CC0-1.0 GPL-3.0+ Delta Chat Delta Chat Delta Chat email-based messenger

Chat over email and head back to the future with us!

Delta Chat is like Telegram or Whatsapp but without the tracking or central control. Check out our GDPR compliancy statement.

Delta Chat doesn’t have their own servers but uses the most massive and diverse open messaging system ever: the existing e-mail server network.

Chat with anyone if you know their e-mail address, no need for them to install DeltaChat! All you need is a standard e-mail account. Main View showcasing multiple accounts, chats and a group conversation We have different themes, here darkmode with beach background You can have as many profiles as you like, just set a name to get a new chatmail account instantly You can also use Delta Chat as an email client with your existing email address (New!): small screen mode: here you can see profile sidebar and chat list (New!): small screen mode: here you can see a conversation in a chat Darkmode with default background

🐣 New Onboarding: ⚑️ Sign up to secure fast chatmail servers ( or use classic e-mail servers

  • πŸ’» Collapse chat list on small screens or window sizes
  • πŸ“‹ Accept images from clipboard in QR reader
  • πŸ–ΌοΈβœ‚οΈ Image cropper for profile image selector
  • πŸ“Œ Webxdc windows now remember their last position and size
  • πŸš€ Shorter startup times on newer Mac (through native ARM builds)
  • ✨ Many improvements and bug fixes
  • ❀️ Send emoji reactions for messages
  • πŸ”„ New Account Switcher sidebar with notification management
  • πŸ›ŽοΈ Get notified for all your accounts
  • βš™οΈ Improved settings dialog
  • ✨ A whole bunch of refactorings, improvements and bugfixes
  • ❀️ Send emoji reactions for messages
  • πŸ”„ New Account Switcher sidebar with notification management
  • πŸ›ŽοΈ Get notified for all your accounts
  • βš™οΈ Improved settings dialog
  • ✨ A whole bunch of refactorings, improvements and bugfixes
  • πŸ’Œ one-to-one chats guarantee end-to-end encryption for introduced contacts now
  • 😌 for everyone's simplicity, we mark these contacts and chats with green checkmarks
  • πŸ‘₯ groups are created automatically with guaranteed end-to-end encryption if possible
  • πŸ”„ Accept/Blocked, Archived, Pinned, Mute is synced across all your devices
  • πŸ—œοΈ Images are now compressed (unless you send them as files)
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ Global Gallery with your pictures, documents, media across all chats
  • ✨ many more improvements and bugfixes
  • Bugfixes and it should run again on older linux distros like ubuntu 18.04.
  • Bugfixes, resend messages and more.


  • Add ci deb building scripts @hpk42 @jikstra #752
  • Add ci deb build instructions for ubuntu 19.04 @jikstra
  • Add ci deb build instructions for 19.04 with netpgp @jikstra #814
  • Add settings for displayname and signature @Simon-Laux #810
  • Add progress indicator on login @Simon-Laux #811
  • Add incremental builds on watching @Jikstra #827
  • Refactor message body and implement simple markdown @Simon-Laux #833
  • Add advanced settings section and switch to turn on/off location streaming @jikstra #832


  • Open files in media view directly @Simon-Laux #817
  • Refactor chatlist and messagelist, use async approach, improves performance a lot @nicodh #835 #840
  • Remove unused dependencies @Simon-Laux #835
  • remove i18n property and replace each occurence with the transifex one @Simon-Laux #843


  • Fix ci deb building, add building .debs for 18.10 (backported to 0.103.0) @Jikstra #805
  • Fix ci testing @Jikstra #826
  • Update fstream dependency @jikstra #825
  • Use a friendlier file name for logs on windows @ralphtheninja #828
  • Fix images in media gallery showing as squares again @Simon-Laux #847
  • Update rpgp to 0.2.1 @jikstra #844


  • Add context menu to ChatList @Simon-Laux #698
  • Add location streaming support @nicodh #747
  • Add map controls @nicodh #765
  • Add react-debugger @Simon-Laux
  • Update and integrate appstream file (flatpaks) @flub #730
  • Implement drafts @jikstra #721


  • Simplify chat object creation, optimisations and remove unpkg from whitelist @Simon-Laux
  • Refactor sass @nicodh
  • Update deltachat-node to 0.43.0 @ralphtheninja
  • New state handling @nicodh #785
  • Change backend into multiple files @jikstra #787
  • Update deltachat-node to 0.44.1 @jikstra #796


  • Import/Export keys @nicodh @karissa #251 #707
  • Updated emoji-mart @Simon-Laux
  • Make sure images don't overflow in ChatView @Jikstra #734
  • Fix crash on contact requests @Simon-Laux #755 #776
  • Fix broken render when archiving/deleting chats @ralphtheninja #762
  • Prevent select all @Simon-Laux #774
  • Remember map settings @nicodh #777
  • Update readme for new dc-node @flub #779
  • Improve chatlist performance @karissa #782
  • Change emoji picker behaviour @Simon-Laux #795
  • Fix delete account @jikstra #799
  • Reapply lost changes @nicodh #800


  • Send file by drag&drop to ChatView @Simon-Laux
  • Add native badge count for osx and linux #696 @Simon-Laux
  • Add setting for changing newline/message sending with enter/shift-enter/ctr-enter #662 @Simon-Laux @Jikstra


  • Open context menu on right click @nicodh
  • Change background color for success feedback #703 @nicodh
  • Make elements on Settings screen unselectable #705 @nicodh
  • Improved ui/ux of fullscreen images/videos #710 @nicodh @jikstra


  • Log file catch when deltachat-node dependency is missing #693 @Simon-Laux
  • Fix updating login credentials in settings #695 @nicodh
  • Fix multinline composer performance #704 @Simon-Laux
  • Fix showing media buttons #717 @Jikstra


  • Remove devtron so we can remove highlight.js @ralphtheninja


  • Sort languages alphabetically (#640) (@Simon-Laux)
  • Set this.chatView.current from the start (@ralphtheninja)
  • Fix some typos and tweak logging docs (@ralphtheninja)
  • Update github issue template (#647) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Cleanup ipc (#641) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Hide error message when attempting to login (#644) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Add more detailed info about deltachat-core to About sreen (@Simon-Laux)
  • Improve hanlde position for context menu of messages (#666) (@nicodh)
  • Use vertical ellipsis for context handle (#671) (@nicodh)
  • Update deltachat-node dependency to v0.40.2 (#678) (@ralphtheninja) (@jikstra)


  • Add logging documentation (#628) (@Simon-Laux)
  • Add line break between advanced button and login button (#635) (@Jikstra)
  • Prevent running multiple instances (#649) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Resize the composer based on the newlines in the text (multiline composer) (#654) (@jikstra)
  • Added MAC install information to README (#660) (@zafai)


  • Remove misleading/Uninformative lefticons in login form (#637) (@Jikstra)
  • Remove style specific components (#645) (@ralphtheninja)


  • Show leading digits in Autocrypt Setup (#651) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Change chown to chmod in (#655) /(@naltun)
  • Remove/Hide scrollbar in groupname and fix emoji in avatar (#661) (@Simon-Laux)
  • Do not send empty messages (i.e. only spaces) (#670) (@nicodh)
  • Fix layout breaking when pasting long multiline messages to composer
  • Focus the composer position on the current selection/cursor (#677) (@jikstra)


  • Simplify logging (#602) (@ralphtheninja)
  • change language dropdown to use the local names (@Simon-Laux)
  • Pass in logHandler to menu.init() from ipc (@ralphtheninja)
  • Be explicit when ignoring _*.json, _languages.json should be ignored (@ralphtheninja)
  • Selected chat now uses the delta (light) color (@jikstra)
  • Update translations (@ralphtheninja)


  • Implement login instruction (#607) (@jikstra)
  • Add emoji picker (#615) (@jikstra)


  • Fix message duplication (#613) (@Simon-Laux)
  • Appdata updates and cleanup (@har9862)
  • For some reasons emoji-mart doesn't pull in a required dependency, we need to require it manually (@jikstra)


  • Update copyright year in readme (@jikstra)
  • Use path.join() for getLogsPath() (@ralphtheninja)
  • Upgrade bindings (#595) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Wrap application-config module for proper appConfig during production and testing (#598) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Use electron v4 (#581) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Misc cleanup (#588) (@ralphtheninja)
  • State refactor (#583) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Update translations (@ralphtheninja)
  • Rename Home component to ScreenController (@ralphtheninja)


  • Login automatically if last credentials were saved in state (#589) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Add devtron (@ralphtheninja)


  • Remove password and account settings label (#538) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Remove window.state, not used (@ralphtheninja)


  • Do not send uncaughtError to render process, just log and die (#593) (@ralphtheninja)


  • Tweak search button (#568) (@jikstra)
  • Convert src/config.js to src/applications-constants.js with a functional API (#578) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Improve css building for conversations stylesheets (#573) (@jikstra)
  • Update install instructions in README (@jikstra, @ralphtheninja)
  • Restyle create chat buttons (#563) (@jikstra)
  • Update outdated watch script (@ralphtheninja)
  • Hide known accounts section when it's empty (#567) (@Simon-Laux)
  • Set minimum window height to 450px (@jikstra)
  • Upgrade deltachat-node to ^0.36.0 for Mac OS prebuilt binaries (#570) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Make unit tests less spammy (#554) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Simplify state load (#540) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Make converting translations less spammy (#547) (@ralphtheninja)


  • Add rc module for configuration (#574) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Add logging functionality (#497) (@Simon-Laux)
  • Add hallmark module for markdown linting (#548) (@ralphtheninja)


  • Remove bin/clean.js (@ralphtheninja)
  • Clean up unused configuration code (@ralphtheninja)


  • Fix non verified contacts in verified groups (#580) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Fix escaped characters in translations (#569) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Adjust login form so it's not hidden below navigation bar (#564) (@jikstra)
  • Fix broken rimraf dependency (@jikstra)


  • Use google noto emojis and remove image emojis (@Simon-Laux)
  • Tweak functionality in edit group page (@Simon-Laux)


  • Use language fallback for missing language variants (@ralphtheninja)
  • Translations now based on xml and shared with other Delta Chat projects (@karissa, @Jikstra, @ralphtheninja)
  • Made more elements unselectable (@Simon-Laux)
  • Improve build/run instructions (@obestwalter)
  • Upgrade deltachat-node to ^0.35.0 (@ralphtheninja)


  • Add settings for configuring mvbox and sentbox threads (@Jikstra)
  • Add divider between chat list and chat view (@Simon-Laux)
  • Write output of dc.getInfo() to console (@ralphtheninja)


  • Remove all .ts/.tsx based code (@ralphtheninja)


  • Message input field keeps focus (@Simon-Laux)
  • Fix issue with Autocrypt setup dialog not closing (@ralphtheninja)
  • Add back menu item for unblocking contacts (@ralphtheninja)
  • Fix group image issue (@ralphtheninja)
  • Only run dc.getConfig() on valid account folders (@Simon-Laux)
  • Handle DC_EVENT_SELF_NOT_IN_GROUP error (@ralphtheninja)
  • Fix icon rotation (@Simon-Laux)
  • Fix issues related to media height (@Simon-Laux)


  • Improve experience for inputting Autocrypt setup codes
  • Media view for chats
  • See encryption info for contacts in a chat
  • List contact requests
  • File->Quit in the menu to quit the application
  • Drag a file out of the chat window to the filesystem to copy it locally
  • Settings option for sending read receipts
  • Settings option for preferring encryption
  • Forget account button in the Login screen
  • Update account settings while logged in


  • Make button hover state a pointer cursor
  • Read and delivered checkmarks are now green
  • Display filename and size for downloadable files in messages
  • Richer file messages, including displaying webm videos
  • Ask user before leaving group
  • Mark messages read properly
  • Small bug with exporting backups


  • Upgrade deltachat-node to 0.29.0
  • Remove single-folder compatibility message
  • Update to electron 3.0
none none none none none none none none none none none none none intense none intense none intense none none Network Chat InstantMessaging x-scheme-handler/openpgp4fpr x-scheme-handler/mailto x-scheme-handler/dcaccount x-scheme-handler/dclogin