--- title: Programming --- {% include stub %} {% include wikilink topic="Computer programming" %} **Programming** is an integral part of building a [robot](robot). [Fabrication](fabrication "Fabrication") is necessary to have something to work with; but, without the brains, the robot is impotent. This is where programming comes in. A program is simply a set of instructions to the computer (the [Robot Controller](robot-controller) in this case). The computer then responds, based on these instructions. The response might be effecting an actuator, sending power to a motor, or anything else the programmer desires. ## Programming topics on FIRSTwiki {% include by_tag collection=site.tech tag="programming" %} ## See also * [Control System](control-system) * [ChiefDelphi's Programming Forum](http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=51)