app-id: me.kozec.syncthingtk runtime: org.gnome.Platform runtime-version: '45' sdk: org.gnome.Sdk sdk-extensions: - org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.golang - org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.rust-stable command: syncthing-gtk rename-desktop-file: syncthing-gtk.desktop rename-icon: syncthing-gtk finish-args: # Wayland - --socket=wayland # Fallback X11 + XShm access - --socket=fallback-x11 - --share=ipc # Folders for syncing can be anywhere - --filesystem=host # Network access for sync - --share=network # System tray icon - --talk-name=org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher # Cleanup after the python modules cleanup: - /include - /lib/pkgconfig build-options: append-path: /usr/lib/sdk/rust-stable/bin env: CARGO_HOME: /run/build/python3-bcrypt/cargo CARGO_NET_OFFLINE: 'true' RUST_BACKTRACE: '1' RUSTFLAGS: -g # sccache hopefully speeds up subsequent compilations RUSTC_WRAPPER: /app/bin/sccache SCCACHE_DIR: /run/ccache/sccache/ modules: - name: psmisc sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 58c55d9c1402474065adae669511c191de374b0871eec781239ab400b907c327 x-checker-data: type: anitya project-id: 3721 url-template:$version.tar.xz cleanup: - /bin/fuser - /bin/p* - /share/man - name: gobject-introspection disabled: true buildsystem: meson sources: - type: archive url: sha256: 555dc3997c2892228543029f58610b83fc1da733e4e3d18e9363d7b5a81164dd - shared-modules/dbus-glib/dbus-glib-0.110.json - shared-modules/libappindicator/libappindicator-gtk3-introspection-12.10.json # There's also - name: python3-bcrypt buildsystem: simple build-commands: - echo $PATH - rustc --version - pip3 show setuptools - python3 build - python3 install "--prefix=${FLATPAK_DEST}" #- pip3 install --verbose --exists-action=i --no-index --find-links="file://${PWD}" "--prefix=${FLATPAK_DEST}" . sources: - rust-sources.json - type: git url: tag: 4.1.2 commit: b9223e61e2aec6f2d4841e3fa1f8e5d1ab7e4b61 modules: # setup caching - name: sccache buildsystem: simple build-commands: - install -Dma+rwx sccache /app/bin/sccache cleanup: - /bin/sccache sources: - type: archive url: sha256: e5d03a9aa3b9fac7e490391bbe22d4f42c840d31ef9eaf127a03101930cbb7ca only-arches: [x86_64] - type: archive url: sha256: 90d91d21a767e3f558196dbd52395f6475c08de5c4951a4c8049575fa6894489 only-arches: [aarch64] # flatpak-pip-generator --runtime org.freedesktop.Sdk//22.08 --checker-data wheel pip python-dateutil setuptools setuptools_scm cffi 'setuptools_rust' 'bcrypt >= 4' - python3-modules.json # Pulling in libnotify again pretty much just for the GIR bindings. - name: libnotify buildsystem: meson config-opts: - -Dintrospection=enabled - -Dtests=false - -Dman=false - -Dgtk_doc=false - -Ddocbook_docs=disabled sources: - type: git url: tag: 0.8.3 commit: 6083790f9e0f1827147ecd8799c4dced0e86a877 x-checker-data: type: git tag-pattern: ^([\d.]+)$ - syncthing.yaml - name: syncthing-gtk buildsystem: simple build-commands: - pip3 install --verbose --exists-action=i --no-index --find-links="file://${PWD}" --prefix=${FLATPAK_DEST} "." --no-build-isolation # Trying to adjust the filenames to have them exported so that the tray can be shown properly - for icon in /app/share/icons/hicolor/*/status/si-syncthing*.png; do cp -ar --reflink=auto $icon ${icon/si-syncthing/me.kozec.syncthingtk}; done - for icon in /app/share/icons/hicolor/*/emblems/*-active.png; do cp -ar --reflink=auto $icon ${icon/emblem-syncthing/me.kozec.syncthingtk}; done sources: - type: git url: commit: 3118560fe15e7b2c638c09c66c9be21725bfe2dc tag: x-checker-data: type: git pattern: \d\.\d\.\d\.\d - type: patch path: 0001-appdata-remove-URL-to-make-the-validator-stop-compla.patch cleanup: - /share/pixmaps