from fabric.api import task, local, lcd @task def make_knnaas(): local('rm -rf knnaas/worker/build') local('mkdir -p knnaas/worker/build') with lcd('knnaas/worker/build'): local('ls') local('pwd') local('cmake ..') local('make') @task def make_caffe(): with lcd('build'): local('git clone') with lcd('build/caffe'): local('rm -rf build') local('mkdir build') with lcd('build/caffe/build'): local('cmake ..') local('make') local('make pycaffe') @task def download_example_models(): local('mkdir -p caffe_models') #KevinNet - local('wget -O ./caffe_models/KevinNet_CIFAR10_48_blob ""') local('wget -O ./caffe_models/KevinNet_CIFAR10_48_proto ""') @task def setup(): local('rm -rf build') local('mkdir build') make_caffe() make_knnaas() local('mkdir -p caffe_models') download_example_models() # add locale settings to bash_profile for ipython notebook to work @task def make(): make_knnaas() @task def start_redis(): local('sudo /etc/init.d/redis-server start') @task def stop_redis(): local('sudo /etc/init.d/redis-server stop') @task def start_router(): local("LOG_CFG=test/router_log_config.yaml gunicorn --daemon 'router.router_app:loader()' --error-logfile gunicorn.log --access-logfile gunicorn_access.log") @task def stop_router(): local("pkill -f 'router.router_app'") @task def start_caas(): local('python -m caas.worker.worker start conf/caas_config.yaml 0') @task def stop_caas(): local('python -m caas.worker.worker stop conf/caas_config.yaml 0') @task def start_knnaas(): local('python -m knnaas.worker.server start conf/knnaas_config.yaml 0') @task def stop_knnaas(): local('python -m knnaas.worker.server stop conf/knnaas_config.yaml 0') @task def start_ipynb(): with lcd('examples'): local('LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ipython notebook --ip="*"')