{ "OPENAI_API_KEY": "[FILL YOUR OPENAI API KEY]", "COHERE_API_KEY": "[FILL YOUR COHERE API KEY]", "EMBED": "COHERE", "OPENAI_TPM_LIMIT": 90000, "TEMPLATES": [ "I have the following competitive programming problem that I want to show someone else:\n[[ORIGINAL]]\nCan you strip off all the stories, legends, characters, backgrounds etc. from the statement while still enabling everyone to understand the problem. This is to say, do not remove anything necessary to understand the full problem and one should feel safe to replace the original statement with your version of the statement. If it is not in English make it English. Provide the simplified statement directly without jargon. Use mathjax ($...$) for math.", "I have the following competitive programming problem that I want to show someone else:\n[[ORIGINAL]]\nCan you strip off all the stories, legends, characters, backgrounds, examples etc. from the statement while still enabling everyone to understand the problem. If it is not in English make it English. Make it as short as possible while still being understandable. Try to avoid formulas and symbols. If necessary, mathjax ($...$) for math. Provide the short simplified statement directly without jargon." ] }