import { step, TestSettings, Until, By, MouseButtons, Device, Driver, ENV, Key, } from '@flood/element' import * as assert from 'assert' export const settings: TestSettings = { loopCount: -1, screenshotOnFailure: true, description: 'Shop Administration Tool - SAP', actionDelay: '3.5s', stepDelay: '3.5s', clearCache: true, disableCache: true, clearCookies: true, chromeVersion: 'stable', waitTimeout: '60s', } /** * SAP - Shop Admin Tool Demo App * * Authored by Jason Rizio ( * Version: 1.0 */ export default () => { step('Shop Admin Tool Demo App: Home', async browser => { //Navigate to demo app page await browser.visit( '', ) //verify that we are on the correct page and also do a page text check const pageTextVerify = By.visibleText('Shop Administration Tool') await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(pageTextVerify)) //take a screenshot await browser.takeScreenshot() }) step('Shop Admin Tool Demo App: Settings', async browser => { //Click the Setting sub menu let obj_mnu_Settings = By.xpath("//span[contains(text(),'Settings')]") await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(obj_mnu_Settings)) let element1 = await browser.findElement(obj_mnu_Settings) await //verify that we are on the correct page and also do a page text check const pageTextVerify = By.visibleText('Here you can configure your application') await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(pageTextVerify)) //take a screenshot await browser.takeScreenshot() }) step('Shop Admin Tool Demo App: Click Home', async browser => { //click the Home link let obj_mnu_Home = By.xpath("//span[contains(text(),'Home')]") await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(obj_mnu_Home)) let element1 = await browser.findElement(obj_mnu_Home) await //verify that we are on the correct page and also do a page text check const pageTextVerify = By.visibleText('Customer Overview') await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(pageTextVerify)) //take a screenshot await browser.takeScreenshot() }) step('Shop Admin Tool Demo App: Click Table Row', async browser => { //Click the table row that contains the name Jac let obj_tblrow_Jack = By.xpath("//span[contains(text(),'Jack')]") await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(obj_tblrow_Jack)) let element1 = await browser.findElement(obj_tblrow_Jack) await //verify that we are on the correct page and also do a page text check const pageTextVerify = By.visibleText('Customer Overview') await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(pageTextVerify)) //take a screenshot await browser.takeScreenshot() }) }