/* * Import URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jakelehner/Hubitat/master/WyzeHub/apps/wyzehub-app.groovy * * DON'T BE A DICK PUBLIC LICENSE * * Version 1.1, December 2016 * * Copyright (C) 2021 Jake Lehner * * Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified * copies of this license document. * * DON'T BE A DICK PUBLIC LICENSE * TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION * * 1. Do whatever you like with the original work, just don't be a dick. * * Being a dick includes - but is not limited to - the following instances: * * 1a. Outright copyright infringement - Don't just copy this and change the name. * 1b. Selling the unmodified original with no work done what-so-ever, that's REALLY being a dick. * 1c. Modifying the original work to contain hidden harmful content. That would make you a PROPER dick. * * 2. If you become rich through modifications, related works/services, or supporting the original work, * share the love. Only a dick would make loads off this work and not buy the original work's * creator(s) a pint. * * 3. Code is provided with no warranty. Using somebody else's code and bitching when it goes wrong makes * you a DONKEY dick. Fix the problem yourself. A non-dick would submit the fix back. * * =================================================================================== * * Release Notes: * v1.5 - Bug Fix - validateAPI to call refreshToken. * v1.4 - Added API Key requirement. * (Modified by @fieldsjm) * --------------------------------- * v1.3 - Address issue with refresh token logic. * - Add Light Strip Support (non-pro) * v1.2 - Bugfix allowing Meshlight to be used with rules engine (thanks @bruderbell!) * - Add Camera Event Recording Enable/Disable (thanks @fieldsjm!) * v1.1 - Add Camera Driver (thanks @fieldsjm!) * - Add Outdoor Plug * - Hubitat Package Manager * v1.0 - Initial Release. * - Support for Color Bulbs, Plugs, and associated groups. * */ import groovy.json.JsonBuilder import groovy.transform.Field import java.security.MessageDigest import static java.util.UUID.randomUUID public static final String version() { return "v1.5" } public static final String apiAppName() { return "com.hualai" } public static final String apiAppVersion() { return "2.19.14" } @Field static final String childNamespace = "jakelehner" @Field static final Map groupDriverMap = [ 1: [label: 'Camera Group', driver: 'WyzeHub Camera Group'], 2: [label: 'Bulb Group', driver: 'WyzeHub Bulb Group'], 5: [label: 'Plug Group', driver: 'WyzeHub Plug Group'], 8: [label: 'Color Bulb Group', driver: 'WyzeHub Color Bulb Group'], ] @Field static final List ignoreDeviceModels = [ 'WLPPO' ] @Field static final Map driverMap = [ 'Light': [label: 'Bulb', driver: 'WyzeHub Bulb'], 'MeshLight': [label: 'Color Bulb', driver: 'WyzeHub Color Bulb'], 'LightStrip' : [label: 'Light Strip', driver: 'WyzeHub Color Bulb'], 'Plug': [label: 'Plug', driver: 'WyzeHub Plug'], 'OutdoorPlug': [label: 'Outdoor Plug', driver: 'WyzeHub Plug'], 'Camera': [label: 'Camera', driver: 'WyzeHub Camera'], 'default': [label: 'Unsupported Type', driver: null] ] @Field static final String log_level_debug = '5' @Field static final String log_level_info = '4' @Field static final String log_level_notice = '3' @Field static final String log_level_warn = '2' @Field static final String log_level_error = '1' @Field static final String log_level_off = '0' @Field static final String log_level_default = '4' String wyzeAuthBaseUrl() { return "https://auth-prod.api.wyze.com" } String wyzeApiBaseUrl() { return "https://api.wyzecam.com" } Map wyzeRequestHeaders() { return [ "keyid":"${settings.key_id}", "apikey":"${settings.api_key}", "Content-Type": "application/json" //"Accept": "application/json", //"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1 Safari/605.1.15" ] } Map wyzeRequestBody() { return [ 'access_token': state.access_token, 'app_name': apiAppName(), 'app_ver': apiAppName() + "_v" + apiAppVersion(), 'app_version': apiAppVersion(), 'phone_id': getPhoneId(), 'phone_system_type': 2, 'sc': '9f275790cab94a72bd206c8876429f3c', 'ts': (new Date()).getTime() ] } definition( name: 'WyzeHub', namespace: 'jakelehner', author: 'Jake Lehner', description: 'Hubitat Integration for Wyze WiFi devices.', iconUrl: '', iconX2Url: '', iconX3Url: '', installOnOpen: true, singleInstance: true, oauth: false, importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fieldsjm/Hubitat-2/master/WyzeHub/apps/wyzehub-app.groovy' ) preferences { page(name: 'pageMenu') page(name: 'pageAuthSettings') page(name: 'pageDoAuth') page(name: 'pageDoMfaAuth') page(name: 'pageSelectDevices') page(name: 'pageSelectDeviceGroups') } // --------------------- // | App Control Methods | // --------------------- def installed() { logDebug('installed()') clearState() initialize() state.serverInstalled = true logInfo('App Installed') } def updated() { logDebug('updated()') if (debugOutput) runIn(300,debugOff) //disable debug logs after 5 min initialize() } def initialize() { logDebug('initialize()') if (!state.deviceCache) { state.deviceCache = [ 'groups': [:], 'devices': [:], 'groupDeviceMacs': [] ] } if (!state.deviceParentMap) { state.deviceParentMap = [:] } if(settings['addDevices']) { logDebug('clearing addDevices cache') app.removeSetting('addDevices') } if (logEnable) { logInfo('Logging is Enabled') if (debugEnabled) { logDebug('Debug Logging is Enabled') } } } def uninstalled() { logDebug('uninstalled()') logInfo("Uninstalling...") logInfo('Clearing State...') clearState() logInfo("Deleting child devices...") getChildDevices().each { device-> logDebug("Deleting device: " + device.deviceNetworkId) deleteChildDevice(device.deviceNetworkId) } logInfo("Uninstalled") } // ------- // | Pages | // ------- def getCopyright() {'© 2021 Your Mom'} def pageMenu() { logDebug('pageMenu()') if (settings["devicesToAdd"]) { logDebug("New devices selected. Creating...") addDevices(settings["devicesToAdd"]) app.removeSetting('devicesToAdd') } if (settings["deviceGroupsToAdd"]) { logDebug("New groups selected. Creating...") addDeviceGroups(settings["deviceGroupsToAdd"]) app.removeSetting('deviceGroupsToAdd') } if (!(settings.username && settings.password && settings.key_id && settings.api_key)) { logDebug('Auth Credentials not set. Forwarding to pageAuthSettings...') return pageAuthSettings() } initialize() return dynamicPage( name: 'pageMenu', title: "${app.label}", install: true, uninstall: true, refreshInterval: 0 ) { section() { href(name: 'hrefSelectDeviceGroups', title: 'Select Device Groups', description: '', page: 'pageSelectDeviceGroups', image: '') href(name: 'hrefSelectDevices', title: 'Select Devices', description: '', page: 'pageSelectDevices', image: '') href(name: 'hrefAuthSettings', title: 'Configure Login Info', description: '', page: 'pageAuthSettings') } section('App Options') { logLevelOptions = [ '5': 'Debug', '4': 'Info', '2': 'Warn', '1': 'Error', '0': 'Off', ] input name: "logLevel", type: "enum", title: "Log Level", required: true, defaultValue: '4', submitOnChange: true, options: logLevelOptions } displayFooter() } } def pageAuthSettings() { logDebug('pageAuthSettings()') return dynamicPage( name: 'pageAuthSettings', title: "${app.label} Account Info", install: false, uninstall: false, refreshInterval: 0, nextPage: 'pageDoAuth' ) { section('User Authentication') { input name: 'username', type: 'text', title: 'Username', required: true, submitOnChange: true input name: 'password', type: 'password', title: 'Password', required: true, submitOnChange: true input name: 'key_id', type: 'text', title: 'Key ID', required: true, submitOnChange: true input name: 'api_key', type: 'text', title: 'Api Key', required: true, submitOnChange: true } section('Manually Enter Tokens (Troubleshooting)') { input name: 'access_token', type: 'text', title: 'Access Token', required: false, submitOnChange: true input name: 'refresh_token', type: 'text', title: 'Refresh Token', required: false, submitOnChange: true } displayFooter() } } def pageDoAuth() { logDebug('pageDoAuth()') if (!(settings.username && settings.password && settings.key_id && settings.api_key)) { logError('Made it to "Do Auth" but credentials not set? Forwarding to pageAuthSettings...') return pageAuthSettings() } nextPage = 'pageMenu' loggedIn = false mfaEnabled = false clearState() // Token Override? if (settings.access_token) { logDebug('Token Override') state.access_token = settings.access_token state.refresh_token = settings.refresh_token } else { authenticateWyzeAccount(settings.username, settings.password) if (state.access_token) { logDebug('access token found') logDebug(state.access_token) loggedIn = true } else if (state.mfa_options) { mfaEnabled = true nextPage = 'pageDoMfaAuth' if (state.mfa_options.contains('TotpVerificationCode')) { // TOTP logInfo('TOTP MFA Enabled') mfaTitle = 'TOTP MFA Enabled' mfaText = 'Enter TOTP Code' state.mfa_type = 'TotpVerificationCode' } else if(state.mfa_options.contains('PrimaryPhone')) { // SMS logInfo('SMS MFA Enabled') mfaTitle = 'SMS MFA Enabled' mfaText = 'Enter SMS Code' state.mfa_type = 'PrimaryPhone' sendSmsCode('Primary', state.sms_session_id, state.user_id) } else { logError('No supported MFA Types Found') logDebug(state.mfa_options) } } } return dynamicPage( name: 'pageAuthSettings', title: "${app.label} Authentication", install: false, uninstall: false, refreshInterval: 0, nextPage: nextPage ) { if (loggedIn) { section() { paragraph("Logged In!") } } else if (mfaEnabled) { mfaCode = null settings.mfaCode = null section('MFA Enabled') { input name: 'mfaCode', type: 'password', title: mfaText, defaultValue: '', required: true, submitOnChange: false } } displayFooter() } } def pageDoMfaAuth() { logDebug('pageDoMfaAuth()') if (state.mfa_type == 'PrimaryPhone') { verificationId = state.sms_session_id verificationCode = settings.mfaCode } else if (state.mfa_type == 'TotpVerificationCode') { verificationId = state.mfa_details.totp_apps[0]['app_id'] verificationCode = settings.mfaCode } else { return 'pageAuthSettings' } loggedIn = false authenticateWyzeAccount( settings.username, settings.password, state.mfa_type, verificationId, verificationCode ) if (state.access_token) { logDebug('access token found') loggedIn = true } else { logError('MFA Login Error') } return dynamicPage( name: 'pageAuthSettings', title: "${app.label} Authentication", install: false, uninstall: false, refreshInterval: 0, nextPage: 'pageMenu' ) { if (loggedIn) { section() { paragraph("Logged In!") } } else { section() { "Failed logging in with MFA." } } displayFooter() } } def pageSelectDeviceGroups() { logDebug('pageSelectDeviceGroups()') updateDeviceCache() { response -> deviceCache = response } List newGroups = [] List unsupportedGroups = [] if (deviceCache.groups) { deviceCache.groups.each { mac, group -> groupType = groupDriverMap[group.group_type_id] networkId = generateGroupNetworkId(group) if (getChildDevice(networkId)) { logDebug("${group.group_name} (${networkId}) already exists. Skipping...") return } if(!groupType) { logDebug("${group.group_name} (${networkId}) unsupported. Skipping...") unsupportedGroups << group return } logDebug("${group.group_name} (${networkId}) found. Adding to selection list...") newGroups << [(group.group_id): "[${groupType.label}] ${group.group_name}"] } // Sort newGroups = newGroups.sort { a, b -> a.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value <=> b.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value } unsupportedGroups = unsupportedGroups.sort { it.value } } return dynamicPage( name: 'pageSelectDeviceGroups', title: "${app.label} Device Group Selection", install: false, uninstall: false, refreshInterval: 0, nextPage: 'pageMenu' ) { section() { paragraph("This page will list any <strong>new</strong> supported device groups.") } if (!newGroups) { section("No New Device Groups Found...") { input(name: "btnDeviceRefresh", type: "button", title: "Refresh", submitOnChange: true) } } else { section('Add Device Groups') { input(name: "deviceGroupsToAdd", type: "enum", title: "Select Device Groups to add:", submitOnChange: false, multiple: true, options: newGroups) } } if(unsupportedGroups) { section('Unsupported Device Groups') { unsupportedGroups.each{ group -> paragraph " - [${group.group_type_id}] ${group.group_name}" } } } displayFooter() } } def pageSelectDevices() { logDebug('pageSelectDevices()') updateDeviceCache() { response -> deviceCache = response } List newDevices = [] List unsupportedDevices = [] if (deviceCache.devices) { deviceCache.devices.each { mac, device -> if (ignoreDeviceModels.contains(device.product_model)) { logDebug("${device.nickname} (${device.mac}) is ignored device model. Skipping...") return } productType = driverMap[device.product_type] if (getChildDevice(device.mac)) { logDebug("${device.nickname} (${device.mac}) already exists. Skipping...") return } if (deviceCache.groupDeviceMacs.contains(device.mac)) { logDebug("${device.nickname} (${device.mac}) belongs to a group. Skipping...") return } if(!productType) { logDebug("${device.nickname} (${device.mac}) unsupported. Model: ${device.product_model}. Type: ${device.product_type}. Skipping...") unsupportedDevices << device return } logDebug("${device.nickname} (${device.mac}) found. Adding to selection list...") newDevices << [(device.mac): "[${productType.label}] ${device.nickname}"] } // Sort newDevices = newDevices.sort { a, b -> a.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value <=> b.entrySet().iterator().next()?.value } unsupportedDevices = unsupportedDevices.sort { it.value } } return dynamicPage( name: 'pageSelectDevices', title: "${app.label} Device Selection", install: false, uninstall: false, refreshInterval: 0, nextPage: 'pageMenu' ) { section() { paragraph('This page will list any <strong>new</strong> devices that <strong>do not belong to a device group</strong>.') } if (!newDevices) { section("No New Devices Found...") { input(name: "btnDeviceRefresh", type: "button", title: "Refresh", submitOnChange: true) } } else { section('Add Devices') { input(name: "devicesToAdd", type: "enum", title: "Select Devices to add:", submitOnChange: false, multiple: true, options: newDevices) } } if(unsupportedDevices) { section('Unsupported Devices') { unsupportedDevices.each{ device -> paragraph " - [${device.product_type}] ${device.nickname}" } } } displayFooter() } } def displayFooter() { section{ paragraph getFormat("line") paragraph "<div style='color:#1A77C9;text-align:center;font-weight:small;font-size:9px'>Developed by: Jake<br/>Current Version: ${version()} - ${getCopyright()}</div>" } } def getFormat(type){ if(type == "line") return "\n<hr style='background-color:#1A77C9; height: 1px; border: 0;'></hr>" } // -------------- // | Biznas Logic | // -------------- def authenticateWyzeAccount(String username, String password, String mfaType = null, String verificationId = null, String verificationCode = null) { logInfo('Authenticating User...') body = [ 'email': username, 'password': hashPassword(password) ] if (mfaType) { body['mfa_type'] = mfaType body['verification_id'] = verificationId body['verification_code'] = verificationCode } logDebug(body) params = [ 'uri' : wyzeAuthBaseUrl(), 'headers' : wyzeRequestHeaders(), 'requestContentType' : "application/json; charset=utf-8", 'path' : "/api/user/login", 'body' : body ] try { httpPost(params) { response -> logInfo("Login Request was OK: ${response.status}") logDebug(response.data) state.access_token = response.data?.access_token state.refresh_token = response.data?.refresh_token state.user_id = response.data?.user_id state.mfa_options = response.data?.mfa_options state.mfa_details = response.data?.mfa_details state.sms_session_id = response.data?.sms_session_id state.statusText = "Success" } } catch (Exception e) { logError("Login Failed with Exception: ${e}") clearState() state.statusText = "Login Exception: '${e}'" return false } return true } private def sendSmsCode(String mfaPhoneType, String smsSessionId, String userId) { logInfo('Sending SMS Code to ' + mfaPhoneType) params = [ 'uri' : wyzeAuthBaseUrl(), 'headers' : wyzeRequestHeaders(), 'requestContentType' : "application/json; charset=utf-8", 'path' : "/user/login/sendSmsCode", 'query' : [ 'mfaPhoneType': mfaPhoneType, 'sessionId': smsSessionId, 'userId': userId, ] ] try { httpPost(params) { response -> logDebug("Send SMS was OK: ${response.status}") state.sms_session_id = "${response.data?.session_id}" } } catch (Exception e) { logError("Send SMS Failed with Exception: ${e}") clearState() state.statusText = "Send SMS Exception: '${e}'" return false } return true } private def updateDeviceCache(Closure closure = null) { logDebug("updateDeviceCache()") state.deviceCache = [ 'groups': [:], 'devices': [:], 'groupDeviceMacs': [] ] requestBody = wyzeRequestBody() + ['sv': 'c417b62d72ee44bf933054bdca183e77'] apiPost('/app/v2/home_page/get_object_list', requestBody) { response -> response.data.device_group_list.each { deviceGroup -> state.deviceCache['groups'][deviceGroup.group_id] = deviceGroup deviceGroup.device_list.each { state.deviceCache['groupDeviceMacs'] << it.device_mac } } response.data.device_list.each { device -> state.deviceCache['devices'][device.mac] = device } if(closure) { closure(state.deviceCache) } } } private def Map getDeviceCache() { return state.deviceCache } private def Map getDeviceFromCache(String mac) { return state.deviceCache['devices'][mac] } private def Map getDeviceGroupFromCache(String id) { return state.deviceCache['groups'][id] } private def Map getDeviceListFromCache() { return state.deviceCache['devices'] } private def Map getDeviceGroupListFromCache() { return state.deviceCache['groups'] } private def addDeviceGroups(List deviceGroupIds) { logDebug('addDeviceGroups()') deviceGroupIds.each { deviceGroupId -> Map deviceGroupFromCache = getDeviceGroupFromCache(deviceGroupId) if (deviceGroupFromCache) { logInfo("Adding device group ${deviceGroupFromCache.group_name} with id ${deviceGroupFromCache.id}") driver = groupDriverMap[deviceGroupFromCache.group_type_id].driver if (!driver) { logError("Driver not found. Unsupported Device Group Type: ${deviceGroupFromCache.group_type_id}") return } groupNetworkId = generateGroupNetworkId(deviceGroupFromCache) deviceProps = [ name: driver, label: deviceGroupFromCache.group_name, ] groupDevice = addChildDevice(childNamespace, driver, groupNetworkId, deviceProps) // Add Child Devices deviceGroupFromCache.device_list.each { device -> mac = device.device_mac Map deviceFromCache = getDeviceFromCache(mac) if (deviceFromCache) { logInfo("Adding device group child device type ${deviceFromCache.product_type} with mac ${mac}") driver = driverMap[deviceFromCache.product_type].driver if (!driver) { logError("Driver not found. Unsupported Device Type: ${deviceFromCache.product_type}") return } deviceProps = [ name: (driver), label: (deviceFromCache.nickname), deviceModel: (deviceFromCache.product_model) ] state.deviceParentMap[mac] = groupNetworkId device = groupDevice.addChildDevice(childNamespace, driver, deviceFromCache.mac, deviceProps) deviceFromCache.each { key, value -> if (!(key && value)) { logInfo('key or value not set') return } logInfo("setting ${key} to ${value}") device.updateDataValue(key, value.toString()) } } } } } } private def addDevices(List deviceMacs) { logDebug('addDevices()') deviceMacs.each { mac -> Map deviceFromCache = getDeviceFromCache(mac) if (deviceFromCache) { logInfo("Adding device type ${deviceFromCache.product_type} with mac ${mac}") driver = driverMap[deviceFromCache.product_type].driver if (!driver) { logError("Driver not found. Unsupported Device Type: ${deviceFromCache.product_type}") return } deviceProps = [ name: (driver), label: (deviceFromCache.nickname), deviceModel: (deviceFromCache.product_model) ] device = addChildDevice(childNamespace, driver, deviceFromCache.mac, deviceProps) deviceFromCache.each { key, value -> if (!(key && value)) { return } device.updateDataValue(key, value.toString()) } } } } private def doSendDeviceEvent(com.hubitat.app.DeviceWrapper device, eventName, eventValue, eventUnit) { logDebug("doSendDeviceEvent()") String descriptionText = "${device.displayName} ${eventName} is ${eventValue}${eventUnit ?: ''}" eventData = [ 'name': eventName, 'value': eventValue, 'unit': eventUnit, 'description': descriptionText, 'isStateChange': true ] if (eventUnit) { properties['eventUnit'] = eventUnit } logDebug('Sending event data...') logDebug(eventData) sendEvent(device, eventData) } def apiGetDevicePropertyList(String deviceMac, String deviceModel, Closure closure = {}) { logDebug("apiGetDevicePropertyList()") requestBody = wyzeRequestBody() + [ 'sv': 'c417b62d72ee44bf933054bdca183e77', 'device_mac': deviceMac, 'device_model': deviceModel ] callbackData = [ 'deviceNetworkId': deviceMac ] asyncapiPost('/app/v2/device/get_property_list', requestBody, 'deviceEventsCallback', callbackData) } //Polls for the most recent event detected (known for cameras: motion, sound, smoke alarm, CO alarm), limited to 24 hour range def apiGetDeviceEventList(String deviceMac, Closure closure = {}) { logDebug("apiGetDeviceEventList()") //24 Hour Search Period def endTime = (new Date()).getTime() def beginTime = endTime - 86400000 requestBody = wyzeRequestBody() + [ 'sv': 'bdcb412e230049c0be0916e75022d3f3', 'device_mac': deviceMac, 'begin_time': beginTime, 'end_time': endTime, 'order_by': 2, 'count': 1, ] callbackData = [ 'deviceNetworkId': deviceMac ] asyncapiPost('/app/v2/device/get_event_list', requestBody, 'deviceEventValueCallback', callbackData) } def apiRunAction(String deviceMac, String deviceModel, String actionKey, Closure closure = {}) { logDebug("apiRunAction()") requestBody = wyzeRequestBody() + [ 'sv': '011a6b42d80a4f32b4cc24bb721c9c96', 'action_key': actionKey, 'action_params': [:], 'instance_id': deviceMac, 'provider_key': deviceModel ] callbackData = [ 'deviceNetworkId': deviceMac, 'propertyList': [ [ 'pid': actionKey, 'pvalue': actionKey ] ] ] asyncapiPost('/app/v2/auto/run_action', requestBody, 'deviceEventsCallback', callbackData) } def apiRunActionList(String deviceMac, String deviceModel, List actionList) { logDebug("apiRunActionList()") logDebug(['mac': deviceMac, 'model': deviceModel, 'actionList': actionList]) List apiActionList = [ [ 'action_key': 'set_mesh_property', 'instance_id': deviceMac, 'provider_key': deviceModel, 'action_params': [ 'list': [ [ 'mac': deviceMac, 'plist': actionList ] ] ] ] ] requestBody = wyzeRequestBody() + [ 'sv': '5e02224ae0c64d328154737602d28833', 'action_list': apiActionList ] callbackData = [ 'deviceNetworkId': deviceMac, 'propertyList': actionList ] asyncapiPost('/app/v2/auto/run_action_list', requestBody, 'deviceEventsCallback', callbackData) } def apiSetDeviceProperty(String deviceMac, String deviceModel, String propertyId, value) { logDebug("setDeviceProperty()") logDebug(['mac': deviceMac, 'model': deviceModel, 'propertyId': propertyId, 'value': value]) requestBody = wyzeRequestBody() + [ 'sv': '44b6d5640c4d4978baba65c8ab9a6d6e', 'device_mac': deviceMac, 'device_model': deviceModel, 'pid': propertyId, 'pvalue': value ] callbackData = [ 'deviceNetworkId': deviceMac, 'propertyList': [ [ 'pid': propertyId, 'pvalue': value ] ] ] asyncapiPost('/app/v2/device/set_property', requestBody, 'deviceEventsCallback', callbackData) } def asyncapiPost(String path, Map body = [:], String callbackMethod = null, Map callbackData = [:]) { logDebug('asyncapiPost()') bodyJson = (new JsonBuilder(body)).toString() params = [ 'uri' : wyzeApiBaseUrl(), 'headers' : wyzeRequestHeaders(), 'contentType' : 'application/json', 'path' : path, 'body' : bodyJson ] asynchttpPost(callbackMethod, params, callbackData) } def apiPost(String path, Map body = [], Closure closure = {}) { logDebug('apiPost()') if (!(body.access_token || body.refresh_token)) { throw new Exception('No Auth Tokens. Reauthenticate.') } bodyJson = (new JsonBuilder(body)).toString() params = [ 'uri' : wyzeApiBaseUrl(), 'headers' : wyzeRequestHeaders(), 'contentType' : 'application/json', 'path' : path, 'body' : bodyJson ] try { httpPost(params) { response -> validateApiResponse(response) closure(response.data) } } catch (Exception e) { logError("API Call to ${params.uri}${params.path} failed with Exception: ${e}") } } private validateApiResponse(response) { logDebug("validateApiResponse()") if (response.hasProperty('message')) { // i.e. 'Rate limit is exceeded.' // TODO do something logError(response.message) throw new Exception(response.message) } if (response.data instanceof String) { responseData = parseJson(response.data) } else { responseData = response.data } if (responseData.code == "2001") { logError("Access Token Invalid. Attempting to refresh token.") logDebug(response.data) refreshAccessToken() { refreshTokenResponse -> return false } } if (responseData.code == "2002") { // Refresh Token Error logError("Refresh Token Invalid.") clearState() throw new Exception("Refresh Token Invalid") } if (responseData.code != "1") { logError("API Response error!") logDebug(response.data) throw new Exception("Invalid Response Data Code: ${response.data}") } return true } private refreshAccessToken(Closure closure = {}) { logDebug('refreshAccessToken()') requestBody = wyzeRequestBody() + [ 'sv': 'd91914dd28b7492ab9dd17f7707d35a3', 'refresh_token': state.refresh_token ] requestBody['access_token'] = null apiPost('/app/user/refresh_token', requestBody) { response -> logDebug("refreshToken Resposne:") logDebug(response.data) state.access_token = response.data.access_token state.refresh_token = response.data.refresh_token closure(response) } } private void deviceEventsCallback(response, data) { logDebug("deviceEventsCallback() for device ${data.deviceNetworkId}") validateApiResponse(response) if (!response.data) { logError("No response data sent to deviceEventsCallback()") return; } responseData = parseJson(response.data) propertyList = data.propertyList ?: responseData.data.property_list ?: [] if (!(data.deviceNetworkId && propertyList)) { logError('Missing deviceNetworkId or propertyList') return } parentNetworkId = state.deviceParentMap[data.deviceNetworkId] if (parentNetworkId) { device = getChildDevice(parentNetworkId).getChildDevice(data.deviceNetworkId) } else { device = getChildDevice(data.deviceNetworkId) } if (!device) { logDebug("Device ${data.deviceNetworkId} not found") return } device.createDeviceEventsFromPropertyList(propertyList) } private void deviceEventValueCallback(response, data) { logDebug("deviceEventValueCallback() for device ${data.deviceNetworkId}") validateApiResponse(response) if (!response.data) { logError("No response data sent to deviceEventsCallback()") return; } responseData = parseJson(response.data) eventList = data.event_list ?: responseData.data.event_list ?: [] if (!data.deviceNetworkId) { logDebug('Missing deviceNetworkId') return } if (!eventList) { logDebug("Event List Not Found - ${data.deviceNetworkId}") return } parentNetworkId = state.deviceParentMap[data.deviceNetworkId] if (parentNetworkId) { device = getChildDevice(parentNetworkId).getChildDevice(data.deviceNetworkId) } else { device = getChildDevice(data.deviceNetworkId) } if (!device) { logDebug("Device ${data.deviceNetworkId} not found") return } device.createDeviceEventsFromEventList(eventList) } private String getPhoneId() { if (!state.phone_id) { state.phone_id = randomUUID() as String } return state.phone_id } private String generateGroupNetworkId(Map wyzeGroupDetails) { return wyzeGroupDetails.group_type_id + '.' + wyzeGroupDetails.group_id } private String hashPassword(String password) { return md5(md5(md5(password))) } private String md5(String str) { return MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(str.bytes).encodeHex().toString() } private clearState() { state.access_token = null state.refresh_token = null state.user_id = null state.mfa_options = null state.mfa_details = null state.sms_session_id = null state.statusText = null } void appButtonHandler(btn) { switch(btn) { case "btnDeviceRefresh": // Just want to resubmit page, so nothing break default: log.warn "Unhandled app button press: $btn" } } // def debugOff() // { // logWarn("Debug logging disabled...") // app?.updateSetting("debugEnabled",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) // } private void logDebug(message) { level = settings.logLevel ?: log_level_default if (level >= log_level_debug) { log.debug("[${app.label}] " + message) } } private void logInfo(message) { level = settings.logLevel ?: log_level_default if (level >= log_level_info) { log.info("[${app.label}] " + message) } } private void logWarn(message) { level = settings.logLevel ?: log_level_default if (level >= log_level_warn) { log.warn("[${app.label}] " + message) } } private void logError(message) { level = settings.logLevel ?: log_level_default if (level >= log_level_error) { log.error("[${app.label}] " + message) } }