--- title: Sensors --- {% include outdated-warning %} A **sensor** is a device that detects, or _senses_, the surrounding environment. In terms of robotics, and specifically [FIRST](first), sensors enable the [robot](robot) to better understand what is around it and how to react. The types of sensors used in FIRST are electrical, meaning that they send signals to the [Robot Controller](robot-controller) that is then converted into some value for use by the program. There are two main classes of sensors, [analog](analog) and [digital](digital). An analog sensor, such as a [potentiometer](potentiometer), will have a value in the range of 0 to 1023 (10 bits). A digital sensor, such as a [limit switch](limit-switch), is much more limited, only having _off_ and _on_ states, represented by 0 and 1. Sensors are important aspects of [programming](Programming "Programming" ), allowing truly complex robots that can react intelligently to dynamic situations. The use of advanced sensors is often necessary to develop an effective [autonomous mode](autonomous-mode), though many other uses are possible. Sensors can count the number of rotations of a particular wheel and then the program can adjust speed based on this information; sensors can determine whether some apendage is fully extended, and then shut off power to a motor; sensors can allow the robot to avoid objects that the robot [operator](operator) might not see. Each year the list of sensors included with the [kit of parts](kit-of-parts) varies, but here are examples of sensors that were included in prior kits of parts. * [IR sensor](ir-sensor) * Banner sensor * [Gyroscope](gyroscope) * [Current sensor](current-sensor) * [Pressure sensor](pressure-switch) * [Accelerometer](accelerometer) * A vision system such as [CMUcam2](cmucam2). * [Encoder](encoder) See electronics rules for the current year's game for information on where and which sensors may be bought, and the price limit on them.