--- layout: page title: API documentation permalink: /reference/api/ menuInclude: yes menuLink: yes menuTopTitle: Reference menuSubTitle: API documentation menuSubIndex: 2 --- ## Introduction This API documentation, and the associated list of [endpoints](/reference/api/endpoints/), is automatically generated from each repository's API description files, and specifies how client modules may access the functionality provided by these modules. See [further information](#further-information) below. * view-1: Generated from RAML. Uses pop-up windows for each method and endpoint. * view-2: Generated from RAML. Plain. Uses one-page view to everything. * view-3: Uploaded from the module's code build. * view-4: Generated from OpenAPI OAS. * [Explain](#explain-views) views. This list of modules is sorted into functional groups. {% assign urlAws = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/foliodocs/api" %} {% assign urlGithub = "https://github.com" %} {% assign urlSourceXref = "/source-code/map/" %} {% assign noteRaml = 'This is the shared RAML repository. Each RAML-using module has a certain version of this as a git submodule in their "ramls/raml-util" directory.' %} {% assign noteSchemaOnly = 'Has only schema and no API descriptions.' %} {% assign noteReferRamlUtil = 'Refer to the raml (raml-util) repository.' %} {% assign moduleIdEntries = "" | split: ',' %} {% for group in site.data.apigroup %} {% unless group[1].modules %} {% continue %} {% endunless %} {% assign groupId = group[0] %}

{{ group[1].title }}

{{ group[1].description }}

{%- for module in group[1].modules -%} {%- assign moduleId = module -%} {%- assign hasModuleId = moduleIdEntries | where_exp: "item", "item == moduleId" | size %} {%- if hasModuleId > 0 -%} {%- assign moduleIdNum = hasModuleId | plus: 1 -%} {%- assign moduleId = moduleId | append: "-" | append: moduleIdNum -%} {%- endif -%} {%- assign moduleIdEntries = moduleIdEntries | push: module -%}

{{ module }}

{% assign theRepo = '' %} {% for repo in site.data.config-apidocs %} {% if repo.name == module %} {% assign theRepo = repo %} {%- assign repoData = site.data.repos.repos | find: "name", theRepo.name -%} {%- assign defaultBranch = repoData.defaultBranch -%} {%- capture hasTypeRaml -%} {% for apiType in theRepo.metadata.apiTypes %}{% if apiType == "RAML" %}true{% endif %}{% endfor %} {%- endcapture -%} {%- capture hasTypeOas -%} {% for apiType in theRepo.metadata.apiTypes %}{% if apiType == "OAS" %}true{% endif %}{% endfor %} {%- endcapture -%} {% if theRepo.config.raml.size == 0 and theRepo.config.oas.size == 0 and theRepo.config.upload.size == 0 %} {% assign hasApi = false %} {% else %} {% assign hasApi = true %} {% endif %} {% if theRepo.name contains 'mod-codex-' %} {% assign isRamlUtilOnly = true %} {% else %} {% assign isRamlUtilOnly = false %} {% endif %} {%- assign urlSourceXrefLocal = urlSourceXref | append:"#" | append:moduleId -%} {%- capture urlConfig %}{{ urlAws }}/{{ theRepo.name }}/config-doc.json{% endcapture -%} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% comment %}FIXME: Indenting the

caused to display it as preformatted{% endcomment %} {% if hasApi == false %}

{{ noteSchemaOnly }}

Documentation for {{ moduleId }}.

{%- continue %} {% endif %} {% if isRamlUtilOnly %}

{{ noteReferRamlUtil }}

Documentation for {{ moduleId }}.

{%- continue %} {% endif %} {% if theRepo.name == 'raml' %}

{{ noteRaml }}

{% endif %} {% unless theRepo.metadata.apiTypes %}

Module should now be using "api-doc" CI facilty.

{% endunless %} {% if theRepo == '' %}

No entry for {{ module }} in config-apidocs.json

{% endif %} {%- for file in theRepo.config.raml -%} {% capture urlSource %}{{ urlGithub }}/{{ theRepo.org }}/{{ theRepo.name }}/blob/{{ defaultBranch }}/{{ file }}{% endcapture %} {% capture fileName %}{{ file | split: "/" | last | replace_first: ".raml", "" }}{% endcapture %} {% capture rowId %}{{ theRepo.name }}-{{ fileName }}{% endcapture %} {% capture subdir %}{% if hasTypeRaml == "true" %}r/{% endif %}{% endcapture %} {% capture urlDocR %}{{ urlAws }}/{{ theRepo.name }}/{{ subdir }}{{ fileName }}.html{% endcapture %} {% capture urlDocP %}{{ urlAws }}/{{ theRepo.name }}/p/{{ fileName }}.html{% endcapture %} {%- endfor -%} {%- for file in theRepo.config.upload -%} {% capture fileName %}{{ file | replace_first: ".html", "" }}{% endcapture %} {% capture rowId %}{{ theRepo.name }}-{{ fileName }}{% endcapture %} {% capture urlDocU %}{{ urlAws }}/{{ theRepo.name }}/u/{{ file }}{% endcapture %} {%- endfor -%} {%- for file in theRepo.config.oas -%} {% capture urlSource %}{{ urlGithub }}/{{ theRepo.org }}/{{ theRepo.name }}/blob/{{ defaultBranch }}/{{ file }}{% endcapture %} {% capture fileName %}{{ file | split: "/" | last | replace_first: ".yaml", "" | replace_first: ".yml", "" }}{% endcapture %} {% capture rowId %}{{ theRepo.name }}-{{ fileName }}{% endcapture %} {% capture urlDocU %}{{ urlAws }}/{{ theRepo.name }}/s/{{ fileName }}.html{% endcapture %} {%- endfor -%}
{{ file }} view-1 view-2
{{ fileName }} view-3
{{ file }} view-4

Documentation for {{ moduleId }}. API data.

{% endfor %} {% endfor %} ## Missing API documentation The following list of modules are missing the configuration for generating their API documentation. {% for moduleId in site.data.api-missing %}

{{ moduleId }}

Module should be using "api-doc" CI facilty.

{% endfor %} ## Further information ### Generated during CI The API documents are generated by the continuous integration (CI) task "[api-doc](/guides/api-doc)" for each repository during the "merge to main branch" phase or upon module release. So the documentation does not relate to feature development branches. ### Versioned API Docs To find documentation for each software version, amend the URL of each generated document view to add the version number (major.minor).\ For example [mod-circulation](#mod-circulation), do `mod-circulation/23.1/...` ### Explain "views" {#explain-views} For each module, the "views" of its documentation are generated from the same source API description file, but using different presentation software. Some modules use RAML (so `view-1` and `view-2`), others use OpenAPI OAS (so `view-4`). * `view-1`: Generated from RAML. Uses pop-up windows for each method and endpoint. * via [raml2html](https://github.com/raml2html/raml2html) with default theme. * `view-2`: Generated from RAML. Plain. Uses one-page view to everything. * via [raml2html](https://github.com/raml2html/raml2html) with [plain theme](https://github.com/folio-org/raml2html-plain-theme/tree/folio-589). * `view-3`: Uploaded from the module's code build. * via CI [doUploadApidocs](/guides/jenkinsfile/#do-upload-apidocs). * `view-4`: Generated from OpenAPI OAS. * via Redocly [ReDoc](https://github.com/Redocly/redoc). ### Encourage use api-lint {#explain-api-lint} Modules should now be using the GitHub Workflow "[api-lint](/guides/api-lint/)". ### Encourage use api-doc {#explain-api-doc} Modules should now be using the GitHub Workflow "[api-doc](/guides/api-doc/)". ### Explain API data When api-doc generates the API documentation for a module, it also maintains a data file "config-doc.json" which lists the "API data" (description filenames and endpoints) that it discovered about the module. Follow its link. ### Explain gather api-doc config {#explain-gather-config} For modules that are now using the "api-doc" CI facility, there is an automated daily workflow "[gather-config-apidocs](https://github.com/folio-org/folio-org.github.io/actions/workflows/gather-config-apidocs.yml)" which collects the "API data" configuration changes. So there will be a delay for new (or deleted) entries to be listed in their table. Updates to the actual generated API documents for each module do [happen](#generated-during-ci) automatically, being deployed during their “merge to main branch” phase. ### Linking to API Docs tables {#explain-link-api-docs} Each section of this page can be directly linked to (e.g. [#mod-circulation](#mod-circulation)). Similarly each row of a module's documentation table (e.g. [#mod-circulation-change-due-date](#mod-circulation-change-due-date)). ### Which module/interface/endpoint {#module-interface-endpoint} * See the gathered list of [endpoints](/reference/api/endpoints/). * See assistance for [How to determine which module handles which interface and endpoint](/faqs/how-to-which-module-which-interface-endpoint/). ### Other notes * The asterisk `*` denotes that this is a shared set of RAML files. The generated documents are for this module's current raml-util, but the link to the source RAML file is to the head of the default branch of the shared "[raml](#raml)" repository. * A field with property `"folio:isVirtual": "true"` doesn't exist at the API and cannot be searched with that API. An external tool like `mod-graphql` may merge in that field, see [linked field schema extension](https://github.com/folio-org/mod-graphql/tree/master/src/autogen#option-1-json-schema-extensions).