use std::{ collections::HashMap, fs, io::{Read, Write}, path::PathBuf, }; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use clap::Args; use elementtree::Element; use flate2::{read::GzDecoder, write::GzEncoder, Compression}; use log::info; use ostree::{ gio::{Cancellable, File}, glib::VariantDict, prelude::Cast, MutableTree, Repo, }; use crate::{ config::{Config, RegularConfig, ValidateConfig}, job_utils::BuildExtended, storefront::StorefrontInfo, utils::{app_id_from_ref, mtree_lookup, mtree_lookup_file, read_file_from_repo, Transaction}, }; #[derive(Args, Debug)] pub struct PublishArgs { /// Path to the config file. The script is usually run in the build directory, so this needs to be an absolute path. #[arg(short, long)] config: PathBuf, } impl PublishArgs { pub fn run(&self) -> Result<()> { let config: RegularConfig = serde_json::from_reader(fs::File::open(self.config.clone())?)?; // Open the build repo at the current directory let repo = Repo::new(&File::for_path("."));; let refs = repo.list_refs(None, Cancellable::NONE)?; // Get build info from flat-manager let build = if config.get_is_republish()? { None } else { Some(config.get_build()?) }; let mut storefront_infos = HashMap::new(); // Rewrite each one for (refstring, checksum) in refs.into_iter() { let refstring = refstring.to_string(); info!("Rewriting {refstring} ({checksum})"); let app_id = app_id_from_ref(&refstring); let storefront_info = config.get_storefront_info(&app_id)?; if !storefront_infos.contains_key(&app_id) { storefront_infos.insert(app_id.clone(), storefront_info); } let storefront_info = storefront_infos.get(&app_id).unwrap(); rewrite_ref(&repo, storefront_info, &build, &refstring, &checksum)?; } Ok(()) } } fn rewrite_ref( repo: &Repo, storefront_info: &StorefrontInfo, build: &Option, refstring: &str, checksum: &str, ) -> Result<()> { let app_id = app_id_from_ref(refstring); let tx = Transaction::new(repo)?; // Create a MutableTree so we can edit the commit's files let mtree = MutableTree::from_commit(repo, checksum)?; rewrite_appstream_file(repo, &mtree, &app_id, storefront_info, build, refstring)?; // Write the modified MutableTree to the repository. let repo_file = repo.write_mtree(&mtree, Cancellable::NONE)?; // Copy the original commit metadata. Leave out extended attributes, that's just the signature, which // won't be valid when we rewrite the commit (and flat-manager will sign the resulting commit with its own key // anyway) let commit_metadata = repo.load_commit(checksum)?.0; let metadata = commit_metadata.child_get::(0); let subject = &commit_metadata.child_get::(3); let body = &commit_metadata.child_get::(4); let time = ostree::commit_get_timestamp(&commit_metadata); let parent = ostree::commit_get_parent(&commit_metadata).map(|x| x.to_string()); rewrite_metadata(&metadata, storefront_info)?; // Write a new commit with the new dirtree but (mostly) the same metadata let new_checksum = repo .write_commit_with_time( parent.as_deref(), Some(subject), Some(body), Some(&metadata.end()), repo_file.dynamic_cast_ref().unwrap(), time, Cancellable::NONE, )? .to_string(); if checksum == new_checksum { info!("No changes to {refstring}"); } else { info!("Rewriting ref {refstring} from {checksum} to {new_checksum}"); // Update the ref to point to the edited commit repo.transaction_set_ref(None, refstring, Some(&new_checksum)); } tx.commit()?; Ok(()) } pub fn rewrite_appstream_file( repo: &Repo, mtree: &MutableTree, app_id: &str, storefront_info: &StorefrontInfo, build: &Option, refstring: &str, ) -> Result<()> { let appstream_filename = &format!("{app_id}.xml.gz"); let appstream_file = mtree_lookup_file( mtree, &["files", "share", "app-info", "xmls", appstream_filename], ); if appstream_file.is_err() { return Ok(()); } let appstream_content = read_file_from_repo(repo, &appstream_file.unwrap())?; let mut s = String::new(); GzDecoder::new(&*appstream_content).read_to_string(&mut s)?; let new_appstream = rewrite_appstream_xml(storefront_info, refstring, build, &s)?; if new_appstream == s { // If the appstream contents didn't change, we shouldn't bother rewriting the file return Ok(()); } else { let difference = diff::lines(&s, &new_appstream) .iter() .map(|l| match l { diff::Result::Left(l) => format!("-{l}\n"), diff::Result::Both(b, _) => format!(" {b}\n"), diff::Result::Right(r) => format!("+{r}\n"), }) .collect::(); info!("Changes to {}: {}", appstream_filename, difference); } // gzip encode the new appstream file let mut s = vec![]; GzEncoder::new(&mut s, Compression::default()).write_all(new_appstream.as_bytes())?; // Write the new appstream file to the repo let checksum = repo.write_regfile_inline(None, 0, 0, 0o100644, None, &s, Cancellable::NONE)?; // Edit the MutableTree with a reference to the new appstream file mtree_lookup(mtree, &["files", "share", "app-info", "xmls"])? .1 .ok_or(anyhow!("file not found"))? .replace_file(&format!("{app_id}.xml.gz"), &checksum)?; Ok(()) } pub fn rewrite_appstream_xml( storefront_info: &StorefrontInfo, refstring: &str, build: &Option, original_appstream: &str, ) -> Result { let mut changed = false; let mut root = Element::from_reader(original_appstream.as_bytes())?; let mut components: Vec<_> = root.children_mut().collect(); if components.len() != 1 { return Err(anyhow!( "Expected exactly 1 tag, found {}", components.len() )); } let component = &mut components[0]; // Delete all existing "flathub::" keys for metadata_tag in component.find_all_mut("custom") { metadata_tag.retain_children(|value: &Element| { if let Some(key) = value.get_attr("key") { if key.to_lowercase().starts_with("flathub::") { #[allow(clippy::if_same_then_else)] if key.to_lowercase() == "flathub::manifest" { /* Preserve the flathub::manifest key, it is allowed to be set by upstream */ true } else if key.to_lowercase().starts_with("flathub::build::") && build.is_none() { /* On republishes, preserve the previous build log URL */ true } else { changed = true; false } } else { true } } else { true } }); } fn find_element<'a>( parent: &'a mut Element, tag: &'a str, attr: Option<(&'_ str, &'_ str)>, ) -> Option<&'a mut Element> { let existing = if let Some((key, val)) = attr { parent .find_all_mut(tag) .find(|el| el.get_attr(key) == Some(val)) } else { parent.find_mut(tag) }; existing } fn find_or_create_element<'a>( parent: &'a mut Element, tag: &'a str, attr: Option<(&'_ str, &'_ str)>, ) -> &'a mut Element { if find_element(parent, tag, attr).is_some() { // running find_element twice is a borrow checker workaround find_element(parent, tag, attr).unwrap() } else { let new_tag = parent.append_new_child(tag); new_tag.set_tail("\n "); if let Some((key, val)) = attr { new_tag.set_attr(key, val); } new_tag } } let mut set_value = |key: &str, value: Option<&str>| { if let Some(value) = value { let custom = find_or_create_element(component, "custom", None); find_or_create_element(custom, "value", Some(("key", key))).set_text(value); changed = true; } }; // Add verification tags if let Some(verification) = &storefront_info.verification { set_value( "flathub::verification::verified", Some(if verification.verified { "true" } else { "false" }), ); set_value( "flathub::verification::timestamp", verification.timestamp.as_deref(), ); set_value( "flathub::verification::method", verification.method.as_deref(), ); set_value( "flathub::verification::login_name", verification.login_name.as_deref(), ); set_value( "flathub::verification::login_provider", verification.login_provider.as_deref(), ); set_value( "flathub::verification::website",, ); set_value( "flathub::verification::login_is_organization", Some(if verification.login_is_organization.is_some() { "true" } else { "false" }), ); } // Add pricing tags if let Some(pricing) = &storefront_info.pricing { set_value( "flathub::pricing::recommended_donation", pricing .recommended_donation .map(|x| x.to_string()) .as_deref(), ); set_value( "flathub::pricing::minimum_payment",|x| x.to_string()).as_deref(), ); } // Add build log tags if let Some(build) = build { if let Some(build_log_url) = & { set_value( "flathub::build::build_log_url", Some(build_log_url.as_str()), ); } if let Some(build_ref_log_url) = &build .build_refs .iter() .find(|x| x.ref_name == refstring) .and_then(|x| x.build_log_url.as_ref()) { set_value( "flathub::build::build_ref_log_url", Some(build_ref_log_url.as_str()), ); } } if changed { Ok(root.to_string()?) } else { Ok(original_appstream.to_string()) } } /// Edits a commit's metadata according to the given storefront info. pub fn rewrite_metadata(metadata: &VariantDict, storefront_info: &StorefrontInfo) -> Result<()> { let subsets = list_subsets(storefront_info); if subsets.is_empty() { metadata.remove("xa.subsets"); } else { info!("Setting subsets: {}", subsets.join(", ")); metadata.insert("xa.subsets", &subsets); } let is_paid = storefront_info .pricing .as_ref() .map(|pricing| { pricing.recommended_donation.map_or(false, |x| x > 0) || pricing.minimum_payment.map_or(false, |x| x > 0) }) .unwrap_or(false); if is_paid { info!("Setting token type to 1"); metadata.insert("xa.token-type", 1_i32.to_le()); } else { metadata.remove("xa.token-type"); } Ok(()) } /// Lists all the subsets that we should add to a commit, based on the given storefront info. fn list_subsets(storefront_info: &StorefrontInfo) -> Vec { let mut subsets = vec![]; let verified = storefront_info .verification .as_ref() .map_or(false, |x| x.verified); let floss = storefront_info.is_free_software.map_or(false, |x| x); if verified { subsets.push("verified".to_string()); } if floss { subsets.push("floss".to_string()); } if verified && floss { subsets.push("verified_floss".to_string()); } subsets } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::{ job_utils::{Build, BuildRef}, storefront::{PricingInfo, VerificationInfo}, }; use super::*; fn assert_eq_ignore_space(a: &str, b: &str) { assert_eq!(a.replace([' ', '\n'], ""), b.replace([' ', '\n'], "")) } #[test] fn test_list_subsets_1() { let storefront_info = StorefrontInfo { verification: Some(VerificationInfo { verified: true, ..Default::default() }), pricing: None, is_free_software: Some(true), }; let subsets = list_subsets(&storefront_info); assert_eq!(vec!["verified", "floss", "verified_floss"], subsets); } #[test] fn test_list_subsets_2() { let storefront_info = StorefrontInfo { verification: None, pricing: None, is_free_software: Some(false), }; let subsets = list_subsets(&storefront_info); assert!(subsets.is_empty()); } #[test] fn test_rewrite_appstream_xml_1() { let original_appstream = r#" org.flatpak.Test "#; let storefront_info = StorefrontInfo { verification: Some(VerificationInfo { verified: true, timestamp: Some("2023-01-01T00:00:00".to_string()), method: Some("website".to_string()), website: Some("".to_string()), ..Default::default() }), pricing: None, is_free_software: None, }; let result = rewrite_appstream_xml( &storefront_info, "app/org.flatpak.Test/x86_64/stable", &Some(BuildExtended { build: Build { app_id: None, repo: "".to_owned(), build_log_url: Some("".to_string()), }, build_refs: vec![], }), original_appstream, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq_ignore_space( &result, r#" org.flatpak.Test true 2023-01-01T00:00:00 website false "#, ) } #[test] fn test_rewrite_appstream_xml_2() { let original_appstream = r#" org.flatpak.Test "#; let storefront_info = StorefrontInfo { verification: None, pricing: Some(PricingInfo { minimum_payment: None, recommended_donation: Some(1), }), is_free_software: None, }; let result = rewrite_appstream_xml( &storefront_info, "app/org.flatpak.Test/x86_64/stable", &Some(BuildExtended { build: Build { app_id: None, repo: "".to_owned(), build_log_url: None, }, build_refs: vec![ BuildRef { ref_name: "app/org.flatpak.Test.Locale/x86_64/stable".to_string(), build_log_url: Some("".to_string()), }, BuildRef { ref_name: "app/org.flatpak.Test/x86_64/stable".to_string(), build_log_url: Some("".to_string()), }, ], }), original_appstream, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq_ignore_space( &result, r#" org.flatpak.Test 1 "#, ) } #[test] fn test_rewrite_appstream_xml_removes_old_tags() { let original_appstream = r#" org.flatpak.Test 1 "#; let storefront_info = StorefrontInfo { verification: None, pricing: Some(PricingInfo { minimum_payment: Some(2), recommended_donation: None, }), is_free_software: None, }; let result = rewrite_appstream_xml( &storefront_info, "app/org.flatpak.Test/x86_64/master", &Some(BuildExtended { build: Build { app_id: None, repo: "".to_owned(), build_log_url: None, }, build_refs: vec![], }), original_appstream, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq_ignore_space( &result, r#" org.flatpak.Test 2 "#, ) } }