import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"; export default { name: "Set Asset purchase price", description: "Action that sets the purchase price for an asset by updating an asset ownership object via the Firmhouse API.", key: "set_asset_purchase_price", version: "0.0.5", type: "action", props: { firmhouseProjectAccessToken: { type: "string", secret: true }, firmhouseApiUrl: { type: "string", default: "" }, purchasePriceCents: { type: "integer", min: 1 }, assetOwnershipId: { type: "integer" } }, async run({ $ }) { const data = await axios(this, { method: "POST", url: this.firmhouseApiUrl, params: { query: `mutation { updateAssetOwnership(input: {id: ${this.assetOwnershipId}, purchasePriceCents: ${this.purchasePriceCents}}) { assetOwnership { id purchasePriceCents } } }`, }, headers: { "X-Project-Access-Token": this.firmhouseProjectAccessToken, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); return data; }, };