#!/usr/bin/env python # Impacket - Collection of Python classes for working with network protocols. # # Copyright Fortra, LLC and its affiliated companies # # All rights reserved. # # This software is provided under a slightly modified version # of the Apache Software License. See the accompanying LICENSE file # for more information. # # Description: # This script will add a computer account to the domain and set its password. # Allows to use SAMR over SMB (this way is used by modern Windows computer when # adding machines through the GUI) and LDAPS. # Plain LDAP is not supported, as it doesn't allow setting the password. # # Author: # JaGoTu (@jagotu) # # Reference for: # SMB, SAMR, LDAP # # ToDo: # [ ]: Complete the process of joining a client computer to a domain via the SAMR protocol # from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from impacket import version from impacket.examples import logger from impacket.examples.utils import parse_credentials from impacket.dcerpc.v5 import samr, epm, transport from impacket.spnego import SPNEGO_NegTokenInit, TypesMech import ldap3 import argparse import logging import sys import string import random import ssl from binascii import unhexlify class ADDCOMPUTER: def __init__(self, username, password, domain, cmdLineOptions): self.options = cmdLineOptions self.__username = username self.__password = password self.__domain = domain self.__lmhash = '' self.__nthash = '' self.__hashes = cmdLineOptions.hashes self.__aesKey = cmdLineOptions.aesKey self.__doKerberos = cmdLineOptions.k self.__target = cmdLineOptions.dc_host self.__kdcHost = cmdLineOptions.dc_host self.__computerName = cmdLineOptions.computer_name self.__computerPassword = cmdLineOptions.computer_pass self.__method = cmdLineOptions.method self.__port = cmdLineOptions.port self.__domainNetbios = cmdLineOptions.domain_netbios self.__noAdd = cmdLineOptions.no_add self.__delete = cmdLineOptions.delete self.__targetIp = cmdLineOptions.dc_ip self.__baseDN = cmdLineOptions.baseDN self.__computerGroup = cmdLineOptions.computer_group if self.__targetIp is not None: self.__kdcHost = self.__targetIp if self.__method not in ['SAMR', 'LDAPS']: raise ValueError("Unsupported method %s" % self.__method) if self.__doKerberos and cmdLineOptions.dc_host is None: raise ValueError("Kerberos auth requires DNS name of the target DC. Use -dc-host.") if self.__method == 'LDAPS' and not '.' in self.__domain: logging.warning('\'%s\' doesn\'t look like a FQDN. Generating baseDN will probably fail.' % self.__domain) if cmdLineOptions.hashes is not None: self.__lmhash, self.__nthash = cmdLineOptions.hashes.split(':') if self.__computerName is None: if self.__noAdd: raise ValueError("You have to provide a computer name when using -no-add.") elif self.__delete: raise ValueError("You have to provide a computer name when using -delete.") else: if self.__computerName[-1] != '$': self.__computerName += '$' if self.__computerPassword is None: self.__computerPassword = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(32)) if self.__target is None: if not '.' in self.__domain: logging.warning('No DC host set and \'%s\' doesn\'t look like a FQDN. DNS resolution of short names will probably fail.' % self.__domain) self.__target = self.__domain if self.__port is None: if self.__method == 'SAMR': self.__port = 445 elif self.__method == 'LDAPS': self.__port = 636 if self.__domainNetbios is None: self.__domainNetbios = self.__domain if self.__method == 'LDAPS' and self.__baseDN is None: # Create the baseDN domainParts = self.__domain.split('.') self.__baseDN = '' for i in domainParts: self.__baseDN += 'dc=%s,' % i # Remove last ',' self.__baseDN = self.__baseDN[:-1] if self.__method == 'LDAPS' and self.__computerGroup is None: self.__computerGroup = 'CN=Computers,' + self.__baseDN def run_samr(self): if self.__targetIp is not None: stringBinding = epm.hept_map(self.__targetIp, samr.MSRPC_UUID_SAMR, protocol = 'ncacn_np') else: stringBinding = epm.hept_map(self.__target, samr.MSRPC_UUID_SAMR, protocol = 'ncacn_np') rpctransport = transport.DCERPCTransportFactory(stringBinding) rpctransport.set_dport(self.__port) if self.__targetIp is not None: rpctransport.setRemoteHost(self.__targetIp) rpctransport.setRemoteName(self.__target) if hasattr(rpctransport, 'set_credentials'): # This method exists only for selected protocol sequences. rpctransport.set_credentials(self.__username, self.__password, self.__domain, self.__lmhash, self.__nthash, self.__aesKey) rpctransport.set_kerberos(self.__doKerberos, self.__kdcHost) self.doSAMRAdd(rpctransport) def run_ldaps(self): connectTo = self.__target if self.__targetIp is not None: connectTo = self.__targetIp try: user = '%s\\%s' % (self.__domain, self.__username) tls = ldap3.Tls(validate=ssl.CERT_NONE, version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2, ciphers='ALL:@SECLEVEL=0') try: ldapServer = ldap3.Server(connectTo, use_ssl=True, port=self.__port, get_info=ldap3.ALL, tls=tls) if self.__doKerberos: ldapConn = ldap3.Connection(ldapServer) self.LDAP3KerberosLogin(ldapConn, self.__username, self.__password, self.__domain, self.__lmhash, self.__nthash, self.__aesKey, kdcHost=self.__kdcHost) elif self.__hashes is not None: ldapConn = ldap3.Connection(ldapServer, user=user, password=self.__hashes, authentication=ldap3.NTLM) ldapConn.bind() else: ldapConn = ldap3.Connection(ldapServer, user=user, password=self.__password, authentication=ldap3.NTLM) ldapConn.bind() except ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPSocketOpenError: #try tlsv1 tls = ldap3.Tls(validate=ssl.CERT_NONE, version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1, ciphers='ALL:@SECLEVEL=0') ldapServer = ldap3.Server(connectTo, use_ssl=True, port=self.__port, get_info=ldap3.ALL, tls=tls) if self.__doKerberos: ldapConn = ldap3.Connection(ldapServer) self.LDAP3KerberosLogin(ldapConn, self.__username, self.__password, self.__domain, self.__lmhash, self.__nthash, self.__aesKey, kdcHost=self.__kdcHost) elif self.__hashes is not None: ldapConn = ldap3.Connection(ldapServer, user=user, password=self.__hashes, authentication=ldap3.NTLM) ldapConn.bind() else: ldapConn = ldap3.Connection(ldapServer, user=user, password=self.__password, authentication=ldap3.NTLM) ldapConn.bind() if self.__noAdd or self.__delete: if not self.LDAPComputerExists(ldapConn, self.__computerName): raise Exception("Account %s not found in %s!" % (self.__computerName, self.__baseDN)) computer = self.LDAPGetComputer(ldapConn, self.__computerName) if self.__delete: res = ldapConn.delete(computer.entry_dn) message = "delete" else: res = ldapConn.modify(computer.entry_dn, {'unicodePwd': [(ldap3.MODIFY_REPLACE, ['"{}"'.format(self.__computerPassword).encode('utf-16-le')])]}) message = "set password for" if not res: if ldapConn.result['result'] == ldap3.core.results.RESULT_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS: raise Exception("User %s doesn't have right to %s %s!" % (self.__username, message, self.__computerName)) else: raise Exception(str(ldapConn.result)) else: if self.__noAdd: logging.info("Succesfully set password of %s to %s." % (self.__computerName, self.__computerPassword)) else: logging.info("Succesfully deleted %s." % self.__computerName) else: if self.__computerName is not None: if self.LDAPComputerExists(ldapConn, self.__computerName): raise Exception("Account %s already exists! If you just want to set a password, use -no-add." % self.__computerName) else: while True: self.__computerName = self.generateComputerName() if not self.LDAPComputerExists(ldapConn, self.__computerName): break computerHostname = self.__computerName[:-1] computerDn = ('CN=%s,%s' % (computerHostname, self.__computerGroup)) # Default computer SPNs spns = [ 'HOST/%s' % computerHostname, 'HOST/%s.%s' % (computerHostname, self.__domain), 'RestrictedKrbHost/%s' % computerHostname, 'RestrictedKrbHost/%s.%s' % (computerHostname, self.__domain), ] ucd = { 'dnsHostName': '%s.%s' % (computerHostname, self.__domain), 'userAccountControl': 0x1000, 'servicePrincipalName': spns, 'sAMAccountName': self.__computerName, 'unicodePwd': ('"%s"' % self.__computerPassword).encode('utf-16-le') } res = ldapConn.add(computerDn, ['top','person','organizationalPerson','user','computer'], ucd) if not res: if ldapConn.result['result'] == ldap3.core.results.RESULT_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM: error_code = int(ldapConn.result['message'].split(':')[0].strip(), 16) if error_code == 0x216D: raise Exception("User %s machine quota exceeded!" % self.__username) else: raise Exception(str(ldapConn.result)) elif ldapConn.result['result'] == ldap3.core.results.RESULT_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS: raise Exception("User %s doesn't have right to create a machine account!" % self.__username) else: raise Exception(str(ldapConn.result)) else: logging.info("Successfully added machine account %s with password %s." % (self.__computerName, self.__computerPassword)) except Exception as e: if logging.getLogger().level == logging.DEBUG: import traceback traceback.print_exc() logging.critical(str(e)) def LDAPComputerExists(self, connection, computerName): connection.search(self.__baseDN, '(sAMAccountName=%s)' % computerName) return len(connection.entries) ==1 def LDAPGetComputer(self, connection, computerName): connection.search(self.__baseDN, '(sAMAccountName=%s)' % computerName) return connection.entries[0] def LDAP3KerberosLogin(self, connection, user, password, domain='', lmhash='', nthash='', aesKey='', kdcHost=None, TGT=None, TGS=None, useCache=True): from pyasn1.codec.ber import encoder, decoder from pyasn1.type.univ import noValue """ logins into the target system explicitly using Kerberos. Hashes are used if RC4_HMAC is supported. :param string user: username :param string password: password for the user :param string domain: domain where the account is valid for (required) :param string lmhash: LMHASH used to authenticate using hashes (password is not used) :param string nthash: NTHASH used to authenticate using hashes (password is not used) :param string aesKey: aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 or aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 used for Kerberos authentication :param string kdcHost: hostname or IP Address for the KDC. If None, the domain will be used (it needs to resolve tho) :param struct TGT: If there's a TGT available, send the structure here and it will be used :param struct TGS: same for TGS. See smb3.py for the format :param bool useCache: whether or not we should use the ccache for credentials lookup. If TGT or TGS are specified this is False :return: True, raises an Exception if error. """ if lmhash != '' or nthash != '': if len(lmhash) % 2: lmhash = '0' + lmhash if len(nthash) % 2: nthash = '0' + nthash try: # just in case they were converted already lmhash = unhexlify(lmhash) nthash = unhexlify(nthash) except TypeError: pass # Importing down here so pyasn1 is not required if kerberos is not used. from impacket.krb5.ccache import CCache from impacket.krb5.asn1 import AP_REQ, Authenticator, TGS_REP, seq_set from impacket.krb5.kerberosv5 import getKerberosTGT, getKerberosTGS from impacket.krb5 import constants from impacket.krb5.types import Principal, KerberosTime, Ticket import datetime if TGT is not None or TGS is not None: useCache = False targetName = 'ldap/%s' % self.__target if useCache: domain, user, TGT, TGS = CCache.parseFile(domain, user, targetName) # First of all, we need to get a TGT for the user userName = Principal(user, type=constants.PrincipalNameType.NT_PRINCIPAL.value) if TGT is None: if TGS is None: tgt, cipher, oldSessionKey, sessionKey = getKerberosTGT(userName, password, domain, lmhash, nthash, aesKey, kdcHost) else: tgt = TGT['KDC_REP'] cipher = TGT['cipher'] sessionKey = TGT['sessionKey'] if TGS is None: serverName = Principal(targetName, type=constants.PrincipalNameType.NT_SRV_INST.value) tgs, cipher, oldSessionKey, sessionKey = getKerberosTGS(serverName, domain, kdcHost, tgt, cipher, sessionKey) else: tgs = TGS['KDC_REP'] cipher = TGS['cipher'] sessionKey = TGS['sessionKey'] # Let's build a NegTokenInit with a Kerberos REQ_AP blob = SPNEGO_NegTokenInit() # Kerberos blob['MechTypes'] = [TypesMech['MS KRB5 - Microsoft Kerberos 5']] # Let's extract the ticket from the TGS tgs = decoder.decode(tgs, asn1Spec=TGS_REP())[0] ticket = Ticket() ticket.from_asn1(tgs['ticket']) # Now let's build the AP_REQ apReq = AP_REQ() apReq['pvno'] = 5 apReq['msg-type'] = int(constants.ApplicationTagNumbers.AP_REQ.value) opts = [] apReq['ap-options'] = constants.encodeFlags(opts) seq_set(apReq, 'ticket', ticket.to_asn1) authenticator = Authenticator() authenticator['authenticator-vno'] = 5 authenticator['crealm'] = domain seq_set(authenticator, 'cname', userName.components_to_asn1) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() authenticator['cusec'] = now.microsecond authenticator['ctime'] = KerberosTime.to_asn1(now) encodedAuthenticator = encoder.encode(authenticator) # Key Usage 11 # AP-REQ Authenticator (includes application authenticator # subkey), encrypted with the application session key # (Section 5.5.1) encryptedEncodedAuthenticator = cipher.encrypt(sessionKey, 11, encodedAuthenticator, None) apReq['authenticator'] = noValue apReq['authenticator']['etype'] = cipher.enctype apReq['authenticator']['cipher'] = encryptedEncodedAuthenticator blob['MechToken'] = encoder.encode(apReq) request = ldap3.operation.bind.bind_operation(connection.version, ldap3.SASL, user, None, 'GSS-SPNEGO', blob.getData()) # Done with the Kerberos saga, now let's get into LDAP # try to open connection if closed if connection.closed: connection.open(read_server_info=False) connection.sasl_in_progress = True response = connection.post_send_single_response(connection.send('bindRequest', request, None)) connection.sasl_in_progress = False if response[0]['result'] != 0: raise Exception(response) connection.bound = True return True def generateComputerName(self): return 'DESKTOP-' + (''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(8)) + '$') def doSAMRAdd(self, rpctransport): dce = rpctransport.get_dce_rpc() servHandle = None domainHandle = None userHandle = None try: dce.connect() dce.bind(samr.MSRPC_UUID_SAMR) samrConnectResponse = samr.hSamrConnect5(dce, '\\\\%s\x00' % self.__target, samr.SAM_SERVER_ENUMERATE_DOMAINS | samr.SAM_SERVER_LOOKUP_DOMAIN ) servHandle = samrConnectResponse['ServerHandle'] samrEnumResponse = samr.hSamrEnumerateDomainsInSamServer(dce, servHandle) domains = samrEnumResponse['Buffer']['Buffer'] domainsWithoutBuiltin = list(filter(lambda x : x['Name'].lower() != 'builtin', domains)) if len(domainsWithoutBuiltin) > 1: domain = list(filter(lambda x : x['Name'].lower() == self.__domainNetbios, domains)) if len(domain) != 1: logging.critical("This server provides multiple domains and '%s' isn't one of them.", self.__domainNetbios) logging.critical("Available domain(s):") for domain in domains: logging.error(" * %s" % domain['Name']) logging.critical("Consider using -domain-netbios argument to specify which one you meant.") raise Exception() else: selectedDomain = domain[0]['Name'] else: selectedDomain = domainsWithoutBuiltin[0]['Name'] samrLookupDomainResponse = samr.hSamrLookupDomainInSamServer(dce, servHandle, selectedDomain) domainSID = samrLookupDomainResponse['DomainId'] if logging.getLogger().level == logging.DEBUG: logging.info("Opening domain %s..." % selectedDomain) samrOpenDomainResponse = samr.hSamrOpenDomain(dce, servHandle, samr.DOMAIN_LOOKUP | samr.DOMAIN_CREATE_USER , domainSID) domainHandle = samrOpenDomainResponse['DomainHandle'] if self.__noAdd or self.__delete: try: checkForUser = samr.hSamrLookupNamesInDomain(dce, domainHandle, [self.__computerName]) except samr.DCERPCSessionError as e: if e.error_code == 0xc0000073: raise Exception("Account %s not found in domain %s!" % (self.__computerName, selectedDomain)) else: raise userRID = checkForUser['RelativeIds']['Element'][0] if self.__delete: access = samr.DELETE message = "delete" else: access = samr.USER_FORCE_PASSWORD_CHANGE message = "set password for" try: openUser = samr.hSamrOpenUser(dce, domainHandle, access, userRID) userHandle = openUser['UserHandle'] except samr.DCERPCSessionError as e: if e.error_code == 0xc0000022: raise Exception("User %s doesn't have right to %s %s!" % (self.__username, message, self.__computerName)) else: raise else: if self.__computerName is not None: try: checkForUser = samr.hSamrLookupNamesInDomain(dce, domainHandle, [self.__computerName]) raise Exception("Account %s already exists! If you just want to set a password, use -no-add." % self.__computerName) except samr.DCERPCSessionError as e: if e.error_code != 0xc0000073: raise else: foundUnused = False while not foundUnused: self.__computerName = self.generateComputerName() try: checkForUser = samr.hSamrLookupNamesInDomain(dce, domainHandle, [self.__computerName]) except samr.DCERPCSessionError as e: if e.error_code == 0xc0000073: foundUnused = True else: raise createUser = samr.hSamrCreateUser2InDomain(dce, domainHandle, self.__computerName, samr.USER_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT, samr.USER_FORCE_PASSWORD_CHANGE,) userHandle = createUser['UserHandle'] if self.__delete: samr.hSamrDeleteUser(dce, userHandle) logging.info("Successfully deleted %s." % self.__computerName) userHandle = None else: samr.hSamrSetPasswordInternal4New(dce, userHandle, self.__computerPassword) if self.__noAdd: logging.info("Successfully set password of %s to %s." % (self.__computerName, self.__computerPassword)) else: checkForUser = samr.hSamrLookupNamesInDomain(dce, domainHandle, [self.__computerName]) userRID = checkForUser['RelativeIds']['Element'][0] openUser = samr.hSamrOpenUser(dce, domainHandle, samr.MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, userRID) userHandle = openUser['UserHandle'] req = samr.SAMPR_USER_INFO_BUFFER() req['tag'] = samr.USER_INFORMATION_CLASS.UserControlInformation req['Control']['UserAccountControl'] = samr.USER_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT samr.hSamrSetInformationUser2(dce, userHandle, req) logging.info("Successfully added machine account %s with password %s." % (self.__computerName, self.__computerPassword)) except Exception as e: if logging.getLogger().level == logging.DEBUG: import traceback traceback.print_exc() logging.critical(str(e)) finally: if userHandle is not None: samr.hSamrCloseHandle(dce, userHandle) if domainHandle is not None: samr.hSamrCloseHandle(dce, domainHandle) if servHandle is not None: samr.hSamrCloseHandle(dce, servHandle) dce.disconnect() def run(self): if self.__method == 'SAMR': self.run_samr() elif self.__method == 'LDAPS': self.run_ldaps() # Process command-line arguments. if __name__ == '__main__': # Init the example's logger theme logger.init() print((version.BANNER)) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help = True, description = "Adds a computer account to domain") if sys.version_info.major == 2 and sys.version_info.minor == 7 and sys.version_info.micro < 16: #workaround for https://bugs.python.org/issue11874 parser.add_argument('account', action='store', help='[domain/]username[:password] Account used to authenticate to DC.') else: parser.add_argument('account', action='store', metavar='[domain/]username[:password]', help='Account used to authenticate to DC.') parser.add_argument('-domain-netbios', action='store', metavar='NETBIOSNAME', help='Domain NetBIOS name. Required if the DC has multiple domains.') parser.add_argument('-computer-name', action='store', metavar='COMPUTER-NAME$', help='Name of computer to add.' 'If omitted, a random DESKTOP-[A-Z0-9]{8} will be used.') parser.add_argument('-computer-pass', action='store', metavar='password', help='Password to set to computer' 'If omitted, a random [A-Za-z0-9]{32} will be used.') parser.add_argument('-no-add', action='store_true', help='Don\'t add a computer, only set password on existing one.') parser.add_argument('-delete', action='store_true', help='Delete an existing computer.') parser.add_argument('-debug', action='store_true', help='Turn DEBUG output ON') parser.add_argument('-method', choices=['SAMR', 'LDAPS'], default='SAMR', help='Method of adding the computer.' 'SAMR works over SMB.' 'LDAPS has some certificate requirements' 'and isn\'t always available.') parser.add_argument('-port', type=int, choices=[139, 445, 636], help='Destination port to connect to. SAMR defaults to 445, LDAPS to 636.') group = parser.add_argument_group('LDAP') group.add_argument('-baseDN', action='store', metavar='DC=test,DC=local', help='Set baseDN for LDAP.' 'If ommited, the domain part (FQDN) ' 'specified in the account parameter will be used.') group.add_argument('-computer-group', action='store', metavar='CN=Computers,DC=test,DC=local', help='Group to which the account will be added.' 'If omitted, CN=Computers will be used,') group = parser.add_argument_group('authentication') group.add_argument('-hashes', action="store", metavar = "LMHASH:NTHASH", help='NTLM hashes, format is LMHASH:NTHASH') group.add_argument('-no-pass', action="store_true", help='don\'t ask for password (useful for -k)') group.add_argument('-k', action="store_true", help='Use Kerberos authentication. Grabs credentials from ccache file ' '(KRB5CCNAME) based on account parameters. If valid credentials ' 'cannot be found, it will use the ones specified in the command ' 'line') group.add_argument('-aesKey', action="store", metavar = "hex key", help='AES key to use for Kerberos Authentication ' '(128 or 256 bits)') group.add_argument('-dc-host', action='store',metavar = "hostname", help='Hostname of the domain controller to use. ' 'If ommited, the domain part (FQDN) ' 'specified in the account parameter will be used') group.add_argument('-dc-ip', action='store',metavar = "ip", help='IP of the domain controller to use. ' 'Useful if you can\'t translate the FQDN.' 'specified in the account parameter will be used') if len(sys.argv)==1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) options = parser.parse_args() if options.debug is True: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Print the Library's installation path logging.debug(version.getInstallationPath()) else: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) domain, username, password = parse_credentials(options.account) try: if domain is None or domain == '': logging.critical('Domain should be specified!') sys.exit(1) if password == '' and username != '' and options.hashes is None and options.no_pass is False and options.aesKey is None: from getpass import getpass password = getpass("Password:") if options.aesKey is not None: options.k = True executer = ADDCOMPUTER(username, password, domain, options) executer.run() except Exception as e: if logging.getLogger().level == logging.DEBUG: import traceback traceback.print_exc() print(str(e))