/** * Mi Connector (v.0.0.75) * * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2018 fison67@nate.com * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.json.JsonOutput definition( name: "Mi Connector", namespace: "fison67", author: "fison67", description: "A Connector between Xiaomi and ST", category: "My Apps", iconUrl: "https://github.com/fison67/mi_connector/raw/master/icon.png", iconX2Url: "https://github.com/fison67/mi_connector/raw/master/icon.png", iconX3Url: "https://github.com/fison67/mi_connector/raw/master/icon.png", oauth: true ) preferences { page(name: "mainPage") page(name: "monitorPage") page(name: "langPage") page(name: "remoteDevicePage") page(name: "remoteDeviceNextPage") page(name: "versionPage") } def mainPage() { def languageList = ["English", "Korean"] dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", title: "Mi Connector", nextPage: null, uninstall: true, install: true) { if(location.hubs.size() < 1) { section() { paragraph "[ERROR]\nSmartThings Hub not found.\nYou need a SmartThings Hub to use Mi-Connector." } return } section("Request New Devices"){ input "address", "text", title: "Server address", required: true, description:"ex)" input "devHub", "enum", title: "Hub", required: true, multiple: false, options: getHubs() input(name: "selectedLang", title:"Select a language" , type: "enum", required: true, options: languageList, defaultValue: "English", description:"Language for DTH") input "externalAddress", "text", title: "External network address", required: false href url:"http://${settings.address}", style:"embedded", required:false, title:"Local Management", description:"This makes you easy to setup" href url:"http://${settings.externalAddress}", style:"embedded", required:false, title:"External Management", description:"This makes you easy to setup" } section() { href "remoteDevicePage", title: "Remote Device Mapping", description:"" } section() { paragraph "View this SmartApp's configuration to use it in other places." href url:"${apiServerUrl("/api/smartapps/installations/${app.id}/config?access_token=${state.accessToken}")}", style:"embedded", required:false, title:"Config", description:"Tap, select, copy, then click \"Done\"" } section() { href "versionPage", title: "Software Version", description:"" } } } def langPage(){ dynamicPage(name: "langPage", title:"Select a Language") { section ("Select") { input "Korean", title: "Korean", multiple: false, required: false } } } def versionPage(){ def options = [ "method": "GET", "path": "/settings/version", "headers": [ "HOST": settings.address, "Content-Type": "application/json" ] ] def myhubAction = new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(options, null, [callback: versionCallBack]) sendHubCommand(myhubAction) dynamicPage(name: "versionPage", title:"", refreshInterval:5) { section { paragraph "Version: " + state.dockerVersion } } } def remoteDevicePage(){ def resultList = []; getChildDevices().each { child -> try{ def irDevice = child.isIRRemoteDevice() if(irDevice){ def networkID = child.deviceNetworkId resultList.push(child.label + " [" + networkID.substring(13, networkID.length()) + "]") } }catch(err){ } } dynamicPage(name: "remoteDevicePage", title:"", nextPage:"remoteDeviceNextPage") { section ("Remote Device Settings") { input(name: "selectedDevice", type: "enum", title: "Select a device", required: false, options: resultList ,submitOnChange: true) } if(selectedDevice){ try{ state.selectedDeviceNetworkID = selectedDevice.split(" \\[")[1].split("]")[0] }catch(err){} section { input(name: "selectedMonitorType", type: "enum", title: "Type", options: ["Contact", "Power Meter", "Presence"], description: null, multiple: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true) } if (selectedMonitorType) { state.selectedMonitorType = selectedMonitorType if(selectedMonitorType == "Contact"){ section { input(name: "selectedContactDevice", type: "capability.contactSensor", title: "Select a device", required: true, submitOnChange: true) input(name: "selectedContactDefault", type: "enum", options: ["open", "closed"], title: "What is the ON status?", required: true, submitOnChange: true) } if(selectedContactDevice){ state.selectedContactDevice = selectedContactDevice.deviceNetworkId } }else if(selectedMonitorType == "Power Meter"){ section { input(name: "selectedPowerMeterDevice", type: "capability.powerMeter", title: "Select a device", required: true, submitOnChange: true) input(name: "selectedPowerMeterLevelMin", type: "decimal", title: "Minumun", required: true, submitOnChange: true) input(name: "selectedPowerMeterLevelMax", type: "decimal", title: "Maximum", required: true, submitOnChange: true) } if(selectedPowerMeterDevice){ state.selectedPowerMeterDevice = selectedPowerMeterDevice.deviceNetworkId } }else if(selectedMonitorType == "Presence"){ section { input(name: "selectedPresenceDevice", type: "capability.presenceSensor", title: "Select a device", required: true, submitOnChange: true) } if(selectedPresenceDevice){ state.selectedPresenceDevice = selectedPresenceDevice.deviceNetworkId } } } } } } def remoteDeviceNextPage(){ dynamicPage(name: "remoteDeviceNextPage", title:"") { section { paragraph "Complete" } if(selectedContactDevice && selectedContactDefault){ def item = [:] item['default'] = selectedContactDefault addMonitorDevice(selectedContactDevice, state.selectedDeviceNetworkID, "contact", item) } if(selectedPowerMeterDevice && selectedPowerMeterLevelMax && selectedPowerMeterLevelMin){ def item = [:] item['max'] = selectedPowerMeterLevelMax item['min'] = selectedPowerMeterLevelMin addMonitorDevice(selectedPowerMeterDevice, state.selectedDeviceNetworkID, "power", item) } if(selectedPresenceDevice){ def item = [:] addMonitorDevice(selectedPresenceDevice, state.selectedDeviceNetworkID, "presence", item) } app.updateSetting("selectedDevice", "") app.updateSetting("selectedMonitorType", "") app.updateSetting("selectedContactDevice", "") app.updateSetting("selectedPowerMeterDevice", "") app.updateSetting("selectedPowerMeterLevelMax", "") app.updateSetting("selectedPowerMeterLevelMin", "") app.updateSetting("selectedPresenceDevice", "") } } def installed() { log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}" if (!state.accessToken) { createAccessToken() } initialize() } def updated() { log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}" if(settings.address.split(":").size() != 2){ throw new Exception("Address must be with port number!!!."); } // Unsubscribe from all events // unsubscribe() // Subscribe to stuff initialize() } def addMonitorDevice(target, remoteDevice, attr, data){ log.debug "IR Mapping >> " + target.deviceNetworkId + " >> Target(" + state.selectedDeviceNetworkID + ") Attr >> " + attr // Init if(state.monitorMap == null){ state.monitorMap = [:] } // Add def item = [:] item['id'] = target.deviceNetworkId item['data'] = data state.monitorMap[remoteDevice] = item log.debug state.monitorMap unsubscribe(target) subscribe(target, attr, stateChangeHandler) } def stateChangeHandler(event){ def deviceNetworkID = event.getDevice().deviceNetworkId setStateRemoteDevice(event.name, event.value, getDeviceToNotifyList(deviceNetworkID) ) } def setStateRemoteDevice(eventName, eventValue, list){ log.debug "setStateRemoteDevice >> " + eventName + " [" + eventValue + "]" for(item in list){ def targetRemoteDevice = getChildDevice(item.id) if(targetRemoteDevice){ if(eventName == "contact"){ targetRemoteDevice.setStatus( eventValue == "open" ? (item.data.default == "open" ? "on" : "off") : (item.data.default == "open" ? "off" : "on") ) }else if(eventName == "power"){ targetRemoteDevice.setStatus( (item.data.min <= Float.parseFloat(eventValue) && Float.parseFloat(eventValue) <= item.data.max) ? "on" : "off" ) }else if(eventName == "presence"){ targetRemoteDevice.setStatus( eventValue == "present" ? "on" : "off" ) } } } } /** * deviceNetworkID : Reference Device. Not Remote Device */ def getDeviceToNotifyList(deviceNetworkID){ def list = [] state.monitorMap.each{ targetNetworkID, _data -> if(deviceNetworkID == _data.id){ def item = [:] item['id'] = 'mi-connector-' + targetNetworkID item['data'] = _data.data list.push(item) } } return list } def updateLanguage(){ log.debug "Languge >> ${settings.selectedLang}" if(state.prvSelectedLangs != settings.selectedLang){ def list = getChildDevices() list.each { child -> try{ child.setLanguage(settings.selectedLang) }catch(e){ log.error "DTH is not supported to select language" } } } state.prvSelectedLangs = settings.selectedLang } def updateExternalNetwork(){ log.debug "External Network >> ${settings.externalAddress}" if(state.prvExternalAddress != settings.externalAddress){ def list = getChildDevices() list.each { child -> try{ child.setExternalAddress(settings.externalAddress) }catch(e){ log.error "DTH is not supported to select external address" } } } state.prvExternalAddress = settings.externalAddress } def initialize() { log.debug "initialize" def options = [ "method": "POST", "path": "/settings/api/smartthings", "headers": [ "HOST": settings.address, "Content-Type": "application/json" ], "body":[ "app_url":"${apiServerUrl}/api/smartapps/installations/", "app_id":app.id, "access_token":state.accessToken ] ] def myhubAction = new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(options, null, [callback: null]) sendHubCommand(myhubAction) updateLanguage() updateExternalNetwork() } def dataCallback(physicalgraph.device.HubResponse hubResponse) { def msg, json, status try { msg = parseLanMessage(hubResponse.description) status = msg.status json = msg.json log.debug "${json}" state.latestHttpResponse = status } catch (e) { logger('warn', "Exception caught while parsing data: "+e); } } def getDataList(){ def options = [ "method": "GET", "path": "/requestDevice", "headers": [ "HOST": settings.address, "Content-Type": "application/json" ] ] def myhubAction = new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(options, null, [callback: dataCallback]) sendHubCommand(myhubAction) } def addDevice(){ def id = params.id def type = params.type def data = params.data if(data){ data = new JsonSlurper().parseText(data) } log.debug("Try >> ADD Xiaomi Device id=${id}, type=${type}") log.debug("Data >> ${data}") def dni = "mi-connector-" + id.toLowerCase() def chlid = getChildDevice(dni) if(!child){ def dth = null def name = null def nameSpace = "fison67" if(params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.m1" || params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.v1" || params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.v2" || params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.v3" || params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.v6" || params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.v7" || params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.m2" || params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.ma2" || params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.mc1" || params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.mc2" || params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.sa2" || params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.ma4" || params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.mb3" || params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.va1"){ dth = "Xiaomi Air Purifier1 New App"; nameSpace = "streamorange58819" name = "Xiaomi Air Purifier"; }else if(params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.sb1" || params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.vb2" || params.type == "zhimi.airpurifier.mb4"){ dth = "Xiaomi Air Purifier New App"; name = "Xiaomi Air Purifier"; nameSpace = "streamorange58819" }else if(params.type == "hanyi.airpurifier.kj550"){ dth = "Xiaomi Air Purifier kj550 New App"; name = "Xiaomi Air Purifier"; nameSpace = "streamorange58819" }else if(params.type == "lumi.gateway.v2" || params.type == "lumi.gateway.mieu01"){ dth = "Xiaomi Gateway"; name = "Xiaomi Gateway V2"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.gateway.v3"){ dth = "Xiaomi Gateway"; name = "Xiaomi Gateway V3"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.magnet" || params.type == "lumi.magnet.aq2"){ dth = "Xiaomi Door"; name = "Xiaomi Door"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.motion" || params.type == "lumi.motion.aq2"){ dth = "Xiaomi Motion"; name = "Xiaomi Motion"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.switch"){ dth = "Xiaomi Button Ori"; name = "Xiaomi Button Ori"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.switch.v2"){ dth = "Xiaomi Button AQ"; name = "Xiaomi Button AQ"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.86sw1"){ dth = "Xiaomi Button SW1"; name = "Xiaomi Button SW1"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.86sw2"){ dth = "Xiaomi Button SW"; name = "Xiaomi Button SW"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.cube" || params.type == "lumi.cube.aq2"){ dth = "Xiaomi Cube"; name = "Xiaomi Cube"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.bulb"){ dth = "Xiaomi Aqara Light" name = "Xiaomi Aqara Light" }else if(params.type == "zhimi.humidifier.v1" || params.type == "zhimi.humidifier.ca1" || params.type == "zhimi.humidifier.cb2" || params.type == "zhimi.humidifier.cb1" || params.type == "zhimi.humidifier.ca4"){ dth = "Xiaomi Humidifier"; name = "Xiaomi Humidifier"; }else if(params.type == "shuii.humidifier.jsq001"){ dth = "Xiaomi Humidifier 3"; name = "Xiaomi Humidifier 3"; }else if(params.type == "deerma.humidifier.mjjsq" || params.type == "deerma.humidifier.jsq"){ dth = "Xiaomi Humidifier 4"; name = "Xiaomi Humidifier 4"; }else if(params.type == "zhimi.fan.v1" || params.type == "zhimi.fan.v2" || params.type == "zhimi.fan.v3" || params.type == "zhimi.fan.sa1" || params.type == "zhimi.fan.za1" || params.type == "zhimi.fan.za3" || params.type == "zhimi.fan.za4" || params.type == "zhimi.fan.za5"){ nameSpace = "streamorange58819" dth = "Xiaomi Fan New App"; name = "Xiaomi Fan"; }else if(params.type == "dmaker.fan.p5" || params.type == "dmaker.fan.p9" || params.type == "dmaker.fan.p10" || params.type == "dmaker.fan.p11"){ dth = "Xiaomi Fan P"; name = "Xiaomi Fan P"; }else if(params.type == "dmaker.fan.p8"){ nameSpace = "streamorange58819" dth = "Xiaomi Fan P New App" name = "Xiaomi Fan P" }else if(params.type == "zhimi.fan.fa1"){ dth = "Xiaomi Fan Fa1"; name = "Xiaomi Fan Fa1"; }else if(params.type == "dmaker.fan.p220"){ nameSpace = "streamorange58819" dth = "Xiaomi Fan P220 New App"; name = "Xiaomi Fan #5"; }else if(params.type == "yeelink.light.color1" || params.type == "yeelink.light.color2" || params.type == "yeelink.light.color3" || params.type == "yeelink.light.color4" || params.type == "yeelink.light.color5" || params.type == "yeelink.light.bslamp1" || params.type == "yeelink.light.bslamp2"){ dth = "Xiaomi Light"; name = "Xiaomi Light"; }else if(params.type == "yeelink.light.strip1" || params.type == "yeelink.light.strip2" || params.type == "yeelink.light.strip3" || params.type == "yeelink.light.strip4" || params.type == "yeelink.light.strip5" || params.type == "yeelink.light.strip6"){ dth = "Xiaomi Light Strip"; name = "Xiaomi Light Strip"; }else if(params.type == "yeelink.light.lamp1" || params.type == "yeelink.light.lamp2" ||params.type == "yeelink.light.lamp3" || params.type == "yeelink.light.mono1" || params.type == "yeelink.light.mono2" || params.type == "yeelink.light.mono3" || params.type == "yeelink.light.mono4" || params.type == "yeelink.light.mono5" || params.type == "yeelink.light.mono6" || params.type == "yeelink.light.ct2"){ dth = "Xiaomi Light Mono"; name = "Xiaomi Light Mono"; }else if(params.type == "philips.light.downlight"){ dth = "Xiaomi Philips Downlight"; name = "Xiaomi Philips Downlight"; }else if(params.type == "philips.light.bulb" || params.type == "philips.light.hbulb"){ dth = "Xiaomi Light"; name = "Philips Light"; }else if(params.type == "philips.light.sread1" || params.type == "philips.light.sread2" || params.type == "philips.light.sread3"){ dth = "Xiaomi Philips Sread"; name = "Xiaomi Philips Sread"; }else if(params.type == "philips.light.moonlight"){ dth = "Xiaomi Philips Bedside Lamp"; name = "Xiaomi Philips Bedside Lamp"; }else if(params.type == "rockrobo.vacuum.v1" || params.type == "roborock.vacuum.c1" || params.type == "roborock.vacuum.m1s" || params.type == "roborock.vacuum.s6" || params.type == "roborock.vacuum.e2" || params.type == "roborock.vacuum.a10" || params.type == "roborock.vacuum.a08"){ dth = "Xiaomi Vacuums"; name = "Xiaomi Vacuums"; }else if(params.type == "viomi.vacuum.v6" || params.type == "viomi.vacuum.v7"){ dth = "Xiaomi Vacuum Viomi"; name = "Xiaomi Vacuum Viomi"; }else if(params.type == "kxf321.mop.mo001"){ dth = "Xiaomi Vacuum KXF"; name = "Xiaomi Vacuum KXF"; }else if(params.type == "roborock.vacuum.s5" || params.type == "roborock.vacuum.s5e" || params.type == "roborock.vacuum.s6"){ dth = "Xiaomi Vacuums2"; name = "Xiaomi Vacuums2"; }else if(params.type == "qmi.powerstrip.v1" || params.type == "zimi.powerstrip.v2"){ dth = "Xiaomi Power Strip"; name = "Xiaomi Power Strip"; }else if(params.type == "chuangmi.plug.v1" || params.type == "chuangmi.plug.v2" || params.type == "chuangmi.plug.v3" || params.type == "chuangmi.plug.m1"|| params.type == "chuangmi.plug.m2" || params.type == "chuangmi.plug.m3" || params.type == "lumi.plug" || params.type == "chuangmi.plug.hmi205" || params.type == "chuangmi.plug.hmi206" || params.type == "chuangmi.plug.hmi208"){ dth = "Xiaomi Power Plug"; name = "Xiaomi Power Plug"; }else if(params.type == "chuangmi.plug.v3"){ dth = "Xiaomi Power Plug2"; name = "Xiaomi Power Plug2"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.ctrl_neutral1" || params.type == "lumi.ctrl_ln1" ){ dth = "Xiaomi Wall Switch"; name = "Xiaomi Wall Switch"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" || params.type == "lumi.ctrl_ln2" || params.type == "lumi.relay"){ dth = "Xiaomi Wall Switch"; name = "Xiaomi Wall Switch"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.sensor_ht"){ dth = "Xiaomi Sensor HT"; name = "Xiaomi Sensor HT"; }else if(params.type == "zhimi.airmonitor.v1"){ dth = "Xiaomi Air Monitor"; name = "Xiaomi Air Monitor"; }else if(params.type == "cgllc.airmonitor.b1" || params.type == "cgllc.airmonitor.s1"){ dth = "Xiaomi Air Detector"; name = "Xiaomi Air Detector"; }else if(params.type == "cgllc.airm.cgdn1"){ dth = "Xiaomi Air Monitor CGDN1"; name = "Xiaomi Air Detector"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.weather"){ dth = "Xiaomi Weather"; name = "Xiaomi Weather"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.gas"){ dth = "Xiaomi Gas Detector"; name = "Xiaomi Gas Dectector"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.smoke"){ dth = "Xiaomi Smoke Detector"; name = "Xiaomi Smoke Detector"; }else if(params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling1" || params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling2"|| params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling3"|| params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling4" || params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling5"|| params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling6"|| params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling7"|| params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling8"|| params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling9" || params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling10"|| params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling11" || params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling12" || params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling13" || params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling14" || params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling15" || params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling16" || params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling17" || params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling18" || params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling19" || params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling20" || params.type == "yeelink.light.ceiling15.mibt54b" || params.type == "yeelink.light.ceil26" || params.type == "yeelink.light.ceila"){ dth = "Xiaomi Light Ceiling"; name = "Xiaomi Light Ceiling"; }else if(params.type == "philips.light.ceiling" || params.type == "philips.light.zyceiling"){ dth = "Xiaomi Philips Light Ceiling"; name = "Xiaomi Philips Light Ceiling"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.curtain"){ dth = "Xiaomi Curtain"; name = "Xiaomi Curtain"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.curtain.b1"){ dth = "Xiaomi Curtain2"; name = "Xiaomi Curtain B1"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.blind"){ dth = "Xiaomi Curtain"; name = "Xiaomi Blind"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.water"){ dth = "Xiaomi Water Detector"; name = "Xiaomi Water Dectector"; }else if(params.type == "miband"){ dth = "Xiaomi Mi band"; name = "Xiaomi Miband"; }else if(params.type == "ble.flora"){ dth = "Xiaomi Flora"; name = "Xiaomi Flora"; }else if(params.type == "ble.floraPot"){ dth = "Xiaomi Flora Pot"; name = "Xiaomi Flora Pot"; }else if(params.type == "chuangmi.ir.v2" || params.type == "chuangmi.remote.h102a03" || params.type == "chuangmi.remote.v2"){ dth = "Xiaomi Remote"; name = "Xiaomi Remote"; }else if(params.type == "virtual.remote.tv"){ dth = "Xiaomi Remote TV"; name = "Xiaomi Remote TV"; }else if(params.type == "virtual.remote.custom"){ dth = "Xiaomi Remote Custom"; name = "Xiaomi Remote Custom"; }else if(params.type == "virtual.remote.air"){ dth = "Xiaomi Remote Air Conditioner"; name = "Xiaomi Remote Air Conditioner"; }else if(params.type == "virtual.ping"){ dth = "Xiaomi Virtual Device"; name = "Xiaomi Virtual Device"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.acpartner.v3"){ dth = "Xiaomi Gateway2"; name = "Xiaomi Gateway2"; }else if(params.type == "ble.mitemperature" || params.type == "ble.einktemperature" || params.type == "ble.einktemperature.cleargrass"){ dth = "Xiaomi Bluetooth Weather"; name = "Xiaomi Bluetooth Weather"; }else if(params.type == "lumi.vibration"){ dth = "Xiaomi Vibration Sensor" name = "Xiaomi Vibration Sensor" }else if(params.type == "zhimi.heater.za1" || params.type == "zhimi.heater.za2"){ dth = "Xiaomi Heater" name = "Xiaomi Heater" }else if(params.type == "zhimi.heater.mc2" || params.type == "zhimi.heater.zb1"){ nameSpace = "streamorange58819" dth = "Xiaomi Heater New App" name = "Xiaomi Heater" }else if(params.type == "zhimi.airfresh.va2"){ dth = "Xiaomi Air Fresh" name = "Xiaomi Air Fresh" }else if(params.type == "dmaker.airfresh.t2017"){ nameSpace = "streamorange58819" dth = "Xiaomi Air Fresh T2017 New App" name = "Xiaomi Air Fresh" }else if(params.type == "air.fan.ca23ad9"){ dth = "Xiaomi Circulator" name = "Xiaomi Circulator" }else if(params.type == "nwt.derh.wdh318efw1"){ dth = "Xiaomi Dehumidifier" name = "Xiaomi Dehumidifier" }else if(params.type == "deerma.humidifier.jsq1"){ nameSpace = "streamorange58819" dth = "Xiaomi Humidifier Jsq1 New App" name = "Xiaomi Humidifier" } if(dth == null){ log.warn("Failed >> Non exist DTH!!! Type >> " + type); def resultString = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson("result":"nonExist") render contentType: "application/javascript", data: resultString }else if(params.type == "lumi.ctrl_neutral1" || params.type == "lumi.ctrl_ln1"){ try{ def childDevice = addChildDevice(nameSpace, dth, (dni + "-1"), getLocationID(), [ "label": name + "1" ]) childDevice.setInfo(settings.address, id, "1") try{ childDevice.refresh() }catch(e){} try{ childDevice.setLanguage(settings.selectedLang) }catch(e){} try{ childDevice.setExternalAddress(settings.externalAddress) }catch(e){} try{ childDevice.setModel(params.type) }catch(e){} log.debug "Success >> ADD Device : ${type} DNI=${dni}" def resultString = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson("result":"ok") render contentType: "application/javascript", data: resultString }catch(e){ log.error "Failed >> ADD Device Error : ${e}" def resultString = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson("result":"fail") render contentType: "application/javascript", data: resultString } }else if(params.type == "lumi.ctrl_neutral2" || params.type == "lumi.ctrl_ln2" || params.type == "lumi.relay"){ try{ def index = 1; for (def i = 0; i <2; i++) { def childDevice = addChildDevice(nameSpace, dth, (dni + "-" + index), getLocationID(), [ "label": name + index ]) childDevice.setInfo(settings.address, id, index.toString()) try{ childDevice.refresh() }catch(e){} try{ childDevice.setLanguage(settings.selectedLang) }catch(e){} try{ childDevice.setExternalAddress(settings.externalAddress) }catch(e){} log.debug "Success >> ADD Device : ${type} DNI=${dni}" index += 1 } def resultString = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson("result":"ok") render contentType: "application/javascript", data: resultString }catch(e){ log.error "Failed >> ADD Device Error : ${e}" def resultString = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson("result":"fail") render contentType: "application/javascript", data: resultString } }else if(params.type == "virtual.remote.tv" || params.type == "virtual.remote.custom" || params.type == "virtual.remote.air"){ dni = "mi-connector-" + id.toLowerCase() + "-" + new Date().getTime() def childDevice = addChildDevice(nameSpace, dth, dni, getLocationID(), [ "label": name ]) childDevice.setInfo(settings.address, id) childDevice.setData(data) try{ childDevice.setLanguage(settings.selectedLang) }catch(e){} try{ childDevice.setExternalAddress(settings.externalAddress) }catch(e){} def resultString = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson("result":"ok") render contentType: "application/javascript", data: resultString }else{ try{ def childDevice = addChildDevice(nameSpace, dth, dni, getLocationID(), [ "label": name ]) childDevice.setInfo(settings.address, id) log.debug "Success >> ADD Device : ${type} DNI=${dni}" try{ childDevice.refresh() }catch(e){} try{ childDevice.setLanguage(settings.selectedLang) }catch(e){} try{ childDevice.setExternalAddress(settings.externalAddress) }catch(e){} try{ childDevice.setModel(params.type) }catch(e){} def resultString = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson("result":"ok") render contentType: "application/javascript", data: resultString }catch(e){ log.error "Failed >> ADD Device Error : ${e}" def resultString = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson("result":"fail") render contentType: "application/javascript", data: resultString } } } } def _getServerURL(){ return settings.address } def updateDevice(){ // log.debug "Mi >> ${params.type} (${params.key}) >> ${params.cmd}" def id = params.id def dni = "mi-connector-" + id.toLowerCase() def chlid = getChildDevice(dni) if(chlid){ chlid.setStatus(params) } def resultString = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson("result":true) render contentType: "application/javascript", data: resultString } def deleteDevice(){ def id = params.id def dni = "mi-connector-" + id.toLowerCase() log.debug "Try >> DELETE child device(${dni})" def result = false def chlid = getChildDevice(dni) if(!child){ try{ deleteChildDevice(dni) result = true log.debug "Success >> DELETE child device(${dni})" }catch(err){ log.error("Failed >> DELETE child Device Error!!! ${dni} => " + err); } } def resultString = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson("result":result) render contentType: "application/javascript", data: resultString } def getDeviceList(){ def list = getChildDevices(); def resultList = []; list.each { child -> // log.debug "child device id $child.deviceNetworkId with label $child.label" def dni = child.deviceNetworkId resultList.push( dni.substring(13, dni.length()) ); } def configString = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson("list":resultList) render contentType: "application/javascript", data: configString } def authError() { [error: "Permission denied"] } def renderConfig() { def configJson = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson([ description: "Mi Connector API", platforms: [ [ platform: "SmartThings Mi Connector", name: "Mi Connector", app_url: apiServerUrl("/api/smartapps/installations/"), app_id: app.id, access_token: state.accessToken ] ], ]) def configString = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().prettyPrint(configJson) render contentType: "text/plain", data: configString } def getLocationID(){ def locationID = null try{ locationID = getHubID(devHub) }catch(err){} return locationID } def versionCallBack(physicalgraph.device.HubResponse hubResponse) { def msg, json, status try { msg = parseLanMessage(hubResponse.description) log.debug "${msg.body}" state.dockerVersion = msg.body } catch (e) { logger('warn', "Exception caught while parsing data: "+e); } } def getHubs(){ def list = [] location.getHubs().each { hub -> list.push(hub.name) } return list } def getHubID(name){ def id = null location.getHubs().each { hub -> if(hub.name == name){ id = hub.id } } return id } mappings { if (!params.access_token || (params.access_token && params.access_token != state.accessToken)) { path("/config") { action: [GET: "authError"] } path("/list") { action: [GET: "authError"] } path("/update") { action: [POST: "authError"] } path("/add") { action: [POST: "authError"] } path("/delete") { action: [POST: "authError"] } } else { path("/config") { action: [GET: "renderConfig"] } path("/list") { action: [GET: "getDeviceList"] } path("/update") { action: [POST: "updateDevice"] } path("/add") { action: [POST: "addDevice"] } path("/delete") { action: [POST: "deleteDevice"] } } }