use fltk::{prelude::*, *}; use fltk_grid::Grid; struct Form { grid: Grid, name: input::Input, age: input::IntInput, occupation: input::Input, btn: button::Button, } impl Form { pub fn default() -> Self { let mut grid = Grid::default_fill(); grid.set_layout(10, 5); // construct a new grid let name = input::Input::default(); let age = input::IntInput::default(); let occupation = input::Input::default(); let btn = button::Button::default().with_label("Submit"); let mut g = Self { grid, name, age, occupation, btn, }; g.fill(); g } fn fill(&mut self) { let grid = &mut self.grid; grid.show_grid(false); // set to true to see cell outlines let mut title = frame::Frame::default().with_label("Employee Form"); title.set_frame(enums::FrameType::FlatBox); title.set_color(enums::Color::Red); title.set_label_color(enums::Color::White); grid.set_widget( // set_widget widgets &mut title, 0, 1..4, ); grid.set_widget(&mut frame::Frame::default().with_label("Name"), 2, 1); grid.set_widget(&mut, 2, 3); grid.set_widget(&mut frame::Frame::default().with_label("Age"), 4, 1); grid.set_widget(&mut self.age, 4, 3); grid.set_widget(&mut frame::Frame::default().with_label("Occupation"), 6, 1); grid.set_widget(&mut self.occupation, 6, 3); grid.set_widget(&mut self.btn, 8, 2); } fn register_default_callback(&mut self) { self.btn.set_callback({ let name =; let age = self.age.clone(); let occupation = self.occupation.clone(); move |_| { println!("Name: {}", name.value()); println!("Age: {}", age.value()); println!("Occupation: {}", occupation.value()); } }); } pub fn resize(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32, w: i32, h: i32) { self.grid.resize(x, y, w, h); // determine how it's resized } } fn main() { let a = app::App::default().with_scheme(app::Scheme::Gtk); let mut win = window::Window::default().with_size(500, 300); let mut form = Form::default(); form.register_default_callback(); win.end(); win.make_resizable(true);; win.resize_callback(move |_, _, _, w, h| form.resize(0, 0, w, h));; }