.. _flycheck-languages: ===================== Supported Languages ===================== This document lists all programming and markup languages which Flycheck supports. .. note:: Extensions may provide support for additional languages or add deeper integration with existing languages. Take a look at the :ref:`list of extensions ` to see what the community can offer to you. Each language has one or more syntax checkers whose names follow a convention of :samp:`{language}-{tool}`. All syntax checkers are listed in the order they would be applied to a buffer, with all available options. For more information about a syntax checker open Emacs and use :command:`flycheck-describe-checker` to view the docstring of the syntax checker. Likewise, you may use :command:`describe-variable` to read the complete docstring of any option. .. supported-language:: Ada .. syntax-checker:: ada-gnat Check ADA syntax and types with `GNAT`_. .. _GNAT: https://www.adacore.com/community/ .. defcustom:: flycheck-gnat-args A list of additional options. .. defcustom:: flycheck-gnat-include-path A list of include directories. Relative paths are relative to the path of the buffer being checked. .. defcustom:: flycheck-gnat-language-standard The language standard to use as string. .. defcustom:: flycheck-gnat-warnings A list of additional warnings to enable. Each item is the name of a warning category to enable. .. supported-language:: AsciiDoc .. syntax-checker:: asciidoctor Check AsciiDoc with the default Asciidoctor_ backend. .. _Asciidoctor: http://asciidoctor.org .. syntax-checker:: asciidoc Check AsciiDoc_ with the standard AsciiDoc processor. .. _AsciiDoc: http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc .. supported-language:: Awk .. syntax-checker:: awk-gawk Check Awk with gawk_. .. _gawk: https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual .. supported-language:: Bazel .. syntax-checker:: bazel-build-buildifier bazel-module-buildifier bazel-starlark-buildifier bazel-workspace-buildifier Check Bazel with buildifier_. .. _buildifier: https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools .. supported-language:: C/C++ :index_as: C C++ Flycheck checks C and C++ with either `c/c++-clang` or `c/c++-gcc`, and then with `c/c++-cppcheck`. .. syntax-checker:: c/c++-clang c/c++-gcc Check C/C++ for syntax and type errors with Clang_ or GCC_ respectively. .. note:: `c/c++-gcc` requires GCC 4.4 or newer. .. _Clang: http://clang.llvm.org/ .. _GCC: https://gcc.gnu.org/ .. defcustom:: flycheck-clang-args flycheck-gcc-args A list of additional arguments for `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively. .. defcustom:: flycheck-clang-blocks Whether to enable blocks in `c/c++-clang`. .. defcustom:: flycheck-clang-definitions flycheck-gcc-definitions A list of additional preprocessor definitions for `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively. .. defcustom:: flycheck-clang-include-path flycheck-gcc-include-path A list of include directories for `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively, relative to the file being checked. .. defcustom:: flycheck-clang-includes flycheck-gcc-includes A list of additional include files for `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively, relative to the file being checked. .. defcustom:: flycheck-clang-language-standard flycheck-gcc-language-standard The language standard to use in `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively as string, via the ``-std`` option. .. defcustom:: flycheck-clang-ms-extensions Whether to enable Microsoft extensions to C/C++ in `c/c++-clang`. .. defcustom:: flycheck-clang-no-exceptions flycheck-gcc-no-exceptions Whether to disable exceptions in `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively. .. defcustom:: flycheck-clang-no-rtti flycheck-gcc-no-rtti Whether to disable RTTI in `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively, via ``-fno-rtti``. .. defcustom:: flycheck-clang-standard-library The name of the standard library to use for `c/c++-clang`, as string. .. defcustom:: flycheck-gcc-openmp Whether to enable OpenMP in `c/c++-gcc`. .. defcustom:: flycheck-clang-pedantic flycheck-gcc-pedantic Whether to warn about language extensions in `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively. .. defcustom:: flycheck-clang-pedantic-errors flycheck-gcc-pedantic-errors Whether to error on language extensions in `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively. .. defcustom:: flycheck-clang-warnings flycheck-gcc-warnings A list of additional warnings to enable in `c/c++-clang` and `c/c++-gcc` respectively. Each item is the name of a warning or warning category for ``-W``. .. syntax-checker:: c/c++-cppcheck Check C/C++ for semantic and stylistic issues with cppcheck_. .. _cppcheck: http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net/ .. defcustom:: flycheck-cppcheck-checks A list of enabled checks. Each item is the name of a check for the ``--enable`` option. .. defcustom:: flycheck-cppcheck-inconclusive Whether to enable inconclusive checks. These checks may yield more false positives than normal checks. .. note:: This option requires cppcheck 1.54 or newer. .. defcustom:: flycheck-cppcheck-include-path A list of include directories. Relative paths are relative to the file being checked. .. defcustom:: flycheck-cppcheck-standards The C, C++ and/or POSIX standards to use via one or more ``--std=`` arguments. .. defcustom:: flycheck-cppcheck-suppressions The cppcheck suppressions list to use via one or more ``--suppress=`` arguments. .. defcustom:: flycheck-cppcheck-suppressions-file The cppcheck suppressions file to use via the ``--suppressions-list=`` argument. .. supported-language:: CFEngine .. syntax-checker:: cfengine Check syntax with `CFEngine `_. .. supported-language:: Coffeescript Flycheck checks Coffeescript syntax with `coffee` and then lints with `coffee-coffeelint`. .. syntax-checker:: coffee Check syntax with the `Coffeescript `_ compiler. .. syntax-checker:: coffee-coffeelint Lint with `Coffeelint `_. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-coffeelintrc .. supported-language:: CSS .. syntax-checker:: css-csslint Check syntax and style with `CSSLint`_. .. _CSSLint: https://github.com/CSSLint/csslint .. syntax-checker:: css-stylelint Syntax-check and lint CSS with stylelint_. .. _stylelint: https://stylelint.io .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-stylelintrc .. defcustom:: flycheck-stylelint-quiet Whether to run stylelint in quiet mode via ``--quiet``. .. supported-language:: CUDA C/C++ :index_as: CUDA .. syntax-checker:: cuda-nvcc Checks syntax for CUDA C/C++ using the nvcc `nvcc `_ compiler bundled in the NVIDIA Toolkit. CUDA C/C++ uses whichever system compiler you have configured, gcc/clang etc, but will sanitise error messages into a standardised format that can be picked up via flycheck. Corner cases may cause some odd behavior. .. defcustom:: flycheck-cuda-language-standard The C or C++ Language standard that you want the CUDA compiler to enforce. .. defcustom:: flycheck-cuda-gencodes A list of include real and virtual GPU architectures for nvcc. .. defcustom:: flycheck-cuda-includes A list of cuda includes. .. defcustom:: flycheck-cuda-include-path A list of include directories for nvcc. .. defcustom:: flycheck-cuda-definitions Additional preprocessor definitions for nvcc. Is passed unaltered to both GPU compiler and underlying C/C++ compiler. .. defcustom:: flycheck-cuda-relaxed-constexpr Enable calling host constexpr from device function for nvcc. .. defcustom:: flycheck-cuda-extended-lambda Allows for ``__host__ __device__`` lambdas as described (`here `_). .. supported-language:: CWL .. syntax-checker:: cwl Syntax check with (`Schema Salad `_). .. defcustom:: flycheck-cwl-schema-path A path for the schema file for Common Workflow Language. .. supported-language:: D .. syntax-checker:: d-dmd Check syntax and types with (`DMD `_). .. note:: This syntax checker requires DMD 2.066 or newer. .. defcustom:: flycheck-dmd-include-path A list of include directories. .. defcustom:: flycheck-dmd-args A list of additional arguments. .. seealso:: :flyc:`flycheck-d-unittest` Flycheck extension which provides a syntax checker to run D unittests on the fly and report the results with Flycheck. .. supported-language:: Dockerfile .. syntax-checker:: dockerfile-hadolint Check syntax and code style with hadolint_ .. _hadolint: https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint .. supported-language:: Elixir .. syntax-checker:: elixir-credo Check code style with `credo `_ .. defcustom:: flycheck-elixir-credo-strict When non-nil, run credo in strict mode, via ``--strict``. .. supported-language:: Emacs Lisp Flycheck checks Emacs Lisp with `emacs-lisp` and then with `emacs-lisp-checkdoc`. .. syntax-checker:: emacs-lisp Check syntax with the built-in byte compiler. .. defcustom:: flycheck-emacs-lisp-load-path The load path as list of strings. Relative directories are expanded against the `default-directory` of the buffer being checked. .. defcustom:: flycheck-emacs-lisp-initialize-packages Whether to initialize Emacs' package manager with `package-initialize` before checking the buffer. If set to :elisp:`auto` (the default), only initialize the package managers when checking files under `user-emacs-directory`. .. defcustom:: flycheck-emacs-lisp-package-user-dir The package directory as string. Has no effect if `flycheck-emacs-lisp-initialize-packages` is nil. .. defcustom:: flycheck-emacs-lisp-check-declare If non-nil, also check `declare-function` forms using `check-declare-file`. .. syntax-checker:: emacs-lisp-checkdoc Check Emacs Lisp documentation conventions with ``checkdoc``. .. seealso:: :infonode:`(elisp)Documentation Tips` Information about documentation conventions for Emacs Lisp. :gh:`purcell/flycheck-package` Flycheck extension which adds a syntax checker to check for violation of Emacs Lisp library headers and packaging conventions. :infonode:`(elisp)Library Headers` Information about library headers for Emacs Lisp files. .. supported-language:: Ember Templates .. syntax-checker:: ember-template Check your Ember templates with `ember-template-lint `_ .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-ember-template-lintrc .. supported-language:: Erlang Flycheck checks Erlang with `erlang-rebar3` in rebar projects and `erlang` otherwise. .. syntax-checker:: erlang Check Erlang with the standard `Erlang `_ compiler. .. defcustom:: flycheck-erlang-include-path A list of include directories. .. defcustom:: flycheck-erlang-library-path A list of library directories. .. syntax-checker:: erlang-rebar3 Check Erlang with the `rebar3 `_ build tool. .. defcustom:: flycheck-erlang-rebar3-profile The profile to use when compiling, e.g. "default" or "test". The default value is nil which will use the test profile in test directories, the eqc profile in eqc directories and the default profile otherwise. .. supported-language:: ERuby .. syntax-checker:: eruby-erubis Check ERuby with `erubis `_. .. syntax-checker:: eruby-ruumba Check syntax and lint with `Ruumba `_. .. note:: This syntax checker requires Ruumba 0.1.7 or newer. .. defcustom:: flycheck-ruumba-lint-only Whether to suppress warnings about style issues, via the ``--lint`` option. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-ruumbarc .. supported-language:: Fortran .. syntax-checker:: fortran-gfortran Check Fortran syntax and type with GFortran_. .. _GFortran: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gfortran/ .. defcustom:: flycheck-gfortran-args A list of additional arguments. .. defcustom:: flycheck-gfortran-include-path A list of include directories. Relative paths are relative to the file being checked. .. defcustom:: flycheck-gfortran-language-standard The language standard to use via the ``-std`` option. .. defcustom:: flycheck-gfortran-layout The source code layout to use. Set to :elisp:`free` or :elisp:`fixed` for free or fixed layout respectively, or nil (the default) to let GFortran automatically determine the layout. .. defcustom:: flycheck-gfortran-warnings A list of warnings enabled via the ``-W`` option. .. supported-language:: Go Flycheck checks Go with the following checkers: 1. `go-gofmt` 2. `go-vet` 3. `go-build` or `go-test` 4. `go-errcheck` 5. `go-unconvert` 6. `go-staticcheck` .. syntax-checker:: go-gofmt Check Go syntax with `gofmt `_. .. syntax-checker:: go-vet Check Go for suspicious code with vet_. .. defcustom:: flycheck-go-vet-print-functions A list of print-like functions to check calls for format string problems. .. defcustom:: flycheck-go-build-tags A list of build tags. .. _vet: https://golang.org/cmd/vet/ .. syntax-checker:: go-build Check syntax and type with the `Go compiler`_. .. note:: This syntax checker requires Go 1.6 or newer. .. _Go compiler: https://golang.org/cmd/go .. defcustom:: flycheck-go-build-install-deps Whether to install dependencies while checking with `go-build` or `go-test` .. defcustom:: flycheck-go-build-tags :noindex: See `flycheck-go-build-tags` .. syntax-checker:: go-test Check syntax and types of Go tests with the `Go compiler`_. .. note:: This syntax checker requires Go 1.6 or newer. .. defcustom:: flycheck-go-build-install-deps :noindex: See `flycheck-go-build-install-deps`. .. defcustom:: flycheck-go-build-tags :noindex: See `flycheck-go-build-tags` .. syntax-checker:: go-errcheck Check for unhandled error returns in Go with errcheck_. .. note:: This syntax checker requires errcheck build from commit 8515d34 (Aug 28th, 2015) or newer. .. _errcheck: https://github.com/kisielk/errcheck .. defcustom:: flycheck-go-build-tags :noindex: See `flycheck-go-build-tags` .. syntax-checker:: go-unconvert Check for unnecessary type conversions with unconvert_. .. _unconvert: https://github.com/mdempsky/unconvert .. syntax-checker:: go-staticcheck Perform static analysis and code linting with staticcheck_, the successor to megacheck. .. defcustom:: flycheck-go-version staticcheck_ explicitly supports the last two releases of Go, but supports targeting older versions. Go versions should be specified like, "1.6", or, "1.11.4". .. _staticcheck: https://staticcheck.io/ .. supported-language:: Groovy .. syntax-checker:: groovy Check syntax using the `Groovy `_ compiler. .. supported-language:: Haml .. syntax-checker:: haml Check syntax with the `Haml `_ compiler. .. syntax-checker:: haml-lint Check style and syntax with the `HAML-Lint `_ linter. .. supported-language:: Handlebars .. syntax-checker:: handlebars Check syntax with the `Handlebars `_ compiler. .. supported-language:: Haskell Flycheck checks Haskell with `haskell-stack-ghc` (in Stack projects) or `haskell-ghc`, and then with `haskell-hlint`. .. seealso:: :flyc:`flycheck-haskell` Flycheck extension to configure Flycheck's Haskell checkers from the metadata, with support for Cabal sandboxes. :flyc:`flycheck-hdevtools` Flycheck extension which adds an alternative syntax checker for GHC using `hdevtools `_. .. syntax-checker:: haskell-stack-ghc haskell-ghc Check syntax and type GHC_. In Stack_ projects invoke GHC through Stack to bring package dependencies from Stack in. .. _GHC: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ .. _Stack: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack .. defcustom:: flycheck-ghc-args A list of additional arguments. .. defcustom:: flycheck-ghc-no-user-package-database Whether to disable the user package database (only for `haskell-ghc`). .. defcustom:: flycheck-ghc-stack-use-nix Whether to enable Nix support for Stack (only for `haskell-stack-ghc`). .. defcustom:: flycheck-ghc-stack-project-file Allows to override the default ``stack.yaml`` file for Stack, via ``--stack-yaml`` (only for `haskell-stack-ghc`). .. defcustom:: flycheck-ghc-package-databases A list of additional package databases for GHC (only for `haskell-ghc`). Each item points to a directory containing a package directory, via ``-package-db``. .. defcustom:: flycheck-ghc-search-path A list of module directories, via ``-i``. .. defcustom:: flycheck-ghc-language-extensions A list of language extensions, via ``-X``. .. syntax-checker:: haskell-hlint Lint with `hlint `_. .. defcustom:: flycheck-hlint-args A list of additional arguments. .. defcustom:: flycheck-hlint-language-extensions A list of language extensions to enable. .. defcustom:: flycheck-hlint-ignore-rules A list of rules to ignore. .. defcustom:: flycheck-hlint-hint-packages A list of additional hint packages to include. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-hlintrc .. supported-language:: HTML .. syntax-checker:: html-tidy Check HTML syntax and style with `Tidy HTML5`_. .. _Tidy HTML5: https://github.com/htacg/tidy-html5 .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-tidyrc .. supported-language:: Javascript Flycheck checks Javascript with one of `javascript-eslint` or `javascript-jshint`. Alternatively `javascript-standard` is used instead all of the former ones. .. syntax-checker:: javascript-eslint Check syntax and lint with `ESLint `_. .. note:: Flycheck automatically :ref:`disables ` this syntax checker if eslint cannot find a valid configuration file for the current buffer. .. defcustom:: flycheck-eslint-args A list of additional arguments that are passed to eslint. .. defcustom:: flycheck-eslint-rules-directories A list of directories with custom rules. .. syntax-checker:: javascript-jshint Check syntax and lint with `JSHint `_. .. defcustom:: flycheck-jshint-extract-javascript Whether to extract Javascript from HTML before linting. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-jshintrc .. syntax-checker:: javascript-standard Check syntax and code style with Standard_ or Semistandard_. .. _Standard: https://github.com/standard/standard .. _Semistandard: https://github.com/Flet/semistandard .. supported-language:: JSON Flycheck checks JSON with `json-jsonlint`, `json-python-json`, or `json-jq`. .. syntax-checker:: json-jsonlint Check JSON with `jsonlint `_. .. syntax-checker:: json-python-json Check JSON with Python's built-in :py:mod:`json` module. .. syntax-checker:: json-jq Check JSON with jq_. This checker accepts multiple consecutive JSON values in a single input, which is useful for jsonlines data. .. _jq: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/ .. supported-language:: Jsonnet .. syntax-checker:: jsonnet Checks `Jsonnet `_ with `jsonnet`. .. supported-language:: Less .. syntax-checker:: less Check syntax with the `Less `_ compiler. .. note:: This syntax checker requires lessc 1.4 or newer. .. syntax-checker:: less-stylelint Syntax-check and lint Less with stylelint_. .. _stylelint: https://stylelint.io .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-stylelintrc .. defcustom:: flycheck-stylelint-quiet Whether to run stylelint in quiet mode via ``--quiet``. .. supported-language:: LLVM .. syntax-checker:: llvm-llc Check syntax with `llc `_. .. supported-language:: Lua Flycheck checks Lua with `lua-luacheck`, falling back to `lua`. .. syntax-checker:: lua-luacheck Check syntax and lint with Luacheck_. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-luacheckrc .. defcustom:: flycheck-luacheck-standards The luacheck standards to use via one or more ``--std`` arguments. .. _Luacheck: https://github.com/mpeterv/luacheck .. syntax-checker:: lua Check syntax with the `Lua compiler `_. .. supported-language:: Markdown .. syntax-checker:: markdown-markdownlint-cli Check Markdown with `markdownlint-cli `_. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-markdown-markdownlint-cli-config .. defcustom:: flycheck-markdown-markdownlint-cli-disable-rules A list of disabled rules. .. defcustom:: flycheck-markdown-markdownlint-cli-enable-rules A list of enabled rules. .. syntax-checker:: markdown-mdl Check Markdown with `markdownlint `_. .. defcustom:: flycheck-markdown-mdl-rules A list of enabled rules. .. defcustom:: flycheck-markdown-mdl-tags A list of enabled rule tags. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-markdown-mdl-style .. syntax-checker:: markdown-pymarkdown Check Markdown with `PyMarkdown `_. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-markdown-pymarkdown-config .. supported-language:: Nix .. syntax-checker:: nix Check Nix with nix-instantiate_. .. _nix-instantiate: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#sec-nix-instantiate .. syntax-checker:: nix-linter Check Nix with nix-linter_. .. _nix-linter: https://github.com/Synthetica9/nix-linter .. syntax-checker:: statix Check Nix with statix_. .. _statix: https://github.com/nerdypepper/statix .. supported-language:: Opam .. syntax-checker:: opam Check Opam configuration files with `opam lint`_. .. _opam lint: https://opam.ocaml.org/doc/man/opam-lint.html .. supported-language:: Perl Flycheck checks Perl with `perl` and `perl-perlcritic`. .. syntax-checker:: perl Check syntax with the `Perl `_ interpreter. .. defcustom:: flycheck-perl-include-path A list of include directories, relative to the file being checked. .. defcustom:: flycheck-perl-module-list A list of module names to implicitly use. .. syntax-checker:: perl-perlcritic Lint and check style with `Perl::Critic`_. .. _Perl::Critic: https://metacpan.org/pod/Perl::Critic .. defcustom:: flycheck-perlcritic-severity The severity level as integer for the ``--severity``. .. defcustom:: flycheck-perlcritic-theme The theme expression, passed as the ``--theme`` to ``perlcritic``. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-perlcriticrc .. supported-language:: PHP Flycheck checks PHP with `php`, `php-phpmd`, `php-phpcs` and `php-phpcs-changed`. .. syntax-checker:: php Check syntax with `PHP CLI`_ .. _PHP CLI: http://php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.php .. syntax-checker:: php-phpmd Lint with `PHP Mess Detector `_. .. defcustom:: flycheck-phpmd-rulesets A list of rule sets. Each item is either the name of a default rule set, or the path to a custom rule set file. .. syntax-checker:: php-phpcs Check style with `PHP Code Sniffer`_. .. note:: This syntax checker requires PHP Code Sniffer 2.6 or newer. .. _PHP Code Sniffer: http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer .. defcustom:: flycheck-phpcs-standard The coding standard, either as name of a built-in standard, or as path to a standard specification. .. syntax-checker:: php-phpcs-changed Check style with `PHPCS Changed`_. .. note:: This syntax checker requires PHP Code Sniffer 2.6 or newer. .. _PHP Code Sniffer: http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer .. _PHPCS Changed: https://github.com/sirbrillig/phpcs-changed .. defcustom:: flycheck-phpcs-standard The coding standard, either as name of a built-in standard, or as path to a standard specification. .. supported-language:: Processing .. syntax-checker:: processing Check syntax using the `Processing `_ compiler. .. supported-language:: Protobuf .. syntax-checker:: protobuf-protoc Check syntax using the protoc_ compiler. .. _protoc: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ .. defcustom:: flycheck-protoc-import-path A list of directories to resolve import directives. Relative paths are relative to the path of the buffer being checked. .. syntax-checker:: protobuf-prototool Lint with `prototool `_. .. supported-language:: Pug .. syntax-checker:: pug Check syntax using the `Pug `_ compiler. .. supported-language:: Puppet Flycheck checks Puppet with `puppet-parser` and lints with `puppet-lint`. .. syntax-checker:: puppet-parser Check syntax with the `Puppet `_ compiler. .. syntax-checker:: puppet-lint Link with `Puppet Lint `_. .. defcustom:: flycheck-puppet-lint-disabled-checks A list of checks to disable. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-puppet-lint-rc .. supported-language:: Python Flycheck checks Python with `python-flake8` or `python-pylint`, and falls back to `python-pycompile` if neither of those is available. All Python checkers are invoked indirectly using ``python -c ...`` (rather than a direct call to ``flake8`` or ``pylint``) to make it easier to switch between Python 2 and 3. For example, you can use ``(setq flycheck-python-pylint-executable "python3")`` to run ``pylint`` using Python 3, or ``(defvaralias 'flycheck-python-flake8-executable 'python-shell-interpreter)`` to run ``flake8`` through the executable pointed to by ``python-shell-interpreter``. .. note:: If Flycheck complains about a missing Python checker, make sure that the checker is reachable from ``sys.path``, using e.g. ``python -m pylint``: often, the issue is that the checker is installed globally but not in the current virtualenv. Alternatively, you can invoke the checker script directly, with ``(setq flycheck-python-pylint-executable "pylint")``. .. seealso:: :gh:`flycheck-pyflakes ` Flycheck extension which adds a syntax checker using `Pyflakes `_. :gh:`msherry/flycheck-pycheckers` Flycheck extension which can use multiple checkers simultaneously -- including pyflakes, pep8, flake8, pylint, and mypy 2/3. .. syntax-checker:: python-flake8 Check syntax and lint with `flake8 `_. .. note:: This syntax checker requires flake8 3.0 or newer. .. defcustom:: flycheck-flake8-error-level-alist An alist mapping Flake8 error IDs to Flycheck error levels. .. defcustom:: flycheck-flake8-maximum-complexity The maximum McCabe complexity allowed for methods. .. defcustom:: flycheck-flake8-maximum-line-length The maximum length of lines. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-flake8rc .. syntax-checker:: python-ruff Lint with `ruff `_. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-python-ruff-config .. syntax-checker:: python-pyright Type check python with `pyright `_. .. note:: This syntax checker requires pyright. .. syntax-checker:: python-mypy Type check python with `mypy `_. .. note:: This syntax checker requires mypy 0.730 or newer. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-python-mypy-config .. defcustom:: flycheck-python-mypy-cache-dir Directory used to write ``.mypy_cache`` directories. Set to ``null-device`` to disable writing cache directories entirely. .. defcustom:: flycheck-python-mypy-python-executable Python executable to collect the type information from PEP 561 compliant packages. .. syntax-checker:: python-pylint Check syntax and lint with `Pylint `_. .. note:: This syntax checker requires Pylint 1.0 or newer. .. defcustom:: flycheck-pylint-use-symbolic-id Whether to report symbolic (e.g. ``no-name-in-module``) or numeric (e.g. ``E0611``) message identifiers. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-pylintrc .. syntax-checker:: python-pycompile Check syntax with Python's byte compiler (see :py:mod:`py_compile`). .. supported-language:: R .. syntax-checker:: r-lintr Check syntax and lint with `lintr `_. .. defcustom:: flycheck-lintr-caching Whether to enable caching in lintr. On by default; it is not recommended to disable caching unless it causes actual problems. .. defcustom:: flycheck-lintr-linters Linters to use as a string with an R expression which selects the linters to use. .. syntax-checker:: r Check syntax with R's builtin ``parse`` function. .. supported-language:: Racket .. syntax-checker:: racket Check syntax with `raco expand`_ from the ``compiler-lib`` package. .. note:: This syntax checker needs the ``compiler-lib`` package. .. _raco expand: http://docs.racket-lang.org/raco/expand.html .. supported-language:: RPM Spec .. syntax-checker:: rpm-rpmlint Lint with `rpmlint `_. .. supported-language:: reStructuredText Flycheck checks reStructuredText with `rst-sphinx` in Sphinx_ projects and with `rst` otherwise. .. _Sphinx: http://sphinx-doc.org/ .. syntax-checker:: rst-sphinx Check documents with Sphinx_. .. note:: This syntax checker requires Sphinx 1.2 or newer. .. defcustom:: flycheck-sphinx-warn-on-missing-references Whether to emit warnings for all missing references. .. syntax-checker:: rst Check documents with `docutils `_. .. supported-language:: Ruby Flycheck checks Ruby with `ruby-rubocop` and `ruby-reek`, falling back to `ruby` or `ruby-jruby` for basic syntax checking if those are not available. There's also `ruby-chef-cookstyle`, which is only used for Chef cookbooks. .. syntax-checker:: ruby-rubocop Check syntax and lint with `RuboCop `_. .. note:: This syntax checker requires Rubocop 0.34 or newer. .. defcustom:: flycheck-rubocop-lint-only Whether to suppress warnings about style issues, via the ``--lint`` option. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-rubocoprc .. syntax-checker:: ruby-standard Check syntax and lint with `Ruby Standard `_. .. note:: This syntax checker and ruby-rubocop are mutually exclusive, since Standard employs an opinionated rubocop config. .. defcustom:: flycheck-rubocop-lint-only :noindex: See `flycheck-rubocop-lint-only`. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-ruby-standardrc .. syntax-checker:: ruby-reek Check syntax and lint with reek_. .. _Reek: https://github.com/troessner/reek .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-reekrc .. note:: ``flycheck-reekrc`` defaults to ``nil``, because Reek can find its own configuration. .. syntax-checker:: ruby Check syntax with the `Ruby `_ interpreter. .. syntax-checker:: ruby-jruby Check syntax with the `JRuby `_ interpreter. .. syntax-checker:: ruby-chef-cookstyle Check syntax and lint with `Cookstyle `_. .. note:: Cookstyle is just a wrapper around RuboCop, so this checker is almost the same as ``ruby-rubocop``. .. defcustom:: flycheck-rubocop-lint-only Whether to suppress warnings about style issues, via the ``--lint`` option. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-rubocoprc .. supported-language:: Rust Flycheck checks Rust_ with `rust-cargo` in Cargo projects, or `rust` otherwise. For Cargo projects, you can also use the clippy_ linter with `rust-clippy`. .. _Rust: https://www.rust-lang.org/ .. _clippy: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rust-clippy .. syntax-checker:: rust-cargo rust rust-clippy Check syntax and types with the Rust_ compiler. In a Cargo_ project the compiler is invoked through ``cargo check`` to take Cargo dependencies into account. `rust-clippy` has no configurable options. .. note:: `rust-cargo` requires Rust 1.17 or newer. `rust` requires Rust 1.18 or newer. `rust-clippy` requires the nightly version of Rust. .. _Cargo: http://doc.crates.io/index.html .. seealso:: :flyc:`flycheck-rust` Flycheck extension to configure Rust syntax checkers according to the current Cargo_ project. .. defcustom:: flycheck-rust-args A list of additional arguments that are passed to rustc. This option is ignored by `rust-cargo`. .. defcustom:: flycheck-cargo-check-args A list of additional arguments passed to the ``cargo check`` subcommand. .. defcustom:: flycheck-rust-check-tests Whether to check test code in Rust. .. defcustom:: flycheck-rust-crate-root A path to the crate root for the current buffer, or nil if the current buffer is a crate by itself. `rust-cargo` ignores this option as the crate root is given by Cargo. .. defcustom:: flycheck-rust-crate-type For `rust-cargo`, the target type as a string, one of ``lib``, ``bin``, ``example``, ``test`` or ``bench``. Can also be nil for projects with a single target. For `rust`, the type of the crate to check, as a string for the ``--crate-type`` option. .. defcustom:: flycheck-rust-binary-name The name of the binary to pass to ``cargo check --TARGET-TYPE``, as a string. For `rust-cargo`, always required unless `flycheck-rust-crate-type` is ``lib`` or nil, in which case it is ignored. Ignored by `rust`. .. defcustom:: flycheck-rust-features List of features to activate during build or check. The value of this variable is a list of strings denoting features that will be activated to build the target to check. Features will be passed to ``cargo check --features=FEATURES``. Empty by default. Ignored by `rust`. .. defcustom:: flycheck-rust-library-path A list of additional library directories. Relative paths are relative to the buffer being checked. .. supported-language:: Sass/SCSS Flycheck checks SASS with `sass/scss-sass-lint` or `sass-stylelint`, falling back to `sass`, and SCSS with `scss-lint` or `scss-stylelint` falling back to `sass/scss-sass-lint` first and then `scss` if neither is available. .. syntax-checker:: scss-lint Syntax-check and lint SCSS with SCSS-Lint_. .. note:: This syntax checker requires SCSS-Lint 0.43.2 or newer. .. _SCSS-Lint: https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-scss-lintrc .. syntax-checker:: sass/scss-sass-lint Syntax-check and lint Sass/SCSS with SASS-Lint_. .. _SASS-Lint: https://github.com/sasstools/sass-lint .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-sass-lintrc .. syntax-checker:: sass-stylelint Syntax-check and lint Sass with stylelint_. .. _stylelint: https://stylelint.io .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-stylelintrc .. defcustom:: flycheck-stylelint-quiet Whether to run stylelint in quiet mode via ``--quiet``. .. syntax-checker:: scss-stylelint Syntax-check and lint SCSS with stylelint_. .. _stylelint: https://stylelint.io .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-stylelintrc .. defcustom:: flycheck-stylelint-quiet Whether to run stylelint in quiet mode via ``--quiet``. .. syntax-checker:: sass scss Check SASS and SCSS respectively with the `SCSS compiler `_. .. defcustom:: flycheck-sass-compass flycheck-scss-compass Whether to enable the Compass CSS framework with ``--compass``. .. supported-language:: Scala Flycheck checks Scala with `scala` and `scala-scalastyle`. .. syntax-checker:: scala Check syntax and types with the `Scala `_ compiler. .. note:: This syntax checker is fairly primitive. For a better Scala experience we recommend Ensime_. .. _Ensime: http://ensime.github.io/ .. syntax-checker:: scala-scalastyle Check style with `Scalastyle `_. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-scalastylerc .. important:: A configuration file is mandatory for this syntax checker. If `flycheck-scalastylerc` is not set or the configuration file not found this syntax checker will not be applied. .. supported-language:: Scheme Flycheck checks CHICKEN Scheme files with ``csc``. .. syntax-checker:: scheme-chicken Check syntax with ``csc``, the `CHICKEN Scheme `_ compiler. .. defcustom:: flycheck-scheme-chicken-args A list of additional options. .. important:: `Geiser `_ must be installed and active for this checker to work. .. supported-language:: Shell scripting languages Flycheck checks various shell scripting languages: * Bash with `sh-bash` and `sh-shellcheck` * POSIX shell (i.e. :file:`/bin/sh`) with `sh-posix-dash` or `sh-posix-bash` * Zsh with `sh-zsh` .. syntax-checker:: sh-bash Check Bash_ syntax. .. _Bash: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/ .. defcustom:: flycheck-sh-bash-args A list of additional arguments that are passed to bash. .. syntax-checker:: sh-posix-dash Check POSIX shell syntax with Dash_. .. _Dash: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/dash/ .. syntax-checker:: sh-posix-bash Check POSIX shell syntax with Bash_. .. syntax-checker:: sh-zsh Check `Zsh `_ syntax. .. syntax-checker:: sh-shellcheck Lint Bash and POSIX shell with ShellCheck_. .. _ShellCheck: https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/ .. defcustom:: flycheck-shellcheck-excluded-warnings A list of excluded warnings. .. defcustom:: flycheck-shellcheck-follow-sources Allow shellcheck to read sourced files. .. supported-language:: Slim .. syntax-checker:: slim Check Slim using the `Slim `_ compiler. .. syntax-checker:: slim-lint Check Slim best practices using the `slim-lint `_ linter. .. supported-language:: SQL .. syntax-checker:: sql-sqlint Check SQL syntax with `Sqlint `_. .. supported-language:: systemd Unit Configuration .. syntax-checker:: systemd-analyze Check systemd unit configuration file syntax with `systemd-analyze`_. .. _systemd-analyze: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-analyze.html .. supported-language:: Tcl .. syntax-checker:: tcl-nagelfar Check Tcl syntax with `Nagelfar `_. .. supported-language:: Terraform .. syntax-checker:: terraform Check Terraform syntax with `terraform fmt`_ .. _terraform fmt: https://www.terraform.io/docs/commands/fmt.html .. syntax-checker:: terraform-tflint Check Terraform with `tflint `_ .. defcustom:: flycheck-tflint-variable-files A list of files to resolve terraform variables. Relative paths are relative to the path of the buffer being checked. .. supported-language:: Text .. syntax-checker:: proselint Check English prose with `Proselint `_. .. syntax-checker:: textlint Check prose with `textlint `_. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-textlint-config .. defcustom:: flycheck-textlint-plugin-alist An alist mapping major modes to textlint plugins. Flycheck currently supports the following textlint plugins on NPM: * textlint-plugin-rst * textlint-plugin-html * textlint-plugin-latex * textlint-plugin-asciidoctor (as well as other AsciiDoc plugins) .. note:: textlint plugins need to be installed separately. .. supported-language:: TeX/LaTeX Flycheck checks TeX and LaTeX with either `tex-chktex` or `tex-lacheck`. .. syntax-checker:: tex-chktex Check style with `ChkTeX `_. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-chktexrc .. syntax-checker:: tex-lacheck Check style with `Lacheck `_. .. supported-language:: Texinfo .. syntax-checker:: texinfo Check syntax with :program:`makeinfo` from Texinfo_. .. _Texinfo: http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/ .. supported-language:: TypeScript .. syntax-checker:: javascript-eslint :noindex: See `javascript-eslint`. .. syntax-checker:: typescript-tslint Check syntax and style with `TSLint `_. This checker is deprecated. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-typescript-tslint-config .. defcustom:: flycheck-typescript-tslint-rulesdir Additional rules directory, for user created rules. .. defcustom:: flycheck-tslint-args A list of additional arguments that are passed to tslint. .. supported-language:: Verilog .. syntax-checker:: verilog-verilator Check syntax with `Verilator `_. .. defcustom:: flycheck-verilator-include-path A list of include directories. Relative paths are relative to the file being checked. .. supported-language:: VHDL .. syntax-checker:: vhdl-ghdl Check syntax with `GHDL `_. .. defcustom:: flycheck-ghdl-language-standard The language standard to use as string. .. defcustom:: flycheck-ghdl-workdir The directory to use for the file library. .. defcustom:: flycheck-ghdl-ieee-library The standard to use for the IEEE library. .. supported-language:: XML Flycheck checks XML with `xml-xmlstarlet` or `xml-xmllint`. .. syntax-checker:: xml-xmlstarlet Check syntax with `XMLStarlet `_. .. defcustom:: flycheck-xml-xmlstarlet-xsd-path flycheck-xml-xmllint-xsd-path Location of XSD schema to validate against for `xml-xmlstarlet` and `xml-xmllint` respectively. .. syntax-checker:: xml-xmllint Check syntax with :program:`xmllint` from Libxml2_. .. defcustom:: flycheck-xml-xmllint-xsd-path flycheck-xml-xmllint-relaxng-path .. _Libxml2: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libxml2/-/wikis/home .. supported-language:: YAML Flycheck checks YAML with `yaml-actionlint`, `yaml-jsyaml`, `yaml-ruby` or `yaml-yamllint`. .. syntax-checker:: yaml-actionlint Check syntax with `actionlint `_. .. syntax-checker:: yaml-jsyaml Check syntax with `js-yaml `_. .. syntax-checker:: yaml-ruby Check syntax with Ruby's YAML parser. .. syntax-checker:: yaml-yamllint Check syntax with yamllint. .. syntax-checker-config-file:: flycheck-yamllintrc