value === "function" ? htmlFunction : htmlConstant)(value)) : this.node().innerHTML; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/raise.js function raise() { if (this.nextSibling) this.parentNode.appendChild(this); } function raise_default() { return this.each(raise); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/lower.js function lower() { if (this.previousSibling) this.parentNode.insertBefore(this, this.parentNode.firstChild); } function lower_default() { return this.each(lower); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/append.js function append_default(name2) { var create2 = typeof name2 === "function" ? name2 : creator_default(name2); return { return this.appendChild(create2.apply(this, arguments)); }); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/insert.js function constantNull() { return null; } function insert_default(name2, before) { var create2 = typeof name2 === "function" ? name2 : creator_default(name2), select = before == null ? constantNull : typeof before === "function" ? before : selector_default(before); return { return this.insertBefore(create2.apply(this, arguments), select.apply(this, arguments) || null); }); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/remove.js function remove() { var parent = this.parentNode; if (parent) parent.removeChild(this); } function remove_default() { return this.each(remove); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/clone.js function selection_cloneShallow() { var clone = this.cloneNode(false), parent = this.parentNode; return parent ? parent.insertBefore(clone, this.nextSibling) : clone; } function selection_cloneDeep() { var clone = this.cloneNode(true), parent = this.parentNode; return parent ? parent.insertBefore(clone, this.nextSibling) : clone; } function clone_default(deep) { return ? selection_cloneDeep : selection_cloneShallow); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/datum.js function datum_default(value) { return arguments.length ?"__data__", value) : this.node().__data__; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/on.js function contextListener(listener) { return function(event) {, event, this.__data__); }; } function parseTypenames2(typenames) { return typenames.trim().split(/^|\s+/).map(function(t) { var name2 = "", i = t.indexOf("."); if (i >= 0) name2 = t.slice(i + 1), t = t.slice(0, i); return { type: t, name: name2 }; }); } function onRemove(typename) { return function() { var on = this.__on; if (!on) return; for (var j = 0, i = -1, m = on.length, o; j < m; ++j) { if (o = on[j], (!typename.type || o.type === typename.type) && === { this.removeEventListener(o.type, o.listener, o.options); } else { on[++i] = o; } } if (++i) on.length = i; else delete this.__on; }; } function onAdd(typename, value, options) { return function() { var on = this.__on, o, listener = contextListener(value); if (on) for (var j = 0, m = on.length; j < m; ++j) { if ((o = on[j]).type === typename.type && === { this.removeEventListener(o.type, o.listener, o.options); this.addEventListener(o.type, o.listener = listener, o.options = options); o.value = value; return; } } this.addEventListener(typename.type, listener, options); o = { type: typename.type, name:, value, listener, options }; if (!on) this.__on = [o]; else on.push(o); }; } function on_default(typename, value, options) { var typenames = parseTypenames2(typename + ""), i, n = typenames.length, t; if (arguments.length < 2) { var on = this.node().__on; if (on) for (var j = 0, m = on.length, o; j < m; ++j) { for (i = 0, o = on[j]; i < n; ++i) { if ((t = typenames[i]).type === o.type && === { return o.value; } } } return; } on = value ? onAdd : onRemove; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) this.each(on(typenames[i], value, options)); return this; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/dispatch.js function dispatchEvent(node, type3, params) { var window2 = window_default(node), event = window2.CustomEvent; if (typeof event === "function") { event = new event(type3, params); } else { event = window2.document.createEvent("Event"); if (params) event.initEvent(type3, params.bubbles, params.cancelable), event.detail = params.detail; else event.initEvent(type3, false, false); } node.dispatchEvent(event); } function dispatchConstant(type3, params) { return function() { return dispatchEvent(this, type3, params); }; } function dispatchFunction(type3, params) { return function() { return dispatchEvent(this, type3, params.apply(this, arguments)); }; } function dispatch_default2(type3, params) { return this.each((typeof params === "function" ? dispatchFunction : dispatchConstant)(type3, params)); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/iterator.js function* iterator_default() { for (var groups2 = this._groups, j = 0, m = groups2.length; j < m; ++j) { for (var group2 = groups2[j], i = 0, n = group2.length, node; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group2[i]) yield node; } } } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-selection/src/selection/index.js var root = [null]; function Selection(groups2, parents) { this._groups = groups2; this._parents = parents; } function selection() { return new Selection([[document.documentElement]], root); } function selection_selection() { return this; } Selection.prototype = selection.prototype = { constructor: Selection, select: select_default, selectAll: selectAll_default, selectChild: selectChild_default, selectChildren: selectChildren_default, filter: filter_default, data: data_default, enter: enter_default, exit: exit_default, join: join_default, merge: merge_default, selection: selection_selection, order: order_default, sort: sort_default, call: call_default, nodes: nodes_default, node: node_default, size: size_default, empty: empty_default, each: each_default, attr: attr_default, style: style_default, property: property_default, classed: classed_default, text: text_default, html: html_default, raise: raise_default, lower: lower_default, append: append_default, insert: insert_default, remove: remove_default, clone: clone_default, datum: datum_default, on: on_default, dispatch: dispatch_default2, [Symbol.iterator]: iterator_default }; var selection_default = selection; // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-color@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-color/src/define.js function define_default(constructor, factory, prototype) { constructor.prototype = factory.prototype = prototype; prototype.constructor = constructor; } function extend(parent, definition) { var prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype); for (var key in definition) prototype[key] = definition[key]; return prototype; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-color@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-color/src/color.js function Color() { } var darker = 0.7; var brighter = 1 / darker; var reI = "\\s*([+-]?\\d+)\\s*"; var reN = "\\s*([+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)\\s*"; var reP = "\\s*([+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)%\\s*"; var reHex = /^#([0-9a-f]{3,8})$/; var reRgbInteger = new RegExp("^rgb\\(" + [reI, reI, reI] + "\\)$"); var reRgbPercent = new RegExp("^rgb\\(" + [reP, reP, reP] + "\\)$"); var reRgbaInteger = new RegExp("^rgba\\(" + [reI, reI, reI, reN] + "\\)$"); var reRgbaPercent = new RegExp("^rgba\\(" + [reP, reP, reP, reN] + "\\)$"); var reHslPercent = new RegExp("^hsl\\(" + [reN, reP, reP] + "\\)$"); var reHslaPercent = new RegExp("^hsla\\(" + [reN, reP, reP, reN] + "\\)$"); var named = { aliceblue: 15792383, antiquewhite: 16444375, aqua: 65535, aquamarine: 8388564, azure: 15794175, beige: 16119260, bisque: 16770244, black: 0, blanchedalmond: 16772045, blue: 255, blueviolet: 9055202, brown: 10824234, burlywood: 14596231, cadetblue: 6266528, chartreuse: 8388352, chocolate: 13789470, coral: 16744272, cornflowerblue: 6591981, cornsilk: 16775388, crimson: 14423100, cyan: 65535, darkblue: 139, darkcyan: 35723, darkgoldenrod: 12092939, darkgray: 11119017, darkgreen: 25600, darkgrey: 11119017, darkkhaki: 12433259, darkmagenta: 9109643, darkolivegreen: 5597999, darkorange: 16747520, darkorchid: 10040012, darkred: 9109504, darksalmon: 15308410, darkseagreen: 9419919, darkslateblue: 4734347, darkslategray: 3100495, darkslategrey: 3100495, darkturquoise: 52945, darkviolet: 9699539, deeppink: 16716947, deepskyblue: 49151, dimgray: 6908265, dimgrey: 6908265, dodgerblue: 2003199, firebrick: 11674146, floralwhite: 16775920, forestgreen: 2263842, fuchsia: 16711935, gainsboro: 14474460, ghostwhite: 16316671, gold: 16766720, goldenrod: 14329120, gray: 8421504, green: 32768, greenyellow: 11403055, grey: 8421504, honeydew: 15794160, hotpink: 16738740, indianred: 13458524, indigo: 4915330, ivory: 16777200, khaki: 15787660, lavender: 15132410, lavenderblush: 16773365, lawngreen: 8190976, lemonchiffon: 16775885, lightblue: 11393254, lightcoral: 15761536, lightcyan: 14745599, lightgoldenrodyellow: 16448210, lightgray: 13882323, lightgreen: 9498256, lightgrey: 13882323, lightpink: 16758465, lightsalmon: 16752762, lightseagreen: 2142890, lightskyblue: 8900346, lightslategray: 7833753, lightslategrey: 7833753, lightsteelblue: 11584734, lightyellow: 16777184, lime: 65280, limegreen: 3329330, linen: 16445670, magenta: 16711935, maroon: 8388608, mediumaquamarine: 6737322, mediumblue: 205, mediumorchid: 12211667, mediumpurple: 9662683, mediumseagreen: 3978097, mediumslateblue: 8087790, mediumspringgreen: 64154, mediumturquoise: 4772300, mediumvioletred: 13047173, midnightblue: 1644912, mintcream: 16121850, mistyrose: 16770273, moccasin: 16770229, navajowhite: 16768685, navy: 128, oldlace: 16643558, olive: 8421376, olivedrab: 7048739, orange: 16753920, orangered: 16729344, orchid: 14315734, palegoldenrod: 15657130, palegreen: 10025880, paleturquoise: 11529966, palevioletred: 14381203, papayawhip: 16773077, peachpuff: 16767673, peru: 13468991, pink: 16761035, plum: 14524637, powderblue: 11591910, purple: 8388736, rebeccapurple: 6697881, red: 16711680, rosybrown: 12357519, royalblue: 4286945, saddlebrown: 9127187, salmon: 16416882, sandybrown: 16032864, seagreen: 3050327, seashell: 16774638, sienna: 10506797, silver: 12632256, skyblue: 8900331, slateblue: 6970061, slategray: 7372944, slategrey: 7372944, snow: 16775930, springgreen: 65407, steelblue: 4620980, tan: 13808780, teal: 32896, thistle: 14204888, tomato: 16737095, turquoise: 4251856, violet: 15631086, wheat: 16113331, white: 16777215, whitesmoke: 16119285, yellow: 16776960, yellowgreen: 10145074 }; define_default(Color, color, { copy: function(channels) { return Object.assign(new this.constructor(), this, channels); }, displayable: function() { return this.rgb().displayable(); }, hex: color_formatHex, formatHex: color_formatHex, formatHsl: color_formatHsl, formatRgb: color_formatRgb, toString: color_formatRgb }); function color_formatHex() { return this.rgb().formatHex(); } function color_formatHsl() { return hslConvert(this).formatHsl(); } function color_formatRgb() { return this.rgb().formatRgb(); } function color(format2) { var m, l; format2 = (format2 + "").trim().toLowerCase(); return (m = reHex.exec(format2)) ? (l = m[1].length, m = parseInt(m[1], 16), l === 6 ? rgbn(m) : l === 3 ? new Rgb(m >> 8 & 15 | m >> 4 & 240, m >> 4 & 15 | m & 240, (m & 15) << 4 | m & 15, 1) : l === 8 ? rgba(m >> 24 & 255, m >> 16 & 255, m >> 8 & 255, (m & 255) / 255) : l === 4 ? rgba(m >> 12 & 15 | m >> 8 & 240, m >> 8 & 15 | m >> 4 & 240, m >> 4 & 15 | m & 240, ((m & 15) << 4 | m & 15) / 255) : null) : (m = reRgbInteger.exec(format2)) ? new Rgb(m[1], m[2], m[3], 1) : (m = reRgbPercent.exec(format2)) ? new Rgb(m[1] * 255 / 100, m[2] * 255 / 100, m[3] * 255 / 100, 1) : (m = reRgbaInteger.exec(format2)) ? rgba(m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4]) : (m = reRgbaPercent.exec(format2)) ? rgba(m[1] * 255 / 100, m[2] * 255 / 100, m[3] * 255 / 100, m[4]) : (m = reHslPercent.exec(format2)) ? hsla(m[1], m[2] / 100, m[3] / 100, 1) : (m = reHslaPercent.exec(format2)) ? hsla(m[1], m[2] / 100, m[3] / 100, m[4]) : named.hasOwnProperty(format2) ? rgbn(named[format2]) : format2 === "transparent" ? new Rgb(NaN, NaN, NaN, 0) : null; } function rgbn(n) { return new Rgb(n >> 16 & 255, n >> 8 & 255, n & 255, 1); } function rgba(r, g, b, a) { if (a <= 0) r = g = b = NaN; return new Rgb(r, g, b, a); } function rgbConvert(o) { if (!(o instanceof Color)) o = color(o); if (!o) return new Rgb(); o = o.rgb(); return new Rgb(o.r, o.g, o.b, o.opacity); } function rgb(r, g, b, opacity) { return arguments.length === 1 ? rgbConvert(r) : new Rgb(r, g, b, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity); } function Rgb(r, g, b, opacity) { this.r = +r; this.g = +g; this.b = +b; this.opacity = +opacity; } define_default(Rgb, rgb, extend(Color, { brighter: function(k) { k = k == null ? brighter : Math.pow(brighter, k); return new Rgb(this.r * k, this.g * k, this.b * k, this.opacity); }, darker: function(k) { k = k == null ? darker : Math.pow(darker, k); return new Rgb(this.r * k, this.g * k, this.b * k, this.opacity); }, rgb: function() { return this; }, displayable: function() { return -0.5 <= this.r && this.r < 255.5 && (-0.5 <= this.g && this.g < 255.5) && (-0.5 <= this.b && this.b < 255.5) && (0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1); }, hex: rgb_formatHex, formatHex: rgb_formatHex, formatRgb: rgb_formatRgb, toString: rgb_formatRgb })); function rgb_formatHex() { return "#" + hex(this.r) + hex(this.g) + hex(this.b); } function rgb_formatRgb() { var a = this.opacity; a = isNaN(a) ? 1 : Math.max(0, Math.min(1, a)); return (a === 1 ? "rgb(" : "rgba(") + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.r) || 0)) + ", " + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.g) || 0)) + ", " + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.b) || 0)) + (a === 1 ? ")" : ", " + a + ")"); } function hex(value) { value = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(value) || 0)); return (value < 16 ? "0" : "") + value.toString(16); } function hsla(h, s, l, a) { if (a <= 0) h = s = l = NaN; else if (l <= 0 || l >= 1) h = s = NaN; else if (s <= 0) h = NaN; return new Hsl(h, s, l, a); } function hslConvert(o) { if (o instanceof Hsl) return new Hsl(o.h, o.s, o.l, o.opacity); if (!(o instanceof Color)) o = color(o); if (!o) return new Hsl(); if (o instanceof Hsl) return o; o = o.rgb(); var r = o.r / 255, g = o.g / 255, b = o.b / 255, min3 = Math.min(r, g, b), max3 = Math.max(r, g, b), h = NaN, s = max3 - min3, l = (max3 + min3) / 2; if (s) { if (r === max3) h = (g - b) / s + (g < b) * 6; else if (g === max3) h = (b - r) / s + 2; else h = (r - g) / s + 4; s /= l < 0.5 ? max3 + min3 : 2 - max3 - min3; h *= 60; } else { s = l > 0 && l < 1 ? 0 : h; } return new Hsl(h, s, l, o.opacity); } function hsl(h, s, l, opacity) { return arguments.length === 1 ? hslConvert(h) : new Hsl(h, s, l, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity); } function Hsl(h, s, l, opacity) { this.h = +h; this.s = +s; this.l = +l; this.opacity = +opacity; } define_default(Hsl, hsl, extend(Color, { brighter: function(k) { k = k == null ? brighter : Math.pow(brighter, k); return new Hsl(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity); }, darker: function(k) { k = k == null ? darker : Math.pow(darker, k); return new Hsl(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity); }, rgb: function() { var h = this.h % 360 + (this.h < 0) * 360, s = isNaN(h) || isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s, l = this.l, m2 = l + (l < 0.5 ? l : 1 - l) * s, m1 = 2 * l - m2; return new Rgb(hsl2rgb(h >= 240 ? h - 240 : h + 120, m1, m2), hsl2rgb(h, m1, m2), hsl2rgb(h < 120 ? h + 240 : h - 120, m1, m2), this.opacity); }, displayable: function() { return (0 <= this.s && this.s <= 1 || isNaN(this.s)) && (0 <= this.l && this.l <= 1) && (0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1); }, formatHsl: function() { var a = this.opacity; a = isNaN(a) ? 1 : Math.max(0, Math.min(1, a)); return (a === 1 ? "hsl(" : "hsla(") + (this.h || 0) + ", " + (this.s || 0) * 100 + "%, " + (this.l || 0) * 100 + "%" + (a === 1 ? ")" : ", " + a + ")"); } })); function hsl2rgb(h, m1, m2) { return (h < 60 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * h / 60 : h < 180 ? m2 : h < 240 ? m1 + (m2 - m1) * (240 - h) / 60 : m1) * 255; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-color@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-color/src/math.js var radians = Math.PI / 180; var degrees = 180 / Math.PI; // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-color@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-color/src/cubehelix.js var A = -0.14861; var B = 1.78277; var C = -0.29227; var D = -0.90649; var E = 1.97294; var ED = E * D; var EB = E * B; var BC_DA = B * C - D * A; function cubehelixConvert(o) { if (o instanceof Cubehelix) return new Cubehelix(o.h, o.s, o.l, o.opacity); if (!(o instanceof Rgb)) o = rgbConvert(o); var r = o.r / 255, g = o.g / 255, b = o.b / 255, l = (BC_DA * b + ED * r - EB * g) / (BC_DA + ED - EB), bl = b - l, k = (E * (g - l) - C * bl) / D, s = Math.sqrt(k * k + bl * bl) / (E * l * (1 - l)), h = s ? Math.atan2(k, bl) * degrees - 120 : NaN; return new Cubehelix(h < 0 ? h + 360 : h, s, l, o.opacity); } function cubehelix(h, s, l, opacity) { return arguments.length === 1 ? cubehelixConvert(h) : new Cubehelix(h, s, l, opacity == null ? 1 : opacity); } function Cubehelix(h, s, l, opacity) { this.h = +h; this.s = +s; this.l = +l; this.opacity = +opacity; } define_default(Cubehelix, cubehelix, extend(Color, { brighter: function(k) { k = k == null ? brighter : Math.pow(brighter, k); return new Cubehelix(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity); }, darker: function(k) { k = k == null ? darker : Math.pow(darker, k); return new Cubehelix(this.h, this.s, this.l * k, this.opacity); }, rgb: function() { var h = isNaN(this.h) ? 0 : (this.h + 120) * radians, l = +this.l, a = isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s * l * (1 - l), cosh = Math.cos(h), sinh = Math.sin(h); return new Rgb(255 * (l + a * (A * cosh + B * sinh)), 255 * (l + a * (C * cosh + D * sinh)), 255 * (l + a * (E * cosh)), this.opacity); } })); // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/basis.js function basis(t1, v0, v1, v2, v3) { var t2 = t1 * t1, t3 = t2 * t1; return ((1 - 3 * t1 + 3 * t2 - t3) * v0 + (4 - 6 * t2 + 3 * t3) * v1 + (1 + 3 * t1 + 3 * t2 - 3 * t3) * v2 + t3 * v3) / 6; } function basis_default(values) { var n = values.length - 1; return function(t) { var i = t <= 0 ? t = 0 : t >= 1 ? (t = 1, n - 1) : Math.floor(t * n), v1 = values[i], v2 = values[i + 1], v0 = i > 0 ? values[i - 1] : 2 * v1 - v2, v3 = i < n - 1 ? values[i + 2] : 2 * v2 - v1; return basis((t - i / n) * n, v0, v1, v2, v3); }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/basisClosed.js function basisClosed_default(values) { var n = values.length; return function(t) { var i = Math.floor(((t %= 1) < 0 ? ++t : t) * n), v0 = values[(i + n - 1) % n], v1 = values[i % n], v2 = values[(i + 1) % n], v3 = values[(i + 2) % n]; return basis((t - i / n) * n, v0, v1, v2, v3); }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/constant.js var constant_default2 = (x) => () => x; // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/color.js function linear(a, d) { return function(t) { return a + t * d; }; } function exponential(a, b, y) { return a = Math.pow(a, y), b = Math.pow(b, y) - a, y = 1 / y, function(t) { return Math.pow(a + t * b, y); }; } function hue(a, b) { var d = b - a; return d ? linear(a, d > 180 || d < -180 ? d - 360 * Math.round(d / 360) : d) : constant_default2(isNaN(a) ? b : a); } function gamma(y) { return (y = +y) === 1 ? nogamma : function(a, b) { return b - a ? exponential(a, b, y) : constant_default2(isNaN(a) ? b : a); }; } function nogamma(a, b) { var d = b - a; return d ? linear(a, d) : constant_default2(isNaN(a) ? b : a); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/rgb.js var rgb_default = function rgbGamma(y) { var color2 = gamma(y); function rgb2(start2, end) { var r = color2((start2 = rgb(start2)).r, (end = rgb(end)).r), g = color2(start2.g, end.g), b = color2(start2.b, end.b), opacity = nogamma(start2.opacity, end.opacity); return function(t) { start2.r = r(t); start2.g = g(t); start2.b = b(t); start2.opacity = opacity(t); return start2 + ""; }; } rgb2.gamma = rgbGamma; return rgb2; }(1); function rgbSpline(spline) { return function(colors) { var n = colors.length, r = new Array(n), g = new Array(n), b = new Array(n), i, color2; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { color2 = rgb(colors[i]); r[i] = color2.r || 0; g[i] = color2.g || 0; b[i] = color2.b || 0; } r = spline(r); g = spline(g); b = spline(b); color2.opacity = 1; return function(t) { color2.r = r(t); color2.g = g(t); color2.b = b(t); return color2 + ""; }; }; } var rgbBasis = rgbSpline(basis_default); var rgbBasisClosed = rgbSpline(basisClosed_default); // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/numberArray.js function numberArray_default(a, b) { if (!b) b = []; var n = a ? Math.min(b.length, a.length) : 0, c2 = b.slice(), i; return function(t) { for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) c2[i] = a[i] * (1 - t) + b[i] * t; return c2; }; } function isNumberArray(x) { return ArrayBuffer.isView(x) && !(x instanceof DataView); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/array.js function genericArray(a, b) { var nb = b ? b.length : 0, na = a ? Math.min(nb, a.length) : 0, x = new Array(na), c2 = new Array(nb), i; for (i = 0; i < na; ++i) x[i] = value_default(a[i], b[i]); for (; i < nb; ++i) c2[i] = b[i]; return function(t) { for (i = 0; i < na; ++i) c2[i] = x[i](t); return c2; }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/date.js function date_default(a, b) { var d = new Date(); return a = +a, b = +b, function(t) { return d.setTime(a * (1 - t) + b * t), d; }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/number.js function number_default2(a, b) { return a = +a, b = +b, function(t) { return a * (1 - t) + b * t; }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/object.js function object_default(a, b) { var i = {}, c2 = {}, k; if (a === null || typeof a !== "object") a = {}; if (b === null || typeof b !== "object") b = {}; for (k in b) { if (k in a) { i[k] = value_default(a[k], b[k]); } else { c2[k] = b[k]; } } return function(t) { for (k in i) c2[k] = i[k](t); return c2; }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/string.js var reA = /[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g; var reB = new RegExp(reA.source, "g"); function zero(b) { return function() { return b; }; } function one(b) { return function(t) { return b(t) + ""; }; } function string_default(a, b) { var bi = reA.lastIndex = reB.lastIndex = 0, am, bm, bs, i = -1, s = [], q = []; a = a + "", b = b + ""; while ((am = reA.exec(a)) && (bm = reB.exec(b))) { if ((bs = bm.index) > bi) { bs = b.slice(bi, bs); if (s[i]) s[i] += bs; else s[++i] = bs; } if ((am = am[0]) === (bm = bm[0])) { if (s[i]) s[i] += bm; else s[++i] = bm; } else { s[++i] = null; q.push({ i, x: number_default2(am, bm) }); } bi = reB.lastIndex; } if (bi < b.length) { bs = b.slice(bi); if (s[i]) s[i] += bs; else s[++i] = bs; } return s.length < 2 ? q[0] ? one(q[0].x) : zero(b) : (b = q.length, function(t) { for (var i2 = 0, o; i2 < b; ++i2) s[(o = q[i2]).i] = o.x(t); return s.join(""); }); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/value.js function value_default(a, b) { var t = typeof b, c2; return b == null || t === "boolean" ? constant_default2(b) : (t === "number" ? number_default2 : t === "string" ? (c2 = color(b)) ? (b = c2, rgb_default) : string_default : b instanceof color ? rgb_default : b instanceof Date ? date_default : isNumberArray(b) ? numberArray_default : Array.isArray(b) ? genericArray : typeof b.valueOf !== "function" && typeof b.toString !== "function" || isNaN(b) ? object_default : number_default2)(a, b); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/round.js function round_default(a, b) { return a = +a, b = +b, function(t) { return Math.round(a * (1 - t) + b * t); }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/transform/decompose.js var degrees2 = 180 / Math.PI; var identity = { translateX: 0, translateY: 0, rotate: 0, skewX: 0, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }; function decompose_default(a, b, c2, d, e, f) { var scaleX, scaleY, skewX; if (scaleX = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)) a /= scaleX, b /= scaleX; if (skewX = a * c2 + b * d) c2 -= a * skewX, d -= b * skewX; if (scaleY = Math.sqrt(c2 * c2 + d * d)) c2 /= scaleY, d /= scaleY, skewX /= scaleY; if (a * d < b * c2) a = -a, b = -b, skewX = -skewX, scaleX = -scaleX; return { translateX: e, translateY: f, rotate: Math.atan2(b, a) * degrees2, skewX: Math.atan(skewX) * degrees2, scaleX, scaleY }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/transform/parse.js var svgNode; function parseCss(value) { const m = new (typeof DOMMatrix === "function" ? DOMMatrix : WebKitCSSMatrix)(value + ""); return m.isIdentity ? identity : decompose_default(m.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e, m.f); } function parseSvg(value) { if (value == null) return identity; if (!svgNode) svgNode = document.createElementNS("", "g"); svgNode.setAttribute("transform", value); if (!(value = svgNode.transform.baseVal.consolidate())) return identity; value = value.matrix; return decompose_default(value.a, value.b, value.c, value.d, value.e, value.f); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/transform/index.js function interpolateTransform(parse4, pxComma, pxParen, degParen) { function pop(s) { return s.length ? s.pop() + " " : ""; } function translate(xa, ya, xb, yb, s, q) { if (xa !== xb || ya !== yb) { var i = s.push("translate(", null, pxComma, null, pxParen); q.push({ i: i - 4, x: number_default2(xa, xb) }, { i: i - 2, x: number_default2(ya, yb) }); } else if (xb || yb) { s.push("translate(" + xb + pxComma + yb + pxParen); } } function rotate2(a, b, s, q) { if (a !== b) { if (a - b > 180) b += 360; else if (b - a > 180) a += 360; q.push({ i: s.push(pop(s) + "rotate(", null, degParen) - 2, x: number_default2(a, b) }); } else if (b) { s.push(pop(s) + "rotate(" + b + degParen); } } function skewX(a, b, s, q) { if (a !== b) { q.push({ i: s.push(pop(s) + "skewX(", null, degParen) - 2, x: number_default2(a, b) }); } else if (b) { s.push(pop(s) + "skewX(" + b + degParen); } } function scale2(xa, ya, xb, yb, s, q) { if (xa !== xb || ya !== yb) { var i = s.push(pop(s) + "scale(", null, ",", null, ")"); q.push({ i: i - 4, x: number_default2(xa, xb) }, { i: i - 2, x: number_default2(ya, yb) }); } else if (xb !== 1 || yb !== 1) { s.push(pop(s) + "scale(" + xb + "," + yb + ")"); } } return function(a, b) { var s = [], q = []; a = parse4(a), b = parse4(b); translate(a.translateX, a.translateY, b.translateX, b.translateY, s, q); rotate2(a.rotate, b.rotate, s, q); skewX(a.skewX, b.skewX, s, q); scale2(a.scaleX, a.scaleY, b.scaleX, b.scaleY, s, q); a = b = null; return function(t) { var i = -1, n = q.length, o; while (++i < n) s[(o = q[i]).i] = o.x(t); return s.join(""); }; }; } var interpolateTransformCss = interpolateTransform(parseCss, "px, ", "px)", "deg)"); var interpolateTransformSvg = interpolateTransform(parseSvg, ", ", ")", ")"); // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-interpolate@2.0.1/node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/cubehelix.js function cubehelix2(hue2) { return function cubehelixGamma(y) { y = +y; function cubehelix3(start2, end) { var h = hue2((start2 = cubehelix(start2)).h, (end = cubehelix(end)).h), s = nogamma(start2.s, end.s), l = nogamma(start2.l, end.l), opacity = nogamma(start2.opacity, end.opacity); return function(t) { start2.h = h(t); start2.s = s(t); start2.l = l(Math.pow(t, y)); start2.opacity = opacity(t); return start2 + ""; }; } cubehelix3.gamma = cubehelixGamma; return cubehelix3; }(1); } var cubehelix_default = cubehelix2(hue); var cubehelixLong = cubehelix2(nogamma); // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-timer@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-timer/src/timer.js var frame = 0; var timeout = 0; var interval = 0; var pokeDelay = 1e3; var taskHead; var taskTail; var clockLast = 0; var clockNow = 0; var clockSkew = 0; var clock = typeof performance === "object" && ? performance : Date; var setFrame = typeof window === "object" && window.requestAnimationFrame ? window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window) : function(f) { setTimeout(f, 17); }; function now() { return clockNow || (setFrame(clearNow), clockNow = + clockSkew); } function clearNow() { clockNow = 0; } function Timer() { this._call = this._time = this._next = null; } Timer.prototype = timer.prototype = { constructor: Timer, restart: function(callback, delay2, time) { if (typeof callback !== "function") throw new TypeError("callback is not a function"); time = (time == null ? now() : +time) + (delay2 == null ? 0 : +delay2); if (!this._next && taskTail !== this) { if (taskTail) taskTail._next = this; else taskHead = this; taskTail = this; } this._call = callback; this._time = time; sleep(); }, stop: function() { if (this._call) { this._call = null; this._time = Infinity; sleep(); } } }; function timer(callback, delay2, time) { var t = new Timer(); t.restart(callback, delay2, time); return t; } function timerFlush() { now(); ++frame; var t = taskHead, e; while (t) { if ((e = clockNow - t._time) >= 0), e); t = t._next; } --frame; } function wake() { clockNow = (clockLast = + clockSkew; frame = timeout = 0; try { timerFlush(); } finally { frame = 0; nap(); clockNow = 0; } } function poke() { var now2 =, delay2 = now2 - clockLast; if (delay2 > pokeDelay) clockSkew -= delay2, clockLast = now2; } function nap() { var t0, t1 = taskHead, t2, time = Infinity; while (t1) { if (t1._call) { if (time > t1._time) time = t1._time; t0 = t1, t1 = t1._next; } else { t2 = t1._next, t1._next = null; t1 = t0 ? t0._next = t2 : taskHead = t2; } } taskTail = t0; sleep(time); } function sleep(time) { if (frame) return; if (timeout) timeout = clearTimeout(timeout); var delay2 = time - clockNow; if (delay2 > 24) { if (time < Infinity) timeout = setTimeout(wake, time - - clockSkew); if (interval) interval = clearInterval(interval); } else { if (!interval) clockLast =, interval = setInterval(poke, pokeDelay); frame = 1, setFrame(wake); } } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-timer@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-timer/src/timeout.js function timeout_default(callback, delay2, time) { var t = new Timer(); delay2 = delay2 == null ? 0 : +delay2; t.restart((elapsed) => { t.stop(); callback(elapsed + delay2); }, delay2, time); return t; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/schedule.js var emptyOn = dispatch_default("start", "end", "cancel", "interrupt"); var emptyTween = []; var CREATED = 0; var SCHEDULED = 1; var STARTING = 2; var STARTED = 3; var RUNNING = 4; var ENDING = 5; var ENDED = 6; function schedule_default(node, name2, id2, index16, group2, timing) { var schedules = node.__transition; if (!schedules) node.__transition = {}; else if (id2 in schedules) return; create(node, id2, { name: name2, index: index16, group: group2, on: emptyOn, tween: emptyTween, time: timing.time, delay: timing.delay, duration: timing.duration, ease: timing.ease, timer: null, state: CREATED }); } function init(node, id2) { var schedule = get2(node, id2); if (schedule.state > CREATED) throw new Error("too late; already scheduled"); return schedule; } function set3(node, id2) { var schedule = get2(node, id2); if (schedule.state > STARTED) throw new Error("too late; already running"); return schedule; } function get2(node, id2) { var schedule = node.__transition; if (!schedule || !(schedule = schedule[id2])) throw new Error("transition not found"); return schedule; } function create(node, id2, self2) { var schedules = node.__transition, tween; schedules[id2] = self2; self2.timer = timer(schedule, 0, self2.time); function schedule(elapsed) { self2.state = SCHEDULED; self2.timer.restart(start2, self2.delay, self2.time); if (self2.delay <= elapsed) start2(elapsed - self2.delay); } function start2(elapsed) { var i, j, n, o; if (self2.state !== SCHEDULED) return stop(); for (i in schedules) { o = schedules[i]; if ( !== continue; if (o.state === STARTED) return timeout_default(start2); if (o.state === RUNNING) { o.state = ENDED; o.timer.stop();"interrupt", node, node.__data__, o.index,; delete schedules[i]; } else if (+i < id2) { o.state = ENDED; o.timer.stop();"cancel", node, node.__data__, o.index,; delete schedules[i]; } } timeout_default(function() { if (self2.state === STARTED) { self2.state = RUNNING; self2.timer.restart(tick, self2.delay, self2.time); tick(elapsed); } }); self2.state = STARTING;"start", node, node.__data__, self2.index,; if (self2.state !== STARTING) return; self2.state = STARTED; tween = new Array(n = self2.tween.length); for (i = 0, j = -1; i < n; ++i) { if (o = self2.tween[i], node.__data__, self2.index, { tween[++j] = o; } } tween.length = j + 1; } function tick(elapsed) { var t = elapsed < self2.duration ?, elapsed / self2.duration) : (self2.timer.restart(stop), self2.state = ENDING, 1), i = -1, n = tween.length; while (++i < n) { tween[i].call(node, t); } if (self2.state === ENDING) {"end", node, node.__data__, self2.index,; stop(); } } function stop() { self2.state = ENDED; self2.timer.stop(); delete schedules[id2]; for (var i in schedules) return; delete node.__transition; } } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/interrupt.js function interrupt_default(node, name2) { var schedules = node.__transition, schedule, active, empty2 = true, i; if (!schedules) return; name2 = name2 == null ? null : name2 + ""; for (i in schedules) { if ((schedule = schedules[i]).name !== name2) { empty2 = false; continue; } active = schedule.state > STARTING && schedule.state < ENDING; schedule.state = ENDED; schedule.timer.stop(); ? "interrupt" : "cancel", node, node.__data__, schedule.index,; delete schedules[i]; } if (empty2) delete node.__transition; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/selection/interrupt.js function interrupt_default2(name2) { return this.each(function() { interrupt_default(this, name2); }); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/tween.js function tweenRemove(id2, name2) { var tween0, tween1; return function() { var schedule = set3(this, id2), tween = schedule.tween; if (tween !== tween0) { tween1 = tween0 = tween; for (var i = 0, n = tween1.length; i < n; ++i) { if (tween1[i].name === name2) { tween1 = tween1.slice(); tween1.splice(i, 1); break; } } } schedule.tween = tween1; }; } function tweenFunction(id2, name2, value) { var tween0, tween1; if (typeof value !== "function") throw new Error(); return function() { var schedule = set3(this, id2), tween = schedule.tween; if (tween !== tween0) { tween1 = (tween0 = tween).slice(); for (var t = { name: name2, value }, i = 0, n = tween1.length; i < n; ++i) { if (tween1[i].name === name2) { tween1[i] = t; break; } } if (i === n) tween1.push(t); } schedule.tween = tween1; }; } function tween_default(name2, value) { var id2 = this._id; name2 += ""; if (arguments.length < 2) { var tween = get2(this.node(), id2).tween; for (var i = 0, n = tween.length, t; i < n; ++i) { if ((t = tween[i]).name === name2) { return t.value; } } return null; } return this.each((value == null ? tweenRemove : tweenFunction)(id2, name2, value)); } function tweenValue(transition2, name2, value) { var id2 = transition2._id; transition2.each(function() { var schedule = set3(this, id2); (schedule.value || (schedule.value = {}))[name2] = value.apply(this, arguments); }); return function(node) { return get2(node, id2).value[name2]; }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/interpolate.js function interpolate_default(a, b) { var c2; return (typeof b === "number" ? number_default2 : b instanceof color ? rgb_default : (c2 = color(b)) ? (b = c2, rgb_default) : string_default)(a, b); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/attr.js function attrRemove2(name2) { return function() { this.removeAttribute(name2); }; } function attrRemoveNS2(fullname) { return function() { this.removeAttributeNS(, fullname.local); }; } function attrConstant2(name2, interpolate, value1) { var string00, string1 = value1 + "", interpolate0; return function() { var string0 = this.getAttribute(name2); return string0 === string1 ? null : string0 === string00 ? interpolate0 : interpolate0 = interpolate(string00 = string0, value1); }; } function attrConstantNS2(fullname, interpolate, value1) { var string00, string1 = value1 + "", interpolate0; return function() { var string0 = this.getAttributeNS(, fullname.local); return string0 === string1 ? null : string0 === string00 ? interpolate0 : interpolate0 = interpolate(string00 = string0, value1); }; } function attrFunction2(name2, interpolate, value) { var string00, string10, interpolate0; return function() { var string0, value1 = value(this), string1; if (value1 == null) return void this.removeAttribute(name2); string0 = this.getAttribute(name2); string1 = value1 + ""; return string0 === string1 ? null : string0 === string00 && string1 === string10 ? interpolate0 : (string10 = string1, interpolate0 = interpolate(string00 = string0, value1)); }; } function attrFunctionNS2(fullname, interpolate, value) { var string00, string10, interpolate0; return function() { var string0, value1 = value(this), string1; if (value1 == null) return void this.removeAttributeNS(, fullname.local); string0 = this.getAttributeNS(, fullname.local); string1 = value1 + ""; return string0 === string1 ? null : string0 === string00 && string1 === string10 ? interpolate0 : (string10 = string1, interpolate0 = interpolate(string00 = string0, value1)); }; } function attr_default2(name2, value) { var fullname = namespace_default(name2), i = fullname === "transform" ? interpolateTransformSvg : interpolate_default; return this.attrTween(name2, typeof value === "function" ? (fullname.local ? attrFunctionNS2 : attrFunction2)(fullname, i, tweenValue(this, "attr." + name2, value)) : value == null ? (fullname.local ? attrRemoveNS2 : attrRemove2)(fullname) : (fullname.local ? attrConstantNS2 : attrConstant2)(fullname, i, value)); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/attrTween.js function attrInterpolate(name2, i) { return function(t) { this.setAttribute(name2,, t)); }; } function attrInterpolateNS(fullname, i) { return function(t) { this.setAttributeNS(, fullname.local,, t)); }; } function attrTweenNS(fullname, value) { var t0, i0; function tween() { var i = value.apply(this, arguments); if (i !== i0) t0 = (i0 = i) && attrInterpolateNS(fullname, i); return t0; } tween._value = value; return tween; } function attrTween(name2, value) { var t0, i0; function tween() { var i = value.apply(this, arguments); if (i !== i0) t0 = (i0 = i) && attrInterpolate(name2, i); return t0; } tween._value = value; return tween; } function attrTween_default(name2, value) { var key = "attr." + name2; if (arguments.length < 2) return (key = this.tween(key)) && key._value; if (value == null) return this.tween(key, null); if (typeof value !== "function") throw new Error(); var fullname = namespace_default(name2); return this.tween(key, (fullname.local ? attrTweenNS : attrTween)(fullname, value)); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/delay.js function delayFunction(id2, value) { return function() { init(this, id2).delay = +value.apply(this, arguments); }; } function delayConstant(id2, value) { return value = +value, function() { init(this, id2).delay = value; }; } function delay_default(value) { var id2 = this._id; return arguments.length ? this.each((typeof value === "function" ? delayFunction : delayConstant)(id2, value)) : get2(this.node(), id2).delay; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/duration.js function durationFunction(id2, value) { return function() { set3(this, id2).duration = +value.apply(this, arguments); }; } function durationConstant(id2, value) { return value = +value, function() { set3(this, id2).duration = value; }; } function duration_default(value) { var id2 = this._id; return arguments.length ? this.each((typeof value === "function" ? durationFunction : durationConstant)(id2, value)) : get2(this.node(), id2).duration; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/ease.js function easeConstant(id2, value) { if (typeof value !== "function") throw new Error(); return function() { set3(this, id2).ease = value; }; } function ease_default(value) { var id2 = this._id; return arguments.length ? this.each(easeConstant(id2, value)) : get2(this.node(), id2).ease; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/easeVarying.js function easeVarying(id2, value) { return function() { var v = value.apply(this, arguments); if (typeof v !== "function") throw new Error(); set3(this, id2).ease = v; }; } function easeVarying_default(value) { if (typeof value !== "function") throw new Error(); return this.each(easeVarying(this._id, value)); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/filter.js function filter_default2(match) { if (typeof match !== "function") match = matcher_default(match); for (var groups2 = this._groups, m = groups2.length, subgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group2 = groups2[j], n = group2.length, subgroup = subgroups[j] = [], node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if ((node = group2[i]) &&, node.__data__, i, group2)) { subgroup.push(node); } } } return new Transition(subgroups, this._parents, this._name, this._id); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/merge.js function merge_default2(transition2) { if (transition2._id !== this._id) throw new Error(); for (var groups0 = this._groups, groups1 = transition2._groups, m0 = groups0.length, m1 = groups1.length, m = Math.min(m0, m1), merges = new Array(m0), j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group0 = groups0[j], group1 = groups1[j], n = group0.length, merge = merges[j] = new Array(n), node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group0[i] || group1[i]) { merge[i] = node; } } } for (; j < m0; ++j) { merges[j] = groups0[j]; } return new Transition(merges, this._parents, this._name, this._id); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/on.js function start(name2) { return (name2 + "").trim().split(/^|\s+/).every(function(t) { var i = t.indexOf("."); if (i >= 0) t = t.slice(0, i); return !t || t === "start"; }); } function onFunction(id2, name2, listener) { var on0, on1, sit = start(name2) ? init : set3; return function() { var schedule = sit(this, id2), on = schedule.on; if (on !== on0) (on1 = (on0 = on).copy()).on(name2, listener); schedule.on = on1; }; } function on_default2(name2, listener) { var id2 = this._id; return arguments.length < 2 ? get2(this.node(), id2).on.on(name2) : this.each(onFunction(id2, name2, listener)); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/remove.js function removeFunction(id2) { return function() { var parent = this.parentNode; for (var i in this.__transition) if (+i !== id2) return; if (parent) parent.removeChild(this); }; } function remove_default2() { return this.on("end.remove", removeFunction(this._id)); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/select.js function select_default2(select) { var name2 = this._name, id2 = this._id; if (typeof select !== "function") select = selector_default(select); for (var groups2 = this._groups, m = groups2.length, subgroups = new Array(m), j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group2 = groups2[j], n = group2.length, subgroup = subgroups[j] = new Array(n), node, subnode, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if ((node = group2[i]) && (subnode =, node.__data__, i, group2))) { if ("__data__" in node) subnode.__data__ = node.__data__; subgroup[i] = subnode; schedule_default(subgroup[i], name2, id2, i, subgroup, get2(node, id2)); } } } return new Transition(subgroups, this._parents, name2, id2); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/selectAll.js function selectAll_default2(select) { var name2 = this._name, id2 = this._id; if (typeof select !== "function") select = selectorAll_default(select); for (var groups2 = this._groups, m = groups2.length, subgroups = [], parents = [], j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group2 = groups2[j], n = group2.length, node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group2[i]) { for (var children2 =, node.__data__, i, group2), child, inherit2 = get2(node, id2), k = 0, l = children2.length; k < l; ++k) { if (child = children2[k]) { schedule_default(child, name2, id2, k, children2, inherit2); } } subgroups.push(children2); parents.push(node); } } } return new Transition(subgroups, parents, name2, id2); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/selection.js var Selection2 = selection_default.prototype.constructor; function selection_default2() { return new Selection2(this._groups, this._parents); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/style.js function styleNull(name2, interpolate) { var string00, string10, interpolate0; return function() { var string0 = styleValue(this, name2), string1 = (, styleValue(this, name2)); return string0 === string1 ? null : string0 === string00 && string1 === string10 ? interpolate0 : interpolate0 = interpolate(string00 = string0, string10 = string1); }; } function styleRemove2(name2) { return function() {; }; } function styleConstant2(name2, interpolate, value1) { var string00, string1 = value1 + "", interpolate0; return function() { var string0 = styleValue(this, name2); return string0 === string1 ? null : string0 === string00 ? interpolate0 : interpolate0 = interpolate(string00 = string0, value1); }; } function styleFunction2(name2, interpolate, value) { var string00, string10, interpolate0; return function() { var string0 = styleValue(this, name2), value1 = value(this), string1 = value1 + ""; if (value1 == null) string1 = value1 = (, styleValue(this, name2)); return string0 === string1 ? null : string0 === string00 && string1 === string10 ? interpolate0 : (string10 = string1, interpolate0 = interpolate(string00 = string0, value1)); }; } function styleMaybeRemove(id2, name2) { var on0, on1, listener0, key = "style." + name2, event = "end." + key, remove2; return function() { var schedule = set3(this, id2), on = schedule.on, listener = schedule.value[key] == null ? remove2 || (remove2 = styleRemove2(name2)) : void 0; if (on !== on0 || listener0 !== listener) (on1 = (on0 = on).copy()).on(event, listener0 = listener); schedule.on = on1; }; } function style_default2(name2, value, priority) { var i = (name2 += "") === "transform" ? interpolateTransformCss : interpolate_default; return value == null ? this.styleTween(name2, styleNull(name2, i)).on("" + name2, styleRemove2(name2)) : typeof value === "function" ? this.styleTween(name2, styleFunction2(name2, i, tweenValue(this, "style." + name2, value))).each(styleMaybeRemove(this._id, name2)) : this.styleTween(name2, styleConstant2(name2, i, value), priority).on("" + name2, null); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/styleTween.js function styleInterpolate(name2, i, priority) { return function(t) {,, t), priority); }; } function styleTween(name2, value, priority) { var t, i0; function tween() { var i = value.apply(this, arguments); if (i !== i0) t = (i0 = i) && styleInterpolate(name2, i, priority); return t; } tween._value = value; return tween; } function styleTween_default(name2, value, priority) { var key = "style." + (name2 += ""); if (arguments.length < 2) return (key = this.tween(key)) && key._value; if (value == null) return this.tween(key, null); if (typeof value !== "function") throw new Error(); return this.tween(key, styleTween(name2, value, priority == null ? "" : priority)); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/text.js function textConstant2(value) { return function() { this.textContent = value; }; } function textFunction2(value) { return function() { var value1 = value(this); this.textContent = value1 == null ? "" : value1; }; } function text_default2(value) { return this.tween("text", typeof value === "function" ? textFunction2(tweenValue(this, "text", value)) : textConstant2(value == null ? "" : value + "")); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/textTween.js function textInterpolate(i) { return function(t) { this.textContent =, t); }; } function textTween(value) { var t0, i0; function tween() { var i = value.apply(this, arguments); if (i !== i0) t0 = (i0 = i) && textInterpolate(i); return t0; } tween._value = value; return tween; } function textTween_default(value) { var key = "text"; if (arguments.length < 1) return (key = this.tween(key)) && key._value; if (value == null) return this.tween(key, null); if (typeof value !== "function") throw new Error(); return this.tween(key, textTween(value)); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/transition.js function transition_default() { var name2 = this._name, id0 = this._id, id1 = newId(); for (var groups2 = this._groups, m = groups2.length, j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group2 = groups2[j], n = group2.length, node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group2[i]) { var inherit2 = get2(node, id0); schedule_default(node, name2, id1, i, group2, { time: inherit2.time + inherit2.delay + inherit2.duration, delay: 0, duration: inherit2.duration, ease: inherit2.ease }); } } } return new Transition(groups2, this._parents, name2, id1); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/end.js function end_default() { var on0, on1, that = this, id2 = that._id, size = that.size(); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var cancel = { value: reject }, end = { value: function() { if (--size === 0) resolve(); } }; that.each(function() { var schedule = set3(this, id2), on = schedule.on; if (on !== on0) { on1 = (on0 = on).copy(); on1._.cancel.push(cancel); on1._.interrupt.push(cancel); on1._.end.push(end); } schedule.on = on1; }); if (size === 0) resolve(); }); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/transition/index.js var id = 0; function Transition(groups2, parents, name2, id2) { this._groups = groups2; this._parents = parents; this._name = name2; this._id = id2; } function transition(name2) { return selection_default().transition(name2); } function newId() { return ++id; } var selection_prototype = selection_default.prototype; Transition.prototype = transition.prototype = { constructor: Transition, select: select_default2, selectAll: selectAll_default2, filter: filter_default2, merge: merge_default2, selection: selection_default2, transition: transition_default, call:, nodes: selection_prototype.nodes, node: selection_prototype.node, size: selection_prototype.size, empty: selection_prototype.empty, each: selection_prototype.each, on: on_default2, attr: attr_default2, attrTween: attrTween_default, style: style_default2, styleTween: styleTween_default, text: text_default2, textTween: textTween_default, remove: remove_default2, tween: tween_default, delay: delay_default, duration: duration_default, ease: ease_default, easeVarying: easeVarying_default, end: end_default, [Symbol.iterator]: selection_prototype[Symbol.iterator] }; // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-ease@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-ease/src/cubic.js function cubicInOut(t) { return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? t * t * t : (t -= 2) * t * t + 2) / 2; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/selection/transition.js var defaultTiming = { time: null, delay: 0, duration: 250, ease: cubicInOut }; function inherit(node, id2) { var timing; while (!(timing = node.__transition) || !(timing = timing[id2])) { if (!(node = node.parentNode)) { throw new Error(`transition ${id2} not found`); } } return timing; } function transition_default2(name2) { var id2, timing; if (name2 instanceof Transition) { id2 = name2._id, name2 = name2._name; } else { id2 = newId(), (timing = defaultTiming).time = now(), name2 = name2 == null ? null : name2 + ""; } for (var groups2 = this._groups, m = groups2.length, j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (var group2 = groups2[j], n = group2.length, node, i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (node = group2[i]) { schedule_default(node, name2, id2, i, group2, timing || inherit(node, id2)); } } } return new Transition(groups2, this._parents, name2, id2); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-transition@2.0.0_d3-selection@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-transition/src/selection/index.js selection_default.prototype.interrupt = interrupt_default2; selection_default.prototype.transition = transition_default2; // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-brush@2.1.0/node_modules/d3-brush/src/brush.js var { abs, max: max2, min: min2 } = Math; function number1(e) { return [+e[0], +e[1]]; } function number2(e) { return [number1(e[0]), number1(e[1])]; } var X = { name: "x", handles: ["w", "e"].map(type2), input: function(x, e) { return x == null ? null : [[+x[0], e[0][1]], [+x[1], e[1][1]]]; }, output: function(xy) { return xy && [xy[0][0], xy[1][0]]; } }; var Y = { name: "y", handles: ["n", "s"].map(type2), input: function(y, e) { return y == null ? null : [[e[0][0], +y[0]], [e[1][0], +y[1]]]; }, output: function(xy) { return xy && [xy[0][1], xy[1][1]]; } }; var XY = { name: "xy", handles: ["n", "w", "e", "s", "nw", "ne", "sw", "se"].map(type2), input: function(xy) { return xy == null ? null : number2(xy); }, output: function(xy) { return xy; } }; function type2(t) { return { type: t }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-format@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-format/src/formatDecimal.js function formatDecimal_default(x) { return Math.abs(x = Math.round(x)) >= 1e21 ? x.toLocaleString("en").replace(/,/g, "") : x.toString(10); } function formatDecimalParts(x, p) { if ((i = (x = p ? x.toExponential(p - 1) : x.toExponential()).indexOf("e")) < 0) return null; var i, coefficient = x.slice(0, i); return [ coefficient.length > 1 ? coefficient[0] + coefficient.slice(2) : coefficient, +x.slice(i + 1) ]; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-format@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-format/src/exponent.js function exponent_default(x) { return x = formatDecimalParts(Math.abs(x)), x ? x[1] : NaN; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-format@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-format/src/formatGroup.js function formatGroup_default(grouping, thousands) { return function(value, width) { var i = value.length, t = [], j = 0, g = grouping[0], length = 0; while (i > 0 && g > 0) { if (length + g + 1 > width) g = Math.max(1, width - length); t.push(value.substring(i -= g, i + g)); if ((length += g + 1) > width) break; g = grouping[j = (j + 1) % grouping.length]; } return t.reverse().join(thousands); }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-format@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-format/src/formatNumerals.js function formatNumerals_default(numerals) { return function(value) { return value.replace(/[0-9]/g, function(i) { return numerals[+i]; }); }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-format@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-format/src/formatSpecifier.js var re = /^(?:(.)?([<>=^]))?([+\-( ])?([$#])?(0)?(\d+)?(,)?(\.\d+)?(~)?([a-z%])?$/i; function formatSpecifier(specifier) { if (!(match = re.exec(specifier))) throw new Error("invalid format: " + specifier); var match; return new FormatSpecifier({ fill: match[1], align: match[2], sign: match[3], symbol: match[4], zero: match[5], width: match[6], comma: match[7], precision: match[8] && match[8].slice(1), trim: match[9], type: match[10] }); } formatSpecifier.prototype = FormatSpecifier.prototype; function FormatSpecifier(specifier) { this.fill = specifier.fill === void 0 ? " " : specifier.fill + ""; this.align = specifier.align === void 0 ? ">" : specifier.align + ""; this.sign = specifier.sign === void 0 ? "-" : specifier.sign + ""; this.symbol = specifier.symbol === void 0 ? "" : specifier.symbol + ""; = !!; this.width = specifier.width === void 0 ? void 0 : +specifier.width; this.comma = !!specifier.comma; this.precision = specifier.precision === void 0 ? void 0 : +specifier.precision; this.trim = !!specifier.trim; this.type = specifier.type === void 0 ? "" : specifier.type + ""; } FormatSpecifier.prototype.toString = function() { return this.fill + this.align + this.sign + this.symbol + ( ? "0" : "") + (this.width === void 0 ? "" : Math.max(1, this.width | 0)) + (this.comma ? "," : "") + (this.precision === void 0 ? "" : "." + Math.max(0, this.precision | 0)) + (this.trim ? "~" : "") + this.type; }; // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-format@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-format/src/formatTrim.js function formatTrim_default(s) { out: for (var n = s.length, i = 1, i0 = -1, i1; i < n; ++i) { switch (s[i]) { case ".": i0 = i1 = i; break; case "0": if (i0 === 0) i0 = i; i1 = i; break; default: if (!+s[i]) break out; if (i0 > 0) i0 = 0; break; } } return i0 > 0 ? s.slice(0, i0) + s.slice(i1 + 1) : s; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-format@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-format/src/formatPrefixAuto.js var prefixExponent; function formatPrefixAuto_default(x, p) { var d = formatDecimalParts(x, p); if (!d) return x + ""; var coefficient = d[0], exponent = d[1], i = exponent - (prefixExponent = Math.max(-8, Math.min(8, Math.floor(exponent / 3))) * 3) + 1, n = coefficient.length; return i === n ? coefficient : i > n ? coefficient + new Array(i - n + 1).join("0") : i > 0 ? coefficient.slice(0, i) + "." + coefficient.slice(i) : "0." + new Array(1 - i).join("0") + formatDecimalParts(x, Math.max(0, p + i - 1))[0]; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-format@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-format/src/formatRounded.js function formatRounded_default(x, p) { var d = formatDecimalParts(x, p); if (!d) return x + ""; var coefficient = d[0], exponent = d[1]; return exponent < 0 ? "0." + new Array(-exponent).join("0") + coefficient : coefficient.length > exponent + 1 ? coefficient.slice(0, exponent + 1) + "." + coefficient.slice(exponent + 1) : coefficient + new Array(exponent - coefficient.length + 2).join("0"); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-format@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-format/src/formatTypes.js var formatTypes_default = { "%": (x, p) => (x * 100).toFixed(p), "b": (x) => Math.round(x).toString(2), "c": (x) => x + "", "d": formatDecimal_default, "e": (x, p) => x.toExponential(p), "f": (x, p) => x.toFixed(p), "g": (x, p) => x.toPrecision(p), "o": (x) => Math.round(x).toString(8), "p": (x, p) => formatRounded_default(x * 100, p), "r": formatRounded_default, "s": formatPrefixAuto_default, "X": (x) => Math.round(x).toString(16).toUpperCase(), "x": (x) => Math.round(x).toString(16) }; // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-format@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-format/src/identity.js function identity_default2(x) { return x; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-format@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-format/src/locale.js var map =; var prefixes = ["y", "z", "a", "f", "p", "n", "\xB5", "m", "", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"]; function locale_default(locale2) { var group2 = locale2.grouping === void 0 || locale2.thousands === void 0 ? identity_default2 : formatGroup_default(, Number), locale2.thousands + ""), currencyPrefix = locale2.currency === void 0 ? "" : locale2.currency[0] + "", currencySuffix = locale2.currency === void 0 ? "" : locale2.currency[1] + "", decimal = locale2.decimal === void 0 ? "." : locale2.decimal + "", numerals = locale2.numerals === void 0 ? identity_default2 : formatNumerals_default(, String)), percent = locale2.percent === void 0 ? "%" : locale2.percent + "", minus = locale2.minus === void 0 ? "\u2212" : locale2.minus + "", nan = locale2.nan === void 0 ? "NaN" : locale2.nan + ""; function newFormat(specifier) { specifier = formatSpecifier(specifier); var fill = specifier.fill, align = specifier.align, sign = specifier.sign, symbol = specifier.symbol, zero2 =, width = specifier.width, comma = specifier.comma, precision = specifier.precision, trim = specifier.trim, type3 = specifier.type; if (type3 === "n") comma = true, type3 = "g"; else if (!formatTypes_default[type3]) precision === void 0 && (precision = 12), trim = true, type3 = "g"; if (zero2 || fill === "0" && align === "=") zero2 = true, fill = "0", align = "="; var prefix = symbol === "$" ? currencyPrefix : symbol === "#" && /[boxX]/.test(type3) ? "0" + type3.toLowerCase() : "", suffix = symbol === "$" ? currencySuffix : /[%p]/.test(type3) ? percent : ""; var formatType = formatTypes_default[type3], maybeSuffix = /[defgprs%]/.test(type3); precision = precision === void 0 ? 6 : /[gprs]/.test(type3) ? Math.max(1, Math.min(21, precision)) : Math.max(0, Math.min(20, precision)); function format2(value) { var valuePrefix = prefix, valueSuffix = suffix, i, n, c2; if (type3 === "c") { valueSuffix = formatType(value) + valueSuffix; value = ""; } else { value = +value; var valueNegative = value < 0 || 1 / value < 0; value = isNaN(value) ? nan : formatType(Math.abs(value), precision); if (trim) value = formatTrim_default(value); if (valueNegative && +value === 0 && sign !== "+") valueNegative = false; valuePrefix = (valueNegative ? sign === "(" ? sign : minus : sign === "-" || sign === "(" ? "" : sign) + valuePrefix; valueSuffix = (type3 === "s" ? prefixes[8 + prefixExponent / 3] : "") + valueSuffix + (valueNegative && sign === "(" ? ")" : ""); if (maybeSuffix) { i = -1, n = value.length; while (++i < n) { if (c2 = value.charCodeAt(i), 48 > c2 || c2 > 57) { valueSuffix = (c2 === 46 ? decimal + value.slice(i + 1) : value.slice(i)) + valueSuffix; value = value.slice(0, i); break; } } } } if (comma && !zero2) value = group2(value, Infinity); var length = valuePrefix.length + value.length + valueSuffix.length, padding = length < width ? new Array(width - length + 1).join(fill) : ""; if (comma && zero2) value = group2(padding + value, padding.length ? width - valueSuffix.length : Infinity), padding = ""; switch (align) { case "<": value = valuePrefix + value + valueSuffix + padding; break; case "=": value = valuePrefix + padding + value + valueSuffix; break; case "^": value = padding.slice(0, length = padding.length >> 1) + valuePrefix + value + valueSuffix + padding.slice(length); break; default: value = padding + valuePrefix + value + valueSuffix; break; } return numerals(value); } format2.toString = function() { return specifier + ""; }; return format2; } function formatPrefix2(specifier, value) { var f = newFormat((specifier = formatSpecifier(specifier), specifier.type = "f", specifier)), e = Math.max(-8, Math.min(8, Math.floor(exponent_default(value) / 3))) * 3, k = Math.pow(10, -e), prefix = prefixes[8 + e / 3]; return function(value2) { return f(k * value2) + prefix; }; } return { format: newFormat, formatPrefix: formatPrefix2 }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-format@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-format/src/defaultLocale.js var locale; var format; var formatPrefix; defaultLocale({ thousands: ",", grouping: [3], currency: ["$", ""] }); function defaultLocale(definition) { locale = locale_default(definition); format = locale.format; formatPrefix = locale.formatPrefix; return locale; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-format@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-format/src/precisionFixed.js function precisionFixed_default(step) { return Math.max(0, -exponent_default(Math.abs(step))); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-format@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-format/src/precisionPrefix.js function precisionPrefix_default(step, value) { return Math.max(0, Math.max(-8, Math.min(8, Math.floor(exponent_default(value) / 3))) * 3 - exponent_default(Math.abs(step))); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-format@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-format/src/precisionRound.js function precisionRound_default(step, max3) { step = Math.abs(step), max3 = Math.abs(max3) - step; return Math.max(0, exponent_default(max3) - exponent_default(step)) + 1; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-random@2.2.2/node_modules/d3-random/src/defaultSource.js var defaultSource_default = Math.random; // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-random@2.2.2/node_modules/d3-random/src/uniform.js var uniform_default = function sourceRandomUniform(source) { function randomUniform(min3, max3) { min3 = min3 == null ? 0 : +min3; max3 = max3 == null ? 1 : +max3; if (arguments.length === 1) max3 = min3, min3 = 0; else max3 -= min3; return function() { return source() * max3 + min3; }; } randomUniform.source = sourceRandomUniform; return randomUniform; }(defaultSource_default); // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-random@2.2.2/node_modules/d3-random/src/int.js var int_default = function sourceRandomInt(source) { function randomInt(min3, max3) { if (arguments.length < 2) max3 = min3, min3 = 0; min3 = Math.floor(min3); max3 = Math.floor(max3) - min3; return function() { return Math.floor(source() * max3 + min3); }; } randomInt.source = sourceRandomInt; return randomInt; }(defaultSource_default); // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-random@2.2.2/node_modules/d3-random/src/normal.js var normal_default = function sourceRandomNormal(source) { function randomNormal(mu, sigma) { var x, r; mu = mu == null ? 0 : +mu; sigma = sigma == null ? 1 : +sigma; return function() { var y; if (x != null) y = x, x = null; else do { x = source() * 2 - 1; y = source() * 2 - 1; r = x * x + y * y; } while (!r || r > 1); return mu + sigma * y * Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(r) / r); }; } randomNormal.source = sourceRandomNormal; return randomNormal; }(defaultSource_default); // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-random@2.2.2/node_modules/d3-random/src/lcg.js var mul = 1664525; var inc = 1013904223; var eps = 1 / 4294967296; function lcg(seed = Math.random()) { let state = (0 <= seed && seed < 1 ? seed / eps : Math.abs(seed)) | 0; return () => (state = mul * state + inc | 0, eps * (state >>> 0)); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-scale@3.3.0/node_modules/d3-scale/src/init.js function initRange(domain, range2) { switch (arguments.length) { case 0: break; case 1: this.range(domain); break; default: this.range(range2).domain(domain); break; } return this; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-scale@3.3.0/node_modules/d3-scale/src/constant.js function constants(x) { return function() { return x; }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-scale@3.3.0/node_modules/d3-scale/src/number.js function number(x) { return +x; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-scale@3.3.0/node_modules/d3-scale/src/continuous.js var unit = [0, 1]; function identity2(x) { return x; } function normalize(a, b) { return (b -= a = +a) ? function(x) { return (x - a) / b; } : constants(isNaN(b) ? NaN : 0.5); } function clamper(a, b) { var t; if (a > b) t = a, a = b, b = t; return function(x) { return Math.max(a, Math.min(b, x)); }; } function bimap(domain, range2, interpolate) { var d0 = domain[0], d1 = domain[1], r0 = range2[0], r1 = range2[1]; if (d1 < d0) d0 = normalize(d1, d0), r0 = interpolate(r1, r0); else d0 = normalize(d0, d1), r0 = interpolate(r0, r1); return function(x) { return r0(d0(x)); }; } function polymap(domain, range2, interpolate) { var j = Math.min(domain.length, range2.length) - 1, d = new Array(j), r = new Array(j), i = -1; if (domain[j] < domain[0]) { domain = domain.slice().reverse(); range2 = range2.slice().reverse(); } while (++i < j) { d[i] = normalize(domain[i], domain[i + 1]); r[i] = interpolate(range2[i], range2[i + 1]); } return function(x) { var i2 = bisect_default(domain, x, 1, j) - 1; return r[i2](d[i2](x)); }; } function copy(source, target) { return target.domain(source.domain()).range(source.range()).interpolate(source.interpolate()).clamp(source.clamp()).unknown(source.unknown()); } function transformer() { var domain = unit, range2 = unit, interpolate = value_default, transform2, untransform, unknown, clamp = identity2, piecewise, output, input; function rescale() { var n = Math.min(domain.length, range2.length); if (clamp !== identity2) clamp = clamper(domain[0], domain[n - 1]); piecewise = n > 2 ? polymap : bimap; output = input = null; return scale2; } function scale2(x) { return x == null || isNaN(x = +x) ? unknown : (output || (output = piecewise(, range2, interpolate)))(transform2(clamp(x))); } scale2.invert = function(y) { return clamp(untransform((input || (input = piecewise(range2,, number_default2)))(y))); }; scale2.domain = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (domain = Array.from(_, number), rescale()) : domain.slice(); }; scale2.range = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (range2 = Array.from(_), rescale()) : range2.slice(); }; scale2.rangeRound = function(_) { return range2 = Array.from(_), interpolate = round_default, rescale(); }; scale2.clamp = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (clamp = _ ? true : identity2, rescale()) : clamp !== identity2; }; scale2.interpolate = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (interpolate = _, rescale()) : interpolate; }; scale2.unknown = function(_) { return arguments.length ? (unknown = _, scale2) : unknown; }; return function(t, u) { transform2 = t, untransform = u; return rescale(); }; } function continuous() { return transformer()(identity2, identity2); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-scale@3.3.0/node_modules/d3-scale/src/tickFormat.js function tickFormat(start2, stop, count2, specifier) { var step = tickStep(start2, stop, count2), precision; specifier = formatSpecifier(specifier == null ? ",f" : specifier); switch (specifier.type) { case "s": { var value = Math.max(Math.abs(start2), Math.abs(stop)); if (specifier.precision == null && !isNaN(precision = precisionPrefix_default(step, value))) specifier.precision = precision; return formatPrefix(specifier, value); } case "": case "e": case "g": case "p": case "r": { if (specifier.precision == null && !isNaN(precision = precisionRound_default(step, Math.max(Math.abs(start2), Math.abs(stop))))) specifier.precision = precision - (specifier.type === "e"); break; } case "f": case "%": { if (specifier.precision == null && !isNaN(precision = precisionFixed_default(step))) specifier.precision = precision - (specifier.type === "%") * 2; break; } } return format(specifier); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-scale@3.3.0/node_modules/d3-scale/src/linear.js function linearish(scale2) { var domain = scale2.domain; scale2.ticks = function(count2) { var d = domain(); return ticks_default(d[0], d[d.length - 1], count2 == null ? 10 : count2); }; scale2.tickFormat = function(count2, specifier) { var d = domain(); return tickFormat(d[0], d[d.length - 1], count2 == null ? 10 : count2, specifier); }; scale2.nice = function(count2) { if (count2 == null) count2 = 10; var d = domain(); var i0 = 0; var i1 = d.length - 1; var start2 = d[i0]; var stop = d[i1]; var prestep; var step; var maxIter = 10; if (stop < start2) { step = start2, start2 = stop, stop = step; step = i0, i0 = i1, i1 = step; } while (maxIter-- > 0) { step = tickIncrement(start2, stop, count2); if (step === prestep) { d[i0] = start2; d[i1] = stop; return domain(d); } else if (step > 0) { start2 = Math.floor(start2 / step) * step; stop = Math.ceil(stop / step) * step; } else if (step < 0) { start2 = Math.ceil(start2 * step) / step; stop = Math.floor(stop * step) / step; } else { break; } prestep = step; } return scale2; }; return scale2; } function linear2() { var scale2 = continuous(); scale2.copy = function() { return copy(scale2, linear2()); }; initRange.apply(scale2, arguments); return linearish(scale2); } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-scale-chromatic@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-scale-chromatic/src/colors.js function colors_default(specifier) { var n = specifier.length / 6 | 0, colors = new Array(n), i = 0; while (i < n) colors[i] = "#" + specifier.slice(i * 6, ++i * 6); return colors; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-scale-chromatic@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-scale-chromatic/src/sequential-multi/rainbow.js var warm = cubehelixLong(cubehelix(-100, 0.75, 0.35), cubehelix(80, 1.5, 0.8)); var cool = cubehelixLong(cubehelix(260, 0.75, 0.35), cubehelix(80, 1.5, 0.8)); var c = cubehelix(); function rainbow_default(t) { if (t < 0 || t > 1) t -= Math.floor(t); var ts = Math.abs(t - 0.5); c.h = 360 * t - 100; c.s = 1.5 - 1.5 * ts; c.l = 0.8 - 0.9 * ts; return c + ""; } // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-scale-chromatic@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-scale-chromatic/src/sequential-multi/viridis.js function ramp(range2) { var n = range2.length; return function(t) { return range2[Math.max(0, Math.min(n - 1, Math.floor(t * n)))]; }; } var viridis_default = ramp(colors_default("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")); var magma = ramp(colors_default("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")); var inferno = ramp(colors_default("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")); var plasma = ramp(colors_default("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")); // node_modules/.pnpm/d3-zoom@2.0.0/node_modules/d3-zoom/src/transform.js function Transform(k, x, y) { this.k = k; this.x = x; this.y = y; } Transform.prototype = { constructor: Transform, scale: function(k) { return k === 1 ? this : new Transform(this.k * k, this.x, this.y); }, translate: function(x, y) { return x === 0 & y === 0 ? this : new Transform(this.k, this.x + this.k * x, this.y + this.k * y); }, apply: function(point) { return [point[0] * this.k + this.x, point[1] * this.k + this.y]; }, applyX: function(x) { return x * this.k + this.x; }, applyY: function(y) { return y * this.k + this.y; }, invert: function(location) { return [(location[0] - this.x) / this.k, (location[1] - this.y) / this.k]; }, invertX: function(x) { return (x - this.x) / this.k; }, invertY: function(y) { return (y - this.y) / this.k; }, rescaleX: function(x) { return x.copy().domain(x.range().map(this.invertX, this).map(x.invert, x)); }, rescaleY: function(y) { return y.copy().domain(y.range().map(this.invertY, this).map(y.invert, y)); }, toString: function() { return "translate(" + this.x + "," + this.y + ") scale(" + this.k + ")"; } }; var identity3 = new Transform(1, 0, 0); transform.prototype = Transform.prototype; function transform(node) { while (!node.__zoom) if (!(node = node.parentNode)) return identity3; return node.__zoom; } // src/utils/MathUtils.js function randFloat(min3 = 0, max3 = 1) { return Math.random() * (max3 - min3) + min3; } function choose(array) { const index16 = int_default(0, array.length)(); return array[index16]; } function clipValue(value, minValue, maxValue) { return Math.max(minValue, Math.min(maxValue, value)); } function roundToNDecimals(number3, n) { return +number3.toFixed(n); } function swapSoSmallerFirst(x, y) { if (x <= y) { return [x, y]; } return [y, x]; } function countOnesOfBinary(integer) { let count2 = 0; while (integer !== 0) { integer = integer & integer - 1; count2++; } return count2; } function findLocalMaxima(array) { if (array.length <= 1) { return []; } if (array.length === 2) { if (array[0] > array[1]) { return [0]; } if (array[1] > array[0]) { return [1]; } return []; } const maximaIndices = []; if (array[0] > array[1]) { maximaIndices.push(0); } let last = array[0]; let current = array[1]; for (let index16 = 1; index16 < array.length - 1; index16++) { const next = array[index16 + 1]; if (current > last && current > next) { maximaIndices.push(index16); } last = current; current = next; } const lastIndex = array.length - 1; if (array[lastIndex] > array[lastIndex - 1]) { maximaIndices.push(array.length - 1); } return maximaIndices; } // src/types/NoteArray.js var NoteArray = class { constructor(notes = [], reUseNotes = false) { if (reUseNotes) { this._notes = notes; } else { this._notes = => { if (d.string !== void 0 && d.fret !== void 0) { return GuitarNote_default.from(d); } return Note_default.from(d); }); } } getNotes() { return this._notes; } setNotes(notes) { this._notes = notes; return this; } *[Symbol.iterator]() { for (const note2 of this._notes) { yield note2; } } addNotes(notes, sort = true) { this._notes = [...this._notes, ...notes]; if (sort) { this.sortByTime(); } return this; } concat(noteArray) { this._notes = [...this._notes, ...noteArray._notes]; return this; } append(noteArray, gap = 0) { const duration = this.getDuration(); const clone = noteArray.clone(); clone.shiftTime(duration + gap); this._notes = [...this._notes, ...clone._notes]; this.sortByTime(); return this; } repeat(times) { const result = this.clone(); if (times < 1) { return new NoteArray(); } if (times === 1) { return result; } const copy2 = this.clone(); const duration = this.getDuration(); for (let index16 = 1; index16 < times; index16++) { copy2.shiftTime(duration); result.concat(copy2); } return result; } length() { return this._notes.length; } getStartTime() { return min(this._notes, (d) => d.start); } getDuration() { let duration = 0; for (const note2 of this._notes) { const noteEnd = note2.end === null ? note2.start : note2.end; if (noteEnd > duration) { duration = noteEnd; } } return duration; } scaleTime(factor) { this._notes = => n.scaleTime(factor)); return this; } shiftTime(addedSeconds) { this._notes = => n.shiftTime(addedSeconds)); return this; } shiftToStartAt(startTime) { this.sortByTime(); const firstNoteStart = this._notes[0].start; const offset = firstNoteStart - startTime; this._notes.forEach((n) => { n.start -= offset; if (n.end !== null) { n.end -= offset; } }); return this; } forEach(func) { this._notes.forEach((element, index16, array) => func(element, index16, array)); return this; } sort(sortFunction) { this._notes = this._notes.sort(sortFunction); return this; } sortByTime() { this._notes = this._notes.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start); return this; } map(mapFunction) { this._notes =, index16, array) => mapFunction(element, index16, array)); return this; } slice(start2, end) { this._notes = this._notes.slice(start2, end); return this; } sliceTime(startTime, endTime, mode2 = "contained") { const start2 = startTime; const end = endTime; let filterFunc; if (mode2 === "start") { filterFunc = (n) => n.start >= start2 && n.start < end; } else if (mode2 === "end") { filterFunc = (n) => n.end !== null && n.end >= start2 && n.end < end; } else if (mode2 === "contained") { filterFunc = (n) => n.end !== null && n.start >= start2 && n.end < end; } else if (mode2 === "touched") { filterFunc = (n) => n.start >= start2 && n.start <= end || n.end !== null && n.end >= start2 && n.end <= end; } else if (mode2 === "touched-included") { filterFunc = (n) => n.start >= start2 && n.start <= end || n.end !== null && n.end >= start2 && n.end <= end || n.end !== null && n.start <= start2 && n.end >= end; } else { throw new Error("Invalid slicing mode"); } this._notes = this._notes.filter(filterFunc); return this; } sliceAtTimes(times, mode2, reUseNotes = false) { if (times.length === 0) { return [this._notes]; } const duration = this.getDuration(); if (Math.max(...times) <= duration) { times.push(duration + 1); } const slices = []; let lastTime = 0; for (const time of times) { slices.push(new NoteArray(this._notes, reUseNotes).sliceTime(lastTime, time, mode2).getNotes()); lastTime = time; } return slices; } segmentAtGaps(gapDuration, mode2) { if (this._notes.length < 2) { return [this._notes]; } if (mode2 === "start-start") { const notes = this.clone().sortByTime().getNotes(); const cuts = []; for (let index16 = 1; index16 < notes.length; index16++) { if (notes[index16].start - notes[index16 - 1].start >= gapDuration) { cuts.push(notes[index16].start); } } return this.sliceAtTimes(cuts, "start"); } else { const occupiedTimes = []; for (const note2 of this._notes) { const { start: start2, end } = note2; const collisions = []; for (let index16 = 0; index16 < occupiedTimes.length; index16++) { const [s, e] = occupiedTimes[index16]; if (s >= start2 && s <= end || e >= start2 && e <= end) { occupiedTimes.splice(index16, 1); collisions.push([s, e]); } } if (collisions.length === 0) { occupiedTimes.push([start2, end]); } else { const newStart = Math.min(start2, => d[0])); const newEnd = Math.max(end, => d[1])); occupiedTimes.push([newStart, newEnd]); } } if (occupiedTimes.length === 1) { return [this._notes]; } const cuts = []; for (let index16 = 1; index16 < occupiedTimes.length; index16++) { const currentStart = occupiedTimes[index16][0]; const lastEnd = occupiedTimes[index16 - 1][1]; if (currentStart - lastEnd >= gapDuration) { cuts.push(currentStart); } } return this.sliceAtTimes(cuts, "start"); } } segmentAtIndices(indices) { const segments = []; let lastIndex = 0; for (const index16 of indices) { segments.push(this._notes.slice(lastIndex, index16)); lastIndex = index16; } return segments; } filter(filterFunction) { this._notes = this._notes.filter((element, index16, array) => filterFunction(element, index16, array)); return this; } filterPitches(pitches) { if (!(pitches instanceof Set)) { pitches = new Set(pitches); } this._notes = this._notes.filter((n) => pitches.has(n.pitch)); return this; } transpose(steps) { this._notes = => Note_default.from(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, n), { pitch: clipValue(n.pitch + steps, 0, 127) }))); return this; } removeOctaves() { this._notes = => Note_default.from(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, note2), { pitch: note2.pitch % 12 }))); return this; } reverse() { const duration = this.getDuration(); this._notes = => { const newNote = n.clone(); newNote.start = duration - n.end; newNote.end = newNote.start + n.getDuration(); return newNote; }); this.sortByTime(); return this; } equals(otherNoteArray) { if (!(otherNoteArray instanceof NoteArray)) { return false; } const notes = otherNoteArray.getNotes(); if (this._notes.length !== notes.length) { return false; } for (const [index16, note2] of notes.entries()) { if (!this._notes[index16].equals(note2)) { return false; } } return true; } clone() { return new NoteArray(this._notes); } }; var NoteArray_default = NoteArray; // src/utils/ArrayUtils.js function arrayShallowEquals(a, b) { if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } for (const [index16, element] of a.entries()) { if (element !== b[index16]) { return false; } } return true; } function arrayHasSameElements(a, b, checkLength = true) { if (checkLength && a.length !== b.length) { return false; } const setA = new Set(a); const setB = new Set(b); for (const element of setA) { if (!setB.has(element)) { return false; } } for (const element of setB) { if (!setA.has(element)) { return false; } } return true; } function count(array, value, comparator) { let count2 = 0; if (!comparator) { for (const v of array) { if (v === value) { count2++; } } } else { for (const v of array) { if (comparator(v, value)) { count2++; } } } return count2; } function jaccardIndex(set1, set22) { if (set1.length === 0 && set22.length === 0) { return 1; } return intersection(set1, set22).size / union(set1, set22).size; } function kendallTau(ranking1, ranking2, normalize2 = true) { if (ranking1.length !== ranking2.length) { throw new Error("Ranking length must be equal"); } if (ranking1.length === 0) { return 0; } let inversions = 0; const n = ranking1.length; for (let a = 0; a < n; a++) { for (let b = a + 1; b < n; b++) { const r1smaller = ranking1[a] < ranking1[b]; const r2smaller = ranking2[a] < ranking2[b]; if (r1smaller !== r2smaller) { inversions++; } } } if (normalize2) { inversions /= n * (n - 1) / 2; } return inversions; } function removeDuplicates(array) { return [ Set(array)]; } function arrayContainsArray(a, b) { if (a.length < b.length) { return false; } for (const [index16, element] of b.entries()) { if (a[index16] !== element) { return false; } } return true; } function arraySlicesEqual(a, b, length, startA = 0, startB = 0) { if (length === null || length === void 0) { throw new Error("undefined length"); } if (startA < 0 || startB < 0) { throw new Error("start < 0"); } if (a.length < startA + length || b.length < startB + length) { return false; } for (let offset = 0; offset < length; offset++) { if (a[startA + offset] !== b[startB + offset]) { return false; } } return true; } function arrayIndexOf(haystack, needle, startIndex = 0) { if (needle.length === 0) { return -1; } for (let index16 = startIndex; index16 < haystack.length - needle.length + 1; ++index16) { if (haystack[index16] === needle[0]) { let found = true; for (let offset = 1; offset < needle.length; ++offset) { if (haystack[index16 + offset] !== needle[offset]) { found = false; break; } } if (found) { return index16; } } } return -1; } function getArrayMax(array) { return max(array.flat(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); } function normalizeNdArray(array) { const max3 = max(array.flat(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); const normalize2 = (array_, maxValue) => => { return d.length !== void 0 ? normalize2(d, maxValue) : d / maxValue; }); return normalize2(array, max3); } function normalizeNdArrayNegative(array) { const extent = extent_default(array.flat(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); const scale2 = linear2().domain(extent); const normalize2 = (array_) => => { return d.length !== void 0 ? normalize2(d) : scale2(d); }); return normalize2(array); } function euclideanDistance(matrixA, matrixB) { const valuesA = matrixA.flat(); const valuesB = matrixB.flat(); const diffs =, i) => d - valuesB[i]); return Math.hypot(...diffs); } function formatMatrix(matrix, colSeparator = ", ", rowSeparator = "\n", formatter) { if (!matrix || matrix.length === 0) { return ""; } if (formatter) { matrix = => => formatter(value))); } return => row.join(colSeparator)).join(rowSeparator); } function binarySearch(array, value, accessor = (d) => d) { if (array.length <= 3) { let closest = null; let diff = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (const element of array) { const value_ = accessor(element); const diff2 = Math.abs(value - value_); if (diff2 < diff) { closest = element; diff = diff2; } } return closest; } const pivotPosition = Math.floor(array.length / 2); const pivotElement = array[pivotPosition]; const pivotValue = accessor(pivotElement); if (value === pivotValue) { return pivotElement; } if (value < pivotValue) { return binarySearch(array.slice(0, pivotPosition + 1), value, accessor); } if (value > pivotValue) { return binarySearch(array.slice(pivotPosition - 1), value, accessor); } } function findStreaks(values, accessor = (d) => d, equality = (a, b) => a === b) { let startIndex = 0; const result = []; let startValue = accessor(values[0]); for (const [index16, value] of values.entries()) { const v = accessor(value); if (!equality(startValue, v)) { result.push({ startIndex, endIndex: index16 - 1, length: index16 - startIndex }); startIndex = index16; startValue = v; } } if (values.length > 0) { result.push({ startIndex, endIndex: values.length - 1, length: values.length - startIndex }); } return result; } function findRepeatedIndices(sequence, equals = (a, b) => a === b) { return => { for (const [index22, element2] of sequence.entries()) { if (equals(element, element2)) { return index22; } } return null; }); } // src/types/Recording.js var Recording = class extends NoteArray_default { constructor(name2, date, notes, speed = 1, selectedTrack = 0, timeSelection = null, comment = "") { super(notes); = name2; = date; this.dateString = date.toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace("T", " "); this.speed = +speed; this.selectedTrack = +selectedTrack; this.timeSelection = timeSelection; this.comment = comment; this.sortByTime(); } clone() { return new Recording(,, this.getNotes().map((d) => d.clone()), this.speed, this.selectedTrack, this.timeSelection === null ? null : [...this.timeSelection], this.comment); } equals(otherRecording) { if (!(otherRecording instanceof Recording)) { return false; } if ( !== { return false; } if ( !== { return false; } if (this.speed !== otherRecording.speed) { return false; } if (this.selectedTrack !== otherRecording.selectedTrack) { return false; } if (this.timeSelection !== otherRecording.timeSelection) { if (this.timeSelection === null || otherRecording.timeSelection === null) { return false; } if (!arrayShallowEquals(this.timeSelection, otherRecording.timeSelection)) { return false; } } const notes1 = this.getNotes(); const notes2 = otherRecording.getNotes(); if (notes1.length !== notes2.length) { return false; } for (const [index16, element] of notes1.entries()) { if (!element.equals(notes2[index16])) { return false; } } if (this.comment !== otherRecording.comment) { return false; } return true; } toSimpleObject() { return { name:, date:, notes: this.getNotes(), speed: this.speed, selectedTrack: this.selectedTrack, timeSelection: this.timeSelection, comment: this.comment }; } static from(object) { let { name: name2, date, notes } = object; const values = [name2, date, notes]; const names2 = ["name", "date", "notes"]; for (const [index16, value] of values.entries()) { if (value === void 0 || value === null) { throw new Error(`Cannot create Recording with undefined ${names2[index16]}`); } } if (typeof date === "string") { date = new Date(Date.parse(date)); } const { speed, selectedTrack, timeSelection, comment } = object; return new Recording(name2, date, notes, speed, selectedTrack, timeSelection, comment); } }; var Recording_default = Recording; // src/types/MusicPiece.js var midiParser = __toESM(require_main(), 1); // src/fileFormats/MusicXmlParser.js var ROUNDING_PRECISION = 5; function preprocessMusicXmlData(xml, log = false) { if (log) { console.groupCollapsed("[MusicXmlParser] Parsing MusicXML"); console.log(xml); } const partNameElements = xml.querySelectorAll("part-name"); const instruments = xml.querySelectorAll("score-instrument"); const partNames = []; const instrumentNames = []; for (const p of partNameElements) { partNames.push(p.innerHTML); } for (const index16 of instruments) { instrumentNames.push(index16.children[0].innerHTML); } const drumInstrumentMap = getDrumInstrumentMap(xml); const parts = xml.querySelectorAll("part"); const parsedParts = []; for (const part of parts) { parsedParts.push(preprocessMusicXmlPart(part, drumInstrumentMap)); } const result = { parts: parsedParts, partNames, instruments: instrumentNames, totalTime: max(parsedParts, (d) => d.totalTime) }; if (log) { console.log(result); console.groupEnd(); } return result; } function preprocessMusicXmlPart(part, drumInstrumentMap) { var _a, _b, _c; part = handleStaveAndTab(part); const { resultMeasures: measures, xmlMeasureIndices } = duplicateRepeatedMeasures(part.children); const xmlNotes = part.querySelectorAll("note"); const xmlNoteIndexMap = new Map([...xmlNotes].map((d, i) => [d, i])); const xmlNoteIndices = []; let currentTime = 0; let divisions; let tempo = 120; let beats = 4; let beatType = 4; const defaultVelocity = 90; const velocityFactor = 64 / 71; let velocity = Math.round(defaultVelocity * velocityFactor); const tempoChanges = []; const beatTypeChanges = []; const keySignatureChanges = []; const noteObjs = []; const measureRehearsalMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const noteLyricsMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const measureLinePositions = []; const measureIndices = []; for (const measure of measures) { const currentTimeRounded = roundToNDecimals(currentTime, ROUNDING_PRECISION); try { const soundElements = measure.querySelectorAll("sound"); for (const element of soundElements) { const tempoValue = element.getAttribute("tempo"); if (tempoValue !== null) { tempo = roundToNDecimals(+tempoValue, 3); tempoChanges.push({ time: currentTimeRounded, tempo }); } break; } } catch { } try { divisions = +measure.querySelectorAll("divisions")[0].innerHTML; } catch { } try { beats = +measure.querySelectorAll("beats")[0].innerHTML; beatType = +measure.querySelectorAll("beat-type")[0].innerHTML; beatTypeChanges.push({ time: currentTimeRounded, beats, beatType }); } catch { } const secondsPerBeat = 1 / (tempo / 60); try { const fifths = +measure.querySelectorAll("fifths")[0].innerHTML; const { key, scale: scale2 } = keySignatureMap.get(fifths); keySignatureChanges.push({ time: currentTimeRounded, key, scale: scale2 }); } catch { } if (measure.querySelectorAll("note").length === 0) { const measureDuration = beats * (beatType / 4) * secondsPerBeat; currentTime += measureDuration; } let lastNoteDuration = 0; for (const child of measure.children) { if (child.nodeName === "backup") { const duration = +child.querySelectorAll("duration")[0].innerHTML; const durationInSeconds = getDurationInSeconds(duration, divisions, secondsPerBeat); currentTime -= durationInSeconds; } else if (child.nodeName === "forward") { const duration = +child.querySelectorAll("duration")[0].innerHTML; const durationInSeconds = getDurationInSeconds(duration, divisions, secondsPerBeat); currentTime += durationInSeconds; } else if (child.nodeName === "direction") { for (const direction of child.children) { if (direction.nodeName === "sound" && direction.getAttribute("dynamics")) { velocity = Math.round(velocityFactor * +direction.getAttribute("dynamics")); } if (child.querySelectorAll("rehearsal").length > 0) { const rehearsals = child.querySelectorAll("rehearsal"); const marks = []; for (const r of rehearsals) { if (r.textContent !== "") { marks.push(r.textContent); } } if (marks.length > 0) { let text = marks.join(" "); const measureIndex = measureIndices.length; if (measureRehearsalMap.has(measureIndex)) { const oldText = measureRehearsalMap.get(measureIndex); text = `${oldText} ${text}`; } measureRehearsalMap.set(measureIndex, text); } } } } else if (child.nodeName === "note") { const note2 = child; try { let durationInSeconds; if (note2.querySelectorAll("grace").length > 0) { const type3 = note2.querySelectorAll("type").textContent; if (type3 === "64th") { durationInSeconds = secondsPerBeat / 16; } else if (type3 === "32nd") { durationInSeconds = secondsPerBeat / 8; } else if (type3 === "16th") { durationInSeconds = secondsPerBeat / 4; } else if (type3 === "eighth") { durationInSeconds = secondsPerBeat / 2; } else if (type3 === "quarter") { durationInSeconds = secondsPerBeat; } else if (type3 === "half") { durationInSeconds = secondsPerBeat * 2; } else { durationInSeconds = 0.01; } } else { const duration = +note2.querySelectorAll("duration")[0].innerHTML; durationInSeconds = getDurationInSeconds(duration, divisions, secondsPerBeat); } const isRest = note2.querySelectorAll("rest").length > 0; if (isRest) { currentTime += durationInSeconds; continue; } const isUnpitched = note2.querySelectorAll("unpitched").length > 0; let pitch; if (isUnpitched) { const instrumentId = note2.querySelectorAll("instrument")[0].id; pitch = drumInstrumentMap.get(; } else { const alter = +(((_a = note2.querySelectorAll("alter")[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a.innerHTML) ?? 0); const step = note2.querySelectorAll("step")[0].innerHTML; const octave = +note2.querySelectorAll("octave")[0].innerHTML; pitch = getMidiNoteByNameAndOctave(step, octave).pitch + alter; } const dynamicsTag = (_b = note2.querySelectorAll("dynamics")[0]) == null ? void 0 : _b.children[0]; if (dynamicsTag) { velocity = dynamicsMap.get(dynamicsTag.nodeName); } const isChord = note2.querySelectorAll("chord").length > 0; if (isChord) { currentTime -= lastNoteDuration; } const tieElement = note2.querySelectorAll("tie")[0]; if (tieElement && tieElement.getAttribute("type") === "stop") { const noteEnd = currentTime + durationInSeconds; for (let index16 = noteObjs.length - 1; index16 > 0; index16--) { const noteObject = noteObjs[index16]; if (noteObject.pitch === pitch) { noteObject.end = noteEnd; const lyrics = getLyricsFromNote(note2); if (lyrics.length > 0) { const oldLyrics = noteLyricsMap.get(index16) ?? ""; const newLyrics = `${oldLyrics} ${lyrics}`; noteLyricsMap.set(index16, newLyrics); } xmlNoteIndices[index16].push(xmlNoteIndexMap.get(note2)); break; } } } else { xmlNoteIndices.push([xmlNoteIndexMap.get(note2)]); const staff = +(((_c = note2.querySelectorAll("staff")[0]) == null ? void 0 : _c.innerHTML) ?? 1); const startTime = roundToNDecimals(currentTime, ROUNDING_PRECISION); const endTime = roundToNDecimals(currentTime + durationInSeconds, ROUNDING_PRECISION); let string = null; let fret = null; try { fret = +note2.querySelectorAll("fret")[0].innerHTML; string = +note2.querySelectorAll("string")[0].innerHTML; } catch { } if (string !== null && fret !== null) { noteObjs.push(new GuitarNote_default(pitch, startTime, velocity, string, endTime, string, fret)); } else { noteObjs.push(new Note_default(pitch, startTime, velocity, staff - 1, endTime)); } const lyrics = getLyricsFromNote(note2); if (lyrics.length > 0) { noteLyricsMap.set(noteObjs.length - 1, lyrics); } } lastNoteDuration = durationInSeconds; currentTime += durationInSeconds; } catch (error) { console.warn("[MusicXmlParser] Cannot parse MusicXML note", error, note2); } } } measureLinePositions.push(roundToNDecimals(currentTime, ROUNDING_PRECISION)); measureIndices.push(noteObjs.length); } if (tempoChanges.length === 0 || tempoChanges[0].time > 0) { tempoChanges.unshift({ tempo: 120, time: 0 }); } if (beatTypeChanges.length === 0 || beatTypeChanges[0].time > 0) { beatTypeChanges.unshift({ beats: 4, beatType: 4, time: 0 }); } if (keySignatureChanges.length === 0 || keySignatureChanges[0].time > 0) { keySignatureChanges.unshift({ key: "C", scale: "major", time: 0 }); } const result = { noteObjs, totalTime: currentTime, measureLinePositions, measureIndices, xmlMeasureIndices, measureRehearsalMap: removeRehearsalRepetitions(measureRehearsalMap), xmlNoteIndices, tempoChanges, beatTypeChanges, keySignatureChanges, tuning: getTuningPitches(measures), noteLyricsMap }; return result; } function removeRehearsalRepetitions(measureRehearsalMap) { const entries4 = [...measureRehearsalMap]; const clean = entries4.filter((d, i) => i === 0 || entries4[i - 1][1] !== d[1]); return new Map(clean); } function getLyricsFromNote(note2) { const lyric = note2.querySelectorAll("lyric"); const texts = []; for (const l of lyric) { texts.push(l.querySelectorAll("text")[0].textContent); } const text = texts.join(" "); return text; } function getDurationInSeconds(duration, divisions, secondsPerBeat) { const durationInBeats = duration / divisions; const durationInSeconds = durationInBeats * secondsPerBeat; return durationInSeconds; } function duplicateRepeatedMeasures(measures) { var _a, _b; let resultMeasures = []; let currentRepeatedSection = []; let isAlternativeEndingOne = false; for (const measure of measures) { const endingMarks = measure.querySelectorAll("ending"); if (+((_a = endingMarks[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a.getAttribute("number")) === 1 && ((_b = endingMarks[0]) == null ? void 0 : _b.getAttribute("type")) === "start") { isAlternativeEndingOne = true; } const repetitionMarks = measure.querySelectorAll("repeat"); if (repetitionMarks.length === 2) { const times = repetitionMarks[1].getAttribute("times") || 2; const repetition = Array.from({ length: +times }).fill(measure); if (currentRepeatedSection.length === 0) { resultMeasures = [...resultMeasures, ...repetition]; } else { currentRepeatedSection = [...currentRepeatedSection, ...repetition]; } } else if (repetitionMarks.length === 1) { const direction = repetitionMarks[0].getAttribute("direction"); if (direction === "forward") { currentRepeatedSection.push(measure); } else if (direction === "backward") { const times = repetitionMarks[0].getAttribute("times") || 2; if (currentRepeatedSection.length > 0) { if (!isAlternativeEndingOne) { currentRepeatedSection.push(measure); for (let index16 = 0; index16 < times; index16++) { resultMeasures = [...resultMeasures, ...currentRepeatedSection]; } } else { const firstRepetition = [...currentRepeatedSection, measure]; resultMeasures = [...resultMeasures, ...firstRepetition]; for (let index16 = 1; index16 < times; index16++) { resultMeasures = [...resultMeasures, ...currentRepeatedSection]; } } currentRepeatedSection = []; } else { const allMeasuresUntilHere = [...resultMeasures]; for (let index16 = 1; index16 < times; index16++) { resultMeasures = [...resultMeasures, ...allMeasuresUntilHere]; } } } } else { if (!isAlternativeEndingOne) { if (currentRepeatedSection.length === 0) { resultMeasures.push(measure); } else { currentRepeatedSection.push(measure); } } } if (isAlternativeEndingOne) { for (const endingMark of endingMarks) { if (+endingMark.getAttribute("number") === 1 && endingMark.getAttribute("type") === "stop") { isAlternativeEndingOne = false; } } } } const measureIndexMap = new Map([...measures].map((d, i) => [d, i])); const xmlMeasureIndices = => measureIndexMap.get(d)); return { resultMeasures, xmlMeasureIndices }; } function handleStaveAndTab(track) { const notes = track.querySelectorAll("note"); let hasStringFretNotes = false; for (const note2 of notes) { if (note2.querySelectorAll("string").length > 0 && note2.querySelectorAll("fret").length > 0) { hasStringFretNotes = true; break; } } if (hasStringFretNotes) { for (const note2 of notes) { const voice = +(note2.querySelectorAll("voice")[0].innerHTML ?? 1); const isFirstVoiceRest = note2.querySelectorAll("rest").length > 0 && voice === 1; if (!isFirstVoiceRest && note2.querySelectorAll("fret").length === 0) { note2.remove(); } } const backups = track.querySelectorAll("backup"); for (const backup of backups) { backup.remove(); } } return track; } function getTuningPitches(measures) { for (const measure of measures) { try { const tuningPitches = []; const staffTunings = measure.querySelectorAll("staff-tuning"); for (const st of staffTunings) { const tuningNote = st.querySelectorAll("tuning-step")[0].innerHTML; const tuningOctave = +st.querySelectorAll("tuning-octave")[0].innerHTML; tuningPitches.push(getMidiNoteByNameAndOctave(tuningNote, tuningOctave).pitch); } return tuningPitches; } catch { } } return []; } function getDrumInstrumentMap(xml) { var _a, _b; const partMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const scoreParts = (_a = xml.querySelectorAll("part-list")[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a.querySelectorAll("score-part"); if (!scoreParts) { return partMap; } for (const scorePart of scoreParts) { const partId =; const instruMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const midiInstrs = scorePart.querySelectorAll("midi-instrument"); for (const midiInstr of midiInstrs) { const instrId =; const pitch = (_b = midiInstr.querySelectorAll("midi-unpitched")[0]) == null ? void 0 : _b.innerHTML; if (pitch) { instruMap.set(instrId, +pitch); } } partMap.set(partId, instruMap); } return partMap; } var keySignatureMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [-7, { key: "Cb", scale: "major" }], [-6, { key: "Gb", scale: "major" }], [-5, { key: "Db", scale: "major" }], [-4, { key: "Ab", scale: "major" }], [-3, { key: "Eb", scale: "major" }], [-2, { key: "Bb", scale: "major" }], [-1, { key: "F", scale: "major" }], [0, { key: "C", scale: "major" }], [1, { key: "G", scale: "major" }], [2, { key: "D", scale: "major" }], [3, { key: "A", scale: "major" }], [4, { key: "E", scale: "major" }], [5, { key: "B", scale: "major" }], [6, { key: "F#", scale: "major" }], [7, { key: "C#", scale: "major" }] ]); var dynamicsMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["ppp", 25], ["pp", 38], ["p", 51], ["mp", 64], ["mf", 76], ["f", 89], ["ff", 102], ["fff", 114] ]); // src/utils/MusicUtils.js function bpmToSecondsPerBeat(bpm) { return 1 / (bpm / 60); } function freqToApproxMidiNr(frequency) { return 12 * Math.log2(frequency / 440) + 69; } function midiToFrequency(midi) { return 2 ** ((midi - 69) / 12) * 440; } function chordToInteger(notes) { let value = 0; for (const note2 of notes) { const chroma = note2.pitch % 12; const noteInteger = 1 << chroma; value = value | noteInteger; } return value; } function chordIntegerJaccardIndex(chord1, chord2) { if (chord1 === chord2) { return 1; } const intersection2 = chord1 & chord2; const union2 = chord1 | chord2; const intersectionSize = countOnesOfBinary(intersection2); const unionSize = countOnesOfBinary(union2); return intersectionSize / unionSize; } var noteTypeDurationRatios = []; var baseDurations = [2, 1, 1 / 2, 1 / 4, 1 / 8, 1 / 16, 1 / 32, 1 / 64]; for (const d of baseDurations) { for (let dots = 0; dots < 4; dots++) { let duration = d; let toAdd = d; for (let dot = 0; dot < dots; dot++) { toAdd /= 2; duration += toAdd; } noteTypeDurationRatios.push({ type: d, dots, duration }); } } noteTypeDurationRatios.sort((a, b) => a.duration - b.duration); function noteDurationToNoteType(duration, bpm) { const quarterDuration = bpmToSecondsPerBeat(bpm); const ratio = duration / quarterDuration / 4; return binarySearch(noteTypeDurationRatios, ratio, (d) => d.duration); } var CIRCLE_OF_5THS = [ [0, "C", "C", 0, 0], [7, "G", "G", 1, 0], [2, "D", "D", 2, 0], [9, "A", "A", 3, 0], [4, "E", "E", 4, 0], [11, "B", "B", 5, 7], [6, "F#", "Gb", 6, 6], [1, "C#", "Db", 7, 5], [8, "G#", "Ab", 0, 4], [3, "D#", "Eb", 0, 3], [10, "A#", "Bb", 0, 2], [5, "F", "F", 0, 1] ]; var INTERVALS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [1, "unison"], [1, "m2"], [2, "M2"], [3, "m3"], [4, "M3"], [5, "P4"], [6, "aug4"], [7, "P5"], [8, "m6"], [9, "M6"], [10, "m7"], [11, "M7"], [12, "P8"] ]); function metronomeTrackFromTempoAndMeter(tempo = 120, meter = [4, 4], duration = 60) { const track = []; const secondsPerBeat = bpmToSecondsPerBeat(tempo) / (meter[1] / 4); let currentTime = 0; while (currentTime <= duration) { for (let beat = 0; beat < meter[0]; beat++) { track.push({ time: roundToNDecimals(currentTime, 4), accent: beat % meter[0] === 0 }); currentTime += secondsPerBeat; if (currentTime > duration) { return track; } } } } function metronomeTrackFromMusicPiece(musicPiece, tempoFactor = 1) { const { duration, tempos, timeSignatures } = musicPiece; const track = []; let currentTime = 0; const initialTimeSig = timeSignatures[0].signature ?? [4, 4]; let [beatCount, beatType] = initialTimeSig; const timeSigsTodo = timeSignatures.slice(1); const initialTempo = tempos[0].bpm ?? 120; let secondsPerBeat = bpmToSecondsPerBeat(initialTempo) / (beatType / 4); const temposTodo = tempos.slice(1); while (currentTime <= duration) { const lookahead = currentTime + secondsPerBeat; if (timeSigsTodo.length > 0 && timeSigsTodo[0].time <= lookahead) { [beatCount, beatType] = timeSigsTodo[0].signature; timeSigsTodo.shift(); } if (temposTodo.length > 0 && temposTodo[0].time <= lookahead) { secondsPerBeat = bpmToSecondsPerBeat(temposTodo[0].bpm) / (beatType / 4); temposTodo.shift(); } for (let beat = 0; beat < beatCount; beat++) { track.push({ time: roundToNDecimals(currentTime / tempoFactor, 3), accent: beat === 0 }); currentTime += secondsPerBeat; if (currentTime > duration) { return track; } } } return track; } // src/fileFormats/MidiParser.js var ROUNDING_PRECISION2 = 5; function preprocessMidiFileData(data, splitFormat0IntoTracks = true, log = false) { if (data === null || data === void 0) { return; } if (!data.track) { console.warn("[MidiParser] MIDI data has no track"); return; } if (log) { console.groupCollapsed("[MidiParser] Preprocessing MIDI file data"); } let parsedTracks = []; const { tempoChanges, beatTypeChanges, keySignatureChanges } = getSignatureChanges(data.track); for (const track of data.track) { const t = parseMidiTrack(track, data.timeDivision, tempoChanges, beatTypeChanges, keySignatureChanges, log); if (t !== null) { parsedTracks.push(t); } } if (data.formatType === 0 && splitFormat0IntoTracks && parsedTracks.length === 1) { parsedTracks = splitFormat0(parsedTracks); } const totalTime = max(parsedTracks, (d) => (d == null ? void 0 : d.totalTime) ?? 0); const measureLinePositions = getMeasureLines(tempoChanges, beatTypeChanges, totalTime); for (const track of parsedTracks) { track.measureIndices = getMeasureIndices(track.noteObjs, measureLinePositions); } const result = { tracks: parsedTracks, totalTime, tempoChanges, beatTypeChanges, keySignatureChanges, measureLinePositions }; if (log) { console.log(`Got ${parsedTracks.length} MIDI tracks`, result); console.groupEnd(); } return result; } function parseMidiTrack(track, timeDivision, tempoChanges, beatTypeChanges, keySignatureChanges, log) { var _a; const notes = []; let tempo = ((_a = tempoChanges[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a.tempo) ?? 120; let currentTick = 0; let currentTime; let milliSecondsPerTick = getMillisecondsPerTick(tempo, timeDivision); let tickOfLastTempoChange = 0; let timeOfLastTempoChange = 0; const unfinishedNotes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const event of track.event) { const type3 = event.type; if (type3 === EVENT_TYPES.meta) { continue; } currentTick += event.deltaTime; for (const btc of beatTypeChanges) { if (btc.time === void 0 && btc.tick <= currentTick) { const t = (btc.tick - tickOfLastTempoChange) * milliSecondsPerTick / 1e3 + timeOfLastTempoChange; btc.time = roundToNDecimals(t, ROUNDING_PRECISION2); } } for (const ksc of keySignatureChanges) { if (ksc.time === void 0 && ksc.tick <= currentTick) { const t = (ksc.tick - tickOfLastTempoChange) * milliSecondsPerTick / 1e3 + timeOfLastTempoChange; ksc.time = roundToNDecimals(t, ROUNDING_PRECISION2); } } let mostRecentTempoChange; if (tempoChanges.length > 0 && currentTick > tempoChanges[tempoChanges.length - 1].tick) { mostRecentTempoChange = tempoChanges[tempoChanges.length - 1]; } for (let index16 = 1; index16 < tempoChanges.length; index16++) { const tick = tempoChanges[index16].tick; if (tick > currentTick) { const change = tempoChanges[index16 - 1]; mostRecentTempoChange = change; break; } } if (mostRecentTempoChange && mostRecentTempoChange.tempo !== tempo) { const tick = mostRecentTempoChange.tick; timeOfLastTempoChange = (tick - tickOfLastTempoChange) * milliSecondsPerTick / 1e3 + timeOfLastTempoChange; tickOfLastTempoChange = tick; mostRecentTempoChange.time = roundToNDecimals(timeOfLastTempoChange, ROUNDING_PRECISION2); tempo = mostRecentTempoChange.tempo; milliSecondsPerTick = getMillisecondsPerTick(tempo, timeDivision); } currentTime = (currentTick - tickOfLastTempoChange) * milliSecondsPerTick / 1e3 + timeOfLastTempoChange; if (type3 !== EVENT_TYPES.noteOn && type3 !== EVENT_TYPES.noteOff) { continue; } const [pitch, velocity] =; const channel =; const key = `${pitch} ${channel}`; if (type3 === EVENT_TYPES.noteOff || type3 === EVENT_TYPES.noteOn && velocity === 0) { if (unfinishedNotes.has(key)) { unfinishedNotes.get(key).end = roundToNDecimals(currentTime, ROUNDING_PRECISION2); unfinishedNotes.delete(key); } else { if (log) { console.warn("Did not find an unfinished note for note-off event!"); console.log(event); } } } else if (type3 === EVENT_TYPES.noteOn) { const newNote = new Note_default(pitch, roundToNDecimals(currentTime, ROUNDING_PRECISION2), velocity, channel); notes.push(newNote); unfinishedNotes.set(key, newNote); } else { continue; } } const neededToFix = []; for (const note2 of notes) { if (note2.end === -1) { note2.end = roundToNDecimals(currentTime, ROUNDING_PRECISION2); neededToFix.push(note2); } } if (neededToFix.length > 0) { console.warn(`had to fix ${neededToFix.length} notes`); console.log(neededToFix); } const { trackName, instrument, instrumentName } = getInstrumentAndTrackName(track); if (notes.length > 0) { const parsedTrack = { noteObjs: notes, totalTime: currentTime, trackName: trackName ?? "Track", instrument, instrumentName: instrumentName ?? "Unknown instrument" }; return parsedTrack; } else { return null; } } function getInstrumentAndTrackName(track) { let trackName = null; let instrument = null; let instrumentName = null; for (const event of track.event) { if (event.type === EVENT_TYPES.meta && event.metaType === META_TYPES.trackName) { trackName =; } if (event.type === EVENT_TYPES.programChange) { instrument =; } if (event.type === EVENT_TYPES.meta && event.metaType === META_TYPES.instrumentName) { instrumentName =; } } return { trackName, instrument, instrumentName }; } function getMeasureLines(tempoChanges, beatTypeChanges, totalTime) { const measureLines = []; let tempo = 120; let beats = 4; let beatType = 4; let currentTime = 0; let currentBeatsInMeasure = 0; let timeOfLastTempoChange = 0; let timeSinceLastTempoChange = 0; while (currentTime < totalTime) { let mostRecentTempoChange; for (const t of tempoChanges) { if (t.time <= currentTime) { mostRecentTempoChange = t.tempo; } } if (mostRecentTempoChange && mostRecentTempoChange !== tempo) { timeOfLastTempoChange = currentTime; timeSinceLastTempoChange = 0; tempo = mostRecentTempoChange; } for (const b of beatTypeChanges) { if (b.time <= currentTime) { beats =; beatType = b.beatType; } } currentBeatsInMeasure++; const secondsPerBeat = bpmToSecondsPerBeat(tempo) / (beatType / 4); timeSinceLastTempoChange += secondsPerBeat; currentTime = timeOfLastTempoChange + timeSinceLastTempoChange; if (currentBeatsInMeasure >= beats) { currentBeatsInMeasure = 0; measureLines.push(roundToNDecimals(currentTime, ROUNDING_PRECISION2)); } } return measureLines; } function getMeasureIndices(notes, measureTimes) { const measureIndices = []; const todo = [...measureTimes]; for (const [index16, note2] of notes.entries()) { if (note2.start >= todo[0]) { todo.shift(); measureIndices.push(index16); } } return measureIndices; } function splitFormat0(tracks) { if (tracks.length > 1) { console.warn("Splitting a format 0 file with more than 1 track will result in all but the first beeing lost!"); } const grouped = group(tracks[0].noteObjs, (d) =>; const splittedTracks = []; for (const notes of grouped.values()) { splittedTracks.push(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, tracks[0]), { noteObjs: notes })); } return splittedTracks; } function getMillisecondsPerTick(tempo, timeDivision) { const milliSecondsPerBeat = 1 / tempo * 6e4; const milliSecondsPerTick = milliSecondsPerBeat / timeDivision; return milliSecondsPerTick; } function getSignatureChanges(tracks) { const tempoChanges = []; const beatTypeChanges = []; const keySignatureChanges = []; let currentTick = 0; let lastTempo = null; for (const track of tracks) { for (const event of track.event) { currentTick += event.deltaTime; if (event.type === EVENT_TYPES.meta && event.metaType === META_TYPES.setTempo) { const milliSecondsPerQuarter = / 1e3; const tempo = Math.round(1 / (milliSecondsPerQuarter / 6e4)); if (tempo !== lastTempo) { tempoChanges.push({ tick: currentTick, tempo, time: currentTick === 0 ? 0 : void 0 }); lastTempo = tempo; } } if (event.type === EVENT_TYPES.meta && event.metaType === META_TYPES.timeSignature) { const d =; const beats = d[0]; const beatType = 2 ** d[1]; const newEntry = { tick: currentTick, beats, beatType }; if (beatTypeChanges.length === 0) { beatTypeChanges.push(newEntry); } else { const last = beatTypeChanges[beatTypeChanges.length - 1]; if ( !== beats || last.beatType !== beatType) { beatTypeChanges.push(newEntry); } } } if (event.type === EVENT_TYPES.meta && event.metaType === META_TYPES.keySignature) { const d =; if (!KEY_SIG_MAP.has(d)) { console.warn("[MidiParser] Invalid key signature", d); } else { const { key, scale: scale2 } = KEY_SIG_MAP.get(d); const newEntry = { tick: currentTick, key, scale: scale2 }; if (keySignatureChanges.length === 0) { keySignatureChanges.push(newEntry); } else { const last = keySignatureChanges[keySignatureChanges.length - 1]; if (last.key !== key || last.scale !== scale2) { keySignatureChanges.push(newEntry); } } } } } } if (tempoChanges.length === 0 || tempoChanges[0].time > 0) { tempoChanges.unshift({ tempo: 120, time: 0 }); } if (beatTypeChanges.length === 0 || beatTypeChanges[0].time > 0) { beatTypeChanges.unshift({ beats: 4, beatType: 4, time: 0 }); } if (keySignatureChanges.length === 0 || keySignatureChanges[0].time > 0) { keySignatureChanges.unshift({ key: "C", scale: "major", time: 0 }); } return { tempoChanges, beatTypeChanges, keySignatureChanges }; } var EVENT_TYPES = { noteOff: 8, noteOn: 9, noteAftertouch: 10, controller: 11, programChange: 12, channelAftertouch: 13, pitchBend: 14, meta: 255 }; var META_TYPES = { sequenceNumber: 0, textEvent: 1, copyright: 2, trackName: 3, instrumentName: 4, lyrics: 5, marker: 6, cuePoint: 7, channelPrefix: 32, endOfTrack: 47, setTempo: 81, smpteOffset: 84, timeSignature: 88, keySignature: 89, sequencerSpecific: 127 }; var KEY_SIG_MAP = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [63744, { key: "Cb", scale: "major" }], [64e3, { key: "Gb", scale: "major" }], [64256, { key: "Db", scale: "major" }], [64512, { key: "Ab", scale: "major" }], [64768, { key: "Eb", scale: "major" }], [65024, { key: "Bb", scale: "major" }], [65280, { key: "F", scale: "major" }], [0, { key: "C", scale: "major" }], [256, { key: "G", scale: "major" }], [512, { key: "D", scale: "major" }], [768, { key: "A", scale: "major" }], [1024, { key: "E", scale: "major" }], [1280, { key: "B", scale: "major" }], [1536, { key: "F#", scale: "major" }], [1792, { key: "C#", scale: "major" }], [63745, { key: "Ab", scale: "minor" }], [64001, { key: "Eb", scale: "minor" }], [64257, { key: "Bb", scale: "minor" }], [64513, { key: "F", scale: "minor" }], [64769, { key: "C", scale: "minor" }], [65025, { key: "G", scale: "minor" }], [65281, { key: "D", scale: "minor" }], [1, { key: "A", scale: "minor" }], [257, { key: "E", scale: "minor" }], [513, { key: "B", scale: "minor" }], [769, { key: "F#", scale: "minor" }], [1025, { key: "C#", scale: "minor" }], [1281, { key: "G#", scale: "minor" }], [1537, { key: "D#", scale: "minor" }], [1793, { key: "A#", scale: "minor" }] ]); // src/types/MusicPiece.js var MusicPiece = class { constructor(name2, tempos, timeSignatures, keySignatures, measureTimes, tracks, xmlMeasureIndices) { if (!tracks || tracks.length === 0) { throw new Error("No or invalid tracks given! Use .fromMidi or .fromMusicXml?"); } = name2; this.measureTimes = measureTimes; this.xmlMeasureIndices = xmlMeasureIndices; this.tracks = tracks; this.duration = Math.max( => d.duration)); this.tempos = tempos.slice(0, 1); let currentTempo = tempos[0]; for (const tempo of tempos) { if (tempo.string !== currentTempo.string) { currentTempo = tempo; this.tempos.push(tempo); } } this.timeSignatures = timeSignatures.slice(0, 1); let currentTimeSig = timeSignatures[0]; for (const timeSignature of timeSignatures) { if (timeSignature.string !== currentTimeSig.string) { currentTimeSig = timeSignature; this.timeSignatures.push(timeSignature); } } this.keySignatures = keySignatures.slice(0, 1); let currentKeySig = keySignatures[0]; for (const keySignature of keySignatures) { if (keySignature.string !== currentKeySig.string) { currentKeySig = keySignature; this.keySignatures.push(keySignature); } } } static fromMidi(name2, midiFile) { if (!midiFile) { throw new Error("No MIDI file content given"); } const midi = midiParser.parse(midiFile); const parsed = preprocessMidiFileData(midi); let tempos = []; let timeSignatures = []; let keySignatures = []; let measureTimes = []; if (parsed.tracks.length > 0) { tempos = => new TempoDefinition(d.time, d.tempo)); timeSignatures = => new TimeSignature(d.time, [, d.beatType])); keySignatures = => new KeySignature(d.time, d.key, d.scale)); measureTimes = parsed.measureLinePositions; } const tracks = => new Track(track.trackName, track.instrumentName, track.noteObjs, null, track.measureIndices, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), /* @__PURE__ */ new Map())); return new MusicPiece(name2, tempos, timeSignatures, keySignatures, measureTimes, tracks); } static fromMusicXml(name2, xmlFile) { if (!xmlFile) { throw new Error("No MusicXML file content given"); } let xmlDocument = xmlFile; if (typeof xmlDocument === "string") { const parser = new DOMParser(); xmlDocument = parser.parseFromString(xmlFile, "text/xml"); } const parsed = preprocessMusicXmlData(xmlDocument); let tempos = []; let timeSignatures = []; let keySignatures = []; if ( > 0) { tempos =[0] => new TempoDefinition(d.time, d.tempo)); timeSignatures =[0] => new TimeSignature(d.time, [, d.beatType])); keySignatures =[0] => new KeySignature(d.time, d.key, d.scale)); } let measureTimes = []; let xmlMeasureIndices = []; if ( > 0) { measureTimes =[0].measureLinePositions; xmlMeasureIndices =[0].xmlMeasureIndices; } const tracks =, index16) => { for (const n of track.noteObjs) { = index16; } return new Track(parsed.partNames[index16], parsed.instruments[index16], track.noteObjs, track.tuning, track.measureIndices, track.measureRehearsalMap, track.noteLyricsMap, track.xmlNoteIndices); }); return new MusicPiece(name2, tempos, timeSignatures, keySignatures, measureTimes, tracks, xmlMeasureIndices); } static fromJson(json) { json = typeof json === "string" ? JSON.parse(json) : json; const tempos = => new TempoDefinition(d.time, d.bpm)); const timeSignatures = => new TimeSignature(d.time, d.signature)); const keySignatures = => new KeySignature(d.time, d.key, d.scale)); const tracks = => Track.from(track)); return new MusicPiece(, tempos, timeSignatures, keySignatures, json.measureTimes, tracks, json.xmlMeasureIndices); } toJson(pretty = false) { const _this = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, this), { tracks: => d.toObject()) }); return JSON.stringify(_this, void 0, pretty ? 2 : 0); } getAllNotes(sortByTime = false) { const notes = this.tracks.flatMap((t) => t.notes); if (sortByTime) { notes.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start); } return notes; } getNotesFromTracks(indices = "all", sortByTime = false) { let notes = []; if (indices === "all") { notes = this.tracks.flatMap((t) => t.notes); } else if (Array.isArray(indices)) { notes = this.tracks.filter((d, i) => indices.includes(i)).flatMap((t) => t.notes); } else { notes = this.tracks[indices].notes; sortByTime = false; } if (sortByTime) { notes.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start); } return notes; } transpose(steps = 0, tracks = "all") { const newTracks =, index16) => { const change = tracks === "all" || Array.isArray(tracks) && tracks.includes(index16) || tracks === index16; const na = new NoteArray_default(track.notes); let tuning = track.tuningPitches; if (change) { na.transpose(steps); tuning = => d + steps); } return new Track(, track.instrument, na.getNotes(), tuning, track.measureIndices); }); return new MusicPiece(, [...this.tempos], [...this.timeSignatures], [...this.keySignatures], [...this.measureTimes], newTracks); } }; var Track = class { constructor(name2, instrument, notes, tuningPitches = null, measureIndices = null, measureRehearsalMap, noteLyricsMap, xmlNoteIndices = null) { name2 = !(name2 == null ? void 0 : name2.length) ? "unnamed" : name2.replace("\0", ""); = name2; this.instrument = instrument; if (!notes || notes.length === void 0) { throw new Error("Notes are undefined or not an array"); } this.notes = notes.sort(Note_default.startPitchComparator); this.tuningPitches = tuningPitches; this.measureIndices = measureIndices; this.measureRehearsalMap = measureRehearsalMap; this.noteLyricsMap = noteLyricsMap; this.xmlNoteIndices = xmlNoteIndices; this.duration = new NoteArray_default(notes).getDuration(); this.hasStringFret = false; for (const note2 of notes) { if (note2.string !== void 0 && note2.fret !== void 0) { this.hasStringFret = true; break; } } } toObject() { return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, this), { measureRehearsalMap: [...this.measureRehearsalMap], noteLyricsMap: [...this.noteLyricsMap] }); } static from(object) { const notes = => { return note2.string !== void 0 && note2.fret !== void 0 ? GuitarNote_default.from(note2) : Note_default.from(note2); }); const measureRehearsalMap = new Map(object.measureRehearsalMap); const noteLyricsMap = new Map(object.noteLyricsMap); return new Track(, object.instrument, notes, object.tuningPitches, object.measureIndices, measureRehearsalMap, noteLyricsMap, object.xmlNoteIndices); } getMeasures(sortComparator) { const indices = [0, ...this.measureIndices]; const measures = []; for (let index16 = 1; index16 < indices.length; ++index16) { const notes = this.notes.slice(indices[index16 - 1], indices[index16]); if (sortComparator) { notes.sort(sortComparator); } measures.push(notes); } return measures; } getSectionInfo() { const sections = []; for (const [startMeasure, name2] of this.measureRehearsalMap.entries()) { sections.push({ name: name2, startMeasure, endMeasure: null }); } for (let index16 = 1; index16 < sections.length; ++index16) { sections[index16 - 1].endMeasure = sections[index16].startMeasure - 1; } if (sections.length > 0) { const last = sections[sections.length - 1]; last.endMeasure = this.measureIndices.length - 1; } if (sections.length > 0 && sections[0].startMeasure > 0) { const first = { name: "", startMeasure: 0, endMeasure: sections[0].startMeasure - 1 }; sections.unshift(first); } if (sections.length === 0) { sections.push({ name: "", startMeasure: 0, endMeasure: this.measureIndices.length - 1 }); } for (const section of sections) { section.length = section.endMeasure - section.startMeasure + 1; } return sections; } getSections(sortComparator, sectionInfo, measures) { if (!sectionInfo) { sectionInfo = this.getSectionInfo(); } if (!measures) { measures = this.getMeasures(); } const indices = => d.startMeasure); const notesBySection = []; for (let index16 = 1; index16 < indices.length + 1; ++index16) { const notes = measures.slice(indices[index16 - 1], indices[index16]).flat(); if (sortComparator) { notes.sort(sortComparator); } notesBySection.push(notes); } return notesBySection; } }; var TempoDefinition = class { constructor(time, bpm) { this.time = time; this.bpm = bpm; this.string = `${bpm} bpm`; } }; var TimeSignature = class { constructor(time, signature) { this.time = time; this.signature = signature; this.string = signature.join("/"); } }; var KeySignature = class { constructor(time, key, scale2) { this.time = time; this.key = key; this.scale = scale2; this.string = `${key} ${scale2}`; } }; var MusicPiece_default = MusicPiece; // src/types/PitchSequence.js var PitchSequence = class { constructor(pitches = []) { this._pitches = pitches; } static fromNotes(notes = []) { const pitches = [...notes].sort((a, b) => { if (a.start === b.start) { return a.pitch - b.pitch; } return a.start - b.start; }).map((d) => d.pitch); return new PitchSequence(pitches); } static fromCharString(string) { if (!string || string.length === 0) { return new PitchSequence(); } const pitches = [...string].map((d, index16) => string.charCodeAt(index16)); return new PitchSequence(pitches); } getPitches() { return this._pitches; } length() { return this._pitches.length; } toCharString() { if (!this._pitches || this._pitches.length === 0) { return ""; } return String.fromCharCode(...this._pitches); } toNoteNameString() { return => getMidiNoteByNr(p).label).join(" "); } reverse() { this._pitches = this._pitches.reverse(); return this; } removeOctaves() { this._pitches = => d % 12); return this; } toIntervals() { const p = this._pitches; if (!p || p.length === 0 || p.length < 2) { return []; } const result = Array.from({ length: p.length - 1 }); for (let index16 = 1; index16 < p.length; index16++) { result[index16 - 1] = p[index16] - p[index16 - 1]; } return result; } clone() { return new PitchSequence(this._pitches); } equals(otherPitchSequence) { if (!(otherPitchSequence instanceof PitchSequence)) { return false; } const p = otherPitchSequence.getPitches(); if (this._pitches.length !== p.length) { return false; } for (const [index16, element] of p.entries()) { if (this._pitches[index16] !== element) { return false; } } return true; } }; var PitchSequence_default = PitchSequence; // src/graphics/Canvas.js var Canvas_exports = {}; __export(Canvas_exports, { drawArc: () => drawArc, drawAssymetricArc: () => drawAssymetricArc, drawBezierConnectorX: () => drawBezierConnectorX, drawBezierConnectorY: () => drawBezierConnectorY, drawBezierFunnelY: () => drawBezierFunnelY, drawBowRight: () => drawBowRight, drawBracketH: () => drawBracketH, drawCircle: () => drawCircle, drawColorRamp: () => drawColorRamp, drawCornerLine: () => drawCornerLine, drawDiamond: () => drawDiamond, drawFilledCircle: () => drawFilledCircle, drawHLine: () => drawHLine, drawHexagon: () => drawHexagon, drawLine: () => drawLine, drawMatrix: () => drawMatrix, drawNoteColorMap: () => drawNoteColorMap, drawNoteTrapezoid: () => drawNoteTrapezoid, drawNoteTrapezoidUpwards: () => drawNoteTrapezoidUpwards, drawRoundedCorner: () => drawRoundedCorner, drawRoundedCornerLine: () => drawRoundedCornerLine, drawRoundedCornerLineRightLeft: () => drawRoundedCornerLineRightLeft, drawRoundedRect: () => drawRoundedRect, drawTriangle: () => drawTriangle, drawVLine: () => drawVLine, drawVerticalText: () => drawVerticalText, drawX: () => drawX, setupCanvas: () => setupCanvas }); function setupCanvas(canvas) { if (!window) { return; } const dpr = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); canvas.width = rect.width * dpr; canvas.height = rect.height * dpr; const context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.scale(dpr, dpr); return context; } function drawLine(context, x1, y1, x2, y2) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x1, y1); context.lineTo(x2, y2); context.stroke(); } function drawHLine(context, x1, y, x2) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x1, y); context.lineTo(x2, y); context.stroke(); } function drawVLine(context, x, y1, y2) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y1); context.lineTo(x, y2); context.stroke(); } function drawBowRight(context, x1, y1, x2, y2, strength = 0.5) { const middleX = (x1 + x2) / 2; const middleY = (y1 + y2) / 2; const dx = x2 - x1; const dy = y2 - y1; const normalX = -dy; const normalY = dx; const cx = middleX + strength * normalX; const cy = middleY + strength * normalY; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x1, y1); context.bezierCurveTo(cx, cy, cx, cy, x2, y2); context.stroke(); } function drawCircle(context, x, y, radius) { context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); context.stroke(); } function drawFilledCircle(context, x, y, radius) { context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI); context.fill(); } function drawTriangle(context, x, y, halfSize) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x - halfSize, y + halfSize); context.lineTo(x + halfSize, y + halfSize); context.lineTo(x, y - halfSize); context.closePath(); context.fill(); } function drawDiamond(context, x, y, halfSize) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x - halfSize, y); context.lineTo(x, y - halfSize); context.lineTo(x + halfSize, y); context.lineTo(x, y + halfSize); context.closePath(); context.fill(); } function drawX(context, x, y, halfSize) {; context.lineWidth = 2; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x - halfSize, y - halfSize); context.lineTo(x + halfSize, y + halfSize); context.moveTo(x - halfSize, y + halfSize); context.lineTo(x + halfSize, y - halfSize); context.stroke(); context.restore(); } function drawNoteTrapezoid(context, x, y, width, height, height2) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x, y + height); context.lineTo(x + width, y + (height / 2 + height2 / 2)); context.lineTo(x + width, y + (height / 2 - height2 / 2)); context.closePath(); context.fill(); } function drawNoteTrapezoidUpwards(context, x, y, width, height, width2) { context.beginPath(); context.lineTo(x, y + height); context.lineTo(x + width, y + height); context.lineTo(x + (width / 2 + width2 / 2), y); context.lineTo(x + (width / 2 - width2 / 2), y); context.closePath(); context.fill(); } function drawRoundedRect(context, x, y, width, height, radius) { if (width < 0) { return; } context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x + radius, y); context.lineTo(x + width - radius, y); context.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + radius); context.lineTo(x + width, y + height - radius); context.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - radius, y + height); context.lineTo(x + radius, y + height); context.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - radius); context.lineTo(x, y + radius); context.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + radius, y); context.closePath(); } function drawCornerLine(context, x1, y1, x2, y2, xFirst = true) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x1, y1); xFirst ? context.lineTo(x2, y1) : context.lineTo(x1, y2); context.lineTo(x2, y2); context.stroke(); } function drawRoundedCornerLine(context, x1, y1, x2, y2, maxRadius = 25) { const xDist = Math.abs(x2 - x1); const yDist = Math.abs(y2 - y1); const radius = Math.min(xDist, yDist, maxRadius); const cx = x1 < x2 ? x2 - radius : x2 + radius; const cy = y1 < y2 ? y1 + radius : y1 - radius; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x1, y1); if (x1 < x2) { context.arc(cx, cy, radius, 1.5 * Math.PI, 2 * Math.PI); } else { context.arc(cx, cy, radius, 1.5 * Math.PI, Math.PI, true); } context.lineTo(x2, y2); context.stroke(); } function drawRoundedCornerLineRightLeft(context, x1, y1, x2, y2, maxRadius = 25) { const xDist = Math.abs(x2 - x1); const yDist = Math.abs(y2 - y1); const radius = Math.min(xDist, yDist, maxRadius); const cx = x1 < x2 ? x1 + radius : x1 - radius; const cy = y1 < y2 ? y2 - radius : y2 + radius; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x1, y1); if (y1 < y2) { context.arc(cx, cy, radius, 0, 0.5 * Math.PI); } else { context.arc(cx, cy, radius, 0, 1.5 * Math.PI, true); } context.lineTo(x2, y2); context.stroke(); } function drawHexagon(context, cx, cy, radius) { context.beginPath(); for (let index16 = 0; index16 < 6; index16++) { const angle = (60 * index16 + 30) / 180 * Math.PI; const x = cx + Math.cos(angle) * radius; const y = cy + Math.sin(angle) * radius; if (index16 === 0) { context.moveTo(x, y); } else { context.lineTo(x, y); } } context.closePath(); } function drawBezierConnectorX(context, x1, y1, x2, y2) { const deltaX = (x2 - x1) / 2; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x1, y1); context.bezierCurveTo(x1 + deltaX, y1, x1 + deltaX, y2, x2, y2); context.stroke(); } function drawBezierConnectorY(context, x1, y1, x2, y2) { const deltaY = (y2 - y1) / 2; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x1, y1); context.bezierCurveTo(x1, y1 + deltaY, x2, y1 + deltaY, x2, y2); context.stroke(); } function drawBezierFunnelY(context, y1, y2, x1left, x1right, x2left, x2right) { const deltaY = (y2 - y1) / 2; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x1left, y1); context.bezierCurveTo(x1left, y1 + deltaY, x2left, y1 + deltaY, x2left, y2); context.lineTo(x2right, y2); context.bezierCurveTo(x2right, y1 + deltaY, x1right, y1 + deltaY, x1right, y1); context.closePath(); context.fill(); } function drawRoundedCorner(context, x1, y1, x2, y2, turnLeft = true, roundness = 1) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x1, y1); if (x1 === x2 || y1 === y2) { context.lineTo(x2, y2); context.stroke(); return; } const radius = Math.abs(x2 - x1) * roundness; let cx; let cy; if (turnLeft) { if (x1 < x2 && y1 < y2) { cx = x1 + radius; cy = y2 - radius; context.arc(cx, cy, radius, 1 * Math.PI, 0.5 * Math.PI, true); } else if (x1 > x2 && y1 < y2) { cx = x2 + radius; cy = y1 + radius; context.arc(cx, cy, radius, 1.5 * Math.PI, 1 * Math.PI, true); } else if (x1 > x2 && y1 > y2) { cx = x1 - radius; cy = y2 + radius; context.arc(cx, cy, radius, 0, 1.5 * Math.PI, true); } else { cx = x2 - radius; cy = y1 - radius; context.arc(cx, cy, radius, 0.5 * Math.PI, 0, true); } } else { if (x1 < x2 && y1 < y2) { cx = x2 - radius; cy = y1 + radius; context.arc(cx, cy, radius, 1.5 * Math.PI, 0); } else if (x1 > x2 && y1 < y2) { cx = x1 - radius; cy = y2 - radius; context.arc(cx, cy, radius, 0, 0.5 * Math.PI); } else if (x1 > x2 && y1 > y2) { cx = x2 + radius; cy = y1 - radius; context.arc(cx, cy, radius, 0.5 * Math.PI, 1 * Math.PI, false); } else { cx = x1 + radius; cy = y2 + radius; context.arc(cx, cy, radius, Math.PI, 1.5 * Math.PI, false); } } context.lineTo(x2, y2); context.stroke(); } function drawArc(context, startX1, startX2, length, yBottom) { const radius = (startX2 - startX1) / 2; const cx = startX1 + radius + length / 2; context.lineWidth = length; context.beginPath(); context.arc(cx, yBottom, radius, Math.PI, 2 * Math.PI); context.stroke(); } function drawAssymetricArc(context, startX1, endX1, startX2, endX2, yBottom) { const radiusTop = (endX2 - startX1) / 2; if (radiusTop < 0) { return; } let radiusBottom = (startX2 - endX1) / 2; if (radiusBottom < 0) { radiusBottom = 0; } const cxTop = startX1 + radiusTop; const cxBottom = endX1 + radiusBottom; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(startX1, yBottom); context.arc(cxTop, yBottom, radiusTop, Math.PI, 2 * Math.PI); context.lineTo(startX2, yBottom); context.arc(cxBottom, yBottom, radiusBottom, 2 * Math.PI, Math.PI, true); context.closePath(); context.fill(); } function drawBracketH(context, x, y, w, h) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y + h); context.lineTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x + w, y); context.lineTo(x + w, y + h); context.stroke(); } function drawMatrix(context, matrix, x = 0, y = 0, size = 400, colorScale, colorMap = viridis_default) { const cellSize = size / matrix.length; const paddedSize = cellSize * 1.01; colorScale = colorScale || linear2().domain(extent_default(matrix.flat())).range([1, 0]); for (let row = 0; row < matrix.length; row++) { for (let col = 0; col < matrix.length; col++) { context.fillStyle = colorMap(colorScale(matrix[row][col])); context.fillRect(x, y, paddedSize, paddedSize); x += cellSize; } y += cellSize; } } function drawColorRamp(context, w = 100, h = 10, colorMap = rainbow_default) { const scaleColor = linear2().domain([0, w]); for (let x = 0; x < w; ++x) { context.fillStyle = colorMap(scaleColor(x)); context.fillRect(x, 0, 1.1, h); } } function drawNoteColorMap(context, colors, w, h, bgColor, textColor = "#222", fontSize = 12, x = 0, y = 0) { const notes = ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"];; if (bgColor) { context.fillStyle = bgColor; context.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); } const mWidth = w / 12; const mWidthInner = mWidth * 0.5; context.font = `${fontSize}px sans-serif`; context.textAlign = "center"; for (const [index16, note2] of notes.entries()) { const col = index16; const nX = x + col * mWidth; context.fillStyle = colors[index16]; context.fillRect(nX, y + fontSize, mWidthInner, h - fontSize); context.fillStyle = textColor; context.fillText(note2, nX + mWidthInner / 2, 0); } context.restore(); } function drawVerticalText(context, x, y, text, color2 = "black", font = "12px sans-serif", centered = false) {; context.rotate(90 * Math.PI / 180); if (centered) { context.textAlign = "center"; } context.fillStyle = color2; context.font = font; context.fillText(text, y, -x); context.restore(); } // src/input/AudioRecorder.js var recordAudio = () => { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { let stream; try { stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }); } catch (error) { console.warn("[AudioInput] Cannot access audio", error); return; } const options = { audioBitsPerSecond: 128e3 }; const mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream, options); let audioChunks = []; mediaRecorder.addEventListener("dataavailable", (event) => { audioChunks.push(; }); const start2 = () => { if (!mediaRecorder) { console.warn("[AudioInput] Cannot record audio, no microphone?"); return; } if (mediaRecorder.state === "recording") { return; } console.log(`[AudioInput] Recording @ ${mediaRecorder.audioBitsPerSecond} b/s`); audioChunks = []; mediaRecorder.start(); }; const stop = () => new Promise((resolve2) => { if (!mediaRecorder) { return; } console.log("[AudioInput] Stopping audio recording"); mediaRecorder.addEventListener("stop", () => { const blobOptions = { type: mediaRecorder.mimeType }; const audioBlob = new Blob(audioChunks, blobOptions); resolve2(audioBlob); }); mediaRecorder.stop(); }); resolve({ start: start2, stop }); }); }; // src/input/MidiRecorder.js var recordMidi = (onMessage) => { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { let midiAccess; try { midiAccess = await navigator.requestMIDIAccess(); } catch (error) { console.warn("[MidiInput] Cannot access MIDI", error); return; } let messages = []; const addMessage = (message) => { if (onMessage) { onMessage(message); } messages.push(message); }; const start2 = () => { if (!midiAccess) { console.warn("[MidiInput] Cannot record MIDI"); return; } for (const input of midiAccess.inputs.values()) { input.onmidimessage = addMessage; } console.log("[MidiInput] Starting recording"); messages = []; }; const stop = () => { if (!midiAccess) { return; } console.log("[MidiInput] Stopping recording"); const notes = processMidiMessagesToNotes(messages); return notes; }; resolve({ start: start2, stop }); }); }; function processMidiMessagesToNotes(messages) { const currentNotes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const notes = []; for (const message of messages) { const device =; const time = message.timeStamp; const commandAndChannel =[0]; const channel = commandAndChannel % 16; const command = commandAndChannel - channel; const pitch =[1]; const velocity = > 2 ?[2] : 0; switch (command) { case 128: noteOff(notes, currentNotes, device, time, pitch, channel); break; case 144: if (velocity > 0) { noteOn(currentNotes, device, time, pitch, channel, velocity); } else { noteOff(notes, currentNotes, device, time, pitch, channel); } break; case 224: break; default: } } if (currentNotes.size > 0) { console.warn(`[MidiInput] Got ${currentNotes.size} unfinished notes`); } notes.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start); return notes; } function noteOn(currentNotes, device, time, pitch, channel, velocity) { const note2 = new Note_default(pitch, time / 1e3, velocity, channel); const key = `${device}-${channel}-${pitch}`; currentNotes.set(key, note2); } function noteOff(notes, currentNotes, device, time, pitch, channel) { const key = `${device}-${channel}-${pitch}`; if (!currentNotes.has(key)) { console.warn(`[MidiInput] Missing note-on for note-off with key ${key}`); return; } const note2 = currentNotes.get(key); note2.end = time / 1e3; notes.push(note2); currentNotes.delete(key); } // src/input/MidiInputManager.js var MidiInputManager = class { constructor(getMidiLiveData, setMidiLiveData, addCurrentNote = () => { }, removeCurrentNote = () => { }) { this._getMidiLiveData = getMidiLiveData; this._setMidiLiveData = setMidiLiveData; this._addCurrentNote = addCurrentNote; this._removeCurrentNote = removeCurrentNote; if (navigator.requestMIDIAccess) { navigator.requestMIDIAccess().then(this._onMIDISuccess, this._onMIDIFailure); } else { console.error("[MidiInput] WebMIDI is not supported in this browser."); throw new Error("Browser does not support WebMIDI"); } } _onMIDISuccess(midiAccess) { console.groupCollapsed(`[MidiInput] ${midiAccess.inputs.size} input devices`); for (const input of midiAccess.inputs.values()) { console.log(` - ${}`); input.onmidimessage = this._handleMIDIMessage; } console.groupEnd(); } _onMIDIFailure(error) { console.error("[MidiInput] Cannot access MIDI devices.", error); } _handleMIDIMessage(message) { const device =; const commandAndChannel =[0]; const channel = commandAndChannel % 16; const command = commandAndChannel - channel; const time = message.timeStamp; const pitch =[1]; const velocity = > 2 ?[2] : 0; switch (command) { case 128: this._noteOff(device, time, pitch, channel); break; case 144: if (velocity > 0) { this._noteOn(device, time, pitch, channel, velocity); } else { this._noteOff(device, time, pitch, channel); } break; case 224: break; default: } } _noteOn(device, time, pitch, channel, velocity) { const note2 = new Note_default(pitch, time / 1e3, velocity, channel); this._addCurrentNote(note2); let midiData = this._getMidiLiveData(); midiData = [...midiData, note2]; this._setMidiLiveData(midiData); } _noteOff(device, time, pitch, channel) { const midiData = this._getMidiLiveData(); if (midiData.length === 0) { setTimeout(() => this._noteOff(time, pitch), 10); } let index16 = midiData.length - 1; while (midiData[index16].pitch !== pitch || midiData[index16].channel !== channel) { index16--; if (index16 < 0) { console.warn("[MidiInput] Did not find note-on event for note-off event!"); break; } } if (index16 >= 0) { midiData[index16].end = time / 1e3; this._setMidiLiveData(midiData); this._removeCurrentNote(pitch); } } }; var MidiInputManager_default = MidiInputManager; // src/instruments/Drums.js var Drums_exports = {}; __export(Drums_exports, { DRUM_ACTIONS: () => DRUM_ACTIONS, DRUM_PARTS: () => DRUM_PARTS, DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS: () => DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS, drumPitchReplacementMapMPS850: () => drumPitchReplacementMapMPS850, generateDrumVariation: () => generateDrumVariation, getPitch2PositionMap: () => getPitch2PositionMap, simplifyDrumPitches: () => simplifyDrumPitches }); var DRUM_PARTS = { Agogo: "DRUM_PARTS.Agogo", Cabasa: "DRUM_PARTS.Cabasa", Castanets: "DRUM_PARTS.Castanets", China: "DRUM_PARTS.China", Claves: "DRUM_PARTS.Claves", Conga: "DRUM_PARTS.Conga", Cowbell: "DRUM_PARTS.Cowbell", Crash: "DRUM_PARTS.Crash", Cuica: "DRUM_PARTS.Cuica", Cymbal: "DRUM_PARTS.Cymbal", Golpe: "DRUM_PARTS.Golpe", Grancassa: "DRUM_PARTS.Grancassa", Guiro: "DRUM_PARTS.Guiro", Hand_Clap: "DRUM_PARTS.Hand Clap", Hand: "DRUM_PARTS.Hand", Hi_Hat: "DRUM_PARTS.Hi Hat", High_Floor_Tom: "DRUM_PARTS.High Floor Tom", High_Tom: "DRUM_PARTS.High Tom", Kick: "DRUM_PARTS.Kick", Low_Floor_Tom: "DRUM_PARTS.Low Floor Tom", Low_Tom: "DRUM_PARTS.Low Tom", Mid_Tom: "DRUM_PARTS.Mid Tom", Pedal_Hi_Hat: "DRUM_PARTS.Pedal Hi Hat", Ride: "DRUM_PARTS.Ride", Right_Maraca: "DRUM_PARTS.Right Maraca", Shaker: "DRUM_PARTS.Shaker", Snare: "DRUM_PARTS.Snare", Splash: "DRUM_PARTS.Splash", Surdo: "DRUM_PARTS.Surdo", Timbale: "DRUM_PARTS.Timbale", Tinkle_Bell: "DRUM_PARTS.Tinkle Bell", Triangle: "DRUM_PARTS.Triangle", Vibraslap: "DRUM_PARTS.Vibraslap", Whistle_high: "DRUM_PARTS.Whistle high", Whistle_low: "DRUM_PARTS.Whistle low", Woodblock_high: "DRUM_PARTS.Woodblock high", Woodblock_low: "DRUM_PARTS.Woodblock low" }; var DRUM_ACTIONS = { choke: "DRUM_ACTIONS.choke", finger: "DRUM_ACTIONS.finger", hit: "DRUM_ACTIONS.hit", mute: "DRUM_ACTIONS.mute", return: "DRUM_ACTIONS.return", scrapReturn: "DRUM_ACTIONS.scrapReturn", sideStick: "DRUM_ACTIONS.sideStick", slap: "DRUM_ACTIONS.slap" }; var DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS = { Agogo_high_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Agogo high (hit)", Agogo_low_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Agogo low (hit)", Cabasa_return: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Cabasa (return)", Castanets_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Castanets (hit)", China_choke: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.China (choke)", Claves_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Claves (hit)", Conga_high_slap: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Conga high (slap)", Conga_low_mute: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Conga low (mute)", Cowbell_high_tip: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Cowbell high (tip)", Crash_medium_choke: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Crash medium (choke)", Cuica_mute: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Cuica (mute)", Cuica_open: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Cuica (open)", Cymbal_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Cymbal (hit)", Golpe_finger: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Golpe (finger)", Grancassa_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Grancassa (hit)", Guiro_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Guiro (hit)", Guiro_scrap_return: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Guiro (scrap-return)", Hand_Clap_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Hand Clap (hit)", Hand_slap: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Hand (slap)", Hi_Hat_closed: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Hi-Hat (closed)", Hi_Hat_open: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Hi-Hat (open)", High_Floor_Tom_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.High Floor Tom (hit)", High_Tom_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.High Tom (hit)", Kick_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Kick (hit)", Low_Floor_Tom_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Low Floor Tom (hit)", Low_Tom_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Low Tom (hit)", Mid_Tom_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Mid Tom (hit)", Pedal_Hi_Hat_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Pedal Hi-Hat (hit)", Ride_choke: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Ride (choke)", Right_Maraca_return: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Right Maraca (return)", Shaker_return: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Shaker (return)", Snare_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Snare (hit)", Snare_side_stick: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Snare (side stick)", Splash_choke: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Splash (choke)", Surdo_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Surdo (hit)", Surdo_mute: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Surdo (mute)", Timbale_high_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Timbale high (hit)", Timbale_low_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Timbale low (hit)", Tinkle_Bell_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Tinkle Bell (hit)", Triangle_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Triangle (hit)", Triangle_mute: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Triangle (mute)", Vibraslap_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Vibraslap (hit)", Whistle_high_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Whistle high (hit)", Whistle_low_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Whistle low (hit)", Woodblock_high_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Woodblock high (hit)", Woodblock_low_hit: "DRUM_PARTS_ACTIONS.Woodblock low (hit)" }; var drumPitchReplacementMapMPS850 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [49, { repPitch: 49, zone: 1, order: 10, line: -1, shape: "o", label: "CC1", name: "Crash Cymbal 1" }], [55, { repPitch: 49, zone: 2, order: 11, line: -1, shape: "o", label: "CC1", name: "Crash Cymbal 1" }], [52, { repPitch: 57, zone: 1, order: 20, line: 0, shape: "o", label: "CC2", name: "Crash Cymbal 2" }], [57, { repPitch: 57, zone: 2, order: 21, line: 0, shape: "o", label: "CC2", name: "Crash Cymbal 2" }], [22, { repPitch: 46, zone: 1, order: 30, line: 0, shape: "<>", label: "HHS", name: "Hi-Hat" }], [26, { repPitch: 46, zone: 2, order: 31, line: 0, shape: "<>", label: "HHS", name: "Hi-Hat" }], [42, { repPitch: 46, zone: 3, order: 32, line: 0, shape: "<>", label: "HHS", name: "Hi-Hat" }], [46, { repPitch: 46, zone: 4, order: 33, line: 0, shape: "<>", label: "HHS", name: "Hi-Hat" }], [44, { repPitch: 44, zone: 1, order: 40, line: 9, shape: "o", label: "HHP", name: "Hi-Hat Pedal" }], [51, { repPitch: 51, zone: 1, order: 50, line: 1, shape: "x", label: "Rd", name: "Ride Cymbal" }], [53, { repPitch: 51, zone: 2, order: 51, line: 1, shape: "x", label: "Rd", name: "Ride Cymbal" }], [59, { repPitch: 51, zone: 3, order: 52, line: 1, shape: "x", label: "Rd", name: "Ride Cymbal" }], [38, { repPitch: 38, zone: 1, order: 60, line: 4, shape: "o", label: "SN", name: "Snare" }], [40, { repPitch: 38, zone: 2, order: 61, line: 4, shape: "o", label: "SN", name: "Snare" }], [48, { repPitch: 48, zone: 1, order: 90, line: 2, shape: "o", label: "T1", name: "Tom 1" }], [50, { repPitch: 48, zone: 2, order: 91, line: 2, shape: "o", label: "T1", name: "Tom 1" }], [45, { repPitch: 45, zone: 1, order: 100, line: 3, shape: "o", label: "T2", name: "Tom 2" }], [47, { repPitch: 45, zone: 2, order: 101, line: 3, shape: "o", label: "T2", name: "Tom 2" }], [43, { repPitch: 43, zone: 1, order: 70, line: 5, shape: "o", label: "ST1", name: "Stand Tom 1" }], [58, { repPitch: 43, zone: 2, order: 71, line: 5, shape: "o", label: "ST1", name: "Stand Tom 1" }], [39, { repPitch: 41, zone: 1, order: 80, line: 6, shape: "o", label: "ST2", name: "Stand Tom 2" }], [41, { repPitch: 41, zone: 2, order: 81, line: 6, shape: "o", label: "ST2", name: "Stand Tom 2" }], [35, { repPitch: 36, zone: 1, order: 110, line: 8, shape: "o", label: "BD", name: "Bass Drum" }], [36, { repPitch: 36, zone: 2, order: 111, line: 8, shape: "o", label: "BD", name: "Bass Drum" }] ]); function generateDrumVariation(data, deviation2 = 1, pAdd = 0.1, pRemove = 0.1) { const usedPitches = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (const note2 of data) { usedPitches.add(note2.pitch); } const pitches = [...usedPitches]; const randVelocity = int_default(15, 128); const randTime = normal_default(0, deviation2); const variation = []; for (const note2 of data) { if (randFloat(0, 1) < pAdd) { const start2 = note2.start + randFloat(0, 1); const end = start2 + randFloat(0, 1); const velocity = randVelocity(); const pitch = choose(pitches); variation.push(new Note_default(pitch, start2, velocity, 0, end)); } if (randFloat(0, 1) < pRemove) { } else { const start2 = note2.start + randTime(); const end = note2.end + randTime(); const newNote = Note_default.from(note2); newNote.start = Math.min(start2, end); newNote.end = Math.max(start2, end); variation.push(newNote); } } variation.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start); return variation; } function simplifyDrumPitches(notes, replacementMap) { if (!replacementMap || !(replacementMap instanceof Map)) { throw new Error("No replacement map given!"); } const errors = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const simplified = => { const oldPitch = note2.pitch; let newPitch = oldPitch; if (!replacementMap.has(oldPitch)) { errors.add(oldPitch); } else { newPitch = replacementMap.get(oldPitch).repPitch; } const newNote = Note_default.from(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, note2), { pitch: newPitch })); return newNote; }); return simplified; } function getPitch2PositionMap(replacementMap) { const result = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const uniqeRows = [[...replacementMap], (d) => d[1].repPitch)]; uniqeRows.sort((a, b) => a[1][0][1].order - b[1][0][1].order); for (const [index16, d] of uniqeRows.entries()) { result.set(d[0], index16); } return result; } // src/instruments/Guitar.js var Guitar_exports = {}; __export(Guitar_exports, { StringedTuning: () => StringedTuning, fretboardPositionsFromMidi: () => fretboardPositionsFromMidi, generateExampleData: () => generateExampleData, getFretboardPositionsFromNoteName: () => getFretboardPositionsFromNoteName, getFretboardPositionsFromPitch: () => getFretboardPositionsFromPitch, getNoteInfoFromFretboardPos: () => getNoteInfoFromFretboardPos, getPitchFromFretboardPos: () => getPitchFromFretboardPos, getTuningFromPitches: () => getTuningFromPitches, getTuningPitchRange: () => getTuningPitchRange, guitarNoteFromNote: () => guitarNoteFromNote, stringColors: () => stringColors, stringedTunings: () => stringedTunings }); var StringedTuning = class { constructor(name2, notes) { = name2; this.notes = notes; this.short = notes.join(" "); this.pitches = => getMidiNoteByLabel(note2).pitch); this.stringCount = notes.length; } }; var stringedTunings = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["Guitar", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [6, [ new StringedTuning("E stand.", ["E2", "A2", "D3", "G3", "B3", "E4"]), new StringedTuning("Drop D", ["D2", "A2", "D3", "G3", "B3", "E4"]), new StringedTuning("Drop C", ["C2", "G2", "C3", "F3", "A3", "D4"]), new StringedTuning("1/2 down", ["D#2", "G#2", "C#3", "F#3", "A#3", "D#4"]), new StringedTuning("1 down", ["D2", "G2", "C3", "F3", "A3", "D4"]), new StringedTuning("1 1/2 down", ["C#2", "F#2", "B2", "E3", "G#3", "C#4"]), new StringedTuning("2 down", ["C2", "F2", "A#2", "D#3", "G3", "C4"]), new StringedTuning("DADGAG", ["D2", "A2", "D3", "G3", "A3", "D4"]) ]], [7, [ new StringedTuning("B stand.", ["B1", "E2", "A2", "D3", "G3", "B3", "E4"]), new StringedTuning("Drop A", ["A1", "E2", "A2", "D3", "G3", "B3", "E4"]), new StringedTuning("1/2 down", ["A#1", "D#2", "G#2", "C#3", "F#3", "A#3", "D#4"]), new StringedTuning("1 down", ["A1", "D2", "G2", "C3", "F3", "A3", "D4"]), new StringedTuning("1 1/2 down", ["G#1", "C#2", "F#2", "B2", "E3", "G#3", "C#4"]), new StringedTuning("2 down", ["G1", "C2", "F2", "A#2", "D#3", "G3", "C4"]) ]], [8, [ new StringedTuning("F# stand.", ["F#1", "B1", "E2", "A2", "D3", "G3", "B3", "E4"]), new StringedTuning("Drop E", ["E1", "B1", "E2", "A2", "D3", "G3", "B3", "E4"]), new StringedTuning("1/2 down", ["F1", "A#1", "D#2", "G#2", "C#3", "F#3", "A#3", "D#4"]), new StringedTuning("1 down", ["E1", "A1", "D2", "G2", "C3", "F3", "A3", "D4"]), new StringedTuning("1 1/2 down", ["D#1", "G#1", "C#2", "F#2", "B2", "E3", "G#3", "C#4"]), new StringedTuning("2 down", ["D1", "G1", "C2", "F2", "A#2", "D#3", "G3", "C4"]) ]] ])], ["Bass", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [4, [ new StringedTuning("E stand.", ["E1", "A1", "D2", "G2"]), new StringedTuning("Drop D", ["D1", "A1", "D2", "G2"]), new StringedTuning("1/2 down", ["D#1", "G#1", "C#2", "F#2"]), new StringedTuning("1 down", ["D1", "G1", "C2", "F2"]), new StringedTuning("1 1/2 down", ["C#1", "F#1", "B1", "E2"]), new StringedTuning("2 down", ["C1", "F1", "A#1", "D#2"]) ]], [5, [ new StringedTuning("B stand.", ["B0", "E1", "A1", "D2", "G2"]), new StringedTuning("Drop A", ["A0", "D1", "A1", "D2", "G2"]), new StringedTuning("1/2 down", ["A#0", "D#1", "G#1", "C#2", "F#2"]), new StringedTuning("1 down", ["A0", "D1", "G1", "C2", "F2"]), new StringedTuning("1 1/2 down", ["G#0", "C#1", "F#1", "B1", "E2"]), new StringedTuning("2 down", ["G0", "C1", "F1", "A#1", "D#2"]) ]], [6, [ new StringedTuning("F# stand.", ["F#0", "B0", "E1", "A1", "D2", "G2"]), new StringedTuning("Drop E", ["E0", "A0", "D1", "A1", "D2", "G2"]), new StringedTuning("1/2 down", ["F0", "A#0", "D#1", "G#1", "C#2", "F#2"]), new StringedTuning("1 down", ["E1", "A0", "D1", "G1", "C2", "F2"]), new StringedTuning("1 1/2 down", ["D#0", "G#0", "C#1", "F#1", "B1", "E2"]), new StringedTuning("2 down", ["D0", "G0", "C1", "F1", "A#1", "D#2"]) ]] ])], ["Ukulele", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [4, [ new StringedTuning("Hawaii", ["G4", "C4", "E4", "A4"]), new StringedTuning("Low G", ["G3", "C4", "E4", "A4"]), new StringedTuning("D-tuning", ["A4", "D4", "F#4", "B4"]), new StringedTuning("Canadian", ["A3", "D4", "F#4", "B4"]), new StringedTuning("Bariton", ["D3", "G3", "B3", "E4"]) ]] ])] ]); function guitarNoteFromNote(note2, tuning) { const string =; const reversedString = tuning.stringCount - string - 1; const fret = note2.pitch - tuning.pitches[reversedString]; return GuitarNote_default.fromNote(note2, string, fret); } function getTuningFromPitches(pitches) { const stringCount = pitches.length; for (const stringCountMap of stringedTunings.values()) { if (stringCountMap.has(stringCount)) { const tunings = stringCountMap.get(stringCount); for (const t of tunings) { if (arrayShallowEquals(t.pitches, pitches)) { return t; } } } } return null; } function getTuningPitchRange(tuning, fretCount = 24) { const openMax = tuning.pitches[tuning.stringCount - 1]; const openMin = tuning.pitches[0]; return [openMin, openMax + fretCount]; } var stringColors = [ "#888", "#d122e9", "#31eb1c", "#f37c14", "#10edfc", "#ffeb09", "#ff210d", "silver", "gold" ]; function getPitchFromFretboardPos(string, fret, tuning) { const reversedString = tuning.stringCount - string + 1; const openPitch = tuning.pitches[reversedString - 1]; return openPitch + fret; } function getNoteInfoFromFretboardPos(string, fret, tuning) { const pitch = getPitchFromFretboardPos(string, fret, tuning); return getMidiNoteByNr(pitch); } function getFretboardPositionsFromPitch(pitch, tuning, fretCount) { const positions = []; const stringCount = tuning.stringCount; for (let string = 0; string < stringCount; string++) { const openPitch = tuning.pitches[string]; if (pitch < openPitch) { continue; } if (pitch > openPitch + fretCount) { continue; } positions.push({ string: stringCount - string, fret: pitch - openPitch }); } return positions; } function getFretboardPositionsFromNoteName(name2, tuning, fretCount = 24) { const n = ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"]; if (!n.includes(name2)) { return null; } const positions = []; const lowestPitch = n.indexOf(name2); const stringCount = tuning.stringCount; for (let string = 0; string < stringCount; string++) { const openPitch = tuning.pitches[string]; let fret = lowestPitch - openPitch % 12; if (fret < 0) { fret += 12; } while (fret <= fretCount) { positions.push({ string: stringCount - string, fret }); fret += 12; } } return positions; } function generateExampleData(startTime = 0, count2 = 50, tuning) { let currentTime = startTime; return Array.from({ length: count2 }).map(() => { const start2 = currentTime + randFloat(0, 1); currentTime = start2 + randFloat(0, 1); const string = int_default(1, 7)(); const fret = int_default(0, 25)(); const pitch = getPitchFromFretboardPos(string, fret, tuning); const velocity = int_default(15, 127)(); return new GuitarNote_default(pitch, start2, velocity, string, currentTime, string, fret); }); } function fretboardPositionsFromMidi(notes, tuning, fretCount = 24) { if (!notes || notes.length === 0) { return []; } if (!tuning || !tuning.pitches) { console.warn("Invalid tuning parameter!"); return []; } const [minPitch, maxPitch] = getTuningPitchRange(tuning, fretCount); const possibleNotes = []; const errorPitches = []; for (const note2 of notes) { if (note2.pitch < minPitch || note2.pitch > maxPitch) { errorPitches.push(note2.pitch); } else { possibleNotes.push(note2); } } const result = []; for (const note2 of possibleNotes) { const positions = getFretboardPositionsFromPitch(note2.pitch, tuning, 24); let bestPos = positions[0]; for (const pos of positions) { if (pos.fret < bestPos.fret) { bestPos = pos; } } const { string, fret } = bestPos; result.push(GuitarNote_default.fromNote(note2, string, fret)); } if (errorPitches.length > 0) { const [minDataPitch, maxDataPitch] = extent_default(notes, (d) => d.pitch); let advice = ""; if (minDataPitch < minPitch) { advice += `Transpose by ${minPitch - minDataPitch} semitones`; } if (maxPitch < maxDataPitch) { advice += `Transpose by ${maxPitch - maxDataPitch} semitones`; } console.warn(`Cannot find a fretboard position for ${errorPitches.length} pitches, try another tuning instead: `, errorPitches, ` Current tuning's pitch range is ${minPitch} - ${maxPitch}`, ` data pitch range is ${minDataPitch} - ${maxDataPitch} `, advice); } return result; } // src/instruments/Lamellophone.js var Lamellophone_exports = {}; __export(Lamellophone_exports, { LamellophoneTuning: () => LamellophoneTuning, bestTransposition: () => bestTransposition, convertNotesToHtmlTab: () => convertNotesToHtmlTab, convertNotesToTab: () => convertNotesToTab, convertNumbersToLetters: () => convertNumbersToLetters, convertTabToNotes: () => convertTabToNotes, lamellophoneTunings: () => lamellophoneTunings }); // src/chords/Chords.js var Chords_exports = {}; __export(Chords_exports, { detectChordsByExactStart: () => detectChordsByExactStart, detectChordsByOverlap: () => detectChordsByOverlap, detectChordsBySimilarStart: () => detectChordsBySimilarStart, getChordName: () => getChordName, getChordType: () => getChordType }); // node_modules/.pnpm/@tonaljs+core@4.6.5/node_modules/@tonaljs/core/dist/ var fillStr = (s, n) => Array(Math.abs(n) + 1).join(s); function deprecate(original, alternative, fn) { return function(...args) { console.warn(`${original} is deprecated. Use ${alternative}.`); return fn.apply(this, args); }; } function isNamed(src) { return src !== null && typeof src === "object" && typeof === "string" ? true : false; } function isPitch(pitch) { return pitch !== null && typeof pitch === "object" && typeof pitch.step === "number" && typeof pitch.alt === "number" ? true : false; } var FIFTHS = [0, 2, 4, -1, 1, 3, 5]; var STEPS_TO_OCTS = => Math.floor(fifths * 7 / 12)); function encode(pitch) { const { step, alt, oct, dir = 1 } = pitch; const f = FIFTHS[step] + 7 * alt; if (oct === void 0) { return [dir * f]; } const o = oct - STEPS_TO_OCTS[step] - 4 * alt; return [dir * f, dir * o]; } var FIFTHS_TO_STEPS = [3, 0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6]; function decode(coord) { const [f, o, dir] = coord; const step = FIFTHS_TO_STEPS[unaltered(f)]; const alt = Math.floor((f + 1) / 7); if (o === void 0) { return { step, alt, dir }; } const oct = o + 4 * alt + STEPS_TO_OCTS[step]; return { step, alt, oct, dir }; } function unaltered(f) { const i = (f + 1) % 7; return i < 0 ? 7 + i : i; } var NoNote = { empty: true, name: "", pc: "", acc: "" }; var cache$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); var stepToLetter = (step) => "CDEFGAB".charAt(step); var altToAcc = (alt) => alt < 0 ? fillStr("b", -alt) : fillStr("#", alt); var accToAlt = (acc) => acc[0] === "b" ? -acc.length : acc.length; function note(src) { const cached = cache$1.get(src); if (cached) { return cached; } const value = typeof src === "string" ? parse$1(src) : isPitch(src) ? note(pitchName$1(src)) : isNamed(src) ? note( : NoNote; cache$1.set(src, value); return value; } var REGEX$1 = /^([a-gA-G]?)(#{1,}|b{1,}|x{1,}|)(-?\d*)\s*(.*)$/; function tokenizeNote(str) { const m = REGEX$1.exec(str); return [m[1].toUpperCase(), m[2].replace(/x/g, "##"), m[3], m[4]]; } function coordToNote(noteCoord) { return note(decode(noteCoord)); } var mod = (n, m) => (n % m + m) % m; var SEMI = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]; function parse$1(noteName) { const tokens = tokenizeNote(noteName); if (tokens[0] === "" || tokens[3] !== "") { return NoNote; } const letter = tokens[0]; const acc = tokens[1]; const octStr = tokens[2]; const step = (letter.charCodeAt(0) + 3) % 7; const alt = accToAlt(acc); const oct = octStr.length ? +octStr : void 0; const coord = encode({ step, alt, oct }); const name2 = letter + acc + octStr; const pc = letter + acc; const chroma = (SEMI[step] + alt + 120) % 12; const height = oct === void 0 ? mod(SEMI[step] + alt, 12) - 12 * 99 : SEMI[step] + alt + 12 * (oct + 1); const midi = height >= 0 && height <= 127 ? height : null; const freq = oct === void 0 ? null : Math.pow(2, (height - 69) / 12) * 440; return { empty: false, acc, alt, chroma, coord, freq, height, letter, midi, name: name2, oct, pc, step }; } function pitchName$1(props) { const { step, alt, oct } = props; const letter = stepToLetter(step); if (!letter) { return ""; } const pc = letter + altToAcc(alt); return oct || oct === 0 ? pc + oct : pc; } var NoInterval = { empty: true, name: "", acc: "" }; var INTERVAL_TONAL_REGEX = "([-+]?\\d+)(d{1,4}|m|M|P|A{1,4})"; var INTERVAL_SHORTHAND_REGEX = "(AA|A|P|M|m|d|dd)([-+]?\\d+)"; var REGEX = new RegExp("^" + INTERVAL_TONAL_REGEX + "|" + INTERVAL_SHORTHAND_REGEX + "$"); function tokenizeInterval(str) { const m = REGEX.exec(`${str}`); if (m === null) { return ["", ""]; } return m[1] ? [m[1], m[2]] : [m[4], m[3]]; } var cache = {}; function interval2(src) { return typeof src === "string" ? cache[src] || (cache[src] = parse2(src)) : isPitch(src) ? interval2(pitchName(src)) : isNamed(src) ? interval2( : NoInterval; } var SIZES = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]; var TYPES = "PMMPPMM"; function parse2(str) { const tokens = tokenizeInterval(str); if (tokens[0] === "") { return NoInterval; } const num = +tokens[0]; const q = tokens[1]; const step = (Math.abs(num) - 1) % 7; const t = TYPES[step]; if (t === "M" && q === "P") { return NoInterval; } const type3 = t === "M" ? "majorable" : "perfectable"; const name2 = "" + num + q; const dir = num < 0 ? -1 : 1; const simple = num === 8 || num === -8 ? num : dir * (step + 1); const alt = qToAlt(type3, q); const oct = Math.floor((Math.abs(num) - 1) / 7); const semitones = dir * (SIZES[step] + alt + 12 * oct); const chroma = (dir * (SIZES[step] + alt) % 12 + 12) % 12; const coord = encode({ step, alt, oct, dir }); return { empty: false, name: name2, num, q, step, alt, dir, type: type3, simple, semitones, chroma, coord, oct }; } function coordToInterval(coord, forceDescending) { const [f, o = 0] = coord; const isDescending = f * 7 + o * 12 < 0; const ivl = forceDescending || isDescending ? [-f, -o, -1] : [f, o, 1]; return interval2(decode(ivl)); } function qToAlt(type3, q) { return q === "M" && type3 === "majorable" || q === "P" && type3 === "perfectable" ? 0 : q === "m" && type3 === "majorable" ? -1 : /^A+$/.test(q) ? q.length : /^d+$/.test(q) ? -1 * (type3 === "perfectable" ? q.length : q.length + 1) : 0; } function pitchName(props) { const { step, alt, oct = 0, dir } = props; if (!dir) { return ""; } const calcNum = step + 1 + 7 * oct; const num = calcNum === 0 ? step + 1 : calcNum; const d = dir < 0 ? "-" : ""; const type3 = TYPES[step] === "M" ? "majorable" : "perfectable"; const name2 = d + num + altToQ(type3, alt); return name2; } function altToQ(type3, alt) { if (alt === 0) { return type3 === "majorable" ? "M" : "P"; } else if (alt === -1 && type3 === "majorable") { return "m"; } else if (alt > 0) { return fillStr("A", alt); } else { return fillStr("d", type3 === "perfectable" ? alt : alt + 1); } } function transpose(noteName, intervalName) { const note$1 = note(noteName); const interval$1 = interval2(intervalName); if (note$1.empty || interval$1.empty) { return ""; } const noteCoord = note$1.coord; const intervalCoord = interval$1.coord; const tr = noteCoord.length === 1 ? [noteCoord[0] + intervalCoord[0]] : [noteCoord[0] + intervalCoord[0], noteCoord[1] + intervalCoord[1]]; return coordToNote(tr).name; } function distance(fromNote, toNote) { const from = note(fromNote); const to = note(toNote); if (from.empty || to.empty) { return ""; } const fcoord = from.coord; const tcoord = to.coord; const fifths = tcoord[0] - fcoord[0]; const octs = fcoord.length === 2 && tcoord.length === 2 ? tcoord[1] - fcoord[1] : -Math.floor(fifths * 7 / 12); const forceDescending = to.height === from.height && to.midi !== null && from.midi !== null && from.step > to.step; return coordToInterval([fifths, octs], forceDescending).name; } // node_modules/.pnpm/@tonaljs+collection@4.6.2/node_modules/@tonaljs/collection/dist/ function rotate(times, arr) { const len = arr.length; const n = (times % len + len) % len; return arr.slice(n, len).concat(arr.slice(0, n)); } function compact(arr) { return arr.filter((n) => n === 0 || n); } // node_modules/.pnpm/@tonaljs+pcset@4.6.5/node_modules/@tonaljs/pcset/dist/ var EmptyPcset = { empty: true, name: "", setNum: 0, chroma: "000000000000", normalized: "000000000000", intervals: [] }; var setNumToChroma = (num) => Number(num).toString(2); var chromaToNumber = (chroma) => parseInt(chroma, 2); var REGEX2 = /^[01]{12}$/; function isChroma(set4) { return REGEX2.test(set4); } var isPcsetNum = (set4) => typeof set4 === "number" && set4 >= 0 && set4 <= 4095; var isPcset = (set4) => set4 && isChroma(set4.chroma); var cache2 = { [EmptyPcset.chroma]: EmptyPcset }; function get3(src) { const chroma = isChroma(src) ? src : isPcsetNum(src) ? setNumToChroma(src) : Array.isArray(src) ? listToChroma(src) : isPcset(src) ? src.chroma : EmptyPcset.chroma; return cache2[chroma] = cache2[chroma] || chromaToPcset(chroma); } var pcset = deprecate("Pcset.pcset", "Pcset.get", get3); var IVLS = [ "1P", "2m", "2M", "3m", "3M", "4P", "5d", "5P", "6m", "6M", "7m", "7M" ]; function chromaToIntervals(chroma) { const intervals = []; for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (chroma.charAt(i) === "1") intervals.push(IVLS[i]); } return intervals; } function modes(set4, normalize2 = true) { const pcs = get3(set4); const binary = pcs.chroma.split(""); return compact(, i) => { const r = rotate(i, binary); return normalize2 && r[0] === "0" ? null : r.join(""); })); } function isSubsetOf(set4) { const s = get3(set4).setNum; return (notes) => { const o = get3(notes).setNum; return s && s !== o && (o & s) === o; }; } function isSupersetOf(set4) { const s = get3(set4).setNum; return (notes) => { const o = get3(notes).setNum; return s && s !== o && (o | s) === o; }; } function chromaRotations(chroma) { const binary = chroma.split(""); return, i) => rotate(i, binary).join("")); } function chromaToPcset(chroma) { const setNum = chromaToNumber(chroma); const normalizedNum = chromaRotations(chroma).map(chromaToNumber).filter((n) => n >= 2048).sort()[0]; const normalized = setNumToChroma(normalizedNum); const intervals = chromaToIntervals(chroma); return { empty: false, name: "", setNum, chroma, normalized, intervals }; } function listToChroma(set4) { if (set4.length === 0) { return EmptyPcset.chroma; } let pitch; const binary = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; for (let i = 0; i < set4.length; i++) { pitch = note(set4[i]); if (pitch.empty) pitch = interval2(set4[i]); if (!pitch.empty) binary[pitch.chroma] = 1; } return binary.join(""); } // node_modules/.pnpm/@tonaljs+chord-type@4.6.5/node_modules/@tonaljs/chord-type/dist/ var CHORDS = [ ["1P 3M 5P", "major", "M ^ "], ["1P 3M 5P 7M", "major seventh", "maj7 \u0394 ma7 M7 Maj7 ^7"], ["1P 3M 5P 7M 9M", "major ninth", "maj9 \u03949 ^9"], ["1P 3M 5P 7M 9M 13M", "major thirteenth", "maj13 Maj13 ^13"], ["1P 3M 5P 6M", "sixth", "6 add6 add13 M6"], ["1P 3M 5P 6M 9M", "sixth/ninth", "6/9 69 M69"], ["1P 3M 6m 7M", "major seventh flat sixth", "M7b6 ^7b6"], [ "1P 3M 5P 7M 11A", "major seventh sharp eleventh", "maj#4 \u0394#4 \u0394#11 M7#11 ^7#11 maj7#11" ], ["1P 3m 5P", "minor", "m min -"], ["1P 3m 5P 7m", "minor seventh", "m7 min7 mi7 -7"], [ "1P 3m 5P 7M", "minor/major seventh", "m/ma7 m/maj7 mM7 mMaj7 m/M7 -\u03947 m\u0394 -^7" ], ["1P 3m 5P 6M", "minor sixth", "m6 -6"], ["1P 3m 5P 7m 9M", "minor ninth", "m9 -9"], ["1P 3m 5P 7M 9M", "minor/major ninth", "mM9 mMaj9 -^9"], ["1P 3m 5P 7m 9M 11P", "minor eleventh", "m11 -11"], ["1P 3m 5P 7m 9M 13M", "minor thirteenth", "m13 -13"], ["1P 3m 5d", "diminished", "dim \xB0 o"], ["1P 3m 5d 7d", "diminished seventh", "dim7 \xB07 o7"], ["1P 3m 5d 7m", "half-diminished", "m7b5 \xF8 -7b5 h7 h"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m", "dominant seventh", "7 dom"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9M", "dominant ninth", "9"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9M 13M", "dominant thirteenth", "13"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 11A", "lydian dominant seventh", "7#11 7#4"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9m", "dominant flat ninth", "7b9"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9A", "dominant sharp ninth", "7#9"], ["1P 3M 7m 9m", "altered", "alt7"], ["1P 4P 5P", "suspended fourth", "sus4 sus"], ["1P 2M 5P", "suspended second", "sus2"], ["1P 4P 5P 7m", "suspended fourth seventh", "7sus4 7sus"], ["1P 5P 7m 9M 11P", "eleventh", "11"], [ "1P 4P 5P 7m 9m", "suspended fourth flat ninth", "b9sus phryg 7b9sus 7b9sus4" ], ["1P 5P", "fifth", "5"], ["1P 3M 5A", "augmented", "aug + +5 ^#5"], ["1P 3m 5A", "minor augmented", "m#5 -#5 m+"], ["1P 3M 5A 7M", "augmented seventh", "maj7#5 maj7+5 +maj7 ^7#5"], [ "1P 3M 5P 7M 9M 11A", "major sharp eleventh (lydian)", "maj9#11 \u03949#11 ^9#11" ], ["1P 2M 4P 5P", "", "sus24 sus4add9"], ["1P 3M 5A 7M 9M", "", "maj9#5 Maj9#5"], ["1P 3M 5A 7m", "", "7#5 +7 7+ 7aug aug7"], ["1P 3M 5A 7m 9A", "", "7#5#9 7#9#5 7alt"], ["1P 3M 5A 7m 9M", "", "9#5 9+"], ["1P 3M 5A 7m 9M 11A", "", "9#5#11"], ["1P 3M 5A 7m 9m", "", "7#5b9 7b9#5"], ["1P 3M 5A 7m 9m 11A", "", "7#5b9#11"], ["1P 3M 5A 9A", "", "+add#9"], ["1P 3M 5A 9M", "", "M#5add9 +add9"], ["1P 3M 5P 6M 11A", "", "M6#11 M6b5 6#11 6b5"], ["1P 3M 5P 6M 7M 9M", "", "M7add13"], ["1P 3M 5P 6M 9M 11A", "", "69#11"], ["1P 3m 5P 6M 9M", "", "m69 -69"], ["1P 3M 5P 6m 7m", "", "7b6"], ["1P 3M 5P 7M 9A 11A", "", "maj7#9#11"], ["1P 3M 5P 7M 9M 11A 13M", "", "M13#11 maj13#11 M13+4 M13#4"], ["1P 3M 5P 7M 9m", "", "M7b9"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 11A 13m", "", "7#11b13 7b5b13"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 13M", "", "7add6 67 7add13"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9A 11A", "", "7#9#11 7b5#9 7#9b5"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9A 11A 13M", "", "13#9#11"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9A 11A 13m", "", "7#9#11b13"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9A 13M", "", "13#9"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9A 13m", "", "7#9b13"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9M 11A", "", "9#11 9+4 9#4"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9M 11A 13M", "", "13#11 13+4 13#4"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9M 11A 13m", "", "9#11b13 9b5b13"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9m 11A", "", "7b9#11 7b5b9 7b9b5"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9m 11A 13M", "", "13b9#11"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9m 11A 13m", "", "7b9b13#11 7b9#11b13 7b5b9b13"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9m 13M", "", "13b9"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9m 13m", "", "7b9b13"], ["1P 3M 5P 7m 9m 9A", "", "7b9#9"], ["1P 3M 5P 9M", "", "Madd9 2 add9 add2"], ["1P 3M 5P 9m", "", "Maddb9"], ["1P 3M 5d", "", "Mb5"], ["1P 3M 5d 6M 7m 9M", "", "13b5"], ["1P 3M 5d 7M", "", "M7b5"], ["1P 3M 5d 7M 9M", "", "M9b5"], ["1P 3M 5d 7m", "", "7b5"], ["1P 3M 5d 7m 9M", "", "9b5"], ["1P 3M 7m", "", "7no5"], ["1P 3M 7m 13m", "", "7b13"], ["1P 3M 7m 9M", "", "9no5"], ["1P 3M 7m 9M 13M", "", "13no5"], ["1P 3M 7m 9M 13m", "", "9b13"], ["1P 3m 4P 5P", "", "madd4"], ["1P 3m 5P 6m 7M", "", "mMaj7b6"], ["1P 3m 5P 6m 7M 9M", "", "mMaj9b6"], ["1P 3m 5P 7m 11P", "", "m7add11 m7add4"], ["1P 3m 5P 9M", "", "madd9"], ["1P 3m 5d 6M 7M", "", "o7M7"], ["1P 3m 5d 7M", "", "oM7"], ["1P 3m 6m 7M", "", "mb6M7"], ["1P 3m 6m 7m", "", "m7#5"], ["1P 3m 6m 7m 9M", "", "m9#5"], ["1P 3m 5A 7m 9M 11P", "", "m11A"], ["1P 3m 6m 9m", "", "mb6b9"], ["1P 2M 3m 5d 7m", "", "m9b5"], ["1P 4P 5A 7M", "", "M7#5sus4"], ["1P 4P 5A 7M 9M", "", "M9#5sus4"], ["1P 4P 5A 7m", "", "7#5sus4"], ["1P 4P 5P 7M", "", "M7sus4"], ["1P 4P 5P 7M 9M", "", "M9sus4"], ["1P 4P 5P 7m 9M", "", "9sus4 9sus"], ["1P 4P 5P 7m 9M 13M", "", "13sus4 13sus"], ["1P 4P 5P 7m 9m 13m", "", "7sus4b9b13 7b9b13sus4"], ["1P 4P 7m 10m", "", "4 quartal"], ["1P 5P 7m 9m 11P", "", "11b9"] ]; var NoChordType = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, EmptyPcset), { name: "", quality: "Unknown", intervals: [], aliases: [] }); var dictionary = []; var index2 = {}; function get4(type3) { return index2[type3] || NoChordType; } var chordType = deprecate("ChordType.chordType", "ChordType.get", get4); function all() { return dictionary.slice(); } var entries = deprecate("ChordType.entries", "ChordType.all", all); function add(intervals, aliases, fullName) { const quality = getQuality(intervals); const chord2 = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, get3(intervals)), { name: fullName || "", quality, intervals, aliases }); dictionary.push(chord2); if ( { index2[] = chord2; } index2[chord2.setNum] = chord2; index2[chord2.chroma] = chord2; chord2.aliases.forEach((alias) => addAlias(chord2, alias)); } function addAlias(chord2, alias) { index2[alias] = chord2; } function getQuality(intervals) { const has = (interval3) => intervals.indexOf(interval3) !== -1; return has("5A") ? "Augmented" : has("3M") ? "Major" : has("5d") ? "Diminished" : has("3m") ? "Minor" : "Unknown"; } CHORDS.forEach(([ivls, fullName, names2]) => add(ivls.split(" "), names2.split(" "), fullName)); dictionary.sort((a, b) => a.setNum - b.setNum); // node_modules/.pnpm/@tonaljs+chord-detect@4.6.5/node_modules/@tonaljs/chord-detect/dist/ var namedSet = (notes) => { const pcToName = notes.reduce((record, n) => { const chroma = note(n).chroma; if (chroma !== void 0) { record[chroma] = record[chroma] || note(n).name; } return record; }, {}); return (chroma) => pcToName[chroma]; }; function detect(source) { const notes = => note(n).pc).filter((x) => x); if (note.length === 0) { return []; } const found = findExactMatches(notes, 1); return found.filter((chord2) => chord2.weight).sort((a, b) => b.weight - a.weight).map((chord2) =>; } function findExactMatches(notes, weight) { const tonic = notes[0]; const tonicChroma = note(tonic).chroma; const noteName = namedSet(notes); const allModes = modes(notes, false); const found = []; allModes.forEach((mode2, index16) => { const chordTypes2 = all().filter((chordType2) => chordType2.chroma === mode2); chordTypes2.forEach((chordType2) => { const chordName = chordType2.aliases[0]; const baseNote = noteName(index16); const isInversion = index16 !== tonicChroma; if (isInversion) { found.push({ weight: 0.5 * weight, name: `${baseNote}${chordName}/${tonic}` }); } else { found.push({ weight: 1 * weight, name: `${baseNote}${chordName}` }); } }); }); return found; } // node_modules/.pnpm/@tonaljs+scale-type@4.6.5/node_modules/@tonaljs/scale-type/dist/ var SCALES = [ ["1P 2M 3M 5P 6M", "major pentatonic", "pentatonic"], ["1P 3M 4P 5P 7M", "ionian pentatonic"], ["1P 3M 4P 5P 7m", "mixolydian pentatonic", "indian"], ["1P 2M 4P 5P 6M", "ritusen"], ["1P 2M 4P 5P 7m", "egyptian"], ["1P 3M 4P 5d 7m", "neopolitan major pentatonic"], ["1P 3m 4P 5P 6m", "vietnamese 1"], ["1P 2m 3m 5P 6m", "pelog"], ["1P 2m 4P 5P 6m", "kumoijoshi"], ["1P 2M 3m 5P 6m", "hirajoshi"], ["1P 2m 4P 5d 7m", "iwato"], ["1P 2m 4P 5P 7m", "in-sen"], ["1P 3M 4A 5P 7M", "lydian pentatonic", "chinese"], ["1P 3m 4P 6m 7m", "malkos raga"], ["1P 3m 4P 5d 7m", "locrian pentatonic", "minor seven flat five pentatonic"], ["1P 3m 4P 5P 7m", "minor pentatonic", "vietnamese 2"], ["1P 3m 4P 5P 6M", "minor six pentatonic"], ["1P 2M 3m 5P 6M", "flat three pentatonic", "kumoi"], ["1P 2M 3M 5P 6m", "flat six pentatonic"], ["1P 2m 3M 5P 6M", "scriabin"], ["1P 3M 5d 6m 7m", "whole tone pentatonic"], ["1P 3M 4A 5A 7M", "lydian #5P pentatonic"], ["1P 3M 4A 5P 7m", "lydian dominant pentatonic"], ["1P 3m 4P 5P 7M", "minor #7M pentatonic"], ["1P 3m 4d 5d 7m", "super locrian pentatonic"], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5P 7M", "minor hexatonic"], ["1P 2A 3M 5P 5A 7M", "augmented"], ["1P 2M 3m 3M 5P 6M", "major blues"], ["1P 2M 4P 5P 6M 7m", "piongio"], ["1P 2m 3M 4A 6M 7m", "prometheus neopolitan"], ["1P 2M 3M 4A 6M 7m", "prometheus"], ["1P 2m 3M 5d 6m 7m", "mystery #1"], ["1P 2m 3M 4P 5A 6M", "six tone symmetric"], ["1P 2M 3M 4A 5A 7m", "whole tone", "messiaen's mode #1"], ["1P 2m 4P 4A 5P 7M", "messiaen's mode #5"], ["1P 3m 4P 5d 5P 7m", "minor blues", "blues"], ["1P 2M 3M 4P 5d 6m 7m", "locrian major", "arabian"], ["1P 2m 3M 4A 5P 6m 7M", "double harmonic lydian"], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5P 6m 7M", "harmonic minor"], [ "1P 2m 2A 3M 4A 6m 7m", "altered", "super locrian", "diminished whole tone", "pomeroy" ], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5d 6m 7m", "locrian #2", "half-diminished", "aeolian b5"], [ "1P 2M 3M 4P 5P 6m 7m", "mixolydian b6", "melodic minor fifth mode", "hindu" ], ["1P 2M 3M 4A 5P 6M 7m", "lydian dominant", "lydian b7", "overtone"], ["1P 2M 3M 4A 5P 6M 7M", "lydian"], ["1P 2M 3M 4A 5A 6M 7M", "lydian augmented"], [ "1P 2m 3m 4P 5P 6M 7m", "dorian b2", "phrygian #6", "melodic minor second mode" ], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5P 6M 7M", "melodic minor"], ["1P 2m 3m 4P 5d 6m 7m", "locrian"], [ "1P 2m 3m 4d 5d 6m 7d", "ultralocrian", "superlocrian bb7", "superlocrian diminished" ], ["1P 2m 3m 4P 5d 6M 7m", "locrian 6", "locrian natural 6", "locrian sharp 6"], ["1P 2A 3M 4P 5P 5A 7M", "augmented heptatonic"], [ "1P 2M 3m 4A 5P 6M 7m", "dorian #4", "ukrainian dorian", "romanian minor", "altered dorian" ], ["1P 2M 3m 4A 5P 6M 7M", "lydian diminished"], ["1P 2m 3m 4P 5P 6m 7m", "phrygian"], ["1P 2M 3M 4A 5A 7m 7M", "leading whole tone"], ["1P 2M 3M 4A 5P 6m 7m", "lydian minor"], ["1P 2m 3M 4P 5P 6m 7m", "phrygian dominant", "spanish", "phrygian major"], ["1P 2m 3m 4P 5P 6m 7M", "balinese"], ["1P 2m 3m 4P 5P 6M 7M", "neopolitan major"], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5P 6m 7m", "aeolian", "minor"], ["1P 2M 3M 4P 5P 6m 7M", "harmonic major"], ["1P 2m 3M 4P 5P 6m 7M", "double harmonic major", "gypsy"], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5P 6M 7m", "dorian"], ["1P 2M 3m 4A 5P 6m 7M", "hungarian minor"], ["1P 2A 3M 4A 5P 6M 7m", "hungarian major"], ["1P 2m 3M 4P 5d 6M 7m", "oriental"], ["1P 2m 3m 3M 4A 5P 7m", "flamenco"], ["1P 2m 3m 4A 5P 6m 7M", "todi raga"], ["1P 2M 3M 4P 5P 6M 7m", "mixolydian", "dominant"], ["1P 2m 3M 4P 5d 6m 7M", "persian"], ["1P 2M 3M 4P 5P 6M 7M", "major", "ionian"], ["1P 2m 3M 5d 6m 7m 7M", "enigmatic"], [ "1P 2M 3M 4P 5A 6M 7M", "major augmented", "major #5", "ionian augmented", "ionian #5" ], ["1P 2A 3M 4A 5P 6M 7M", "lydian #9"], ["1P 2m 2M 4P 4A 5P 6m 7M", "messiaen's mode #4"], ["1P 2m 3M 4P 4A 5P 6m 7M", "purvi raga"], ["1P 2m 3m 3M 4P 5P 6m 7m", "spanish heptatonic"], ["1P 2M 3M 4P 5P 6M 7m 7M", "bebop"], ["1P 2M 3m 3M 4P 5P 6M 7m", "bebop minor"], ["1P 2M 3M 4P 5P 5A 6M 7M", "bebop major"], ["1P 2m 3m 4P 5d 5P 6m 7m", "bebop locrian"], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5P 6m 7m 7M", "minor bebop"], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5d 6m 6M 7M", "diminished", "whole-half diminished"], ["1P 2M 3M 4P 5d 5P 6M 7M", "ichikosucho"], ["1P 2M 3m 4P 5P 6m 6M 7M", "minor six diminished"], [ "1P 2m 3m 3M 4A 5P 6M 7m", "half-whole diminished", "dominant diminished", "messiaen's mode #2" ], ["1P 3m 3M 4P 5P 6M 7m 7M", "kafi raga"], ["1P 2M 3M 4P 4A 5A 6A 7M", "messiaen's mode #6"], ["1P 2M 3m 3M 4P 5d 5P 6M 7m", "composite blues"], ["1P 2M 3m 3M 4A 5P 6m 7m 7M", "messiaen's mode #3"], ["1P 2m 2M 3m 4P 4A 5P 6m 6M 7M", "messiaen's mode #7"], ["1P 2m 2M 3m 3M 4P 5d 5P 6m 6M 7m 7M", "chromatic"] ]; var NoScaleType = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, EmptyPcset), { intervals: [], aliases: [] }); var dictionary2 = []; var index3 = {}; function get5(type3) { return index3[type3] || NoScaleType; } var scaleType = deprecate("ScaleDictionary.scaleType", "ScaleType.get", get5); function all2() { return dictionary2.slice(); } var entries2 = deprecate("ScaleDictionary.entries", "ScaleType.all", all2); function add2(intervals, name2, aliases = []) { const scale2 = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, get3(intervals)), { name: name2, intervals, aliases }); dictionary2.push(scale2); index3[] = scale2; index3[scale2.setNum] = scale2; index3[scale2.chroma] = scale2; scale2.aliases.forEach((alias) => addAlias2(scale2, alias)); return scale2; } function addAlias2(scale2, alias) { index3[alias] = scale2; } SCALES.forEach(([ivls, name2, ...aliases]) => add2(ivls.split(" "), name2, aliases)); // node_modules/.pnpm/@tonaljs+chord@4.6.5/node_modules/@tonaljs/chord/dist/ var NoChord = { empty: true, name: "", symbol: "", root: "", rootDegree: 0, type: "", tonic: null, setNum: NaN, quality: "Unknown", chroma: "", normalized: "", aliases: [], notes: [], intervals: [] }; var NUM_TYPES = /^(6|64|7|9|11|13)$/; function tokenize(name2) { const [letter, acc, oct, type3] = tokenizeNote(name2); if (letter === "") { return ["", name2]; } if (letter === "A" && type3 === "ug") { return ["", "aug"]; } if (!type3 && (oct === "4" || oct === "5")) { return [letter + acc, oct]; } if (NUM_TYPES.test(oct)) { return [letter + acc, oct + type3]; } else { return [letter + acc + oct, type3]; } } function get6(src) { if (src === "") { return NoChord; } if (Array.isArray(src) && src.length === 2) { return getChord(src[1], src[0]); } else { const [tonic, type3] = tokenize(src); const chord2 = getChord(type3, tonic); return chord2.empty ? getChord(src) : chord2; } } function getChord(typeName, optionalTonic, optionalRoot) { const type3 = get4(typeName); const tonic = note(optionalTonic || ""); const root2 = note(optionalRoot || ""); if (type3.empty || optionalTonic && tonic.empty || optionalRoot && root2.empty) { return NoChord; } const rootInterval = distance(tonic.pc, root2.pc); const rootDegree = type3.intervals.indexOf(rootInterval) + 1; if (!root2.empty && !rootDegree) { return NoChord; } const intervals = Array.from(type3.intervals); for (let i = 1; i < rootDegree; i++) { const num = intervals[0][0]; const quality = intervals[0][1]; const newNum = parseInt(num, 10) + 7; intervals.push(`${newNum}${quality}`); intervals.shift(); } const notes = tonic.empty ? [] : => transpose(tonic, i)); typeName = type3.aliases.indexOf(typeName) !== -1 ? typeName : type3.aliases[0]; const symbol = `${tonic.empty ? "" : tonic.pc}${typeName}${root2.empty || rootDegree <= 1 ? "" : "/" + root2.pc}`; const name2 = `${optionalTonic ? tonic.pc + " " : ""}${}${rootDegree > 1 && optionalRoot ? " over " + root2.pc : ""}`; return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, type3), { name: name2, symbol, type:, root:, intervals, rootDegree, tonic:, notes }); } var chord = deprecate("Chord.chord", "Chord.get", get6); function transpose2(chordName, interval3) { const [tonic, type3] = tokenize(chordName); if (!tonic) { return chordName; } return transpose(tonic, interval3) + type3; } function chordScales(name2) { const s = get6(name2); const isChordIncluded = isSupersetOf(s.chroma); return all2().filter((scale2) => isChordIncluded(scale2.chroma)).map((scale2) =>; } function extended(chordName) { const s = get6(chordName); const isSuperset = isSupersetOf(s.chroma); return all().filter((chord2) => isSuperset(chord2.chroma)).map((chord2) => s.tonic + chord2.aliases[0]); } function reduced(chordName) { const s = get6(chordName); const isSubset = isSubsetOf(s.chroma); return all().filter((chord2) => isSubset(chord2.chroma)).map((chord2) => s.tonic + chord2.aliases[0]); } var index4 = { getChord, get: get6, detect, chordScales, extended, reduced, tokenize, transpose: transpose2, chord }; // node_modules/.pnpm/@tonaljs+duration-value@4.6.2/node_modules/@tonaljs/duration-value/dist/ var DATA = [ [ 0.125, "dl", ["large", "duplex longa", "maxima", "octuple", "octuple whole"] ], [0.25, "l", ["long", "longa"]], [0.5, "d", ["double whole", "double", "breve"]], [1, "w", ["whole", "semibreve"]], [2, "h", ["half", "minim"]], [4, "q", ["quarter", "crotchet"]], [8, "e", ["eighth", "quaver"]], [16, "s", ["sixteenth", "semiquaver"]], [32, "t", ["thirty-second", "demisemiquaver"]], [64, "sf", ["sixty-fourth", "hemidemisemiquaver"]], [128, "h", ["hundred twenty-eighth"]], [256, "th", ["two hundred fifty-sixth"]] ]; var VALUES = []; DATA.forEach(([denominator, shorthand, names2]) => add3(denominator, shorthand, names2)); function add3(denominator, shorthand, names2) { VALUES.push({ empty: false, dots: "", name: "", value: 1 / denominator, fraction: denominator < 1 ? [1 / denominator, 1] : [1, denominator], shorthand, names: names2 }); } // node_modules/.pnpm/@tonaljs+interval@4.6.5/node_modules/@tonaljs/interval/dist/ var IQ = "P m M m M P d P m M m M".split(" "); var add4 = combinator((a, b) => [a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1]]); var substract = combinator((a, b) => [a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1]]); function combinator(fn) { return (a, b) => { const coordA = interval2(a).coord; const coordB = interval2(b).coord; if (coordA && coordB) { const coord = fn(coordA, coordB); return coordToInterval(coord).name; } }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/@tonaljs+midi@4.6.5/node_modules/@tonaljs/midi/dist/ var L2 = Math.log(2); var L440 = Math.log(440); var SHARPS2 = "C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B".split(" "); var FLATS = "C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab A Bb B".split(" "); // node_modules/.pnpm/@tonaljs+roman-numeral@4.6.5/node_modules/@tonaljs/roman-numeral/dist/ var NoRomanNumeral = { empty: true, name: "", chordType: "" }; var cache3 = {}; function get7(src) { return typeof src === "string" ? cache3[src] || (cache3[src] = parse3(src)) : typeof src === "number" ? get7(NAMES[src] || "") : isPitch(src) ? fromPitch(src) : isNamed(src) ? get7( : NoRomanNumeral; } var romanNumeral = deprecate("RomanNumeral.romanNumeral", "RomanNumeral.get", get7); function fromPitch(pitch) { return get7(altToAcc(pitch.alt) + NAMES[pitch.step]); } var REGEX3 = /^(#{1,}|b{1,}|x{1,}|)(IV|I{1,3}|VI{0,2}|iv|i{1,3}|vi{0,2})([^IViv]*)$/; function tokenize2(str) { return REGEX3.exec(str) || ["", "", "", ""]; } var ROMANS = "I II III IV V VI VII"; var NAMES = ROMANS.split(" "); var NAMES_MINOR = ROMANS.toLowerCase().split(" "); function parse3(src) { const [name2, acc, roman, chordType2] = tokenize2(src); if (!roman) { return NoRomanNumeral; } const upperRoman = roman.toUpperCase(); const step = NAMES.indexOf(upperRoman); const alt = accToAlt(acc); const dir = 1; return { empty: false, name: name2, roman, interval: interval2({ step, alt, dir }).name, acc, chordType: chordType2, alt, step, major: roman === upperRoman, oct: 0, dir }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/@tonaljs+key@4.6.5/node_modules/@tonaljs/key/dist/ var Empty = Object.freeze([]); var NoKey = { type: "major", tonic: "", alteration: 0, keySignature: "" }; var NoKeyScale = { tonic: "", grades: Empty, intervals: Empty, scale: Empty, chords: Empty, chordsHarmonicFunction: Empty, chordScales: Empty }; var NoMajorKey = __spreadProps(__spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, NoKey), NoKeyScale), { type: "major", minorRelative: "", scale: Empty, secondaryDominants: Empty, secondaryDominantsMinorRelative: Empty, substituteDominants: Empty, substituteDominantsMinorRelative: Empty }); var NoMinorKey = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, NoKey), { type: "minor", relativeMajor: "", natural: NoKeyScale, harmonic: NoKeyScale, melodic: NoKeyScale }); var mapScaleToType = (scale2, list, sep = "") =>, i) => `${scale2[i]}${sep}${type3}`); function keyScale(grades, chords2, harmonicFunctions, chordScales2) { return (tonic) => { const intervals = => get7(gr).interval || ""); const scale2 = => transpose(tonic, interval3)); return { tonic, grades, intervals, scale: scale2, chords: mapScaleToType(scale2, chords2), chordsHarmonicFunction: harmonicFunctions.slice(), chordScales: mapScaleToType(scale2, chordScales2, " ") }; }; } var MajorScale = keyScale("I II III IV V VI VII".split(" "), "maj7 m7 m7 maj7 7 m7 m7b5".split(" "), "T SD T SD D T D".split(" "), "major,dorian,phrygian,lydian,mixolydian,minor,locrian".split(",")); var NaturalScale = keyScale("I II bIII IV V bVI bVII".split(" "), "m7 m7b5 maj7 m7 m7 maj7 7".split(" "), "T SD T SD D SD SD".split(" "), "minor,locrian,major,dorian,phrygian,lydian,mixolydian".split(",")); var HarmonicScale = keyScale("I II bIII IV V bVI VII".split(" "), "mMaj7 m7b5 +maj7 m7 7 maj7 o7".split(" "), "T SD T SD D SD D".split(" "), "harmonic minor,locrian 6,major augmented,lydian diminished,phrygian dominant,lydian #9,ultralocrian".split(",")); var MelodicScale = keyScale("I II bIII IV V VI VII".split(" "), "m6 m7 +maj7 7 7 m7b5 m7b5".split(" "), "T SD T SD D ".split(" "), "melodic minor,dorian b2,lydian augmented,lydian dominant,mixolydian b6,locrian #2,altered".split(",")); // node_modules/.pnpm/@tonaljs+mode@4.6.5/node_modules/@tonaljs/mode/dist/ var MODES = [ [0, 2773, 0, "ionian", "", "Maj7", "major"], [1, 2902, 2, "dorian", "m", "m7"], [2, 3418, 4, "phrygian", "m", "m7"], [3, 2741, -1, "lydian", "", "Maj7"], [4, 2774, 1, "mixolydian", "", "7"], [5, 2906, 3, "aeolian", "m", "m7", "minor"], [6, 3434, 5, "locrian", "dim", "m7b5"] ]; var NoMode = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, EmptyPcset), { name: "", alt: 0, modeNum: NaN, triad: "", seventh: "", aliases: [] }); var modes2 =; var index5 = {}; modes2.forEach((mode2) => { index5[] = mode2; mode2.aliases.forEach((alias) => { index5[alias] = mode2; }); }); function get8(name2) { return typeof name2 === "string" ? index5[name2.toLowerCase()] || NoMode : name2 && ? get8( : NoMode; } var mode = deprecate("Mode.mode", "Mode.get", get8); function all3() { return modes2.slice(); } var entries3 = deprecate("Mode.mode", "Mode.all", all3); function toMode(mode2) { const [modeNum, setNum, alt, name2, triad, seventh, alias] = mode2; const aliases = alias ? [alias] : []; const chroma = Number(setNum).toString(2); const intervals = get5(name2).intervals; return { empty: false, intervals, modeNum, chroma, normalized: chroma, name: name2, setNum, alt, triad, seventh, aliases }; } function chords(chords2) { return (modeName, tonic) => { const mode2 = get8(modeName); if (mode2.empty) return []; const triads2 = rotate(mode2.modeNum, chords2); const tonics = => transpose(tonic, i)); return, i) => tonics[i] + triad); }; } var triads = chords( => x[4])); var seventhChords = chords( => x[5])); // node_modules/.pnpm/@tonaljs+scale@4.6.5/node_modules/@tonaljs/scale/dist/ var NoScale = { empty: true, name: "", type: "", tonic: null, setNum: NaN, chroma: "", normalized: "", aliases: [], notes: [], intervals: [] }; function tokenize3(name2) { if (typeof name2 !== "string") { return ["", ""]; } const i = name2.indexOf(" "); const tonic = note(name2.substring(0, i)); if (tonic.empty) { const n = note(name2); return n.empty ? ["", name2] : [, ""]; } const type3 = name2.substring( + 1); return [, type3.length ? type3 : ""]; } function get9(src) { const tokens = Array.isArray(src) ? src : tokenize3(src); const tonic = note(tokens[0]).name; const st = get5(tokens[1]); if (st.empty) { return NoScale; } const type3 =; const notes = tonic ? => transpose(tonic, i)) : []; const name2 = tonic ? tonic + " " + type3 : type3; return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, st), { name: name2, type: type3, tonic, notes }); } var scale = deprecate("Scale.scale", "Scale.get", get9); // src/chords/Chords.js function detectChordsByExactStart(notes) { const grouped = group(notes, (d) => d.start); const chords2 = [...grouped].map((d) => d[1]).sort((a, b) => a[0].start - b[0].start).map((chord2) => chord2.sort((a, b) => a.pitch - b.pitch)); return chords2; } function detectChordsBySimilarStart(notes, threshold = 0.02) { const chords2 = []; let currentChord = []; let currentChordStartTime = 0; let currentChordPitches = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (const note2 of notes) { if (note2.start - currentChordStartTime <= threshold) { if (!currentChordPitches.has(note2.pitch)) { currentChord.push(note2); currentChordPitches.add(note2.pitch); } } else { if (currentChord.length > 0) { chords2.push(currentChord); } currentChord = [note2]; currentChordStartTime = note2.start; currentChordPitches = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([note2.pitch]); } } if (currentChord.length > 0) { chords2.push(currentChord); } return chords2; } function detectChordsByOverlap(notes, sortByPitch = true) { if (!notes || notes.length === 0) { return []; } if (notes.length === 1) { return [[notes[0]]]; } const sorted = [...notes].sort((a, b) => a.start !== b.start ? a.start - b.start : a.pitch - b.pitch); const notesTodo = new Set(sorted); const chords2 = []; while (notesTodo.size > 0) { const note1 = notesTodo.values().next().value; notesTodo.delete(note1); let chord2 = [note1]; for (const note2 of notesTodo.values()) { if (note1.overlapInSeconds(note2) >= 0.5 * note1.getDuration()) { chord2.push(note2); notesTodo.delete(note2); } } if (sortByPitch) { chord2 = chord2.sort((a, b) => a.pitch - b.pitch); } chords2.push(chord2); } return chords2; } var chordTypes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [ 1, [ { steps: [5], name: "Inverted power chord", suffix: "?" }, { steps: [7], name: "Power chord", suffix: "5" } ] ], [ 2, [ { steps: [2, 7], name: "Suspended second", suffix: "sus2" }, { steps: [3, 6], name: "Diminished", suffix: "dim" }, { steps: [3, 7], name: "Minor", suffix: "min" }, { steps: [4, 10], name: "Seventh", suffix: "7" }, { steps: [4, 7], name: "Major", suffix: "" }, { steps: [4, 8], name: "Augmented", suffix: "aug" }, { steps: [4, 9], name: "Sixth", suffix: "6" }, { steps: [5, 7], name: "Suspended fourth", suffix: "sus4" } ] ], [ 3, [ { steps: [2, 3, 7], name: "Minor, added ninth", suffix: "m(add9)" }, { steps: [2, 4, 7], name: "Added ninth", suffix: "add9" }, { steps: [3, 6, 10], name: "Minor seventh, flat fifth", suffix: "m7b5" }, { steps: [3, 7, 10], name: "Minor seventh", suffix: "m7" }, { steps: [3, 7, 11], name: "Minor, major seventh", suffix: "m(Maj7)" }, { steps: [3, 7, 8], name: "Minor, flat sixth", suffix: "mb6" }, { steps: [3, 7, 9], name: "Minor sixth", suffix: "m6" }, { steps: [4, 5, 11], name: "Major eleventh (no fifth, no ninth)", suffix: "Maj11" }, { steps: [4, 5, 7], name: "Added fourth", suffix: "add4" }, { steps: [4, 7, 10], name: "Dominant seventh", suffix: "7" }, { steps: [4, 7, 11], name: "Major seventh", suffix: "Maj7" }, { steps: [4, 7, 9], name: "Major Sixth", suffix: "Maj6" } ] ], [ 4, [ { steps: [2, 3, 6, 10], name: "Minor ninth flat fifth", suffix: "m9b5" }, { steps: [2, 3, 7, 10], name: "Minor ninth", suffix: "m9" }, { steps: [2, 3, 7, 11], name: "Minor ninth, major seventh", suffix: "m9(Maj7)" }, { steps: [2, 3, 7, 9], name: "Minor sixth, added ninth", suffix: "m6/9" }, { steps: [2, 4, 7, 11], name: "Major ninth", suffix: "Maj9" }, { steps: [2, 4, 7, 9], name: "Sixth, added ninth", suffix: "6/9" }, { steps: [4, 5, 7, 11], name: "Major eleventh (no ninth)", suffix: "Maj11" }, { steps: [4, 6, 7, 10], name: "Seventh, sharp eleventh", suffix: "7#11" }, { steps: [4, 6, 7, 11], name: "Major seventh, sharp eleventh", suffix: "Maj7#11" } ] ], [ 5, [ { steps: [2, 4, 5, 7, 11], name: "Major eleventh", suffix: "Maj11" }, { steps: [2, 4, 7, 9, 11], name: "Major thirteen", suffix: "Maj13" } ] ], [ 6, [ { steps: [2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10], name: "Minor thirteen", suffix: "m13" } ] ] ]); function getChordType(notes) { if (!notes || notes.length === 0) { return { name: "No note" }; } if (notes.length === 1) { return { name: "Single note" }; } let steps = []; const lowest = notes[0].pitch; for (let index16 = 1; index16 < notes.length; index16++) { steps.push(notes[index16].pitch - lowest); } steps = => d % 12); steps = [ Set(steps)]; steps = steps.filter((d) => d !== 0); if (steps.length === 0) { return { name: "Octave" }; } steps.sort((a, b) => a - b); const candidates = chordTypes.get(steps.length); if (candidates) { for (const cand of candidates) { if (arrayShallowEquals(steps, cand.steps)) { return cand; } } } return { name: "Unknown chord type" }; } function getChordName(notes) { const noteLetters = notes.sort((a, b) => a.pitch - b.pitch).map((d) => d.getLetter()); const chords2 = index4.detect(noteLetters); return chords2; } // src/instruments/Lamellophone.js var LamellophoneTuning = class { constructor(name2, notes) { = name2; this.notes = notes; this.short = notes.join(" "); this.pitches = => getMidiNoteByLabel(note2).pitch); this.pitchesSorted = [...this.pitches].sort((a, b) => a - b); this.keyCount = notes.length; } getNumbers() { const pitches = this.pitchesSorted; const numbers2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [index16, pitch] of pitches.entries()) { let number3 = index16 + 1; let ending = ""; let lowerOctave = pitch - 12; while (lowerOctave > 0 && numbers2.has(lowerOctave)) { number3 = numbers2.get(lowerOctave).number; ending += "\xB0"; lowerOctave -= 12; } numbers2.set(pitch, { number: number3, numberString: `${number3}${ending}` }); } return [...numbers2.values()].map((d) => d.numberString); } getLetters() { const pitches = this.pitchesSorted; const numbers2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [index16, pitch] of pitches.entries()) { let number3 = index16 + 1; let ending = ""; let lowerOctave = pitch - 12; while (lowerOctave > 0 && numbers2.has(lowerOctave)) { number3 = numbers2.get(lowerOctave).number; ending += "\xB0"; lowerOctave -= 12; } const letter = getMidiNoteByNr(pitch).name; numbers2.set(pitch, { number: number3, letterString: `${letter}${ending}` }); } return [...numbers2.values()].map((d) => d.letterString); } }; var lamellophoneTunings = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["Kalimba", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [ "9 A Major", new LamellophoneTuning("9 A Major", ["A5", "C#6", "C#5", "A5", "A4", "F#5", "E5", "E6", "B5"]) ], [ "9 A Minor", new LamellophoneTuning("9 A Minor", ["A5", "C6", "C5", "A5", "A4", "F5", "E5", "E6", "B5"]) ], [ "9 A Minor 7", new LamellophoneTuning("9 A Minor 7", ["A5", "C6", "C5", "A5", "A4", "F#5", "E5", "E6", "B5"]) ], [ "9 A Ake Bono", new LamellophoneTuning("9 A Ake Bono", ["A5", "D6", "D5", "A5", "A4", "F5", "E5", "E6", "A#5"]) ], [ "9 A Hijaz", new LamellophoneTuning("9 A Hijaz", ["G5", "D6", "D5", "A5", "A4", "F#5", "D#5", "D#6", "A#5"]) ], [ "9 A Pygmy", new LamellophoneTuning("9 A Pygmy", ["G5", "C6", "C5", "G5", "G4", "D#5", "D5", "D#6", "A#5"]) ], [ "17 C Major", new LamellophoneTuning("17 C Major", ["D6", "B5", "G5", "E5", "C5", "A4", "F4", "D4", "C4", "E4", "G4", "B4", "D5", "F5", "A5", "C6", "E6"]) ], [ "21 C Major", new LamellophoneTuning("21 C Major", ["D6", "B5", "G5", "E5", "C5", "A4", "F4", "D4", "B3", "G3", "F3", "A3", "C4", "E4", "G4", "B4", "D5", "F5", "A5", "C6", "E6"]) ] ])] ]); function convertTabToNotes(tab, tuning, tempo = 120) { if (!tab || tab.length === 0) { return []; } const symbolToPitchMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const symbols = tuning.getLetters(); for (let index16 = 0; index16 < tuning.keyCount; index16++) { symbolToPitchMap.set(symbols[index16], tuning.pitchesSorted[index16]); } const noteNames = ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"]; const noteNamesSet = new Set(noteNames); const lowestNote = tuning.pitchesSorted[0]; const startOct = getMidiNoteByNr(lowestNote).octave; const secondsPerBeat = bpmToSecondsPerBeat(tempo); let insideChord = false; let insideNote = false; let currentTime = 0; let currentPitch = 0; let currentOctOffset = 0; const notes = []; tab = `${tab.toUpperCase().replaceAll("\n", " \n")} `; const finishNote = () => { try { notes.push(Note_default.from({ pitch: currentPitch + 12 * (startOct + 1 + currentOctOffset), start: currentTime, end: currentTime + secondsPerBeat })); currentOctOffset = 0; if (!insideChord) { currentTime += secondsPerBeat; } } catch { console.log(currentPitch); } insideNote = false; }; for (const char of tab) { if (char === "(") { if (insideChord) { insideChord = false; } if (insideNote) { finishNote(); } insideChord = true; } else if (noteNamesSet.has(char)) { if (insideNote) { finishNote(); } insideNote = true; currentPitch = noteNames.indexOf(char); } else if (char === "#") { currentPitch++; } else if (char === "\xB0") { currentOctOffset++; } else if (char === " " || char === "\n" || char === ")") { if (char === ")") { insideChord = false; } if (char === "\n") { insideChord = false; currentTime += secondsPerBeat; } if (insideNote) { finishNote(); } } } return notes; } function convertNotesToTab(notes, tuning, mode2 = "letter", restSize = 0.1) { if (!notes || notes.length === 0) { return []; } const pitchToSymbolMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const symbols = mode2 === "letter" ? tuning.getLetters() : tuning.getNumbers(); for (let index16 = 0; index16 < tuning.keyCount; index16++) { pitchToSymbolMap.set(tuning.pitchesSorted[index16], symbols[index16]); } const chords2 = detectChordsByExactStart(notes); let tab = ""; let previousEnd = 0; for (const chord2 of chords2) { let chordString = => { var _a; if (pitchToSymbolMap.has(note2.pitch)) { return pitchToSymbolMap.get(note2.pitch) || `[${note2.pitch}]`; } else { return mode2 === "letter" ? ((_a = getMidiNoteByNr(note2.pitch)) == null ? void 0 : ?? note2.pitch : note2.pitch; } }).join(" "); if (chord2.length > 1) { chordString = `(${chordString})`; } tab = chord2[0].start - previousEnd > restSize ? `${tab} ${chordString}` : `${tab} ${chordString}`; previousEnd = max(chord2, (n) => n.end); } return tab.slice(1); } function convertNotesToHtmlTab(notes, tuning, mode2 = "letter", restSize = 0.1, colormap = () => "black") { if (!notes || notes.length === 0) { return []; } const pitchToSymbolMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const symbols = mode2 === "letter" ? tuning.getLetters() : tuning.getNumbers(); for (let index16 = 0; index16 < tuning.keyCount; index16++) { pitchToSymbolMap.set(tuning.pitches[index16], symbols[index16]); } const chords2 = detectChordsByExactStart(notes); let tab = ""; let previousEnd = 0; for (const chord2 of chords2) { let chordString = => { var _a; let string; if (pitchToSymbolMap.has(note2.pitch)) { string = pitchToSymbolMap.get(note2.pitch) || `[${note2.pitch}]`; } else { string = mode2 === "letter" ? ((_a = getMidiNoteByNr(note2.pitch)) == null ? void 0 : ?? note2.pitch : note2.pitch; } const color2 = colormap(note2.pitch); return `${string}`; }).join("\n"); if (chord2.length > 1) { chordString = `${chordString}`; } tab = chord2[0].start - previousEnd > restSize ? `${tab}
${chordString}` : `${tab}${chordString}`; previousEnd = max(chord2, (n) => n.end); } return tab; } function convertNumbersToLetters(numberTab, numberLetterMap) { if (!numberTab || numberTab.length === 0) { return ""; } numberTab = numberTab.replaceAll("'", "\xB0"); numberTab = numberTab.replaceAll("\u2019", "\xB0"); numberTab = numberTab.replaceAll("*", "\xB0"); numberTab = numberTab.replaceAll("\xBA", "\xB0"); numberTab = numberTab.replaceAll("^", "\xB0"); for (const [key, value] of numberLetterMap.entries()) { numberTab = numberTab.replaceAll(key, value); } return numberTab; } function bestTransposition(notes, tuning) { if (!notes || notes.length === 0) { return { transpose: 0, retune: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() }; } const occuringPitches = new Set( => n.pitch)); if (occuringPitches.size > tuning.keyCount) { } const notePitches = [...occuringPitches]; if (difference(notePitches, tuning.pitches).size === 0) { return { transpose: 0, retune: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() }; } const [minPitch, maxPitch] = extent_default(notePitches); const transpose3 = (array, steps) => => d + steps); let bestSteps = 0; let bestTransposed; let commonPitches; for (let steps = -minPitch; steps <= 127 - maxPitch; steps++) { const transposed = transpose3(notePitches, steps); const common = intersection(transposed, tuning.pitches); if (!commonPitches || common.size > commonPitches.size) { bestSteps = steps; bestTransposed = transposed; } } bestTransposed = new Set(bestTransposed); const uncommon = difference(bestTransposed, tuning.pitches); console.log(uncommon); const freePitches = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const neededPitches = []; for (const p of uncommon) { if (bestTransposed.has(p)) { neededPitches.push(p); } else { freePitches.add(p); } } console.log(neededPitches); console.log(freePitches); if (neededPitches.length === 0) { return { transpose: bestSteps, retune: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() }; } if (freePitches.size === 0) { return { transpose: bestSteps, retune: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() }; } const retune = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const neededPitch of neededPitches) { let bestMatch = null; const bestDiff = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; let freePitch; for (freePitch of freePitches) { const diff = Math.abs(neededPitch - freePitch); if (diff < bestDiff) { bestMatch = freePitch; } } freePitches.delete(bestMatch); retune.set(freePitch, neededPitch); } return { transpose: bestSteps, retune }; } // src/instruments/Piano.js var Piano_exports = {}; __export(Piano_exports, { pianoPitchRange: () => pianoPitchRange }); var pianoPitchRange = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ [72, { minPitch: 24, maxPitch: 95 }], [88, { minPitch: 21, maxPitch: 108 }], [128, { minPitch: 0, maxPitch: 127 }] ]); // src/alignment/Alignment.js var Alignment_exports = {}; __export(Alignment_exports, { alignNoteArrays: () => alignNoteArrays, alignNoteArrays2: () => alignNoteArrays2, alignNoteArrays3: () => alignNoteArrays3, alignmentBenchmark: () => alignmentBenchmark, testAlignment: () => testAlignment }); // src/comparison/Matching.js var Matching_exports = {}; __export(Matching_exports, { getMatchingError: () => getMatchingError, getMatchingSection: () => getMatchingSection, getMatchingSliceError: () => getMatchingSliceError, getMultiMatchingErrorPerNote: () => getMultiMatchingErrorPerNote, matchGtAndMultipleRecordings: () => matchGtAndMultipleRecordings, matchGtAndRecordingNotes: () => matchGtAndRecordingNotes }); // src/utils/index.js var utils_exports = {}; __export(utils_exports, { CIRCLE_OF_5THS: () => CIRCLE_OF_5THS, INTERVALS: () => INTERVALS, aeppli: () => aeppli, alignNotesToBpm: () => alignNotesToBpm, arrayContainsArray: () => arrayContainsArray, arrayHasSameElements: () => arrayHasSameElements, arrayIndexOf: () => arrayIndexOf, arrayShallowEquals: () => arrayShallowEquals, arraySlicesEqual: () => arraySlicesEqual, averageColor: () => averageColor, averageRecordings: () => averageRecordings, averageRecordings2: () => averageRecordings2, belmont: () => belmont, binarySearch: () => binarySearch, bishop: () => bishop, blobToBase64: () => blobToBase64, blobToFileExtension: () => blobToFileExtension, bpmToSecondsPerBeat: () => bpmToSecondsPerBeat, castel: () => castel, choose: () => choose, chordIntegerJaccardIndex: () => chordIntegerJaccardIndex, chordToInteger: () => chordToInteger, clipRecordingsPitchesToGtFretboardRange: () => clipRecordingsPitchesToGtFretboardRange, clipRecordingsPitchesToGtRange: () => clipRecordingsPitchesToGtRange, clipValue: () => clipValue, colorInterpolator: () => colorInterpolator, confidenceInterval: () => confidenceInterval, count: () => count, countOnesOfBinary: () => countOnesOfBinary, deepCloneFlatObjectMap: () => deepCloneFlatObjectMap, delay: () => delay, differenceMap: () => differenceMap, differenceMapErrorAreas: () => differenceMapErrorAreas, euclideanDistance: () => euclideanDistance, field: () => field, filterRecordingNoise: () => filterRecordingNoise, findLocalMaxima: () => findLocalMaxima, findNearest: () => findNearest, findRepeatedIndices: () => findRepeatedIndices, findStreaks: () => findStreaks, formatDate: () => formatDate, formatMatrix: () => formatMatrix, formatSongTitle: () => formatSongTitle, formatTime: () => formatTime, freqToApproxMidiNr: () => freqToApproxMidiNr, getArrayMax: () => getArrayMax, getBoxplotCharacteristics: () => getBoxplotCharacteristics, getColorLightness: () => getColorLightness, getObjectFromLocalStorage: () => getObjectFromLocalStorage, groupNotesByPitch: () => groupNotesByPitch, helmholtz: () => helmholtz, jaccardIndex: () => jaccardIndex, jameson: () => jameson, kendallTau: () => kendallTau, kernelDensityEstimator: () => kernelDensityEstimator, kernelEpanechnikov: () => kernelEpanechnikov, kernelGauss: () => kernelGauss, klein: () => klein, metronomeTrackFromMusicPiece: () => metronomeTrackFromMusicPiece, metronomeTrackFromTempoAndMeter: () => metronomeTrackFromTempoAndMeter, midiToFrequency: () => midiToFrequency, newton: () => newton, normalizeNdArray: () => normalizeNdArray, normalizeNdArrayNegative: () => normalizeNdArrayNegative, noteColorFromPitch: () => noteColorFromPitch, noteColormap: () => noteColormap, noteColormapAccessible: () => noteColormapAccessible, noteColormapAccessible2: () => noteColormapAccessible2, noteColormapGradientArray: () => noteColormapGradientArray, noteDurationToNoteType: () => noteDurationToNoteType, pearsonCorrelation: () => pearsonCorrelation, pingMidiDevice: () => pingMidiDevice, randFloat: () => randFloat, recordingsHeatmap: () => recordingsHeatmap, removeDuplicates: () => removeDuplicates, reverseString: () => reverseString, rimington: () => rimington, roundToNDecimals: () => roundToNDecimals, scriabin: () => scriabin, seemann: () => seemann, setOpacity: () => setOpacity, setSaturation: () => setSaturation, storeObjectInLocalStorage: () => storeObjectInLocalStorage, swapSoSmallerFirst: () => swapSoSmallerFirst, zieverink: () => zieverink }); // src/utils/BlobUtils.js function blobToBase64(blob) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = () => resolve(reader.result); reader.readAsDataURL(blob); }); } function blobToFileExtension(blob) { return blob.type.split("/")[1].split(";")[0]; } // src/utils/ColorUtils.js function getColorLightness(color2) { const { r, g, b } = color(color2).rgb(); const Y2 = r + r + r + b + g + g + g + g >> 3; return Y2 / 2.55; } function averageColor(colors) { let mR = 0; let mG = 0; let mB = 0; for (const c2 of colors) { const { r, g, b } = color(c2).rgb(); mR += r; mG += g; mB += b; } mR = Math.round(mR / colors.length); mG = Math.round(mG / colors.length); mB = Math.round(mB / colors.length); return `rgb(${mR}, ${mG}, ${mB})`; } function setOpacity(color2, opacity = 1) { const { r, g, b } = color(color2).rgb(); return `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, ${opacity})`; } function setSaturation(color2, saturation = 1) { const c2 = hsl(color2); c2.s = saturation; return c2.toString(); } // src/utils/FormattingUtils.js function formatTime(seconds, includeMillis = true) { if (seconds === void 0 || seconds === null) { return includeMillis ? "--:--.---" : "--:--"; } const s = Math.floor(seconds); let min3 = Math.floor(s / 60).toString(); let sec = (s % 60).toString(); min3 = min3.length < 2 ? `0${min3}` : min3; sec = sec.length < 2 ? `0${sec}` : sec; if (!includeMillis) { return `${min3}:${sec}`; } let ms = Math.round((seconds - s) * 1e3).toString(); if (ms.length < 2) { ms = `00${ms}`; } else if (ms.length < 3) { ms = `0${ms}`; } return `${min3}:${sec}.${ms}`; } function formatDate(date, replaceT = false, keepMillis = true) { let string = date.toISOString().split(":").join("-"); if (!keepMillis) { string = string.slice(0, string.indexOf(".")); } if (replaceT) { string = string.replace("T", " "); } return string; } function formatSongTitle(title, maxLength = 30) { if (!title) { return "[No Song]"; } if (title.lastIndexOf(".") !== -1) { title = title.slice(0, title.lastIndexOf(".")); } if (title.length > maxLength) { title = `${title.slice(0, maxLength - 3)}...`; } return title; } // src/utils/LocalStorageUtils.js function storeObjectInLocalStorage(key, object) { const string = JSON.stringify(object); localStorage.setItem(key, string); } function getObjectFromLocalStorage(key) { const string = localStorage.getItem(key); if (string === null) { return null; } try { return JSON.parse(string); } catch { return null; } } // src/utils/MiscUtils.js function deepCloneFlatObjectMap(map2) { const result = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [key, value] of map2.entries()) { result.set(key, __spreadValues({}, value)); } return result; } function groupNotesByPitch(tracks) { const allNotes = tracks.flat(); if (allNotes.length === 0) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } return group(allNotes, (d) => d.pitch); } function reverseString(s) { return [...s].reverse().join(""); } function findNearest(notes, targetNote) { if (!notes || notes.length === 0 || !targetNote) { return null; } let nearest = null; let dist = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; const targetStart = targetNote.start; for (const n of notes) { const newDist = Math.abs(n.start - targetStart); if (newDist < dist) { dist = newDist; nearest = n; } } return nearest; } function delay(seconds) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, seconds * 1e3); }); } // src/utils/NoteColorUtils.js var noteColormap = [ "#ff0000", "#ff4e00", "#db7b00", "#ffcc00", "#e4ed00", "#81d700", "#00ffb4", "#00ffea", "#00baff", "#3c00ff", "#a800ff", "#ff00fd" ].map((d) => setSaturation(d, 0.5)); var noteColormapAccessible = [ "#6699ff", "#66ffff", "#000000", "#647878", "#993366", "#ff0000", "#ffcc99", "#ffff01", "#ff9900", "#009900", "#66ff99", "#0000cc" ]; var noteColormapAccessible2 = [ "#9aebff", "#add5ff", "#d6d6ff", "#ebd5ff", "#ffc2eb", "#ffcbcc", "#ffd5c2", "#ffebc2", "#ebffc2", "#c2d599", "#99ebbe", "#adebeb" ]; var newton = [ "#FA0B0C", "#FA0B0C", "#F88010", "#F88010", "#F5F43C", "#149033", "#149033", "#FA0B0C", "#FA0B0C", "#7F087C", "#7F087C", "#908791" ]; var castel = [ "#1C0D82", "#F5F5F5", "#149033", "#709226", "#F5F43C", "#F5D23B", "#F88010", "#FA0B0C", "#A00C09", "#D71386", "#4B0E7D", "#7F087C" ]; var field = [ "#1C0D82", "#1C0D82", "#7F087C", "#7F087C", "#FA0B0C", "#F88010", "#F88010", "#F5F43C", "#F5F43C", "#709226", "#709226", "#149033" ]; var jameson = [ "#FA0B0C", "#F44712", "#F88010", "#F5D23B", "#F5F43C", "#149033", "#1B9081", "#1C0D82", "#4B0E7D", "#7F087C", "#A61586", "#D71386" ]; var seemann = [ "#6A1C1C", "#FA0B0C", "#F88010", "#F5D23B", "#F5F43C", "#709226", "#1B9081", "#1C0D82", "#7F087C", "#D71386", "#6A1C1C", "#070707" ]; var rimington = [ "#FA0B0C", "#A00C09", "#F44712", "#F88010", "#F5F43C", "#709226", "#149033", "#27A481", "#1B9081", "#7F087C", "#1C0D82", "#D71386" ]; var bishop = [ "#FA0B0C", "#A00C09", "#F88010", "#F6D111", "#F5F43C", "#BCE039", "#149033", "#27A481", "#7F087C", "#D71386", "#D91951", "#FA0B0C" ]; var helmholtz = [ "#F5F43C", "#149033", "#1B9081", "#1C5BA0", "#7F087C", "#D71386", "#9D0E55", "#FA0B0C", "#D32C0A", "#D32C0A", "#F62E0D", "#F17A0F" ]; var scriabin = [ "#FA0B0C", "#D71386", "#F5F43C", "#5A5685", "#1C5BA0", "#A00C09", "#1C0D82", "#F88010", "#7F087C", "#149033", "#5A5685", "#1C5BA0" ]; var klein = [ "#C40A09", "#FA0B0C", "#F44712", "#F88010", "#F5F43C", "#BCE039", "#149033", "#1B9081", "#1C0D82", "#781887", "#D71386", "#9D0E55" ]; var aeppli = [ "#FA0B0C", "#FA0B0C", "#F88010", "#F88010", "#F5F43C", "#F5F43C", "#149033", "#1B9081", "#1B9081", "#1C5BA0", "#4B0E7D", "#7F087C" ]; var belmont = [ "#FA0B0C", "#F44712", "#F88010", "#F6D111", "#F5F43C", "#BCE039", "#149033", "#1B9081", "#1C0D82", "#A61586", "#D71386", "#AD0E48" ]; var zieverink = [ "#BCE039", "#149033", "#1B9081", "#1C0D82", "#7F087C", "#D71386", "#6F0D45", "#A00C09", "#FA0B0C", "#F88010", "#EDF087", "#F5F43C" ]; var colorInterpolator = rgb_default("black", "steelblue"); var noteColormapGradientArray = Array.from({ length: 12 }).map((d, index16) => colorInterpolator(index16 / 11)); function noteColorFromPitch(pitch, colormap = "default") { switch (colormap) { case "accessible": return noteColormapAccessible[pitch % 12]; case "gradient": return noteColormapGradientArray[pitch % 12]; default: return noteColormap[pitch % 12]; } } // src/utils/StatisticsUtils.js function pearsonCorrelation(x, y) { if (!x || !y || !x.length || !y.length || x.length !== y.length) { throw new Error("Invalid data, must be two arrays with same length"); } if (x.length < 2) { throw new Error("Invalid data, length must be >= 2"); } let n = x.length; let nn = 0; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++, nn++) { if (!x[i] && x[i] !== 0 || !y[i] && y[i] !== 0) { nn--; continue; } x[nn] = x[i]; y[nn] = y[i]; } if (n !== nn) { x = x.splice(0, nn); y = y.splice(0, nn); n = nn; } const meanX = mean(x); const meanY = mean(y); const calc = (v, mean2) => Math.sqrt(v.reduce((s, a) => s + a * a, 0) - n * mean2 * mean2); return (, i) => ({ x: e, y: y[i] })).reduce((v, a) => v + a.x * a.y, 0) - n * meanX * meanY) / (calc(x, meanX) * calc(y, meanY)); } function confidenceInterval(values) { const n = values.length; const m = mean(values); const s = deviation(values); const z = 1.96; const part = z * (s / Math.sqrt(n)); const low = m - part; const high = m + part; return { mean: m, low, high }; } function getBoxplotCharacteristics(values) { values.sort((a, b) => a - b); const minValue = values[0]; const maxValue = values[values.length - 1]; const q1 = quantile(values, 0.25); const q2 = quantile(values, 0.5); const q3 = quantile(values, 0.75); const iqr = q3 - q1; const r0 = Math.max(minValue, q1 - iqr * 1.5); const r1 = Math.min(maxValue, q3 + iqr * 1.5); return { q1, q2, q3, r0, r1 }; } function kernelDensityEstimator(kernel, X2) { const estimator = (V) => { return => [ x, mean(V, (v) => kernel(x - v)) ]); }; return estimator; } function kernelEpanechnikov(k) { const epKernel = (v) => Math.abs(v /= k) <= 1 ? 0.75 * (1 - v * v) / k : 0; return epKernel; } function kernelGauss(k) { const gaKernel = (v) => Math.abs(v / k) <= 1 ? 1 / Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * Math.E ** (-1 / 2 * v * v) : 0; return gaKernel; } // src/utils/RecordingsUtils.js function filterRecordingNoise(recording, velocityThreshold = 0, durationThreshold = 0) { const result = recording.clone().filter((note2) => { if (note2.velocity < velocityThreshold) { return false; } if (note2.getDuration() < durationThreshold) { return false; } return true; }); return result; } function clipRecordingsPitchesToGtRange(recordings, groundTruth) { const pitchRanges = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [index16, part] of groundTruth.entries()) { const pitchExtent = extent_default(part, (d) => d.pitch); pitchRanges.set(index16, pitchExtent); } return => { const track = recording.selectedTrack; const [minPitch, maxPitch] = pitchRanges.get(track); return recording.clone().filter((note2) => note2.pitch >= minPitch && note2.pitch <= maxPitch); }); } function clipRecordingsPitchesToGtFretboardRange(recordings, groundTruth, mode2 = "exact") { if (mode2 === "exact") { const occuringPositions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [index16, part] of groundTruth.entries()) { const positions = new Set( => `${note2.string} ${note2.fret}`)); occuringPositions.set(index16, positions); } return => { const track = recording.selectedTrack; const validPositions = occuringPositions.get(track); return recording.clone().filter((note2) => validPositions.has(`${note2.string} ${note2.fret}`)); }); } else { const positionRanges = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [index16, part] of groundTruth.entries()) { const stringExtent = extent_default(part, (d) => d.string); const fretExtent = extent_default(part, (d) => d.fret); positionRanges.set(index16, { stringExtent, fretExtent }); } return => { const track = recording.selectedTrack; const { stringExtent, fretExtent } = positionRanges.get(track); const [minString, maxString] = stringExtent; const [minFret, maxFret] = fretExtent; return recording.clone().filter((note2) => { return note2.string >= minString && note2.string <= maxString && note2.fret >= minFret && note2.fret <= maxFret; }); }); } } function alignNotesToBpm(notes, bpm, timeDivision = 16) { const secondsPerBeat = bpmToSecondsPerBeat(bpm); const secondsPerDivision = secondsPerBeat / timeDivision; return => { const n = note2.clone(); n.start = Math.round(n.start / secondsPerDivision) * secondsPerDivision; n.end = Math.round(n.end / secondsPerDivision) * secondsPerDivision; return n; }); } function recordingsHeatmap(recNotes, nRecs, binSize = 10, attribute = "pitch") { let groupedByAttribute; if (attribute === "pitch") { groupedByAttribute = group(recNotes, (d) => d.pitch); } else if (attribute === "channel") { groupedByAttribute = group(recNotes, (d) =>; } else { console.warn(`Invalid attribute parameter '${attribute}'`); } const heatmapByAttribute = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [attribute_, notes] of groupedByAttribute.entries()) { const maxTime = max(notes, (d) => d.end); const nBins = Math.ceil(maxTime * 1e3 / binSize) + 1; const heatmap = Array.from({ length: nBins }).fill(0); for (const note2 of notes) { const start2 = Math.round(note2.start * 1e3 / binSize); const end = Math.round(note2.end * 1e3 / binSize); for (let bin = start2; bin <= end; bin++) { heatmap[bin] += 1; } } for (let bin = 0; bin < heatmap.length; bin++) { heatmap[bin] /= nRecs; } heatmapByAttribute.set(attribute_, heatmap); } return heatmapByAttribute; } function averageRecordings(heatmapByPitch, binSize, threshold = 0.8) { const newNotes = []; for (const [pitch, heatmap] of heatmapByPitch.entries()) { for (let bin = 0; bin < heatmap.length; bin++) { heatmap[bin] = heatmap[bin] > threshold; } let currentNote = null; for (let bin = 0; bin < heatmap.length; bin++) { if (!currentNote && heatmap[bin]) { const time = bin * binSize / 1e3; currentNote = new Note_default(pitch, time, 127, 0); } if (currentNote && (!heatmap[bin] || bin === heatmap.length - 1)) { const time = bin * binSize / 1e3; currentNote.end = time; newNotes.push(currentNote); currentNote = null; } } } newNotes.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start); return newNotes; } function averageRecordings2(recNotes, bandwidth = 0.01, ticksPerSecond, threshold) { const groupedByPitch = group(recNotes, (d) => d.pitch); const newNotes = []; for (const [pitch, notes] of groupedByPitch.entries()) { const starts = => d.start); const ends = => d.end); const duration = max(ends); const ticks = Math.ceil(ticksPerSecond * duration); const x = linear2().domain([0, duration]).range([0, duration]); const kde = kernelDensityEstimator(kernelEpanechnikov(bandwidth), x.ticks(ticks)); const estimateStarts = kde(starts); const estimateEnds = kde(ends); const maximaStarts = findLocalMaxima( => d[1])); const maximaEnds = findLocalMaxima( => d[1])); const chosenStarts = maximaStarts.filter((d) => estimateStarts[d][1] > threshold).map((d) => estimateStarts[d][0]); const chosenEnds = maximaEnds.filter((d) => estimateEnds[d][1] > threshold).map((d) => estimateEnds[d][0]); while (chosenStarts.length > 0) { const nextStart = chosenStarts.shift(); while (chosenEnds.length > 0 && chosenEnds[0] < nextStart) { chosenEnds.shift(); } const nextEnd = chosenEnds.shift(); while (chosenStarts.length > 0 && chosenStarts[0] < nextEnd) { chosenStarts.shift(); } newNotes.push(new Note_default(pitch, nextStart, 127, 0, nextEnd)); } } newNotes.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start); return newNotes; } function differenceMap(gtNotes, recNotes, binSize) { const recHeatmap = recordingsHeatmap(recNotes, 1, binSize); const gtHeatmap = recordingsHeatmap(gtNotes, 1, binSize); const allPitches = [.../* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ ...recHeatmap.keys(), ...gtHeatmap.keys() ])]; const resultMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const pitch of allPitches) { let result; if (!recHeatmap.has(pitch)) { result = gtHeatmap.get(pitch).map((d) => d !== 0 ? 1 : 0); } else if (!gtHeatmap.has(pitch)) { result = recHeatmap.get(pitch).map((d) => d !== 0 ? 2 : 0); } else { const recH = recHeatmap.get(pitch); const gtH = gtHeatmap.get(pitch); const nBins = Math.max(recH.length, gtH.length); result = Array.from({ length: nBins }).fill(0); for (let index16 = 0; index16 < result.length; index16++) { const gtValue = gtH[index16] || 0; const recValue = recH[index16] || 0; if (gtValue === 0 && recValue === 0) { result[index16] = 0; } if (gtValue !== 0 && recValue === 0) { result[index16] = 1; } if (gtValue === 0 && recValue !== 0) { result[index16] = 2; } if (gtValue !== 0 && recValue !== 0) { result[index16] = 3; } } } resultMap.set(pitch, result); } return resultMap; } function differenceMapErrorAreas(differenceMap2) { let missingBins = 0; let additionalBins = 0; let correctBins = 0; for (const diffMap of differenceMap2.values()) { for (const bin of diffMap) { if (bin === 1) { missingBins++; } else if (bin === 2) { additionalBins++; } else if (bin === 3) { correctBins++; } } } const maxLength = max([...differenceMap2], (d) => d[1].length); const totalArea = differenceMap2.size * maxLength; return { missing: missingBins / totalArea, additional: additionalBins / totalArea, correct: correctBins / totalArea }; } // src/utils/WebMidiUtils.js function pingMidiDevice(deviceName, howOften = 1) { if (!navigator.requestMIDIAccess) { console.error("MIDI: WebMIDI is not supported in this browser."); } else { let sentCount = 0; let sentTime; let totalTime = 0; const receiveFunction = () => { const ping = - sentTime; totalTime += ping; const avg = totalTime / sentCount; console.log(`Received MIDI from ${deviceName} after ${ping} ms (avg: ${avg})`); }; navigator.requestMIDIAccess().then((midiAccess) => { for (const input of midiAccess.inputs.values()) { if (deviceName === { input.onmidimessage = receiveFunction; } } let outputDevice = null; for (const output of midiAccess.outputs.values()) { if (deviceName === { outputDevice = output; } } if (!outputDevice) { console.error(`Cannot ping output device ${deviceName} because it is not there`); } const pingFunction = () => { if (sentCount < howOften) { sentCount++; console.log(`Ping ${sentCount}/${howOften} Sending MIDI ping to ${deviceName}`); sentTime = new Date(); outputDevice.send([144, 69, 127]); setTimeout(pingFunction, 1e3); } }; setTimeout(pingFunction, 1e3); }, () => console.error("Cannot get MIDI access")); } } // src/comparison/Matching.js function matchGtAndRecordingNotes(recNotes, gtNotes) { const groupedByPitch = group(gtNotes, (d) => d.pitch); const groupedByPitchRec = group(recNotes, (d) => d.pitch); const result = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [pitch, gtNotes2] of groupedByPitch.entries()) { const gtRecMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const additionalNotes = []; const missingNotes = []; for (const n of gtNotes2) { gtRecMap.set(n.start, null); } if (!groupedByPitchRec.has(pitch)) { result.set(pitch, { gtRecMap: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), additionalNotes: [], missingNotes: gtNotes2, gtNotes: gtNotes2 }); continue; } const recNotes2 = groupedByPitchRec.get(pitch); for (const r of recNotes2) { const nearest = findNearest(gtNotes2, r); const currentEntry = gtRecMap.get(nearest.start); if (currentEntry === null) { gtRecMap.set(nearest.start, r); } else { if (Math.abs(nearest.start - r.start) < Math.abs(currentEntry.start - r.start)) { gtRecMap.set(nearest.start, r); additionalNotes.push(currentEntry); } else { additionalNotes.push(r); } } } for (const n of gtNotes2) { if (gtRecMap.get(n.start) === null) { missingNotes.push(n); } } result.set(pitch, { gtRecMap, additionalNotes, missingNotes, gtNotes: gtNotes2 }); } for (const [pitch, recNotes2] of groupedByPitchRec.entries()) { if (!groupedByPitch.has(pitch)) { result.set(pitch, { gtRecMap: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), additionalNotes: recNotes2, missingNotes: [], gtNotes: [] }); } } return result; } function matchGtAndMultipleRecordings(recordings, gtNotes) { const allRecNotes = recordings.flatMap((d) => d.notes); const groupedByPitch = group(gtNotes, (d) => d.pitch); const groupedByPitchRec = group(allRecNotes, (d) => d.pitch); const result = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [pitch, gtNotes2] of groupedByPitch.entries()) { const gtRecMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const n of gtNotes2) { gtRecMap.set(n.start, []); } if (!groupedByPitchRec.has(pitch)) { result.set(pitch, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); continue; } const recNotes = groupedByPitchRec.get(pitch); for (const r of recNotes) { const nearest = findNearest(gtNotes2, r); const currentEntry = gtRecMap.get(nearest.start); currentEntry.push(r); gtRecMap.set(nearest.start, currentEntry); } result.set(pitch, gtRecMap); } return result; } function getMultiMatchingErrorPerNote(multiMatching, errorThreshold = 3) { const result = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [pitch, gtRecMap] of multiMatching.entries()) { const gtErrorMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let maxError = 0; for (const [gtStart, matchedRecNotes] of gtRecMap.entries()) { let error = 0; if (matchedRecNotes.length > 0) { for (const note2 of matchedRecNotes) { const error_ = Math.abs(note2.start - gtStart); if (error_ <= errorThreshold) { error += error_; } } error /= matchedRecNotes.length; if (error > maxError) { maxError = error; } } gtErrorMap.set(gtStart, error); } result.set(pitch, { gtErrorMap, maxError }); } return result; } function getMatchingError(matching, addPenalty, missPenalty, timingPenalty, timeThreshold = 0) { const result = { total: 0, totalAdd: 0, totalMiss: 0, totalCorrect: 0, totalTime: 0, totalNumberOfGtNotes: 0, perPitch: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() }; for (const [pitch, m] of matching.entries()) { const { gtRecMap, additionalNotes, missingNotes, gtNotes } = m; const addError = additionalNotes.length * addPenalty; const missError = missingNotes.length * missPenalty; let correct = 0; let timeError = 0; for (const [gtStart, matchedRecNote] of gtRecMap.entries()) { if (matchedRecNote !== null) { correct++; const error = Math.abs(matchedRecNote.start - gtStart); if (error > timeThreshold) { timeError += error; } } } const total = addError + missError + timeError * timingPenalty; result.perPitch.set(pitch, { total, addError, missError, correct, timeError, numberOfGtNotes: gtNotes.length }); result.totalAdd += addError; result.totalMiss += missError; result.totalCorrect += correct; result.totalTime += timeError; += total; result.totalNumberOfGtNotes += gtNotes.length; } return result; } function getMatchingSection(matching, start2, end) { const result = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [pitch, m] of matching.entries()) { const { gtRecMap, additionalNotes, missingNotes, gtNotes } = m; const newGtRecMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [gtStart, matchedRecNote] of gtRecMap.entries()) { if (matchedRecNote !== null && gtStart >= start2 && gtStart < end) { newGtRecMap.set(gtStart, matchedRecNote); } } result.set(pitch, { gtRecMap: newGtRecMap, additionalNotes: additionalNotes.filter((d) => d.start >= start2 && d.start < end), missingNotes: missingNotes.filter((d) => d.start >= start2 && d.start < end), gtNotes }); } return result; } function getMatchingSliceError(matching, start2, end, addPenalty, missPenalty, timingPenalty) { const section = getMatchingSection(matching, start2, end); const error = getMatchingError(section, addPenalty, missPenalty, timingPenalty); return error; } // src/alignment/Alignment.js function alignNoteArrays(gt, rec) { rec = rec.clone(); const f = alignmentForce(gt.getNotes(), rec.getNotes()); rec = rec.shiftTime(f); return { aligned: rec, timeDifference: f }; } function alignNoteArrays2(gt, rec) { let timeDifference = 0; let tries = 0; rec = rec.clone(); while (tries < 25) { const matching = matchGtAndRecordingNotes(rec.getNotes(), gt.getNotes()); let timeDiff = 0; let count2 = 0; for (const m of matching.values()) { const { gtRecMap } = m; for (const [gtStart, matchedRecNote] of gtRecMap.entries()) { if (matchedRecNote !== null) { count2++; timeDiff += gtStart - matchedRecNote.start; } } } timeDiff /= count2; rec.shiftTime(timeDiff); timeDifference += timeDiff; if (Math.abs(timeDiff) < 5e-4) { break; } tries++; } return { aligned: rec, timeDifference }; } function alignNoteArrays3(gt, rec) { let timeDifference = 0; let tries = 0; rec = rec.clone(); while (tries < 25) { const matching = matchGtAndRecordingNotes(rec.getNotes(), gt.getNotes()); const timeDiffs = []; for (const m of matching.values()) { for (const [gtStart, matchedRecNote] of m.gtRecMap.entries()) { if (matchedRecNote !== null) { timeDiffs.push(gtStart - matchedRecNote.start); } } } const shift = median_default(timeDiffs); rec.shiftTime(shift); timeDifference += shift; if (Math.abs(shift) < 1e-4) { break; } tries++; } return { aligned: rec, timeDifference }; } function alignmentForce(a, b) { let difference2 = 0; let count2 = 0; for (const noteA of a) { let distance2 = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; let diff = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (const noteB of b) { if (noteA.pitch === noteB.pitch) { const dist = Math.abs(noteA.start - noteB.start); if (dist < distance2) { distance2 = dist; diff = noteA.start - noteB.start; } } } if (distance2 < Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { difference2 += diff; count2++; } } return difference2 / count2; } function testAlignment() { const test = (a2, b2, title) => { console.log(title); console.log(b2.getNotes().map((n) => n.start)); const aligned = alignNoteArrays(a2, b2); console.log(aligned.getNotes().map((n) => n.start)); }; const a = new NoteArray_default([ new Note_default(69, 0, 127, 0, 1), new Note_default(70, 1, 127, 0, 2), new Note_default(71, 2, 127, 0, 3) ]); console.log(a.getNotes().map((n) => n.start)); let b; b = a.clone().shiftTime(2); test(a, b, "shifted by 2"); b = a.clone().shiftTime(-2); test(a, b, "shifted by -2"); b = a.clone().shiftTime(3).addNotes([new Note_default(72, 2, 127, 0, 3)]); test(a, b, "shifted by 3, added note"); b = a.clone().repeat(2); test(a, b, "repeated"); b = a.clone().repeat(2).shiftTime(3); test(a, b, "repeated, shifted by 3"); } function alignmentBenchmark() { const seed = 0.44871573888282423; const rand127 = int_default.source(lcg(seed))(0, 127); const maxTime = 500; const randTime = uniform_default.source(lcg(seed))(0, maxTime); const randDuration = uniform_default.source(lcg(seed))(1 / 64, 2); const randomNotes = Array.from({ length: 200 }).fill(0).map(() => { const start2 = randTime(); return new Note_default(rand127(), start2, 127, 0, start2 + randDuration()); }); const notes = new NoteArray_default(randomNotes).sortByTime(); console.log("true notes", notes.getNotes()); const shift = 3; const shifted = notes.clone().shiftTime(shift); console.log("shifted", shifted); const deviation2 = 0.1; const pAdd = 0.1; const pRemove = 0.1; let variation = generateDrumVariation(shifted.getNotes(), deviation2, pAdd, pRemove); variation = new NoteArray_default(variation); console.log("variation", variation); const funcs = [alignNoteArrays, alignNoteArrays2, alignNoteArrays3]; console.log(`True time shift: ${shift} seconds`); console.log("Only shifted"); for (const f of funcs) { const { timeDifference } = f(notes, shifted); const error = Math.abs(timeDifference - -shift); console.log(`${} shift: ${timeDifference.toFixed(3)} Error ${error.toFixed(3)}`); } console.log("Shifted & variation"); for (const f of funcs) { const { timeDifference } = f(notes, variation); const error = Math.abs(timeDifference - -shift); console.log(`${} shift: ${timeDifference.toFixed(3)} Error ${error.toFixed(3)}`); } } // src/alignment/DiffAlignment.js var DiffAlignment_exports = {}; __export(DiffAlignment_exports, { activationMap: () => activationMap, agreement: () => agreement, alignGtAndRecToMinimizeDiffError: () => alignGtAndRecToMinimizeDiffError, alignRecordingSectionsToBestFit: () => alignRecordingSectionsToBestFit, alignRecordingToBestFit: () => alignRecordingToBestFit }); function alignRecordingToBestFit(gtNotes, recording, binSize = 100) { const recNotes = recording.getNotes(); const bestFit = alignGtAndRecToMinimizeDiffError(gtNotes, recNotes, binSize)[0]; const newRec = recording.clone().shiftToStartAt(bestFit.offsetMilliseconds / 1e3); return newRec; } function alignRecordingSectionsToBestFit(gtNotes, recording, binSize, gapDuration = 3, gapMode = "start-start") { const sections = Recording_default.segmentAtGaps(gapDuration, gapMode); const alignedSections = => { const bestFit = alignGtAndRecToMinimizeDiffError(gtNotes, section, binSize)[0]; return bestFit; }); const newRec = recording.clone(); newRec.setNotes(alignedSections.flat()); return newRec; } function alignGtAndRecToMinimizeDiffError(gtNotes, recNotes, binSize) { gtNotes = new NoteArray_default(gtNotes); recNotes = new NoteArray_default(recNotes).shiftToStartAt(0); const gtDuration = gtNotes.getDuration(); const recDuration = recNotes.getDuration(); const nBins = Math.ceil(gtDuration * 1e3 / binSize) + 1; const nRecBins = Math.ceil(recDuration * 1e3 / binSize) + 1; if (nRecBins > nBins) { console.warn("Cannot compare GT and rec if rec is longer"); } const gtActivation = activationMap(gtNotes.getNotes(), binSize); const recActivation = activationMap(recNotes.getNotes(), binSize); const agreementsPerOffset = []; for (let offset = 0; offset < nBins - nRecBins + 1; offset++) { const currentAgreement = agreement(gtActivation, recActivation, offset); agreementsPerOffset.push({ offsetBins: offset, offsetMilliseconds: offset * binSize, agreement: currentAgreement }); } const sorted = agreementsPerOffset.sort((a, b) => b.agreement - a.agreement); return sorted; } function activationMap(allNotes, binSize = 100) { const activationMap2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [pitch, notes] of group(allNotes, (d) => d.pitch).entries()) { const maxTime = max(notes, (d) => d.end); const nBins = Math.ceil(maxTime * 1e3 / binSize) + 1; const pitchActivationMap = Array.from({ length: nBins }).fill(0); for (const note2 of notes) { const start2 = Math.round(note2.start * 1e3 / binSize); const end = Math.round(note2.end * 1e3 / binSize); for (let bin = start2; bin <= end; bin++) { pitchActivationMap[bin] = 1; } } activationMap2.set(pitch, pitchActivationMap); } return activationMap2; } function agreement(gtActivations, recActivations, offset) { const allPitches = [.../* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ ...gtActivations.keys(), ...recActivations.keys() ])]; let agreement2 = 0; for (const pitch of allPitches) { if (!gtActivations.has(pitch)) { } else if (!recActivations.has(pitch)) { } else { const gtA = gtActivations.get(pitch); const recA = recActivations.get(pitch); for (let index16 = 0; index16 < recA.length; index16++) { const gtValue = gtA[index16 + offset] || 0; const recValue = recA[index16] || 0; if (gtValue === 1 && recValue === 1) { agreement2++; } } } } return agreement2; } // src/comparison/PriorityMatching.js var PriorityMatching_exports = {}; __export(PriorityMatching_exports, { balancedNoteDistance: () => balancedNoteDistance, errorFromPriorityMatching: () => errorFromPriorityMatching, getMatrixMinPosition: () => getMatrixMinPosition, priorityMatching: () => priorityMatching }); function priorityMatching(itemsA, itemsB, distanceFunction) { const matrix = Array.from({ length: itemsA.length }).map(() => Array.from({ length: itemsB.length })); for (const [indexA, gtNote] of itemsA.entries()) { for (let indexB = indexA; indexB < itemsB.length; indexB++) { const dist = distanceFunction(gtNote, itemsB[indexB]); matrix[indexA][indexB] = dist; if (matrix[indexB] !== void 0) { matrix[indexB][indexA] = dist; } } } const matching = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const numberOfMatches = Math.min(itemsA.length, itemsB.length); for (let match = 0; match < numberOfMatches; match++) { const [a, b] = getMatrixMinPosition(matrix); matching.set(a, b); if (match >= numberOfMatches - 1) { break; } for (let index16 = 0; index16 < itemsA.length; index16++) { matrix[index16][b] = null; } for (let index16 = 0; index16 < itemsB.length; index16++) { matrix[a][index16] = null; } } return matching; } function errorFromPriorityMatching(gtNotes, recNotes, distanceFunction) { const matching = priorityMatching(gtNotes, recNotes, distanceFunction); const errors = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [gt, rec] of matching.entries()) { const gtNote = gtNotes[gt]; const recNote = recNotes[rec]; const error = distanceFunction(gtNote, recNote); errors.set(gtNote, error); } return errors; } function balancedNoteDistance(a, b) { let dist = 0; dist += Math.abs(a.pitch - b.pitch); dist += Math.abs(a.pitch % 12 - b.pitch % 12); dist += Math.abs(a.start - b.start); dist += 0.5 * Math.abs(a.getDuration() - b.getDuration()); dist += Math.abs( -; return dist; } function getMatrixMinPosition(matrix) { const minPerRow = => { const minInd = minIndex(row); return [ minInd, row[minInd] ]; }); const minRowIndex = minIndex(minPerRow, (d) => d[1]); const minColIndex = minPerRow[minRowIndex][0]; return [minRowIndex, minColIndex]; } // src/comparison/Similarity.js var Similarity_exports = {}; __export(Similarity_exports, { discretizeTime: () => discretizeTime, getSimilarParts: () => getSimilarParts, getTrackSimilarity: () => getTrackSimilarity }); function getSimilarParts(track, selectedInterval, stride, threshold, secondsPerBin = 1 / 16, distance2 = "euclidean") { console.log(`Searching for similar parts based on selection, using ${distance2}`); if (track === void 0 || track.length === 0) { console.warn("No or empty track given"); return; } const minTime = min(track, (d) => d.start); const maxTime = max(track, (d) => d.end); const binCount = Math.ceil((maxTime - minTime) / secondsPerBin); const discrTrack = discretizeTime(track, secondsPerBin); const startBin = Math.floor((selectedInterval[0] - minTime) / secondsPerBin); const endBin = Math.ceil((selectedInterval[1] - minTime) / secondsPerBin); const selection2 = sliceDiscretizedTrack(discrTrack, startBin, endBin); const selectionSize = endBin - startBin; const similarParts = []; for (let pos = 0; pos < binCount - selectionSize; pos += stride) { const pos2 = pos + selectionSize; if (!(pos >= startBin && pos <= endBin) && !(pos2 >= startBin && pos2 <= endBin)) { const part = sliceDiscretizedTrack(discrTrack, pos, pos2); const dist = getTrackSimilarity(selection2, part, distance2); if (dist <= threshold) { similarParts.push({ startBin: pos, endBin: pos2, startTime: minTime + pos * secondsPerBin, endTime: minTime + pos2 * secondsPerBin, dist }); } } } return { selection: { startBin, endBin, startTime: minTime + startBin * secondsPerBin, endTime: minTime + endBin * secondsPerBin }, similarParts }; } function getTrackSimilarity(discrA, discrB, distance2) { const common = []; for (const key of discrA.keys()) { if (discrB.has(key)) { common.push(key); } } let totalDist = 0; for (const pitch of common) { const binsA = discrA.get(pitch); const binsB = discrB.get(pitch); let dist; if (distance2 === "dtw") { } else if (distance2 === "euclidean") { dist = euclideanDistanceSquared(binsA, binsB); } else if (distance2 === "nearest") { dist = neirestNeighborDistance(binsA, binsB); } const weight = 1; totalDist += weight * dist; } let penaltyWeight = 0; for (const discr of [discrA, discrB]) { for (const key of discr.keys()) { if (!common.includes(key)) { penaltyWeight += countActiveNoteBins(discr.get(key)); } } } return totalDist + penaltyWeight; } function discretizeTime(track, secondsPerBin) { const minTime = min(track, (d) => d.start); const maxTime = max(track, (d) => d.end); const binCount = Math.ceil((maxTime - minTime) / secondsPerBin); const result = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const note2 of track) { const startBin = Math.round((note2.start - minTime) / secondsPerBin); const endBin = Math.round((note2.end - minTime) / secondsPerBin); const pitch = note2.pitch; const binArray = result.has(pitch) ? result.get(pitch) : Array.from({ length: binCount }).fill(0); for (let bin = startBin; bin <= endBin; bin++) { binArray[bin] = 1; } result.set(pitch, binArray); } return result; } function countActiveNoteBins(binArray) { let count2 = 0; for (const bin of binArray) { if (bin === 1) { count2++; } } return count2; } function sliceDiscretizedTrack(trackMap, startBin, endBin) { const slice = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const [key, value] of trackMap.entries()) { slice.set(key, value.slice(startBin, endBin)); } return slice; } function euclideanDistanceSquared(A2, B2) { const maxBins = Math.max(A2.length, B2.length); let sum = 0; for (let index16 = 0; index16 < maxBins; index16++) { const a = A2[index16] || 0; const b = B2[index16] || 0; const diff = a - b; sum += diff * diff; } return sum; } function neirestNeighborDistance(A2, B2) { const maxBins = Math.max(A2.length, B2.length); const maxOffset = Math.round(maxBins / 4); let sum = 0; for (let index16 = 0; index16 < maxBins; index16++) { let offset = 0; const a = A2[index16] || 0; const b = B2[index16] || 0; if (a === b) { } else if (a === 0 && b === 1) { while (offset <= maxOffset) { offset++; if (a[index16 - offset] === 1 || a[index16 + offset === 1]) { break; } } } else if (a === 1 && b === 0) { while (offset <= maxOffset) { offset++; if (b[index16 - offset] === 1 || b[index16 + offset === 1]) { break; } } } sum += offset; } return sum; } // src/comparison/SimilarSections.js var SimilarSections_exports = {}; __export(SimilarSections_exports, { findSimilarNoteSections: () => findSimilarNoteSections, findSimilarStringSections: () => findSimilarStringSections }); // src/stringBased/Levenshtein.js var Levenshtein_exports = {}; __export(Levenshtein_exports, { damerauLevenshtein: () => damerauLevenshtein, levenshtein: () => levenshtein }); function levenshtein(a, b, normalize2 = false) { if (a.length === 0 && b.length === 0) { return 0; } if (a.length === 0) { return normalize2 ? 1 : b.length; } if (b.length === 0) { return normalize2 ? 1 : a.length; } let i, j, previous, value; if (a.length > b.length) { const temporary = a; a = b; b = temporary; } const row = Array.from({ length: a.length + 1 }); for (i = 0; i <= a.length; i++) { row[i] = i; } for (i = 1; i <= b.length; i++) { previous = i; for (j = 1; j <= a.length; j++) { value = b[i - 1] === a[j - 1] ? row[j - 1] : Math.min(row[j - 1] + 1, Math.min(previous + 1, row[j] + 1)); row[j - 1] = previous; previous = value; } row[a.length] = previous; } const result = row[a.length]; return normalize2 ? result / Math.max(a.length, b.length) : result; } function damerauLevenshtein(a, b, normalize2 = false) { if (a.length === 0 && b.length === 0) { return 0; } if (a.length === 0) { return normalize2 ? 1 : b.length; } if (b.length === 0) { return normalize2 ? 1 : a.length; } const d = Array.from({ length: a.length + 1 }).map(() => Array.from({ length: b.length })); for (let i = 0; i <= a.length; i++) { d[i][0] = i; } for (let i = 0; i <= b.length; i++) { d[0][i] = i; } let cost; for (let i = 1; i <= a.length; i++) { for (let j = 1; j <= b.length; j++) { cost = a[i - 1] === b[j - 1] ? 0 : 1; d[i][j] = Math.min(d[i - 1][j] + 1, d[i][j - 1] + 1, d[i - 1][j - 1] + cost); if (i > 1 && j > 1 && a[i - 1] === b[j - 2] && a[i - 2] === b[j - 1]) { d[i][j] = Math.min(d[i][j], d[i - 2][j - 2] + 1); } } } const result = d[a.length][b.length]; return normalize2 ? result / Math.max(a.length, b.length) : result; } // src/comparison/SimilarSections.js function findSimilarNoteSections(notes, startTime, endTime, threshold = 0.5) { const selectedNotes = notes.filter((d) => d.start >= startTime && d.end <= endTime); const dataString = PitchSequence_default.fromNotes(notes).getPitches(); const searchString = PitchSequence_default.fromNotes(selectedNotes).getPitches(); const length = searchString.length; if (length < 3) { return []; } const matches = findSimilarStringSections(dataString, searchString, threshold); return => { const { index: index16 } = m; const note1 = notes[index16]; const note2 = notes[index16 + length]; return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, m), { startTime: note1.start, endTime: note2.end }); }); } function findSimilarStringSections(dataString, searchString, threshold = 0.5) { const length = searchString.length; const matches = []; for (let index16 = 0; index16 < dataString.length - length; index16++) { const slice = dataString.slice(index16, index16 + length); const distance2 = levenshtein(searchString, slice) / length; if (distance2 < threshold) { matches.push({ index: index16, distance: distance2 }); } } const filtered = []; matches.sort((a, b) => a.distance - b.distance); const occupied = Array.from({ length: dataString.length }).fill(false); for (const m of matches) { const { index: index16 } = m; let occ = false; for (let i = index16; i < index16 + length; i++) { if (occupied[i]) { occ = true; break; } } if (!occ) { filtered.push(m); for (let i = index16; i < index16 + length; i++) { occupied[i] = true; } } } return filtered; } // src/stringBased/index.js var stringBased_exports = {}; __export(stringBased_exports, { Gotoh: () => Gotoh_exports, ImmediateRepetitionCompression: () => ImmediateRepetitionCompression_exports, Levenshtein: () => Levenshtein_exports, LongestCommonSubsequence: () => LongestCommonSubsequence_exports, NGrams: () => NGrams_exports, NeedlemanWunsch: () => NeedlemanWunsch_default, SuffixTree: () => SuffixTree_exports }); // src/stringBased/LongestCommonSubsequence.js var LongestCommonSubsequence_exports = {}; __export(LongestCommonSubsequence_exports, { lcs: () => lcs, lcsLength: () => lcsLength, normalizedLcsLength: () => normalizedLcsLength }); function lcs(a, b) { const m = a.length; const n = b.length; if (a.length === 0) { return a; } if (b.length === 0) { return b; } let i; let j; let row = []; let left; let diagonal; let latch; const lcs2 = []; const c2 = []; for (j = 0; j < n; row[j++] = 0) ; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { c2[i] = row = [...row]; for (diagonal = 0, j = 0; j < n; j++, diagonal = latch) { latch = row[j]; if (a[i] === b[j]) { row[j] = diagonal + 1; } else { left = row[j - 1] || 0; if (left > row[j]) { row[j] = left; } } } } i--; j--; while (i > -1 && j > -1) { switch (c2[i][j]) { default: j--; lcs2.unshift(a[i]); case (i && c2[i - 1][j]): i--; continue; case (j && c2[i][j - 1]): j--; } } return Array.isArray(a) || Array.isArray(b) ? lcs2 : lcs2.join(""); } function lcsLength(a, b) { const m = a.length; const n = b.length; if (a.length === 0) { return 0; } if (b.length === 0) { return 0; } let i; let j; let row = []; let left; let diagonal; let latch; const c2 = []; for (j = 0; j < n; row[j++] = 0) ; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { c2[i] = row = [...row]; for (diagonal = 0, j = 0; j < n; j++, diagonal = latch) { latch = row[j]; if (a[i] === b[j]) { row[j] = diagonal + 1; } else { left = row[j - 1] || 0; if (left > row[j]) { row[j] = left; } } } } i--; j--; return row[j]; } function normalizedLcsLength(a, b) { const longerLength = Math.max(a.length, b.length); if (longerLength === 0) { return 0; } return lcsLength(a, b) / longerLength; } // src/stringBased/Gotoh.js var Gotoh_exports = {}; __export(Gotoh_exports, { differenceSimilarity: () => differenceSimilarity, gotoh: () => gotoh, matchMissmatchSimilarity: () => matchMissmatchSimilarity, normalizedGotoh: () => normalizedGotoh }); function gotoh(seqA, seqB, similarityFunction = matchMissmatchSimilarity, gapPenaltyStart = -1, gapPenaltyExtend = -0.1) { if (seqA.length === 0 && seqB.length === 0) { return 0; } const gap = (index16) => gapPenaltyStart + (index16 - 1) * gapPenaltyExtend; const lengthA = seqA.length; const lengthB = seqB.length; const a = Array.from({ length: lengthA + 1 }).map(() => Array.from({ length: lengthB + 1 })); const b = Array.from({ length: lengthA + 1 }).map(() => Array.from({ length: lengthB + 1 })); const c2 = Array.from({ length: lengthA + 1 }).map(() => Array.from({ length: lengthB + 1 })); a[0][0] = 0; b[0][0] = 0; c2[0][0] = 0; for (let i = 1; i <= lengthA; i++) { a[i][0] = c2[i][0] = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; b[i][0] = gap(i); } for (let i = 1; i <= lengthB; i++) { a[0][i] = b[0][i] = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; c2[0][i] = gap(i); } for (let i = 1; i <= lengthA; i++) { for (let j = 1; j <= lengthB; j++) { const sim = similarityFunction(seqA[i - 1], seqB[j - 1]); a[i][j] = Math.max(a[i - 1][j - 1], b[i - 1][j - 1], c2[i - 1][j - 1]) + sim; b[i][j] = Math.max(a[i - 1][j] + gapPenaltyStart, b[i - 1][j] + gapPenaltyExtend, c2[i - 1][j] + gapPenaltyStart); c2[i][j] = Math.max(a[i][j - 1] + gapPenaltyStart, b[i][j - 1] + gapPenaltyStart, c2[i][j - 1] + gapPenaltyExtend); } } return Math.max(a[lengthA][lengthB], b[lengthA][lengthB], c2[lengthA][lengthB]); } function normalizedGotoh(seqA, seqB, similarityFunction = matchMissmatchSimilarity, gapPenaltyStart = -1, gapPenaltyExtend = -0.1) { const similarity = gotoh(seqA, seqB, similarityFunction, gapPenaltyStart, gapPenaltyExtend); const longer = seqA.length >= seqB.length ? seqA : seqB; const maxSimilarity = gotoh(longer, longer, similarityFunction, gapPenaltyStart, gapPenaltyExtend); if (maxSimilarity === 0) { return similarity; } return similarity / maxSimilarity; } function matchMissmatchSimilarity(a, b) { return a === b ? 1 : -1; } function differenceSimilarity(a, b) { return -Math.abs(a - b); } // src/stringBased/SuffixTree.js var SuffixTree_exports = {}; __export(SuffixTree_exports, { default: () => SuffixTree_default }); var SuffixTree = class { constructor(array) { if (typeof array === "string") { array = array.split(""); } this.node = new TreeNode(); if (array && array.length > 0) { for (let index16 = 0; index16 < array.length; index16++) { this.node.addSuffix(array.slice(index16)); } } } getLongestRepeatedSubString() { return this.node.getLongestRepeatedSubString(); } toString() { return this.node.toString(); } toJson() { return JSON.stringify(this.node); } }; var TreeNode = class { constructor() { this.value = []; this.leaves = []; this.nodes = []; } checkNodes(suf) { let node; for (let index16 = 0; index16 < this.nodes.length; index16++) { node = this.nodes[index16]; if (arrayShallowEquals(node.value, [suf[0]])) { node.addSuffix(suf.slice(1)); return true; } } return false; } checkLeaves(suf) { let node, leaf; for (let index16 = 0; index16 < this.leaves.length; index16++) { leaf = this.leaves[index16]; if (leaf[0] === suf[0]) { node = new TreeNode(); node.value = [leaf[0]]; node.addSuffix(suf.slice(1)); node.addSuffix(leaf.slice(1)); this.nodes.push(node); this.leaves.splice(index16, 1); return; } } this.leaves.push(suf); } addSuffix(suf) { if (suf.length === 0) { return; } if (!this.checkNodes(suf)) { this.checkLeaves(suf); } } getLongestRepeatedSubString() { let array = []; let temporary = []; for (let index16 = 0; index16 < this.nodes.length; index16++) { temporary = this.nodes[index16].getLongestRepeatedSubString(); if (temporary.length > array.length) { array = temporary; } } return this.value.concat(array); } toString(indent = 1) { const ind = " |".repeat(indent); let string = ""; string += this.value.length > 0 ? `-N '${this.value}'` : "root"; if (this.nodes.length > 0) { for (let index16 = 0; index16 < this.nodes.length; index16++) { string += ` ${ind}${this.nodes[index16].toString(indent + 1)}`; } } if (this.leaves.length > 0) { for (let index16 = 0; index16 < this.leaves.length; index16++) { string += ` ${ind}-L ${this.leaves[index16]}`; } } return string; } }; var SuffixTree_default = SuffixTree; // src/stringBased/NGrams.js var NGrams_exports = {}; __export(NGrams_exports, { getNGrams: () => getNGrams, getNGramsForArray: () => getNGramsForArray }); function getNGrams(string, length) { if (length <= 0) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } length = Math.min(length, string.length); const nGrams = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (let index16 = 0; index16 < string.length - length + 1; index16++) { const subString = string.slice(index16, index16 + length); if (nGrams.has(subString)) { nGrams.set(subString, nGrams.get(subString) + 1); } else { nGrams.set(subString, 1); } } return nGrams; } function getNGramsForArray(array, length) { if (length <= 0) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } length = Math.min(length, array.length); const nGrams = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (let index16 = 0; index16 < array.length - length + 1; index16++) { const subArray = array.slice(index16, index16 + length); const key = subArray.join(" "); let count2 = 1; if (nGrams.has(key)) { count2 = nGrams.get(key).count + 1; } nGrams.set(key, { value: subArray, count: count2 }); } return nGrams; } // src/stringBased/ImmediateRepetitionCompression.js var ImmediateRepetitionCompression_exports = {}; __export(ImmediateRepetitionCompression_exports, { compress: () => compress, compressionRate: () => compressionRate, decompress: () => decompress, getImmediateRepetitions: () => getImmediateRepetitions, summary: () => summary, toString: () => toString }); function compress(sequence) { if (!sequence || sequence.length === 0) { return null; } const longestReps = getImmediateRepetitions(sequence); if (longestReps === null) { return sequence; } const { seq, rep, length: len, pos } = longestReps[0]; const preSeq = sequence.slice(0, pos); const postSeq = sequence.slice(pos + len * rep); const repetition = compress(seq); const pre = compress(preSeq); const post = compress(postSeq); const depth = Math.max((pre == null ? void 0 : pre.depth) ?? 0, ((repetition == null ? void 0 : repetition.depth) ?? 0) + 1, (post == null ? void 0 : post.depth) ?? 0); const length = ((pre == null ? void 0 : pre.length) ?? 0) + ((repetition == null ? void 0 : repetition.length) ?? 0) + ((post == null ? void 0 : post.length) ?? 0); return { pre, seq: repetition, rep, post, depth, length, content: sequence }; } function getImmediateRepetitions(sequence = []) { const foundReps = []; for (let length = Math.floor(sequence.length / 2); length > 0; --length) { for (let pos = 0; pos < sequence.length - length; ++pos) { let numberOfReps = 0; while (true) { const startPos = pos + (numberOfReps + 1) * length; const found = arraySlicesEqual(sequence, sequence, length, pos, startPos); if (!found) { break; } else { numberOfReps++; } if (numberOfReps > 0) { const rep = numberOfReps + 1; const seq = sequence.slice(pos, pos + length); foundReps.push({ length, pos, rep, seq, totalLength: length * rep }); } } } } if (foundReps.length > 0) { return foundReps.sort((a, b) => { return a.totalLength === b.totalLength ? b.rep - a.rep : b.totalLength - a.totalLength; }); } return null; } function decompress(tree) { if (!tree) { return []; } if (tree.join) { return tree; } const seq = decompress(tree.seq); const repetition = Array.from({ length: tree.rep }).map(() => seq); return [ ...decompress(tree.pre), ...repetition.flat(), ...decompress( ]; } function summary(tree) { if (!tree) { return []; } if (tree.join) { return tree; } return [ ...summary(tree.pre), ...summary(tree.seq), ...summary( ]; } function toString(tree, separator = " ") { if (!tree) { return ""; } if (tree.join) { return tree.join(separator); } const seq = toString(tree.seq); const repetition = `(${tree.rep}x ${seq})`; return [ toString(tree.pre), repetition, toString( ].join(separator).trim(); } function compressionRate(compressed) { var _a; if (!(compressed == null ? void 0 : compressed.length) || !((_a = compressed == null ? void 0 : compressed.content) == null ? void 0 : _a.length)) { throw new Error("Invalid hierarchy"); } return compressed.length / compressed.content.length; } // src/stringBased/NeedlemanWunsch.js var NeedlemanWunsch = class { constructor(seq1, seq2, matchScore = 1, mismatchPenalty = -1, gapPenalty = -1) { this.seq1 = seq1; this.seq2 = seq2; this.matchScore = matchScore; this.mismatchPenalty = mismatchPenalty; this.gapPenalty = gapPenalty; this.I = []; this.S = []; this.T = []; this.finalAlignments = []; this.calcScoresAndTracebacks(); } calcScoresAndTracebacks() { this.S.push([0]); this.I.push([[null, null, null]]); this.T.push([[false, false, false]]); for (let i = 1; i < this.seq2.length + 1; i++) { this.S[0].push(this.S[0][this.S[0].length - 1] + this.gapPenalty); this.I[0].push([null, null, null]); this.T[0].push([true, false, false]); } for (let i = 1; i < this.seq1.length + 1; i++) { this.S.push([this.S[i - 1][0] + this.gapPenalty]); this.I.push([[null, null, null]]); this.T.push([[false, false, true]]); for (let j = 1; j < this.seq2.length + 1; j++) { const insert = this.S[i][j - 1] + this.gapPenalty; const del = this.S[i - 1][j] + this.gapPenalty; const simScore = this.seq1[i - 1] === this.seq2[j - 1] ? this.matchScore : this.mismatchPenalty; const match = this.S[i - 1][j - 1] + simScore; const intermediateScores = [insert, match, del]; const score = Math.max(...intermediateScores); const tracebackTypeStatus = => entry === score); this.S[i].push(score); this.I[i].push(intermediateScores); this.T[i].push(tracebackTypeStatus); } } const lastRow = this.S[this.S.length - 1]; this.score = lastRow[lastRow.length - 1]; } alignmentChildren(pos) { const [i, j] = pos; const children2 = []; const tracebackTypeStatus = this.T[i][j]; if (tracebackTypeStatus[0]) { children2.push({ pos: [i, j - 1], tracebackType: 0 }); } if (tracebackTypeStatus[1]) { children2.push({ pos: [i - 1, j - 1], tracebackType: 1 }); } if (tracebackTypeStatus[2]) { children2.push({ pos: [i - 1, j], tracebackType: 2 }); } return children2; } alignmentTraceback() { const finalAlignments = []; const root2 = { next: null, pos: [this.seq1.length, this.seq2.length], alignment: { seq1: "", seq2: "" } }; let current, child, children2, length, alignment, pos, t; current = root2; while (current) { pos = current.pos; alignment = current.alignment; children2 = this.alignmentChildren(current.pos); if (children2.length === 0) { finalAlignments.push(alignment); } current =; for (t = 0, length = children2.length; t < length; t++) { child = children2[t]; child.alignment = { seq1: alignment.seq1.concat(child.tracebackType === 0 ? "-" : this.seq1[pos[0] - 1]), seq2: alignment.seq2.concat(child.tracebackType === 2 ? "-" : this.seq2[pos[1] - 1]) }; = current; current = child; } } return finalAlignments; } }; var NeedlemanWunsch_default = NeedlemanWunsch; // src/index.js function getVersion() { return package_default.version; } return __toCommonJS(src_exports); })(); //#