--- title: Victor 883 tags: obsolete-part --- {% include historical %} {% include stub %} An older speed controller used in FIRST robotics competitions from 1999 to 2003. This speed controller is not allowed in competition any more and has been replaced by the [Victor 884](victor-884), which has a greater degree of control and a higher current limit. It replaced the Tekin REBEL. # Manuals [Victor 883 Manual](https://web.archive.org/web/20030323132438/http://www.innovationfirst.com/FirstRobotics/pdfs/V883UsersManual.pdf "https://web.archive.org/web/20030323132438/http://www.innovationfirst.com/FirstRobotics/pdfs/V883UsersManual.pdf") [Victor 883 Installation Info](https://web.archive.org/web/20030323164735/http://www.innovationfirst.com/FirstRobotics/pdfs/V883InstallationInfo.pdf "https://web.archive.org/web/20030323164735/http://www.innovationfirst.com/FirstRobotics/pdfs/V883InstallationInfo.pdf") ## Victor 883 FAQs[[1]](https://web.archive.org/web/20010714230426/http://www.innovationfirst.com/firstrobotics/general_faq.htm#_Victor_883_Blue "https://web.archive.org/web/20010714230426/http://www.innovationfirst.com/firstrobotics/general_faq.htm#_Victor_883_Blue") Q: How many Victor 883’s can we connect to one PWM output? A: You can safely connect two speed controllers to one output. Each requires about 7mA of current for the opto-coupler. The drivers supply 25mA. Three is pushing it. Also you only want to connect the same type (Red vs. Blue) on the same output. They have different input circuitry. Finally, you do not want a servo and a either type of Victor to share the same output. The opto circuit on the Victor reduces the voltage level of the PWM signal too low for the servo to work reliably. ## Kit of Parts ### 2003 The Victor 883 is still legal but has been replaced in the KOP by the Victor 884. ### 2000-2002 Four Victor 883 controllers are provided in the KOP. The Tekin REBEL is not legal. ### 1999 The Victor 883 makes its debut in FRC. The Tekin REBEL is still legal and two of each controller are provided in the KOP.