/* rs-theme-name: Delina rscentheme */ /* rs-theme-is-dark: FALSE */ :root { /* editor */ --editor-background-color: 30, 30, 30; --editor-background: #FFF; --editor-foreground: #333; --cursor : #BDA099; --separator: rgb(68, 68, 68); --tab: rgb(45, 45, 45); --selected-tab: var(--editor-background); /* gutter */ --gutter-background: #141414; --gutter-foreground: #c5bbb1; /* syntax */ --language-constant: #af3c51; --numeric-constant: #785648; --string: #996F77; --keyword: #5e4d48; --comment: #97898C; --variable: #3b292d; --support-function: #5e4d48; --operator: #a85767; --paren-col0: #333; --paren-col1: #af3c51; --paren-col2: #598760; --paren-col3: #F8C568; --paren-col4: #BF6273; --paren-col5: #683a27; --paren-col6: #333; --shadow-string : transparent; --shadow-keyword : #f6f5f1; --bg-support-function: #f6f5f1; --bg0: #ede0dd; --bg1: transparent; --bracket-bg: #e4ddd2; --type-declaration: #A2C2EC; --function-declaration: #C99696; --regex: rgb(209, 105, 105); --popup-bg: #EFDFDB; --popup-fg: #7a7a7a; /* console */ --console-keyword: #A15F6C; --console-language-constant: #7E6F5E; --console-error: #97898C; --console-error-bg: #EFDFDB; /* markdown */ --heading: var(--support-function); --inline-code: var(--string); --markup-heading: #598760; --markup-list: #F8C568; --meta-tag: #785648; --rmd-emphasis: var(--operator); --rmd-strong-emphasis: var(--support-function); /* terminal */ --terminal-background: #fff; --terminal-foreground: #3B5C71; /* misc */ --breakpoint: #EBDAD7; --xtcol1: #ba5266; --xtcol2: #CEA3AC; --xtcol3: #944C4C; --xtcol4: #A07268; --xtcol5: #598760; --xtcol6: #944C4C; --xtcol7: #d3d7cf; --xtcol8: #785648; --xtcol9: #DB9B88; --xtcol10: #8ae234; --xtcol11: #7699bb; --xtcol12: #7699bb; --xtcol13: #7699bb; --xtcol14: #D1B9AC; --xtcol214: #944C4C; /* buttons */ --button: #EBDAD7; --highlight : var(--bg0); /* fonts */ --font: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; /* ui */ --bg: #fff; --r-bg: #f6f5f1; --font-fg: #333; --divider-bg: #f2f2f2; --button-bg: var(--button); --button-bg-selected: #f2f2f2; --border: var(--button-bg-selected); --input-bg: #f6f5f1; --toolbar: #f6f5f1; --active-tab: #DEC8C2; --inactive-tab: #DBD3CA; --selected-tab-border: #A07268; --active-secondary-tab: #f6f5f1; --tab-gradient-dark: linear-gradient(to right, #28282800, #282828 13%); --tab-gradient-light: linear-gradient(to right, #3b3b3b, #3b3b3b00); --grid-border: transparent; --scrollbar-bg: transparent; --scrollbar-thumb-bg: #F3F3F3; --scrollbar-bg-hover: var(--bg); --scrollbar-bg-active: var(--button); --scrollbar-border: solid 2px #C2C2C2; --autocomplete-bg: var(--bg); --autocomplete-fg: #333; --autocomplete-border: #878787; --toolbar-fg: #605a52; --active-tab-fg: var(--toolbar-fg); } .ace_gutter { /* margin on the side */ background: var(---gutter-background); color: var(--gutter-foreground); } .ace_print-margin { width: 2px; box-shadow: 1px 0 0 0 rgb(232, 232, 232) inset; } .ace_editor, .rstudio-themes-flat.ace_editor_theme .profvis-flamegraph, .rstudio-themes-flat.ace_editor_theme, .rstudio-themes-flat .ace_editor_theme { background-color: var(--editor-background); /* background for editor */ color: var(--editor-foreground); /* text for editor */ } .ace_cursor { color: var(--cursor); } .ace_constant.ace_language, .ace_keyword.ace_virtual-comment { color: var(--language-constant); } .ace_constant.ace_numeric { color: var(--numeric-constant); } .ace_string { text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px var(--shadow-string); color: var(--string); } .ace_keyword { text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px var(--shadow-keyword); color: var(--keyword); } .ace_comment { font-style: italic; color: var(--comment); background-color: inherit; } .ace_identifier, .ace_variable { color: var(--variable); } .ace_support.ace_function { background-color: var(--bg-support-function) !important; color: var(--support-function); } .ace_keyword.ace_operator { background-color: transparent !important; color: var(--operator); } .ace_paren_color_0 { background-color: #f1dfe2 !important; color: var(--paren-col0) !important; } .ace_paren_color_1 { background-color: transparent !important; color: var(--paren-col1) !important; } .ace_paren_color_2 { background-color: transparent !important; color: var(--paren-col2) !important; } .ace_paren_color_3 { background-color: transparent !important; color: var(--paren-col3) !important; } .ace_paren_color_4 { background-color: transparent !important; color: var(--paren-col4) !important; } .ace_paren_color_5 { background-color: transparent !important; color: var(--paren-col5) !important; } .ace_paren_color_6 { background-color: transparent !important; color: var(--paren-col6) !important; } .ace_markup.ace_heading { color: var(--markup-heading); } .ace_markup.ace_list { color: var(--markup-list); } .ace_heading { color: var(--heading); } .ace_bracket { margin: 0 !important; border: 0 !important; background-color: var(--bracket-bg); } /* rmarkdown code */ .ace_marker-layer .ace_foreign_line { position: absolute; z-index: -1; background-color: #F3F3F3; } [class="ace_support ace_function"] { color: var(--inline-code); } /* rmarkdown emphasis */ .ace_constant.ace_language.ace_boolean.ace_text { font-style: italic; color: #AF7C6C; } /* rmarkdown strong emphasis */ .ace_constant.ace_numeric.ace_text { font-weight: bold; color: #C08585; } .ace_support.ace_function.ace_codebegin, .ace_support.ace_function.ace_codeend { background-color: #F3F3F3 !important; } /* line/highlight */ .ace_selection.ace_start { background-color : rgba(237, 224, 221, 0.8); box-shadow: 0 0 3px 0px rgb(207, 206, 206); border-radius: 2px; } .ace_marker-layer .ace_active-line { background: var(--highlight); } .ace_marker-layer .ace_find_line { position: absolute; z-index: -1; background-color: rgba(228, 221, 210, 0.8); } /* chunk highlight */ .ace_marker-layer .ace_selection { background: rgba(216, 201, 204, 0.7); } .ace_marker-layer .ace_step { background: rgb(102, 0, 0); } .ace_marker-layer .ace_bracket { margin: -1px 0 0 -1px; border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); } .ace_marker-layer .ace_selected-word { background-color : rgba(228, 221, 210, 0.5); } .ace_marker-layer .ace_active_debug_line { position: absolute; z-index: -1; background-color: #C99696; } .ace_invisible { color: #e4ddd2; } /* console */ .ace_console_error { color: var(--console-error); background-color: var(--console-error-bg); } #rstudio_console_output .ace_keyword { background-color: white !important; color: var(--console-keyword); } #rstudio_console_output .ace_constant.ace_language { color: var(--console-language-constant); } .ace_gutter-active-line { background-color: transparent; } .ace_indent-guide { background-color: transparent; } .ace_entity.ace_name.ace_tag, .ace_entity.ace_other.ace_attribute-name, .ace_meta.ace_tag, .ace_string.ace_regexp, .ace_variable { color: var(--meta-tag); } .ace_fold { background-color: #999dd9; border-color: #F8F8F2; } .ace_entity.ace_other.ace_attribute-name { color: #999dd9; } .ace_entity.ace_name.ace_function { color: #999dd9; } /* terminal */ .terminal { background-color: var(--terminal-background); color: var(--terminal-foreground); font-feature-settings: "liga" 0; position: relative; user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; } .terminal.xterm-cursor-style-block.focus:not(.xterm-cursor-blink-on) .terminal-cursor { background-color: #CCC; color: #1e1e1e; } .terminal.focus.xterm-cursor-style-bar:not(.xterm-cursor-blink-on) .terminal-cursor::before, .terminal.focus.xterm-cursor-style-underline:not(.xterm-cursor-blink-on) .terminal-cursor::before { content: ''; position: absolute; background-color: #CCC; } .terminal:not(.focus) .terminal-cursor { outline: 1px solid #CCC; outline-offset: -1px; } .terminal .xterm-selection div { position: absolute; background-color: #CCC; } .terminal .xterm-viewport { background-color: #272822; overflow-y: scroll; } .ace_layer { z-index: 3; } .ace_layer.ace_print-margin-layer { z-index: 2; } .ace_layer.ace_marker-layer { z-index: 1; } /* misc */ /* Remove Rstudios red dot breakpoint icon */ .ace_gutter-cell.ace_breakpoint, .ace_gutter-cell.ace_inactive-breakpoint { background-size: 0px 0px; !important; } /* Blue ribbon meant to mimic Xcode breakpoint */ .ace_gutter-cell.ace_breakpoint:after { visibility: visible; width: 95%; height: 17px; position: absolute; left: 0%; content: ' '; float: right; background: var(--breakpoint); clip-path: polygon(0 5%, 90% 5%, 100% 45%, 90% 85%, 0 85%); z-index: -1; } /*borders in save current workspace*/ .GD15MCFCKMB, .GD15MCFCBNB, .GD15MCFCMNB, .GD15MCFCENB, .GD15MCFCCNB { border: 2px solid rgb(44,45,51) !important; } /* New Project Styles*/ .GD15MCFCD3 { background: rgb(44,45,47) !important; outline: 1px solid rgb(73,73,75) !important; color: white; } /* The hovered menu item */ .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .gwt-MenuItem.gwt-MenuItem-selected, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .subMenuIcon-selected, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .gwt-SuggestBoxPopup .item-selected { background: var(--button) !important; } /*** UI ***/ /* Fonts */ .rstudio-themes-flat, .rstudio-themes-light .GD15MCFCJU, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light .GD15MCFCJU button { font-family: var(--font) !important; color: #000000; } /* Light theme */ /* Scrollbars */ .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light.rstudio-themes-scrollbars ::-webkit-scrollbar, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light.rstudio-themes-scrollbars::-webkit-scrollbar, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .rstudio-themes-scrollbars ::-webkit-scrollbar { background: var(--scrollbar-bg); } .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light.rstudio-themes-scrollbars ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light.rstudio-themes-scrollbars::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .rstudio-themes-scrollbars ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { border: var(--scrollbar-border); background: var(--scrollbar-thumb-bg); -webkit-border-radius: 10px; } .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light.rstudio-themes-scrollbars ::-webkit-scrollbar-track, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light.rstudio-themes-scrollbars ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light.rstudio-themes-scrollbars::-webkit-scrollbar-track, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light.rstudio-themes-scrollbars::-webkit-scrollbar-corner, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .rstudio-themes-scrollbars ::-webkit-scrollbar-track, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .rstudio-themes-scrollbars ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner { background: transparent !important; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background-color: var(--scrollbar-bg-hover) !important; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:active { background-color: var(--scrollbar-bg-active) !important; } #rstudio_shell_widget.ace_editor.ace_scroller, #rstudio_source_text_editor.ace_editor :-webkit-any(.ace_gutter, .ace_scroller, .ace_scrollbar-v) { box-shadow: inset 0 6px 6px -6px black; } /* Editor */ .macintosh .GD15MCFCAW, .macintosh .GJQ3LUQCBW, .macintosh .GD15MCFCAW td, .macintosh .GJQ3LUQCBW td, .macintosh .GJQ3LUQCBW pre, .macintosh .GD15MCFCAW pre { line-height: 1.3; } /* autocomplete */ #rstudio_popup_completions { background-color: var(--autocomplete-bg); color: var(--autocomplete-fg); border: var(--autocomplete-border); } .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .ace_editor.ace_autocomplete { background: var(--autocomplete-bg); border: solid 1px var(--border) !important; color: var(--autocomplete-fg); } .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .ace_editor.ace_autocomplete .ace_marker-layer .ace_active-line, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .ace_editor.ace_autocomplete .ace_marker-layer .ace_line-hover { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15); border: none; } /* autocomplete documentation popup */ .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .GGBOEFPDPWB { color: var(--autocomplete-fg); background: var(--autocomplete-bg); } /* documentation */ .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus :-webkit-any(.GGBOEFPDAXB, .GCHYANPCN1B) { color: var(--autocomplete-fg); background-color: var(--autocomplete-bg); border: 1px solid var(--autocomplete-border); } .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus :-webkit-any(.GGBOEFPDHWB, .GGBOEFPDGWB, .GCHYANPCE1B):not(.ace_keyword) { background-color: var(--bg); } .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .menuPopupMiddleCenter, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .themedPopupPanel .popupMiddleCenter, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .gwt-SuggestBoxPopup .suggestPopupMiddleCenter { background: var(--autocomplete-bg); border: solid 1px var(--autocomplete-border); color: var(--autocomplete-fg); } /* "Packages ... are required but not installed... */ .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light-grey :-webkit-any(.GGBOEFPDC4C, GD15MCFCB2C, .GGBOEFPDD4C) { background-color: var(--bg) !important; border-bottom: var(--border) !important; } /* Environment tab/pane */ #rstudio_workbench_panel_environment :-webkit-any(td, tr) { border-color: var(--grid-border) !important; } /* Packages */ #rstudio_workbench_panel_packages :-webkit-any(td) { border-color: var(--grid-border) !important; } /* Packages tab .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light-grey .dataGridHeader, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light-grey .GD15MCFCHBC, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light-grey .GD15MCFCGCC { border-color: #333 !important; } */ .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus:-webkit-any(.gwt-MenuItemSeparator, .menuSeparatorInner) { border-color: var(--border) !important; } .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .GJQ3LUQCIVB { color: #eaeaea; background: #444444; border: 1px solid #3e3e3e; } .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .GJQ3LUQCPUB { background: #444444; } /* History */ .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light-grey .GGBOEFPDD3B { background-color: var(--active-secondary-tab) !important; } /* Most Tabs, e.g. Environment, Files, Source File Name, etc. */ .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light .GD15MCFCIU, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light .GD15MCFCPT { color: var(--font-fg); text-shadow: none; font-weight: 400; font-family: var(--font) !important; font-size: 12px !important; } .GGBOEFPDOU { font-family: var(--font) !important; font-size: 12px !important; } .GGBOEFPDCS .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTab, .GD15MCFCBS .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTab { font-size: 12px !important; } .rstudio-themes-light .gwt-TabLayoutPanelContent > div:nth-last-child(2):nth-child(4) .rstudio-themes-background { background-color: var(--inactive-tab) !important; } /* Toolbar Fonts */ .GD15MCFCMU { font-family: var(--font) !important; } /* editor location */ .rstudio-themes-flat.editor_light h1, .rstudio-themes-flat.editor_light h2, .rstudio-themes-flat.editor_light h3, .rstudio-themes-flat.editor_light h4 { color: #333 !important; background: none !important; border-color: #dadada !important; font-family: var(--font) !important; } /*Console Pane */ /* Console Pane (without any other tabs) */ .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light-grey :-webkit-any(.GD15MCFCKV.GD15MCFCPO, .GGBOEFPDNV.GGBOEFPDPO, .GCHYANPCPV.GCHYANPCBP) :-webkit-any(div.GD15MCFCMO, div.GGBOEFPDMO, div.GCHYANPCOO) :-webkit-any(.GD15MCFCIS, .GGBOEFPDKS, .GCHYANPCLS) { background-color: var(--bg) !important; border-color: var(--border) !important; } /* General */ /* Outer Container/Pane Borders */ .rstudio-themes-flat > .rstudio-themes-light :-webkit-any(.windowframe, .rstheme_minimizedWindowObject) > div:last-child { border: 1px solid var(--border) !important; } /* panel dividers */ .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light-grey :-webkit-any(.gwt-SplitLayoutPanel-HDragger, .gwt-SplitLayoutPanel-VDragger) { background: var(--divider-bg) !important; } /* wrapper around four panes */ body.rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light-grey, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light-grey .rstudio-themes-background { background: var(--bg) !important; } /* main toolbar */ .rstudio-themes-light > div:last-child > div > div > .rstheme_toolbarWrapper, .rstudio-themes-light [role="application"] > div > .rstheme_toolbarWrapper { background-color: var(--bg) !important; border-color: var(--bg) !important; border-radius: 1px solid; } /* Menu Separators */ .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .gwt-MenuItemSeparator .menuSeparatorInner { border-color: var(--border) !important; } /* Active Primary/Secondary Tab Toolbar(s) */ .rstudio-themes-light .rstheme_toolbarWrapper, .rstudio-themes-light .rstheme_secondaryToolbar { background-color: var(--active-tab) !important; border-color: var(--active-tab) !important; } /* Gradients */ .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light :-webkit-any(.gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs, .windowframe, .rstheme_multiPodUtilityTabArea, .GD15MCFCCS, .GJQ3LUQCCS, .GGFDNYQDDS) { background: var(--tab-gradient-light); border-color: var(--border) !important; } /* Source editor tab overflow gradient */ .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light-grey :-webkit-any(.GGBOEFPDDS, .GD15MCFCCS, .GCHYANPCES, .GEL-OVUBOR) { background: var(--tab-gradient-light) !important; } /* gradient in files pane that displays when path is too long */ .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light-grey .breadcrumb :-webkit-any(.GD15MCFCCJ, .GGBOEFPDCJ, .GCHYANPCCJ) { background: var(--tab-gradient-light); } /* other toolbars */ .rstudio-themes-light .rstudio-themes-background { background-color: var(--active-secondary-tab) !important; border-top-color: var(--border) !important; border-bottom-color: var(--border) !important; } /** * UI of Elements Attached to a Tab * Example: Background of Path bar in the Files Pane */ .rstudio-themes-flat > .rstudio-themes-light, .rstudio-themes-flat > .rstudio-themes-light :-webkit-any(.gwt-TabLayoutPanel, .gwt-TabLayoutPanelContent) { background: var(--bg) !important; } #rstudio_command_palette_search { font-size: 12px; } .rstudio-themes-light .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTab .gwt-Label { cursor: pointer; } /* Inputs */ input[type="text"] { font-family: var(--font) !important; } /* settings "Basic" & "Advanced" buttons */ .GD15MCFCGP .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTab:first-child { border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; } #rstudio_find_replace_bar :-webkit-any(button) > table:first-child { background-color: var(--button-bg) !important; border: solid 1px var(--button-bg); } /* find in files button borders */ .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-dark .GGBOEFPDCX, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-dark .GGBOEFPDPW { border: solid 0px var(--button); } /* find in files button backgrounds */ .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-dark-grey .GGBOEFPDPW .GGBOEFPDDX, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-dark .GGBOEFPDOW, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-dark .GGBOEFPDDX { background: var(--button-bg-selected); border: solid 0px var(--button); } .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-dark-grey .GGBOEFPDPW .GGBOEFPDDX, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-dark-grey .GGBOEFPDCX .GGBOEFPDOW { background: var(--button-bg); border: solid 0px var(--button); } /* Check box options in find and replace bar */ .GGBOEFPDD3B .gwt-Label, .GGBOEFPDA3B .gwt-Label { font-size: 11px; margin-top: 3px !important; } /* settings pane */ .rstudio-themes-flat .gwt-DialogBox { border: solid 1px #242424; border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px; box-shadow: 0 15px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); } /* settings inner-pane */ .GD15MCFCGP .gwt-TabLayoutPanelContentContainer { background: #d2d2d2; border: 1px solid var(--border); } .GGBOEFPDE1 { font-size: 10px; } .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light button.GJQ3LUQCC1 > table:first-child, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-light button.GD15MCFCB1 > table:first-child { border-color: #444444; background: #777777; } .rstudio-themes-flat .GJQ3LUQCLV.GJQ3LUQCPO div.GJQ3LUQCMO .GJQ3LUQCIS { margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 2px; border-bottom: solid 1px var(--border); background-color: var(--bg) !important; } /* datagrid */ .rstudio-themes-light .dataGridHeader, .rstudio-themes-light tr[__gwt_header_row] > :-webkit-any(td, th), .rstudio-themes-light .dataTables_info { background: var(--bg) !important; border-color: var(--border) !important; } /* data table */ .rstudio-themes-light .dataTable :-webkit-any(th, .first-child) { background-color: var(--bg) !important; } .rstudio-themes-light .dataTable :-webkit-any(th, td, tr) { border-color: var(--grid-border) !important; } .rstudio-themes-light .dataTable tbody > tr:hover > td { background-color: var(--bg) !important; } /* JS Changing the data viewing window colors */ /* JS This is the color of the data cells */ .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-grey #rsGridData_info, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-grey th, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-grey td.first-child, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-grey table.dataTable thead th { background-color: #2b2b2b; } /* JS This is the color of the border of the data cells */ .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-grey #rsGridData_info, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-grey table.dataTable thead th, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-grey table.dataTable thead td, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-grey table.dataTable tbody td { border-color: black; } /* R Studio */ /* background */ /* wrapper around 4 panes */ .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-default { background: var(--r-bg) !important; color: var(--toolbar-fg) !important; } .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-default .rstudio-themes-background { background: var(--bg) !important; } .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-default .rstudio-themes-border { border-color: var(--bg); } .rstudio-themes-flat .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTab-selected .rstheme_tabLayoutCenter { box-shadow: 2px 0 0 var( --selected-tab-border) inset; border-radius: 0 !important; border-top: solid 0px transparent !important; border-right: solid 1px transparent !important; border-left: solid 0px transparent !important; margin-left: 0 !important; } /* inactive tabs */ table.rstheme_tabLayoutCenter, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-default .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs, .rstheme_multiPodUtilityTabArea { background: var(--toolbar) !important; } /* toolbar and selected tab */ .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-default .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTab-selected table.rstheme_tabLayoutCenter { background: var(--active-tab) !important; } /* Search */ .rstudio-themes-light .search input { font-family: var(--font) !important; font-size: 11px; } .rstudio-themes-light :-webkit-any(.rstheme_toolbarWrapper, #rstudio_find_replace_bar) .search, .rstudio-themes-flat .themedPopupPanel .search, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-light-menus .search { border-color: var(--border) !important; background: var(--input-bg) !important; } .js-focus-visible .focus-visible:not(.gwt-MenuBar), input[type="checkbox"].focus-visible { outline: white solid 0px !important; outline-offset: -1px !important; } .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-default .rstheme_center { background: var(--active-secondary-tab) !important; border-color: var(--border) !important; } /* toolbar */ .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-default .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTab:hover .rstheme_tabLayoutCenter { background: var(--inactive-tab) !important; color: var(--active-tab-fg) !important; } .rstudio-themes-flat .rstheme_toolbarWrapper button, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstheme_toolbarWrapper a, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstheme_toolbarWrapper div { color: var(--toolbar-fg) !important; } .rstudio-themes-flat .rstheme_toolbarWrapper { background: var(--active-secondary-tab) !important; } .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-default .gwt-SplitLayoutPanel-HDragger, .rstudio-themes-flat .rstudio-themes-default .gwt-SplitLayoutPanel-VDragger { /* spliters */ background: transparent !important; } .rstudio-themes-flat .search, .rstudio-themes-flat.rstudio-themes-default-menus .search { /* search */ background: var(--active-secondary-tab) !important; border: -1px !important; } .rstudio-themes-flat #rstudio_workbench_panel_find_in_files td[colspan="2"] { /* file name in Find in Files */ color: var(--toolbar-fg); } /* pane toolbars */ .rstheme_secondaryToolbar, .rstudio-themes-flat .dataGridHeader { background: var(--active-secondary-tab) !important; } /* popup */ .rstudio-themes-flat .gwt-PopupPanel .popupContent table { background: var(--popup-bg); border: 0; } .rstudio-themes-flat .gwt-PopupPanel .popupContent table .gwt-Label { color: var(--popup-fg); } /* xterm */ .xtermInvertColor { color: #272822; } .xtermInvertBgColor { background-color: #f8f8f2; } .xtermBold { font-weight: bold; } .xtermBlur { filter: blur(1px); } .xtermUnderline { text-decoration: underline; } .xtermBlink { text-decoration: blink; } .xtermHidden { visibility: hidden; } .xtermItalic { font-style: italic; } .xtermStrike { text-decoration: line-through; } .xtermBgColor0 { background-color: #2e3436; } .xtermColor1 { color: var(--xtcol1) !important; } .xtermBgColor1 { background-color: var(--xtcol1); } /* tick when elements of package load */ .xtermColor2 { color: var(--xtcol2) !important; } .xtermBgColor2 { background-color: var(--xtcol2); } /* error when package not load */ .xtermColor3 { color: var(--xtcol3) !important; } .xtermBgColor3 { background-color: var(--xtcol3); } /* package and function name when load */ .xtermColor4 { color: var(--xtcol4) !important; } .xtermBgColor4 { background-color: var(--xtcol4); } .xtermColor5 { color: var(--xtcol5) !important; } .xtermBgColor5 { background-color: var(--xtcol5); } /* tiny symbol next to loading function */ .xtermColor6 { color: var(--xtcol6) !important; } .xtermBgColor6 { background-color: var(--xtcol6); } .xtermColor7 { color: var(--xtcol7) !important; } .xtermBgColor7 { background-color: var(--xtcol7); } .xtermColor8 { color: var(--xtcol8) !important; } .xtermBgColor8 { background-color: var(--xtcol8); } .xtermColor9 { color: var(--xtcol9) !important; } .xtermBgColor9 { background-color: var(--xtcol9); } /* bar when installing package */ .xtermColor10 { color: var(--xtcol10) !important; } .xtermBgColor10 { background-color: var(--xtcol10); } .xtermColor11 { color: var(--xtcol11) !important; } .xtermBgColor11 { background-color: var(--xtcol11); } .xtermColor12 { color: var(--xtcol12) !important; } .xtermBgColor12 { background-color: var(--xtcol12); } .xtermColor13 { color: var(--xtcol13) !important; } .xtermBgColor13 { background-color: var(--xtcol13); } .xtermColor14 { color: var(--xtcol14) !important; } .xtermBgColor14 { background-color: var(--xtcol14); } .xtermColor15 { color: #eeeeec !important; } .xtermBgColor15 { background-color: #eeeeec; } .xtermColor16 { color: #000000 !important; } .xtermBgColor16 { background-color: #000000; } .xtermColor17 { color: #00005f !important; } .xtermBgColor17 { background-color: #00005f; } .xtermColor18 { color: #000087 !important; } .xtermBgColor18 { background-color: #000087; } .xtermColor19 { color: #0000af !important; } .xtermBgColor19 { background-color: #0000af; } .xtermColor20 { color: #0000d7 !important; } .xtermBgColor20 { background-color: #0000d7; } .xtermColor21 { color: #0000ff !important; } .xtermBgColor21 { background-color: #0000ff; } .xtermColor22 { color: #005f00 !important; } .xtermBgColor22 { background-color: #005f00; } .xtermColor23 { color: #005f5f !important; } .xtermBgColor23 { background-color: #005f5f; } .xtermColor24 { color: #005f87 !important; } .xtermBgColor24 { background-color: #005f87; } .xtermColor25 { color: #005faf !important; } .xtermBgColor25 { background-color: #005faf; } .xtermColor26 { color: #005fd7 !important; } .xtermBgColor26 { background-color: #005fd7; } .xtermColor27 { color: #005fff !important; } .xtermBgColor27 { background-color: #005fff; } .xtermColor28 { color: #008700 !important; } .xtermBgColor28 { background-color: #008700; } .xtermColor29 { color: #00875f !important; } .xtermBgColor29 { background-color: #00875f; } .xtermColor30 { color: #008787 !important; } .xtermBgColor30 { background-color: #008787; } .xtermColor31 { color: #0087af !important; } .xtermBgColor31 { background-color: #0087af; } .xtermColor32 { color: #0087d7 !important; } .xtermBgColor32 { background-color: #0087d7; } .xtermColor33 { color: #0087ff !important; } .xtermBgColor33 { background-color: #0087ff; } .xtermColor34 { color: #00af00 !important; } .xtermBgColor34 { background-color: #00af00; } .xtermColor35 { color: #00af5f !important; } .xtermBgColor35 { background-color: #00af5f; } .xtermColor36 { color: #00af87 !important; } .xtermBgColor36 { background-color: #00af87; } .xtermColor37 { color: #00afaf !important; } .xtermBgColor37 { background-color: #00afaf; } .xtermColor38 { color: #00afd7 !important; } .xtermBgColor38 { background-color: #00afd7; } .xtermColor39 { color: #00afff !important; } .xtermBgColor39 { background-color: #00afff; } .xtermColor40 { color: #00d700 !important; } .xtermBgColor40 { background-color: #00d700; } .xtermColor41 { color: #00d75f !important; } .xtermBgColor41 { background-color: #00d75f; } .xtermColor42 { color: #00d787 !important; } .xtermBgColor42 { background-color: #00d787; } .xtermColor43 { color: #00d7af !important; } .xtermBgColor43 { background-color: #00d7af; } .xtermColor44 { color: #00d7d7 !important; } .xtermBgColor44 { background-color: #00d7d7; } .xtermColor45 { color: #00d7ff !important; } .xtermBgColor45 { background-color: #00d7ff; } .xtermColor46 { color: #00ff00 !important; } .xtermBgColor46 { background-color: #00ff00; } .xtermColor47 { color: #00ff5f !important; } .xtermBgColor47 { background-color: #00ff5f; } .xtermColor48 { color: #00ff87 !important; } .xtermBgColor48 { background-color: #00ff87; } .xtermColor49 { color: #00ffaf !important; } .xtermBgColor49 { background-color: #00ffaf; } .xtermColor50 { color: #00ffd7 !important; } .xtermBgColor50 { background-color: #00ffd7; } .xtermColor51 { color: #00ffff !important; } .xtermBgColor51 { background-color: #00ffff; } .xtermColor52 { color: #5f0000 !important; } .xtermBgColor52 { background-color: #5f0000; } .xtermColor53 { color: #5f005f !important; } .xtermBgColor53 { background-color: #5f005f; } .xtermColor54 { color: #5f0087 !important; } .xtermBgColor54 { background-color: #5f0087; } .xtermColor55 { color: #5f00af !important; } .xtermBgColor55 { background-color: #5f00af; } .xtermColor56 { color: #5f00d7 !important; } .xtermBgColor56 { background-color: #5f00d7; } .xtermColor57 { color: #5f00ff !important; } .xtermBgColor57 { background-color: #5f00ff; } .xtermColor58 { color: #5f5f00 !important; } .xtermBgColor58 { background-color: #5f5f00; } .xtermColor59 { color: #5f5f5f !important; } .xtermBgColor59 { background-color: #5f5f5f; } .xtermColor60 { color: #5f5f87 !important; } .xtermBgColor60 { background-color: #5f5f87; } .xtermColor61 { color: #5f5faf !important; } .xtermBgColor61 { background-color: #5f5faf; } .xtermColor62 { color: #5f5fd7 !important; } .xtermBgColor62 { background-color: #5f5fd7; } .xtermColor63 { color: #5f5fff !important; } .xtermBgColor63 { background-color: #5f5fff; } .xtermColor64 { color: #5f8700 !important; } .xtermBgColor64 { background-color: #5f8700; } .xtermColor65 { color: #5f875f !important; } .xtermBgColor65 { background-color: #5f875f; } .xtermColor66 { color: #5f8787 !important; } .xtermBgColor66 { background-color: #5f8787; } .xtermColor67 { color: #5f87af !important; } .xtermBgColor67 { background-color: #5f87af; } .xtermColor68 { color: #5f87d7 !important; } .xtermBgColor68 { background-color: #5f87d7; } .xtermColor69 { color: #5f87ff !important; } .xtermBgColor69 { background-color: #5f87ff; } .xtermColor70 { color: #5faf00 !important; } .xtermBgColor70 { background-color: #5faf00; } .xtermColor71 { color: #5faf5f !important; } .xtermBgColor71 { background-color: #5faf5f; } .xtermColor72 { color: #5faf87 !important; } .xtermBgColor72 { background-color: #5faf87; } .xtermColor73 { color: #5fafaf !important; } .xtermBgColor73 { background-color: #5fafaf; } .xtermColor74 { color: #5fafd7 !important; } .xtermBgColor74 { background-color: #5fafd7; } .xtermColor75 { color: #5fafff !important; } .xtermBgColor75 { background-color: #5fafff; } .xtermColor76 { color: #5fd700 !important; } .xtermBgColor76 { background-color: #5fd700; } .xtermColor77 { color: #5fd75f !important; } .xtermBgColor77 { background-color: #5fd75f; } .xtermColor78 { color: #5fd787 !important; } .xtermBgColor78 { background-color: #5fd787; } .xtermColor79 { color: #5fd7af !important; } .xtermBgColor79 { background-color: #5fd7af; } .xtermColor80 { color: #5fd7d7 !important; } .xtermBgColor80 { background-color: #5fd7d7; } .xtermColor81 { color: #5fd7ff !important; } .xtermBgColor81 { background-color: #5fd7ff; } .xtermColor82 { color: #5fff00 !important; } .xtermBgColor82 { background-color: #5fff00; } .xtermColor83 { color: #5fff5f !important; } .xtermBgColor83 { background-color: #5fff5f; } .xtermColor84 { color: #5fff87 !important; } .xtermBgColor84 { background-color: #5fff87; } .xtermColor85 { color: #5fffaf !important; } .xtermBgColor85 { background-color: #5fffaf; } .xtermColor86 { color: #5fffd7 !important; } .xtermBgColor86 { background-color: #5fffd7; } .xtermColor87 { color: #5fffff !important; } .xtermBgColor87 { background-color: #5fffff; } .xtermColor88 { color: #870000 !important; } .xtermBgColor88 { background-color: #870000; } .xtermColor89 { color: #87005f !important; } .xtermBgColor89 { background-color: #87005f; } .xtermColor90 { color: #870087 !important; } .xtermBgColor90 { background-color: #870087; } .xtermColor91 { color: #8700af !important; } .xtermBgColor91 { background-color: #8700af; } .xtermColor92 { color: #8700d7 !important; } .xtermBgColor92 { background-color: #8700d7; } .xtermColor93 { color: #8700ff !important; } .xtermBgColor93 { background-color: #8700ff; } .xtermColor94 { color: #875f00 !important; } .xtermBgColor94 { background-color: #875f00; } .xtermColor95 { color: #875f5f !important; } .xtermBgColor95 { background-color: #875f5f; } .xtermColor96 { color: #875f87 !important; } .xtermBgColor96 { background-color: #875f87; } .xtermColor97 { color: #875faf !important; } .xtermBgColor97 { background-color: #875faf; } .xtermColor98 { color: #875fd7 !important; } .xtermBgColor98 { background-color: #875fd7; } .xtermColor99 { color: #875fff !important; } .xtermBgColor99 { background-color: #875fff; } .xtermColor100 { color: #878700 !important; } .xtermBgColor100 { background-color: #878700; } .xtermColor101 { color: #87875f !important; } .xtermBgColor101 { background-color: #87875f; } .xtermColor102 { color: #878787 !important; } .xtermBgColor102 { background-color: #878787; } .xtermColor103 { color: #8787af !important; } .xtermBgColor103 { background-color: #8787af; } .xtermColor104 { color: #8787d7 !important; } .xtermBgColor104 { background-color: #8787d7; } .xtermColor105 { color: #8787ff !important; } .xtermBgColor105 { background-color: #8787ff; } .xtermColor106 { color: #87af00 !important; } .xtermBgColor106 { background-color: #87af00; } .xtermColor107 { color: #87af5f !important; } .xtermBgColor107 { background-color: #87af5f; } .xtermColor108 { color: #87af87 !important; } .xtermBgColor108 { background-color: #87af87; } .xtermColor109 { color: #87afaf !important; } .xtermBgColor109 { background-color: #87afaf; } .xtermColor110 { color: #87afd7 !important; } .xtermBgColor110 { background-color: #87afd7; } .xtermColor111 { color: #87afff !important; } .xtermBgColor111 { background-color: #87afff; } .xtermColor112 { color: #87d700 !important; } .xtermBgColor112 { background-color: #87d700; } .xtermColor113 { color: #87d75f !important; } .xtermBgColor113 { background-color: #87d75f; } .xtermColor114 { color: #87d787 !important; } .xtermBgColor114 { background-color: #87d787; } .xtermColor115 { color: #87d7af !important; } .xtermBgColor115 { background-color: #87d7af; } .xtermColor116 { color: #87d7d7 !important; } .xtermBgColor116 { background-color: #87d7d7; } .xtermColor117 { color: #87d7ff !important; } .xtermBgColor117 { background-color: #87d7ff; } .xtermColor118 { color: #87ff00 !important; } .xtermBgColor118 { background-color: #87ff00; } .xtermColor119 { color: #87ff5f !important; } .xtermBgColor119 { background-color: #87ff5f; } .xtermColor120 { color: #87ff87 !important; } .xtermBgColor120 { background-color: #87ff87; } .xtermColor121 { color: #87ffaf !important; } .xtermBgColor121 { background-color: #87ffaf; } .xtermColor122 { color: #87ffd7 !important; } .xtermBgColor122 { background-color: #87ffd7; } .xtermColor123 { color: #87ffff !important; } .xtermBgColor123 { background-color: #87ffff; } .xtermColor124 { color: #af0000 !important; } .xtermBgColor124 { background-color: #af0000; } .xtermColor125 { color: #af005f !important; } .xtermBgColor125 { background-color: #af005f; } .xtermColor126 { color: #af0087 !important; } .xtermBgColor126 { background-color: #af0087; } .xtermColor127 { color: #af00af !important; } .xtermBgColor127 { background-color: #af00af; } .xtermColor128 { color: #af00d7 !important; } .xtermBgColor128 { background-color: #af00d7; } .xtermColor129 { color: #af00ff !important; } .xtermBgColor129 { background-color: #af00ff; } .xtermColor130 { color: #af5f00 !important; } .xtermBgColor130 { background-color: #af5f00; } .xtermColor131 { color: #af5f5f !important; } .xtermBgColor131 { background-color: #af5f5f; } .xtermColor132 { color: #af5f87 !important; } .xtermBgColor132 { background-color: #af5f87; } .xtermColor133 { color: #af5faf !important; } .xtermBgColor133 { background-color: #af5faf; } .xtermColor134 { color: #af5fd7 !important; } .xtermBgColor134 { background-color: #af5fd7; } .xtermColor135 { color: #af5fff !important; } .xtermBgColor135 { background-color: #af5fff; } .xtermColor136 { color: #af8700 !important; } .xtermBgColor136 { background-color: #af8700; } .xtermColor137 { color: #af875f !important; } .xtermBgColor137 { background-color: #af875f; } .xtermColor138 { color: #af8787 !important; } .xtermBgColor138 { background-color: #af8787; } .xtermColor139 { color: #af87af !important; } .xtermBgColor139 { background-color: #af87af; } .xtermColor140 { color: #af87d7 !important; } .xtermBgColor140 { background-color: #af87d7; } .xtermColor141 { color: #af87ff !important; } .xtermBgColor141 { background-color: #af87ff; } .xtermColor142 { color: #afaf00 !important; } .xtermBgColor142 { background-color: #afaf00; } .xtermColor143 { color: #afaf5f !important; } .xtermBgColor143 { background-color: #afaf5f; } .xtermColor144 { color: #afaf87 !important; } .xtermBgColor144 { background-color: #afaf87; } .xtermColor145 { color: #afafaf !important; } .xtermBgColor145 { background-color: #afafaf; } .xtermColor146 { color: #afafd7 !important; } .xtermBgColor146 { background-color: #afafd7; } .xtermColor147 { color: #afafff !important; } .xtermBgColor147 { background-color: #afafff; } .xtermColor148 { color: #afd700 !important; } .xtermBgColor148 { background-color: #afd700; } .xtermColor149 { color: #afd75f !important; } .xtermBgColor149 { background-color: #afd75f; } .xtermColor150 { color: #afd787 !important; } .xtermBgColor150 { background-color: #afd787; } .xtermColor151 { color: #afd7af !important; } .xtermBgColor151 { background-color: #afd7af; } .xtermColor152 { color: #afd7d7 !important; } .xtermBgColor152 { background-color: #afd7d7; } .xtermColor153 { color: #afd7ff !important; } .xtermBgColor153 { background-color: #afd7ff; } .xtermColor154 { color: #afff00 !important; } .xtermBgColor154 { background-color: #afff00; } .xtermColor155 { color: #afff5f !important; } .xtermBgColor155 { background-color: #afff5f; } .xtermColor156 { color: #afff87 !important; } .xtermBgColor156 { background-color: #afff87; } .xtermColor157 { color: #afffaf !important; } .xtermBgColor157 { background-color: #afffaf; } .xtermColor158 { color: #afffd7 !important; } .xtermBgColor158 { background-color: #afffd7; } .xtermColor159 { color: #afffff !important; } .xtermBgColor159 { background-color: #afffff; } .xtermColor160 { color: #d70000 !important; } .xtermBgColor160 { background-color: #d70000; } .xtermColor161 { color: #d7005f !important; } .xtermBgColor161 { background-color: #d7005f; } .xtermColor162 { color: #d70087 !important; } .xtermBgColor162 { background-color: #d70087; } .xtermColor163 { color: #d700af !important; } .xtermBgColor163 { background-color: #d700af; } .xtermColor164 { color: #d700d7 !important; } .xtermBgColor164 { background-color: #d700d7; } .xtermColor165 { color: #d700ff !important; } .xtermBgColor165 { background-color: #d700ff; } .xtermColor166 { color: #d75f00 !important; } .xtermBgColor166 { background-color: #d75f00; } .xtermColor167 { color: #d75f5f !important; } .xtermBgColor167 { background-color: #d75f5f; } .xtermColor168 { color: #d75f87 !important; } .xtermBgColor168 { background-color: #d75f87; 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} .xtermColor180 { color: #d7af87 !important; } .xtermBgColor180 { background-color: #d7af87; } .xtermColor181 { color: #d7afaf !important; } .xtermBgColor181 { background-color: #d7afaf; } .xtermColor182 { color: #d7afd7 !important; } .xtermBgColor182 { background-color: #d7afd7; } .xtermColor183 { color: #d7afff !important; } .xtermBgColor183 { background-color: #d7afff; } .xtermColor184 { color: #d7d700 !important; } .xtermBgColor184 { background-color: #d7d700; } .xtermColor185 { color: #d7d75f !important; } .xtermBgColor185 { background-color: #d7d75f; } .xtermColor186 { color: #d7d787 !important; } .xtermBgColor186 { background-color: #d7d787; } .xtermColor187 { color: #d7d7af !important; } .xtermBgColor187 { background-color: #d7d7af; } .xtermColor188 { color: #d7d7d7 !important; } .xtermBgColor188 { background-color: #d7d7d7; } .xtermColor189 { color: #d7d7ff !important; } .xtermBgColor189 { background-color: #d7d7ff; } .xtermColor190 { color: #d7ff00 !important; } .xtermBgColor190 { background-color: #d7ff00; 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