1. Requirements
   *Ubuntu 12.04LTS(Recommended)
   *OpenHRP 3.1.5 or later
   *Jython(apt-get install jython)
   *libxml2(apt-get install libxml2-dev)
   *SDL(apt-get install libsdl-dev)
   *OpenCV(apt-get install libcv-dev libcvaux-dev libhighgui-dev)
   *QuickHull(apt-get install libqhull-dev)
   *GLEW(apt-get install libglew-dev)
   *(Optional)Irrlicht(apt-get install libirrlicht-dev)
   *(Optional)Point Cloud Library(http://pointcloud.org)

2. Install

2.1 Preparation

2.1.1 Edit SDOPackage.idl
   Since SDOPackage.idl(usually installed under /usr/include/rtm/idl as a part
   of OpenRTM-aist) can't be compiled with idlj, modify the following two lines.
   a. comment out line 40: 
      #define TypeCode CORBA::TypeCode -> //#define TypeCode CORBA::TypeCode
   b. add namespace "CORBA::" to line 123: 
      TypeCode code; -> CORBA::TypeCode code;

2.1.2 Install required packages using apt-get
   Please install required packages shown above. The following is an example
   for ubuntu12.04LTS
   %sudo apt-get install jython libxml2-dev libsdl-dev libcv-dev libcvaux-dev libhighgui-dev libqhull-dev libglew-dev freeglut3-dev libxmu-dev python-dev libboost-python-dev ipython

2.2 RT components and utilities
   % mkdir build
   % cd build
   % cmake ..
   % make
   % (sudo) make install

2.3 (Optional) Eclipse settings
   a. Launch Eclipse
   b. Select "Window"->"Preferences"
   c. Click "GRXUI"
   d. Set "<jython directory>/Lib:<install prefix>/share/hrpsys/jython:<install prefix>/share/java" to "Jython Lib directory"

2.4 (Optional) Eclipse plugin to monitor the robot status
   a. Launch Eclipse
   b. Import GrxUI plugin project included in OpenHRP3
   c. Import the plugin project placed under "plugin" directory
   d. Eclipse automatically starts to compile the plugin
   e. Export the compiled plugin(jar file) to your Eclipse plugin directory
   f. Restart Eclipse with "-clean" option

3. Running examples

3.1 Monitoring a manipulator "PA10"

3.1.1 (Recommended) without Eclipse
   a. Open three terminals in <install prefix>/share/hrpsys/samples/PA10
   b. terminal1: % hrpsys-monitor PA10monitor.xml
      A manipulator PA10 will be displayed
   c. terminal2: % ./hrpsys.sh
   d. terminal3: % hrpsysjy PA10.py
      PA10 will change its joint angles.

3.1.2 (Optional, Sections 2.3 and 2.4 are required) with Eclipse
   a. Launch Eclipse
   b. Open "GrxUI" perspective
   c. From "GrxUI" menu of Eclipse, load a project file "PA10monitor.xml" placed under
      <install prefix>/share/hrpsys/samples/PA10. A manipulator PA10 will 
      appear in 3DView.
   d. Open a new terminal
   e. % cd <install prefix>/share/hrpsys/samples/PA10
      % ./hrpsys.sh
   f. Go back to GrxUI and select a python script item, "PA10.py" in ItemView.
   g. Press "exec script" button in JythonPrompt view. PA10 will change its joint angles.

3.2 Simulation of a manipulator "PA10"

3.2.1 (Recommended) without Eclipse
   a. Open two terminals in <install prefix>/share/hrpsys/samples/PA10
   b. terminal1: % hrpsys-simulator PA10simulation.xml -realtime -endless
      A manipulator PA10 will be displayed
   c. terminal2: % hrpsysjy PA10.py
      PA10 will change its joint angles.

3.3 Simulation of a cybernetic human "HRP-4C"

3.3.1 (Recommended) without Eclipse
   a. Get a VRML model from http://unit.aist.go.jp/is/humanoid/hrp-4c/hrp-4c.html
   b. % cd <install prefix>/share/hrpsys/samples/HRP4C
   c. % unzip <download>/HRP-4C.zip -d /tmp
   d. % (sudo) cp -r  /tmp/HRP-4C/* .
   e. change the right of the wrl files : % (sudo) chmod 644 HRP4Cmain.wrl 
   f. % hrpsys-simulator-python HRP4C.xml HRP4C.py
      A cybernetic human "HRP-4C" will be displayed and walk.

3.3.2 (Optional, Section 2.3 and 2.4 are required) with Eclipse
   a. Get a VRML model from http://unit.aist.go.jp/is/humanoid/hrp-4c/hrp-4c.html
   b. % cd <install prefix>/share/hrpsys/samples/HRP4C
   c. % unzip <download>/HRP-4C.zip -d /tmp
   d. % (sudo) cp -r  /tmp/HRP-4C/* .
   e. change the right of the wrl files : % (sudo) chmod 644 HRP4Cmain.wrl 
   f. Launch Eclipse
   g. Open "GrxUI" perspective
   h. From "GrxUI" menu of Eclipse, load a project file "HRP4C.xml" placed 
      under <install prefix>/share/hrpsys/samples/HRP4C. A cybernetic human
      "HRP-4C" will appear in 3DView.
   i. Start simulation
   j. Execute a script "HRP4C.py"