# Upgrading to FirebaseUI 4.0 This document outlines the key _breaking_ changes made between versions `3.3.1` and `4.0.0` as well as suggested upgrade paths. This is not a comprehensive list of all features or bug fixes, please reference the [release notes][release-notes] for that information. For a full, machine-generated compatibility report see the `docs/compat_reports` folder. ## Auth * Removed all previously `@Deprecated` methods on `AuthUI.IdpConfig.Builder`, `AuthUI.IdpConfig`, `IdpResponse`, and `AuthUI.SignInIntentBuilder`. Most of the deprecated methods have to do with configuring the FirebaseUI sign-in Intent and the replacements can be seen in the `README`. ## Realtime Database * No breaking changes. ## Cloud Firestore * Adopt the breaking changes from the `firebase-firestore` library version `16.0.0`. The primary breaking change is the removal of `QueryListenOptions`, which has been replaced by the `MetadataChanges` enum. See the [firebase release notes][firebase-0502] for more information. ## Cloud Storage * No breaking changes. [firebase-0502]: https://firebase.google.com/support/release-notes/android#20180502 [release-notes]: https://github.com/firebase/FirebaseUI-Android/releases/tag/4.0.0