apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: fluent-bit-config namespace: logging labels: k8s-app: fluent-bit data: # Configuration files: server, input, filters and output # ====================================================== fluent-bit.conf: | [SERVICE] Flush 1 Log_Level info Daemon off Parsers_File parsers.conf HTTP_Server On HTTP_Listen HTTP_Port 2020 @INCLUDE input-kubernetes.conf @INCLUDE filter-kubernetes.conf @INCLUDE output-kafka.conf input-kubernetes.conf: | [INPUT] Name tail Tag kube.* Path /var/log/containers/*.log Parser docker DB /var/log/flb_kube.db Mem_Buf_Limit 5MB Skip_Long_Lines On Refresh_Interval 10 filter-kubernetes.conf: | [FILTER] Name kubernetes Match kube.* Kube_URL https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443 Merge_Log On K8S-Logging.Parser On output-kafka.conf: | [OUTPUT] Name kafka Match * Brokers bootstrap.kafka:9092 Topics ops.kube-logs-fluentbit.stream.json.001 Timestamp_Key @timestamp Retry_Limit false # hides errors "Receive failed: Disconnected" when kafka kills idle connections rdkafka.log.connection.close false # producer buffer is not included in http://fluentbit.io/documentation/0.12/configuration/memory_usage.html#estimating rdkafka.queue.buffering.max.kbytes 10240 # for logs you'll probably want this ot be 0 or 1, not more rdkafka.request.required.acks 1 parsers.conf: | [PARSER] Name apache Format regex Regex ^(?[^ ]*) [^ ]* (?[^ ]*) \[(?