--- title: DOM Binder API category: Infusion --- The DOM Binder provides a degree of separation between a component and its interface by handling any interaction the component may have with its markup. See the [DOM Binder documentation](DOMBinder.md) for more information about how DOM Binders work.
Note: A DOM Binder is automatically created by the Framework for any [view component](tutorial-gettingStartedWithInfusion/ViewComponents.md). **_Component developers are not expected to ever create a DOM Binder themselves._**
## Creation The Framework creates a DOM Binder as follows: ```javascript that.dom = fluid.createDomBinder (container, selectors); ``` The DOM Binder object is attached to the component as a member called `dom`. ### Parameters
Parameter Type Description
container Object the root element in which to locate named elements
selectors Object a collection of named jQuery selectors, of the form
    name1: <selector1>,
    name2: <selector2>
    // ..
Note that selector values may be specified using IoC references to other selectors or expanders.
### Selector Examples ```json5 { displayElement: ".flc-progress", progressBar: ".flc-progress-bar", indicator: ".flc-progress-indicator", label: ".flc-progress-label", ariaElement: ".flc-progress-bar" } ``` ```json5 { labelSource: ".flc-reorderer-imageTitle", movables: { expander: { funcName: "fluid.reorderImages.createImageCellFinder", args: "{that}.container" } } } ``` ## Methods ### locate ```javascript var elementByName = locate(name); // or var elementByNameAndContainer = locate(name, localContainer); ``` Finds the named element within the specified container. If the value of the selector is the empty string `""`, the container itself will be returned. If the selector matches nothing within the container, an empty jQuery (one with 0 elements) will be returned. **Return:** a jQuery object.
Parameter Type Description
name String The selector name, as declared in the component's defaults
localContainer Object Optional. The container element used to constrain the search for the element. Defaults to the component container.
### fastLocate ```javascript var elementByName = fastLocate(name); // or var elementByNameAndContainer = fastLocate(name, localContainer); ``` Finds the named element within the specified container, using the value in the DOM Binder's cache if present (i.e. the DOM itself will not be searched again). The DOM binder's cache is populated for a query, whenever a query is submitted via `locate()`. **Return:** a jQuery object.
Parameter Type Description
name String The selector name, as declared in the component's defaults
localContainer Object Optional. The container element used to constrain the search for the element. Defaults to the component container.
### clear ```javascript that.dom.clear(); ``` Completely clears the cache for the DOM binder for all queries. It should be used whenever, for example, the container's markup is replaced completely, or otherwise is known to change in a wholesale way. ### refresh ```javascript that.dom.refresh(names); // or that.dom.refresh(names, localContainer); ``` Refreshes the cache for one or more selector names, ready for subsequent calls to `fastLocate()`. It functions exactly as for a call to `locate()` except that * The queried results are not returned to the user, but simply populated into the cache, and * More than one selector name (as an array) may be sent to `refresh` rather than just a single one.
Parameter Type Description
names String or Array of Strings The selector name or names to refresh, as declared in the component's defaults
localContainer Object Optional. The container element used to constrain the search for the element(s). Defaults to the component container..