--- title: G8 --- DRIVE TEAMS may not cause significant or repeated delays to the start of a MATCH and/or to the FIELD reset at the conclusion of the MATCH. _Violation: If prior to the MATCH, the offending DRIVE TEAM’S ROBOT will be DISABLED. If after the MATCH, YELLOW CARD_ > DRIVE TEAMS are expected to stage their ROBOTS for a MATCH, and remove it from the FIELD afterwards, safely and swiftly. DRIVE TEAM efforts that either intentionally or unintentionally delay the start of a MATCH or the FIELD reset are not allowed. Examples include, but are not limited to: > > A. Late arrival to the FIELD > > B. Failing to exit the FIELD once the PLAYER STATION LED strings have turned off (indicating MATCH ready) > > C. Installing bumpers, charging pneumatic systems, or any other ROBOT maintenance, once on the FIELD > > D. Use of alignment devices that are external to the ROBOT > > E. Failing to remove OPERATING CONSOLES from the PLAYER STATIONS in a timely manner