#!/usr/bin/python import os, sys, subprocess import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET def medianvalues(v1, v2): maxv = 1000000 if v1 > maxv and v2 > maxv: v1 = v1 / 1024 v2 = v2 / 1024 return (v1, v2) if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("usage: <path to Katie test> <path to Qt4 test>") sys.exit(1) katietest = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1]) katietestdir = os.path.dirname(katietest) commonargs = ['-iterations', '10', '-tickcounter', '-xml'] katieargs = [katietest, '-o', '/tmp/katie-bench.xml'] qt4test = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[2]) qt4testdir = os.path.dirname(qt4test) qt4args = [qt4test, '-o', '/tmp/qt4-bench.xml'] katieargs.extend(commonargs) qt4args.extend(commonargs) print('Running Katie benchmark..') subprocess.check_call(katieargs, cwd=katietestdir) print('Running Qt4 benchmark..') subprocess.check_call(qt4args, cwd=qt4testdir) print('Parsing benchmark results..') katiemap = {} tree = ET.parse('/tmp/katie-bench.xml') root = tree.getroot() for testfunc in root: name = testfunc.get('name') for testresult in testfunc: tag = testresult.get('tag') if not tag: tag = "notag" value = testresult.get('value') if not value: continue katiemap['%s_%s' % (name, tag)] = value qt4map = {} tree = ET.parse('/tmp/qt4-bench.xml') root = tree.getroot() for testfunc in root: name = testfunc.get('name') for testresult in testfunc: tag = testresult.get('tag') if not tag: tag = "notag" value = testresult.get('value') if not value: continue qt4map['%s_%s' % (name, tag)] = value print('Comparing benchmark results..') tagmax = 0 for ktag in katiemap: if not ktag in qt4map: continue taglen = len(ktag) if taglen > tagmax: tagmax = taglen if tagmax == 0: print('No common benchmarks') sys.exit(2) infomax = (tagmax + 30) infoalign = (tagmax - 2) print('*' * infomax) print(' Tag%s* Ticks Katie/Qt4 (Winner) *' % (' ' * infoalign)) print('*' * infomax) ktotal = 0 qtotal = 0 for ktag in sorted(katiemap.keys()): if not ktag in qt4map: continue kvalue = katiemap[ktag] ikvalue = float(kvalue) qvalue = qt4map[ktag] iqvalue = float(qvalue) tagalign = tagmax - len(ktag) + 1 winner = 'Katie' ikvalue, iqvalue = medianvalues(ikvalue, iqvalue) if ikvalue > iqvalue: winner = 'Qt4' ktotal += ikvalue qtotal += iqvalue print(' %s%s: %d/%d (%s)' % (ktag, ' ' * tagalign, ikvalue, iqvalue, winner)) totalalign = (tagmax - 4) totalwinner = 'Katie' if ktotal > qtotal: totalwinner = 'Qt4' print('') print('*' * infomax) print(' Total%s: %d/%d (%s)' % (' ' * totalalign, ktotal, qtotal, totalwinner)) print('*' * infomax)