possible: * "d" mode, show diff from last time viewing file * list of trusted packages, and packages from custom directory 0.5.14: * finally got around to fixing the "null" in the search from non-out-of-date packages * remove escaping of slashes in URLs when printing info 0.5.13: * --noconfirm mode, install/update without asking or viewing files * removed notification when upgraded program is currently runnnig * removed --devel option and code, didn't work that well 0.5.12: * Fixed some URL escaping issues * Removed all Aur3.org support 0.5.11: * Fixed updating from Aur3.org; although, it looks like the mirror is no longer being updated, so added warning. * Fixed formatting issue with printing information * If there's an install file with a variable name, try opening *.install or if it can't find it, print a warning. 0.5.10: * allow system-wide config options in /etc/spinach.conf 0.5.09: * fixed --404 0.5.08: * multiinfo, major speed up after HTTPS requirement * fixed minor source <(...) security bug, remove any $(), ``, etc. * sped up many pacman operations with expac * fixed occasional xarg too long arg problem 0.5.07: * fixed typo essencially adding back "/usr/bin/blah has been updated" * added back in IgnorePkg from /etc/pacman.conf support * fixed some search errors which outputed date instead of * for OutOfDate 0.5.06: * HTTPS is now required since the AUR forwards you to it 0.5.05: * when there's a depend problem, don't add it to the list to be installed (which would then fail and force you to start all over again) 0.5.04: * added --devel to also update -{bzr,cvs,darcs,git,hg,svn} 0.5.03: * different approach... just send errors to /dev/null 0.5.02: * only set_color if in a terminal, otherwise tput errors 0.5.01: * fixed infinite loop when installing packages that depend on a package that doesn't specify the depends array 0.5.0: * added --404 to find non-existant AUR packages * make --custom absolute 0.4.99: * fixed install problems 0.4.98: * added aur3 support * added UseBatch option to disable using `sudo -v' * reworked code; more features, less code 0.4.36: * switched some sed junk to jshon 0.4.35: * print asterisk when searching if out of date 0.4.34: * notify if 'sudo' is in .install or PKGBUILD * if EDITOR isn't set, still work (doesn't return 0 by default?) 0.4.33: * updated way to get tarball, AUR changed * print when using PKGBUILD from custom directory 0.4.32: * on update, don't reinstall AUR depends unless they are out of date * --needed also affects repo packages 0.4.31: * fixed array typo, making it only build one explicit * added back in --noconfirm, and if that fails, then try without * added --needed option 0.4.30: * builds depends in reverse order, builds explicit in order of args * takes PKGEXT into consideration * removed --noconfirm options; make sure there are no conflicts beforehand, otherwise don't expect batch behavior 0.4.29: * don't show spinach is running (duh) message on upgrade * fixed No results message for printing info 0.4.28: * fixed bug where if multiple pkgs from the repos were specified the first one would be just installed multiple times * install all repo packages before the AUR ones (one pacman run) * when not found, don't run sudo -v 0.4.27: * removed extra 'break' that made you only able to update one package 0.4.26: * added '--custom' to --help string * notify on update if pkg/usr/bin/* is currently running 0.4.25: * removed &>/dev/null from sudo -n -v; let user know if s/he will have to type in password (and for future debugging) * allow user to modify PKGBUILD if depends can't be downloaded * add support for directory of custom PKGBUILDs 0.4.24: * fixed problem where all curl results (when finding out if there were updates) were slopped together; now downloads to separate files and concatinates them together when needed 0.4.23: * made sudov a global variable (kill even if in another function it exits?) * change newlines to spaces when doing `pacman -T' (not doing it causes the pacman command to fail) 0.4.22: * fixed "could not download" when depends had tabs in them 0.4.21: * don't print notice when installed from repos ("weird... nothing to intstall") * quit early if there is nothing to install and installed from repos 0.4.20: * allow installing packages from repos (again... accidently deleted it) 0.4.19: * recoded most of it * changed function and variable names * batch friendly (install: view all at beginning, compile, install) * check for new depends on update * when using sudo, run sudo -v ever blah seconds * noconfirm on install, since you already confirmed it * improved bash * removed excess code to append to an array * removed excess code to send array to function * fixed local variable issues * simplified [[ ]] and (( )) logic * added '--compressed' to curl * made single function for most curl-ness * Probably introduced a bunch of new bugs... ugh 0.4.18: * changed a few more [[ 1 ]] && [[ 2 ]] to [[ 1 && 2 ]] * fixed version_cmp -- 0.6.1-1 is newer than 0.6.0_rc7-1 (which it previously saw as 0.6.07) and 0.6.1 is newer than 0.6.01 * trashed version_cmp (still available in git), uses vercmp (which is provided by pacman...) * changed some if statements to ${var1:-otherwise} * made some variables local * removed some unnecessary cats * rearranged some conditions to speed up aur_find_updates 0.4.17: * removed some grep ... &>/dev/null or 2>/dev/null; use -s and -q * allow ~/.config/spinach/config for defaults * added --max, --tmp, and --edit options * all options are --option, all operations are -operation * only one operation per spinach run, multiple packages allowed (a more standard way of doing things) * added a little help funcion back in... it's only a few lines * got rid of weird SPINTMPDIR and MAXTHREADS variables, made them options * switched [ blah ] to [[ blah ]] and [ blah -gt 0 ] to (( blah > 0 )) * added --nossl, --nocol, --norep options * sort search results since it is normally expected to be (and since it doesn't display as it downloads it anyway) 0.4.16: * when a pkgbuild depends on a program in a repo and you don't have it, it will now not say "Not Found: blah" 0.4.15: * fixed seg fault when installing 'pngcrush' 0.4.14: * simplified string comparison logic [[ "a" > "b" ]] in version_cmp * version_cmp will now work like specified in `man pacman` 0.4.13: * make pacman_run return the value pacman returned 0.4.12: * only update packages that are older... don't list ones that are newer; added version_cmp function * use nullglob during pacman install 0.4.11: * more newline fixes (one was when nothing was returned for a search) 0.4.1: * added xargs command in again to fix line return issues 0.4.0: * fixed problem when search results includes package that has a '}' in the version number (which I think is bad to begin with... but anyway) * added newline to search results with -rep specified * print not found when search result is ^{"type":"error" * cd into build directory after every update (otherwise you'll have a lot of "Not Saved" messages if you update more than one package) 0.3.99: * improved code * changed 'su -c blah' to 'su root -c blah' * changed some [[ to (( * removed all uses of xargs * changed some *blah to ./*blah * changed a lot of 'echo blah | cmd' to 'cmd <<< blah' * decreased thread wait time from 0.1 to 0.05 * improved speed of aur_download_deps when a lot of depends are specified (only run pacman once) 0.3.98: * made for looping over threads use ${!q[@]} for array instead of $(seq 0 $((${#q[@]}-1))) 0.3.97: * added MAXTHREADS to set max number (+1) of curl instances * made SSL be multithreaded also (above fixed speed issue) 0.3.96: * sort the multithreaded curl results; otherwise they will be in a random order if -ssl isn't specified * added -sq operation for a quiet search (returns nothing if no results, and doesn't print descriptions) which allows regex searches 0.3.95: * checks for updates with multiple processes when not using the SSL option since, in my testing, multiple curl processes using SSL took the same time as without multiple processes yet it increased the amount CPU usage 0.3.94: * moved help to man page 0.3.93: * removed aur_open... since it wasn't defined; this resulted in an unusable bash script 0.3.92: * removed -r option on makepkg since it would uninstall all the depends and then install them seconds later * when --version specified, exit after printing it 0.3.91: * fixed infinite install after first time trying again * when downloading print "(installed)" if installed * added more color to listing updates 0.3.9: * fixed security problem with commands possibly being executed as root when installing with su (a package file named ';echo cow;.pkg.tar.xz') * when error running su/sudo, run again (after asking the user) * fixed problem where /spinach couldn't be created since it didn't default to /tmp 0.3.8: * changed EDITOR defaults; moved emacs before vi * install depends as depends when running the installer * fixed when aur_message wouldn't print entire message * added SPINTMPDIR support; otherwise any `mktemp` or any other commands would create temporary files in the TMPDIR directory (now checks $SPINTMPDIR, $TMPDIR, and defaults to /tmp) 0.3.7: * user agent is now just "Spinach" (decreases the number of user agents used) * first check if the dep is satisfied (pacman -T) when doing dep checks * fixed bugs with aur_download_deps where it wouldn't find some depends * when using aur_message, must specify type (e.g. Error) * changed "Does not exist" to "Missing;" more concise * rearranged and renamed functions to more-closely follow the help file 0.3.6: * when installing with repo support (-rep) check if installing a pacman group * made "not found" messages print location (if applies) 0.3.5: * fixed installing applications without sudo installed * when installing depends, install the parent package * fixed creating spinach/{build,cache} when deleted 0.3.4: * when updating ask "View ...?" before downloading, thus saving bandwidth * changed "View ...?" to "Update ...?" since it makes more sense * moved tmp from $TMPDIR/aur_spinach to $TMPDIR/spinach * moved cache to spinach/cache and build directory to spinach/build * added aur_message() to get rid of a lot of printf and echo statements 0.3.3: * move created packages during install (-i) into aur_spinach/spinach_cache (so, for example, when sudo times out, you don't have to rebuild) 0.3.2: * removed aur_spinach_update tmp; everything is done in aur_spinach * added update.lock so you can't update twice at the same time * added repo (-rep) support for printing info (-p) * when downloading updates, print version changes * use printf instead of multiple echo's in places 0.3.1: * added repo support to installer with -rep option (if it is in repo, install with pacman; otherwise use AUR) * use aur_spinach tmp for install; use aur_spinach_update for update, so you can install multiple programs at the same time 0.3.0: * reorganized help message * added EDITOR defaults * combined yes/no code since it's used more than once * yes/no code forces the user to answer either y or n * fixed ^C (trap) bugs * removed extra space when printing info for non-existant package without color support * made -i and -u use aur_spinach tmp directory instead of random one for each run (helps if using ccache) * remove aur_spinach only if blank, otherwise error 0.2.9: * changed options/operations names around to allow install to be -i and auto upgrade to be -u 0.2.8: * added -di for installing packages * combined some -di and -a code into aur_run_install() 0.2.7: * added -a for automatic upgrade (download in tmp, edit files, run makepkg, remove tmp files) 0.2.6: * changed curl option -O to -o to output to the right file 0.2.5: * added repo support (-rep) for searching and decided that it's not worth having a pacman wrapper for operations like download and update (too much code and not the intention of this script) 0.2.4: * majorly increased speed of aur_update() 0.2.3: * improved speed of aur_download() ... 0.1.0: * initial release