# # Copyright AB Tasty (c) 2022. # # (vmodtool requires this format.) # $Module flagship 3 Flagship VMOD DESCRIPTION =========== This is the embedded documentation for the flagship VMOD. It should mention what the vmod is intended to do. It can span multiple lines and is written in RST format. You can even have links and lists in here: * https://github.com/flagship-io/libvmod-flagship/ * https://www.varnish-cache.org/ $Function STRING compute_flags(STRING visitorId, STRING context) $Function VOID init(STRING envID, STRING apiKey, INT pollingInterval, STRING logLevel, INT trackingEnabled) $Function INT get_flag_bool(STRING visitorId, STRING context, STRING key, INT defaultValue, INT activate) $Function STRING get_flag_string(STRING visitorId, STRING context, STRING key, STRING defaultValue, INT activate) $Function REAL get_flag_number(STRING visitorId, STRING context, STRING key, REAL defaultValue, INT activate)