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If ye be lookin' t' make yer first contribution, follow th' steps below. #### *If ye're nah comfortable wit' command line, [here be tutorials usin' GUI tools.](#Tutorials-Usin'-Other-Tools)* fork this repository If ye don't 'ave git on yer machine, [install it](https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git/). ## Fork this repository Fork this repo by skewerin' on th' fork button on th' top o' this page. This will create a copy o' this repository in yer account. ## Clone the repository clone this repository Now clone this repo t' yer machine. Go t' yer GitHub account, skewer on th' clone button 'n then skewer th' *copy to clipboard* icon. Open a terminal 'n run th' followin' git command: ``` git clone "url ye jus' copied" ``` where "url ye jus' copied" (without th' quote marks) be th' url t' this repository (yer fork o' this project). See th' previous steps t' obtain th' url. copy URL to clipboard Fer example: ``` git clone https://github.com/this-be-ye/first-contributions.git ``` where `this-be-ye` be yer GitHub username. Here ye're copyin' th' contents o' th' first-contributions repository in GitHub t' yer 'puter. ## Create a branch Change t' th' repository directory on yer 'puter (if ye be nah already thar): ``` cd first-contributions ``` Now create a branch usin' th' `git checkout` command: ``` git checkout -b ``` Fer example: ``` git checkout -b add-luke-oliff ``` (Th' name o' th' branch does nah needs t' 'ave th' word *add* in it, but 'tis a reasonable thin' t' include 'cause th' purpose o' this branch be t' add yer name t' a list.) ## Make necessary changes 'n commit those changes Now open `Contributors.md` file in a text editor, add yer name t' it. Don't add it at th' beginnin' or end o' th' file. Put it anywhere in between. Now, save th' file. git status If ye go t' th' project directory 'n execute th' command `git status`, ye'll see thar are changes. Add those changes t' th' branch ye jus' created usin' th' `git add` command: ``` git add Contributors.md ``` Now commit those changes usin' th' `git commit` command: ``` git commit -m "Add to Contributors list" ``` replacing `` with your name. ## Push changes t' GitHub Push yer changes usin' th' command `git push`: ``` git push origin ``` replacin' `` wit' th' name o' th' branch ye created earlier. ## Submit yer changes fer review If ye go t' yer repository on GitHub, ye'll see a `Compare & pull request` button. Click on that button. create a pull request Now submit th' pull request. submit pull request Soon I'll be mergin' all yer changes into th' master branch o' this project. Ye will get a notification email once th' changes 'ave been merged. ## Where t' go from here? Well done! Ye jus' completed th' standard _fork -> clone -> edit -> PR_ workflow that ye'll encounter often as a contributor! Celebrate yer contribution 'n share it wit' yer hearties 'n followers by goin' t' [web app](https://firstcontributions.github.io/#social-share). Ye could join our slack crew in case ye needs any help or 'ave any riddles. [Join our slack crew](https://join.slack.com/t/firstcontributors/shared_invite/zt-1hg51qkgm-Xc7HxhsiPYNN3ofX2_I8FA). Now let's get ye started wit' contributin' t' other projects. We've compiled a list o' projects wit' easy issues ye can get started on. Check out [th' list o' projects in web app](https://firstcontributions.github.io/#project-list). ### [Additional material](../additional-material/git_workflow_scenarios/additional-material.md) ## Tutorials Usin' Other Tools | GitHub Desktop | Visual Studio 2017 | GitKraken | VS Code | Sourcetree App | IntelliJ IDEA | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [GitHub Desktop](../gui-tool-tutorials/github-desktop-tutorial.md) | [Visual Studio 2017](../gui-tool-tutorials/github-windows-vs2017-tutorial.md) | [GitKraken](../gui-tool-tutorials/gitkraken-tutorial.md) | [Visual Studio Code](../gui-tool-tutorials/github-windows-vs-code-tutorial.md) | [Atlassian Sourcetree](../gui-tool-tutorials/sourcetree-macos-tutorial.md) | [IntelliJ IDEA](../gui-tool-tutorials/github-windows-intellij-tutorial.md) |