# Run Program: # "C:\path\to\utorrent-postprocess.pyw" "%L" "%S" "%N" "%K" "%F" "%D" # # Test with Console: # python "C:\path\to\utorrent-postprocess.pyw" "Movie" "5" "Avatar" "multi" "" "X:\Files\Avatar" import sys import subprocess # configuration output = 'X:/Media' # custom formats (use / instead of \ as directory separator) movieFormat = '''{plex}''' seriesFormat = '''{plex}''' animeFormat = '''{plex}''' musicFormat = '''{plex}''' # required args label, state, title, kind, file, directory = sys.argv[1:7] command = [ 'filebot', '-script', 'fn:amc', '--output', output, '--action', 'duplicate', '--conflict', 'skip', '-non-strict', '--log-file', output + '/amc.log', '--def', 'unsorted=y', 'music=y', 'artwork=y', 'movieFormat=' + movieFormat, 'seriesFormat=' + seriesFormat, 'animeFormat=' + animeFormat, 'musicFormat=' + musicFormat, 'ut_label=' + label, 'ut_state=' + state, 'ut_title=' + title, 'ut_kind=' + kind, 'ut_file=' + file, 'ut_dir=' + directory ] # execute command only for certain conditions (disabled by default) ''' if state not in ['5', '11']: print('Illegal state: %s' % state) sys.exit(0) ''' # execute command (and hide cmd window) subprocess.run(command, creationflags=0x08000000)