--- title: FRC Team 3324 team: type: FRC number: 3324 name: The Metrobots rookie_year: 2010 location: Columbus, Ohio, USA sponsors: - PAST Foundation - Honda R&D - Boeing - Metro PTSO - CORI - The Ohio State University - Metro Early College links: Website: http://www.metrobots.org/ GitHub: https://github.com/frc3324 Twitter: https://twitter.com/metrobots3324 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/metrobots3324 robot_code: 2012: - Robot: - https://github.com/frc3324/Metrobots2012CPP - C++ 2013: - Robot: - https://github.com/frc3324/Metrobots2013 - C++ 2014: - Robot: - https://github.com/frc3324/Metrobots2014 - C++ Vision: - https://github.com/frc3324/Vision - Python 2015: - Robot: - https://github.com/frc3324/Metrobots2015 - Java 2016: - Robot: - https://github.com/frc3324/Metrobots2016Robot - Java Vision: - https://github.com/frc3324/Metrobots2016Android - Java 2017: - Robot: - https://github.com/frc3324/Metrobots2017Robot - Java Vision: - https://github.com/frc3324/Metrobots2017Vision - Java 2018: - Robot: - https://github.com/frc3324/Metrobots2018Robot - Java --- {% include remove_this_line_and_add_a_paragraph %}