# [Vue.js](http://vuejs.org/) Snippets for Sublime Text Snippets for Sublime Text with the key features of Vue.js ## Install 1. Open [packagecontrol.io](packagecontro.io) - (ctrl or ⌘) + ⇧ + p 2. Type "*Vuejs Snippets*" 3. :white_check_mark: Installed! ## Snippets ### Global: - `v` - `vue` ⇢ Vue instance - `vued` ⇢ Vue directive - `vuef` ⇢ Vue filter - `vuenexttick` ⇢ `Vue.nextTick()` ### Component + Options/Data - `vuec` ⇢ Vue component - `vueccomputed` ⇢ Vue computed props - `vuecdata` ⇢ Vue component data - `vuecmethods` ⇢ Vue component methods - `vuecmixins` ⇢ Vue component mixins - `vuecprops` ⇢ Vue component props - `vuecwatch` ⇢ Vue component watch ### Vue Resource - `vueht` ⇢ `this.$http()` - `vuehtget` ⇢ `this.$http.get()` - `vuehtpost` ⇢ `this.$http.post()` ### Vue Router - `vuert` ⇢ `this.$route` - `vuertgo` ⇢ `this.$route.router.go()` ### Vuex - `vuex` ⇢ `Vuex instance` ### Directives: - `v-bind` ⇢ `:prop="data"` - `v-el` ⇢ `v-el:el-name` - `v-else` ⇢ `