function getData() { var data = [{ // Getting Started: Rename TV Series anchor: '#rename', video: '', image: 'images/rename.webp', thumb: 'images/rename.thumb.webp', filter: true }, { // Screenshot: Mac App Store Permissions anchor: '#permissions', image: 'images/permissions.webp', thumb: 'images/permissions.thumb.webp', filter: location.hash == '#mas' }, { // Tutorial: How do I organize files for Plex? anchor: '#plex-naming-standard', video: '', image: 'images/youtube/plex-naming-standard.webp', thumb: 'images/youtube/plex-naming-standard.thumb.webp', filter: true }, { // Getting Started: Rename TV Series via Manual Matching anchor: '#manual-matching', video: '', image: 'images/episodes.webp', thumb: 'images/episodes.thumb.webp', filter: true }, { // Tutorial: How do I manually fix episode matches? anchor: '#edit-match', video: '', image: 'images/youtube/edit-match.webp', thumb: 'images/youtube/edit-match.thumb.webp', filter: true }, { // Tutorial: How do I manually match files with episodes in linear order? anchor: '#linear-matching', video: '', image: 'images/youtube/linear-matching.webp', thumb: 'images/youtube/linear-matching.thumb.webp', filter: true }, { // Tutorial: How do I manually match multi-episode files in linear order? anchor: '#multi-episode-matching', video: '', image: 'images/youtube/multi-episode-matching.webp', thumb: 'images/youtube/multi-episode-matching.thumb.webp', filter: true }, { // Getting Started: Automatic Subtitle Lookup anchor: '#subtitle-lookup', video: '', image: 'images/subtitle-hash-lookup.webp', thumb: 'images/subtitle-hash-lookup.thumb.webp', filter: location.hash != '#mas' }, { // Getting Started: Subtitle Search anchor: '#subtitle-search', video: '', image: 'images/subtitle-search.webp', thumb: 'images/subtitle-search.thumb.webp', filter: location.hash != '#mas' }, { // Getting Started: Check and create SFV files anchor: '#sfv', video: '', image: 'images/sfv.webp', thumb: 'images/sfv.thumb.webp', filter: true }, { // Tutorial: How do I install my FileBot License File? anchor: '#select-license-file', video: '', image: 'images/youtube/select-license-file.webp', thumb: 'images/youtube/select-license-file.thumb.webp', filter: location.hash != '#appx' && location.hash != '#mas' }, { // Tutorial: How do I restore match information from locally stored xattr metadata? anchor: '#xattr', video: '', image: 'images/youtube/xattr.webp', thumb: 'images/youtube/xattr.thumb.webp', filter: true }, { // Tutorial: How do I undo rename operations? anchor: '#history', video: '', image: 'images/youtube/history.webp', thumb: 'images/youtube/history.thumb.webp', filter: true }, { // Tutorial: How do I revert rename operations from the command-line? anchor: '#filebot-revert', video: '', image: 'images/youtube/revert.webp', thumb: 'images/youtube/revert.thumb.webp', filter: location.hash != '#mas' }, { // Screenshot: Rename TV Series anchor: '#rename-screenshot', link: '', image: 'images/rename.screenshot.webp', thumb: 'images/rename.screenshot.thumb.webp', filter: location.hash.length == 0 }, { // Screenshot: Series Format anchor: '#format-screenshot', link: '', image: 'images/format.screenshot.webp', thumb: 'images/format.screenshot.thumb.webp', filter: location.hash.length == 0 }, { // Screenshot: Automatic Subtitle Lookup anchor: '#subtitle-lookup-screenshot', link: '', image: 'images/subtitle-hash-lookup.screenshot.webp', thumb: 'images/subtitle-hash-lookup.screenshot.thumb.webp', filter: location.hash.length == 0 }, { // Screenshot: Subtitle Search anchor: '#subtitle-search-screenshot', link: '', image: 'images/subtitle-search.screenshot.webp', thumb: 'images/subtitle-search.screenshot.thumb.webp', filter: location.hash.length == 0 }, { // Screenshot: Check and create SFV files anchor: '#sfv-screenshot', link: '', image: 'images/sfv.screenshot.webp', thumb: 'images/sfv.screenshot.thumb.webp', filter: location.hash.length == 0 }, { // Screenshot: CLI anchor: '#filebot-rename', link: '', image: 'images/cli.screenshot.webp', thumb: 'images/cli.screenshot.thumb.webp', filter: location.hash.length == 0 }, { // Screenshot: FileBot Node anchor: '#filebot-node', link: '', image: 'images/node.screenshot.webp', thumb: 'images/node.screenshot.thumb.webp', filter: location.hash.length == 0 }] data = data.filter(function(item) { return item.filter || location.hash == item.anchor }) return data } function findPage(data, hash) { return data.findIndex(function(item) { return hash == item.anchor }) } function runGalleria() { var data = getData() var page = findPage(data, location.hash) // open videos in a new tab when galleria is running within an iframe if (window.location !== window.parent.location) { data.forEach(function(item) { if ( { = // must not be undefined for "open in new tab" to work = '#' } }) }'#galleria', { dataSource: data, show: page < 0 ? 0 : page, popupLinks: true, maxScaleRatio: 1, youtube: { vq: 'HD1080', // enable captions by default cc_lang_pref: 'en', cc_load_policy: 1, // enable autoplay autoplay: 1, mute: 1, // disable links to 3rd party videos rel: 0 }, thumbnails: 'lazy' }) Galleria.ready(function() { this.bind("image", function(e) { if (this.doLazyLoadChunks !== false) { this.doLazyLoadChunks = false this.lazyLoadChunks(data.length) } location.hash = e.galleriaData.anchor }) this.attachKeyboard({ left: this.prev, right: }) }) // enable back button $(window).on('hashchange', function() { var galleria = $('#galleria').data('galleria') var page = findPage(data, location.hash) if (page != galleria.getIndex() && page >= 0 && galleria._queue.length == 0) { } }) } function isFullScreen() { return (document.fullScreenElement && document.fullScreenElement !== null) || document.mozFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullScreen } function requestFullScreen(element) { if (element.requestFullscreen) element.requestFullscreen() else if (element.msRequestFullscreen) element.msRequestFullscreen() else if (element.mozRequestFullScreen) element.mozRequestFullScreen() else if (element.webkitRequestFullscreen) element.webkitRequestFullscreen() } function exitFullScreen() { if (document.exitFullscreen) document.exitFullscreen() else if (document.msExitFullscreen) document.msExitFullscreen() else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) document.mozCancelFullScreen() else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) document.webkitExitFullscreen() } function toggleFullScreen(element) { if (isFullScreen()) exitFullScreen() else requestFullScreen(element || document.documentElement) } $(document).ready(function() { // init galleria runGalleria() // init fullscreen button $('#fullscreen').click(function() { toggleFullScreen() }) })