import { step, TestSettings, Until, By, Device } from '@flood/element' import * as assert from 'assert' export const settings: TestSettings = { clearCache: false, disableCache: false, clearCookies: false, loopCount: -1, duration: '-1', actionDelay: '2s', stepDelay: '2s', waitTimeout: '60s', screenshotOnFailure: true, DOMSnapshotOnFailure: true, } /** * Author: Antonio Jimenez : * The internet - heroku App * @version 1.1 */ const URL = '' export default () => { step('Test: 01 - Homepage', async (browser) => { await browser.visit(URL) await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(By.css('#content > h1'))) const pageTextVerify = By.visibleText('Welcome to the-internet') await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(pageTextVerify)) }) step('Test: 02 - Form Authentication', async (browser) => { await browser.visit(URL + '/login') const pageTextVerify = By.visibleText('Login Page') await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(pageTextVerify)) }) step('Test: 03 - Enter credentials', async (browser) => { const Username = By.css('#username') await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(Username)) const UsernameBox = await browser.findElement(Username) await await browser.type(UsernameBox, 'tomsmith') const Password = By.css('#password') await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(Password)) const PasswordBox = await browser.findElement(Password) await await browser.type(PasswordBox, 'SuperSecretPassword!') const Login = By.css('#login > button > i') await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(Login)) const LoginButton = await browser.findElement(Login) await }) step('Test: 04 - Landing Page', async (browser) => { const pageTextVerify = By.visibleText('Secure Area') await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(pageTextVerify)) const Logout = By.css('#content > div > a') await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(Logout)) const LogoutButton = await browser.findElement(Logout) await }) step('Test: 05 - Login Page', async (browser) => { const pageTextVerify = By.visibleText('Login Page') await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(pageTextVerify)) const Username = By.css('#username') await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(Username)) }) }