package fpinscala.parsing import language.higherKinds import language.implicitConversions trait JSON object JSON { case object JNull extends JSON case class JNumber(get: Double) extends JSON case class JString(get: String) extends JSON case class JBool(get: Boolean) extends JSON case class JArray(get: IndexedSeq[JSON]) extends JSON case class JObject(get: Map[String, JSON]) extends JSON def jsonParser[Parser[+_]](P: Parsers[Parser]): Parser[JSON] = { // we'll hide the string implicit conversion and promote strings to tokens instead // this is a bit nicer than having to write token everywhere import P.{string => _, _} implicit def tok(s: String) = token(P.string(s)) def array = surround("[","]")( value sep "," map (vs => JArray(vs.toIndexedSeq))) scope "array" def obj = surround("{","}")( keyval sep "," map (kvs => JObject(kvs.toMap))) scope "object" def keyval = escapedQuoted ** (":" *> value) def lit = scope("literal") { "null".as(JNull) | | | "true".as(JBool(true)) | "false".as(JBool(false)) } def value: Parser[JSON] = lit | obj | array root(whitespace *> (obj | array)) } } /** * JSON parsing example. */ object JSONExample extends App { val jsonTxt = """ { "Company name" : "Microsoft Corporation", "Ticker" : "MSFT", "Active" : true, "Price" : 30.66, "Shares outstanding" : 8.38e9, "Related companies" : [ "HPQ", "IBM", "YHOO", "DELL", "GOOG" ] } """ val malformedJson1 = """ { "Company name" ; "Microsoft Corporation" } """ val malformedJson2 = """ [ [ "HPQ", "IBM", "YHOO", "DELL" ++ "GOOG" ] ] """ val P = fpinscala.parsing.Reference import fpinscala.parsing.ReferenceTypes.Parser def printResult[E](e: Either[E,JSON]) = e.fold(println, println) val json: Parser[JSON] = JSON.jsonParser(P) printResult { } println("--") printResult { } println("--") printResult { } }