#!/bin/bash set -e dockerCheck () { if ! type docker > /dev/null; then echo "docker not found. Please install docker and try again." exit 1 fi if command docker compose &> /dev/null; then dc="docker compose" else if command -v docker-compose &> /dev/null; then dc="docker-compose" else echo "Error: Docker Compose not found. Please install Docker Compose version 2 or higher." exit 1 fi fi set +e $dc version | grep -q "v2" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: Automatic installation is only supported with Docker Compose version 2 or higher." echo "Please upgrade Docker Compose or use the manual installation method: https://docs.firezone.dev/deploy/docker" exit 1 fi set -e } curlCheck () { if ! type curl > /dev/null; then echo "curl not found. Please install curl to use this script." exit 1 fi } capture () { if type curl > /dev/null; then if [ ! -z "$tid" ]; then curl -s -XPOST \ -m 5 \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "{ \"api_key\": \"phc_ubuPhiqqjMdedpmbWpG2Ak3axqv5eMVhFDNBaXl9UZK\", \"event\": \"$1\", \"properties\": { \"distinct_id\": \"$tid\", \"email\": \"$2\" } }" \ https://t.firez.one/capture/ > /dev/null \ || true fi fi } promptInstallDir() { read -p "$1" installDir if [ -z "$installDir" ]; then installDir=$defaultInstallDir fi if ! test -d $installDir; then mkdir $installDir fi } promptExternalUrl() { read -p "$1" externalUrl # Remove trailing slash if present externalUrl=$(echo $externalUrl | sed "s:/*$::") if [ -z "$externalUrl" ]; then externalUrl=$defaultExternalUrl fi } promptEmail() { read -p "$1" adminEmail case $adminEmail in *@*) adminUser=$adminEmail ;; *) promptEmail "Please provide a valid email: " ;; esac } promptContact() { read -p "Could we email you to ask for product feedback? Firezone depends heavily on input from users like you to steer development. (Y/n): " contact case $contact in n|N) ;; *) capture "contactOk" $adminUser ;; esac } promptTelemetry() { read -p "Firezone collects crash and performance logs to help us improve the product. Would you like to disable this? (N/y): " telem case $telem in y|Y) telemEnabled="false" ;; *) telemEnabled="true" ;; esac } firezoneSetup() { export FZ_INSTALL_DIR=$installDir if ! test -f $installDir/docker-compose.yml; then os_type="$(uname -s)" case "${os_type}" in Linux*) file=docker-compose.prod.yml ;; *) file=docker-compose.desktop.yml ;; esac curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/firezone/firezone/legacy/$file -o $installDir/docker-compose.yml fi db_pass=$(od -vN "8" -An -tx1 /dev/urandom | tr -d " \n" ; echo) docker run --rm firezone/firezone bin/gen-env > "$installDir/.env" sed -i.bak "s/DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL=.*/DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL=$1/" "$installDir/.env" sed -i.bak "s~EXTERNAL_URL=.*~EXTERNAL_URL=$2~" "$installDir/.env" sed -i.bak "s/DATABASE_PASSWORD=.*/DATABASE_PASSWORD=$db_pass/" "$installDir/.env" echo "TELEMETRY_ENABLED=$telemEnabled" >> "$installDir/.env" echo "TID=$tid" >> "$installDir/.env" sed -i.bak "s~VERSION=.*~VERSION=0.7.36~" "$installDir/.env" # XXX: This causes perms issues on macOS with postgres # echo "UID=$(id -u)" >> $installDir/.env # echo "GID=$(id -g)" >> $installDir/.env # Set DATABASE_PASSWORD explicitly here in case the user has this var set in their shell DATABASE_PASSWORD=$db_pass $dc -f $installDir/docker-compose.yml up -d postgres echo "Waiting for DB to boot..." sleep 5 $dc -f $installDir/docker-compose.yml logs postgres echo "Resetting DB password..." $dc -f $installDir/docker-compose.yml exec postgres psql -p 5432 -U postgres -d firezone -h -c "ALTER ROLE postgres WITH PASSWORD '${db_pass}'" echo "Migrating DB..." $dc -f $installDir/docker-compose.yml run -e TELEMETRY_ID="${tid}" --rm firezone bin/migrate echo "Creating admin..." $dc -f $installDir/docker-compose.yml run -e TELEMETRY_ID="${tid}" --rm firezone bin/create-or-reset-admin echo "Upping firezone services..." $dc -f $installDir/docker-compose.yml up -d firezone caddy displayLogo cat << EOF Installation complete! You should now be able to log into the Web UI at $externalUrl with the following credentials: `grep DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL $installDir/.env` `grep DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD $installDir/.env` EOF } displayLogo() { cat << EOF :: !!: .??^ ~J?^ :???. .??J^ .??J! .??J! ^J?J~ !???: .???? :: ^J?J! :~: 7???: :~~ .???7 ~~~. :??J^ :~~^ :???..~~~: ............. .?J7 ^~~~ .... .. ......::.... ~J!.~~~^ ::.. ...:::.... !7^~~~^ .^: . ...:::.... ~~~~~~:. .:~^ . ....:::.... .~~~~~~~~~:.. ...::::.... .::^^^^:... .....:::............. .......:::..... EOF } main() { defaultExternalUrl="https://$(hostname)" adminUser="" externalUrl="" defaultInstallDir="$HOME/.firezone" promptEmail "Enter the administrator email you'd like to use for logging into this Firezone instance: " promptInstallDir "Enter the desired installation directory ($defaultInstallDir): " promptExternalUrl "Enter the external URL that will be used to access this instance. ($defaultExternalUrl): " promptContact promptTelemetry read -p "Press to install or Ctrl-C to abort." if [ $telemEnabled = "true" ]; then capture "install" "email-not-collected@dummy.domain" fi firezoneSetup $adminUser $externalUrl } dockerCheck curlCheck telemetry_id=$(od -vN "8" -An -tx1 /dev/urandom | tr -d " \n" ; echo) tid=${1:-$telemetry_id} main