import yaml, copy from string import Template FIRST_DECODER_STEP = 28 DESC_PATH = 'z80_desc.yml' TEMPL_PATH = 'z80.template.h' OUT_PATH = '../chips/z80.h' TAB_WIDTH = 4 # a machine cycle description class MCycle: def __init__(self, type, tcycles, items): self.type = type self.tcycles = tcycles self.items = items # an opcode description class Op: def __init__(self, name, cond, flags): = name self.cond = cond self.cond_compiled = compile(cond, '', 'eval') self.flags = flags self.opcode = -1 self.prefix = '' self.single = False self.num_cycles = 0 self.num_steps = 0 self.decoder_offset = 0 self.first_op_index = -1 self.mcycles = [] OP_PATTERNS = [] OP_INDEX_CB = 512 OP_INDEX_CBHL = 513 OP_INDEX_DDFDCB = 514 OP_INDEX_INT_IM0 = 515 OP_INDEX_INT_IM1 = 516 OP_INDEX_INT_IM2 = 517 OP_INDEX_NMI = 518 NUM_SPECIAL_OPS = 7 # 0..255: core opcodes # 256..511: ED prefix opcodes # 512..514: special decoder blocks for CB-prefix # 515..519: special decoder blocks for interrupt handling OPS = [None for _ in range(0,2*256 + NUM_SPECIAL_OPS)] # a fetch machine cycle is processed as 2 parts because it overlaps # with the 'action' of the previous instruction FETCH_TCYCLES = 3 OVERLAPPED_FETCH_TCYCLES = 1 MEM_TCYCLES = 3 IO_TCYCLES = 4 # register mapping tables, see: r_comment = [ 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'H', 'L', '(HL)', 'A' ] rp_comment = [ 'BC', 'DE', 'HL', 'SP' ] rp2_comment = [ 'BC', 'DE', 'HL', 'AF' ] alu_comment = [ 'ADD', 'ADC', 'SUB', 'SBC', 'AND', 'XOR', 'OR', 'CP' ] rot_comment = [ 'RLC', 'RRC', 'RL', 'RR', 'SLA', 'SRA', 'SLL', 'SRL' ] cc_comment = [ 'NZ', 'Z', 'NC', 'C', 'PO', 'PE', 'P', 'M' ] r_map = [ 'cpu->b', 'cpu->c', 'cpu->d', 'cpu->e', 'cpu->hlx[cpu->hlx_idx].h', 'cpu->hlx[cpu->hlx_idx].l', 'XXX', 'cpu->a' ] rr_map = [ 'cpu->b', 'cpu->c', 'cpu->d', 'cpu->e', 'cpu->h', 'cpu->l', 'XXX', 'cpu->a' ] rp_map = [ 'cpu->bc', 'cpu->de', 'cpu->hlx[cpu->hlx_idx].hl', 'cpu->sp' ] rrp_map = [ 'cpu->bc', 'cpu->de', 'cpu->hl', 'cpu->sp' ] rpl_map = [ 'cpu->c', 'cpu->e', 'cpu->hlx[cpu->hlx_idx].l', 'cpu->spl'] rrpl_map = [ 'cpu->c', 'cpu->e', 'cpu->l', 'cpu->spl'] rph_map = [ 'cpu->b', 'cpu->d', 'cpu->hlx[cpu->hlx_idx].h', 'cpu->sph'] rrph_map = [ 'cpu->b', 'cpu->d', 'cpu->h', 'cpu->sph'] rp2_map = [ 'cpu->bc', 'cpu->de', 'cpu->hlx[cpu->hlx_idx].hl', 'cpu->af' ] rp2l_map = [ 'cpu->c', 'cpu->e', 'cpu->hlx[cpu->hlx_idx].l', 'cpu->f'] rp2h_map = [ 'cpu->b', 'cpu->d', 'cpu->hlx[cpu->hlx_idx].h', 'cpu->a'] cc_map = [ '_cc_nz', '_cc_z', '_cc_nc', '_cc_c', '_cc_po', '_cc_pe', '_cc_p', '_cc_m' ] alu_map = [ '_z80_add8(cpu,', '_z80_adc8(cpu,', '_z80_sub8(cpu,', '_z80_sbc8(cpu,', '_z80_and8(cpu,', '_z80_xor8(cpu,', '_z80_or8(cpu,', '_z80_cp8(cpu,' ] rot_map = [ '_z80_rlc(cpu,', '_z80_rrc(cpu,', '_z80_rl(cpu,', '_z80_rr(cpu,', '_z80_sla(cpu,', '_z80_sra(cpu,', '_z80_sll(cpu,', '_z80_srl(cpu,' ] im_map = [ '0', '0', '1', '2', '0', '0', '1', '2' ] def err(msg: str): raise BaseException(msg) def unwrap(maybe_value): if maybe_value is None: err('Expected valid value, found None') return maybe_value # append a source code line indent = 0 out_lines = '' def tab(): return ' ' * TAB_WIDTH * indent def l(s) : global out_lines out_lines += tab() + s + '\n' def map_comment(inp, y, z, p, q): return inp\ .replace('$RY', r_comment[y])\ .replace('$RZ', r_comment[z])\ .replace('$ALU', alu_comment[y])\ .replace('$ROT', rot_comment[y])\ .replace('$RP2', rp2_comment[p])\ .replace('$RP', rp_comment[p])\ .replace('$CC-4', cc_comment[y-4])\ .replace('$CC', cc_comment[y])\ .replace('$IMY', im_map[y])\ .replace('$Y*8', f'{y*8:X}h')\ .replace('$Y', f'{y}') def map_cpu(inp, y, z, p, q): return inp\ .replace('$ADDR', 'cpu->addr')\ .replace('$ALU(', alu_map[y])\ .replace('$ROT(', rot_map[y])\ .replace('$RRPL', rrpl_map[p])\ .replace('$RRPH', rrph_map[p])\ .replace('$RRP', rrp_map[p])\ .replace('$RRY', rr_map[y])\ .replace('$RRZ', rr_map[z])\ .replace('$RY', r_map[y])\ .replace('$RZ', r_map[z])\ .replace('$RP2L', rp2l_map[p])\ .replace('$RP2H', rp2h_map[p])\ .replace('$RP2', rp2_map[p])\ .replace('$RPL', rpl_map[p])\ .replace('$RPH', rph_map[p])\ .replace('$RP', rp_map[p])\ .replace('$CC-4', cc_map[y-4])\ .replace('$CC', cc_map[y])\ .replace('$PCL', 'cpu->pcl')\ .replace('$PCH', 'cpu->pch')\ .replace('$PC', 'cpu->pc')\ .replace('$AF', 'cpu->af')\ .replace('$BC', 'cpu->bc')\ .replace('$DE', 'cpu->de')\ .replace('$HL', 'cpu->hlx[cpu->hlx_idx].hl')\ .replace('$SP', 'cpu->sp')\ .replace('$WZL', 'cpu->wzl')\ .replace('$WZH', 'cpu->wzh')\ .replace('$WZ', 'cpu->wz')\ .replace('$DLATCH', 'cpu->dlatch')\ .replace('$A', 'cpu->a')\ .replace('$C', 'cpu->c')\ .replace('$B', 'cpu->b')\ .replace('$E', 'cpu->e')\ .replace('$D', 'cpu->d')\ .replace('$L', 'cpu->hlx[cpu->hlx_idx].l')\ .replace('$H', 'cpu->hlx[cpu->hlx_idx].h')\ .replace('$IMY', im_map[y])\ .replace('$IM', 'cpu->im')\ .replace('$Y*8', f'0x{y*8:02X}')\ def flag(op, flag): if flag in op.flags: return op.flags[flag] else: return False def parse_opdescs(): with open(DESC_PATH, 'r') as fp: desc = yaml.load(fp, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # type: ignore for (op_name, op_desc) in desc.items(): if 'cond' not in op_desc: op_desc['cond'] = 'True' if 'mcycles' not in op_desc: err(f"op '{op_name}' has no mcycles!") flags = {} if 'flags' in op_desc: flags = op_desc['flags'] op = Op(op_name,op_desc['cond'], flags) if 'prefix' in op_desc: op.prefix = op_desc['prefix'] num_fetch = 0 num_overlapped = 0 for mc_desc in op_desc['mcycles']: mc_type = mc_desc['type'] if mc_type == 'fetch': num_fetch += 1 elif mc_type == 'overlapped': num_overlapped += 1 if 'tcycles' in mc_desc: mc_tcycles = mc_desc['tcycles'] else: default_tcycles = { 'fetch': FETCH_TCYCLES, 'mread': MEM_TCYCLES, 'mwrite': MEM_TCYCLES, 'ioread': IO_TCYCLES, 'iowrite': IO_TCYCLES, 'overlapped': OVERLAPPED_FETCH_TCYCLES, 'generic': -1 } mc_tcycles = default_tcycles[mc_type] if mc_tcycles == -1: err(f'generic mcycles must have explicit length (op: {op_name})') if (mc_tcycles < 1) or (mc_tcycles > 7): err(f'invalid mcycle len: {mc_tcycles}') if mc_type == 'fetch': if mc_tcycles != 4: err('fetch ticks must have exactly 4 tcycles') mc_tcycles -= OVERLAPPED_FETCH_TCYCLES if mc_type == 'overlapped' and mc_tcycles != 1: err('overlapped ticks must have exactly 1 tcycle!') mc = MCycle(mc_type, mc_tcycles, mc_desc) op.mcycles.append(mc) if num_fetch == 0: op.mcycles.insert(0, MCycle('fetch', FETCH_TCYCLES, {})) if num_overlapped == 0: op.mcycles.append(MCycle('overlapped', OVERLAPPED_FETCH_TCYCLES, {})) OP_PATTERNS.append(op) def find_opdesc(name): for op_desc in OP_PATTERNS: if == name: return op_desc return None def stampout_mcycle_items(mcycle_items, y, z, p, q): res = {} for key,val in mcycle_items.items(): if type(val) == str: res[key] = map_cpu(val, y, z, p, q) return res def stampout_op(prefix, opcode, op_index, op_desc): # 76 543 210 # |xx|yyy|zzz| # |ppq| y = (opcode >> 3) & 7 z = opcode & 7 p = y >> 1 q = y & 1 if op_desc.first_op_index == -1: op_desc.first_op_index = op_index op = copy.deepcopy(op_desc) = map_comment(, y, z, p, q) op.prefix = prefix op.opcode = opcode for mcycle in op.mcycles: mcycle.items = stampout_mcycle_items(mcycle.items, y, z, p, q) OPS[op_index] = op def expand_optable(): for oprange,prefix in enumerate(['', 'ed']): for opcode in range(0,256): x = opcode >> 6 # type: ignore (generated unused warning, but x is needed in 'eval') y = (opcode >> 3) & 7 z = opcode & 7 # type: ignore p = y >> 1 # type: ignore q = y & 1 # type: ignore op_index = oprange * 256 + opcode for op_desc_index,op_desc in enumerate(OP_PATTERNS): if not flag(op_desc, 'special'): if eval(op_desc.cond_compiled) and op_desc.prefix == prefix: if OPS[op_index] is not None: err(f"Condition collission for opcode {op_desc_index:02X} and '{}'") stampout_op(prefix, opcode, op_index, op_desc) stampout_op('cb', 0, OP_INDEX_CB, unwrap(find_opdesc('cb'))) stampout_op('cb', 0, OP_INDEX_CBHL, unwrap(find_opdesc('cbhl'))) stampout_op('cb', 0, OP_INDEX_DDFDCB, unwrap(find_opdesc('ddfdcb'))) stampout_op('', 0, OP_INDEX_INT_IM0, unwrap(find_opdesc('int_im0'))) stampout_op('', 0, OP_INDEX_INT_IM1, unwrap(find_opdesc('int_im1'))) stampout_op('', 0, OP_INDEX_INT_IM2, unwrap(find_opdesc('int_im2'))) stampout_op('', 0, OP_INDEX_NMI, unwrap(find_opdesc('nmi'))) # compute number of tcycles in an instruction def compute_tcycles(op): cycles = 0 for mcycle in op.mcycles: cycles += mcycle.tcycles return cycles # generate code for one op def gen_decoder(): global indent indent = 2 decoder_step = FIRST_DECODER_STEP def add(action): nonlocal decoder_step nonlocal step l(f'case {decoder_step:4}: {action}goto step_next;') decoder_step += 1 step += 1 def add_fetch(action): nonlocal decoder_step nonlocal step l(f'case {decoder_step:4}: {action}goto fetch_next;') decoder_step += 1 step += 1 for op_index,maybe_op in enumerate(OPS): op = unwrap(maybe_op) # ignore duplicate ops if they are flagged as 'single' if flag(op, 'single') and op.first_op_index != op_index: continue step = 0 op.num_cycles = compute_tcycles(op) op.decoder_offset = decoder_step l('') l(f'// {op.prefix.upper()} {op.opcode:02X}: {} (M:{len(op.mcycles)-1} T:{op.num_cycles})') for i,mcycle in enumerate(op.mcycles): action = (f"{mcycle.items['action']};" if 'action' in mcycle.items else '') if mcycle.type == 'fetch': pass elif mcycle.type == 'mread': l(f'// -- mread') addr = mcycle.items['ab'] store = mcycle.items['dst'].replace('_X_', '_gd()') add('') add(f'_wait();_mread({addr});') add(f'{store}=_gd();{action}') for _ in range(3,mcycle.tcycles): add('') elif mcycle.type == 'mwrite': l(f'// -- mwrite') addr = mcycle.items['ab'] data = mcycle.items['db'] add('') add(f'_wait();_mwrite({addr},{data});{action}') add('') for _ in range(3,mcycle.tcycles): add('') elif mcycle.type == 'ioread': l(f'// -- ioread') addr = mcycle.items['ab'] store = mcycle.items['dst'].replace('_X_', '_gd()') add('') add('') add(f'_wait();_ioread({addr});') add(f'{store}=_gd();{action}') for _ in range(4,mcycle.tcycles): add('') elif mcycle.type == 'iowrite': l(f'// -- iowrite') addr = mcycle.items['ab'] data = mcycle.items['db'] add('') add(f'_iowrite({addr},{data});') add(f'_wait();{action}') add('') for _ in range(4,mcycle.tcycles): add('') elif mcycle.type == 'generic': l(f'// -- generic') add(f'{action}') for _ in range(1,mcycle.tcycles): add('') elif mcycle.type == 'overlapped': l(f'// -- overlapped') action = (f"{mcycle.items['action']};" if 'action' in mcycle.items else '') if 'post_action' in mcycle.items: # if a post-action is defined we can jump to the common fetch block but # instead squeeze the fetch before the fetch action post_action = (f"{mcycle.items['post_action']};" if 'post_action' in mcycle.items else '') add(f"{action}pins=_z80_fetch(cpu,pins);{post_action}") elif 'prefix' in mcycle.items: # likewise if this is a prefix instruction special case add(f"{action}_fetch_{mcycle.items['prefix']}();") else: # regular case, jump to the shared fetch block after the add_fetch(f'{action}') op.num_steps = step def optable_to_string(type): global indent indent = 1 res = '' for op_index,maybe_op in enumerate(OPS): if (type == 'main' or type == 'ddfd') and op_index > 255: continue elif type == 'ed' and (op_index < 256 or op_index > 511): continue elif type == 'special' and op_index < 512: continue op = unwrap(maybe_op) # map redundant 'single' ops to the original if flag(op, 'single') and op.first_op_index != op_index: op = unwrap(OPS[op.first_op_index]) if type == 'ddfd' and flag(op, 'indirect') and flag(op, 'imm8'): step = "_Z80_OPSTATE_STEP_INDIRECT_IMM8" elif type == 'ddfd' and flag(op, 'indirect'): step = "_Z80_OPSTATE_STEP_INDIRECT" else: step = f"{op.decoder_offset - 1:4}" res += tab() + f'{step},' res += f' // {op_index&0xFF:02X}: {} (M:{len(op.mcycles)-1} T:{op.num_cycles} steps:{op.num_steps})\n' return res def write_result(): with open(TEMPL_PATH, 'r') as templf: templ = Template( c_src = templ.safe_substitute( decode_block = out_lines, optable = optable_to_string('main'), ddfd_optable = optable_to_string('ddfd'), ed_optable = optable_to_string('ed'), special_optable = optable_to_string('special')) with open(OUT_PATH, 'w') as outf: outf.write(c_src) if __name__=='__main__': parse_opdescs() expand_optable() gen_decoder() write_result()