# Tomato Time > a sublime plugin to use tomato time [![GitHub version][version-image]][version-link] [![MIT License][MIT-image]](./LICENCE) [![Sublime Text][sublime-image]](sublime-link) ## Installation - Package Control Search `Tomato Time` via `Package Control: Install Package` - Git git clone this repository to `sublime/packages/path` - Zip download zip and unzip to `sublime/packages/path` ## Key Bindings The package comes with some pre-defined keyboard shortcuts. You can always configure your own shortcuts via `Preferences` → `Package Settings` → `Tomato Time` → `Key Bindings`. | Command | Linux & Windows & macOS | | --------------- | ------------------------ | | Tomato Time | `Ctrl` + `Alt` + `T` | ## How to use ![1](./res/1.png) > Open the sublime command panel (`ctrl+alt+t`), and create a new tomato time(`Create Tomato Time`). > In the tomato time, you can discard it(`Discard Tomato Time`) and show/hide progress in status bar(`Show Status Progress`/`Hide Status Progress`). > When it's over, the record will be saved locally, you can show or clear it(`Show Tomato Time Complete Records`/`Clear Tomato Time Complete Records`). **`Tomato Time: Create Tomato Time`** ![2](./res/2.png) > When you create a tomato time, you can add a tag and description. > Tag can be create and delete. > The description will automatically record the last one. **`Tomato Time: Discard Tomato Time`** ![3](./res/3.png) **`Tomato Time: Show Status Progress`** ![4](./res/4.png) **`Tomato Time: Show Tomato Time Complete Records`** ![5](./res/5.png) [MIT-image]: http://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg?style=flat [version-image]: https://badge.fury.io/gh/floydagithub%2Ftomato_time.svg [version-link]: https://badge.fury.io/gh/floydagithub%2Ftomato_time [sublime-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Sublime%20Text-3-orange.svg [sublime-link]: https://www.sublimetext.com/3