--- title: Window Motor tags: obsoletemotor --- {% include outdated-warning %} The **Window motor** has been included in the FIRST kit of parts for many years. Although it is a relatively small and less powerful motor (compared to the CIM, Fisher Price, or Drill), it is still a very useful motor. With it's built in worm-gearbox, higher resistance against backdrive, and moderate reliability, many teams choose to use the window motors to power their robot's mechanisms. There have been two types of window motors included in the FIRST kit of parts: the [Denso window motor](Denso_window_motor "Denso window motor") (Black) window motor and the [Jideco motor](/index.php?title=Jideco_motor&action=edit "Jideco motor") (silver/unpainted) window motor. In 2005 one of each were included in the kit, so you got two window motors overall. ## _Nippon-Denso_ Stall current (amps): | 24.8 Stall torque (N-m): | 9.2 Max power (watts): | 22 Free speed (rpm): | 92 ## _Jideco_ Stall current (amps) | 21 Stall torque (N-m) | 8.33 Max power (watts) | 18.5 Free speed (rpm) |85 ## Included gearbox The window motor's has a worm gear gearbox that is not backdrive-able. However, inside the gearbox is a plastic gear which has been known to strip. ## Usage notes - **Only backdrive the motor so that the internal axle goes AWAY from the motor.** The other way will wreck it