package flipt import "strings" #FliptSpec: { // flipt-schema-v1 // // Flipt config file is a YAML file defining how to configure the // Flipt application. @jsonschema(schema="") version?: "1.0" | *"1.0" experimental?: #experimental analytics: #analytics audit?: #audit authentication?: #authentication authorization?: #authorization cache?: #cache cloud?: #cloud cors?: #cors diagnostics?: #diagnostics storage?: #storage db?: #db log?: #log meta?: #meta server?: #server metrics?: #metrics tracing?: #tracing ui?: #ui #authentication: { required?: bool | *false exclude?: { management: bool | *false metadata: bool | *false evaluation: bool | *false ofrep: bool | *false } session?: { domain?: string secure?: bool token_lifetime: =~#duration | *"24h" state_lifetime: =~#duration | *"10m" csrf?: { key: string } } methods?: { token?: { enabled?: bool | *false cleanup?: #authentication.#authentication_cleanup bootstrap?: { token?: string expiration: =~#duration | int metadata?: [string]: string } } cloud?: { enabled?: bool | *false } oidc?: { enabled?: bool | *false cleanup?: #authentication.#authentication_cleanup providers?: { {[=~"^.*$" & !~"^()$"]: #authentication.#authentication_oidc_provider} } email_matches?: [...] | string } kubernetes?: { enabled?: bool | *false discovery_url: string ca_path: string service_account_token_path: string cleanup?: #authentication.#authentication_cleanup } github?: { enabled?: bool | *false server_url?: string api_url?: string client_secret?: string client_id?: string redirect_address?: string scopes?: [...string] allowed_organizations?: [...] | string allowed_teams?: [string]: [...string] } jwt?: { enabled?: bool | *false validate_claims?: { issuer?: string subject?: string audiences?: [...string] } jwks_url?: string public_key_file?: string } } #authentication_cleanup: { @jsonschema(id="authentication_cleanup") interval?: =~#duration | int | *"1h" grace_period?: =~#duration | int | *"30m" } #authentication_oidc_provider: { @jsonschema(id="authentication_oidc_provider") issuer_url?: string client_id?: string client_secret?: string redirect_address?: string nonce?: string scopes?: [...string] use_pkce?: bool } } #authorization: { required?: bool | *false backend: "local" | "object" | "bundle" | "cloud" | *"" local?: { policy?: { poll_interval: =~#duration | *"5m" path: string } data?: { poll_interval: =~#duration | *"5m" path: string } } object?: { type: "s3" | *"" s3?: { region: string bucket: string prefix?: string endpoint?: string } } bundle?: { configuration: string } cloud?: { poll_interval: =~#duration | *"5m" } } #cache: { enabled?: bool | *false backend?: *"memory" | "redis" ttl?: =~#duration | int | *"60s" redis?: { host?: string | *"localhost" port?: int | *6379 require_tls?: bool | *false db?: int | *0 username?: string password?: string pool_size?: int | *0 min_idle_conn?: int | *0 conn_max_idle_time?: =~#duration | int | *0 net_timeout?: =~#duration | int | *0 ca_cert_path?: string ca_cert_bytes?: string insecure_skip_tls?: bool | *false } memory?: { enabled?: bool | *false eviction_interval?: =~#duration | int | *"5m" expiration?: =~#duration | int | *"60s" } } #cloud: { host?: string | *"" organization?: string gateway?: string authentication?: { api_key?: string } } #cors: { enabled?: bool | *false allowed_origins?: [...] | string | *["*"] allowed_headers?: [...string] | string | *[ "Accept", "Authorization", "Content-Type", "X-CSRF-Token", "X-Fern-Language", "X-Fern-SDK-Name", "X-Fern-SDK-Version", "X-Flipt-Namespace", "X-Flipt-Accept-Server-Version", ] } #diagnostics: { profiling?: { enabled?: bool | *true } } #storage: { type: "database" | "git" | "local" | "object" | "oci" | *"" read_only?: bool | *false local?: path: string | *"." git?: { repository: string backend?: *"memory" | "local" ref?: string | *"main" ref_type?: *"static" | "semver" directory?: string poll_interval?: =~#duration | *"30s" ca_cert_path?: string ca_cert_bytes?: string insecure_skip_tls?: bool | *false authentication?: ({ basic: { username: string password: string } } | { token: access_token: string } | { ssh: { user?: string | *"git" password: string private_key_path: string } } | { ssh: { user?: string | *"git" password: string private_key_bytes: string } }) } object?: { type: "s3" | "azblob" | "googlecloud" | *"" s3?: { region: string bucket: string prefix?: string endpoint?: string poll_interval?: =~#duration | *"1m" } azblob?: { container: string endpoint?: string poll_interval?: =~#duration | *"1m" } googlecloud?: { bucket: string prefix?: string poll_interval?: =~#duration | *"1m" } } oci?: { repository: string bundles_directory?: string authentication?: { type: "aws-ecr" | *"static" username: string password: string } poll_interval?: =~#duration | *"30s" manifest_version?: "1.0" | *"1.1" } } #db: { password?: string max_idle_conn?: int | *2 max_open_conn?: int conn_max_lifetime?: =~#duration | int prepared_statements_enabled?: bool | *true } & ({ url?: string | *"file:/var/opt/flipt/flipt.db" } | { protocol?: *"sqlite" | "cockroach" | "cockroachdb" | "file" | "mysql" | "postgres" host?: string port?: int name?: string user?: string }) _#lower: ["debug", "error", "fatal", "info", "panic", "warn"] _#all: _#lower + [for x in _#lower {strings.ToUpper(x)}] #log: { file?: string encoding?: *"console" | "json" level?: #log.#log_level grpc_level?: #log.#log_level keys?: { time?: string | *"T" level?: string | *"L" message?: string | *"M" } #log_level: or(_#all) } #meta: { check_for_updates?: bool | *true telemetry_enabled?: bool | *true state_directory?: string | *"$HOME/.config/flipt" } #server: { protocol?: *"http" | "https" host?: string | *"" https_port?: int | *443 http_port?: int | *8080 grpc_port?: int | *9000 cert_file?: string cert_key?: string grpc_conn_max_idle_time?: =~#duration grpc_conn_max_age?: =~#duration grpc_conn_max_age_grace?: =~#duration cloud?: { enabled?: bool | *false port?: int | *8443 } } #metrics: { enabled?: bool | *true exporter?: *"prometheus" | "otlp" otlp?: { endpoint?: string | *"localhost:4317" headers?: [string]: string } } #tracing: { enabled?: bool | *false exporter?: *"jaeger" | "zipkin" | "otlp" sampling_ratio?: float & >=0 & <=1 | *1 propagators?: [ ..."tracecontext" | "baggage" | "b3" | "b3multi" | "jaeger" | "xray" | "ottrace" | "none", ] | *["tracecontext", "baggage"] jaeger?: { enabled?: bool | *false host?: string | *"localhost" port?: int | *6831 } zipkin?: { endpoint?: string | *"http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans" } otlp?: { endpoint?: string | *"localhost:4317" headers?: [string]: string } } #ui: { enabled?: bool | *true default_theme?: "light" | "dark" | *"system" topbar?: { color?: string label?: string } } #audit: { sinks?: { log?: { enabled?: bool | *false file?: string | *"" encoding?: *"" | "json" | "console" } webhook?: { enabled?: bool | *false url?: string | *"" max_backoff_duration?: =~#duration | *"15s" signing_secret?: string | *"" templates?: [...{ url: string body: string headers?: [string]: string }] } cloud?: { enabled?: bool | *false } kafka?: { enabled?: bool | *false topic: string bootstrap_servers: [...string] encoding?: *"protobuf" | "avro" schema_registry?: { url: string } | null require_tls?: bool | *false insecure_skip_tls?: bool | *false authentication?: { username: string password: string } | null } } buffer?: { capacity?: int | *2 flush_period?: string | *"2m" } events?: [...string] | *["*:*"] } #analytics: { storage?: { clickhouse?: { enabled?: bool | *false url?: string | *"" } } buffer?: { capacity?: int flush_period?: string | *"2m" } } #experimental: { cloud?: { enabled?: bool | *false } } #duration: "^([0-9]+(ns|us|µs|ms|s|m|h))+$" }