io.github.flattool.Warehouse.desktop io.github.flattool.Warehouse.desktop Warehouse Heliguy CC0-1.0 GPL-3.0-only Manage all things Flatpak

Warehouse is an app that manages installed Flatpaks, their user data, and Flatpak remotes.


#AECEF4 #072F5E keyboard pointing touch 330

Bux Fixes

  • Fix issue causing downgrade window to not be able to downgrade anything

Previous Releases's Bug Fixes

  • Downgrade Window no longer silently fails when downgrading a masked Flatpak, and instead, downgrades it
  • When downgrading and masking system Flatpaks, the password prompt only happens once instead of twice

Bug Fixes

  • Downgrade Window no longer silently fails when downgrading a masked Flatpak, and instead, downgrades it
  • When downgrading and masking system Flatpaks, the password prompt only happens once instead of twice

Bug Fixes

  • Install from the Web no longer has issues on systems with only one remote

Bug Fixes

  • App Properties no longer has issues with information containing colon characters

Previous Releases's New Features and Changes

  • The main list has a status page while refreshing
  • Add ability to pin and unpin runtimes
  • App Properties shows license and proper commit information
  • App Properties better shows the app's name and description
  • Update to GNOME 46 GTK Technologies
  • Updated translations

Previous Releases's Bug Fixes

  • When an attempt to run an app fails, correct runtime error information is shown
  • Install From The Web no longer behaves incorrectly on remote installations with options
  • The rare chance that Install From The Web selects a disabled remote has been fixed

New Features and Changes

  • The main list has a status page while refreshing
  • Add ability to pin and unpin runtimes
  • App Properties shows license and proper commit information
  • App Properties better shows the app's name and description
  • Update to GNOME 46 GTK Technologies
  • Updated translations

Bug Fixes

  • When an attempt to run an app fails, correct runtime error information is shown
  • Install From The Web no longer behaves incorrectly on remote installations with options
  • The rare chance that Install From The Web selects a disabled remote has been fixed

Bug Fixes

  • Main list is no longer scrolled to the bottom on launch
  • Leftover Data window no longer tries to use a different window for toast messages
  • Fix issue causing Downgrade window to not be able to downgrade user installation Flatpaks
  • Fix the accidental removal of translations
  • Fix issue causing Reset Filters button to be clickable upon Filter Window opening even when the filters are default

New Features and Changes

  • Flatpaks can now be installed from the web, from any added remote
  • Filters are now saved and restored between sessions
  • Filters now apply live
  • Move Refresh Button into Main Menu
  • Period, 0 to 9, and underscores are now allowed in new Custom Remote names
  • Updated translations

Bug Fixes

  • Hide Show Disabled Remotes button when there aren't any
  • Fix Batch Snapshots accidentally triggering Select All
  • Misc UI element tooltips and alignments

New Features and Changes

  • View disabled remotes, enable and disable remotes, and set a filter for a remote in the Manage Remotes window
  • Added a new Snapshot feature. Snapshots can be created and applied at any time for quick saving app user data
  • Added a batch action to create Snapshots
  • Revamped the Properties window, and it can also open app details in the software store
  • Merged the Popular Remotes window into the Manage Remotes window
  • Removed labels in the main list, placing them in popup text buttons instead, to save room
  • Added progress bars to show progress of batch actions
  • Empty search pages now display a message
  • Added a troubleshooting information page
  • Added a donation link
  • Added translations (NL, FR, RU, SV, UK)

Bug Fixes

  • Launching Warehouse no longer hangs when grabbing the list of Flatpaks
  • Unexpected errors are caught more often and handled better
  • Fixed a few typos

New Features and Changes

  • Names, IDs, Refs, and Launch Commands can now be copied from a dropdown
  • Updates can now be disabled and enabled for Flatpaks
  • Warehouse can now downgrade Flatpaks
  • Apps can be now be ran from Warehouse
  • Control + Keypad Enter now also toggles select mode
  • Added translations (HG, ES, TH)

Bug Fixes

  • The runtime filter button in the properties window now only shows when that runtime is a dependent runtime
  • Removed the Select All keyboard shortcut as it interfered with the search bar
  • The main list of Flatpaks is now sorted by name instead of ID
  • Warehouse can now be found in your app menu by searching for "flatpak"
  • Corrected typo in the previous release's change log

New Features and Changes

  • Flatpaks files can be installed with a drag and drop or from a file selection
  • Flatpak remotes can be added with a drag and drop or from a file selection
  • Apps can now be filtered by dependent runtimes
  • Properties of a runtime now shows a button to show only apps that rely on the runtime
  • A loading indicator is now shown when adding a remote
  • Added Webkit Testing to the list of popular remotes
  • Added a search bar to the Leftover Data window
  • Added a button to open the entire user data folder the Leftover Data window
  • Added a button on each row in the Leftover Data list to open them directly
  • Changed margins of lists to improve legibility
  • F10 now opens the main menu

Bug Fixes and Stability Improvements

  • Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when opening the Leftover Data window
  • Popular remotes are now named correcting and have proper descriptions
  • The filter button now disables when the Filter window is closed by the keyboard
  • The default filter is no longer allowed to be set as a new filter

Emergency Bug Fix

  • Fix error causing a crash on Linux Mint
  • Correct typo in the app summary

New Features and Changes

  • Choose from a list of popular remotes when adding a new remote
  • App properties now shows the runtime that the app relies on
  • Apps and runtimes that are End of Life are now noted as such
  • Window size and state is remembered between sessions

Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

  • The UI no longer freezes when uninstalling apps
  • The UI no longer freezes when getting file sizes of large files
  • Toggling batch mode no longer causes a freeze
  • Selecting all apps no longer causes a freeze
  • Applying and removing a filter no longer causes a freeze
  • Fixed issue where the no remotes status page would not be removed when a new remote was added

First release of Warehouse