--- layout: default title: Home permalink: index.html --- Welcome to [FIRSTwiki](/docs/about/), a _[FIRST](/wiki/first)_ encyclopedia that anyone with a [github account](https://github.com/join) [can edit](/docs/contributing)!
You may notice there's not a lot of content here! There's a ton of content that needs to be copied from the original FIRSTwiki and it would be wonderful if you could copy a few useful articles to this site! See our contributing notes for more details!
### Teams * FRC:{% for num in site.data.teamdata.teamidx.frc %} [{{ num }}'s](/frc{{ num }}/) {% if forloop.last != true %}\|{% endif %}{% endfor %} ### Technical Topics * **Mechanical**: * [Motors](/wiki/motors) * [Pneumatics](/wiki/pneumatics) * Manufacturing * [**Electrical**](/wiki/electrical): * [Control System](/wiki/control-system) * [**Programming**](/wiki/programming): * [Robot Code Directory](/wiki/robot-code-directory) * [Software](/wiki/software) * [**Design**](/wiki/design): * [Drive Train](/wiki/drive-train) * [Intakes](/wiki/intake) * [Manipulators](/wiki/manipulator) * [Shooters](/wiki/shooter) * [**All technical topics**](/wiki/tech) ### Other Topics * [FIRST Culture](/wiki/first-culture) * [Fundraising](/wiki/fundraising) * [Spirit](/wiki/spirit) * [Scouting](/wiki/scouting) * Organizations * [People](/wiki/people) * [**All non-technical topics**](/wiki/nontech) #### History * [FRC Games](/wiki/frc-games) * [Control Systems](/wiki/control-system) * [Obsolete Parts](/wiki/obsolete-parts) * [Kit of Parts](/wiki/kit-of-parts) * [FRC Rules](/frcrules) About FIRST ----------- _[FIRST](/wiki/first)_ is an organization founded by inventor [Dean Kamen](/wiki/dean-kamen) in 1989 as a way of getting students involved in and excited about science and technology. _FIRST_ has grown from just a few hundred students and mentors in 1992, and now reaches over 400,000 students worldwide. FIRSTwiki news -------------- [All news](/news/)