--- Help: Renders Freemarker template to wiki Test --- The Freemarker Fixture allows a [[Freemarker][http://freemarker.org]] template to be rendered to the wiki. This allows the template result to be sent to an application being tested, or saved as a mock server's response. It is usable both in [[script tables][#scripts]] and [[dynamic decision tables][#ddt]]. The templates are loaded from the 'templates' directory on the class path (e.g. !style_code[fixtures/templates] in a standalone installation, or !style_code[wiki/fixtures/templates] in a Maven project based on the [[sample project][https://github.com/fhoeben/sample-fitnesse-project]] or [[archetype][https://github.com/fhoeben/fitnesse-project-archetype]]). This location cannot be changed, but subdirectories can be used (by starting a template name with !style_code[subdirectoryname/]). To edit/add templates, modify/place them in the !style_code[src/main/resources/templates] folder and rebuild the project using !style_code[mvn compile] (or your IDE). This will allow the fixture to find the files. !note When debugging a template you can, of course, directly edit the files below !style_code[fixtures/templates]. But '''be warned''': that location is not normally under version control and your changes will be overwritten when a new build is performed. If the template's name contains !style_code[.xml] or !style_code[.json] the template's output will be formatted and shown as XML or JSON in the wiki. !anchor ddt !2 Dynamic Decision Table Usage The template to use can either be supplied using a constructor parameter in the table's first row, or by the name of the output column. |ddt: freemarker fixture|samplePost.ftl.xml| |countryName |post? | |United States |$postUs= | |Netherlands |$postNl= | or |ddt: freemarker fixture | |countryName |samplePost.ftl.xml?| |United States|$postUs2= | |Netherlands |$postNl2= | |script|string fixture | |check |value of|$postUs|$postUs2| |check |value of|$postNl|$postNl2| !anchor scripts !2 Script Usage Here we render a template using [[script tables][.FitNesse.UserGuide.WritingAcceptanceTests.SliM.ScriptTable]]. |script |freemarker fixture | |set value|Netherlands |for |countryName | |$postNl3=|apply template|samplePost.ftl.xml| |set value|Utrecht |for |cityName | |$postNl4=|apply template|samplePost.ftl.xml|