. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Fisharebest\Webtrees\Module; use Fig\Http\Message\RequestMethodInterface; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Auth; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Menu; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Registry; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Services\ChartService; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Validator; use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Webtrees; use GdImage; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface; use function app; use function array_filter; use function array_map; use function cos; use function deg2rad; use function e; use function gd_info; use function hexdec; use function imagecolorallocate; use function imagecolortransparent; use function imagecreate; use function imagedestroy; use function imagefilledarc; use function imagefilledrectangle; use function imagepng; use function imagettfbbox; use function imagettftext; use function implode; use function intdiv; use function mb_substr; use function ob_get_clean; use function ob_start; use function redirect; use function response; use function round; use function route; use function rtrim; use function sin; use function sqrt; use function strip_tags; use function substr; use function view; use const IMG_ARC_PIE; /** * Class FanChartModule */ class FanChartModule extends AbstractModule implements ModuleChartInterface, RequestHandlerInterface { use ModuleChartTrait; protected const ROUTE_URL = '/tree/{tree}/fan-chart-{style}-{generations}-{width}/{xref}'; // Chart styles private const STYLE_HALF_CIRCLE = 2; private const STYLE_THREE_QUARTER_CIRCLE = 3; private const STYLE_FULL_CIRCLE = 4; // Defaults public const DEFAULT_STYLE = self::STYLE_THREE_QUARTER_CIRCLE; public const DEFAULT_GENERATIONS = 4; public const DEFAULT_WIDTH = 100; protected const DEFAULT_PARAMETERS = [ 'style' => self::DEFAULT_STYLE, 'generations' => self::DEFAULT_GENERATIONS, 'width' => self::DEFAULT_WIDTH, ]; // Limits private const MINIMUM_GENERATIONS = 2; private const MAXIMUM_GENERATIONS = 9; private const MINIMUM_WIDTH = 50; private const MAXIMUM_WIDTH = 500; // Chart layout parameters private const FONT = Webtrees::ROOT_DIR . 'resources/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf'; private const CHART_WIDTH_PIXELS = 800; private const TEXT_SIZE_POINTS = self::CHART_WIDTH_PIXELS / 120.0; private const GAP_BETWEEN_RINGS = 2; private ChartService $chart_service; /** * FanChartModule constructor. * * @param ChartService $chart_service */ public function __construct(ChartService $chart_service) { $this->chart_service = $chart_service; } /** * Initialization. * * @return void */ public function boot(): void { Registry::routeFactory()->routeMap() ->get(static::class, static::ROUTE_URL, $this) ->allows(RequestMethodInterface::METHOD_POST); } /** * How should this module be identified in the control panel, etc.? * * @return string */ public function title(): string { /* I18N: Name of a module/chart */ return I18N::translate('Fan chart'); } /** * A sentence describing what this module does. * * @return string */ public function description(): string { /* I18N: Description of the “Fan Chart” module */ return I18N::translate('A fan chart of an individual’s ancestors.'); } /** * CSS class for the URL. * * @return string */ public function chartMenuClass(): string { return 'menu-chart-fanchart'; } /** * Return a menu item for this chart - for use in individual boxes. * * @param Individual $individual * * @return Menu|null */ public function chartBoxMenu(Individual $individual): ?Menu { return $this->chartMenu($individual); } /** * The title for a specific instance of this chart. * * @param Individual $individual * * @return string */ public function chartTitle(Individual $individual): string { /* I18N: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_tree#Fan_chart - %s is an individual’s name */ return I18N::translate('Fan chart of %s', $individual->fullName()); } /** * A form to request the chart parameters. * * @param Individual $individual * @param array|null> $parameters * * @return string */ public function chartUrl(Individual $individual, array $parameters = []): string { return route(static::class, [ 'xref' => $individual->xref(), 'tree' => $individual->tree()->name(), ] + $parameters + self::DEFAULT_PARAMETERS); } /** * @param ServerRequestInterface $request * * @return ResponseInterface */ public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface { $tree = Validator::attributes($request)->tree(); $user = Validator::attributes($request)->user(); $xref = Validator::attributes($request)->isXref()->string('xref'); $style = Validator::attributes($request)->isInArrayKeys($this->styles())->integer('style'); $generations = Validator::attributes($request)->isBetween(self::MINIMUM_GENERATIONS, self::MAXIMUM_GENERATIONS)->integer('generations'); $width = Validator::attributes($request)->isBetween(self::MINIMUM_WIDTH, self::MAXIMUM_WIDTH)->integer('width'); $ajax = Validator::queryParams($request)->boolean('ajax', false); // Convert POST requests into GET requests for pretty URLs. if ($request->getMethod() === RequestMethodInterface::METHOD_POST) { return redirect(route(static::class, [ 'tree' => $tree->name(), 'generations' => Validator::parsedBody($request)->isBetween(self::MINIMUM_GENERATIONS, self::MAXIMUM_GENERATIONS)->integer('generations'), 'style' => Validator::parsedBody($request)->isInArrayKeys($this->styles())->integer('style'), 'width' => Validator::parsedBody($request)->isBetween(self::MINIMUM_WIDTH, self::MAXIMUM_WIDTH)->integer('width'), 'xref' => Validator::parsedBody($request)->isXref()->string('xref'), ])); } Auth::checkComponentAccess($this, ModuleChartInterface::class, $tree, $user); $individual = Registry::individualFactory()->make($xref, $tree); $individual = Auth::checkIndividualAccess($individual, false, true); if ($ajax) { return $this->chart($individual, $style, $width, $generations); } $ajax_url = $this->chartUrl($individual, [ 'ajax' => true, 'generations' => $generations, 'style' => $style, 'width' => $width, ]); return $this->viewResponse('modules/fanchart/page', [ 'ajax_url' => $ajax_url, 'generations' => $generations, 'individual' => $individual, 'maximum_generations' => self::MAXIMUM_GENERATIONS, 'minimum_generations' => self::MINIMUM_GENERATIONS, 'maximum_width' => self::MAXIMUM_WIDTH, 'minimum_width' => self::MINIMUM_WIDTH, 'module' => $this->name(), 'style' => $style, 'styles' => $this->styles(), 'title' => $this->chartTitle($individual), 'tree' => $tree, 'width' => $width, ]); } /** * Generate both the HTML and PNG components of the fan chart * * @param Individual $individual * @param int $style * @param int $width * @param int $generations * * @return ResponseInterface */ protected function chart(Individual $individual, int $style, int $width, int $generations): ResponseInterface { $ancestors = $this->chart_service->sosaStradonitzAncestors($individual, $generations); $width = intdiv(self::CHART_WIDTH_PIXELS * $width, 100); switch ($style) { case self::STYLE_HALF_CIRCLE: $chart_start_angle = 180; $chart_end_angle = 360; $height = intdiv($width, 2); break; case self::STYLE_THREE_QUARTER_CIRCLE: $chart_start_angle = 135; $chart_end_angle = 405; $height = intdiv($width * 86, 100); break; case self::STYLE_FULL_CIRCLE: default: $chart_start_angle = 90; $chart_end_angle = 450; $height = $width; break; } // Start with a transparent image. $image = imagecreate($width, $height); $transparent = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0); imagecolortransparent($image, $transparent); imagefilledrectangle($image, 0, 0, $width, $height, $transparent); // Use theme-specified colors. /** @var ModuleThemeInterface $theme */ $theme = app(ModuleThemeInterface::class); $text_color = $this->imageColor($image, '000000'); $backgrounds = [ 'M' => $this->imageColor($image, 'b1cff0'), 'F' => $this->imageColor($image, 'e9daf1'), 'U' => $this->imageColor($image, 'eeeeee'), ]; // Co-ordinates are measured from the top-left corner. $center_x = intdiv($width, 2); $center_y = $center_x; $arc_width = $width / $generations / 2.0; // Popup menus for each ancestor. $html = ''; // Areas for the image map. $areas = ''; for ($generation = $generations; $generation >= 1; $generation--) { // Which ancestors to include in this ring. 1, 2-3, 4-7, 8-15, 16-31, etc. // The end of the range is also the number of ancestors in the ring. $sosa_start = 2 ** $generation - 1; $sosa_end = 2 ** ($generation - 1); $arc_diameter = intdiv($width * $generation, $generations); $arc_radius = $arc_diameter / 2; // Draw an empty background, for missing ancestors. imagefilledarc( $image, $center_x, $center_y, $arc_diameter, $arc_diameter, $chart_start_angle, $chart_end_angle, $backgrounds['U'], IMG_ARC_PIE ); $arc_diameter -= 2 * self::GAP_BETWEEN_RINGS; for ($sosa = $sosa_start; $sosa >= $sosa_end; $sosa--) { if ($ancestors->has($sosa)) { $individual = $ancestors->get($sosa); $chart_angle = $chart_end_angle - $chart_start_angle; $start_angle = $chart_start_angle + intdiv($chart_angle * ($sosa - $sosa_end), $sosa_end); $end_angle = $chart_start_angle + intdiv($chart_angle * ($sosa - $sosa_end + 1), $sosa_end); $angle = $end_angle - $start_angle; imagefilledarc( $image, $center_x, $center_y, $arc_diameter, $arc_diameter, $start_angle, $end_angle, $backgrounds[$individual->sex()] ?? $backgrounds['U'], IMG_ARC_PIE ); // Text is written at a tangent to the arc. $text_angle = 270.0 - ($start_angle + $end_angle) / 2.0; $text_radius = $arc_diameter / 2.0 - $arc_width * 0.25; // Don't draw text right up to the edge of the arc. if ($angle === 360) { $delta = 90; } elseif ($angle === 180) { if ($generation === 1) { $delta = 20; } else { $delta = 60; } } elseif ($angle > 120) { $delta = 45; } elseif ($angle > 60) { $delta = 15; } else { $delta = 1; } $tx_start = $center_x + $text_radius * cos(deg2rad($start_angle + $delta)); $ty_start = $center_y + $text_radius * sin(deg2rad($start_angle + $delta)); $tx_end = $center_x + $text_radius * cos(deg2rad($end_angle - $delta)); $ty_end = $center_y + $text_radius * sin(deg2rad($end_angle - $delta)); $max_text_length = (int) sqrt(($tx_end - $tx_start) ** 2 + ($ty_end - $ty_start) ** 2); $text_lines = array_filter([ I18N::reverseText($individual->fullName()), I18N::reverseText($individual->alternateName() ?? ''), I18N::reverseText($individual->lifespan()), ]); $text_lines = array_map( fn (string $line): string => $this->fitTextToPixelWidth($line, $max_text_length), $text_lines ); $text = implode("\n", $text_lines); if ($generation === 1) { $ty_start -= $text_radius / 2; } // If PHP is compiled with --enable-gd-jis-conv, then the function // imagettftext() is modified to expect EUC-JP encoding instead of UTF-8. // Attempt to detect and convert... if (gd_info()['JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support'] ?? false) { $text = mb_convert_encoding($text, 'EUC-JP', 'UTF-8'); } imagettftext( $image, self::TEXT_SIZE_POINTS, $text_angle, (int) $tx_start, (int) $ty_start, $text_color, static::FONT, $text ); // Debug text positions by underlining first line of text //imageline($image, (int) $tx_start, (int) $ty_start, (int) $tx_end, (int) $ty_end, $backgrounds['U']); $areas .= 'xref()) . '"'; $areas .= ' alt="' . strip_tags($individual->fullName()) . '"'; $areas .= ' title="' . strip_tags($individual->fullName()) . '">'; $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; $html .= $individual->fullName(); $html .= ''; foreach ($theme->individualBoxMenu($individual) as $menu) { $link = $menu->getLink(); $class = $menu->getClass(); $html .= ''; $html .= $menu->getLabel(); $html .= ''; } $html .= '
'; } } } ob_start(); imagepng($image); imagedestroy($image); $png = ob_get_clean(); return response(view('modules/fanchart/chart', [ 'fanh' => $height, 'fanw' => $width, 'html' => $html, 'areas' => $areas, 'png' => $png, 'title' => $this->chartTitle($individual), ])); } /** * Convert a CSS color into a GD color. * * @param GdImage $image * @param string $css_color * * @return int */ protected function imageColor(GdImage $image, string $css_color): int { return imagecolorallocate( $image, (int) hexdec(substr($css_color, 0, 2)), (int) hexdec(substr($css_color, 2, 2)), (int) hexdec(substr($css_color, 4, 2)) ); } /** * This chart can display its output in a number of styles * * @return array */ protected function styles(): array { return [ /* I18N: layout option for the fan chart */ self::STYLE_HALF_CIRCLE => I18N::translate('half circle'), /* I18N: layout option for the fan chart */ self::STYLE_THREE_QUARTER_CIRCLE => I18N::translate('three-quarter circle'), /* I18N: layout option for the fan chart */ self::STYLE_FULL_CIRCLE => I18N::translate('full circle'), ]; } /** * Fit text to a given number of pixels by either cropping to fit, * or adding spaces to center. * * @param string $text * @param int $pixels * * @return string */ protected function fitTextToPixelWidth(string $text, int $pixels): string { while ($this->textWidthInPixels($text) > $pixels) { $text = mb_substr($text, 0, -1); } while ($this->textWidthInPixels(' ' . $text . ' ') < $pixels) { $text = ' ' . $text . ' '; } // We only need the leading spaces. return rtrim($text); } /** * @param string $text * * @return int */ protected function textWidthInPixels(string $text): int { // If PHP is compiled with --enable-gd-jis-conv, then the function // imagettftext() is modified to expect EUC-JP encoding instead of UTF-8. // Attempt to detect and convert... if (gd_info()['JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support'] ?? false) { $text = mb_convert_encoding($text, 'EUC-JP', 'UTF-8'); } $bounding_box = imagettfbbox(self::TEXT_SIZE_POINTS, 0, self::FONT, $text); return $bounding_box[4] - $bounding_box[0]; } }