--- title: Robovation --- {% include historical %} **Robovation** refers to the educational, mini-robot platform sponsored by [FIRST](first). It was first released during the 2003 season as a new idea to give teams a task to do during the Fall, which would also be a big help to [rookie teams](rookie-teams) and new members of [veteran teams](veteran-teams). The idea is that Robovation provides teams a small, simulated experience of the real [build season](build-season). [Fabrication](fabrication) and [programming](programming) are both part of the platform, and so its use greatly facilitates understanding the [full-size robot controller](robot-controller). Since the embedded platform was changed for the 2004 season to use [PIC C](PIC_C "PIC C" ) (from [PBASIC](PBASIC "PBASIC" )), there are two versions of Robovation: * [Robovation (2004)](Robovation_%282004%29 "Robovation \(2004\)" ) * [Robovation (2003)](Robovation_%282003%29 "Robovation \(2003\)" ) ### A note on nomenclature During the 2003 and 2004 seasons, _Robovation_ was known as _FIRST EDUrobotics_, or more colloquially as _EDU Bot._ It was thereafter announced, however, that the term EDUBOT is the trademark of another company. So, to avoid legal issues, FIRST released this statement: > **Disclaimer** > Please note that EDUBOT is a trademark owned by Robotica, Ltd., a manufacturer of robotic components, and FIRST disclaims any ownership or right to the mark. Therefore, please refrain from using the name EDUBOT in relation to FIRST programs or competitions. For more information on Robotica, Ltd., see . In addition to the old "Edu Bot", Robovation was alternatively known as the Mini RC or the BetaBot (in Canada).