--- title: FRC Team 568 team: type: FRC number: 568 name: Nerds of the North rookie_year: 2001 location: Anchorage, Alaska, USA sponsors: - BP - JEDC - ASD C&TE - Shannon & Wilson, Inc - IBEW - UAA - Roboterra - Schwartz - Alaska Airlines - International Society of Automation - Washington FIRST - Dimond High School - East High School - Bartlett High School - Steller Secondary School - Polaris K-12 School links: GitHub: https://github.com/FRC-568 Website: http://www.akfirstrobotics.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/frc568 robot_code: 2016: - Robot: - https://github.com/FRC-568/Stronghold - C# 2017: - Robot: - https://github.com/FRC-568/RobotCore-2017 - Java --- {% include remove_this_line_and_add_a_paragraph %}