--- title: Venom tags: speed-controller --- ## Technical Venom is an integrated motor and [Speed Controller](speed-controller) designed and manufactured by Playing With Fusion. It is legal for use in the FIRST Robotics Competition. It may be controlled through PWM or CAN from the [roboRIO](roborio) or other [robot controller](robot-controller). ## Programming links * [roboRIO Driver Installation](https://www.playingwithfusion.com/docview.php?docid=1205) * [Java - Official documentation](https://www.playingwithfusion.com/frc/2020/javadoc/com/playingwithfusion/package-summary.html) * [C++ - Official documentation](https://www.playingwithfusion.com/frc/2020/cppdoc/html/annotated.html) ## Kit of Parts ### 2020 Venom makes its debut in FRC, but is not provided in the KOP.