openapi: "3.0.1" info: title: "FormKiQ Authentication API" description: "API used to authenticate with FormKiQ" version: "1.4.0" paths: /login: post: operationId: Login description: Logins to API and returns a Authentication Tokens tags: - Authentication requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PostLoginRequest' responses: '200': description: "200 OK" headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: schema: type: "string" Access-Control-Allow-Methods: schema: type: "string" Access-Control-Allow-Headers: schema: type: "string" content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PostLoginResponse" components: schemas: PostLoginRequest: type: "object" properties: username: type: string description: Login Username password: type: string description: Login Password PostLoginResponse: type: "object" properties: AuthenticationResult: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AuthenticationResult" AuthenticationResult: type: "object" properties: AccessToken: type: string description: A valid access token issued to the user who you want to authenticate ExpiresIn: type: number description: The expiration period of the authentication result in seconds IdToken: type: string description: The ID token TokenType: type: string description: The token type x-amazon-apigateway-cors: allowMethods: - "*" allowHeaders: - "*" maxAge: 3600 allowCredentials: false allowOrigins: - "*"